Webm thread Trucks edition

Last one hit bump limit

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woops wrong file



So is this gonna end up with two fucks posting 100 posts worth of off topic shit, again?


until reddit is purged most likely yes



Video Games

who needs sleep anyway

I should have listened


This is beautiful. WHere it's from?














Dumbass kids are now, and always be a excellent source of lulz




Notice how the city is fucking empty and every car makes the curve exactly the same. GTA V is is shallow as fuck.


Do you have the preceding one with the tank?

Ain't No Rest for the Triggered - Social Justice_ The Musical Chris Ray Gun







D-Frag I think

smh tbh fam


This isn't /a/, not everyone can differentiate all this identical weebshit.

Good thing we're on Holla Forums and not /a/

Thanks user.

Unfortunately searching Takao kept bringing up Ars Nova and not much else of value.

Thanks to you to user.

It sounds like he's about to get down with the sickness.




love this style


I-is this hentai or ecchi?

This shit´s great

what anime? this is great user

arent hentai and ecchi the same thing? yeah, they have sex in the missionary position while holding hands and kissing


Japs don’t seem to know how genetics works, which is odd since they’re so rightly taken with xenophobia.

You have no idea how fucking wrong you are.

Akazukin Cha Cha

dfc could easily run on the dad's side, or even most of the mother's fam

maybe their grandmother from their father side is flat?

Well, what's the sauce then?
In hentai there is explicit sex, not just nudity. In ecchi sex might even happen but it's never explicitly shown.

Fuck. I like older anime but their long runs are just such a commitment

They're also talking extremely dirty with no beeps at all, so there's no way this is your run-of-the-mill ecchi anime that airs in normal television or is it?



That's why I asked, would've assumed it was just another ecchi harem anime.
Still would love the sauce on that


what's even the point of having a giant armored mech if you take the same damage it does


i need that copy pasta

But it's not a copypasta you fucking idiot.


After all they did turn /bane/ into a porn

what is it about? pls no bully

then give me the image now

i swear i remember it being posted multiple times after it happened

That bitch got scared so bad she went into the Rankin Bass death spiral


You can't deal the same damage it does

Oh shit I actually remember this.

Oh man! It's as if it almost vaguely simulates real life!




koinaka, It isnt that great, just watched it because it reminds me of oreimo.


But… you can't pet her or anything.

will she be able to touch me too ;_;


Even this old guy know why it's shit.

Also, where's his accent from? I can't pinpoint it.

thanks bro



I hope these dudes get a promotion.

GTAV: the only game where you can kickflip a semi truck

Pretty sure in Prototype you could do that.

GOD DAMNIT QUADS I was waiting for one of them to get hit in the face by a foul ball


I didn't even realize I got quads

But… GTA V has more gameplay than that turd he's playing.

Its a murkan italian accent.

















What's the name of the music


It could be because I'm sick, or because I haven't had any contact with anyone in 3 days, but the whimpering made me sad…


Nigger, use the webm

Someone forgot to tell Ubisoft.

does big O get better? I dropped after episode 3 I think (the one with the snake).

I didn't know Waldorf and Statler became sports commentators.





It's been years since I've seen it, but I recall it being enjoyable. It gets into some surreal mind-fuckery towards the end al la Evangelion though; if that's one of your turn offs.











can someone translate? all englishmen speak as if they had a pair of black gonads in their mouth, i really, really have a hard time understanding british people .


I'd like to get all the foreigners out of the country.

At least post the webm.


thank you, kind user

after listening to it 2 or 3 more times and reading your text, i can slightly manage to hear what you wrote in the kids voice. hes a good kid, minus the speech impediment, but hes a good kid, he'll be shooting niggers soon.



i'm going to hazard a guess you're from america


It is not armour.
Also this lance is alien designed shit which is supposed to pretty much kill everything.

Nice quads

it's missing a giant dead moonman in the back

He was speaking perfectly clearly, "foreigners" was the only word that was difficult to hear and that's because he mumbled it.


And cute girls.

Watch more TV.

What a fucking Alpha


It went from weird nonsense to something strangely serene and beautiful.



if i gotta be honest with you, i would fuck it.

What anime is that from


Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

what the fuck is this hahahaha

I thought they were talking some nordic language, until she said "scumbag".
Only at that moment did I notice that they were talking English, but I still couldn't understand a single sentence.

The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows
The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn

We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death

The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

It went like this

The buildings tumbled in on themselves
Mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble and pulled out their hair

The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze

I said, "Kiss me, you're beautiful..
These are truly the last days"

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it
Like a daydream or a fever

We woke up one morning and fell a little further down
For sure it's the valley of death

I open up my wallet
And it's full of blood

Crazy fucking tranny (Cosmo Wright, now Narcissa Wright) speedrunner poetry.

You know, the usual.







I… don't get what's going on, probably because I don't play such a shitty game.

well apparently I didn't die young enough.

holy shit thats great

Gonna roll.

Lots and lots of sex.

how much difference a pair of tits and being in with the right left crowd does to your bank account indeed

you are going to save the videogame industry, then EA executives will hunt you down for "ruining" the american dream

It's good, but it's very cerebral.

However, there is something you should know.

Do a mass shooting at any SJW convention/seminar, Save a bullet to shoot yourself with

Good night bag.
But use an acidic gas instead of Helium.

Move to Sweden or the Saudi Arabia and hold up a sign that says "Death to Islam".


If anybody is wondering: It's made by a guy on soundcloud called "ShokkButt". Really neat music.



He doesn't know, does he?

No spoonfeeding.
Bad user.

how fucking dumb are you, its in the title in fucking romaji

i consider it a bad thing that that surprises me as much as it did

oh , my

Glad to see Monster Girl Quest has finally gotten that animated series it needed.


That scene didn't have Rei in it

Poor snek


Wasn't the giant head Kaworu?


one does have to keep appearances , besides you do need legs to drive a car


not really, I think a big snek could manage

it's possible

One or the other
Seems like it could be either
Though, I always saw it as Rei

Can I have the name of this? Looks good

Nigger, are you going to tell me you've never heard of Evangelion.

Are you serious?


There's no way you haven't heard of Evangelion.

No, I'm pretty sure it's Rei, since all all mass product eva's heads take shape of Reis face.

What if she's allergic to eggs?

He should really pull his pants up more so it's easier to tell that he's a nerdy crybaby.

why are you doingthis user ? why do you spoonfeed? why do you enable people like him?

if he doesn't even bother to take 2 minutes of his own time and search on his own and satisfy his curiosity what makes you think he deserved to know in the first place ?

Sauce has already been provided. Read you fucking mongoloid.

..I only really started watching animu when I was 16. Then I stopped watching for a few years because of shitty shows/calling the shows' entire stories after watching few episodes and getting bored. I turn 20 soon and want to watching again.

Sorry if I offended you long time watchers.

why are you doing this user ?

I just seen that.. I'm on a tiny mobile screen and these webms take up 95% of the screen space.

There's only one episode of this?

search Initial D and glory will be had

This is pretty funny. I wish I liked cars so I could watch Initial D. I can't even enjoy most racing games anymore.

if he didnt, he would be the few of the lucky ones.


you die waiting for dubs

It may just not be your thing. It's one my favorite animes personally.

i think everyone went through a phase of using that super mario world stage editor and fucking around at some point. i did when i was 10 and made shit about on par with this.

After a long life of not being able to complain anymore and actually enjoying videogames instead of bitching about the stupid ones that don't even deserve anyone's attention.

Holy shit, link to this guys channel? This was funny as fuck

You don't. You continue to live in this hell.

nvm looked up the channel it's shit


you go out like webm related

Can someone make this a webm small enough to post here?

9:28 is probably to long for me. 7:20 might be possible, but I cant turn those 9+ mins into a watchable webm. But others who know more about webm's can surely do it.

Or what program would you guys recommend? I always just use a browser extension or whatever it's called, but for long things it won't let me make it small enough to post.

from what I saw so far people do it with weird command things or in xMedia Recode. I use Adobe Premiere which is a bit trickier but not really better.

I use WebmForRetards
It is pretty straight forward and you can use commands for more complex things if you need too.

Why does she move like a JoJo villain?

In adobe premiere it's basically the same. You got only the basic options in the window and the rest has to be entered in commands. Which is pretty shit in my case because I don't know the commands.

Nice, thank you guys. It really sucks when you find something cool but can't share it because of your inadequacy. It will be nice to be able to make ones that aren't this shitty, but I'm not sure why people who don't even post a webm in thier new threads don't use it for short clips. It can do those okay at least.

Threw it onto the pile with some aggressive parameters, we'll see.



gonna try my hand at it

spear of longitude

The nice thing about Adobe Premiere is that you can queue webm. You can for example drop 25 videos into it and it will turn them one by one into webm. You can shut down your computer and continue after a reboot. In xmedia your queue is gone once you shut down.


o, do you happen to have a higher quality source though? reencoding that shit to be a long webm is going to absolutely murder the alreayd bad image

i just use ffmpeg's prompt, xmedia recode lacks features but it's the best choice if you don't want to use ffmpeg on a command line

7 minutes in 6306kB, gonna be tight.


is there a "How to make a WebM.webm" by the guy who made the one above about ffmpeg?

I only ever got into xmedia because of that webm.

What a faggot

I really don't get "wrestling"

Choke on a cock

don't think so. all the relevant bits in webm creation of ffmpeg are very well documented though, just go read it or use the -help command.

GIF creation for instance has pretty much nothing save for some obscure websites with people using it and the -help command


8134kB. Almost, gonna push it a little harder.

It's not going to be pretty though. Think "early Internet free porn sample mpgs."

I'll look around real quick, but it might be kind of doubtful, since it's not that common of a promo.

Here's a fucking crazy Sega Saturn promotional video (that I can't get to fit either) if anyone else likes this kind of stuff.


Here you go fag. It could be tweaked to be better since there's almost 1MB more space to push, but I don't care enough to do that. If you really want to play with it yourself:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale="trunc(oh*a/2)*2:240" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 50k -threads 8 -speed 4 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -an -y out.webm
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale="trunc(oh*a/2)*2:240" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 50k -speed 1 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -c:a libopus -b:a 24k -y out_pass2.webm

What to tweak:
240 is your vertical frame size
b:v is your target bitrate. In this case it quickly went over and stayed somewhat stable at 100kbps, so you'll need to experiment.
b:a is your audio bitrate. 24kbps aac is pretty shit, 48kbps should be a minimum. Go under if you have confidence the source will compress properly (like in this case).




also some gifs made a few days ago

meant opus

Awesome, thank you user!

I don't remember him talking like that for some reason.





Translation: You need to watch monty python

Real translation: "some kids support surprising things"

"Hey kid who do you support" "UKIP" "why" "to get all the foreigners out of the country"

Why did he choke her at the end?


Some women like that sort of thing I'd guess.

those are some advanced anime eyes

Over there they don't just put fluoride in the water and act like it's some fix for not being able to go to the dentist huh?


that song is better suited for things like vid related

I use these set of bat files some user posted through a jpg zip archive. They're optimized for double-pass super-quality encoding, so they work pretty well for long videos, but take like 30 minutes of encoding to do so

Unfortunately I don't have the specific zipped picture anymore though

I wonder why you'd make a shitposting AI. I mean it's kind of funny, but I'd think there's better things someone could do with their time.

It wasn't made to shitpost, it was made to learn. And Holla Forums taught it all they know.


Holla Forums doesn't need to teach them. They already know.

God damn, what sort of sick shit is this bitch into?


let's see if mine is better, can't make it closer to 8MB because adding more bits makes it go past the target


Yours gets a little blocky due to interlacing from the source, one of the reasons i reduced resolution by half, but bretty good nonetheless.

fug, so that's what was wrong. i knew i forgot something

also , 360x240 is a quarter of the original resolution not half

right, i suck at math

The source is already too compressed so using a deinterlacing filter most probably wouldn't work. Not feeling autistic enough to try though.

Oh wow, I haven't done any encoding or anything in a long time, but that does sound long for the size and today's specs. I should maybe wait, since this laptop already seems like it's on the verge of dying and the last time I even tried it crashed before it even was halfway done with a movie.

It's kind of hard for me to tell due to the higher resolution, but I'll just hang onto them both. Thank you, I really like this video. It makes me miss the hell out of earlier years.

vp9 is still early work, optimizing from the encoder side will take a while irregardless of requirements. Will take some time before it's as ubiquitous as h264.

I'm guessing this game turned out to be shit, since no one ever talks about it?

They were fired, weren’t they?

Fluoride is a poison.

Sex was a mistake

It will never be as ubiquitous. It’s complete and utter shit. Why people here think that sucking Google’s cock is a good thing is beyond me.

Mostly because h265 is shit by comparison w/regards to results/visual fidelity. If something better comes up, i'll use that.

Why would you get fired over that? It was more comments on people being stupid with their phones in general not directly insulting them.

They add it acting like it drinking it is the same thing as brushing your teeth with it.
(It seems like most of the people I know who use faucet water are always making koodaid and nasty shit out of it anyway.)

it has a huge open source following and it's already out, not gonna happen.

most browsers already support webm/vp9 and we already have multiple implementations on a wide range of software, the only thing really left is more websites accepting it, media players and pirate groups







Oh hey someone actually saved mine.


the sounds sounds aweful.

The Guy is Rolling the Dough and He is Putting the Pizza Sauce and then Pepperoni and then Cheese then He Put on the Mushrooms and the Green Peppers and he also Put on the Ground Beef and Sausages then He Puts the Pizzas in the Oven and the Pizzas is Ready then They Say I want you to eat 50 Pizzas at Once Eat them all Right Now then he Starting to Eat Pizzas and He Kept on Eating Pizzas then His Stomach Got Upset then They Said That is Too Bad eat 10 More Pizzas and he Continues to Eat Pizzas then He Fell Down and they Said Get up eat 5 More Pizzas then he Finally Eats 50 Pizzas.

did he died?










The 30 minute encoding sessions are only when I'm doing something intensive like jamming 2 minutes of 1080p into 8mb, otherwise its usually less. Also I'm on a laptop, so anyone with a remotely-respectable desktop rig would do it even faster












Is htis the guy from Tim and Erik? I fucking hate those cunts. How do people find this funny? It's just retarded.

damn. i did not expect an erection of this magnitude





It's not about being able to differentiate between thousands of animu:

It's about having the most basic of searching and lurking skills that enable you to find a sauce without troubling someone else for help. That way - you failed abortion of a mongoloid - other humans don't have to waste their time wiping your fucking ass and swapping the ceaseless dribble from your slack-jawed, mouthbreathing cakehole.

After weeabing for a decade I've got enough latent vocab knowledge that I'm starting to pick up the language.
"watashi wa oshiri no ana de ecchi shimashita"
I did naughty butt hole things.
The elevens sure have a way with words- literal to the point it becomes comedic.


I'll leave you gents this rough draft for someone with the skills to touch up.

I understood that reference, German Spa shill
And yeah, IV was not subtle at all but V took it to a whole new toilet level


btw, this was shown on national television



