Anarchists, I'm a Marxist socialist but I would like to get a better understanding of your ideology. What are the best Anarchist texts to read to get an understanding of your idea of Freedom. I'd like to read both modern as well as foundational texts.
Recommended Anarchist texts
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Read Apo
General reads are the following;
Kropotkin - The Conquest Of Bread
Stirner - The Ego And His Own
I shiggy
Proudhon-what is property
Kropotkin- Mutual aid
- The conquest of bread
Bakunin - God and the state
Graeber - debt: the first 5000 years
Rudolph rocker: anarcho-syndicalism theory and practice
Not sure if this is really a good choice for OP. Most of Bakunin's works are horribly edited.
Thanks, those seem pretty good.
What I'm really looking for is the basic arguments for your idea of Freedom: why the state is unjust, why individual freedom is absolutely important, etc, which seem to me to be the biggest difference between my world view and yours. Obviously I don't need to be convinced about capitalism.
Which one do you guys think best does that?
The Leviathan
: ^ )
Bakunin - What is Authority is short enough to get the general gist of what anarchists think of the state
Thank you, I will start with this and the Ecology of Freedom by Bookchin.
Stirner is a good read even if you isn't an anarchist
Everyone on this board should read Stirner, if only to get rid of the meme-tier understanding of Stirner.
It won't get rid of that
It sure as shit can't hurt.
I think lots of the folks posting with ancom flag are actually syndicalists, and syndicalism works pretty well with egoist ideas.
At least he's great fun to read. All the others on that list, tho:
muh markets
meh, but they did ask for fundamental texts, so
haven't read him
As an ex-ancom (platformist) I find that really troublesome. There are a lot of confusion around anarchist ideologies, but in this case it might be only the lack of a syndicalist flag. how many special snowflake flags anarchy needs?answer: as many anarchists there are.
Heck, I have a proper ancom professor and we get on fine. After he calls me a dirty stalinist and I him a liberal we can actually talk about communism.
so you went from an irrelevant ideology to an even more irrelevant ideology
My feelings: hurt.
what country are you in?
Ebin. In all seriousness though, what country still has shit like an-com professors?
i gave you an answer
Ah my mistake. Your country a shit btw. Probably should move to a better one
: ^ )