Geert Wilders lost

Geert Wilders lost
Can the Netherlands be saved? What about France? It's between Fillon and a socialist.

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end the EU, can't be saved when EU still exists.
same with US republic - third position or death.

Le Pen has a much better shot than Wilders ever did. She's much more likable, has a party with fairly broad support, and a voting system that would encourage people from any party to vote for her in the second round if they're particularly upset with the EU and don't like the other semi-finalist.

no. dutch genes can be saved, but the country has clearly had it.

Geert is a crazy jew shill, even by the standards created by the kosher nationalist fronts Mossad has erected across the West.

There were no good candidates in this fight, honestly.

Lost like tears in rain.

y save the genes of a people that cucked themselves to death?

We never wanted this. The EU forced it.

This tbh
Geert was merely the least worst candidate since the other candidates didn't seem so keen on removing kebab

Also in 5 days the end result is in.

pick one


dutch, but fucking this.
i sure a fuck know i will leave this shitstain of a sweden 2.0 when my study is finished. let rome burn down, as they've become decadent.

the problem with him is his superb ability to make the discussion completely ridicilous. at this point in time i'm genuinely considering that he is just there to shut down any meaningfull conversations concerning immigration and cultural heritage.

From the forthcoming flood due to dyke breach caused probably by Muslims exploding themselves? No.

Le Pen can definitely win, even my lib relatives think she can

Why save anything if you're going to accept that logic. It's not about their genetics, they were forced to do this by the EU and mindsets =/= genes. You're probably a kike too.

GAME TIME you goys
While Sweden is still top YES…
Who will be the most Sweden 2.0 this year? Will Sweden keep it's top spot?

My current candidates:
Now, Netherlands.

would also love for some anons to tell me how bad it is currently over there in the Netherlands, the poz, how bad is it?

I'm voting for leafs tbh

It can be saved by RAHOWA, but not by democratic elections.

A Vatican-Roman "Catholic" not doing politically well in a Protestant-Christian country is not a bad thing, lad. They should have selected better to begin with.

Hitler lost all through the 1920's
What is going to occur in the EU in the next 10 years is going to be horrific for them. Were the EU to collapse tomorrow that does not improve or change the fact that the Islamic battle for Europe is underway and it is not magically going away.
The only difference today is this policy of non-violent Islamic invasion.
The die is cast and it's not going to end well for Africa or Islam.

when our own 'right' wing parties say they are going to be "the most progressive" coalition to have formed, you know Netherlands is fucked beyond a saving point.
there is nothing to be saved here.

Victory has defeated you. Learn from the Islamic State and WW2. Too many enemies taken on at once. Arrogance. Ideology getting in the way of tactics.

He's a kike.

Probably Canada.

t. Canadian

Thing is, it's not that bad in the Netherlands, which is why Wilders is not appealing as much as in France or America where spics and muds are running wild.
We havn't had an islamic attack since 2004, and that was one guy getting knifed.
Sure, we've got mud criminals, but with a rich government that employs a fuckton of police and set up a fairly effective surveillance state, they have a decent grasp on the problem.
No scandals like Rotherham, and for a lot of people, the guy who got elected is considered enough because he runs on a law and order platform.

One big muslim attack and people will start waking up.

Stop embracing the fucking MSM narrative OP.

That we know about.
I'm 100% positive that scandals like these are happening in every country with a significant muslim population and just like in Rotherham the government covers it up.

I'm not really surprised, Holla Forums was never going to channel the necessary memetic energy in order to get an actual kike elected.

He's an Indonesian micschling. Shills didn't want him elected, they were thrilled with the status quo. Glad you bought into the "let's shoot ourselves in the foot and continue flooding the country with mudshits because the guy had a kike in his ancestry" meme.

I never saw any jewish heads on pikes out there. You never tried to fight back. Fight back right goddamn now. There's not much time left.

Well I hope you faggots are happy, you called Wilders a kike but now a male version of Merkel has won the elections yet again, at least Wilders would have fixed some of our issues.

Well the man is clearly part Asian.

Unfortunately VVD+D66+CDA+CU/50P will likely get them there.
That's a fairly conservative coalition but none of them are outspoken anti-eu.

Don't underestimate how cucked the anglo is when it comes to law enforcement.
Using ethnicity and race in descriptions of criminals is still normal here, we did have some big scandals with priests raping kids, but that doesn't do much for populism obviously.

Thing is, the only reason to cover these things up for muslims is if there's socialists in power (like Labour) who's entire platform revolves around it, and then when a more right wing government takes power (Cameron) that shit get's out.
We've had right wing and christian center right coalition for 15 years or so now, they're not anti-islam like Wilders, but they're not particularly fond of it either.

Wilders was never going to win this election and become PM. The Dutch system itself prevents this. Just as you become President of the United States by winning a majority of votes in Florida and Ohio, you become the Dutch PM by spouting commerce-friendly Jewspeak until the other party heads agree to give you the job.

In order to get the job, Wilders would have had to win an absolute majority. That has never happened in the 99 years the Dutch have had this government. All of the other PMs got the gig as the heads of coalition governments. Their party may have been the largest, but they would have needed an impossible 51 percent of the vote (out of like 12 parties) to just take over.

In this case, the other party heads had already announced that, whatever the election results, they would form a coalition against Wilders, so the only way for him to win would have been to sweep independents on a literally unheard-of level.

What worries me is that Wilders must have known that. So, what was his game? More seats in the parliament? More jewgold from the folks on his mailing list? Judging the next European Idol?

With a Jew, who ever knows?

I hope the Jew haters are happy. They got what they want.
The one guy that had a chance to alter mainland Europe is out. And now there is nobody to stop the Islamic flood that is coming.
But hey, he was for the Jews, so it's good he lost right? I've actually heard that he was controlled opposition…the funny thing is, he was the only opposition. Now, there is no opposition.

They can come to America. I predict a huge surge in immigration from Europe as it becomes more and more "culturally enriched" and less and less white. By having European natives come here, America will become more white as a result making our culture more harmonious.

i vote germany, mainly for geographical reasons. but i hope canada turns into sweden the fastest to speed this all up.

We are running out of places to run to. At some point people have to stay and fight.

t. kike

If the only way to fix the situation is to saddle up with Mossad fronts who will wage war eternally for Kikeistan, the society is already terminally dead and deserves to be exterminated by people who will destroy the jews.

Fuck off we're full.

Don't forget, France may still choose to suck the brown Baggett

Welp, this scares the shit out me, Holla Forums. We didn't put any effort into this one and he lost because of it. Is this low effort what we can expect for ALL the non-American elections?

He was just a bad candidate, not to mention a jew. Our hope is with Le Pen, her winning would have a much bigger impact than this kike would have anyway.

Honourable mention: UK.

Does anyone else remember that thing he did with Milo? How did he get a pass on this?

We're not (((germanic))).

According to talmudic law he's a full Jew.

Never saw this, tend to ignore Milo shit. Either way, not surprising. I think a lot of people underestimate how special what Trump did is, Wilders is a kike who had the charisma of a kike.

Sorry friend. We broke the programming.

Article 50 will be invoked before the month is over. Her Majesty the Queen is signing it today, once that pen hits the paper the remainer tears will flow like never before. the UK salt industry will be saturated once more.

Sweden is already Canada 2.0

Didn't his party gain seats?

Even if he 'won' he would have lost without 51% of the vote. The pressure he's putting on other parties is already forcing them to adopt his policies.

Wilders is an anti-white shill. Nothing pro-white about anti-Jihadism.

Who are?

I knew this was going to happen from the start. Holland is cucked and retards wrapped up in their own decadence being high as a meteor headed straight for Europe only to vote for the likes of Wilders once diversity knocks on their swamp door too late.

France's elections are proven to be rigged by CIAniggers thanks to Wikileaks.

Wilders didn't impress me as much as someone like Farage. Sure Islam stinks but he didn't seem to have much else to say.
Still I was hoping he'd win just to piss everyone off and keep the momentum going.

He's a kike and there has been much pro-geert shilling since he's controlled opposition at best.



Wilders needed to lose. He was merely a larping Jew who's first priority was Israel.
We need to ensure that we push for our politicians who we mould with our redpills and needs and they understand us by virtue of being the same race and religion.

The Netherlands is not lost, in fact, it's better this way. France however will be won by Marine le pen. This is a good thing, she's not Jewish. Her dad is the one running the show behind the scenes and is a known antisemite. His exile from his own party is likely just for the cameras.

Better to kick the immigrants out of France and leave the EU while cucking the Jews. This will destabilize the EU and it'll fall apart by itself. And eventually, the Netherlands and everyone else will be free of it. We must ensure that Jews don't take over this pendulum swing to the right across all countries. They'll hijack our movement, as can be observed by Jewish shills like Lauren Southern and Richard Spencer and Milo. THERE ARE NO BASED JEWS! Don't ever forget this.

In fact, this is the time to redpill everyone and spread Mein Kampf and the greatest story and historical redpills about the Jews fucking your respective countries over.

Spread, spread, spread. This is the only way to ensure that your people prosper. Otherwise, most of the world belongs to a handful of Jews already, we won't be able to reverse it if we don't educate and help our people.

He gained 5 seats and the Goverment is now right-centrist. It's the socialdemocrats that dropped from about 30 seats to 9.
It was impossible from the start that Wilders party would have gotten 51% kek this isn't America.

Also the Dutch guy that 'won' literally wants to deport all migrants that don't assimilate.


and how many heads on pikes do you have user?

Congrats on your win then. :^)

wasting your time
European politics is too complicated for kike trained Americans
some of them seem to think Farage could become PM of Great Britain like a president

The VVD are globalist shills.


muh democracy

Forum for Democracy got only 2 seats. Fuck my fucking life. Meanwhile DENK, some leftist muslim party, which shouldn't be allowed to exist, got 3 seats. Somebody please end my suffering, what the fuck is this fucking shit.

Only people that had any hopes for the Netherlands were Burgers who have no clue what the NL is like. It's a communist hellhole filled with potheads, legal prostitution, and cyclists. They're cucked beyond belief.

Merkels party was never antimigration, not even in the times before her.
Cucks believing in that illusion are the same cucks who voted VVD “they are firm against the Turks, but not as crass as your bête noir de jour”.

Merkels party was founded by the US occupation forces, that is no secret. The Netherlands are the founding place of the “Bilderberger”, the Dutch royal family are first generation Bilderberger.

That is what many people don't get, many Dutch neither. The Low Lands are only inhabitable as long as there are cooperative people living there. That times are ending and the Cucks believing in the “magic dirt theory”, any sandnigger reaching NL soil is magical transformed into a Dutch, will suffer for their foolishness.

Say the guys born into poz, molded by poz.

Wow, so old, I forgot, I was in kindergarten then, that is antique history, no problem then.

We could always use more whites.

American "politics" is kindergarten tier

No. Just no.

At least Thierry Baudet's Forum for Democracy (FvD) entered the Dutch House of Representatives for the first time. Baudet is young, dynamic, personable, and intelligent; and I was getting tired of the Right's fortunes in Holland depending on Wilders's cult of personality.

Besides, in a parliamentary system with proportional representation, it's better to have more than one nationalist party so voters will have a second option in case one party gets hit by a big (real or phony) scandal leading up to the vote.


I would still have voted Party for Freedom though, since Baudet is anti-immigration but doesn't want to close all mosques and ban like the Qu'ran like Wilders does.


Did anyone not see this coming? The entire country is full of drug users and degenerates. Fuck 'em; let 'em get over run.

Also check em

just a reminder those right-centrists want to get over a million refugees in the next years

That's the message for Africa, not whites in the EU.


Get fucked kike. Le Pen is winning.

Defeatism, defeatism everywhere.

This. This isn't burgerland. Multi-party politics is a lot different.
Being the second party basically means that nothing can get past Geert that could sink the country. Even if they're opposition, it means that they wield a mighty bat.
The socialist party became irrelevant which also means less unrestrained marxism.

And then you had the shills claim that Baudet was a much better choice than Wilders.

Stop saying "lost" like this is a presidential election, please.

Radio is still talking about a "shift towards the right"

FvD replaces Cyber Lesbian Party (Piratenpartij)

Milo (like Wilders) was just another feature, not the organizer. I actually think Lucian Wintrich's pro-Trump anti-Islam homoerotic art show was a good thing, if only because it made Leftists more confused than ever. The pig's blood thing didn't bother me, and while I'm not a fan of dada/modern art most of it was still better than what passes for "art" nowadays. Wintrich also managed to show the only art shows which are actually edgy and protested by norms are politically conservative.


Fuck democracy.

HE IS A JEW, just like (((Kaczyński))). You cant push muh 88 dimension chess in their case.

Anybody who says this in a sad way doesn't understand how the Dutch election system works. He never had a chance of winning.
He would have lost even if his party got 45% of the vote.

America is for white people, not for Eurotrash.

America is a cucked shithole full of brown "people"


.t burger who isn't killing the kikes in congress right now with muh gunz
Fuck off mystery-meat subhuman.




Remember your roots, colony.

Is it official?

every time
I really think King Nigger could have gone with the confiscation and nothing would have happened


Fuck off to cuckchan with your D&C you autistic nigger.

If Europeans come to America, we will have democratic rule forever.
Fix your own countries.

That's the mindset that is destroying Europe. I hope you can understand why we don't want you here.

Less than 60% but we still elected a nationalist and if we can deport or disenfranchise some of the muds, we may elect a white nationalist.
90% white Europe keeps voting to be replaced by niggers.

These elections were nothing but shilling and infighting. I'm glad that it's over. PVV won btw, they went from third biggest party to being second biggest party. Unbelievable how lefties try to push their narrative here about how "populism lost." I recommend the mods lock every dutch election thread and let them die. I'm ashamed to be dutch when I see these threads. First they shilled for another kike party (FvD) and now that they won a few seats they're still talking about emigrating (most of those fags probably still live with their mums) Hail wilders, fuck newfags and shills.

did you?
your enemies are playing the long game while you treat every election victory like the end of history
unless Trump gets fucking radical about immigration this current wave of republican control is just a dead cat bounce
demographics are destiny

Fellate a shotgun, retard. Burgers get far too arrogant for their own liking.

Stop blaming the EU as being behind your peoples rape and death - take some fucking responsibility, you fucking nigger.
At least as your light is snuffed out as wave after wave of Muslim rapists swarm and destroy you, you could say with contrition "we did this, through perhaps our inaction WE did this"

At least instead of blaming others have some pride with your dying breath.


Given what we already know about Geert Wilders, the fact he is an isreali passport carrying agent of isreali Mossad intelligence, whose role was to misdirect and steer the Ducth nationalism in the wronmg direction, like every other kosher nationalist controlled opposition.

You can forgive a past misdemeanour, you can forgive some things of a candidate perhaps, but a direct Mossad/CIA operative, and STILL these snivelling kikes are allowed to post their astroturfing poison here!

Every single poster promoting the jew shill Wilders (and all the other neo-con globalist zionist cheerleaders on here) over the past year should be banned from Holla Forums.

Conductor/Mods we have a problem, lots and lots of lying jews gaslighting and astroturfing these boards 24/7/365.
It is relentless.

Oh wait I'm sorry Euro fucks are not allowed to speak or they will be jailed for rudeness.


This. Europe is over. Glad I'm American. I've turned all focus to the U.S. because any expectation that Europe is going to stop committing suicide is delusion.

Good work. Yes kikes everywhere! Hey trump is a kike, kikes kikes kikes. Let's not do shit about shit but year down what little we have cuz kike shills and crytojooz.

Hey lets let more muslims in cuz they don't like kikes. Have I told you about e- jihad? Beards are based guise lets get some shwarma, etc etc

MIDF & JIDF work hand in hand from time to time. Get ground where you can.


Just fuck off, you fucking shill.


If some one is an isreali Mossad operative, it's fair to call him a kike, a kike of the worst kind.
This isn't a fucking game.

Yet you white people keep voting for socialism and replacement by nigger.

Then just give up on the European race as a whole because America is well past the point of demographic return already, and Trump won't change it (he can't even if he wanted to, you can just see what is happening with the judges).

You do realise that you are the one shilling for an isreali passport carrying Mossad agent.

That's not smear or suspicion by known fact, this was know before Holla Forums even existed, every one of you astroturfing kikes need gassing

None of the European countries ever elected a nigger as president.

We're a constitutional republic, user.

Shill harder, faggot.

You know nothing about politics, kiddo.

Next election they will.

You still have weed and good beer. Stop complaining.

Good. Putting an israeli in power for a very minor short term gain would be retarded. The dutch do everything through coalitions, his policies would be neutered. But creating failsafe israel leader 2.0 would ensure Germany is further leveraged into remaining supportive.
Don't fall for "(((conservatives)))" offering to solve a problem they created.

Because you don't have 100-200 million nonwhites in your country.

Yeah, I pretty much have. Hell, I'm seriously considering leaving my white gf and finding a set of khazar milkers to marry up with. Fuck this shit.

We're being suicided, rather than commiting suicide. 70+ years of Denazification, having an entire Globalist control system hoisted on top of us with the EU and UN, American bases all over Europe 'keeping the peace', for any European country to break free would be a Herculean task even greater than Uncle Adolf's.

Still, the PVV did become the 2nd largest party - The political system here isn't a two-party-winner-takes-all kind of deal. Some other decent people made it, too. It just moves way too slowly to respond to imminent threats and there's a million hurdles to overcome even if we went with a true, 100% nationalist party getting 100% of the entire vote. All law proposals could be blocked by the EU even if the entire country is ready to accept it.

This is the key reason why all our hopes in Europe are vested into the US, with Trump. If he uses the US' iron boot to destroy Merkel and the EU, then use the US Army stationed here to remove kebab, things will very rapidly improve.

good luck with that

There's no good way to spin this. The good part is that I can't think of many buildings worth saving and amsterdam is degenerate. Maybe the paintings can be evacuated before the country falls.

It shouldn't be hard to do so. Meeting in a few days. Put up an ultimatum to Merkel to break all ties with Ankara, for example. I do consider the Trump-Merkel meeting as a watermark for how Trump will handle Europe.

On a sidenote, I do think it's amusing that while Merkel's been destroying the White Germanic Man, she now is to be confronted by the most powerful White Germanic Man (with a few issues, sadly but still) in the world.

Some of you faggots have absolutely no clue. The mindset of the majority seen now as cucking made white societies great in the first place. They are getting the wrong propaganda, thats the only problem. A society full of revolutionaries like us will not survive a single year. We need the lemmings.

What ever you say Shlomo.

Both calling the guy who produces clear evidence that Wilders is a jewish isreali passport carrying Mossad operative 'a shill'.

To quote the isreali mossad operative Geert Wilders in his own words
Wilders told the Gatestone Institute.
" Mothers in the West can sleep safely because Israeli mothers at night worry about their sons in the army,Their fight is our fight. We should support it "

the jews are not our friends but our eternal enemy as is anyone daring suggest we should ally with them in any fight against the infernal kike

So some other user on halfcuck asked to analyze why we lost.

I tried to gather some of the more basic data as in pic related, to MSM and kikebook usage

Which seem to be equal to the US

you have to go back to CREW/pol/

So the MSM usage probably was not to blame for this

but the infamous "would you defend your nation" info graphic probably explains a little bit as to why.

We're making room

I am on both chans, and have been so for a long time user. Sometimes the speed of halfcuck is quite nice. For information gathering, but no so much for digestion such as this.

Also, there was a stream of 150k people out of this nation according to 2012 surveys.

that's what happens when 90% of the board is shitposting

Another point of data are perhaps the regions and why they are so high for PVV as they are today.

I personally live in landgraaf so I can comment somewhat on the local politics here.

The reason why landgraaf got so many pvv voters is because we managed to intercept a jew plot here. There was a mini coup attempt by the SP here to try to fuse landgraaf and heerlen, and a very pro local party managed to stop it, and they also managed to wise up the christians of this plot. Who also became very fond of btfoing the lefties.

That is why the CDA is also a bit higher than average here.

The people in landgraaf are a bit more red pilled and nationalistic than in other places.

If you have the time and willpower one could always try to dig through the garbage and to try to find gems. The newly red pilled often go there first and sometimes I help them out, there is some recruiting potential from there.

I recently met a latvian dude from there whom I helped with anti mudslime matters for his nation.

But as I said, I still have contempt for that board and I often retreat here when I have enough of that shitposting and bad moderation.


anyone else willing to try to digest why they voted so cuck?

here is another great source for those who are willing

Dumbfuck, the headlines on al the big controlled media Judenpresse are "Victory Against Populism in Europe.." It has been a momentum killer after Brexit and Italy, with France upcoming next month. Yes, I repeat NO GOOD WAY YO SPIN THIS. You fucking blew it. Not committed, there was zero activity here, zero planning, I hoped you must have your own Dutch-language equivalent to here. You didn't. Nor did you ask Lymies or Burger NEETS for advice and lessons learned from 2 years straight doing this. There are many we took from those 2 campaigns. But you knew better. I actually had a Dutch tell me "You americans are too vulgar, don't think your memes shit would work in Europe." Indeed. After this place, and by extension cuck, got Hillary Rotten Clitnon to give a speech essentially about US and to dedicate a campaign page to fucking Pepe…

the last time cuck chan was even bearable was mid to late 2015. Now it's just one big blob of useless shit, and with mods fucking compromised to boot. At least one mod here is just fucking stupid/lazy but not compromised.

Just shill some more.
You fucking shill.

Read and shut up

Muh Israel, muh Jews.

Just take your pills and shill harder, faggot

To be fair, the Jewish Lying Press would always try to spin things in their favor.

However, do remember that here in the Netherlands, a party must achieve at LEAST 50% of the entire vote to rule alone, which is completely, utterly unprecedented. Alliances and heavy compromises are the order of the day. Likewise, a bad-goy party wouldn't be allowed to rule due to 'checks and balances' like the King and the EU itself.

I think it's more important to look at the good signs, that a larger percentage of people voted for what they perceived to be a Right-Wing, Nationalist party despite losing more than 150k Dutch a year, lots of elderly death and the flood of (a) million rapefugees, likewise forced upon us by the EU.

nobody cares about Netherlands, kike
as a European I paid no attention to the elections
it only matters in large influential countries like Britain and France and unfortunately the meddling burgers
since it's almost impossible for one party to gain the majority in most European political systems you get bogged down by compromises anyway
that is unless all the other parties gang up on you just to keep you out of power like in Sweden

Who the fuck here has ever supported israel or Jews? Yes, Wilders was a half-jew half Indonesian mongrel. As much hatred as I have for Jews, Wilders constantly using Israel as an example is not necessarily a bad thing, as it points out the double standard and makes lemmings start to think: "they get to have a wall, an ethno-state, etc.." It has the unintended consequence of revealing Jewish hypocrisy and double-standard.

and yes, I send by my assertion– we have at least one dumb/lazy mod here, but not compromised as they are on cuck-chan.

Another election down the shitter.

Oh we got some autists here ITT sperging like the autists/shills they are, just look upwards.


Because their genes are more important than 2-3 indoctrinated generations. Their type of people deserves to exist like any other white countries genes who "cucked themselves to death". Their history, culture and racial phenotype and genotype are worth preserving because it is the perfection of nature and of the white race.

poor mod sama, all of this hard work only to be met with shitters everywhere.

Well I still appreciate his efforts and am not falling for the jew tricks.


This is where you start to have problems and reveal your desperation. What the fuck evidence have I given in this thread or any other that I'm a fucking Jew? When you throw that word around based on nothing dumbfuck, it loses power.
But your media did, dumbfuck. Potential donors to Le Pen wondering if they needed to hedge their bets DID. Your MSM DID, and will use it for demoralization. you don't understand a fucking thing about how media/politics work. Wilders gaining a few seats was not enough, he needed to win to keep momentum going.

I would love to punch your dirty big jew nose off your ugly kike gargoyle face

I hope the Mods get to discuss what's going on here as it has made Holla Forums an impossible place to discuss anything with the volume of lying kikes astroturfing every discussion

Wilders was an isreali Mossad operative charged with the task to misdirect any Dutch nationalism, the fact you are pretending you aren't in any way aware of this critical fact, says everything about you low-rent hasbara kikes.

Wilders had no chance of forming a government with the majority needed

The mod in charge in the months before Trump worked his ass off. whoever is doing it now falls for easily for obvious /leftypoll/ shill threads, and if they can organize to the point of getting even 2 to "report" you, you'll get a ban, without him even reading it. If he read the entire thread, he'd see it was jew shills. And I'm not only one noticing, a bunch of oldfags (here since very beginning after Moot cucked on GG) have been getting bans based on Holla Forums gaslight threads here.

Netherlands isn't important enough for anybody to seriously care

wew lad.

Again, you have no good argument so just throw the word "kike" around. Just how the Left has lost all credibility by overusing "Nazi," now we have retards claiming to on our side making kikery accusations with no proof.

which threads? I dont see obvious lefty threads here at all. You got any proofs to back that up lol?

Shill harder, faggot

I got banned before too. The only time I don't think I deserved it is when I made a thread about Trump approval ratings according to MSM and I got banned. Other than that I deserved it. You probably did too, post proof if you didn't.

oh, i remember our roots quite well.

There's one up about an obvious mud women called an "aryan qt," another about trying to get a twitter reporting trump donors taken down, there are a bunch. I assume you're new here, you won't see it unless you've wasted way too much of your life here.

perhaps the word choice was not entirely accurate, but she still is mostly white. Plus the assailant does look pretty funny like a typical dumb kike. Not sure why you want to focus so autistically on one detail.

Mayb not worth a ban, maybe just a somewhat inadequate in racially categorizing poster. Deserves a anchor probably.

Oy vey, despite you presenting clear indisputable proof that Wilders is an isreali Mossad intelligence operative whose role was to misdirect the goy into a dead end cul-de-sac, I'll reply you haven;t got an argument

Indeed, you gaslighting kikes need to be gassed for real this time

you'll have to take my word for it, sorry. Whether you believe me or not, don't care. One that comes to mind– there was Jew troll mixing in real talmud quotes with obvious forgeries. I know the Talmud, I've read books about it, even went into a kike bookstore and tried to order an English translation of all 22 volumes of the Babylonian Talmud (the jew cunt was suspicious, asking if I was jewish why I didn't read Hebrew, and quoted me a price of $5,000).

There was either a shill or a retard mixing actual Talmud quotes with fake ones. I pointed it out. He kept doing it. It was either one asshole on numerous VPNS or just an idiot, but all reported me and I GOT BANNED because I kept asking him to give the source, and he kept refusing. That was just laziness on the mod's part.

OK, let's take your assertion at face value. Let's day he won, it was seen as a victory for populism. Later, he was investigated and arrested for having ties to Mossad and for Israel meddling in Dutch election. How would that have not been a good thing? The entire rapefugee crisis has been orchestrated by Jews as a way to stop the BDS movements in Euro nations, which is why they target Sweden so directly with the worst of the savages.

Surely you know how we operate here?

And some IQ89-ness, they aren't the brightest ones.

and I lost 50 bucks with it

I do. You give the source. Thats always how it's been so long as I've been here. Give an archive of the source, or it's not real. He had screen captures (with zero likes and zero shares) of some article he claimed was written by a Jew and posted to the times of Israel..when they tracked down the Jew in Australia, it turned out he was a far leftist jew who had criticized them for the attack on the Gaza Flotilla. It was one group of far right Jews framing a leftist. This asshole was either crooked or too dumb to know this.

I asked him of the source on or even the website, claimed he didn't have it. That one was fucking ponderous, don't know why I even came back after it.

Stop taking this lunatic shill seriously.
He's just blarring about da Jews, not giving ANY advise what to change about the fact.

He's a fucking shill, or some mentally ill internet weirdo.

It's either one guy, or a group of shills have been here past few days and were telling no one to vote for Wilders. He kept repeating same shit over and over, just copypasting it. Him, the mods don't ban.

Whatever. nut it's driving away a lot of oldfags who really held this place together.

How strangely. They don't ban this fucking shill, but people critizising him get banned for "Defending da Jews" blablabla

Who could of thought about that?!

It's going on like this for the last two years. Kiddis LARPing as "NEETsocs" driving away the people who made this place work.

And the FUCKING 89IQ mods support this development.

Here's an idea, if anyone wants to help and see if we can get it stickied. With the French election upcoming, we make a thread with Brits/Burgers giving advice (from their perspective) of how this place was able to use the media into essentially doing our work for us and giving us exposure. I have a t least 8 decent points I can write out, as far as trends I noticed and how to manipulate the media. We can't do much since few of us speak French. But if we make a good document with lessons and then edit it down, maybe we can get a Frogfag to translate it and at least send it to Marine Le Pen's media guy.

You're a ranting fucking loon. I wasn't even talking about you retard, but a completely different situation. I was talking about the guy who has spent fucking 4 days here, 19 hours a day trying to demoralize people in Holland and get them not to vote. So you are confirming that was you then?

you belong in a padded cell to keep you from batting your head up against the fucking wall.

Dude, I'm talking about

I havent voted for geert as well. Let me explain as to how a lot of us think.

We know for a fact that the AIVD labeled geert as a kike lover, who colludes with mossad a bit too much perhaps.

Geertje also refused to do debates a few times.

You know, a lot of us were reminded of this kind of behavior like it was with soros and his documentary. Its an issue that takes a lot of mental power and decisions to understand and to make a clear choice on.

The anti wilders sentiments are valid.

I voted FvD because they were less zionistic and probably didnt have these clear ties to israel.

I think that wilders perhaps was scared of being asked the wrong question, and not being able to deal with the consequences of that. Like soros did when he was interviewed and then who had a huge PR blunder because of it.

Oh, my mistake mate, apologies. I'm so used to defending myself in this thread from that one guy, I didn't check IDs. apologies.

Of misschien dat hij een beveiligingslek had door een of andere turk in zijn beveiligingsteam en niet gePimFortuyn'd wilde worden.

dat kan ook wellicht, maar waarom zocht hij dan geen andere mogelijkheden, via skype of zoiets? Heeft niemand zoiets georganizeerd voor hem?

I'm attacking the same guy as you do.

Yeah, that's just what they want.
Disruption and chaos.
Classical shill behaviour.

Sad, but unsurprising. He wasn't a good candidate – too controversial for normalfags to swallow, no meme potential, been character assassinated so many times most people think of him as a criminal on the run. In a way, it's an accomplishment he got as many votes as he did. We should focus on Le Pen instead.

Regardless of Wilders' kikery, this proves one thing- low energy shit doesn't work. A couple of anons (or dedicated shills) can't meme anyone into office. It has to be a coordinated effort of MAJORITY of Holla Forums. Not just anons of one particular country, everyone needs to do their part.
We better really get our shit together for France.

apparently, some french user says that the reason why they cannot make a french speaking general is because not everyone speaks english,, even then, they cannot form consensus…I mocked that cuck because we obviously can do that, based on very loose pan europeanism here somewhat lol.

srsly, the french are probably in a tight spot ideologically. If they cant even make a france general, they may not get a strong, one sided movement in all of this.

And since we dont speak french, we cannot untangle their mental mess for them.

I…believe me, no one hates the Jews or has done more research into Jews than I have. Was actually just reading "By Way of Deception…" again last night, a book written by a former Mossad case officer with a ton of info on how they work that Israel tried to get shud down before it was published.

His links with right-wing Jewry are, I agree, a great use for concern. But here are the positive elements. The more these Israeli-loving zionists mention Israel, the more it encourages average people to look into it and wonder "wow, they have an all-jew state with laws that even keep arabs off 'jewish-only' roads…why can't we have something like that?"

Now, let's say your worst fears are true, and Dutch security finds he is…on a Mossad leash and gets arrested for it. What better redpill for the masses than to see Israel directly pulling strings in Euro politics? I don't see how it could lose.

I'd also add that up until the Paris attack/Batclan, I still believed that Jews had to be the first target, muslims second. But now, they tried to place a bomb outside Notre Dame, they mowed down 84 people in Nice, including 11 kids, they tired to get into the Louvre with a gun…how much longer until we lose a real European art/architecture treasure to a bomb?

But you are, of course, right. This is the open Israeli plan (if one cares to look into it)– to live with "low level chaos" and funnel all the Sunni rage into Europe and softer targets, and even fund them. THIS is what the rapefugee crisis is about, and I firmly believe they did it because the BDS campaign was gaining steam in many Euro nations. The most prominent nation pushing BDS was Sweden– which nation has been hit hardest by rapefugees?

for those who read, the book of essays by the Leftist Jew Max Blumenthal called "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel." you don't have to like him, I called him a scumbag on his twitter for taking a job for the SPLC to sandbag David Irving years ago. But I have to say, the book is a goldmine and gathers together many stories from the Israeli press I never go to save all into one place. highly recommend torrenting it or using the Amazon one month audio book free trial and listening.

I cant vote for wilders because ideologically. In a similar way I cannot support the alt right, its faggot, jew, and other degenerates members. I just cant and I wont.

The way I see wilders is almost neutral. Its a double edged sword. If he had won the majority, it would be a huge boost to destroy the EU, which would be a good thing obviously.

But his negatives would be as well the fermentation of the single focus on the mudslimes, while discarding the ones who started all of this…

also, he is not a very capable politician (though perhaps that is to blame to the constant opposition that he faced), I dont think that he would be very good for our economy.

Also the whole totalitarian approach to his other party members, his closed nature and the closed nature of his team as a result…even if he wasnt in mortal danger, personally it would make more sense for his supporters, if they have been vetted, to get some freedom to do as they want to. Is also worrying.

So coupled with the fact that the AIVD still may be okay (as also seen in the leaks, that law enforcement got some opposition from soros). I think that there was a great pile of evidence that wilders was indeed a jew plot.

Also, highly recommend people here set up a sock account as a leftist who pushes for BDS against Israel. I pose as a Leftist pro-Palestine sympathizer, and i have a few hundred followers. As Dr. Pierce recommended with these people: "Whenever you can feed them information, and cheer them on when they are calling out the Jews for their hypocrisy…but never trust them." I'd even argue that a leftist, pro-palestine sock account is some of the most useful shilling you can do on twatter, because you can feed these people info and lots of times, they have an actual infrastructure and they can use it. I have enough credibility on that sock that I can post things like #DiversityForIsrael without being obvious I'm just trying to undermine Israel.

Daar weet ik natuurlijk ook niks van, maar verwacht je nou echt dat ze het initiatief zouden nemen voor iemand als Geert? Hij had het misschien zelf kunnen opbrengen maar het zou me niks verbazen als ze hem op elke manier zouden dwarsbomen.

Het probleem is volgens mij echt gewoon dat we het geluk hebben gehad dat er geen aanslag is gepleegd in ons land. Dat landen om ons heen geteisterd worden door terrorisme is blijkbaar nog steeds te ver van ons bed. Ik kan er met m'n gezond verstand in ieder geval niet bij.

Ik hoop nu op z'n minst dat FvD het goed gaat brengen de komende tijd. Ik heb me nog niet verdiept in hun standpunten omdat ik toch PVV zou stemmen, maar ik denk dat als ze eloquenter overkomen dan Geertje (wat niet al te moeilijk is, laten we eerlijk zijn) met genoeg overlappende standpunten dat ik mijn stem bij hun plaats.

Considering every point I make about the jewish isreali passport carrying Mossad agent Wilders is true, it would be strange to ban me, considering everything you jewish shills are doing here is gaslighting and astroturfing.
You are promoting a known isreali intelligence operative, that should be an automatic lifetime ban.

It is groundhog day, with relentless shilling for jews, neo-con zionist globalist kosher nationalists, non-stop every day

the solution to the jewish problem, is to oppose and resist international jewry on every level

Never ally with them and or support them.
It really isn't complicated.

There are a good number of real genuine nationalist movements in Europe, every post on them gets deleted or astroturfed.
Every lying jewish neo-con zionist kike politician gets cheered on and championed non-stop.

When it's proven the candidate is controlled opposition they start another 10 threads championing the kike and all the shills repeat the same shit again and again.

To point out that a candidate is compromised by jews, working for isreali Mossad too with clear evidence proving this fact is honest truth telling,
To ignore the evidence and carry on shilling for the jewish false controlled opposition is the very definition of shilling

Gassing is far too good for you lying deceptive jews

Friend, europe has so, so, so many problems. Did you see the thread about the EU trying to recruit ANOTHER 6 million niggers to bring into Europe? Right now, taking down the EU has to be priority number one to the exclusion of all others. I don't love Marine Le Pen, I hate how she shit on her father and has isolated herself from the True Right that was growing in France. But since she seems sincere in her desire to take down the EU, I'll work for her every possible hour I can. The EU is an existential threat to European natives, and we have them on the ropes right now. Yes, we have to deal wit the Eternal Jew, absolutely, agreed. But if the EU isn't taken down, we'll be genoided out of europe before we even have the chance.
Taking down the EU must be priority number one. Ok, we lost in austria, now we lost in Netherlands, but I (and I'm sure many others) are willing to work to help Le Pen. But we can't do it unless native French speakers begin getting off their asses and helping.

Great. Now you can repair your relations with Israel. :^)
If Western Europeans can't get their shit together then it's natural selection if they die out. People with self-respect don't let that shit fly.

the problem is that both of these posts are right, yet they are hugely contradictory.

It is why we also tolerated geert.

We know for a fact that the overton window is no joke.

so many of us took this neutral to pro geert stance, even knowing fully that he probably is a mossad agent, since the negative effects (since he is probably a shitty spy as well lol) would be outweighed by the larger effects that this message would have on the overton window.

Its a careful balance between the information that we have, that we dont have, how we guess it to be true in the lack of evidence, to the conceptualized effects that everything will have…If we had more information gathering capacity we could make a better informed decision, but we dont.

I think that in general our fight is still very united, even if we are a bit wary of shills and potential jew plots.

Who does Dutch look like an Asian language?

I think populists and nationalists in continental Europe will face problems because the neo liberal/diverse urbanites will be agitated and compelled to come out to vote against them in large numbers.
In the US on the other hand you have an electoral college to balance it out.

So here is the D&C kike

We haven't had any mudslime terror attacks in over a decade. If we see something on the scale of Nice or Paris, things might change.

Lots of people are critical of immigration and Islam, but they just can't bear themselves to vote for Wilders. If there was a referendum on leaving the EU, the 'leave' side would win in a landslide.

the media dismantling is probably the only solution for that then. Since the electoral college somewhat removed some of the votes from the dumbfags who eat jew media garbage too much.

But how can someone wage war on the whole industry? Russia just removed them completely, the baltic nations are also somewhat safe from that.

The us is clever enough to know not to bother with it now and its online presence as well is extremely strong (us) and overshadows fagbook at this point as the cool place to be.

To wage war on the media in europe though, you would have to deal with the entirety of the cash reserves of the kikes though. The rothschilds back soros. Koch media, jewlywood, sony pictures etc. They will protect one another with huge sums of money.

The obvious solution would be violence, as putin did, as violence and money do not go well together. Ideology is stronger than greed in some cases. But a morally broken, spiritually devoid of value race/nation would have the most trouble to get enough zealotry going to get to physical removal of the jews.

Yeah, just make sure the candidate isn't an actual kike with ties to Mossad. That's all I ask. Once you get a candidate that isn't a kike, then I'll go to balls to the wall with enthusiasm.



yea that is what surprised me most, such a clear provocation of the nation, even violent riots.

If such a thing were to happen in another nation you would nearly get angry counter mobs wanting to do them harm, like poland.

But here? Jesus what a cuck nation.

Sad thing about democracy is being drowned out by people who haven't taken the time and effort to research topics and think deeper than what the TV-Jew tells them. It's a 'If I don't think about it, I can continue living another day' kind of mentality, as well as the impulse to conform.

It's very encouraging that despite all the White Flight out of the Netherlands and the millions of invaders, if we are to believe these numbers, despite all the Jewish propaganda against nationalism, fearmongering about eeevil Trump, about 20% of all voters are nationalistic, if stuck with some pretty bad choices. This number has increased fairly significantly compared to 4 years ago. It probably means that among the entire White population, at least 30% are Nationalistic.

On the other hand, it was always foolish to believe that Democracy would allow us to vote ourselves into power. It's a Heinleinian world out there, force the ultimate authority.

We haven't had any mudslime terror attacks in over a decade. If we see something on the scale of Nice or Paris, things might change.

Lots of people are critical of immigration and Islam, but they just can't bear themselves to vote for Wilders. If there was a referendum on leaving the EU, the 'leave' side would win in a landslide.

Kill yourself.

They used sunday sports to weed out the most aggressive individuals amongst the Hooligans for at least thirty years, they're all in jail or otherwise neutered. Add to that Denazification and the massive propaganda on TV, vidya and other distractions and a major Jewish power base in Amsterdam for hundreds of years and there's little that can be done playing by their rules.

reality is not a closed system however. There is always something else that can be found, that can be put into the void, a new thing perhaps that can change the balance. Evolution used these kinds of things all the time. The trouble is of course finding it. And then exploiting it to the maximum value.

finding such a variable may be difficult still, some find it by accident, some by investigation. But dont lose hope. The jews, with their tikkun olam lore, do not hold control of the entirety of reality. Because reality does not work according to their lore. Reality is unknown.

European - US rivalry? Is this 4chan? Fuck off.

Fact is that the media is grossly overstating their "victory" over "populism". PVV gained 25% more seats while the leftist parties together lost about 40%. The Labour Party-equivalent lost over 60% of its seats.

In fact, we are winning because our politics have never been this polarized. Small parties can thrive in this, we can thrive in this. FvD isn't perfect, but it's much better than Wilders. They got their foot in the door with 2 seats now. If they play their cards well we might finally remove the establishment from unelectable positions of power. If they play their cards even better we might get our binding referendum with which we can leave the European Union. Recent polling suggests a small majority of Dutch citizens is in favor of leaving the European Union.

And when we do, we have the actual conditions for reform of the political system, the closing of borders and the deportation of undesirables.

Unfortunately, Wilders never had much support in the first place. He wasn't running a populist campaign. He was practically running alone, but got attention for openly speaking out where others were tip-toeing around the issues.

Would have loved to see this crazy bastard kick the Turkroaches to the curb.

When a colony gets exponentially bigger in population and strength than the host country, it ceases to be a colony.

You lost a long time ago, bong. Now is not the time to further divide whites with a conflict long passed by.

Remember your roots, colony


Holy fuck put that country out of its misery.

Lol, wut? That isn't what happened.

How is that D&C, retard. Arguing against Euro-US rivalry is the opposite.

Reminder women voted for this cuck because they think he's hot, like Canada.


But Geert won 33% more seats, retard.

No, Geert Wilders was an isreali Mossad operative
he wants all whites to die out
jews are not our friends
yet dozens of threads cheering on the jewish isreali mossad operative filled with lying kikes cheering on zog

Too good to be true.

Strongly second this.

Those are all shills and none of them speak Dutch. ADL in the house.

Remember YOUR roots, colonies.

I am. Jews don't need any more power.


we also fought the islamics for a long time during the middle ages. If they behave they may become a neutral trading partner, since they did have some form of secular gov before. But otherwise, as turkey is doing now, they would be enemies.


Because you're uneducated.

PR is AIDS but hell will freeze over before you'll ever get a Eurofag to understand why.

You wouldn't say that if Trump didn't come out of left field and saved you from ANOTHER Bush vs Clinton election cycle. This groundless arrogance and pompous nigger-tier fronting is really quite telling.

I'm not a burger, try again.

If you're not European or American then you're as legitimate as a sovereign citizen in my eyes. Get back to your Steppeniggers or whatever geographic butthole your mischling ancestors crawled out of.


The Jew still lost. A win would have been DENK and green left. Or something like that. They are just happy they didn't get blown the fuck out. Still lost though. Rutte already has to be careful about Islam next is Europe.

the fact that america doesn't do that coalition bullshit already puts us higher than most of europe. Just because you have "choices" doesn't mean they're of any value, we have them too but there's a reason 3rd parties don't win. Think about what you said though, Trump came out of left field and swept the election. The way 90 percent of Europeans politics is organized that can never happen. France apparently being the exception.

for fucks sake all your parties seem to do is work with each other to assure they will never have competition, you might as well not even have political parties if they can work behind the scenes and make sure they never lose their position. You got parties in the german government fucking using their authority to prevent AFD from gaining ground, the whole while the EU is cherry-picking their guys to make sure they always have a grip, and you want to act like WE don't have any freedom? Then how the fuck did we election that as our president?

When did I say I'm not European? You seriously think if I'm not fellating our garbage political system I mustn't be from here?

We can hope that the next candidate will be less of a Zionist dirtbag. OR maybe we can help promote true nationalists instead of passively waiting for a messiah to save us.

Nice contradiction there, faggot. So it can happen after all. That said, I'll follow you – so what's more reasonable? Having explicitly nationalist parties to begin with – small as they might be – which can grow in power (like Le Pen) or hoping for an aloof and eccentric billionaire to come again to save the country in 8, 16, or 36 years time.

You can't argue that your system is better; the only reason that Trump won is that he subverted the system in the first place. If he didn't run you'd be enjoying another 8 years of Bush/Clinton.


I think you're not from here because otherwise you just admitted you don't know fuck all about PR either, (((you))) illiterate retard.

It seems like the Anglos are the least cucked people in the West. Austria and now Netherlands have failed us, damn it. Let's hope the frogs can redeem things somewhat by electing Marine.

that's probably because france doesn't have the same election system as the rest of Europe. Their system is closer to the states than to Germany for instance. That's why I said they're the exception.

It's pretty obvious what happens, you vote for the nationalist party that's on the shitlist so they can never get any ground or seats so you just waste your time. Trump would have never won as a third party, he subverted the GOP and made it his own thing. The fucking front national looks nothing like it used to look, now they're a bunch of upstanding politicians in suits. They used to be straight up skinheads. Le Pen is doing subversion of her own, in this case making FN less radical so they have shot at winning. It's exactly the same thing as trump just in the opposite direction.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, nigger. At least wait until Brexit is through for definite (and not just theoretically) and Trump returns you to isolationism before acting like any one country in the West is well and truly uncucked.

tbh it was the Dutch im not surprised
they had a culture of doing the opposite of whatever the Spanish did
its why Fascist Catholic Spain was in such contrast with Liberal Protestant Low Countries

Least cucked?
Yet there is not one political party that opposes jewry or is more PC term political zionism, even the BNP have become jewish vassal neo-con counter jihadists that refuse to even talk about jewish power.

I believe the slogan of cuck has been so overused that every neo-con cheering kike is laughing how the goys are lapping up their jew serving based neo-conservative champions "who will save the West from the islamic caliphate"
An 'islamic' caliphate entirely run by hostile communist/zionist elite jews who want you to die fighting for the creation of greater Is-Ra-El

You've been asked throughout several threads to NAME some of these movements and you'll do anything to avoid doing that.

this is a major fuck up
I didn't see a goddamn single thread at all about wilders and no twitter hashtags fucking nothing
Goddamn it guys get it together and put down the vape and booze for a damn minute

The system most European countries use is set up that way on purpose, that is to guarantee a coalition against bad goys can be formed so a populist, nationalist candidate can't steamroll the system and so kikes can have free reign over policy. You get nine parties and not a single fucking one is good. People still only vote for two or three in any significant numbers.
At least with America's system, Trump proved that everyone can be brutally flattened since you only need to take over one party, and then beat the other. This is where the two party concept shines.

Anglo's 2
Germans 0
time for the Germanic lands to step up their game
Germany's about to put the score to
Anglo's 2
Germans -1
what with handing the reins of power from the leader of the Christian Democrats to literally the German pro-Zionist Communist party of Hitlers days
maybe France can keep it at zero for a while who knows

He barely got any coverage by the Dutch media, and was brutally made fun of by the American media. They're trying to shove him into a corner and memory hole him now, it seems.

There were several threads but they were filled with D&C shills calling him a Jew. Score one for CTR. Everyone needs to READ THE GOD DAMN STICKY and get back on track.

This was very likely the outcome, but as many have mentioned if any potential eurocuck leadership replacement doesn't happen this time around their next try will be very successful.
Also this is another example of why you should "choose your battles" with what to invest your potential disappointment in, we already scored big on the Brexit front.
Don't make the mistake of creating a scenario of unnecessary loss like the left did with the Patriots v the Falcons, they made that a symbolic loss and suffered further for that stupid gamble.

I've answered the question every time, as you well know Moishe

First I prove that your heroes you are championing kikes, then I name the real nationalist parties in Europe, then you smear the real antijew parties and insist only jews can ever get elected and start the whole jew neo-con cheerleading again.

There are countless antijew nationalist even in Sweden, you know the country you kikes keep calling "Swedecucks LoLz", despite their NatSoc party rallies being active compared to American or Britain that have none.
Forza Nuova
Golden Dawn
Svenska motståndsrörelsen

Here's an interesting point, why are you having so much trouble finding real nationalist parties that you feel so compelled to only champion kikes and malevolent isreali Mossad intelligence affiliates kikes at that?

Essentially every single nationalist movement being truly attacked by the worlds global forces, and on all these nationalist messageboards too.

Yet neo-con zionist kikes are now routinely promoted in every MSM and evben now the so-called jew wise nationalist sites in the Anglo-American speaking world.

We also scored big on Italy, don't forget.

the whole reason two parties rose up from the crop was because they appealed to the widest margins of voters. The reason the libertarians only ever get 3 percent of votes is because they're so focused on one position that they forget to appeal to the wider groups. The point of a democratic election isn't to make everyone obey, it's to reach a decent consensus. You can't expect to get your way on every issue, sometimes you have to compromise. That's one of the problems I see around here, people are so fixated on one goal that they don't realize the mile ahead takes many steps. Is trump anti-kike? No. If this shift in politics continues, will his successor be? Maybe but not likely. Give it another election or two of this shift and it could very well happen. Getting the GOP to stop sucking off Israel is the major goal here. Trump still sucks them off but he's shown that he isn't going to put up with all of their shit.

Trump sounds more extreme than most presidents not because he's strong arming, it's because he has the support of the American people. That's not extremism, it's populism.

well when are the next dutch elections? don't they do them yearly?

This was to be expected. He's controlled opposition. As was Höfer undoubtedly. They were both zionists. They WANT to lose. They're just there to ridicule the opposition while taking over some of it's points. We knew this would come. We need to go to war instead of buying this fraud of a "democracy" to save our homelands.

He wasn't just an ethnic jew, he was an isreali Mossad intelligence operative tasked with misdirecting any nationalist resistance.

And here you are propping up the jewish astroturfed lie that Wilders was /ourgoy/

and how many seats do these nationalists hold? Oh that's right


Who do you think you are fooling?

inb4 mass voter fraud
Brace For Happening

I can make an image too Im going to need a source on that

All these reddit faggot transplants havent even read the Protocols. Throw them the slightest bone of something they want to hear and they forget all about moshe.

As i first wrote>>9510250


The kike then responds like clockwork
Literally telling you only jews can ever be elected, stay away from true antijew nationalism jew

Golden Dawn and Jobbik for example, and others hold seats in both national and European parliament.

I hope some of you anons can now see how much jewish shilling is going on here like this verminous D&C kike.>>9510272


So you don't have a source? a reference? and no evidence?

No, it's over now OP. This was their chance to save themselves and they wasted it. It's full Svenska mode from here on out. Shit brown is their future.

Oh lordy, here we go.

that's not what I said, what i'm saying is that you're being a fucking idiot about this. Those kind of parties will never win because extremist groups only appeal to extremes, and on top of that the system as it stands prevents them from ever gaining ground.

What's the fucking point in voting for a group you know can never win? Sweden right? So why not vote for the group that doesn't appeal to all of your wants but actually focuses on an important goal? In this case it's getting the mudslimes out. So sweden democrats would be the best bet to actually getting what you want. Do they cover everything you want? No. Are they better than the current party? fucking undoubtedly.

let me guess, you're going to accuse me of being a kike and completely disregard what I said then continue voting for lost causes instead of gaming the system to get things on the right track.

You really are a snivelling cunt.

The source was the fucking court documents signed and translated that I posted, dated 2010.

The supporting evidence is in every fucking news story about his isreali Mossad inteliligence work for isreal to subvert and destroy any hope of nationalism ion Holland, you fucking filthy kike cunt.

This has been discussed for over a decade throughout the nationalist community, it isn't new, you are another shill doing what you always do, lie, repeat then harass poster telling the truth then report them in organised groups until they get banned.

Another bagel goes to best jewish shill in Tel Aviv offices, you smile knowing you've helped the greater Is-Ra-El plan


slick, why don't you just post some fucking articles? That's all he wants from you.

Well that's a nice website

here's what you said:

Another of your mates wrote this prior
Every ID shows the line of communication, every post I made I have backed up
You replied in this post
taunting and goading me that all those nationalist [Ho Ho silly goyim playing politics] have no chance and the inference is that all we can do is vote jews and sit back waiting patiently for them to save us from erm jews

Precisely as I predicted someone would do in my post here

You then continue to pretend that none of this conversation ever happened

what do you know, guess i'm a psychic.

Then the next day you all pretend you never heard such antisemitic conspiracy nonsense and the same merry go round starts up again

What you are collectively doing is known as Gaslighting.

listen to me closely


It's not difficult, all you have to do is stop being a spaz for 5 seconds.

well for you information I did not see any geert wilders threads I only saw le pen threads also I was banned recently.
isn't it fucked up you get on leftypol and on Holla Forums for the same thing?

Politics will never be the answer to our problem.

You know that link I posted, it was a "let me google that for you" link

The keywods in the search were
"Geert Wilders israeli Mossad"
Is that too difficult for you to do off your own back Moishe?
Choose your own browser.

I hope others can see the repeated methods these jewish shills use, rinse and repeat daily on here.
No matter how much evidence you present the next day the deny any evidence has been shown and demand the same proofs.
Every fucking day

Help me out dutch bros, here's what I got so far…

So in summary (compared to 2012):

Rightwing parties gained more popularity and the leftist power structures splintered/fractured. The one negative thing is that the PVV didn't becoming the strongest party, which is now being used to demoralize normies in other countries. I don't think that the Netherlands will become Sweden 2.0, but the coming coalition will tell us more in regards to this. The Netherlands will get a little net positive out of this situation, I think. And a possible re-elections in probably two years when this new coalition finally fails due to 4+ parties infighting. There is some hope left. Of course, if they don't care from now on, it's like "boiling the frog". Demography is destiny.

But as of now it's restricted to their situation only. Sadly it won't affect the aggregate situation in the EU in any positive way. And maybe it's even detrimental due to media propaganda and demoralization. Maybe it would have been better if Wilders didn't get so hyped up to not influence with the election in France. But who knows, maybe the French patriots will double down to not get back into the status quo like the Netherlands, they certainly don't have the time for this. Even bad press may be good for shifting the oveton window.

In all I'm a bit little disappointed, but it's no big deal in the grand scheme of things. We need to concentrate on France and Germany.

it sounds like you're trying to make me do your research for you as a desperate attempt to deflect from the fact that you have nothing. I'm not going to go on a fucking google hunt, just post the sources that back up your claim so I can read them.

How fucking hard is this to understand?

now will be the time period in which FvD will have to work hard to prove itself.

Thanks to the seats it can wedge itself into the spotlight somewhat. And perhaps to us dutch that also means some hard work, doing our social media magic.

I think we may need a reliable pro FvD link to all of this, and I think we already do dont we? There is a direct link to this whole culture, from some of the broadcasts that I have seen from them.

So I am not entirely sure but I think that we as a whole have a very small footprint now in dutch politics.

oy vey

Sweden is gonna get larger nationalists and right wing after next election. Also greens out of parliament. infa 1488%

You are a gaslighting kike

You are demanding "proofs" of a commonly well known well proven and decades old fact.
There have been dozens of threads this week alone, hundreds in the last year all doing the same thing, jews hitting reset and astroturfing threads promoting your jewish isreali Mossad operative.
Rounding on and attacking anyone who proves your lies are just that, lies.

This post from one of the many threads still in the catalogue has all you need to look through
Hundreds of others in that thread, and then there's the other threads still in the catalogue

You demand proofs again (after them being given to you), you go to great lengths to insist you've seen no proofs, then demand I find every article to prove a fact well known ten years ago, because youi havent the time to type out "Geert Wilders isreali Mossad" in any search engine of your own choosing.

Get fucked kike.

you keep repeating yourself

Exactly, only the ones that save themselves deserve it.
t. dutch

Because your organised teams of hasbara[t]s keep repeating the same questions after they have already been answered and shown to you.
This is the point I am making and you are ably demonstrating

It is called gaslighting, I hope the Mods and other anons here take note.

right whatever you say user, I suppose you think those ebil white women deserve shitskins raping them to?

Remember your roots, halfbreeds.

White/Dutch women are on a mission to cuck us out of existence or something. They are so easily deceived, self-centred and short-sighted. Everything they do is utterly grotesque.

see, how fucking hard was that? All you had to do was post your sources but instead you made it into a melodramatic aggrandizement of your persecution. Just because I want to see more information you act like i'm a kike, your autism is off the charts.

then why did you go to such great lengths to avoid posting the evidence for this immutable fact?

I didn't ask for every article you fucking spastic, all I asked for was anything to work off of instead of the inane ramblings of some dicknose that goes into a wailing fit at the concept that someone doesn't follow every single post that's made here like a religion.

I never posted in that thread, I didn't see it because I can't post here 24/7. That particular post for instance was made at 4:00am.

After me expressly pointing out that your preferred candidate is a lying scheming isreali Mossad jew who wants the white race to die, horribly.

That will continue, while jews are voted into power in any government, isreali Mossad intelligence affiliated kikes will only further exacerbate the punishment inflicted on the goy.

The only way to fight international jewry is to oppose and resist them in every way conceivable.

Voting for jews only continues this cycle perpetually until the last white is dead.

you already know this though Moishe, which is why you will tomorrow join in a dozen threads championing neo-con zionist globalist kikes insisting you've seen no such proofs that they are jewish, and that the goy only has one choice, a jew, to save them from jewry.

go kys

Agreed. Democracy is for pussies.

Now you see how it's like to being forced to something the majority of the people didn't want or was ignorant about it, because some faggots wanted it, namely the traitorous politicians and cuckservatives or socialists.

At least some of you are waking up and starting to see the world as it is. Will give you a hint though: won't change anything with (((elections))) and with this (((system))), it's wordwide, corruption is everywhere and they have ties to every state on this planet.

t. Greek

I give up on you lad

Good riddance to that kike.

I know why don't you go to the Netherlands and run for PM?

nah, democracy is pretty much the best system we have at this point. I don't support a one party totalitarian state because even if they support me at the beginning it's all too easy for them to disintegrate and turn into the sum of all evils. That's why these people keep pushing for more and more government power.

It's that shift in power from time to time that prevents cataclysmic downfalls. A little back and forth is vastly superior to having everything collapse on your head or losing everything because of powers beyond your reach. That's why we have the house of representatives, so even if a shithead gets the presidency we can prevent total destruction. Imagine the kind of shit obummer could have done if the congress wasn't majority GOP at the time.

Oy vey,

Interesting discourse.

I present facts on your candidate you are championing is a jew
You demand proofs
I show proof
You complain I never gave you proof
I repeat and post links and proof
You demand more proof because link I gave didnt work
It was a search engine link I suggest you look up Wilders Mossad yourself
You refuse to search yourself
I provide said evidence again
You continue baiting and claiming some sort of high ground

…Then after telling me you have given up on me because I gave some spacing to my answers, you reply to me

I am not Dutch and because I'm not jewish let alone an isreali Mossad operative, I'd never get your support anyway…

I hope some genuine anons here can see the overall picture of what is going on in every thread on Holla Forums every day for the last two years at least, jewish shills fucking up every discussion with every misdirection trick they have available.

No, they literally voted against such legistlation


Dutch people are pozzed beyond all belief, jesus fuck.

3 seats is like ~2% which is literally just a bit under the amount of Turks allowed to vote.

This is a good idea. I think we need dedicated threads for France and Germany. We have a lot of room in regards to Germany, the election is in September, so we have a couple of months and lots of people understand English.

This is a big issue, which we need to counter. I see two ways here. The first thing is to fucking engage people in rural areas to get off their asses. An the second thing is to D&C big cities, so the leftist splinter & fragment.

Yes, Europe is harder to crack because of all the shit that got changed after WW2. Hitler wrote about this shit in Mein Kampf.

Despite this difficulty, I think it still is mainly about the main personality, i.e. charisma & meme potential. We can meme like madmen, but it has to be used by them.


In a way, it is. The Allies' world is going to collapse one way or another, be it through increasing poz or through electing populists. There's no way it won't though, and there's hardly anyway a populist movement could turn back the tides from within. It will fall, and racial instincts will kick in. The only question is if Europeans will still have enough force to be able to drive them out.

I can only imagine how ignorant and obnoxious the people that voted for more refugees are. What sort of twisted, sheltered psyche makes a person hate themselves and their culture so much they want shitskins to come in and rape and murder them?

Yes, the established parties have a job carousel for themselves. All of them are bureaucrats and professional politicians, there is almost no-one with actual knowledge of whatever job they are put into. So they switcheroo around the jobs every x amount of years, not just as ministers but also think
FvD is the only party that recognizes this issue and wishes to change it, thus it's literally the only useful party, besides the PVV which is only useful for us to shift the overton window with and establish other anti-eu party connections in europe.

This is sadly the truth. I will keep FvD at the back of my mind from no on.

So what coalitions can we expect? They need 76 seats, right?
I would prefer christcucked CU, it's slightly better than commies…

Geert didn't lose.
He gained more seats than ever, the Labour party lost more than expected.
The paradigm shift takes at least 1 generation, and at the moment the millenials are their core voting bloc. The next generation will be far more right wing the more Islam keeps sticking it's greasy dick in Europe and stirring shit up.

That's a great idea. I speak French so I can help translate if need be.

Buddy, I'm american, too. Don't think we are safe. The mexican immigration problem is fucking ridiculous.

The Kosher right tried to portray Wilders as a nationalist, and failed.
Next up Zionist puppet Marine le Pen and her Jewish boyfriend.

I don't know why you thought I would understand Dutch, but I do not.

Just shill some more,

you stupid 89 IQ try hard LARPing "Nazi"

Just wait for Hitla.

Just kill yourself, you fucking shill.

Just kill yourself, you fucking shill.

You're too obvious schlomo.

Did you expect any less from a country that lets pic related be the leader of the fucking Piracy party?

This. OP is a demoralization shill trying to associate this "loss" (Wilders never had a signifigant chance of winning a true majority) with Le Pen who has a much better chance of actually winning. Thread should be deleted and remade without kike OP tbh.


Yeah, Le Pen has a better chance. France is not as gay as Netherlands (which has been completely controlled by kikes for over three hundred years now).

nigger i fucking live under a multi-party system, it's garbage and nothing ever gets done. fuck off.

Yes goyim, what a relief.

Although Geert's dumb ass "lost" he did increase his parties size in parliament. Geert faced a hard race in a shitty nation that has 25 parties and a bunch of dumb ass pot heads that vote.

Sweden is slowly waking up
Germoney has an election, and if Merkike wins again (t-thanks, CIAniggers), they are proper fucked
Netherlands is a lost cause
Norway has an election this year, and will probably suck a million dicks

only the race war will end this nightmare

Eat a dick you Eurokikes

No shekels for this sad shill

Stay mad Eurokike


Aren't they, on average, the tallest people in the world?

It doesnt matter who votes and how many vote.

All that matters is who counts the votes.

It would be tremendously typically American.

plz send halp and funs


We need more meme magic, guys.

You're probably a heretic as well, user.

And you Vatican-Romans disown your own on a regular basis, this is a good example of how you do that. "Don't look too hard at this one!"

A typical game of good-cop, bad-cop with two stripes of white ethnic.

Get cucked beta cuckolds

t. sandnigro with BIG DICK

t. some liberal kaaskop

The Dutch are beyond saving. I've never met a bigger bunch of cucked faggots than the Dutch ( besides the Germans )

Why can't Western Europe be more like Eastern Europe ?

They are fucked either way considering what the alternative is.

Technically the Dutch started waaaay back in the 1600s with (((Dis fag)))

To the contary, fggt -

His party just gained several seats and the leading cuckshill party just lost several seats. Rome wasn't built in a day. This nucka has the third-largest political party in their parliament. Don't listen to the cuckshill media pretending that this is some huge blow to populism - that's just PSYOPS to dishearten people. This was HUGE victory for populism in Nederlands!

He's a supreme gentleman.

The dutch system wasnt made for one man to win so fast and get all the power. Leftis got fucked this time and lost tons of seats while parties dominate the parliament who had to accomodate to a few of Wilders demands.
They can now make coalitions in the future to denie the worst of the left all iinfluence while Wilders and the like slowly expand their influence by gaining seats as it happened this time.


Not to mention the top party copy/pasted some of Wilders' milder policies in their campaign.

kek'd but that's only amsterdam during tourist season, we actually have a lot less potheads and junkies in general than america

He increased his part of the vote by 30% and now leads the 2nd strongest party, while the strongest party lost a lot of votes.
This might not be the optimal result, but that's how things work in non-two-party systems, so calling it a massive loss is wrong.

Second-largest, user.

I dont know if its genuine shills or actual anons that have no understanding of the system and fell for media lies

It's the 89IQ stupid LARPing stormfront idiots, and of course the shills, they work in collaboration.

Holla Forums became such a shithole, I can't believe it.

Just look at this

And people think that a Jew-loving queer friendly Zionist cunt like Wilders can save the West….

That is why we're fucked,

Let's analyse the situation properly.

Wilders is only opposed to Muslims because they refuse to be good degenerate liberals like him and his ilk. Wilders is actually fighting for degeneracy and the death of the west via homosexuality and multi-racialism, he simply doesn't want muzzies to spoil the party with their puritanical religious views.

He refuses to criticize Jews who are at the heart of the problem. This means he knows about the Jewish role in the destruction of the west but instead of opposing them he made a conscious decision to COLLABORATE with them. Wilders is a Jew enabler and traitorous swine and if any good nationalist movement actually took over he would be hanging from the nearest lamppost.

The west cannot fix its problems by electing Jew-lovers, and that includes Donald Trump.

eh, they're make it later.
I mean the fact that a man who openly bashes the roaches got this close?
Man, give it next election. The whole world is waking up, it can't take that long.
I'm an american. but the netherlands has been through worse. They'll survive.

*clap* what are you doing besides shitposting and drinking Clubmate all throughout the day? *clap*

The dutch are such beautiful people it would be a huge loss if they all got mixed with cousin fucking inbred muslims

Call me when you crusade rotherham

They're raping OUR sluts oh no!!!

kill yourself

not even swedes stoop that low


If you wanna raise a generation of pakistani rape babies, then be my guest.


Get out, kike.

Brown trash impregnates white trash, I am supposed to get all upset about that?

Also if they are able to get pregnant they are not children in the eyes of mother nature are they? They are fertile women who willingly spread their legs for the brown alpha males lol

So 10 year old girls are white trash now?
Children can get pregnant, retard.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that, kike. Reported.

Are all brits this cucked?

The battle lines are being drawn.

Any White country that does not take a simple step in the right direction through the democratic process, such as Brexit or Trump in the US, therefore cannot be restored to the right path via the democratic process.

It's a sad day for Holland, but I'm still hopeful for France and think Le Pen has a better shot.
