Am I still considered a leftist if I want to overthrow capitalism but still support nationalism and believe in race realism? If not, why?
Am I still considered a leftist if I want to overthrow capitalism but still support nationalism and believe in race...
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yes, you are just considered a technically stupid leftist.
as long as you understand the cancers of capitalism you are on the left imo
so culturally right economically left?
nothing wrong with that. still would be considered left wing and a comrad tho
No, your a fascist.
Anti capitalism does not necessarily mean leftist
read your theory
yes, you are. don't listen to the shitstains who say otherwise.
Its literally fascism. fuck off
Nazbol thread again.
Fuck these mother fuckers with a fucking knife!
Since the left-right dicotomy really refers to economics, then yes, you are a leftist. An incredibly spooked leftist, but a leftist nontheless.
depends on how far you want to support your nationalism and race realism and what not
would you prefer communism with a little bit of nationalism and a slight bit of race realism or captialism with heavy nationalism and race realism ?
Postcolonialism is pretty spooky tbh.
No, you are literally a fascist.
>>>Holla Forums
If this was true, then fascists would be considered leftists too.
to clarify you picked the first one then you're a communist
if you picked the second then you're a fascist and i'd tell you to go to Holla Forums but honestly i don't even think fascists should go there
But fascists want to maintain capitalism and hierarchy even among the citizens of their nation.
If we use social positions as a measure of left vs right wing then progressive liberals would technically be left wing wouldn't they?
Fascists are all nominally anti-capitalist. Anti-capitalism + nationalism + racism = fascism
The result would be the same as what OP advocates.
You cant be a leftist and a nationalist at the same time, you especially cannot be a racist and still be a leftist. Notice how the post said "overthrow capitalism" and not "be socialist". Fascist doesn't want capitalism, they want fascism which just so happens to be nationalized capitalist with vaguely socialist rhetoric.
Learn your shit.
Some truth to this, seeing as most fash claim they are against capitalism because muhdegeneracy etcetc
That is what it is in actuality but that don't change the fact that a lot of fash see themselves differently.
That doesn't change the fact the fascists dont consider them selves to be capitalists, they see themselves as an alternative to capitalism.
Fascism doesn't have any kind of real economic doctrine though. It was different in every country it appeared. It has four main tenets, nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, and anti-communism. Fascism doesn't really seem to concern itself with economics.
really because from what i've seen of fascism is less socialism and something more along the lines of capitalism mixed with neo-monarchism
honestly i'm fine with nazbols as long as the put communism and socialism first before nationalism and "race realism" as they call it
Blacks are inferior and don't belong in white countries.
Ayy do yourself a favour and kill yourself you racists piece of shit.
Fuck off, blacks have lower IQs across the board in almost all tests and you know it. It's faggots like you who care more about niggers than the white working class that keep the left from getting anywhere.
Why even claim that you're leftist? The entire nazbol ideology exists to avoid being called a cuck by the right and a classcuck by the left.
We care about the working class, some niggers in Europe are already doing better academically than native whites and their second generation immigrants.
Flynn effect > your ideology. Please kill yourself, I would rather side with a socdem than you.
you are a dumb faggot
Good Lord help him
Because I oppose crapitialism and want worker control of the means of production. The white workers(and some east asians) have built wonders and transformed the world, but capitialismsquanders this.
There are outliers in every group, the vast majority are dumb as shit though. Maybe if they took advantage of the free public schooling, afferimitive action, and dozens of scholarships they get handed they would get somewhere, but they rather act like an ape in class and disrupt othere learning instead. Also totally anecdotal but I never have seen a black person in an advance class (junior level or above )
I doubt this.
IQ matches academic success and higher income.
nice meme
fuck off you classcuck
Niggers still trail whites and there is plenty of reason to suspect that intillegnce is mostly genetics
Not outliers. The average of the ethnic group has surpassed the average of whites. Poor white male children do worse in school in England than any other ethnic group.
No, there's some evidence to support IQ being 40% genetic. That's it.
Your political affiliations will be determined by what you do, not what you believe.
The minoritiesare getting special treatment while whites, especially poor whites who don't buy into multiculturalism are being treated like the devil.
Don't know where you get the 40% number from but everything I've read suggest it's highly dependent on heredity
I bet fucking all of you would be upset (and rightfully so) if your daughter married a black man, or more likely was pumped and dumped by one.
I wouldn't be upset at all.
I hope you never become fathers
La la la we're victims blah blah blah. No you mong, they're performing worse academically. It has nothing with "special treatment" or "multiculturalism"(which you can make arguments against without resorting to race realism). They're just doing worse in school than every other Ethnic group. It's funny to watch race realist turn into rabid environmentalist when the results are unfavourable to their most favourable "race".
Then you clearly haven't read much. It has a correlation between .4-.6. For example: heritability between twins. And these numbers aren't static either as twin correlation fell from .5-.35 between the late 1960's and 70's and then rose again.
No I wouldn't I'm not racist. Stop projecting.
I already proved you wrong on your retarded "muh irrelevant shiting causes all crime" the other day, do you really want to get cucked again?
But I don't want that!
I'm married to a black woman
You triggered m8
of course the tankie is ok with the NAZI bol, why would i be surprised.
If niggers are so smart why do they have no civilizations and why do they make almost no intellectual achievements? Hell there hasn't been a single truly great black scientifist, mathematician, or philosopher ever.
no. read then come back.
Mixed rave children are still more likely to cause crime.
Sometimes crimes are a good thing.
maybe something to do with material conditions? gosh how can you even call yourself a commie when you pull shit like this?
Africa is the most resource abundant continent on earth.
how the fuck is it fascism when fascism is simply a form of capitalism, dickhead?
1. Why would niggers be western philosophers if they aren't from the West? This is like asking why there aren't many chink philosophers in Western phil.
They've also been the pushing force behind Western music for the past 115 years.
Central Africans weren't exposed to trade like Northern Africans see: Egyptians
Communism is also just a form of capitalism if you are a Fascist.
Turd Position is a good term for this sort of viewpoint I think, softer nationalism in the sense of the ELZN or IRA is still left wing however.
The ones on Holla Forums maybe, the ones in the German conservative revolutionary and the ones who follow Dugin or Limonov are quite different.
The original fascists were authoritarian national syndicalists, what ended up being implemented in Italy and Germany ended up being authoritarian capitalism with state interventionism however.
Except at least there is chinese philosophy , there is almost no African philosophy except a few nigs in the west who where diversity hires.
African contribution to science are just a drop in the bucket, you could remove all of them and not make too big of a difference.
Not trading isn't an explanation for creating a race of boderline retards
Fuck you nigger loves, I hope jamal, carlos and muhammad rape and kill your sister, daughter, or mother. Maybe then you'll learn to accept race realism you fucking larping liberals.
Nice goal post move, stormfag.
stay triggered lol cuck
gb2 >>>Holla Forums
No, and I have absolutely no problem sabotaging myself to keep you down too, faggo.
Awesome pic. The OP is too much of a bitter faggot to see it.
Would actually have no problem selling out to the police.
Also niggers being the drive force behind music is a shit claim. Rap is fucking awful. Maybe if niggers spent more time in school and less time skiping to play their shitty rhymes they would be acomplish something. But they don't because they are retarded and lazy.
There will never be another communist revolution,while it is likely for Holla Forums to get what it wants. You are all a bunch of pipe dream LARPers. I for one, enjoy all the salt you have when you will never get your way.
Fascist dont get support by being capitalists, they get support by framing themselves as anti-capitalists and nationalist socialists and using socialist and nationalist rhetoric and when they get into power they don't fundamentally change the system so much as make production power centered by the state and make it change hand with other capitalists that are favored by the regime. Seeing as if functions essentially the same to capitalism, it however differs it self in the outward rhetoric to the populous.
Kill yourself.
Except niggers would never cooperate l. Most niggers voted Shillary over B████ despite the fact that his polices would benefit them more and isn't as corrupt as you possibly can.
Do you really think niggers would be able to accept something as abstract as Marxism? Let alone put in the effort needed for a revolution.
read a book faggot
How can you expect people to take you seriously after revealing yourself to be a driveline idiot?
Why should I care about some nigger thugs?
Look how popular they are, most blacks only care about simple causes such as BLM.
naw if they had a good relationship I'd be happy for 'em. If she was pumped and dumped and she was pissed I'd be pissed too.
How can you tie your shoes in the morning?
They don't exist anymore. Are you retarded? They were very popular, so popular that the FBI launched an entire initiative against them.
The FBI dismantle many movements, the KKK is probably 80% FBI and CIA larpers.
trump ain't comin back, boyo. His run is dead in the water. Accept your neoliberal overlords, faggot.
What a fag
Why should anyone care about the actually rather small minority that is cumskins?
memebes of the KKK are part of the US goverment faglord
get ur memes right
And that is why we make fun of you.
Stop shifting the goal post. You took a cursory glance as a wikipedia article, and tried to dismiss them based on popularity. Write back with something of substance, Jesus Christ. The FBI director never called the KKK "the greatest threat to the internal security of the country" because they were literally controlled opposition.
This. There were senators who were supporters of the KKK.
The left is dead because of you liberals care more about tyerone and muhammad than the actual working classes in your country, we will keep right wingers in power who won't take on capitalism till you fucks stop being "anti racist" and start being pro white working class.
They would never do that because they hate white people.
depends on how much of a naz the nazbol is
i know some nazbols that are just ex neo nazis that wanna be MLs but still haven't shaken off the nazi part
honestly if there's more bol(shevik) than naz(i) within nazbol then i could care less
You know what's fucking useless? Trying to reconcile insecure racist delusion and leftism.
The left is dead in the West because of something called the Cold War. I'm pro working class, I don't care about race. "Workers of the world unite!" - can you tell me who said that?
Some Nazbols are just Nationalist bolsheviks and not interested in ethno-nationalism or race realism. There was an eloquent, well read Nazbol on the board who posted here for a while. Unlike this guy.
stay mad you are stupid and insecure
Read a history book
Spooked son
So proles who are not the same color as you are not proles because you say so?
You are buttmad that you outdated form of tribalism is going on the scrapheap. Face it, you are never going to win. Meanwhile Holla Forums approved candidates are gaining prominence in Europe, USA, and everywhere else.
Your ignorance of reality is the reason the right wing is winning.
Workers of different ethnicity don't always share the same things in common.
"Anything I don't like does not exist"
You praise a man whose ideology has more in common with libertarianism than communism.
When you're winning you're losing. The reason the right wing is winning is because the left has already won.
And B████ would've won if caucus's had been held instead of primaries. Corbyn is doing pretty good. The left got destroyed during the cold war and the Soviet Union being dissolved cemented leftism as an incompetent ideology in the mind of apolitical people.
The relationship to the MOP is the same. Again: who said "workers of the world unite"……. I think it may have been Hitler? No… who was it?
Keep on denying true facts because of your unreasonable xenophobia.
The left wing hasn't won at all, the last "socialist" state fell ages ago. Only Neo-liberalism is winning, and the Elite bankers at the top who worship an outdated religion.
Are you seriously trying to preach antisemetism to a board that worships Karl Marx?
I find it funny that you still hate peoples culture, traditions and religion, despite it being one of the working classes main concerns. You want them all to let in everyone so the entire world can turn into an no borders shanty-town shithole where nothing gets done. But everyone will get along, "just cuz"
Haha, so pointing something out is anti-antisemitism?
You can be against Multiculturalism without being a race realist. You can recognize nuance in culture without being totally for multiculturalism. See: Zizek
You are a Stalinist.
Long live Koba!
Neo-liberalism is still what is considered leftism.
Eventually the left will spend all its brownie points and people will go to the right. Then the same thing will happen for them.
I recognize Stalin didn't kill 10 zillion people, but at the same time I dislike him because he killed Bukarhin.
The working class is fucking retarded because they've been brainwashed, and your mystical magical unrealistic fantasy interpretation of reality is retarded too. Your feelings are stupid, and gay, and your stupid culture, stupid traditions, and stupid religion, have fuck all relevance alongside liberty.
yet you get offense when people call you fucking stupid
Gonna have gay irrelevant shiting sex on hard drugs on your lawn cunt.
Spot the Jew in the top 10 richest people in the world.
Oh look! There's only one… and he's not even religious.
Yes because the point is to arouse anti-Jewish sentiment. Otherwise, it would be irrelevant - only their role in capitalism is. If you see a cockroach, do you contemplate what species of cockroach it is, or do you squash it?
I want to live around people that look like me. That share the same culture and belief system. It is the most efficient option for social cohesion.
And you wonder why people don't like you. Anarcho-communism is the most retarded ideolgy ever described, at least socalism make some sense.
Communism will be enforced, how will it if there is no state? Will everyone just do it just because? People are selfish, if you want to have collectivism you have to enforce it.
nice spooks nerds
No one cares, we'd all murder you in a revolution.
No argument here.
All I see here is a sweaty denial of reality because it conflicts with your emotions and fears of getting cucked.
Nigger you stupid unread book fearing piece of crap, even marxist leninist, in their end goal, end state, finished full communism, in their picture of communism, there is no state. There is no state in any form of communism. You are stupid. Go away.
I'm enjoying this new Holla Forums
I know there is no state, perhaps if you had the reading comprehension beyond a 5 year old.
How will it be enforced if there is no one (state) to enforce it?
This is true.
So it's not ancom you think is retarded, it's just all communism in general and you got confused because you're retarded?
Actual nazis please go.
citation needed
Do you even understand the fundamentals of communism? Jesus christ. Why the fuck would workers willingly put themselves back into an exploitive relationship with a boss?
We can try. I rather stay in Neoliberalism for another 1000 years that transition to a "leftist" technocracy.
Anarcho communism is defined as having no state.
That is what anarchy means you retard, I shouldn't have to spoon feed your own ideology to you.
Because niggers. They'd do it because niggers of course. No need to ever look more into anything. Niggers.
See flag
What are you doing man? What are you thinking?
Because some people only care about themselves, and capitalism is a way for people to exploit others.
No, communism has no state. Marx advocated for a workers state, and this has been interpreted in various ways, but it would not be static.
Nice affirming the consequent faggot.
abolition of the state
abolition of the state
he has that ideological pipedream up his ass
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Communism (disambiguation).
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v t e
In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state.[5][6]
Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism (anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both. All these hold in common the analysis that the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism, that in this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive, and who make up a majority of society – and the capitalist class – a minority who derive profit from employing the proletariat, through private ownership of the means of production (the physical and institutional means with which commodities are produced and distributed), and that political, social and economic conflict between these two classes will trigger a fundamental change in the economic system, and by extension a wide-ranging transformation of society. The primary element which will enable this transformation, according to this analysis, is the social ownership of the means of production.
1 History
1.1 Early communism
1.2 Modern communism
1.3 Cold War
1.4 Dissolution of the Soviet Union
2 Marxist communism
2.1 Marxism
2.2 Leninism
2.3 Marxism–Leninism, Stalinism, and Trotskyism
2.3.1 Marxism–Leninism and Stalinism
2.3.2 Trotskyism
2.4 Libertarian Marxism
2.5 Council communism
2.6 Left communism
3 Non-Marxist communism
3.1 Anarchist communism
3.2 Christian communism
4 Criticism
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Jesus fucking Christ it's like you didn't even read the wikipedia article on communism.
Well communism is defined as not having a state. Not sure what you really have to object to that.
Yes, that is COMMUNISM. Not "anarcho-comunism" in particular. Not "council communism". This is the goal of Communism. Are you a communist, or a "leftist" technocrat? Because you sound like the latter.
Your ideology does not live in a vacuum. Popular opinion determines what people are ready to do. You can not start winning when your own kind of people are already in power.
Delusional tbh
The other poster was claiming communism has a state, which is an oxymoron, because communism, and anarcho communism advocate ==NO STATE==
They share the main thing that matters in and that they work for a living and thus have all the problems associated with being a worker and thus suit to benefit from working together to get the benifits that workers find themselves in.
popular opinion is manufactured kiddo
what the hell are you talking about you mouth breathing retard?
Not all political concerns currently are centered around workers rights though. People care about other issues as well.
Yeah, irrelevant, truly non existent issues.
Cool you aren't a leftist and if you're the Nazbol poster, I would suggest not posting here because you look like a Grade A retard.
thats called propaganda
ITT: Holla Forumslack is BTFO, then uses the Idiot Defense to try and avoid BTFO
Different people will always have different issues that are specific to them. However, most of us have more in common than we do that separates us, so it stands that if we worked together to solve the issues we share in common that it would be for the benefit for all involved. Does a black worker not stand to benefit from a problem, that also plagues a white worker, or an Asian worker or any other type of worker?
Tell me again how you are a champion of the working class? :')
You still need popular support to make any kind of change. I might be a potato but I at least know that much.
When people perceive the left to be in power, they will go to the right, otherwise they go to the left. It doesn't matter if that's manufactured or not, you can't just ignore it.
That is rather funny, look at the current US election, workers rights (in a socialist context) are not at the top of the list for issues, (besides the fact of protectionism).
Ever read Marx, Marx flag user?
You can't just make up stuff to be afraid of and act like it exists or matters, when it doesn't, and you don't, and your emotions are no substitute for facts :^)
if you still belive in flawed democracy
not even trying to make an argument now
Are you certain?
These are all concerns that Trump has built his campaign on, and are quite resonant with the working class fanbase that resides below him.
Calling the working classes concerns "irrelevant" and "spooks" are the reason why the working class currently dislikes you. You are out of touch. This forum is just a bunch of armchair socialists, who have probably never even held a job.
No argument.
I was referring in a socalaist context. Tell me , when did B████ ██████ advocate killing bourgeoisie and collectively seizing the means of production?
there, fixed it for you
stay classcucked
Terrorism is because of capitalism, globalism is a meme you don't know what the fuck it is you're just scared of darkies, and >scabs
Nigger no there are why scabs too shut up.
Tell that to all the people that were killed in the many recent attacks. Are their bodies spooks too?
white scabs sorry I'm drunk
I never said working class concerns were irrelevant or spooks and who is to say the large majority of the working class dislike what we have to say when most of them don't even know anything about what we have to say?
Scabs are a result of globalists (and capatalists) importing foreigners because they will work for cheaper, and in worse conditions.
This is universally accepted, no?
jet fuel can melt steal beams, right?
Without popular support how would hope to get any power?
I was referring to Islamic terrorism you blithering fool.
The American Communist party doesn't even advocate that. B████ made a lot of progress for the left even though he ultimately betrayed his cause. The next election, socialism won't be a dirty word. That was completely unheard of.
Islam has been around since before capitalism.
How did he betray the cause?
Its kinda hard to talk to dead people. So were they killed because of some kind of inherent not whiteness by the terrorists? So what about white terrorists, are the just outliers that just so happen to keep happening over and over?
Islam is shit, most communist organizations in Islamic countries are vehemently against it.
Go back to Holla Forums you aren't even trying to pretend you're a leftist anymore.
Endorsing Hillary, but if she wins it could have long term benefits.
It is because communism tells them to put aside their culture traditions etc etc. They don't want to do that, as they like them.
and? are you forgetting the chrimes commited by christians through history?
are you implying religion is a real issue and not a spook?
do you honestly belive arabss are not fed with tons of propaganda so that they decide to commit saif atrocities?
stay fucking classcucked
the left cause is not a majority cause, its a workers cause
read a book, classcuck
And as a result of workers not having solidarity with one another, the whole of the workers suffer.
So the terrorists are communists now?
No, they're not. Keep up the delusions though cumskin.
Fuck your islamic terrorism, global capital is way worse, kills way more, and your pathetic sexual fears in no way make that justified.
Keep your culture, you don't need to put it aside, but you can't go around forcing it on people you fucking cunt. You can keep your dick, but keep it away from me.
No it doesn't.
yeah so lets get rid of capitalism.
im not>>951527
And if not even the workers are supportive, then how do you hope to gain power?
I mean the families.
Telling me to go back when you are losing the debate is not good debating.
Islamic terrorism is a major issue, CURRENTLY and the countless attacks pale in comparison to christian ones IN THE LAST 20 YEARS.
Never once did I say they were.
So why do they push so hard for immigration then? You fool.
CURRENTLY, terrorism kills way more, and is a result of imperialism. Read a book or a newspaper.
everytime top kek
And if you killed all humans all those nasty things would drop to zero.
They kill because Islamic extremism tells them to kill non-believers.
Not "inherent non-whiteness".
less than 300 people have died from terrorist attacks since 911 inside the US
each years it is estimated than 3-4 thousand people die of starvation and malnutrition
stay classcucked
nigga you all over the place ad u keep fukin up
I love dis shit
I don't push for immigration you stupid fear mongering pussy terrified dumb ass. Borders, are not real, you are pushing for the unnatural arbitrary restriction of the entire planet's population based off skin colour.
No, your boogeyman islamists do not kill more than capitalists. They kill a tiny, tiny fraction of a fraction of the amount, don't, lie, don't be delusional, don't make up your own fantasy reality based on your pathetic fear of outsiders.
Why would I want to debate with someone who doesn't possess a modicum of knowledge about my ideology?
Where did this meme come from?
Starvation in poor third world countries is different to people shooting up, bombing and killing civilians because Allah told them to.
It came from sexual insecurity.
The entirety of Holla Forums thought is "leftism means darkies fucking my future wife" and so to prevent this, they make up stories about leftism and darkies.
who said it was in third world countries? People starve to death in the united states constantly
muh u.s is perfect
Borders are real, because people enforce them, and if you go over them, you get arrested/shot etc. The idea of borders though is actually a spook, but since they exist in material reality, (walls fences etc) they do currently exist, and if you disregard them, you will pay the price…
Starvation is passive, different to people getting shot and stabbed.
I am talking about america, weather or not you consider it a third world country is none of my buisness
globally 21,000 people, twenty-one thousand people die every day from starvation
thats 10 times more people than the victims of 9/11
stay fucking classcucked, cuck
People get shot in stabbed mostly as a result of poverty, which is also passive and which also causes people to starve to death
They are enforced, try walking over a few and see if they are a spook then. :')
Shit nigger, people kill for god all the time. I guess god's indisputably real huh, you dumb cunt?
People do it literally every day
if international borders were real, it would be physically impossible to go through them
Well if people FEELING THAT SOMETHING IS REAL is enough to make it actually real, then god is indisputably real, specifically, fucking Allah. Praise Islam motherfucker.
I'm talking about material reality, BORDERS CURRENTLY EXIST, THEY DO IN THE FORM OF WALLS/FENCES etc.
God is an abstract idea, fences with guards on them are not.
I can walk to the next county, which has a border on a map, i can walk to the next state, which has a border on the map, if you walk far enough you can just cross any border, go over a walk, go under a wall or go though a wall. The border isnt real, sometimes their is a wall but thats not the border, that a wall meant to represent the border, which, if you walk enough, you can always cross. Alternatively, if i wanted to i could walk to Canada and their is also no wall.
The walls exist. The "borders" do not.
No but the idea that the fences represent anything other than a fence is an abstract.
as opposed to material unreality? top kek
a wall/fence that stands as the tangible idea of a spook does
because we are treated like cattle, classcuck
In the vast scheme of human history, white achievements are a drop in the bucket as well. Our biggest achievement being the literal death of the planet.
Also your original point was that they have no civilizations (which is not true) and no achievements (which is also not true), so don't move the goal posts.
No, it's like telling people that they shouldn't cut their own fingers off, and they tell you it's the only way to get rid of the bad spirits, and you're out of touch with their interests.
You really should just post on Holla Forums. If ever there was a political ideology more hated on our beloved chan than communism, it has to be the abomination that is nazbol.
I can't believe this fucking board
Race realism is literally incompatible with Marxism, this thread just goes to show how little you lot have read
So what about all those edgy white kids who listen to black metal? How are they better than wanna be gangster rappers?
Remember the thread we had about banning Nazbols who make shitty feelz based arguments?
you shouldn't be here. you should be on Holla Forums explaining to them why neoliberal free market capitalism and workers not owning the means of production is literal cancer on all levels.
i don't care if you are going to be a racist faggot but at least do the communist cause some good by showing other racists the truth in terms of our economic collapse and maybe get some right wing libertarian idiots to have more solidarity with workers against porky.
we need this now more than ever. scientific marxism and anti-capital will always be the number 1 priority for all of us
There are no niggers in my country and I also don't really care for the whole nature vs. nurture debate (Holla Forums loves their nature, Holla Forums loves their nurture, it's two sides of the same coin tbh) but I believe that Nationalism was originally a left-wing concept and Marxism was also based on a myth (dialectic materialism) cloaked as empirical and scientific.
Nobody cares.
god damn these fucking wordfilters need to fucking go
Nigger what the fuck kinda of delusion is this?
Shame on you. What the hell are you doing? Nationalism originally a left wing concept? Materialism a myth? Nature and nurture being two sides of the same coin? Are you mentally retarded or what? Of course someone who's never seen a nig would hold the strongest opinions on them.
Remember those Marocans fundamentalists having extra marrital affair? People are hypocrits, who fucking knew!
western liberal theorytards here will laugh at you, any kind of nazbol is considered a joke by many here because they spend most of their time with their nose in a book as opposed to dealing with real, flawed human beans, but you probably are and you arent alone bruh. Lastly id be careful throwing around terms like "race realism" unless you actually know what you are talking about, some murky waters right there
and youre in need of a grammar nazi
this right here, economics outweighs race talk always, you should be looking to sort of agree with bonafide raycists and move on to more fruitful topics
Oh no, there is nobody more alone than nazbols. They misunderstand the most important parts of the aesthetic styles they ripped for their clusterfuck of a joke of an ideology. Using a communist style or rhetoric while not being in any way communist makes them alone here, and since nazis aren't edgy enough they need to be stalinsts too, they're alone on Holla Forums too.
Now, please tell me how you're going to keep the sand niggers cordoned off in one specific part of the globe, and prevent women you want to fuck from fucking other people, without a state?
French Revolution? 1848? Majority of all anti-capitalist liberation movements? Shame on you for your lack of historical understanding.
In the greater scheme of things, anthropological and ideological, it's the same sort of myth every ideology is based on, it's eschatological, promising you the Cockaigne with abundance of commodities.
It's dichotomy that's not at all being dissolved by science, and a bunch of Anarkiddies on the internet posting memes of a 19th century epistemological philosopher are not doing it either.
The most important parts of the theory of the original users of the aesthetic styles they ripped, sorry.
Your anti capitalist movements are capitalist puppets and so are you.
Nazis ripped off left-wing aesthetics, then later socialist countries ripped off Nazi aesthetics again. I honestly don't really give a shit if a hammer and sickle in a windmill flag violates someone's safe space.
I don't give a fuck if you give a fuck, your entire deal is being a nazi who's too scared to admit it, or who thinks just being a nazi is too mainstream.
That approbation of a Holla Forums meme right there.
You seem angry
There is no race.
There is no 'country'
We're all just one people on this crazy rock known as earth. Want to open your eyes? want to open your heart? Well welcome to leftypol, your journey starts here and finally, welcome to love.
If you don't want to mix it up there is something wrong with you - your heart.
I am. Stop pretending to be leftists you cunts, you ruined your own image stop trying to steal ours. Go the fuck back to Holla Forums. You people are making me start to hate whites, and I'm white. Fuck whitey. Kill cumskins.
Read some Dugin if you want to understand Fourth Positionism you ad-hominem spouting clown.
I'm not leftist. I was just lurking the board and I stumbled upon your autistic rant and had a good chuckle.
Read anything except mein kampf.
Then I'm not talking to you, you dishonest cunt. I'm talking to the other not leftists who come here, describe naziism, and then call it communism like we're all as gullible as your dumb ass.
How am I gullible? i never defended nazbols. I simply called you a triggered faggot which is objectively true The nazbol probably triggers your autism more than this flag
woops forgot my smug
fixed that for you.
There you go user, I know you're lacing in reading comprehension but even you should be able to read a whole sentence.
This is a poor attempt at b8 btw no one is this stupid
Dude that sentence in absolutely no way whatsoever implies you aren't a nazi, just that you think the nazi flag is edgy. Considering you're here, claiming not to be a leftist, wearing a nazi flag, and defending a nazi, makes it a fair assumption that you are a nazi. Think about how you act.
It goes against what marx said so its weird to be a actually reactionary, racist, nationalist marxist-leninist.
Also, you need to abolish capitalism worldwide to establish communism, you need to closely work together with other socialist countries to defend the fortress of freedom. Being a hermit is almost impossible as a socialist nation, because the capitalist world will try to destroy you, and you need all the help and shared technology/resources/manpower you can get. Strength in numbers, tovarish, strength in numbers, and you will realise even "niggers" can be worthy comrades who will fight the good fight with you.
Can we stop using the n-word?
No. Get fucked snownigger, we don't do pc here.
"I'm not a leftist" =/= nazi you foolish sponge
Quite a leap in logic considering as how I said I'm not defending the nazbol, I'm just laughing at your autism as I pass by
Maybe you should take that advice to heart
Okay. That's just racist.
I thought this was the left board???
What's your name?
Dick Wolf
This AnCom poster is so fucking triggered it's hilarious.
Come on. Don't be like that.
Tell me your name?
Try harder moron, words dont have power, especially online when used in a non-derogatory manner.
My name is Gaatje Nixaan
But you cannot be leftist without being anti-capitalist?
Jeez my head. I think the reason that political debate, especially on the left, gets so confused is that everyone is working to slightly differnet definitions of socialism. I mean is socialism inhernent to leftism? Can you have leftism that isn't socialist? Even here, definitions of socialism vary. It is confused further by the fact that some on the elft will deride Corbyn and S█████ as not leftist for not being ideologically pure enough, even if this is just down to the fact that doing socialism overnight is a fantasy and some degree of working in the system will likely be required.
I realised as soon as I started typing that this would come out as incoherent jabber but yeah, somewhere in there there is a point.
So…you're just a racist? And you've confirmed you're white (surprise? nope!) and you STILL USED THE WORD. That is racist. It is the word in itself, the word is always harmful. You don't use the f-word or other slurs, I hope? I hope not.
Stop being such a fucking faggot jesus christ, why doesnt russia nuke the usa already?
"I'm not a leftist", while wearing a nazi flag, on Holla Forums = nazi
Come on now. Why would you even by passing by, this nazi thread, on a lefty board, on a nazi website, getting all uppity at the leftist, wearing a nazi flag, and expect not to be mistaken for a nazi? Are you ill?
Oh. You're just a pepe.
>>>Holla Forums
Read a book or kill yourselve.
Nationalism is bullshit and only manipulates the lower classes to do the bidding of the ruling class. It has no theory only feels and is easily manipulated and used against the workers.
People need to identify through their actual social relations and with thir own collective power not with a capitalist PR campaign.
Did you think about the possibility he's a troll fucking with you because he's seeing you react?
again, reading comprehension and context. If you so prefer I could have said "the nazbol probably triggers your autism more than the nazi flag" but then again I'm talking to a sperg likely fresh out of reddit
You're hopeless
Possibly, but this is also just how I fucking talk most of the time. I'm in a constant state of frustration.
Just stop.
Why does it need theory to be credible? It is in my interest to keep jobs here. Internationalism/globalism aims specifically to lower the cost of labour ie. ship out jerbs. What, besides nationalism offers any hope of fighting this?
[spoiler] inb4 socialism, you've suggested that as a solution to every problem the past 150 years and never got off square one[spoiler]
inb4 again, the few 'socialisms' that have been tried have been examples of 'socialism in one country/nation/state'
>>>Holla Forums
Are you lying or stupid?
Internationalism sims specifically to ship out jobs and lower the cost of labour? Communism exists, in your mind, to make the capitalist's lives easier?
How about communism, retard? No jobs to give away to your scary brown people if there's no wage labour.
aims fuck whatever, nobody be a dick about that.
Ok so sims was maybe a bit strong but as things stand that is what internationalism is being promoted as and is doing. If you take this as something that can't be reversed then surely the focus on the left should be taking over the institutions that pull the levers and enforcing top-down reform.
Just pisses me off people dismissing nationalism when it offers one of the only courses of action available at this stage.
Even I can see how you're a retard
Well that's a blatant lie. Communism, which is internationalism, doesn't say shit about the goal being shipping jobs overseas. You're full of shit and, I specifically asked you not be a dick over a drunk spelling error. Thanks.
Your whole thing, with the keeping whatever in or out of your nation, ceases to matter the exact second there is no longer a nation.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is coming after my bread, and lives in a pond
I guess it's pretending to be a duck.
Settle petal. I only posted it cause you made an issue of pointing it out.
Anyway, we're talking past each other. You're working from the premise that socialism/communism is somehow winning and that the issues of jerbs will be fixed soon enough anyway. I'm of the opinion that things in the west will continue to get much worse for pretty much the rest of my life and as such am looking for something pragmatic that will slow or reverse this decline. If this means tariffs and border controls to try keep jobs here then so be it.
I definitely don't think the left is winning, but I don't care about job security for myself or anything selling out could earn me in the short term.
I'd have a lot more respect for this position if the left was doing ANYTHING to change the current global order. The way I see it the left is stuck trying to decide it's next move while libtard shits promote mass migration and no borders shit actually assisting the neo-liberal order.
I really rather not
You mean I was never pretending to be anything. You're about as bad as the average Holla Forumsack with their shill accusations
As only one person within the left I can say, I'm not trying to decide my next move, I'm trying to get enough leftists together we can actually make a move. It may be useless but it's better than reform. Especially reform that doesn't do shit to advance communism.
It was entirely reasonable to assume you were a nazi.
Well if you ever get a viable plan let me know.
My plan is already more viable than yours? I'm just running my mouth to as many people as possible, but that's already much, much better, than right wing reforms.
I can only support cultural supermacy and exceptionalism.
Racist get out REEEEEEEEEEE
You just said your plan only goes as far as trying to convert people to leftism. YOu up for a little roleplay? I'll be some guy you've met at a party.
Some random dude at a party I'm at would never just spout Holla Forums boogeyman memes. Hey, what is globalism?
We have this thread every other day you stupid fucks.
What the fuck is even happening ITT?
It's like globalisation but spelt wrong.
Anyway, you're not saying there is no such phenomenon as globalisation are you? Also, you say 'you'd never be at a party with spooked Holla Forumsacks'. So what, you're plan is now just saying leftist shit to other leftists? Preaching to the converted? Good luck with that. I'm going to continue to argue the case for nationalism.
I'm saying Holla Forums has no idea what it is and is just mad because "global" doesn't sound very nationalist. I honestly will never believe there is anything more to it, because there isn't, nazis are very simple.
Globalisation is a word to describe the process of jerbs being shipped out to east asia and other places with near slave labour. Now you can say this is an inevitable element of capitalism if you like, but that's not a solution. Stronger borders may well prove to make things worse in the long run but I and many, many others are willing to give it a shot.
What a deluge of nonsense my friend, you are projecting the most cancerous uninformed reactionary bullshit from the western hard right onto…whom exactly? the few people here that consider themselves both nationalist to an extent and communist/socialist economically?
dont cram out random shit you read on /pol and project it onto others, anyone that is older than 14 and mildly literate in geopolitics knows quite well in whose vat this modern flavor of wahhabi islam has been grown, who props it up and what the cui bono behind it all is, especially the russians who have been dealing with this shit a lot longer. Even /pol used to know exactly who was behind all this, sadly they have forgotten long ago or are afraid to speak up because of the Stürmer herd mentality
In donbass you had afghans fighting alongside chechens, russian "facists", communists, texans, fucking chetniks, cuban stalinists, mongols, the most retardedly diverse group you could imagine both ideologically and ethnically.
with all likelihood your government helped or tacitcly stood by as the atlanticists spent the last 15 years rubbelizing much of the arab world, yet here you sit lifting your frail finger and raising your voice at something you clearly dont understand to shout
Check your priorities son, there a reason I posted gubarev, what happened in Donbass may be a clusterfuck now but it was supremely important to political evolution, it set a scary precedent for the powers that be that traditional divides they used to rely on no longer work 100%
nazbol, the whole 4pt thing, it should be treated as ad hoc, a work in progress, its still very eclectic and downright dissonant to an extent.
it should be seen as a strategy more than an ideology is what im saying I guess
Sounds like the solution is communism. Give that a shot.
The same Holla Forumsack shitposters who come here trying to associate the left with racially pure nationalism and light egalitarian reforms with communism. Not reading past "both a nationalist and a communist" it just does not work like that.
oh I muddled that sentence. Take out "with communism" or "the left with" and it works.
Herein lies the problem. How? How specifically do we give communism a shot? It's all well and good saying capitalism is to blame and communism will fix it. But HOW do we communism?
shit thread kys
we have a thread like this every fucking week
Reminder that to be a leftist, you have to do away with childish notions such as racial and gender equality and social liberalism
theoretically you might be right but that is almost irrelevant at this point in time. The reality on the ground is that a lot of people are decidedly nationalist but still have their heart in the right place, and are more than open to more socialist leaning economic policies. Just because you are above it all intellectually and think the state is a spook doesnt mean it isnt real, your stance is laughable especially in light of the 4pt poker game that is going on right now, its willful delusion.
You should be figuring out how to work with these people towards a common goal instead of branding them heretics because you dont like flagwavers. These people are politically awake and unhappy about the present state of things, those are the most important factors, your smartassery is masturbatory and leads to nothing as far as I can tell, you have no program beyond preaching "absolute communism" which will get you nowhere at present bercause most people are barely literate in terms of economics and almost more importantly "banking"
yer also a cunt m8
Fuck off you nigger dyke
>>>Holla Forums
Strasserism can be healed through reading and going outside.
Reading and actually interacting with shit skins will make you less internationally minded
but what if i u had a non-white qt gf? :3
You sly slut you. Tasty bait, but that just got you caught.
No, because you acknowledge the authority of dusty books and dusty sellouts from "the dustbin of history."
aka "i hate niggers"
literally no one falls for it