How likely is it that if Trump gets elected that in less than two years time Holla Forums will start saying that he is...

How likely is it that if Trump gets elected that in less than two years time Holla Forums will start saying that he is a sellout cucked liberal Jew lover who betrayed them?

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this is some garbage-tier shitposting OP

About as soon as when Holla Forums says Bennie Sandman ain't our comrade.

No seriously. Its inevitable. He will give shit loads of money to Israel he won't build the wall, he will fuck basically his entire base economically and Holla Forums will hate him once they see the real Donald Trump because he would always fail to meet their expectations unless he was literally Hitler.

We already do.

I will never forgive you B████ ██████.

I'm not sure. On one hand he's likely to not do any of that shit, on the other Holla Forums is incredibly cucked and will probably say the joos are holding his wife hostage or something.

Pretty likely, considering that he was always a Democrat at heart

More like two months tbh.

No matter the outcome of this election the trumpcucks will be embarassed

I'd like to think the difference between S█████ and trump is that we never really believed S█████ was anything more than a way to popularise certain ideas and discussions.

I've been let down in the past with chavez, and I don't want to get to worked up about corbyn or S█████ and will take them as they are rather than hope that they are something unrealistic. I think most of Holla Forums are completely swept up in trump hype.

Friendly reminder that the only reason Holla Forums likes Trump is because he says mean things to women and makes fun of minorities sometimes.
He's a clown TV reality star, nothing more.

We all agree on this the question is weather or not his supporters on Holla Forums will be able to stomach him after a year.

As he fails to deliver on any of his nebulous promises and the economy goes to shit because surprise! Porky doesn't spend his tax break, Holla Forumsmers will gradually abandon him, just like Obamadrones or Loyal Bushies. And just like those groups, there will still be those Remnants who still defend him long after everybody else has already decided what a complete chode he is. Kinda like those IJA guys who held out in the hills until the 70s. That's assuming he doesn't nuke the site for muh phantom profits or let somebody else do the same after it outlives its usefulness to him.

More intelligent ones have been already saying that even before he got the Republican nomination.
But he's the lesser evil after all

Probably. And still better than Clinton.

he gets triggered very easily tbh


he still thinks her immigration stance is shit, which is the only thing that matters in this case.

Most of Holla Forums realises that he's CO, but there are a good number of retarded cucks who think he's the real deal. You shouldn't mistake excitement about him getting in for genuine enthusiasm. We only like him because he'll shift the overton window right and, quite frankly, he's miles better than Hillary.

Its a win-win situation. We had a right wing populist just like Trump in parliamentary election. When he got power his populist slogans counted for nothing. His party went from 30% votes to 8% after he took office.

Doesn't matter because it's impossible for a modern president to please the public anyway. That's why the lies grow more grotesque every election: they all know they're fucked in the opinion polls the moment they step into office anyway, so why bother containing it?

100%. Already, you can bring up Trump's policy on immigrant visas, and they will crucify him. I so want him to win. It will be a spectacular shitshow.

His government is going to be disastrous and make a lot of people wake up and realize that maybe these rightist stuff isn't really cool and start looking for alternatives.

For Trump to shift the Overton window right he would have to actually manage to make things better while he is in office. I seriously doubt this is going to happen since Trump is basically going to hand the actual job of being president over to Pence who is pretty much a more attractive Ted Cruz.