Post your personal political timelines
Republican > Fascist > Libertarian > Keynesian > Social Democrat > Marxist > Anarcho-Communist
Post your personal political timelines
Republican > Fascist > Libertarian > Keynesian > Social Democrat > Marxist > Anarcho-Communist
SocDem > Socialist
Nothing > Liberal > Lolbert > SocDem > Socialist > Anarchist
Nothing -> Bought the centre-left meme -> SocDem -> Anarcho-gommie
SocDem - Right Libertarian - Anarcho-Capitalism - Mutualism
Liberal > SocDem > Anarkid
Damn I must be boring.
American liberal>soc dem>propertarian>anarchist>Leninist
American here
If anything I'm bothered how well I was kept away from this information, including by a supposed "comrade."
Nothing > Libertarian > Libertarian "socialist" (I never got fully into it) > Libertarian conspiracist > Agorist > Anarcho Individualist
Nothing > Liberal > Socialist > Communist > SocDem > Socialist
Republican > democract > lolbert > libertarian socialist
15: anarkid
16: socdem
19: left libertarian
21: right libertarian
23: socdem
25: FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY gay space communism
Republican > Fedora Humanist Liberal > Apolitical > far right reactionary for a week when I found out a black guy hit on my then gf > apolitical a week later when I found out she wasn't interested in him > closeted B████ fan > Luxemburgist Commie once I read a fucking book.
nothing -> dumbass kid -> weak liberal -> drunk degenerate -> "lefty" MRA -> socdem -> demsoc
How many of you lads were fedora atheist shitters?
Is that just your way of saying "atheist" or do you mean the kind of person who acts like a prick about religion?
The latter
I wasn't. I never was religious and found the whole thing as absurd as Santa Claus, but I never held any particular contempt for organized religion or the typical edgelord stuff.
Yeah, OK. I'm really used to shit like "come pray with us" "Uh… I'm an atheist" "wow you're so edgy, I'm sure you'll grow out of it." Tbh I really understand where the fedora types are coming from.
Democrat > Marxist (though I barely grasped the theory at the time) > Socdem > Apolitical > Nonspecific Socialist > Anarcho-Syndicalist
Looking back, I realize I let influence/pressure from my friends shift my politics towards center for a good while since most of them were some shade of conservative / moderate liberals. A shame too, considering I can think of a lot of things I should have said to them back then rather than idly allowing their runaway train of capitalist ideology to take them.
atheism is sort of the starting ground for me
liberal->left-liberal/'progressive'->left-libertarian (in the burger sense)->social-democrat (nationalize big industry and infrastructure, health care)->Marxist->Marxist-Leninist (uphold Mao too)->Left-Com/Pro-Situ
Dabbling with nihilist anarchy now. Feels pretty ambiguous, man.
Didn't care about politics > Communist > American Liberal > Libertarian > Fascist / Nazi > Read's Stirner & fully becomes an Individualist Anarchist.
It happens. I have been through a lot of them. Possesed by the spooks.
Patriotic kid who could regurgitate moderate opinions to parents and teachers > bitter middle schooler disillusioned with both sides we are presented with in US but think the answer is some kind of radical moderatism > discover folk punk music in high school and start reading Bakunin and Marx, never fully embrace anarchism > find zizek in the end high school and now am going to college for philosophy and am a full of posthegelian shithead
Kid > Dictatorship > Commie > Leninist > all my friends are anarkids, but I cannot give up Leninism even if it's pure ideology.
nothing > liberal > moderate right > fascist > socialist >anarcho-syndicalist > syndicalist
Nothing -> Anarkid/Randroid/whatever was edgy -> ~mid-twenties apathetic liberal/vague socdem~ -> Marxist
SocDem > sargon "freeze peach" socdem > Holla Forums "i want a welfare state but i don't want black people using it" socdem > nazbol > tankie > socialist but i don't know what is the best way to implement it
anarchist > liberal > tea party(for about 1 month til I realized it was bs/co-opted) > libertarian > back to liberal > social democrat > socialist
Good thread idea, it's interesting to see peoples' timelines.
Lmao, so what southern state do you hail from? KY here.
Ok I'll elaborate in a concise way how it happened: I was a kid who didn't knew much: learned about communism in a history class, it was defined as a class less society it sounded too pretty to be true (realized that most "commie" societies got corrupted, annexed or were not really for communism just actually red facism.
USA Liberalism because I watched a lot of liberal youtubes such as the Amazing Atheist, basically became more "Americanized".
Libertarian due to Bioshock & Ann's Rand objectivity, basically they make themselves seem like high class refined liberals, "better than thou", more individualist, in control of their own destiny, truly free, etc.
Fascism due to Holla Forums & World War 2 fanboyism at the time, I loved how Nazi Germany looked, I still think it's nice from an artistic point of view, but they are extremely dumb shit cunts. Super huge idiotic memers "the alt-right" comes into mind too.
I wanted to find my own way. I wanted to be more myself. I started reading Nietzsche.
Learned about Max Stirner browsing half-chan /fa/ just spontaneously, searched for him saw the original content made about him & his views, got really interested because thats what I was seeking. Downloaded The Ego & It's Own.pdf
Loved it.
ayyyye lmao
I'm from south america nigga
So, very south then I guess :^)
Progressive -> Socialist
Also online socialist communities have made me warm up a bit to Marxism-Leninism and Stalin. Still not an ML but I don't view them as harshly as I did before.
Ironically getting a job was one of the things that greatly radicalized me. :^)
unaligned>conspiracy nut>titoist>utopian socialist, thought that if workers just put on a general strike the capitalists would surrender the state>''''Leninist"">Read more than two books, and started puting literature to practice=ML.
my timeline is laughable
socdem>conservative>technocrat almost fascist>liberal> communist> anarcho-communist> tankie>technocrat-fascist> libertarian-ancap> communist>syndicalist> im turning to anarchosyndicalism-collectivism-mutualism now
You went for a full ideology tour right there matey.
Obama fan > Weird authoritarian centrist liberal > SJW > B████ social democrat > market socialist > "libertarian socialist" > Luxemburgist > no-tendency Marxist
Librul > Proto-Ancap (I didn't understand anarchism at the time) > Parecon Anarchist > Anarcho-communism > democratic confederalist > Marxian anarchist
is it even possible?
also does being a conspiracy nut- hippy woo believer count as political position?
It does.
I was a liberal but I liked the government
For a while I toyed with "progrssive fascism", basically an authoritarian social democracy run by educated bureaucrats instead of politicians
I realized nationality was a spook and made a 5-year transition toward Marxist Leninism, but I'm still slightly skeptical that full communism is a desirable goal
I agree with the Marxist conception of history, as well as the idea that the dissolution of the state is a gradual process (but needs to be done with absolute grassroots direct democracy and perhaps federalism). However, I also agree with the anarchist idea of the dissolution of all unjust hierarchy. I guess you could also call me a libertarian Marxist.
I wonder how many people gravitate towards anarcho-communism, just because it sounds the coolest of all ideologies
wew lad
As an ancom, Marxist sounds cooler. Makes liberals & conservatives scared
o yeah class is awesome amirite
We warned you about the "gradual" process to dissolute the state mate, but libertarian Marxist sounds about right.
12-15: Barack Obama is a god on earth
16: Respecting the rights of nonbinary trans gray-asexual people is the biggest human rights issue of our time
17: Drones are bad too I guess
18: Capitalism is great because it empowers women and black people
19: Haha yeah I'm a socialist I love bridges and free college
20: dude tito lmao
21: Leninist
I don't like the idea of statelessness
I don't think a stateless society can properly deal with crisis
90% of yugos transitioning to communism go trough that phase.
Socdem > Fascist > Lolbert > Anarcho-communist > Leninist > Council communist.
Communist > Fascist > Nationalist > Not Socialist > Progressive > Syndicalist > Right Libertarian > Left Libertarian > Moderate Libertarian > Progressive > Anarcho-Colectivist > Anarchist > Capitalist > Mutualist > Marxist > Social Democrat > Anarcho-Capitalist > Anarcho-Fascist > Conservative > Liberal > Mutualist > Marxist-Leninist > Nothing > Traditionalist > Statist > Democratic Socialist > Retarded
I just think that anarchism, when historically implemented, created a state without actually calling it that. Obviously, any state that could evolve into communism would have to be directly answerable to the people and have anarchic organization. I just think a state is necessary to put down revolution and prevent destruction by capitalists. However, if we're able to directly abolish the state and capitalism without an intermediary period of a people's state, that would be preferable. It is for this reason that I would prefer an anarchist revolution to a Marxist revolution, as if the anarchists are unable to abolish the state it will become the state that I advocate for until we are finally able to cast of the shackles of the state.
Conservative > Libertarian > National capitalism/protectionism > ????
Are you me?
Only a truly enlightened retard can understand tbh
american liberal>democratic socialist>market socialist
also went into a dip into sorta just anti-SJW territory during gaber gate.
ctrl+f "ideology"
For about a day I was concerned that sneaky commies were undermining the fabric of society. Thankfully critical thought got the better of me.
libertarian > nihilist > angry cat
Liberal -> Centerist Libertarian -> Liberal -> Idpol Socialist -> Marxist-Leninist Maoist -> Trotskyist -> Anarchist
I'm a special snowflake
I never really bought the fact that SJW=marxists or even leftists broadly. I mostly associated it with feminism and still do to a certain extent although I don't care nearly as much.
literally nothing but trash
socdem > Nazi > classical liberal > pan-africanist > anarcho prim > labour zionist > falangist > orleanist > commie
Progressive -> Socdem -> Marxist -> Marxist-Hegelian -> Foucauldian
Wow you've really let yourself go Yui
how do you even function as a human being?
If I may ask, what's wrong there?
Foucalt barely even has a positive ideology, you've reduced yourself to memes at this point.
Most of what I've wanted and been aiming for has never really changed. The only things that have really happened was coming to realize more about the world and how it works, and what is and isn't on the path to that.
this could pretty much sum up the thread
I think it's time for me to stop coming here
just know we always loved you user
"Uphold Marxism-Hegelism Foucault Thought!"
But really I've been reading The Essential Foucault by New Press which is just interviews and excerpts. I can't really pin what Foucauldian means?
"anarchist" > [receive private property shilling] > liberal > libertarian > ancap >[I finally understand private property]> ancom
Epic memes kiddo
I would hope that's the case, considering ideology is one of the conceptual scheme he was trying to avoid using.
It does sound silly from a naming point of view, but it essentially delineates a utilization of Foucault's leftist perspective and analysis of truth production, power structures and the formation of the subject.
My point is that he's just a critique, he doesn't actually stand for anything.
Amerilard conservative > Libertarian > Social democrat > ML > Anarchist > Leftcom
I mean most of what I had in mind was already there to start with. My journey has mostly made me realize just how powerful it is to control words. I've always been concerned with making sure that everyone had enough to be sufficiently satisfied and realized fairly early on that you can't eat ideas and platitudes about how much you love your country don't keep you warm on a cold night. But it was so hard to organize my own ideas without the proper conceptual structures and language to describe it.
Democrap > Libtard > Marxist-Leninist
4/pol/ > 8/pol/ > Holla Forums
I still sometimes visit 4pol but I hate 8pol :(
You will go far, lad.
You've gone farther than I have. I'm still in the infancy of theory, learning in general.. Typical Murican.
I'm thankful to this board.
Pls keep spreading this. America is so classcucked & uneducated. Makes me sad. Visiting this board made me realize how uneducated I am/was. More people need to realize this, too.
Everyone who went through more than three phases is a retard and should kill themselves.
this, hail taytay!
So… Queer Anarchy/post anarchism? Have you tried to actually look into movements of leftists or post leftists who take alot of inspiration of dr.evil?
Don't be too hard to them. They will mostly be late-teens/early-20s kids who will consider every time they read a new thing and thought it was interesting as a wholesale change of political position.
Everyone who is a bit older and still politically engaged probably remembers doing this.
Literal fascist thinking
Though I might be an autistic 19 year old I've read plenty of political literature, I've found that as I've read Marx there is plenty to disagree with and I find myself only going along with half his point. Rousseau remains my favorite political theorist, next to Machiavelli and Stirner. Marx I appreciate more for his insight into modern day economics as well as historical political economy.
But I've also read Locke, Hobbes, Burke, Hayek, Wollstonecraft and Mill. I didn't really like any of them, although Burke, Wollsotnecraft and Mill made a handful of good points. I've been skeptical of capitalism and idpol from a very young age and since I grew up knowing a lot of people who worked in government I couldn't really blame it for all of society's problems.
If they were the smart they wouldn't hopping from one ideological bandwagon to the next. They'd be able to read about different ideas without marking it on their timeline as a shift in identity.
ok buzzkillington
Foucault is pretty based but.
Oh I see, it would be interesting to see where you go with that.
Nothing > liberal > progressive > conservative > moderate > edgy alt-right > white nationalist > Evolist
is that even a thing? lol
Apathy - optimistic communist - pessimistuc communist
You can namedrop like a stoned polsci student, so that's something at least.
Yeah that's pretty much all I got. That, and my cutting irony.
I have to finish an essay on Mill tonight. And it's two in the morning
You also forgot the pic
Christ, that gif is terrifying
Atheist > Confucianist > Spinozist > Buddhist > Humanist > Tranny > Rousseauian > Pessimist
I actually mean (h+), what merits the determination of "posthuman" beings
yeah but what do you really mean by that? that you tried to change your gender or what? or thought it wasn't real?
It means that I dream of conquering the world with a cyborgpussy.
It's like that one shitty episode of Torchwood
Which one is that (all the episodes are shitty)?
Ausfag here
Never really had a political interest. Was a basically a centrist liberal SJW (of the "i'm about equality not feminism" variety) but was acutely aware something was off becuase of all the obvious contradictions in our media discussions (even though 14 year old me supported the war in Iraq because muh weapons)
Was always anti-nationalist and I still see that as the major barrier for
Met Trotskyists at university and had a full on autism attack. Didn't even need capitalist memes as I seemed to come up with muh garrilion, muh failed states etc. all on my own. It didn't help I didn't know or understand any theory and everyone at university was either too smart or too stupid to explain to me.
But unlike all other political groups they cut through all the shit and told it like it was, and made the communist world-view more and more plausible
Over time the internal contradictions of these memes, the trotykists appeal to subjects that I enjoyed such as gay rights and anti-fascism, a growing dislike for many of the political positions I used to hold, plus a tiny bit more reading into how the world is atm, turn me into a socialist.
I need to read more theory to figure what I am though as I still struggle with the anarcho/socialist divide although i'm 23 now and I give less and less of a fuck about myself and my surroundings everyday. So I guess i'm politically neutral atm and the overwhelming autism is directed towards rightists on the internet.
It's literally called Cyberwoman. and there's like 8 good episodes
Usually I don't trust anything that runs on the Big Black Cock network. Those sassenach have a cliche taste for drama!
Right wing liberal > left wing liberal/socdem > confused anarchist > mutualist anarchist > anarchist.
Liberal > Flavor of the month socialist > communist
Jesus Christ dude, what was going on there?
Nothing > Social democrat > Nondescript Socialist > Trotskyist
Was it SAlt?
I'm just gonna upload my whole political story.
This is when things begin to change
That should be a more common answer tbh
republican (cause parents) > flimsy uneducated center left > flimsy uneducated bert > socdem > syndicalist > mutualist
naive commie at 12>classical liberal>socdem>finally read a book>marxist>read some more>ancom>mutualist
- > Kid.
- > “I challenge you to a debate” cringe fedora atheist (I actually wore a fedora and asked random Christians to debate me).
- > Grew out of it and became a bit of a socdem.
- > Learnt about communism at school and I really liked the democratic ideas of Luxemburg as it sounded far better than socdem stuff.
- > Became sort of like a centre-left minarchist for a long time.
- > Around this time I watch LSR and once I understood about worker control over the means of production I became an anarcho-mutalist then an anarcho-syndacalist.
- > Just over a year ago I found Leftypol.
Since then I have really influenced my family politically despite already having a history of being quite left leaning. For example my grandfather was a Corbyn old labour type who went to protest (violently) at G8 summits in his 60s despite having a heart condition. Everyone in my close family are now either open anarchists or left-wing. Most of my family are even quite supportive of me going to Rojava to fight once I finish my job and have enough money saved up.
Libertarian Socialist from birth
wow he really is santa claus
Marxist-Leninist by birth > Anarchist during teens > Marxist-Leninist
Market Socialist > Marxist-Leninist > NazBol
This thread would've been even more interesting if we'd added where we're from, accompanying the timelines.
As a child I was a Greenie/Environmentalist
Center-right throughout my teens to be contrarian.
Edgy Paultard Lolbertarian throughout my late teens to early 20s to be an even more edgy contrarian.
Because of events at work I finally woke the fuck up about the realities of the real world and inequality and how everyone above you will fuck you to get their own.
Became a Marxist-Leninist.
Centralism and my experiences with bureaucracy in general didn't sit with me well, so I became an Anarchist.
Realized that 90% of Anarchists are idealists who have no idea how much work and organization actually goes into day to day society.
Where I am now:
I'm a Socialist who believes that we need a Socialist representative democracy that gives the illusion of "choice" but like modern Capitalist representative democracy, the only choice is between varying degrees of Socialism.
Nothing > beginning to learn about economics as a child > proto-marxist at age 10 > anarchist-withnoadjective at ag 13-16 > leftypol > marxist > market socialist for a little while > marxist with a boner for computers and computerfied economic systems
I will never understand the endless urban sprawl/rural fetish that Holla Forums has.
As someone who lived in a rural area, then moved to suburbia, both fucking utterly suck ass to live in. Especially Suburbia.
Yeah, so much fun to have to drive everywhere and waste tens of thousands of dollars a year on fuel! So much fun having literally fucking nothing to do within 40km of your house except visit a indoor shopping mall.
Fuck me dead I will never understand the love of Suburbia, seemingly most of the population have.
Liberal>SocDem>Fascist>Marxist>Nothing/Ruling class sympathizes
started hanging out with some leftists at Campus.
Started reading some classics from the ML canon.
Started to read some works outside Lenin, Stalin, Mao after finding out leftcoms existed. Such as the French Ultra-left, Situationists, Autonomism, and got up to date with modern interpretations of Marx theory and realized how fucking outdated "Leninist" interpretations are.
Today I guess most would call me a leftcom, but I don't use the term personally. After all, my opposition towards Leninism is that it's historical analysis is no longer applicable, and that it's foundation: Orthodox Marxism, simply no longer holds with Grundrisse entering the scene.
Howard please, you disappoint me.
Suburbia still has this anachronistic idyll attached to it of being quiet and neat and safe and white, so I imagine the source of it for your average polyp is just an extension of "things used to be great before the fucking niggers/kikes/liberal-communists/feminists ruined everything!"
It gives people an out so they don't have to criticize the system. "No, things weren't always broken! It's just got ruined because THE OTHER showed up!"
MLM by the way
Socdem > Glorious hero of the proletariat
I'll add that next time in a few weeks
i went obama > B████ > marx
Anarkid > Anarcho-communist > Stalinian > Trotskist > Libertarian Municipalist
Conservative->Marxist-Leninist->Anti-Stalinist Leninist->Non-communist Marxist
Marxian economics and so on. Wolff, for example.
Unavoidable transition from "Anti-Stalinist Leninist", if you ask me.
Social democrat > Trotskyist > Stalinist > Maoist > Maoist Third Worldist
When people go through many transformations like this, particularly when they're young, it's because these transformations tend to have little studying behind them, and usually reflect someone trying to fit in within different groups and changing their ideas accordingly, like they'd change clothes for a specific event.
And this is why people shouldn't brag about it, with this "oh I'm past this" tone many of you have, because if you really thought you belonged to a certain school of thought for six months and then changed your mind, that school of thought isn't wrong, you are.
Let's pick OP for example. He thinks he was a "Keynesian", which is interesting because he's mostly naming political philosophies, which Keynesianism isn't, and not economic schools. As far as I know, you can be a Keynesian in the GOP, you can be a Fascist Keynesian, you can be a Social Democratic Keynesian and you can be a Marxist Keynesian. If I were to take a guess, I'd say that OP has never read any literature on Keynes. The same thing goes for Marxism, and I'd love to hear about you "evolving" from being a Marxist to an ancom. For the rest of you, I'm 100% sure that of the people here who talk about their cringe atheist or cringe libertarian phase, a remarkable amount doesn't even properly understand Evolution or Austrian economics.
This is a huge problem, because it shows how ready people are to pick up a flag without knowing anything but slogans. If this is how you joined, it's also how you'll leave, and I'm sure many of you will be, five or ten years down the road, talking about how you've grown out of Marxism and Socialism.
Glad you found a way to feel superior to everyone here.
(American) libertarian, anarchist, anarcho-communist, Marxist-Leninist.
Classical liberalism > Liberalism > Social democracy > Democratic socialism > Anarcho-communism > Specifist anarchism / "Luxemburgism" > Left communism
Not really. Bordigists could be described as anti-Stalinist Leninist, for example.
Borderline Fascist > Moderate Conservative > Liberal > Soc-Dem > Market Socialist > Marxist-Leninist
Looks like we're still contrarian.
The free market is one hell of a fetish.
Progressive feminist and proud liberal (I practically worshipped Steven Colbert and FDR> MRA, center-left liberal but less sure on economics > (this bit from here on only happened a couple months ago) Socdem > Anarcho-communist> somwhere between Anarchist and libertarian marxist
tankies scare a shit ton of people away from the left tbh. it's kinda sad
You started off accurate but then went off the rails. Yes for most people here they were uninformed on politics when they first started taking political positions, then became more informed and their position moved as they did so. For example for me I became more open to leftism once I realized that didn't just mean more gubberment, realized the "human nature" argument is trash, and not everyone on the left was a tankie, and that's when I started reading a lot more.
I hope people here are not using this thread to brag but I don't necessarily they are. That being said the vast majority of the general public does not put much effort into learning about politics so I would say the fact that people here have been through a lot of positions is a good sign. Most people I've met irl's idea of being politically aware is watching a couple youtube videos that agree with their ideology and tuning into CNN every once in a while.
Also economic position does have a lot to do with politics tbh.
Stop memeing, he may not directly advocate revolution in the immediate future but hes still a communist.
Nationalist>socialist>egoist nihilism
conservative -> liberal -> anarcho-communist -> flag
I can only stomach religion on a local level familia
socdem by upbringing
center-left/liberal for genuinely experimental and then contrarian reasons
back to socdem with internationalism/cosmopolitanism undertones
market socialist after college
recently intersectional proletarian radfem egalitarian globalist market socialist (cultural stances added because I want to abolish class/race/gender and not muddle around convincing people that they should feel bad about being class/race/genderist or gladhand them when they aren't, which I would always have to do if I had a base/superstructure model composed of one but not the others)
My views from come about working in the real world.
The ideal that everyone would want to be involved in politics all the time is absurd and only appeals to us, because we like politics. Most people can barely stand a 1 month election cycle, what makes people think they can stand politics on every issue 7 days a week? Most people want Politics done elsewhere, by people trained in "politics" so they themselves can live their own lives without worrying about society and political issues.
Being politically active as a job is full time, it's more than full time actually, most politicians work 6 days a week, 12 hour days also, most politics is incredibly boring, very technical lawyer shit. How is your average person supposed to have a clue on 99% of shit Government votes on? Freight limits, animal pest management, national parks funding etc etc, very technical laws? They simply can't. Direct democracy on anything other than simple tent-poll issues is a pipe dream.
I've learned this in local politics. Most people are very localist and only care about what they get now from the Government. "Oh, on the other side of the city, they are going to get a new hospital, why aren't we getting a new hospital down here? Our hospital is a whole 15 years old! why is all the development going to these new areas on the other side of the city? Why do they need a hospital anyway? My road which was retarred 6 months ago needs to be retarred again, I felt a bump while driving! Can their hospital, retar our roads! I would never use that hospital anyway, it's on the other side of the city!"
This is literally 95% of all conversations, local hall meetings etc on local politics. If you ever want to lose faith in the general public, go to these things. People will actively sabotage, their own cities growth, for the most petty local issues and NIMBYism.
Despite people hating politics and wishing that they never had to think about it ever, people do want an illusion of choice. People in general want to be ruled by a benevolent dictatorship essentially if it meant never having to think about politics, but at the same time, people would be up in arms and whinge about lack of choice if they didn't have their 2 party system. Thus a future society will most likely have to have multiple parties. For me, this means, making the flip for "Social Democracy" to work within a Socialist system. Where in our Capitalist society, every political party is a varying degree of Capitalist, in a Socialist society, every party will be a varying degree of Socialist.
Also yes yes, representative democracy, an "oxymoron", but it's the only system I believe that has any real chance of actually working on the sheer level alone of work load that goes into Governing. A representative minister surrounded by experts in their field, is going to most likely make better choices, than a mob of uninformed masses.
Dude, the market is cancer.
I know, I am cancer (ツ)
I've got to respect that you have real life experience and good observations (unlike some edgelords here), tho I don't agree with your non-communist conclusions.
No, I am!
a-are you t-the market?
Fuck, thats some heavy shit.
I think Tito
is real neato
if u think I'm carcinoma
u can just go home-a
Apolitical > Classic liberalism > Socialism
Clueless child (but anticapitalist) > Tankie > Anprim > Socdem > Libertarian for about a day > Socdem > Anarcho-Syndicalist > Socialist
Yugoslav flag?
Sounds like you still have a lot of Liberalism in you son.
Apolitical -> Lolbert -> Alt-right -> Market Socialist -> Anarcho-Egoist
Apparently extra chromosomes can be removed now
liberal > ironic fascist >>>books>>> marxist
Fascists recognise that the system is fucked up. They just have no idea why. Show them why, and watch the wheels begin to spin in their heads.
How can you believe in nothing if you believe in yourself?
Thing is that their concept of "fucked up" is entirely arbitrary so different people go fascist for different reasons. It's why like 20% of Holla Forums is still only in it for the shitposting
Keynesian>lolbert>edgy teenage anarchist>Soviet apologist tankie>leftcom
I finished my lolbert phase when I was 14 though.
He does not believe in himself. He believes in me who believes in him.
It is not as fucked up as it looks at first glance. They rail on about immaterial nonsense, but their actual fears are real economic concerns. Their families are not economically viable. Their wages are in a perpetual death spiral. They have no ability to change their realities. They feel insecure, because they are unable to meet their own standards as providers. They blame outsiders, because they see outsiders as having the ability to affect their world. They rally around silly shit like nationality, race, and identity, because those illusions offer easy answers.
Just show them how things actually work. Reality is physical, tangible, and apparent. It is impossible to mistake with even a basic analysis. Once they are able to make sense of what they are seeing, their former spooks will no longer hold power over them.
You know there are anarchist answers to exactly this problem right? Liquid democracy is the advantages of representative "democracy" in that a lot of political decisions are handled by effectively specialists without ever actually abandoning the direct democracy system.
This is literally 95% of all conversations, local hall meetings etc on local politics. If you ever want to lose faith in the general public, go to these things. People will actively sabotage, their own cities growth, for the most petty local issues and NIMBYism.
I've been to a few and often as not people seemed genuinely concerned with what was happening not only locally but within their wider area. There's still answers for this, and I honestly think that a fair bit of the shortsightedness is due in no small part to how much people are told to focus only on their own miserable little existences. Even if that's not the case then there are yet more answers which I can go into in another thread.
left of center Liberal>SocDem>LeftCom>Trot>LeftCom>Trot>LeftCom>Trot>LeftCom etc.
I'm probably in between left com and Leninism. I don't think the revolution will just spontaneously happen, but I think Leninism has certain elitist tendencies that annoy me. Lenin was kind of an autist tbh (opportunists get out REEEEEEEEEE etc.)
OP's next step is Not Socialist, and I'm sure he was never a Fascist at all but rather just liked Mussolini's eagle or some shit
don't bully mutualism
I honestly can't tell if it's a parody or not
You're seeing the present and concluding it will always be this way. It's the same kind of thinking that makes capitalism seem invincible. No surprise that your socialist government is basically capitalism inverted.
You don't know people in general. You know people in particular. If your experience amounts to hearing a minority of narcissists whining in local meetings, while the vast majority don't even bother to vote, let alone attend those meetings, perhaps your conclusions are premature.
Liberal > right-winger> socdem > anarcho-communist> now i just say i am a left-winger
confused > confused > confused > confused > confused
I think you mean
Monarcho-mutualism is the red pill
yes, yes I do
American Liberal -> Whatever halfchan Holla Forums believes (swaying between fascism, lolbertism, basically whatever made the "libtards" at my school and my parents mad) -> Trumpenprole -> vaguely leftist
Socially liberal socdem > actually reactionary socdem > actually reactionary market socialist
Praise jesus :DDDDDD
KEK that filter
I'm caught ladsss
What the ding ding diddly heck is being filtered there?
Hegelian marxist pleb > Anti dialectical communist
Heterodox republican→social democrats→anarchist-→utopian/philosophical socialist→Leftcom→orthodox Marxist
Marx+Lenin, but not Marxist-Leninist. Have tried to give Mao a chance but lots of his shit is cringey.
What do you mean by Orthodox Marxist? What are your thoughts on Stalin?
But Trump wasn't even a politician before this year. Are you sixteen or something?
Well, he said "not Marxist-Leninist" which is tankie for "Stalinist," so I would suspect that he disapproves oc Stalin.
I've heard the opposite - that Luxembourgism is orthodox Marxism.
kautskyism > maoism > trotskyism > national trotskyism > genderqueer maoism
It is Aosora's work.
I feel like I will be heading the Lenin route soon…
stop.. I remember you posted that image to me in that stories thread. it's so hot and I don't want to have those thoughts here…
Marrying an idea? Literally Hitler.
I do what I want.
Liberal>lolbert>Liberal>Marxist>Socdem(after B████ euphoria)>Ancommie/Communalist
Out of personal curiousity, how would you describe the liberal -> lolbert -> liberal transition in retrospect?
social democrat > commie
Raised by parents in the Danish communist party -> Frankie (I was 10 years old) -> social democrat -> communist -> an-com
Fascist>Liberal>Anarchist>Trash can of ideology.
Right-wing liberal -> Libertarian -> Social liberalism (a bit Obama-like) -> Social democrat -> Anarchist (after discovering Chomsky and the like) -> Pragmatic Marxist (after reading more Marxist theory)
socdem -> anarcho -> weird stage of confusion, marixt/antigerman -> leftcom marxist
broad radical/antiestablishment/noncomformist → libsoc → broad anarchist → insurrectionist/antidemocratic leftist/antiidentitarian/communist
my views are basically as they were when i was 12. only the tactics and methods i advocate are slightly different
Close. I'm haunted by spooks
Arabian pan-nationalist -> Egalitarian Islamofascist -> Islamic communist -> Democratic communist->Machiavellian revolutionary
I lost faith in everything even my own ideology
it feels liberating tbh
democrat>leninist>social democrat>libertarain socialist
i fucking love kropotkin
Republican > Fascist > Centrist > Liberal > Socialist > Marxist > Titoist
South Park Libertarian > SJW > Socialist > ?
ML > Bordigism > National Bordigism
SocDem > Fascist > Post-Fascism neo-accecolarist communist
Anarchist > Anarchist > Anarchist > Anarchist
Dad gave me a militaristic upbringing, mum a parochial one.
Ended up an an-com, lel
Centre-Right (European) > Fascist-ish > small government lolbert > confused? but left leaning again.
Feels good.
republican → liberal → anarchist → ML → socdem
Nothing > Fascist > Social Democrat > Anarkiddy > Tankie > Trot
Edgy teenage right wing libertarian>normie liberal (after i had move out)>anarkid once i realized that private property is a figment of ones imagination. A 'spook' if you will
actually reactionary
Pic Unrelated BUT… Mine's long af.
The common tie I see here is that most of the respondents are conservative romanticists without realizing it, since they view most of their shared experiences with a socialist lens that others have given to them. They read Marx and listen to expert Marxists but never challenge the supposedly a priori assumptions that impregnate socialist/progressive talking points, such as "class consciousness."
They kind of skirt around getting away from Marx with their anarchism, then realize that anarchism doesn't work. They go back to what they know, whom they know, where they've gone and what they're invested in like an addict relapsing to an addiction. They must make quantum leaps and completely devour new lines of thought to an authority's ultimate conclusion rather than piecing together their own thoughts into something charmingly unique.
Every book they pick up must beat up on "capitalism," because their friends at the university/labor union have haunted their minds with the spook of anti-capitalism. The word "capitalism" is, of course, never defined in a dispassionate way. Shivers are sent down their capital-phobic spines.
This is an all new level of bait.
Indoctrinated lefty > Republican
American liberal > center libertarian > libertarian socialist
Liberal > SocDem > DemSoc > LeftCom > Council Communist who tends to identify as a general marxist
Neoliberal pale-faced sensitive angry-birds playing 9gag-browsing Protestant and Nickelback fan (last week) -> Hoxhaist atheist fighting game community rapping communist gangster darknet CIA nigger COMPUTER GOD installing fake stars in the sky
How about obscurantist pomo fagot.
libfag > conservative retardist liberal > keynesian social democrat > democratic socialis here
AnCap > SocDem > Trot > Autonomist > Leftcom
Liberal>YouTube Atheist Neckbeard MRA>"hey socialism is prety c00l on paper guise!">Liberal>SocDem>AnCom
Nationalist>Nazi>Commie>Nazi>Green Left>Libertarian>Soc Dem>Tr*t>Commie
centrist-ancap-anarcho monarchist
Liberal > Fascist > Neo-reactionary (cringe) > Disillusioned/Apolitical > "Market Socialist" > Stalinist > Trot > Leftcom
Edgy anarchism > Liberal > SocDem >Libertarian Socialism
apolitical>anarcho communist>apolitical>National Bolsheviek/Strasserite/4th political theory>post left anarchist/egoist communist>somewhere between a edgy Blanquist and a libertarian communist against work.
Liberal > Communist > Socialist > Fascist > Christian Democrat > Reactionary/Monarchist
I'm like the reverse of everyone here except I'm not a Capitalist.
user why?
Because Monarchy/Aristocracy is the noblest form of government, and the only one concerned with justice.
What the fuck is a neo-reactionary? Is it any different from fascism?
centre-left > fascist > socdem > communist with a tint of egoism and transhumanism
Nothing > Capitalist > Anarchist/An-Cap > Somewhat Fascist > Left-Leaning/Communist
I'd rather not delve into that, comrade.
My guess is that his Nazi logic made him think that blacks were superior to whites.
Liberalism > Social democracy > Democratic socialism > Democratic Confederalism
nothing - edgy atheist - liberal - socdem - marxist-leninist - maoist - maoist thirdworldist - liberal - anarcho-something
i just dont want to work :^(
Dork enlightenment clowns. Basically a blend of fascism and randroid bullshit. In addition to the usual fascist nonsense they want the state to be by a publicly traded joint stock corporation.
Liberal > fascist > libertarian > marxist > anarchist
Keked so much.
Good job user. You're a meme.
Ah, so they're literal retards.
Republican > Libertarian > Anarcho-Capitalist > Individualist Anarchist > Mutualist > Anarcho-Syndicalist > Anarcho-Communist > Marxist