Black Women "Uncoachable"

Black Women "Uncoachable"

Will black women ever recover?

Recently, everywhere on FB there has been an increase in the victimization and extensive pandering of black women specifically, trying to seperate themselves from the men like white women did.

When you see full black couples in America they are either both matured adults and always the woman is ugly and fat.

I've seen the same black women who share and like the same "black women are goddesses" pics share and post pictures of Donald Trump (usually with his kids or wife) beautiful white families feel good memes (perfect family being the focus of them)

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So niggers men can't handle their own women?

Top kek


How long until he gets in hot water for being sexist pig?

Such is the way of fucking niggers. They ruined their own shit and now they try to take the success of other people for themselves.



So, any /sp/artans here wanna tell me who Miami's going to be picking up as a replacement?

Colin Kaepernick, he'll probably take a job at any position after the way he self-immolated.


nobody likes niggers
not even niggers

the_donald pls go

Don't think it's that more like poking fun at the fact even niggers admit nigger women are shitty and unbearable to live with.

Yea I guess Rabbi

I didn't know white women were like this?

A broken clock is right twice a day. He couldn't explain it without using 'muh foosball' terms.

Reminds me of MGTOW.

HA Wait till these niggers see what the kikes have done to most of our white women.

White wiminz (the trash who racemix) probably are more docile with their niggers since they know they can end up like Nicole Simpson.

I think "nigger" outranks "sexist" in progressive stack, but someone would need to check.


They ain't submissive anymore. Not really sure what world he's living in tbh. If you're rich no shit she'll be more submissive to ride the gravy train.

You'll always have those women from every tribe and even though its natural for them do climb the socio-economic ladder like that, they're usually the garbage women you don't want in the first place.

False premise user.

sorta sniped.
Basically, they can act savage/"manly etc." or some variant without having to worry about the consequences. After all, you don't want to be a racist woman. So, they can act like a man did 70 years ago towards them since the one thing that has really barred men from doing that (the gov./societal perspective) doesn't restrict them the way it does us.

All niggers are equally detestable.

Yes, I'm right. his status as "nigger" trumps "muh sexism." He won't get in trouble.

Exactly. Nigs are more aggressive and white women will be more submissive to escape a beat down, especially if they're from the hood. They will throw down with their own women if you watch those WSHH videos.

In the black community throwing down man and woman is natural which is probably why you see so many white girls getting the shit kicked out of them by black men.

I kinda agree, but even 70 years ago few white men into a rage and beat a woman into a pulp or slit her throat. Our ancestors probably should have, maybe wouldn't be in mess we are today.

He's making the same argument as a White gook-lover.

Nigger women are the biggest factor in nigger men running away. Yeah niggers gonna nig, but shit fam let's be honest here, would you want to come home to a white woman who treated you the same way a black woman would treat her husband? Even a lot of black dudes I know are aware of this, they've said it plenty of times. Besides, look at all the nigger thugs you see out on the streets, almost all of them are fatherless so they get raised by single black mothers.

I think the same holds true for Muslims in Europe. If a European girl is insane enough to date a mudslime, even if he beats her ass, most he gets is probation. And even jail is like summer camp for them.

Even millionaire coons can barely get some racially ambiguous chubby whore. The chick in that pic is not white, probably a light skinned beaner.

He really isn't though. It's a totally different…i'm not a rice-steamer, but Agains ( at least the higher ones like nips) behave the same with a White man or a fellow nip. They aren't in fear of a getting their ass kicked by a white guy. A nigger can get a trashy White race-mixingslut to behave simply out of fear of beating/murder and knowing he would get off like OJ.

This. she's some variety of Spic, not White.

It's why white men run to asians. To ignore that they see them as more feminine, traditional, and submissive would be lying to yourself. Not saying it's true, but that's how it's perceived.

I want to feel bad for them because they don't understand what went wrong. It's where all this kike propaganda and indoctrination pisses me off. Seeing these stupid white girls from the 'burbs date their "exotic" negro pet only to wind up on the opposite end of things, and with a kid.

Pot calling the kettle a nigger

I mean I could believe that.

This sounds like a lot with race-mixers. White men think White women are all annoying bitches so they go for azn women or some spic girl

It's this really. This nigger is right that even the biggest white bitch is never going to be as a sheboon can be. Hell, white women can't even approach sheboons in sheer decibels.

The real truth here is simple: women will pretty well let you beat them occasionally, gotta have some self respect right gurlz if you have a near bottomless check book.

Niggers think any shade lighter than coal is white, needless to say they think race is only skin color.

that last one is the toppest kek. look at the black "women" category (either strongly negative or basically zero). Then look at the black "men" category. Literally INCOMPATIBLE at a statistically significant level.

Makes sense. They want something they can control. It tells you a lot about how undesirable black women are when the raging black male going on rape and killing sprees at now a global level can't tame their own women.

Discussing niggers, my favorite ever video for negress going "off script" in away a White woman never would is here. As you watch the video, look how the anchors react. The female esp. "Why did we let her talk that way!" and you can tell her jew producer is screaming in her ear. Meanwhile, the braindead Asian reporter doesn't seem to "get it" that Jews are ALWAYS at the top of the "progressive stack."

Thisis a classic, must-watch for new fags (anyone who hasn't been on here and cuck before for at least 6 years):

A people's women will only become weak if the men are weak.

Where's the salt?

Asian women are shit, though? If you're White, go with either White Women or White Women.

The black hamster is much more aggressive.

At least they admit they are limousine liberals

The only salvageable ones who aren't repulsive would be japs. However, it's a non-starter since if you ever steam the rice, you end up with an eliot rodgers "Supreme Gentleman" as your kid. Years ago, I had a female jap invite me to visit her in tokyo to watch the cherry blossoms. I never went. I still regret it. I wouldn't have slept with her, and I think she saw me more as a novelty than anything else, but might have been interesting just to see nippon with a girl who lived there.

My current theory is much more simple, but I feel it is correct:
Asian women tend to shut the fuck up more. Men want a quiet wife. Women today are anything but.

Nigger Sheboons are worthless

Nah, mate. All this means is that…let's say you are a negrress, even if you are the daughter of a wealthy "Rapper," you still go at top of "progressive stack" since your race and womnyz status means less than having shekels. That's how it works. And (if you watch the video I posted), NONE of this applies to Jews, who are at the top of any "progressive stack."

Countdown to his niggerball suspension for being surprisingly perceptive for a nigger. Still needs to go back to Africa.

No no, I don't think you understood: Asian women are shit, regardless. If only you researched how Asian mothers have little empathy to their own children, and how much child abuse they do, or how much egoistic or insecure they are.

But well, even then, none of this matter, only White Women matter.

I like the fifth square best, but number one is breddy gud too.

Sounds like you got cuck'd by your based asian gf

also, let's say you are a piss-poor White from appalachia who worked his way up in life, you literally came from dirt. You are still at the back of the "progressive stack" behind a wealthy negress like Obama's daughters since your race (even if you were born piss poor) since you are "fucking a White male."

You are making this whole story up. No one invited you to anime land to see magic tree's and you're still a virgin. Now take out the trash dear and stop being a little faggot.

chinese are certainly shit and have no souls. If I were..somehow stranded on an island and only with non-white females, I'd pick the nip. It's hypothetical, never going to steam rice.

There's also that whole 48% of black women tested positive for herpes thing.

newsone .com/491102/report-that-half-of-all-black-women-have-herpes-was-inaccurate/

Only article I could find "refuting" this was some article from a nog culture site saying " muh socioeconomic conditions" and "they only tested positive for herpes antibodies they only might get herpes.

Heres the original CDC report if anyone's curious.


Niggers are full of STDs and other things. No study is needed to prove that.

It was Christmas in the Galapagos Islands in 2009. On a cruise. You're projecting fuckhead. Far from a virgin. If anything, I'd be considered "degenerate" since I've had 20+ girls. I don't give a fuck if you believe me. I actually still have her email. She wasn't a "10" by any means and had bad teeth, but she did invite me to tokyo.

Did I trigger you from your dumb ass delusions of women loving you and not living in a dank basement littered with piss bottles

No, I'm just routinely fighting yellow fever shills.

Build a raft and escape the hellhole.

If you'd like to check further, it was on a ship called "The Galapagos Legend" that takes you around to different Islands for about a week. I went before I began my Masters in biology. Fun trip, but since it was Christmas, lots of Jews. there were two qt German tourists who had a free trip from the travel agency they work for, but never interacted with them. Ironically, they were being chatted up by a fat little chink, though he never got anywhere with them.

Reminder that online dating is for losers

That's a Syrian hamster. Which are coincidentally pretty aggressive.

Stick with guinea pigs. Less bitey.

it's not THAT BAD. A POSITIVE attitude is KEY

Online dating is nothing but catfish psychopaths and niggers

kek, do I sound "triggered?" I actually feel better about myself that you are so fucking pathetic, you can't even fucking conceive that this could ever happen. How hideous and obese must you be? I may be autistic in man ways but at least I'm a gym fag. You just raised my self-esteem greatly and made me realize I'm far less pathetic than most here, so thanks.

Stop LARPing this hard lad. Now take out the trash and clean your room or no fucking tendies for you.

Fuck off you kike shill. Does it make you feel safe, thinking we're all low-t neets?

The reason they go for white women are because:

If they wanted women who actually were submissive (which is what they're saying they want without directly saying it), they'd go for some Asian chick.

kek. How fucking fat, pathetic, miserable, and ugly must you be that you cannot even CONCEIVE of this happening? You're Trump's definition of LOSER. You assume because you are a fat, greasy virgin, everyone else here must be too. you just raised my self-esteem greatly. Again, thanks.

Fuck right off racemixing shill reddit spacing faggot OP.

Niggers have no right to be in this country, or any white nation for that matter. They certainly don't have a right to white women.
OP can't even tell that his precious BASED nigger is saying that white women have been brainwashed into thinking that niggers are better than white men and that's why they all go for them - "because they know their place"
Get fucking real that's just some predatory ape asserting his dominance over a large facet of the white race who's been brainwashed into hating both themselves and their people.

I sincerely hope OP gets in a car accident on his way out tomorrow.

This capitalization Disturbs me.

capitalizing improper nouns is the written equivalent of Gandalf using his Wizard Voice on Bilbo in Fellowship. Don't make yourself prone to satire, user


Asian women haven't been deracinated. The only reason they can get white women is because white women have been brainwashed by jews to a far greater extent than asian women.

I always capitalize "White" to fight back against the Juden-resse never capitalizing it, which suggests we aren't a real people deserving of proper noun status. Capitalizing "spic" was a mistake though. ALWAYS capitalize "White" until/unless the Jews start referring thus as "European Americans."

Also, for the record, I'm not advocating racemixing. I'm just simply explaining it for what it is. They don't want white women because they're "so great", it's about conquest. The whole about talking about it on social media is to publicly hammer in that fact without going full "ay yo look at dis whitey i gots, white boi". It's just another version of some hot chick in high school who would make some status update like "Ugh, why are all these boys who try to get with me act so mature?" She doesn't care about immature boys; she's displaying that everyone wants to get with her which just increases her market value even more.

wew, I'm having brain farts all over tonight.

The whole thing*
acting so immature*

Here you go fucko. Though granted, didn't have a fancy cabin. though it was relatively empty during the season so had entire small cabin and two beds to myself:

LITERALLY all of his "points" are applicable to white women as well. Nothing he said holds any value, since we all know why blacks want white women.

But doing that is going full bragging. They're not even trying to hide it. They are openly saying "you're being conquered what are you going to do about it cuck"


Nothing any nigger ever says will ever have value simply because of the fact it came out of a subhuman ape's mouth. You sound like a dumbfuck MGTOW shill that wants to get bred out.

The guy is just trying to justify his choice. Black women aren't as hot as white women, but he's trying to make it sound smart.

A lot of niggers have the same "grass is greener" impression of white women white men have of Asian women.

The white woman only makes that "choice" because she's been brainwashed by the anti-white media. It's not a choice at all and has no justification.

I have a lot of respect for the japs but god damn their women are SUB HUMAN

Of course it's bragging. I never said it wasn't. Read the rest of that post - I explained that it's bragging but just passive aggressive.

Holla Forums is always right. Good idea user.

I would say all women are, I still tend to prefer them aesthetically though

I understood your post, I still think you're a huge faggot for trying to justify your people being conquered.

>implying I'm h'white


What the fuck am I reading?

Then you're a blatantly anti-white AND non-white subhuman shill who's
>using white inventions(whatever OS you're running has a kernel developed by a white manunless you're a tard who bought into win10 or redhat)

I want you to seriously consider visiting >>>/suicide/ they have a lot of good information on that board that's definitely relevant to your interests and life.
incase your double-digit IQ gets in the way I'm telling you to fucking

So are the 2 most active vols but we're all still here.