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I hate fast and the furious movies
I don't know what this is but what the dillyo is up with some F&F dude beefing with the Rock?
fuck the rock
What timeline did I just wake up in?
Holy shit that is funny as fug. Man like almost every shitskin on earth should be genocided. Just save a few thousand of them and dump them all on like Madagascar or something. Give them each like a million dollars cash.
Then just fucking film everything. The nigger's incapability to comprehend complex abstracts like wealth will lead to some amazing laughs. Give it it's own truman show like channel and just savor the madness and suffering.
Sign on Spike Jonze to EP have the UN fund it as a UNESCO Heritage project. Get Daniel Bryan and Norm MacDonald to host the evening recap show.
he's crying because imagine how many jordans he could buy with that 13k
Apparently Dwayne was getting a spinoff movie deal which meant Tyrese won't be getting a sequel role he needs to help with paying his enormous child support.
He probably became dependent on the Fast and Furious movies for his income, making it so his wife could treat that as his regular income that they could base child support on.
instead the girl is getting some bomb ass barbie houses
So he has to pay 156k a year for knocking some bitch up?
That's fucking hilarious.
It's really stupid because it encourages retarded behaviour from women.
>>>Holla Forums
Who is this man?
Welcome to the club Tyrese.
Someone should shop his crying face as Cyborg.
Thought it was Mel at first, i'm disappointed. Was hoping Crusader Mel would take down the enormous faggot that is The Rock.
Cool fantasy Bro. Meanwhile in reality.
Tyreese is on the fast track to talking himself out of the one good thing he has going.
Lol, this nigga got hustled.
is he the new /just/ king?
cucked lol