Are there any good new IPs that aren't just repackaged old ones?
Good new IPs?
Exactly how new are you talking about?
That's pretty new.
From the 3DS/Wii U/PS4/Xbone gen?
Senran Kagura
I also watch his videos
OP asked for ''good' new IPs
Is this the daily nintendo praise thread?
I want to fuck Pokemon Erin
American Psycho was an underrated movie tbh
Sage for off topic
The Talos Principle
Youtuber's life
What said?
If we're just talking about this gen then:
Wonderful 101
I'm actually struggling to think of anything other than sequels and remakes. You'll probably have better luck looking at Indie games for new IPs.
How is that bad? You rather him try inspiring social change through crying on twitter?
BB is too similar to Dark Souls to be considered it's own thing.
Darkest Dungeon was fun.
Door Kickers
Splatoon has already been mentioned.
I may be alone in this, but I liked Rusty's Real Deal Baseball.
Having you haggle with a dog going through marital troubles for REAL money was such a jew move but god damn did it make me open my wallet.
Don't you dare. That game is a trash dungeon crawler with a shit artstyle
If I'm playing a Brazilian, it better fucking be Blanka, not some prancing disc jockey.
Too lazy to edit.
How new are we talking?
>Spec Ops: The Line :^)
Some of these might be average, arguably mediocre, but they're a tad sight better than most other shit that's been released. Besides "good" is entirely subjective and there will always be that one jackass that demands you accept their opinion as fact. If you can't find at least 5 games in this list that you like then you're just a bitter, jaded faggot. ACCEPT MY OPINION AS FACT!
Which Holla Forums can I go to where people actually play video games though?
Some anons play games here, but I suppose you can go to 7/vg/. And have one post a month.
PC pirate cuck spotted
What's wrong kid, can't pirate so you have to bash it?
4 years tops
it meh and only serve as porn fodder. Doesn't really live up to the hype, miles better than stillborn but I know the exec will place it in a chopping board the moment it lose a set amount of players. Also, choose your word carefully mr. marketer employee, it make you look foolish at best or reddit faggot.
nigger please
I played the beta and it's basically just TF2
sure it's fun i guess, but i'm not going to buy it right now, i'm not paying 40 buckaroos just for a decent character based mp game
Fucking kill yourself I asked a simple question I didn't ask for your commentary on v, reading this I think has gave me cancer.
And you retard I said new IP with a sub requirement of not being repackaged too off the top of my head looking down quite a few of them don't fit one of those 2 requirements, it's like you just wanted to make the commentary and thought up the list 2nd thinking adding more made it more valid.
Which of these are repackaged?
IP is older then most posters here
You can say what ever you want it's repackaged Souls, like souls was repackaged ever grace and ever grace was a generational transition from kings field
MikeZ is open about saying this is a repackaged MvC because he loves that shit and that's what he wanted more of.
Spec Ops: The Line
Alien: Isolation
And some games are over half a decade old or not far from, not new by any stretch, 20 FNAF games could have been made in that time :^)
Some of the games here are good from what I took out my time to look at them, to be fair I'd have ignored the mistake if it wasn't for the commentary.
While I haven't played it there is that Box Boy game on the 3DS.
I wish there wasn't those stupid European laws that prevent RRDB from getting released here.
Did the devs try to sneek out of tax one time or something?
I agree the movie games shouldn't count since they're older than the internet. Fair about SG, BB, and SpecOps. At least SG has a few innovations for fightans, like immediate practice mode and variable team sizes. Shame I don't like the Mahvel gameplay. Bloodborne is literal SonySouls, and SpecOps is, well, SpecOps, no matter how 'good' the story is.
tbh, I might just be a skullgirls shill but marvel style fighters are dead so it's rather refreshing to get new games like MAHVEL BAYBEE becuase that's the kind of fighters I enjoy.
He could be shooting some crackas up fam :^)
That is because you are a shit eating casual. Barely a step over a smashfag.
Marvel > SF any day gay boy
Something that really rubs me the wrong way with skullgirls is the 2nd encore, if you got all the DLC for free over time it feels like the only thing of value you're getting is just the trails mode for more then what the actual game costed which is a bit messed up.
And those you can just google or have a friend send you a .txt saying what they are, to top it off they're not supporting it anymore because of their new venture which has a lot of mixed feelings.
You have to go back.
SG has sadly been dead for a while, I only got to play in one tourney.
I wish intecreate could get away from the megaman X formula, but they do it well.
My favourite new IP is
Is this the part where I pretend it's my one and do some hilarious antics so you don't uninstall my MS paint?
Oh look, it's another thread that exists solely to make the term "Intellectual Property" more commonly used and accepted, solidifying the people's belief that ideas are things to be owned and that "infringement" upon them is real.
Thank you'
Euro regulators didn't want kids to be guilted into spending "real" money when a seller character gets sad.
…should not include practices that are aggressive, or which otherwise have the potential to exploit a child's inherent inexperience, vulnerability or credulity or to place undue influence or pressure on a child to make a purchase.
Basically the seller character has to have no emotion if the player decides not to buy something with real money.
This even effects the how the sales bunny on the 3DS Mii Plaza.
What's even more annoying about this, is while the law affects Europe, it screws over Aus/NZ/South Africa because those are considered part of Nintendo's PAL/Euro region.
Ebin, simply ebin, sure found some jews today, oh man friend you sure have a sharp eye, except no I was just asking for new IP's and I've already shot some v commentary fag down when that would have surely benefited that narrative.
Go back to youtube and dislike React planet some more.
Then why is this game allowed to be sold?
Seems a bit odd that more obvious examples can slip though the cracks like while others seem to get stopped at the door for such an obscure rule.
You did get it for a discount if you own the game and the DLC, though, assuming you have it on PC. If you paid $10-$15 for the game, $7.50 for the first week or two weeks that it was released was nice for voices and trials. But let's be honest, the bigger part of the fanbase is a mix of people who are overly into Marvel games and people who only play games for the story, so adding trials and supporting the devs with more money is a no brainer for them.
As for the support, I'm not sure what you expected. The game was in development for like 4 years by the time 2nd encore released on Steam. It's best they leave the game at a finished state and move on to other things. I hope Indivisible is fun to play. The demo is nice, but some of the fights start to get annoying with the amount of mobs.
No you silly muffin.
have fun living all the way up to 2050 when you'll have to annually renew your walking and talking licenses after Goldberg&Sons declare it's their patent.
because recettear is a game where you sell things, not buy (for the most part)
plus actually giving people deals is how you get more money and then you hike the price over time
Not where I was, game was £6.99 and 2nd encore with discount was £7.99 now it's £10.99, maybe it's just a case of UK prices are shit as usual
Why is that user? Perhaps because the only people making good new IPs now are nintendo?
The rules are only for real money microtransactions.
But getting jewed is the great american passtime so I guess they would be fine with absolutely any method to try and foist DLC on people.
Jews hard at work again, I see.
It's actually interesting to see actual corporate shilling from the inside.
at least commit tbh
Glad to see you haven't read the thread, I'm sure one day you trying to fit in will work.
yeah you should have at least saged
So they failed and in fact things that were in the public domain are still in it? That's like saying murder is just a law that can be changed like any other, doesn't mean by 2050 it'll be legal to kill only people named Bill. It's an asinine fear.
Missed this, and missed that the game is $10 forever now. Yeah, $15 expansion isn't so good, but the first week discount was nice.