faces of Holla Forums
Faces of Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Say to your ASAC for me!
You realize that the JPG file name is an actual name right?
Your a sexy mother fucker youy
How old are you?
You look like a gay twink.
ree alt right girl
Forgot picture
of all the shit to come out of gamergate vivian was probably the best part
considering posting a pic of myself because i really don't care about sharing personal things and it could be fun but i'm not too sure about my looks so if i posted a pic of myself and i don't look good or w/e i risk making Holla Forums look bad.
I would but posting your face on a chan is a shitty idea. Also u should probably remove this, your name is in the pic.
shit I fucked up an OP from earlier
Kid you're going to doxed on here
Oh look, a teenager with dishwater hands, zero job experience, and mummy's comfy house loves marxist theory.
you kulak's are all the same, a bullet through your head will make all your noise go away.
Tfw no qt Holla Forums gf
The amounts of gays we have here and unless you are deformed-ugly you'll get some catcalls and probably that's it.
shoe on head, plz
You seem to have two symmetrical moles directly under your eyes. Have them checked.
Nah, i'm just a weeb lol.
Weebs have to walk the fucking plank.
Looks like an angry Hungarian man who just had their sausage stolen.
def. have that checked
You could bedad me.
Sup nerds.
chad gtfo
Socialist weeb is a qt.
I'm not a Chad.
bet u eat raw eggs and then pump stacy up
No I eat eggs fried, and quite rarely. And I've yet to truly have sex.
NSA thread.
Ponyfag detected.
Never even bothered to check out MLP because it just looked too autistic. Is it any good?
HAHA, kill yourself fucking faggot
I'm that tall brown handyman that you pay pennies to repair and install shit and then get annoyed when I try to talk to you
wow you can tell he works just by looking at his pic. What am I doing right now as I type?
You're an immigrant?
I doubt that's you
Nice, I was also a handyman, but in training (before doing construction work). Do you work freelance or on subconctract basis for a firm?
Not an immigrant. Of half Mexican and half Italian ancestry
Unfortunately I work for a company. I tried doing freelance for a year and a half but it was just too difficult to find work and I couldn't afford advertisements.
That's why I completely avoided trying that path altogether. I was also not in a position to even try to go freelance also because I had very little money, and was still indebted quite a bit to college to afford getting a second loan to start freelance.
Hahaha same here.
You look much more Mexican though.
You said he worked, with nothing to go on but his pic, and presenting no evidence. I'm saying you're wasting your psychic talents on things like this.
lol their young so they're wrong xDDD
He's clearly working on a site in that pic. My guess is you're in your jim jams posting way past bed time.
No idea.
Him working is a pretty honest guess looking at the picture he's uploaded and him literally saying what his work is dude. An honest assumption.
You went from college into construction work? I hear the unions here in Chicago pay 40+ an hour journeyman's wage. Better than most jobs you can get with a Bach degree
I have a deep desire to college but now I've just settled with self education
that last pic is funny as fuck, because there is a 99% chance they unironically use that phrase.
Oh shit I better post my real info on an NSA thread so some needledick I've never met doesn't think I'm young, which would mean any arguments I made are automatically invalid. Pic related, it's me fighting in the US CIvil War. 100% not grabbed from image search and not a re-enactment. :^)
Yeah, I got a BA degree in construction architecture and technique.
I don't live in America, but I am a registered member of the largest trade union in my country (The Netherlands). I make roughly 18 euros (~20 USD) an hour, I'm surprised to see a figure like 40 dollars an hour.
If the labour market is similar to how it is here, I do not recommend college. It has been near impossible for me across the years post-grad to find work for my qualifications, and I have been relegated to doing general construction work as opposed to architecture and engineering assistance.
Me on the right
weird hand posture
I'm right beside Bobby in this video
no way! Please tell me this aint true
I would love to be an actual working class man. But I have a disability and can't walk so …
underrated post
kill your self
Jesus man, are you a revolutionary? Are you going to hug your enemies to death?
sup nerds
I can't move half of my right hands finger and not do complicated stuff with my legs so naturally i'm a bit … on the heavier side. Not my own fault.
Without the fat I would look a bit tougher probably. I guess I realy fit into the IT-stereotype as I'm working in IT.
house, just a really fucking small one.
How do I look?
Intelligent. Not too eager to look posh and above hobo level. Not what I'd expect from an edgelord. You could blend in in most environments. Ironically, that logo on your hat is the symbolic representation of a crosshair for some alien races like the Korinians, so that goes against your capability of blending in but unless you plan on leaving the milky way there's no need to throw it out.
I'm shitting right now
you look like someone who is always 'shitting right now'
I look exactly how you'd expect a transhumanist on Holla Forums to look. Pale, ugly, skinny with bags under my eyes, etc
This is literally me
wish we could cuddle…
sometimes feel like I want to hire a prostitute just for that
Are you the anfem thats into rape and domination?
Just get a twink dude, if you need cuddles that badly and aren't picky.
I don't get guys who would pay for the girlfriend experience and not fuck during at least one point during the night. What a waste of money. You will probably feel shitter by the end of it.
i don't know how to get a twink…
that fucking comic
It's pretty good tbh
This thread seems like a shit idea, but fuck it. Here's a meme foto of me
I'm honestly shocked that there are women on this board. r u a trap? most of the women I've run into from chans are traps.
just like any community, we arent invulnerable against cringy autists
kill yourself, OP
go easy on him an fem
he's cute :3
damn, I made this thread to shit on some random memeing stirnerist for being an anarkiddie, but you turned out to be pretty cool guys.
You look alpha as fuck
kek. I'm not but I'm flattered. Maybe gamma
Thats like the pot calling the kettle nigger tbh
plz no kill
oh jesus you're a cutie
i'd go gay 4 u
r-raysis |^(
Cut your hair faggot
why do you guys do this
I mean, it is an anonymous website.
good, comrade
Heck yes Danny
what did he mean by this?
the level of boypussy in this place it too much for me
What is it with leftists being qt
the man on the red motorbike ? c c comrade Pajet is that you ?
Alright I guess
nigga clean your wall and mirror
Can't afford a mexican
Why do all the qt nihilists have beards?
thats what happens when you dont give a fuk
Holla Forums is going to use this thread to poke fun at you morons that have posted themselves.
also attention whoring is fucking lame this isnt instagram or facebook come the fuck on faggots!
fat nigger detected
Tfw i'd fuck everyone on this board, starting with
hell yeah comrad
you can afford some damn window cleaner and a towel
please be gentle
Post kik bb
Yeah but I can't afford a mexican to wield them.
Just have do it for you.
You to
I don't want him to start talking to me..
aus flag? post kik
Like a fucking gnome.
Grill of Holla Forums reporting in. There are a few of us here, but it's definitely male dominated. I think I only ended up here because I tend to fit in with guys better than girls (was a huge tomboy growing up).
Yo, not sure if good idea but fuck it I'm bored.
Sup fams
Ah! What a qt!
How were we suppose to guess your class based on your looks you fucktard.
How's uni?
Eh it's alright I guess. It's cool meeting other leftists but overall I'm still pretty lonely.
I've already forgotten your face
i can understand why you'd want to not be physically restrained but why want to be an "actual working class man"?
are you sure you're not just taking your respect for physical labour a little bit too far?
what a cutie pie
I hope I don't end up regretting this.
nice teeth
Plz be trolling
Did you just walk off the set of the 5th element?
sweetest boy you will ever know and twisted fucking psychopath
I want to rough up your hair.
Are you German? It's funny how many guys have that sort of chin beard here. Seems to be unique here.
are your teeth artifical?
That sounds cool. If you are on the receiving end at least.
are you fellow buzzcut your own head guy?
and I am eating right now …
show me more of your ayy lmao lips please
Professor Oak would like to have a word with you.
hi /fa/
supreme tomboy looks, I really like your hair, I want to wushle it up, also your smile is so honest and friendly
quack quack QUACK
why does your cat have snake eyes, holy shit
also are you the green goblin?
are you an actor in some sort of steampunk/victorian fantasy setting? Because I would like to watch that movie
It's ethnic costume, anons, I was at a baptism. Have you never seen someone wearing traditional clothing?
I could BTFO of you easily.
Lenin body pillow humper is here.
Well, I am German. So yes, I see quite a lot of traditional German-Muslim clothing.
Man, how do you go from this rad-ass shit to Tyrolean caps and lederhosen? It's like German fashion has been on a steep downward decline since the discovery of slashed sleeves and codpieces.
i expect nothing good out of this
Good, solid face. Aesthetically very symmetric, and pleasing. As for sexual attraction, no idea, but from an artistic observation; absolutely nothing wrong with your face. The curves of it flows well, and the contures are proportional.
Ich bin ein Saupreiß!
Svenny Svensker? :DD
Jesus user, tone down the flirting. Just ask him if you can have his dick.
cut hair faggot.
grow a bigger beard and you'll look like a stereotypical union guy
tbh, would fuck the blonde one hard.
grow a bigger beard all he'll look like fucking Marx.
it's gotten bigger since then but I trim every now and then
You look like George Zimmerman
Ah fuck it, why not, bit of an old pic tho.
you really look like him, just with nicer hair
uhm… th-thanks
jc u cool
If I rub your nose, will you give me a pot of gold?
reply to me as well, you faggot viking
eh I'll take it
but i'm not viking at all
also not a faggot, naturally
looking good. Overdone smile makes you look quite unsure of yourself tho, you have no reason to be.
qt twink, would fugg
Not super surprised that a tankie has long hair tbh, otherwise all good. Should I presume you play RPGs?
(Finnish)-Swede, not a drop of untermenchsen mic blood in me.
thx fam, appreciate it.
you are right, svenny, they were all evil rapists and women-haters, even though Germanic culture was one of the most pro-woman, equal and (sort of) proto-socialist cultures in the world.
wew there friend, you gay?
That was actually a screenshot someone took as it was from a video so probably just bad timing. I did think the smile was creepy but I just wanted the cat in.
You're not?
Actually only fan of 2d variant.
Well imagine how an actual gay person might feel if you just post such lewd messages to him.
If you don't want to love guys and at most want to just live out your bi-curiousity and then pump-dump then, you perpetuate the sterotype of gay mental illness by breaking a poor gay user's heart.
my family originates from cossacks and slavs, so no idea what you're ranting about
i don't know any other "tankie" that has long hair, quite the opposite actually
and i prefer tactical shooters
The Rurikovich family and lots of Russians have swedish/viking origins tbh fams, you just assimialted into slavs.
ok, sry, didn't mean to offend.
at least cuddle him afterwards and don't fuck anyone else why are you doing it
now I don't know if you're actually offended or just want to ERP.
Let me tell you one thing bro. One day, I am going to head to /cuteboys/ and make on of them my bitch and cuddletoy.
Oh well. I am already 22, almost 23 and still a vrigin. I dont know how much longer I can last.
Funny enought i was bald for like 4 years before i decided to grow my hair to this lenght! Too me like half a year to go from nothing to full fluff revolution.
Wait, that is actually you?
Posting in a datamining thread. What could go wrong?…
give me your contact details and let's meet up so I can give you a very cuddly hug or I will cut you with my sword.
This board is fucking great m8
I am a libertarian, but this really wants to make fish for some comrade /cuteboy/
I still want to cuddle with you. ;)
I'll show you mine if you show me yours…?
JK, meeting people is scary business.
You don't even know me yet.
You are so pretty, please just give me something.
Here are my nips. What is that going to get me with you?
I'm not going to post a photo
Just imagine your averange bearded fat dude
Think Alan Moore or Brian Blessed
stop it prickly
Were you once part of a /k/ group on an autistic internet polsim game that ended up shilled by its Holla Forums counterpart and split into two warring factions?
Just when you think flagfags couldn't get any lower...
A few giggles, but not much else. You should get those pierced.
Holla Forums - leftist shotacon
Kinda cute
Too bad you got long hair dough
Khmer Rouge pls go
do you want to lay your chest on them, while we cuddle?
Nah. But I am being split into two posters apparently.
Just an average day on lefty/pol/ eh.
Quit impersonating me, dickshit.
I'm not sure what sensations are supposed to be wrought from lying on nipple piercings…!
Post doggo with fat belly you fucking faget.
this guy seems based not gonna lie
Is that prickly?
No. Thats a girl.
LOL, you won't get me pierce my nipples.
Anyway, now that I have posted them bare and naked, maybe you can post something as well.
Like your behinds, fair maid.
I'm a girl you dick.
But no, that's not me.
Prickly please. I know who you are, I am arguably the person on here who knows you the most.
JESUS CHRIST! Just fuck already!!!
They don't even gotta feminine penis.
This is a face thread, not a derriere thread…besides that's something I'd rather keep private if I can…
You'd probably be disappointed anyway.
Not that it matters.
Why do you even have a picture of your nipples in the first place?
Im not into him and I dont live in florida
You'd probably be disappointed anyway.
Not that it matters.
Oh well, maybe later when I get your kik.
Where are you from anyway?
And actually it's funny why I still have this pic saved, because it was actually a girl that requested a guy to post their nipples, do I did it.
Don't have it. It's for degenerates!
DFW, D-town, the Star, the City of Hate, Dallas "fucking" Texas
And you? Hopefully somewhere white :^)
Free the nipple, I guess. Did she return the favour?
Dammit. I'm from Germany.
So unless you are willing to house me …
I think so. I can barely remember.
Deutschland uber alles in der welt!
That's where my blood runs; it's the greatest place!
Hmn. Too bad I don't have the room to spare. Otherwise there'd be many cuddle destinations… no homo
Hmmnpf…wouldn't be fair if she didn't…
well yeah, let's talk about that
At least show me your tummy or at the very least your ears. What do you say?
for what purpose would you make this edit?
5/10 it doesn't quite have the same effect on my all zoomed in
I like to see the more of the hair and head around it.
Because God told me to make it
that doesnt sound healthy
No, it's healthy. A spook would prevent him from fullfilling his egoistic desire to edit that picture.
but a spook is what made them do it!
You've seen enough head and hair, besides it's a mess right meow anyway.
Oh well. Ears are kinda underrated I think.
A harmless kink, but underrated.
I guess so. I've never really heard of such an interest except in comical gags.
Have you had aural sex, huh?
They are nice to look at. You just don't notice it normally, because most ears look fine. I like when they are exposed, rather than hidden by hair and I want to kiss and nibble/lick them.
I don't know what that is, but it's ear related, isn't it? I hope it's not peneration, idk if that is even possible.
No, I am relatively vanilla.
what a qt
hi Holla Forums
aw fuck. I wish i knew you irl. your eyes look so freaking cool btw
Pet play is part of bdsm m8. the shittiest part
hello tor-poster that is obviously not a banned Holla Forumsack
that picture is a piece of art if I've ever seen one.
are u single by any chance?
you interested in changing that? :3
but user, that looks painful D:
But I have some kinks. For example I really like hugging and cuddling.
So how do I interpret that picture?
You want to see my diick out (for purely Harambe-honouring reasons ofc)?
floridafag and upholder of the immortal science of Trotskyism-Stalinism reporting in
maybe :^3
are that your sisters?
desire to pull my dick out for harambe intensifies
you need to go back
Do you wanna exchange throwaways, maybe? This is me btw.
May not look like much, but I have mastered the art of post-post-irony and can namedrop theory like nobody's business.
me back in the day
Oh wait, did you just get all those photos from a thread?
I'm a spic, faggot
I want to lick your cheek.
Spics are practically gooks, beaner.
Sorry for the crappy resolution
you can clearly see gooks stay in the korean peninsula, dumb faggot
It's like you are reaching out to hug me … which gives me a strange feeling in my stomach.
don't take pics from that angle if you have a blowjob face like this
Ah right I was just trying to hold the camera properly without dropping the damn thing.
But i'm all for strange stomach feelings I guess
or do
All of you look like little kids
Fuck, I feel old.
if it makes you feel any better i'm super old and am not posting my pictures because of datamining.
the older leftists are smart enough to know when posting your photo on a radical left communist board is a bad idea
Bro I'm a fucking nobody. why the fuck would the NSA care enough to do something like that?
They're after your water filters, obviously. I think I know 🍀🍀🍀who🍀🍀🍀 might be behind this, don't you?
Actually I posted those photos myself
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
but in all seriousness, this program would likely still exist (assuming it actualy shut down) if not unintentionally outed in the 80's. I can only imagine the fucked up clandestine lists other western agencies are still editing.
Oh well I guess that makes sense. Nobody would go through the trouble of downloading pictures with the original file name.
tfw you'll never have qt leftypol comrade to fight capitalism with…