A liberal activist desperate to take down President Donald Trump paid thousands of dollars for what turned out to be forged documents, revealing a willingness among Trump’s critics to believe almost anything that might hurt his presidency.
The Israeli flew to Rome in January to meet with an Italian businessman who promised him a set of potentially explosive documents on Trump in exchange for $9,000 in cash, reports Buzzfeed News. The documents appeared to prove ExxonMobil had secretly bribed the president to nominate Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state, and the man eagerly passed them on to Democrat operatives and journalists. But they turned out to be forgeries.
The story is a look inside a growing market for information and is just one example of the lengths Trump’s opponents will go in the hopes of toppling his presidency, and gives a glimpse inside the growing market for potentially damaging information on him. Scam artists have taken note, Buzzfeed reports, and are whipping up elaborate schemes to tempt activists with fake information for a price.
The forged documents regarding the ExxonMobil bribe involved a network of people, including the Italian businessman, who claims to be a knight, an American felon who spends time digging up dirt on Trump, and the Israeli who fell for the scam.
“Such forged documents also feed the hunger of a growing audience on the left that seems willing to believe virtually any claim about Trump’s supposed bad deeds,” Buzzfeed reports.
Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith cautions journalists to watch out in a companion piece: “And those of us covering the story and the stew of real information, fantasy, and — now — forgery around it need to continue to report and think clearly about what we know and what we don’t, and to resist the sugar high that comes with telling people exactly what they want to hear.”
Could Holla Forums start an industry rusing and conning the MSM soon?
Carson Taylor
Time for more documents about how Trump and Putin like hentai and golden showers?
Grayson Robinson
We fooled a greedy wop, a member of the lugenpresse, David Brock and a Jew.
Noah Myers
A merchant got scammed out of 6,000,000 shekels
Nolan Richardson
Holla Forums is always right
Landon Smith
this, we already fucked them with the pissgate story.
Chase Morgan
SNL is fucking retarded.
Cameron Hernandez
Based Cavaliere. Bunga Bunga 4ever.
Logan Long
Best part of this story is that a kike got scammed
Nathaniel Bell
Fucking love that pic. Why haven't I seen it before.
Isaac Anderson
on the flip side, it makes Spicer look alpha and the MSM look like bitches
Benjamin Rivera
does anyone have a spare gmail that can be linked to drive? set up a fakenews site through drive. no shortage of talent on to write material. If they believe pee pee poo poo, they will buy anything
Adam Cruz
All you need to know. Name the jew.
Julian Jones
That's because we're not trying to push an agenda so we don't have to try and cut around the other pieces already in place. With no narrative to stick to, we have no limits to content or absurdity.
Because they're pushing a specific agenda, the media has forced itself onto a jungle trail it can't go backwards on, they have to stick to their narrative (the trail) until they reach the end of the road. We're like an internet Vietcong though, not beholden to pre-approved trails and we know where all the paths go anyway. We lay traps, force them to go around roadblocks into dangerous territory, and pick off a few of their party a few at a time through attrition until they're so demoralized they wonder why they're even here to begin with. What we need to do is show normies that the path the MSM is going down is a long one filled with insanity, stupidity, and career-ending ridicule so they ignore the crazy fuckers who want to take a suicidal stroll in the jungle and listen to the folks who've lived there their whole lives.
We need to flood the MSM with fake leaks all along the spectrum of plausibility. Even if they don't bite off on any of them, forcing them to try and sort through what's legit and what isn't kills time they know is quickly running out.
Andrew Morris
How do we best use this opportunity? Following the Trump method, we need to sell stories that look outrageous to the left and have exaggerate facts, but that have important issues and truths underneath once the smarter normalfags look deeper into them. Maybe we should work backwards from info we want to redpill normalfags with and then make slightly inacurate "leaks" related to Trump about it.
Caleb Martin
Leak that Trump sold plutonium mining rights to muh russians so the normalfags will realize that it was really Hillary selling uranium rights. Blaming Hillary's, podesta's, Soros', etc crimes on Trump have excellent redpilling potential.
Jonathan King
also trumps former campaign adviser caught with his dick in an ass. they would flip shit over disinfo related to pedogate on trump
Isaiah Cruz
A quick find/replace and all kinds of stories about corruption and Russia are created.
Dylan Howard
I'm sure this was just a pure happenstance. Could have been anyone.
William Turner
Maybe we could write a letter one post at a time like they do on Holla Forums and try to sell them that?
Adrian Russell
Elijah Hughes
Lucas Ramirez
Logan Wilson
Jose King
Oliver Brown
Did you guys make a new meme and didn't tell me about it?
Josiah Wood
Mason Morgan
Tyler Davis
What happened with TRSPrudence 4chan pee guy? Did he get kill?
Cameron Lewis
Michael Diaz
Nicholas Sanders
, niggers
Benjamin Miller
, Mudslimes
Ryder Rodriguez
, spics
Logan Gutierrez
William Nelson
, chinks
Elijah Nguyen
im gonna do this. wish me luck guys.
Cameron Clark
Leo Rogers
, Londoners
Brody Cooper
Likely they will think they have something big that is so secret it will be too hard to verify and rush to publish it.
Brody Murphy
Oliver Torres
, and
Josiah Butler
Be sure to include the some of the information came from unauthorized wiretaps.
Daniel Thomas
Carson Bailey
Jordan Sanders
Kayden Flores
This just made my day
Alexander Cruz
Ben Garrison
Levi Powell
Mason Martin
Jose Morris
I hate SNL for obvious reasons, but the last bit was good. Enjoy a webm.
Thomas Anderson
Nicholas Sanders
Zyklone Bombs
Jeremiah Thomas
This is particularly genius because plutonium isn't mined, it's made. Anybody with half a brain will immediately know it's bullshit, but the dumbass kikes that work in media won't have a clue.
Ian Parker
Zachary Young
at Israel
Jacob Brooks
You're doing Kek's work, user. You will succeed.
Alexander James
Godspeed user.
Jason King
This is really good.
Major props to anyone who submits Hilary/Obama leaks rebranded as Trump leaks.
Make their fucking heads spin
John Jones
Good idea, make it look legit as fuck for their panic-riddled brains to get excited about. The longer it takes them to dismiss something as untrue, the less time they're spending on making propaganda.
Hey you're right. The MSM didn't bother to cover the Podesta, Hillary, and Obama leaks, so why not give them a second chance with Trump versions of the same? See if they pick up the scent.
Joshua James
Say the Mar-A-Lago leaked seeing Trump do pedo shit.
Sebastian Walker
Print it off on an old printer (one without watermarking), then scan it it at a low DPI, black and white or grayscale.
William Cox
Why are they so bad at propaganda?
Jacob Green
LIE. The plan ticket is like 2k on short notice and 9k isn't worth anyones time.
Luis Morgan
Scott Foval, is that you?
Ayden Russell
Is the sabbath already over in Israel?
Hunter Young
Well well well, ties to the DNC and a violent bomb-planting commie. Who could have guessed. That fat jew fuck is mossad.
much more: dailycaller.com/2017/03/21/former-dnc-official-partnered-with-convicted-bomb-maker-to-investigate-trump/