No disscusing
They redirect to:
>>>Holla Forums
or blame it on them.
100% confirmation bias
Believes in conspiracy theories that have no basis or which basis are circumstantial at best and completely ignore Occam's Razor as an option, or quote in circles or shows evidence that again proves circumstantial or can be used for the opposite reasoning.
There's no arguing here, whatever you post falls into their confirmation bias, just ignore.
80% confirmation bias
Besides no one really destroying you or stopping you from taking any measures to protect yourself.
Well, you know, you could just not let the TV babysit your children, since A) No one's forcing you to watch it. B) No one has censored any alternatives and C) Children of racemixed couples do exist and are probably making the show and D) Only you believe that's wrong for the reasons you think.
Despite A) Being constantly proved in nature that racemixing gets rid of the chances of inbreeding, halves the chances of hereditary diseases from both races and speeds up evolution to get acostumed to the current environment with only the first couple mutt generations having chances of dangerous mutations. B) Going against the right of free interaction at any level, a right that will always be open for you.
Also, you're inevitably part jew
It'll eventually ran out of arguments and degenerate into safe/pol/ace.
60% Confirmation bias
Uses empirical data to prove how any other races are more prone to commit crimes, the problem is that it blames that to the criminals belonging to other races, when the data it shows is usually anthropological societal studies that could easily be used to make arguments of races being mistreated by society and pushed to commit such actions and not actual genetic research to prove predisposition of illegal actions.
When it uses genetic research to prove predisposition it completely disaknowledges the impact of societal anthropology on a subject.
Tries to use examples of races behavior in other cultures either by geographically or historically under other standards to prove inferiority and changes in our perspective of those races, to put a contrast on this "Is like if I said that since women are being mistreated in the middle east or where mistreated in the 17th century and the 50's they deserve a better treatment than men now here."
It has the decency to aknowledge the existence of outliers in any race, the problem is that these "outliers" are actually a majority and they won't research the data that shows that only a minority of every race is a criminal.
On extreme cases they create titles of thread subjects based on assumptions from the content literally using the same meditatic techniques they so much decry to influence its userbase.
They rarely devolve into nu/pol/ but can devolve directly to safe/pol/ace, sometimes in the same post.
Prove me wrong without falling in an archetype
take your meds and try typing this out again
Reported for retardation.
No disscusing
They redirect to:
>>>Holla Forums
or blame it on them.
100% confirmation bias
Believes in conspiracy theories that have no basis or which basis are circumstantial at best and completely ignore Occam's Razor as an option, or quote in circles or shows evidence that again proves circumstantial or can be used for the opposite reasoning.
There's no arguing here, whatever you post falls into their confirmation bias, just ignore.
80% confirmation bias
Besides no one really destroying you or stopping you from taking any measures to protect yourself.
Well, you know, you could just not let the TV babysit your children, since A) No one's forcing you to watch it. B) No one has censored any alternatives and C) Children of racemixed couples do exist and are probably making the show and D) Only you believe that's wrong for the reasons you think.
Despite A) Being constantly proved in nature that racemixing gets rid of the chances of inbreeding, halves the chances of hereditary diseases from both races and speeds up evolution to get acostumed to the current environment with only the first couple mutt generations having chances of dangerous mutations. B) Going against the right of free interaction at any level, a right that will always be open for you.
Also, you're inevitably part jew
It'll eventually ran out of arguments and degenerate into safe/pol/ace.
60% Confirmation bias
Uses empirical data to prove how any other races are more prone to commit crimes, the problem is that it blames that to the criminals belonging to other races, when the data it shows is usually anthropological societal studies that could easily be used to make arguments of races being mistreated by society and pushed to commit such actions and not actual genetic research to prove predisposition of illegal actions.
When it uses genetic research to prove predisposition it completely disaknowledges the impact of societal anthropology on a subject.
Tries to use examples of races behavior in other cultures either by geographically or historically under other standards to prove inferiority and changes in our perspective of those races, to put a contrast on this "Is like if I said that since women are being mistreated in the middle east or where mistreated in the 17th century and the 50's they deserve a better treatment than men now here."
It has the decency to aknowledge the existence of outliers in any race, the problem is that these "outliers" are actually a majority and they won't research the data that shows that only a minority of every race is a criminal.
They rarely devolve into nu/pol/ but can devolve directly to safe/pol/ace, sometimes in the same post.
jesus christ you schizo. I meant try speaking in complete sentences. no one wants to wade through your broken fragments of shitty thoughts
I can't understand what the fuck are you trying to convey here, but I think that's really for the better
Pic related.
Bumping a shit thread written by an honest to god autist. Tisk tisk.
Prove you wrong on what exactly?
You have yet to say anything resembling a topic of discussion.
Really, you just want an excuse to say that Holla Forums is a hugbox, but you are such a coward that you hide behind the veil of being a mere curious passerby. If you had one masculine bone in your body, you would say, "Holla Forums, I disagree with you, here are my reasons for thinking the way I do, let us engage in healthy debate."
But you won't, because you have no balls. Instead, you argue like a woman, a bunch of passive-aggressive bullshit. Not just that, but you have the gall to come to our house and demand we play by your rules! Who the fuck do you think you are? Now, I will be kind. I don't think you're a shill. Only because my father taught me to never attribute to malice, that which can be attributed to stupidity. So, I want you to delete this thread and make it again, this time with the conviction and drive of a man! You are a man, ain't ya?
Put down the meth pipe son. Get cleaned up and get back to us when you're sober.
Gas yourself and hopefully everyone who replied to your autism thread will gas themselves, too
Yeah, you're pretty incoherent mane. You might want to get a doctor to check this out for you.
Sounds like the onset of mild schizophrenia, take care OP.
Does anyone understand what the fuck this retard is saying
You replied, room for one more in the chamber, faggot.
He's not retarded. He just wants to take a swing at Papa Holla Forums only he's being a little bitch about it.
Instead of just speaking his peace and leaving, he obscures the point behind a wall of gobbledygook
Put down the meth and go to a clinic, OP.
Truly the most enlightened position is to be a radical centrist
hail sargon
A lot of your points seem incomplete as you list the subject matter and then list characteristics of the poster that you would disagree with.
But I will describe some of my views on the topics.
Telling someone who does not share your views to go somewhere else, I agree, creates an echochamber of similar ideals, if they do actually leave. I was against the idea of a separate Holla Forums for a specific ideology. Worse still, this has fed Holla Forums and Holla Forums drama, and paranoia of subversion in other boards when conventionally a righty and lefty arguing would be seen as two people who can't keep politics out of other discussions.
Though extinction typically refers to species, it is possible for a population to become extinct through hybridization and invasion of a habitat. While there isn't major massacres going on, and the common case is still individual murders. I don't think white people will be gone- yet there is a strong desire and corresponding effort for such- but I think it is important for the native population to retain political influence of their own home country. In modern society, this would be maintaining majority population. So the methods that would be considered the annihilation of the white race, I will still oppose.
I don't have a solid stance for/against race mixing, but it seems better to prevent tragedies such as the organ donor issue from arising. A further mixed patient will become further more difficult to find a donor for. On the other hand, I can interpret this as natural selection, further more strict compared to monoracial, in favor of those unlikely to have health complications later in life. This is a very long term and distributed thing, and I don't blame those who would want the best for their immediate kids. The payoff might be extremely minor compared to the amount of lives to be lost, i.e the case of a mutt who got cancer at 50 and already had kids at 25.
Most of the other ones are pretty vague. I generally disregard posts with the theme of Satanic child ritual abuse to prolong youth/longevity in some supernatural manner because photographs typically aren't enough proof- considering health care, make up, cosmetic procedures, and photoshop.
No your're right user there is nothing to fear the deep state is a fantasy. You can go back to watching cnn now. Fuck off, off Holla Forums
Also sage
I didn't have the time to decipher all of your garbage, but I'll bite on this. Countless studies have been performed demonstrating drastic IQ differences between race. Even nigger babies adopted by whites continued to demonstrate lower IQ's. The populations of each individual race (whites, blacks, hispanics, etc) aren't remotely comparable to a very specifically selected pure-breed dog and actually have tons of diversity where inbreeding is a complete non-issue. However, breeding between high-IQ races and low-IQ nogs will inevitably produce dumber offspring than if you kept it between two whites.
And if you breed a white and a chink you get a virgin school shooter so nobody wants that.
Saged, filtered, and reported. If you lurked moar you'd actually get all the answers to your questions. No one on Holla Forums is going to hold your hand and feed you.
But you are correct whites have given away civilization to everyone, making those people's lives easy to the point they question whether they need whites, of course with the help of Jews, "we're sorry we gave away all your weapons". Of whom most whites around the world absolutely love Jews.
I blame it all on instinctual altruism, sort of like what I'm doing now. You think you're going to destroy the white race, we'll you'll be wrong, before you is everything we generated. Even those cuck whites in time will disappear so your own will destroy the civilization you grew up in, blacks will gibs Asians, Asians will roof kill Blacks but Asians will be unable to set up a Republic or anything above I'm main rice eater and everyone below me deserves to serve me in starvation conditions, if Asians do not win then I don't see anything beyond what South America's Communism programs can give. Remember Asians like to think they are "smart" because they may have had algorithms thousands of years ago but they never progressed because their leaders would immediately kill dissidents, so 18th century British had superior firepower even though the Chinese had the building blocks for it 1000's of years earlier.
Without us you'd have worthless cultures that none of us would want to live in and wouldn't be unable to generate anything more. So you would go backwards, except for the whites who survived. These wouldn't be cucks as you had forced their kind to obliteration, it would be communities of whites having to survive without anyone's help. They would no willing listen to your pleas of quarter or how "oppressed" you had made them in the past.
It should be the duty of non-whites to ensure whites keep existing or they should look into their past before the Europeans came for what their future will look like before they meet whites again.
Try again
I have spent many years here. The ones who take it seriously should not be taken seriously. Its the same reason flat earth is promoted here.
Honestly who cares about them?
Nobody advocates letting the TV raise their children. No self respecting Holla Forumsack would raise their children with TV. The problem is the society around my children who lack the self-discipline, moderation, self awareness to understand the long term detrimental of slow desensitization and subversion of values has on a community/nation.
Are you purposefully being retarded here? I you want a reply on this ask again and I will answer you seriously
This is objective bullshit. Except for the part where you said not inbreeding decreases the chances of not inbreeding. Top notch observation there user.
It'll eventually ran out of arguments and degenerate into safe/pol/ace.
Let them race-mix. They can do what they want, their shouldn't be laws condemning people for social shaming of things they do not like. Even more freedom, people should be allowed to express disgust and refuse to accept things on a social level without government interaction. This is accepting the negative effects freedom can have.
So was Bobby Fischer
Genetic research can however prove IQ's. IQ's does have a correlation with crimes. Also it's called the Monoamine oxidase A makes people more prone to violence, anti-social behavior leading to criminality. Guess which race has this gene this most?
This is the biggest lie on the internet and I seriously responded to a troll post. FFS.
Stereotypes are good and useful (most of the time).
Humans have a lot of heuristics. Heuristics are tools humans use to simplify problems and get a workable answer, despite losing complexity. They're like a 256kbps MP3 made from a disc master, or a flat map of a curved country. We rely on them so much we don't even know we're using them sometimes, and when we see a situation where they've failed us, we don't always recognize the times they've been instrumental to our success.
Although we learn some heuristics, most of them are baked into our brains. "sugar and fat are good" was a truism before the industrial revolution, but now that simple instruction leads us off the mark. We also suffer from scope insensitivity, which makes the difference between 1, 2, and 15 look much more important than between 100,000, 101,000, and 110,000.
However, some of the best and most reliable reliable heuristics we have are social - they're highly evolved and refined because cooperation and the division of labor are our strengths, and in others we see reflections of ourselves, allowing us to refine our model without ojtside references.
We feel guilt and shame, telling us we're at risk of losing standing, and motivating us to hide our actions. We feel pride at being productive or honing our skills, signs that we'll be useful to the tribe and will gain status. We mold ourselves to the the rules of our elders and betters, to ingratiate ourselves and create solidarity. Similarly, we grow to detest and mock those who don't share those rules, to better war with and dehumanize them.
tl:dr stereotypes usually give useful and valuable information which is why we act on them even if we can't consciously pin down why.
Emily (((Goldstein)))
Nice sage NIGGER
You talk like a fag, and your shits all retarded.
I think OP has an actual neurological problem and bought into every meme anyone's ever said about this place.
So that's why that guy told me to fuck off to the >>>/oven/ with my neurosis
Jesus lad. Cool it with the fucking "chemical enlightenment" - it's fucking your head up
So you're also that mutt faggot from earlier that has the same level of comprehension regarding genetics as a video game character who wants to kill his brother over muh recessive genes? Kill yourself racemixing spergshill
Stick around faggot, take some redpills rectally since you are a huge faggot, enjoy the ride.
No clue what you're trying to say, schizo
Gun laws.
No sane person is advocating for that, but mixed-race cretins and their deadbeat parents should not be fed using tax-money
If you're talking about social spending, I would hate myself for being a parasite and feeling entitled to the fruit of other people's labor, unlike you Commie fucks.
I personally know anthropologists. They're full of shit, and some of them know it, others are too stupid to be self-aware.
THAT'S MY OC. I love it when people use my own OC in their OC