American Vanguard

or Vanguard America, or whatever the fuck "we" are called now. I say "we" because I am embarrassed to even associate with these autists. The truth is AV is run inside and out by federal agents. Before we get to that lets take a little history trip.

also im slightly drunk, so ill probably end up reposting this with a lot of leaks. expect more

once upon a time, there was a guy named starman. starman was a user of larpermarch and a 4cuck broswer. he was also a massive fucking weaboo, and an asukafag. He had an idea. this idea was to make a group called reaction america, essentially a National ACtion rippoff here in the states. It went through a few iterations, but everything was fine. And you have to give the kid some credit, he managed to make a pretty solid group. In a few months he was able to assemble a decent number of people from several states to form the American Vanguard.

Now starman had a bit of a problem. First of all, he was an edgy teenager. Second of all, he was a massive weaboo. And finally, his group had some people who would do anything to get power, or at least the feeling of having it. There are two main people you need to remember name wise here. DILLON and THOMAS. Remember the names of DILLON and THOMAS for later.

Now starman's problem of being an edgy teenager is what started out first. You see, his mother kind of found out. don't do this shit if you are

Other urls found in this thread:

Not long after his return, it became clear that Thomas and Dillon wanted that power back. Thomas was really direct about it as I recall, while Dillon kind of kept on the sidelines about everything. The real shitstorm began when the twitter account was handed over to another member. Thomas began to go through the accounts, and found a spot where thomas had apparantly been sending hentai to a friend from several years beforehand. This was a legitimately bad mark on the part of starman, but not enough to eject him from power. Thomas needed something absolutely horrible to completely de-legitimize him in the face of AV members, and he got it. Instead of telling the truth about what was sent, he claimed that the locked rar file of hentai was actually CP to the members, and used to to leverage for the ejection of starman. He even made up false CP claims and told them to a number of people outside of the group on numerous occasions. Thomas then exploited the stories of him being an edgy teen to make him look way stupider than he actually was in the face of the group. Granted, starman could get pretty edgy, but he was never what thomas made him out to be.

Now that starman was out of the way, AV needed a new leader. Its not entirely clear what happened, but it was not Thomas who became the commander. Remember dillon, our not-a-federal-agent who encouraged borderline terrorist activity? He took the position, shoving Thomas down to a vice slot. For a person who sounds stupid as fuck over the microphone, I will give him credit, he is probably the smartest guy in the group. Using Thomas to do the dirty work, slip into his position, and then give him a vice position as a "pat pat good doggy" type reward? Very clever.

I hope ryan gets back in power again, but other than that I don't see a good future for the organization. I know one of the NFP guys is helping to make an anouncement system or something with them. I silently kinda hope that he is getting ready to coup the leaders, but at the same time i don't think his infiltration network is big enough to pull off that big of a gig yet. I know the leader of TWP is helping out as well but ive got no idea in what capacity. maybe its just intergroup communication. oh well. The truth is, I wish they never got in the door. I wish they were gone, because they are going to kill American Vanguard. Maybe it should just die slowly on its own. Whatever happens, traitors must hang.

tl;dr: AV is fucked and you should let it die slowly.


great thanks OP, i'll definitely continue to not associate myself with or know anything about your faggot group in any way

To be fair, these faggots have been promoting themselves here again recently.

It's good that somebody who knows what they're talking about is calling them out,

I tried to join and never got a Skype interview even.


There's your problem, they do everything on Grindr.

Thomas is actually in one of those photos. Can't say who but he is in there.

Groups shouldn't push to recruit, their actions should instead attract those who would want to join.

I leld at this. They actually use discord now, which was mostly a move to shove starman out of having administrative powers over the chat.

What's your thoughts on Matthew Heimbach's TradYouth network? He's rather active in my area, but I'm largely distrusting of any kind of political groups due to a number of personal reasons. Still, I'd like to hear your opinions on him.

And water is wet.

I hope you had protection while you were browsing there, sounds like you're gonna be pretty fucked in 2 months when they bust that place for attempting to blow up a federal building. You might want to also talk to your doctor about Grids you tremendous Faggot.

I have a friend who has met him before. Apparantly he is about 400 lbs bigger than you see on screen and got into all this via warhammer 40k. Other than that I don't know to much about him.

I can't recommend any groups ATM. I don't want to be that guy who says "don't go do activism goyim" but at the same time this has caused me to get really jaded.

The lesson I'm seeing here is that only adherents of the 2D path are trustworthy.

Leak #1
Expect more to come

This is their "Social Media Contract." After a few twitter spergeouts by members, they had to get people to sign this before they could become their representative.



This is why you don't join groups, especially ones created by people who are woke on the JQ/Race. If anything you should be subverting existing ones that more closely align with us and your interests in which there are plenty out there. The left's goal was the long march through the institutions, our long goal is subverting the existing infrastructure.

The day we can openly express our ideas without facing repercussions then maybe we have the ability to form groups. So long as that remains an obstacle working from the shadows is far more preferable and effective. Least of all it causes them paranoia thinking we're everywhere and yet we're nowhere (seen) and gives them nothing to punch at.

The power is by being leaderless, anonymous, and working individually. Nothing wrong with those "meet ups" so long as they remain basic on a friendship level at most and building acquaintances. The minute those groups want to start some organization then it's time to go your own way.

im fucked
>no vpn
>no proxies
>no tor
>met up IRL
end my life


ryan lay off the booze man

Yea, I'm not reading your fucking book, faggot.

Fuck off Ryan

Yeah, I've seen him in person myself once. One of the folks he was with went full on retard and was punching people and agitating everyone around him, really riling people's tensions up which was one of the biggest red flags for me. I prefer to continue to keep up my normalfag appearances until the situation calls for it.

Hey Ryan, how you doing today? Still mad you got kicked out? Ah well most people left Vanguard America anyway, well the people who were Fascists did at least

Op its time to go back.


Did somebody link this thread in your grindr groupchat?

LMFAO kill yourself Ryan

I barely know what you cocksleeves are talking about, because I didn't bother to read OP's lame ass story, but it seems like you are a bunch of group joiners and namefags.

They deserve everything that's coming to them.

What the fuck does american vanguard even do? Putting up flyers on campuses? That's fucking nothing. You could do that totally decentralized by just having anons sharing printable poster ideas on Holla Forums and telling any willing people to paste them around their local campuses.

Go shill on another chan. Reddit was always your speed.

nice namefagging

Put up posters and waste money. Thats it. I think Ghoul and starman managed to collect about 1k for them, and all they have done is piss it away.

The day we can openly express ourselves without facing repercussions is the day we've already won.

American Vanguard is dying, no drive or sense of direction

Thank you for saging

Wow, are we trying to spam a thread to bumplock here? You aren't even good at it.


Wow, are we trying to spam a thread to bumplock here? You aren't even good at it.


sorry for doublepost, sage for ot

Learn to read IDs.

According to they also hike and go to museums. It's essentially a way for autistic kids to make friends under the guise of political activism. Also sodomy, lots and lots of sodomy.

Capped for future reference should the American Vanguard ever come up somehow on Holla Forums


Used to be apart of the group, thought it would be best if Ryan here would know who was talking to him



daily reminder that this shitty meme is based in PRfaggotry.

Turns out those screenshots of (i guess) this starman's steam account were actually proof of his leadership capability.


OK then, how do we fix our current problem?

They definitely do run every major aut-right organization though. Mostly the latter.

We need a group that focuses on bringing smaller groups together to communicate, instead of focusing on the national group first. Local activism vs National activism.

Wasn't this some faggot group that we destroyed in the TRS war?


No, they're the ones who hit the news for having a meetup in a cigar bar and getting staff and other patrons to pose with them to make the group seem bigger than it was. Absolutely pathetic.

Kill yourself boy


fucking waste nigger

No shit, the entire aut-kike is a jewish honeypot.
Central Intelligence Agency (1947) ——–→ Henry Regnery (1912–1996) ——–→ Regnery Publishing (1947) + American Security Council (1958) ——–→ William Regnery II ——–→ Charles Martel Society (2001) + National Policy Institute (2005) ——–→ The Occidental Quarterly + The Occidental Observer + NPI president (Richard Spencer) + CMS directors (Sam Dickson, James Edwards, John Gardner, Greg Johnson, William Johnson, Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor)==

How well do you know Ghoul?

I'm kinda curious what his deal is. The dude decides to start a youtube channel showing his face for all to see. Naturally, you'd assume he decided not to care about people finding out about his views. But then when he gets "doxed" (an over-exaggeration; he doxed himself) he suddenly freaks the fuck out and shoah's everything and drops off the face of the earth.

…what the fuck did he think would happen? Are you telling me he seriously decided to start showing his face on youtube and espousing white nationalism and NOT get doxed? Is he retarded? And after he was doxed, why did he disappear? No reason to hide AFTER you've been doxed.

just kill me
entral Intelligence Agency (1947) ——–→ Henry Regnery (1912–1996) ——–→ Regnery Publishing (1947) + American Security Council (1958) ——–→ William Regnery II ——–→ Charles Martel Society (2001) + National Policy Institute (2005) ——–→ The Occidental Quarterly + The Occidental Observer + NPI president (Richard Spencer) + CMS directors (Sam Dickson, James Edwards, John Gardner, Greg Johnson, William Johnson, Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor

I don't understand who the honey is meant for, they can't possibly consider anyone that joins a threat.

I know that they were doing serious shit to intimidate his family. Apparently he has kids, but I don't know anything else.

In all honesty, he should have expected this. He should have expected everything.

Him and the tranny adopted some?

Embarrassing tbh fam. Everyone keeps saying Holla Forums is being overly-paranoid when we call everyone in these alt-right groups either faggots and/or kikes, but yet they all just so happen to either be faggots or kikes.


Sure are a lot of fucking names floating around in this thread. I guess you kids don't remember why we hate namefags, or why anonymity is important. We dox our enemies, not our autistic teen weirdos.


Bro Ryan deserves all the h8

If your leader isn't hailing Hitler while clutching his daki close, you're following a Fed.

Some rich fucker takes off the mask of anonymity and declares himself enemy of the world. You must be at a certain level of chuuni to gain admittance, so as to block infiltrators.

So to be clear, he DID think he could put his face out there and NOT get doxed?

This isn't just an issue of subpar opsec. This is just common fucking sense that even some 12 year old on Holla Forums would know. It's honestly unfathomable that anyone could not think this through.

I never get tired of that fucking image. Its so funny its amazing.

Technically the first image is wrong. They have a few vets in the group, and that is what was happening at the time. Second image is what Thomas distorted as CP to get starman to look bad.


Everybody involved with AV/TRS/Aut-Right does.

The best part: he wrote the opsec sticky on the TRSodomite forum.




fuck of atomwaffen shill

Kevin MacDonald, author of the Culture of Critique, is an FBI shill? I'm no fan of Richard Spencer but I'm calling bullshit on your list.

What the fuck is wrong with you

I'm trapped in this hell with teenagers


Ryan drink bleach FAGGOT

They are CMS directors, fact-check it yourself.

I doubt he's an FBI shill, but he claims the Holohoax happened and says we should try to make a deal with the Israel "far-right".

That's Ryan Faulk from TRS/The Alternative Hypothesis. The video itself is censored, I found it on jewtube.

Sort the replies and UIDs, Anons are just here enjoying the salt.

So what the hell do we do? Who would run VA?


nobody. the group should die.

well then he's definitely a CIA shill.

your a faggot Ryan

I'm wary of these alt-right groups that promote sodomy but talking about war doesn't make someone a Fed. If it is then just about everybody in the world is a Fed because everyone that is capable of speaking has talked about war at some point.

Aww, are you guys talking about this thread now in voice chat?

PS: You can kick Ryan from the channel, but you can't kick me if you don't know who I am.

Wait, is that autistic faggot Faulk in AV too?


Wonder if he's a kike?

Not sure.



Looking through some of their stuff. They obviously aren't all weaboos.

fucking lol we have deep cover Holla Forumsacks
kekspeed you glorious bastard

VA is dying. People leaving left and right. Ghoul, Ryan, Thomas, Dillon. The leadership is literally burning their own house down

see: >>/trs/2567

Finding out the truth about Ryan Faulk is honestly much worse than finding out about the rest of the kikes/faggots in the alt-right. I actually respected Faulk for digging through data, doing actual analyses, posting sources, formulating data-based arguments, etc.



fuck off ryan

Informative thread, thanks for posting this starman.

Best post in the thread. We succeed where others fail because of this. Nothing American Vanguard does requires organization to accomplish, therefore organization is undesirable. Only organize at the last possible minute when it become necessary, to give the enemy the shortest window of time to infiltrate and subvert.

No, old leader of AV was named Ryan (starman).

The more you shill the more I leak.



This is Thomas and I've had fucking enough. Do you know how much shit I put up with constantly from everybody? Everybody saying "Oh you're not fascist enough" "Oh you don't use the swastika enough" WELL I HAVE HAD IT



weeaboo =/= watching anime, Jap worship makes you a weeb.

He's Ryan, he's Ryan, your Ryan, I'm RYAN! Are there any other Ryans I should know about?!

Alright, this is Thomas. I did send some hentai, but it was NOT, and I say strictly NOT child porn. You motherfuckers spreading this slanderous shit are on my fucking hit list, mark my words. The Vanguard is not to be fucking trifled with.


By the standards of your average American man, watching anime makes you a weeb. Most people don't have anything to do with anime.



This is Thomas, and I have been working for 5 months to seize total control of AV. You are not about to ruin that with one bad thread, Ryan. I will not give up until I have removed every swastika from american soil and declared all real fascists traitors to their race.




Word. Postering "campaigns" don't require this LARPing power structure bullshit. You just some bored anons sharing design ideas, uploading them for anyone to use, and letting various people across the country choose on their own to print them out and put them up around their college campuses. It requires absolutely zero organization

I'm no anarchist, but there's no reason to have a structure for things that don't need them. For the same reason that communist central planning doesn't work either. It's just inefficient make-work bullshit. If they actually did something that required large scale organization, then fine. But campus posters? lol, no.


This is Thomas and I'm an egomaniac cunt with a small dink who slips in my own shit.

Same here my man. This is Ryan. Every day. Every god damn day me and my boyfriend have to put up with these "Knight of the long knives" jokes. Do you have any idea how hurtful that is? I will have you know that the entire nationalist movement would collapse without the few good men who just happen to like cocks in their mouths.

The Aryan man is inherently a masculine one steeped in a warrior ethos. Only the patricians who worship his form could be truly worthy of leading us into the völkisch future we deserve.

oh wow im loving this thread.

So when they branded themselves as American Vanguard, some agro company threatened to sue, so they changed their name and website.

Only someone who has reached the level of an Otaku can be trusted to be beyond corruption by this 3D hellscape. Anti-anime is Antifa.

Hello Thomas here just wanted to say every other Thomas is not the REAL Thomas.

I'm just telling you faggots I'm not putting up with it anymore

I am Thomas how dare you all do this.


Fuck off fake Thomas, I'm the one true Thomas. Lord of the Vanguard.

nigger i am tomas

Anybody else starting to think we're on the road to another jimpacting?



No, I know this exact type of tryhard faggot. These guys just want a blanket ban on anime in general. They're goons that don't stem from chan culture, and they don't understand the nuance between being a weeb and just liking anime.

They don't fucking get it. All the legwork for all this "alt right" bullshit was all done by Holla Forums or from things that extended from Holla Forums. We shitpost across the internet with nazi anime waifus, but these people still want to act like uptight WN1.0 fags

I'm just some neutral observer to this whole mess, but Christ this thread is just an exercise in pure cringe. Like, just stop it and, I don't know, go outside, talk to white girls, go lift weights—just not this!. Also fascism is for fags. Go National Socialist or go home.


What is this thread? It looks like a bunch of people are just airing out their dirty laundry here.


I still can't believe that's a real poster.


18 posts itt bitching about Ryan. You his ex or something?

Hey Faggots,
My name is Ryan, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any 2D pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to 3DPD pictures on reddit.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of my US navy seal squad, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot 2D waifu (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

Not really. Nobody gives a fuck about AV anyway. The jimpacting was a shitshow because of how big TRS was. Speaking of which, I'm morbidly curious how the forums and their show are doing these days.



I was lurking this thread because AV was a group I was considering joining and wanted more honest information about it. Holla Forums has been right on many things, including the jew infiltration of TRS.

However, the posters in this thread don't sound like Holla Forumsacks. I don't know who the fuck Thomas or Ryan or whatever namefag you're talking about is, but whoever is posting here is clearly from some other group (AW, IE) or a butthurt AV member and is airing their grievances on Holla Forums. To expect us to be familiar or care about any of these people is ridiculous.

If you have legitimate information to reveal about AV being a honeypot or infiltrated by feds, but all means please post it here. But if you're just going to circlejerk about how much you hate vice commander gaylord then get the fuck out of here.


"So I have a partly formed idea. If you examine Ancient Greek art, the heroes always have small penises and the satyrs always have very large penises. They associated large penises with lust, foolishness, and animal qualities, whereas small penises were logic, intelligence, and self-control. One who was not as well endowed was not dominated by lust and folly. This seems to have been the dominant opinion until fairly recently. Renaissance art depicts men with small penises as well, and I think even German depictions of the Ideal Aryan also had small penises. The idea of bbc originated from racism, the idea that blacks were animals obsessed with raping white women. Average penis size of a country seems to vary inversely with average IQ. So why is it that recently the opinion has shifted so that now big penises are a good thing? Is it because our culture is obsessed wit sex, or because we want to make niggers look better so we promote a quality that they have? Perhaps that is also why tans are valued nowadays, when in the old days people preferred pale skin. Therefore I propose that we find a way to turn our culture around and value small penises again, so we can shift our values from sex back to intelligence and from black back to white. However, I have no idea how we promote this without people saying "oh they only care because they have small penises" or something of the sort."

Atomwaffen is literally larp tier.

Guys, we really need to get down to Brass Tax here.

I, truly, and indubitably, am THOMAS



hey tommy



Hey Tommy

This is the only correct post, thank you.


Thomas its time to stop posting…

Hi brandon


A bunch of cringy "American Vanguard" edgelords are infighting. So yeah, you're not wrong. Care for some popcorn?

And welcome to the world of edgelords and honeypots, user.

Of course not, but they're a TRS offshoot, it's only a matter of time before things head up and we find out one of their hosts is a nigger tranny or something.

No this is Patrick

You fuckers want leaks? I got leaks



Holy shit I thought those posters floating around were shops.

Hey, Tommy, if I was gonna break your balls, I'd tell you to go home and get your shine box.


/r/ing that picture of the odin in the fake uniform and wessie getting kicked off of IM after converting to islam.

Hey tommy

I prefer the name "Vice Kikemmander Takes-it-in-the-ass." That's an order.

Thomas! You son of a bitch!




Looks like we're being raided.

If you hate AV so much, you should have coordinated your shilling to post legitimate reasons to avoid the group like proof members are affiliated with the FBI, etc. Instead you're just whining about how assblasted you are about fucking namefags that Holla Forums has never heard about.


So brave





Pretty sure the cringefest currently unfolding is enough to make any self-respecting Holla Forumsack avoid them.

This entire thread is cuckchan tier cringe. Is something being slid? WTF is this shit?


I've got some bad news for you boi

lel, did they ban the purity spiral?

So it's a bunch of infighting and they decided to bring it over to Holla Forums for some reason?

What the fuck is that blue/pink thing?

There's nothing more cancerous than a group that takes itself seriously, has a big organization structure, and doesn't even do anything but sit on their asses for a long period of time.

The only purpose of such an organization is to act as a sitting duck, waiting for jew/fed infiltration and subversion.

Ghoul also has two lesbian moms. Explains why he's pro gay and nails trannies.


frig off ryan

He probably got molested by one of their male faggot friends. Sad.


wow… those replies.
this thread is retarded

Why the fuck are there so many larpers that are all faggots/shitskins/fetishists?

What do they gain from tainting Nationalism?


good luck with that, Holla Forums isn't really all that reliable outside of the internet. Don't expect them to really do anything other than shitost


What's Ryan?

t. ignorant


the ultimate poser mike "not a kike" peinowitz

Dosent seem like there's a single NATSOC group or white nationalist group that's not intertwined with an Alphabet agency. How the fuck are we suppose to save Europe and America when everyone is too afraid to organize? That's what pisses me off the most, being in a hopeless state where you can't do anything.

All the confirmation I need that it is indeed sliding. Thanks faggot.

He was the original leader.

Near as I can tell, yeah. Seems OP got drunk, decided to air some dirty laundry about his organization on Holla Forums, and now other members of this "American vanguard' are chimping out over the whole deal, complete all namefagging each other. It's just a load of cringe and edgelords. Though it's almost f funny to watch, in a "please kill yourselves and stop shitting up my board" sort of way.

I've heard about this group, finally some sauce on it. I don't even care if it's true. Just another reason for me to stay out of blackshirt groups. When are they not pozzed FBI honeypots?


My goal, moreso than to be a part of any specific organization, is to network with other white nationalists in my state. Trust me, I've tried at the local level but I live in liberal shithole where most of the white men that I know voted for Hillary Clinton.

However, I've very wary about honeypots and this thread indicates there's a lot of instability in AV. Whether these are disgruntled AV members or some rival group I don't know, but these posters definitely aren't regular Holla Forumsacks.

do things for yourself.
you start a family, you advocate for real pro-white interests wherever possible.
becoming the overman is the only way to avoid death as well as break the cycles of guilt and slavery

its only really like this in America where there's no coherent identity or traditions to circle the troops around

what you end up with is a clusterfuck of people desperately trying anything and throwing mud at the wall

This is some cancerous shit. This is why Holla Forums is so vehemently anti-namefag. Organizing and sharing ideas with your friends, community, family? Cool. But on a larger scale, the internet requires you to be formless to achieve anything of note. Nobody here gives a shit about your petty e-drama. We just want information, good ideas, and quality memes. Kill the ego, cultivate the idea. If you don't understand the importance of anonymity and the Holla Forums hivemind you will when you're older. If you're already older, you need to be taken out behind the chemical shed and put out of our misery.

This is actually why I left AV. The ego killed everything.

This is part of the reason why Christian "nationalists"are such cancer. Look at that bitch. She doesn't love her race. She thinks they're dog fuckers. They just want to indoctrinate them into their shame cult and they don't really believe in them to have virtue when it is explained to them at all.

No problem. Go save the very important threads from being slid my man. Couldn't just be anons shitposting in some thread made by an autist.

Vex is mad because hes a weeb faggot that likes to larp

I always get told that. Is starting a family really the only thing we can do? even if we start families, whites are still a minority and are still becoming minorities in their own countries. There has to be something else or things are going to really fucking bad.


its not actually that bad. Holla Forums just hates people on principle.

I'm serious, they'd be calling the nazis faggot jew lovers if they sprung from the grave.

It so often does. Ego killed TRS and other faggots too. Yet Holla Forums endures because Holla Forums is formless.


Stay mad Erin

Ego is the downfall of all these namefags. Hubris is what killed TRS too (or, to be pedantic, gave them terminal metastatic cancer that they technically haven't died up quite yet).

As far as I can tell all these groups do is argue over which deep cover fed is going to be their leader.

Very true, that's why I think America is really fucked, Europe has a chance because of thousands of years of heritage and tradition. Europa can't fall.

Yes and he is going to die tonight.

yeah fuck them tbh. atomwaffen are a bunch of larpers. Why do they have autistic uniforms and talking about insurgencies and shit. fucking autism, how are you supposed to recruit normalfags that way?

not to burst your bubble, but TRS is actually doing fine.

Have you even read Siege?

I'm willing to organize, and remain loyal to whatever cause I'm apart of. It's something I've been reaching out to you faggots for a few months now, but you paranoid fucks keep calling me a CIA shill anytime I take opportunities to bring such a thing up. I just don't know how to do it. I'm not afraid of exposure. What do I have to lose? All NatSoc has ever been since the death of Rockwell is either tiny brained neo-nazi thugs or disorganized groups of circle jerking internet communities. When it's not that, it's been infiltrated by the feds. When are people going to stop waiting for Hitler and band together? Or are we going to try to "rise from the ashes" when whites are the minority living in apartheid USA?

Only if they were faggot jew lovers, like the aut-righters are.


"So I have a partly formed idea. If you examine Ancient Greek art, the heroes always have small penises and the satyrs always have very large penises. They associated large penises with lust, foolishness, and animal qualities, whereas small penises were logic, intelligence, and self-control. One who was not as well endowed was not dominated by lust and folly. This seems to have been the dominant opinion until fairly recently. Renaissance art depicts men with small penises as well, and I think even German depictions of the Ideal Aryan also had small penises. The idea of bbc originated from racism, the idea that blacks were animals obsessed with raping white women. Average penis size of a country seems to vary inversely with average IQ. So why is it that recently the opinion has shifted so that now big penises are a good thing? Is it because our culture is obsessed wit sex, or because we want to make niggers look better so we promote a quality that they have? Perhaps that is also why tans are valued nowadays, when in the old days people preferred pale skin. Therefore I propose that we find a way to turn our culture around and value small penises again, so we can shift our values from sex back to intelligence and from black back to white. However, I have no idea how we promote this without people saying "oh they only care because they have small penises" or something of the sort."

Yeah, we have such ridiculous standards. God forbid we have leaders who aren't faggots or kikes.

Ryan Faulk
Greg Johnson
Millennial Woes
Jack Donovan
Many such cases!

Need I go on? Not to mention all the secondary faggots who are shit for covering up for the literal faggots. You can't chalk this up as being totally normal. There is a serious faggot issue in the alt right

nothing happens because no one cares about a radical political movement when most people are living extremely comfortable lives

"So I have a partly formed idea. If you examine Ancient Greek art, the heroes always have small penises and the satyrs always have very large penises. They associated large penises with lust, foolishness, and animal qualities, whereas small penises were logic, intelligence, and self-control. One who was not as well endowed was not dominated by lust and folly. This seems to have been the dominant opinion until fairly recently. Renaissance art depicts men with small penises as well, and I think even German depictions of the Ideal Aryan also had small penises. The idea of bbc originated from racism, the idea that blacks were animals obsessed with raping white women. Average penis size of a country seems to vary inversely with average IQ. So why is it that recently the opinion has shifted so that now big penises are a good thing? Is it because our culture is obsessed wit sex, or because we want to make niggers look better so we promote a quality that they have? Perhaps that is also why tans are valued nowadays, when in the old days people preferred pale skin. Therefore I propose that we find a way to turn our culture around and value small penises again, so we can shift our values from sex back to intelligence and from black back to white. However, I have no idea how we promote this without people saying "oh they only care because they have small penises" or something of the sort."

read up on the jews in the nazis, and the rumors of faggots in their ranks. Just like the rumors of every fascist group being gay, like TRS. (which there is no proof of, but we've memed it anyway)



remember when the mods here took flak for banning the all-caps italics tripfagging spic?

I remember.

Are you stupid?


Playing devils advocate, what would we exactly do when we organize? Hold rallies? Protest? The entire thing is a clusterfuck, I think you can admit that. I honestly I have no idea how you get niggers and jews out of America, I don't think it's even remotely possible right now, and I'm not being a defeatist, I think people should focus their attention on Europe.


Millenial woes and Ghoul aren't gay. no idea about any of the others except Jack Donovon who I know was kicked out fir being a fag

It reminds me of the school organizations back in highschool and college. You know, the ones that never actually did anything, but everyone scrambled for "leadership" positions just to have something to pad their resume?

Same shit here. Identity europa, american vanguard, new york forum, etc. None of them do jack shit. They're just circlejerks. Most likely literally as well as metaphorical.


I have, out of interest. To actually think something like that will come to fruition in the US, wew. Atomwaffen is some of the cringiest shit I've ever seen. They do the bidding of the kikes PERFECTLY.


didn't deny that, said they were doing fine. Reading comprehension nigga, do you have it?

In my opinion what America actually "is" is webm related. Nobody gives a damn. There isn't much sacred or great. The only thing in people's heads is mindless consumption. If there is going to be a movement it will actually have to largely be a rejection of Americanism and something completely new. It's something that the people who just want to jump in a time machine that hang around these places don't understand.

looooooooooool, middle-school politics.


Also see: re: Woes

Millennial Woes is an admitted bisexual who likes to suck cock
Ghoul fucked a tranny. enough said.
And you're just a blatant shill playing dumb if you're trying to say none of these guys are fags. Grindr GRIDS Greggy? Come the fuck on.


american vanguard are basically a bunch of middle schoolers

true, at the same time how does a "complete rejection of Americanism" gain even an iota of traction?

I stand corrected on Millennial Woes


There is but everyone's going to call me FBI for posting it.


Bog yourself TRSodomite

Why do all the aut-right groups come here to air their shit then crash and burn?

Can't embed because this is the third time I've posted this video, but it's an important one. If you want to fight the Jew you have to use Jew tactics. I've heard of Holla Forumsacks meeting up and gearing up for the RWDS scenario, I wish I could get in on that.

Are you sure about that? All I know about Millennial woes is that his house was swarmed by news vans after vague "racism" and "white supremacy" in his videos. When I hear allegations against people like that, it makes me wonder if it's just accusations to discredit their name by (((someone)))

tldr faggot OP

not a shill, didn't know. I'm not sure that's prrof Ghoul is gay though, Not sure what I'm looking at. He took a picture of a tranny?


Pretty clever tbhfamalam

Moths to the flame.

Its true though, remember when /lgbt/ was forcing gay memes on Holla Forums? And the Nazis had this same problem. Its a standard method of attack

The ideals we fight for are supposedly eternal and all encompassing, are they not? People just need to stop trying to fit it into the masonic liberal mess of America and say what they believe. It will be as revolutionary as the revolutionary war was to the old European society.

In a sense, the communists chase that. Though in reality they're largely soy-swilling bugmen dependent on consuming vapid shit to fill the void.

Exactly, I wouldn't be surprised if Jews had something in when America was created. It's just too good to be true. They managed to build their own Sodom and Gomorrah with a great army. Or maybe not, Jews are opportunists. But yeah I totally agree, I think that's why the suicide rate is so high too among white males, nothing to believe in.




MW literally admits to being a poof, you fucking homo.

The rest I mentioned are all fags as well. Don't forget that. Plenty of other alt-right people who are fags in addition that I just can't name off the top of my head.

And I'm not talking about straw-grasping "I don't like the cut of his jib so he's a fag" stuff. I'm talking about people who are 100% without a doubt faggots. Although the faggot apologists are no better.

god damn this board is trash now.

post it

Because they get to air their grievances while blaming all discordance and "punching right" on Holla Forums. Similar to how it was apparently Holla Forums's fault that Kike Enoch got doxed, even though we didn't do that, and we were merely the ones who looked through the content and found out about the kike wife.


Woes is, or at least was, a faggot. He mentioned this in some of his earlier videos, back when I watched him and was new enough to the redpill to not know better about the gays. He said he had been thru a "gay phase," as he called it. Kissed, slept, and even lived with other men as part of this "gay phase." I remain unsure if you can "reform" a homosexual, or if you're just totally fucked since lots of gays are created by being raped as kids.


Acts of political terror, assassinations and sabotage.

He was flirting with Brendan Kissam aka Thorn Lockerson, who he sperged out in defense of in a video, as recently as December.

Would you trust a reformed pedophile? A reformed heroin addict?



The sages are in place and waiting, but Kalki has yet to emerge.

Rallies and protests are relics. Our vector is total cultural warfare launched through the mass communicative media.

By showing people what the result of that rejection looks like. Was that vision not what stirred the acceptance of truth within us?

Right because it's not like it hasn't been shill fucking central around here for the last couple days in particular.

Whether he's intentionally trying to sabotage any sort of foothold that we might have by being an absolute fucking mongrel, or if he's just retarded, it's still a goddamn shame that we have to waste time putting up with faggots like this.


Do you think that could be combined with "Acts of political terror, assassinations and sabotage."?

They get the rope
I'd argue this, but that's possibly because I grew up in a very white and rural part of the country with a huge heroin epidemic, and I'd like to think we can still save those people somehow. Polite sage for off-topic


People in the Reich observed that it was much easier to convert a communist than a conservative/reactionary despite national socialism and marxism being polar opposites. Same idealist mindset and the ability to sense the ills of society.


Haha, it's like you copy pasted that out of a handbook to know whether or not you found a terrorist. You're not supposed to do that Shlomo, Jesus.

Not just the Reich, man. Mussolini was an influential socialist before forming the Fascist Party. As was Mosley. Tbh I used to be an edgy anarchist dabbling with socialist ideals before my redpilling. I can't help but shake the feeling that plenty of us (and former ancaps) are following a similar path.


Jesus I thought that I was posting on >>>/polmeta/ it's spammed to hell right now with some emoji shit like in every thread
I'm fucking retarded lad sorry.

ex-druggies can be good people at heart but they will never be intelligent(if they even were in the first place)
t. ex-druggie

I believe drug addicts can be reformed if they are willing. When filled with enough conviction, they can be trusted, this of course is circumstantial. Rockwell had a lot of trouble makers a ex-alcoholics in his party. He kept them in line and made sure they behaved. Of course, naturally, I don't think they would be able to hold significant positions within the party, even if it took off. I think these people should be treated the same.

At some point these things are going to have to happen.The Juden will not give up power voluntarily.
Just saying. Prepare yourself.

Not particularly, those sorts of acts are meaningless in a world where the information of normiespace is so tightly controlled. Those things don't create sensations, nor are they things in which the masses can be made to participate easily. The masses are held captive not by bonds but by a captivating illusion. Violence will never create a more captivating vision with which to wrest control of the hearts and minds of our volk from the influences currently grasping them.

In the end, one has to tell stories to the people, stories of the world they could create with their own hands. The lightning comes later when they understand those that oppose the narrative of restoration.

No user the only way we win is if hold le epic protests and win the war on the internet. My mommy told me violence solves nothing XD

I get what your saying. At the same time though, it seems that Jews and their fellow satanic faggot friends really dont hold that much power. Maybe they want us to believe that they are satanic and eating children because that makes them untouchable in a way, and scary as shit. But maybe they really are. If were going up against people who are literal satanists and sacrifice children, it seems like you can't play at their own game. I think we have to keep spreading awareness and when the time comes we drag these fucks out of their homes and crucify them.

You have my sympathies, user. But you've wound up on a Holla Forums, and you're not namefagging like the vanguard faggots, so that at least tells me you've got a good heart. That means something, especially in this empty day and age.
While I do doubt ex-addicts could have major position due to their old addictions, I still think they're people like us, and ought be protected and helped out like you would any other white member of your society. Offer then a hand, but leave it up to them to accept it. If they don't, it's on them.
I should make a OP about addicts and what we can do for them. Perhaps I'm just an idealist, but I really want to help those sorts of people get back up on their feet, give then a second chance, because often they're fallen on such hard times because our country has failed them.


You guys are crazy, violence is wrong. On a side note, this is my favorite book, it's a romance story about a young man who finds love on the streets of D.C. He ends up having a spiritual awakening and begins to understand his place in the world. Very moving. 10/10.

This book sounds great. Is it just one book?

I just wondered one day why I couldn't have muh gunz and freedumbz like all the other states and realized that the mexicans that State imported took them away from me. Kinda flowed from there.

I mean… If you don't believe in your people and want to help them be the best they can be what are you here for? Nigger-death, I guess.

vanguard wins again

Actually you go the opposite route. Everyone half accepts that narrative already, but the stumbling block is that they can't conceive of why there would be a cabal of sadistic cannibals working to undermine society. Instead of trying to get people to see the truth to which they've already been made blind, you have to inscribe them with the experience of a truth which cannot be denied. No one can fully believe until he has come face to face with the superspectrum.

Here's an interesting article on this school of thought that I think everyone on Holla Forums ought to read.

Slavros afaik is okay. Obv not white but I dont think he lives in a white country

Isn't what we believe in mostly idealism? At least, it is in this era. I never understood the sentiment of rejection of people such as addicts. In a way, I feel they are victims somehow. I know they made their own choice to pick up the drug, but there are a lot of factors at play, especially at the hands of the dealer who viciously sucks people into drugs such as meth, crack and heroin. I've heard people talk about the stuff like it's fucking weed.

I've seen these things firsthand. Especially when someone is desperate and desolate, it's easy to get sucked into drug use. Very easy. Because of the stigma of drug addiction, most people don't even bother helping them. They're treated as untouchables. A lot of them do show very toxic and parasitic behavior. Think of the drug addict girlfriend who manipulates her significant other into giving her drug money. But there are people who genuinely want to change, and have a very real chance of doing so if someone gave them a chance. Not only could these people be introduced into our ranks, it could very possibly shed positive light on the movement as a group who gives chances to people no one else would give the time of day.

How do we do that? Just like Yuri said, even if you show them the pictures of the concentration camps (Soviet), or in this case, even a video of a kid being raped and sacrificed, they won't believe it, you can shower them with a mountain of evidence. I think what your saying "experience of truth" is right because normies are so fucking stupid, but I don't see how that happens.

I wonder if decentralized autonomous groups that just follow a template would work better. That has its own problems but are they better problems than the big gay national org structure does?

wait people take that seriously???

I wonder how many people were drug addicts or if people loved escapism so much in 20-30's Germany compared to present day Europe and America. I think that's why people commit suicide and basically kill themselves by escaping reality. There's nothing to live for. Just like that Goebbels quote. I'm starting to understand now how tribal humans really are, and were trying to destroy that, especially in America. that's why national socialism is great. It combines the aspect of a tribal community with huge advances in technology for the betterment of the people. It would be so god damn beautiful if Hitler won.

hey dude you first

"The Jewish System will not voluntarily relinquish power if we somehow “win” by playing by its own rules. The System has proven time and time again that its rules are devised to keep other players out of the game, and will break its own rules whenever it can to eliminate rivals it cannot control. Simply put, the law isn’t some magic force of impartiality and objective judgement that majestically swoops down and rewards people for coloring inside its lines while punishing bad guys. It’s an expression of institutionalized power, also predicated on the threat of violence. The law will break its own rules whenever it can, contradicting itself at every turn to further its own end of protecting the multinational Jewish conglomerate it serves."

See faggots, this is why Trump really isnt that great. Great article, thanks for sharing.

stand alone complex is undefeatable

Or I suppose we could shoot them in the head. It's cheaper and doesn't take too long.

Decentralization doesn't fix the problem of ego and poor recruiting standards. The problem with AV is not that it follows a "giant" national structure. It is that they have no clear ideological basis for their group, no clear goals and strategies and seem to consist of a dozen national and state "leaders" bickering on discord.

Go back to stormfront

yeah Trump really was a standard candidate who got the normal form of support from those in power. I can see now why we should become terrorists now agent faggot

Well for esoteric matters specifically, you have to take them out in person to see the things which are declared impossibilities by the materialist paradigm. On matters of idealism, you must be able to offer fellowship under the banner of that ideal. People must be given a taste of what the world of ethnofascism is like before they will ever desire to see it made to bloom.

Why don't you read that paragraph again you thick fuck. If anything Trump quelled a lot of built up white rage and funneled it into building a dumb fucking wall that will do absolutely fucking nothing.

That flag looks shopped.

haha yeah dude let's make a dirty bomb

hahaa im an unoriginal faggot hahaha

haha you are

And how on earth do we do that? They're all fat and happy. I understand what your saying, all of it. I'm trying to understand what specific things would change a normies mind into accepting NATSOC and dragging jews out of their homes.

Trump is still letting Syrian refugees into America of all things. Immigration into America is still continuing unchecked. And this is all happening while Trump has sole authority of who can and cannot enter the US. He could if he wanted to shut down immigration completely. But he doesn't. Which means he's not on our side.

Just started reading that. The romance is pretty forced 6.9/10.

This thread is hilarious. Glad the mods let this shitshow evolve ahahahaha.

We are dreamers here on Holla Forums, but we're also do-ers. Some of us, anyhow. I honestly think that if we lived in a perfect NatSoc society, with my temperament and desire to help, I'd probably end up as a sort of social worker, trying to help my race be the very best it can be. Or a cop, as I think the ideal cop is a sort of social worker with a gun who handles and helps people at their worst. There's a reason I'm trying to get a job with local law enforcement in a very white county.

While some people do deserve that fate, I don't agree when it comes to addicts. The fast and easy way out isn't the best solution here. They've often found themselves here because of a shitty country that hates them for being White, or a shitty home life that really messed them up. They deserve some human dignity, compassion, and to be offered a helping hand; it's up to them to take it, however.

Anytime you question Trump your only met with "wait for hitler" "shill" and whatever bullshit they can barely remember to spill out. truth is, I think Jews put Trump in power to act as a pacifier. If things got continually worse and lets say Hillary got elected, maybe we would have gotten some violent outrage who knows.

What in the ever-loving fuck is this thread?

The new travel ban lists syria but here you go lying again so it doesnt really matter. get gassed kike

why dont you do something about it instead of bitch lol

White rage is at its absolute highest I've ever seen it right now user. Seemed like everyone was depressed as fuck during Obama's presidency and defeatism was rampant. It took a while for any confidence to build up in Trump - it wasn't until he started to show promise against the other candidates that people really started to take what he said seriously. If you haven't noticed, a lot of things have changed since we started winning, and that includes within the realm of the culture war. More whites are starting to push back against the bullshit now that they have a leader they respect, and they're smart enough to not let another president get away with empty campaign promises.

If Shillary got elected I doubt we'd be seeing anywhere near the level of white empowerment that we see now. She would be trying to crack down on it through a variety of means with the intent of keeping people demoralized enough to stop them from acting.

But if you want to be blackpilled like that, go ahead.

No but it might limit the scope of powerfags and infiltrators ruining everything from the top down. Obviously you need a real foundation too. I see a lot of "what" but not "why".

He lives in Russia. Which is funny because he epitomises everything Hitler wanted to kill in Russia. (Asiatic racial influences)
And really this pisses me off.
I want to like Ironmarch, I really do. I love their general message and views (as seen by my enjoyment of this article they wrote) but they are still pretty kinda cucked.

1. They're led by a non-white and have a ton on non-white "BASED mud fascist" members.
2. They are exclusively a bunch of christ-cucks. They hate NS fedoras and paganLARPers more than non-white Christians. They suck Common-spics dick all fucking day.

They have a load of good people and content but are still slightly cucked.
I'd say Holla Forums is godteir and perfect, but that might be because I cant see you guys lol.
Holla Forums is still the best nazi forum tho. Even if we don't do much off the internet.

There's a prequel.

Here's a better article that wasn't written by a larping mongrel edgelord faggot it was written by a faggot leftist, but it's core argument is solid

wow I wonder if there was any kind of drama with federal courts overturning his executive orders recently
really jogging my noggin here

Dont call me black pilled you moron. That's the equivalent of a liberal faggot calling me a racist. Don't be like the rest of these idiots. I'm simply questioning Trump and his intentions. Hurr durr your black pilled defeatist. Just imagine if Germany got some average leader when they needed a strong man like Hitler the most. They would have never been able to resurrect themselves like they did with Hitler. So yes I am waiting for Hitler. Hitler managed to save his people. Trump is not saving shit. This country is fucked anyway. Just like that webm, it's a big circle jerk of nihilistic consumerism. This country is Sodom and Gomorrah and I hope it burns to the ground. And from the ashes something greater can emerge.

The author of that is a burger I think. Might be wrong, though. Slavros is the steppe mongrel.

tfw edgy faggots cry about wanting to destroy your home but you resist their retardation and seek to rebuild it

also nice job breaking that url and archiving it since we all know how kiked pewresearch is. really fitting in here vanguardtard

ropeculture is user submitted not by slavros, not exclusively christcuck either. Some are Pagan and some are EH.

The author of that essay is a yank and despite having non white members (on a forum) they seem to have zero tolerance for cucking on racial issues, unlike TRS which bans non white posters but is ok with their "leader" fucking a yid.

The short answer: Someone has to collect the autists and fund their passions. Those who truly desire a noble world have to give up their anonymity in order to become beacons for the ideals we've found in the darkness. The common folk must be shown that they are not alone, and that there is a path beyond the nightmare into which they were born.

who was responsible for that stunt of stolen glory at a bar?

The dude isn't edgy or a faggot. You just don't like his choice of words.

Your god emperor condones mass immigration of non whites by doing nothing about it when he has the power to stop it.

After four years Trump will have probably deported around 500,000 illegals. But there will be 5,000,000 more immigrants in the US legal and illegal. More illegals will probably come into the country than he deports. Which makes all his promises nothing more than a joke.

Yeh I know. Like I said I do enjoy a lot of their content on NOOSE and on the forum. The articles seem to be top notch and the forum posts are good as well, albeit slow.
And I must have just got the christcuck impression from their unofficial podcast Mysterium Fasces. I like the podcast but damn Florian, chill with Jebus.

wait it actually sounds like you dont know that both travel bans that Trump has made have been overturned by federal courts. Do you by any chance not know how the separation of powers work??? Really going out of your way to try to blackpill tho kike

If believing "the country is fucked anyway" isn't black pilled then I don't know what is. If you think Trump is the steam vent that will prevent all that white rage from boiling over, and that progress towards your desired total overthrow of the government has slowed to a snail's pace, fret not because you think the country is fucked anyway. Eventually, even if you are right, it'll get so fucked that your revolution will happen, right? And even if it doesn't go that way and just slowly declines in to nothing, and all the whites die or are mixed out, it's still just as fucked right?

This guy gets it. Trump him self will accomplish nothing.
However I am glad I voted for him and am glad he won. His presidency is energizing the left, making them more violent, and thus radicalizing the Trump supporters who will eventualy get tired of seeing cute girls in MAGA hats getting pepper sprayed.
Hillary would have set the war off today with us being the aggressor. I for one will say I'm not yet prepared for war. Trump puts the ball in the lefts corner and gives us the chance to keep preparing and getting more people.

Trump's travel bans were turned down by federal courts that cited reasons of discrimination against muslims.

Trump has it in his power to shut down immigration completely in response. He can sign an executive order shutting down immigration completely. He can also since he is the executive, defund the refugee program and defund the Visa program. Good luck getting in the country on a Visa if there's no bureaucrats to process Visa applications because the department's funds got cut completely.


They christians on that place are those faggots. Florian literally believes in ghosts and demons, dude. Nothing he says is of worth.

Just for the sake of argument, what's to say that the DHS isn't able to implement its own rules and regulations about immigration, and effectively enact a travel ban without doing it by name? They pretty much have jurisdiction over customs along with the State Department, and that route is the only legal means for someone overseas to enter America. Continuing from there, what's to say they aren't implementing internal restrictions and strengthening the vetting process already? Your own Pew Research link shows since the first travel ban was overturned there has been a steady decrease in immigration after an initial return to characteristic levels.

Trump's ban being overturned is the PERFECT example of why we cannot work within the system. Nothing we want will ever be ably to get enacted legally, even Trumps SUPER moderate ban didn't pass.
Trump was just a tool. Not our fuhrer. Our mission to elect him is over. We are done with him.
We now need to make more people racist, buy milsurp and a lot of guns, make even more people racist, get some sort of local group of goys going, and wait until the next election when he inevitably looses due to our birthrate and legal immigration.
Then we strike.

I can add that by "group of goys" I do not mean American Vanguard, the original topic of this thread.
Learn from their fucking stupid mistakes.

I have so many things to say, and yet I'm speechless. Feds, fags, and kikes, man…

This thread inspired me to crack open a few beers. Bringing back the TRS keks.

AV member (legit) here.

We've tried really hard to hide the homosexual underbelly of our group. The whole nationalism thing is really just a kink for us, cause we like young fashy men. When Ghoul was outted as a tranny lover and homosexual, it was a devastating blow to our movement, because it turned away young athletic men in droves, who we'd typically initiate through manipulation into our hot fuck club.

The shit about us shilling is true, and like, wow, how do I say this… We dedicate a good portion of our time shilling on Holla Forums, so threads like this, which are completely accurate and not part of some obvious smear attempt, always blow our cover and make us really angry.

I don't know why we do it. I guess because we get bored sucking eachotha's dicks all the time? Screencap this post to use against any future AV shills. We must be stopped.

Ironic shitposting is till shitposting, kike.

found the butthurt AV cunt

hi thomas

Somewhere the ghost of Alinsky is rubbing his kike hands.

Time to come out of the closet, Ghoul. They know about Natalie. They know about your pro-gay stance. Just come clean, man. I'm worried about you.

I thought we weren't being infiltrated anymore because all focus was redirected to islamists

that's pretty cucky
I guess Soros could buy the (((TM))) to the other name and they'd bend the knee and change it again

what fags

should I have voted for Hillary too?

i wonder if AV were the masterminds actually behind calling all those kikeschools, or if they just made the group for buttsex



Has he written guides on these subjects?

LARPing , fair enough

hang on on /k/, /meadhall/ and keep an ear out for meetups that aren't larpy.
Also, if you have a large social circle, you'd be surprised at how easily small redpills get swallowed. Start building a local group.

why bother when

Oh yeah, they just have a shitskin for an admin, half their U.S. "street group" are Muslim teenagers and they suck Common Filth's cock all day. By the way this thread is crawling with them. Sup Dagon. You'll never be white either.


OP your post reeks of marketing education, the cadence the odd falsely casual way about it screams "income opportunities advertismet"

Anyway I don't care. I dont give a fuck about a larper group or who you think are Feds or mosaad or whatever. I don't use TOR or any opsec at all, because I'm not doing anything illegal ffs. Your story is sophomoric af. Grow up. Have some balls. Don't do illegal shit. Go vote. Spread awareness and if you must hide cuz a job, consider getting out. I used to work in Finance now i make custom furniture one by one, alone. I have no boss but me, total freedom. Anyway paranoia is crippling. Don't partake.

Fuck off shill.


The real question is why is an actual factual faggot such an asukafag? I mean he don't wanna stick it to her so what's the point.

I listened to a few of his podcasts and he sounds like a smart genuine guy who really cares. But of course the only way of ever really knowing is meeting him in person.
(He also aknowledges that he's a fat fuck. He said he appreciates that people call him out on it and force him to work on it.)

Calling it before I finish reading, Dillon is a federal agent.

nah he's just a furry who cums hard to DOTR LARP

I know him personally, he gives good reach arounds.

Plz screencap this post to refute any future AV posters.


Your movement will never work for you are degenerate. Nature herself won't allow you to grow.

Also, shills and feds.

Fat retard that has no idea of what is White so he attaches himself to everything he considers white. At least he reproduced so he's doing something right for once.

Heimbach is not white. He fucked the communism kills kike, and she's extremely orthodox kike and doesn't date outside her race, meaning that heimbach is 100% kike.

his wife is hot af tho

If we ever want to organize in real life what's a serious way we can avoid this faggotry? I'd hate to see a Holla Forums devolve into petty power struggling. Surely anonymity couldn't work? Or perhaps going the route of Hitler would work. That requires the leader to be pure of heart and very intellegent however, which isn't a guarantee either way. Typically I say it's either one or the other.

The safest bet now obviously is small groups of friends whom train together, etc,. But we're gonna need something more if we, or at least the people here want a serious shot. We need something more than a loose collection of RWDS.

What, are you gonna tell me he's a Jew too, or some Arab? Come on.


/trs/ BO here

Been a while, hasn't it vantards? See despite all the faggotry of your upper echelon, the thing that I always hated about your little den of faggots is that you never graduated past putting up fliers on bulletin boards with fucking scotch tape. That's it.

While the traditional youth party or whatever Heimbach's group is called was fighting commies and doing real meatspace activities, you didn't even have a Californian branch of your group. Your group does nothing other than provide a hugbox for people that lean right but need validation by peers.

I don't know if you guys saw it but there's a Holla Forums alternative, /polk/ that bans these homos on sight.

Also I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of >>>/trs/ I've seen in this thread

This thread is an absolute trainwreck of outsiders bitching at each other so I'm just going to post some smug.

get out, weeaboo kike faggot

It has been a term in >our< community far longer than that Salon article (and I never knew about that as well)

You're a degenerate and you will do no good to any society ever. You are the trash, the filth. You don't even deserve to die - you deserve to be enslaved and work in the coal mines.

The words purity spiral are anti-white. Wasted trips, the message was clear. Salon loves the term "purity spiral" and to use it against white people.


Like you do realize the meaning of the words, right? If you engage in "purity spiraling" - TRS would ban you, because once you start saying half black people cant be white nationalists, youre just "purity spiraling"


Who cares what a shitty website says? It says a lot more about YOU, that think "purity" is anti-white. The White Race is pure, and you aren't. So stop pretending, filthy kike.

Mate, I won't even start.

I don't even know why I'm here. You guys are worse than cuckchan Holla Forums.

Post a couple smugs on the off-chance it makes one of them throw a tantrum.

fuck off, retard.

They seem to have changed quite a bit. They are talking about blood and soil now and they have change thier website. I read the ama thread on IM with the new leader and he seemed alot better than the old leader. But i dunno, i dont really care since im not a burger.

where do you think you are, faggot?

Holla Forums, now get out faggot!


It might belong on cuckchan but certainly not here.

You're not fooling anyone, faggot

Only those brave enough to turn their backs on 3D have the courage to uphold the ideals of ethnofascist traditionalism. If someone can't debate which is the anime of the season, how can he be trusted not to be a Fed or a faggot?

Take this cunt for example

Vigne besta

Yeah, I have never heard that one before. For some reason everyone has been here since the first exodus so it doesnt really hold any weight.


Did you and that starman have a little fight? Did he ban you from a chatroom?

You aren't wrong

Rosie from Thomas the tank engine
They are a political enemy in the highest sense.

Reporting you for being a shill, either youre acting like a belligerent 16 year old towards people who clearly are speaking in favor of whites, or youre just knowingly D&Cing and causing problems. Feel free to leave, youre not one of us. Lack of self control is degenerate.
The term "purity spiraling" is inherently anti-white because its used when you tell someone they are being degenerate, as a defense of that degeneracy. If you point out they are a fag, or half Jewish, youre just "purity spiraling". The term comes from TRS, but they probably got it from the radical left, like Salon, who love to throw it around and suggest that if you think half blacks cant be part of your group, youre just purity spiraling, and the "end result" is that "no white person is pure enough to be included".
Its the exact same thing as saying:

When someone accuses you of purity spiraling, thats what they are saying.

Well I don't really give a shit whether you choose to believe me or not, but I'm not lying. I don't need to prove anything to an anonymous retard online. All I know for certain, however, is that you're a newfag immigrant since anime has never been a problem on either 4cuck Holla Forums or 8/pol/. Stay mad, nigger.

D&C thread if ive ever seen one

Posting pictures of various sort has never been a problem, anime included. But anime itself has always been a problem here.
I actually like this smug anime face shenanigans but that doesn't mean that I like or support anime and neither should you.

Who the fuck are you trying to fool? Seriously. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spout such inane nonsense. You sound like those idiots who say "ironic racism for laughs is fine, but no one here is actually a real racist".

Give it up

I bet this queermo doesn't even make his wife sleep on the couch so he can sleep with the daki!

Commander Dillon? Commander? Commander of what?
What a larping faggot.

I would claim that anime posting is just ironic Holla Forums (and similar) posting to show how fucking retarded and degenerate it is. And those how do it seriously is just washups from Holla Forums (and similar).

Epic Fail Guy is my favorite anime to be quite candid 家族

JFC even the veterans in Austin are degenerate faggots.

do not give money or power to homos. contribute financially to your own decentralized self defense network with men you trust. do not larp, just be normal guys who are ready for anything.

I don't really care. Why do you people always come here to air out your personal grievances?

You're acting like teen aged girls jesus christ

Welcome to American Vanguard.
We still believe we can infiltrate American politics and bring about a white ethnostate without the use of violence or revolution.


You're just whining that you and others suck at survival of the fittest and using that genocide bullshit excuse to not do anything revolutionary with your fucking life.

Ryan is just a typical lemming edge-lord. He apparently cried when he was "removed" from AV.


There's only one group that matters

TWP a shit.


Well then you're a fucking idiot who obviously hasn't spent more than a couple months on imageboards. Either you're just really fucking stupid or really bad at fitting in. Probably both. Go back to whatever piss-en crusted urinal you crawled out of.

What kind of faggorty is going on in this thread

Dillon getting BTFO on Iron March. LARPING FAGGOT!

I never denied it. I'm just making fun of the real larpers that believe you can somehow turn this country into a white ethnostate while simultaneously destroying ZOG by the power of politics.

Good luck.

You would claim that, as a newfag. What newcomers often fail to understand is that Otaku culture creates a high-trust environment in the same way nationalism can create a high trust group of nationalists. We are united by a higher ideal, which is why pretenders such as yourself can be so easily spotted. If you don't like anime, there's no reason to believe you've genuinely come to the same conclusions on the traditionalist virtues we've obtained through our study of the 2D path. What's more, you brazenly lie and announce your attempts to subvert this hallowed gathering.

It'd be like some Christcuck complaining to Hitler about the spiritual Aryanism of the SS while completely oblivious to the fact that the path to National Socialism had been paved decades earlier by the German occult societies.

ITT: we learn why Holla Forums is STILL the only group were associating with in 2017, and how the ideologies of groups who aren't run by us are intolerable.

Some day, some day we will get a redpilled 8/pol/ leader who is uncompromising on every issue, and a group we can truly be proud to be associated with. We will know its authenticity by the policy it espouses, we also will not found our home on shaky, unproven ground.

Seems like my statement holds.

Then it will cease to be 8/pol/

Hear hear

So you admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're nothing but a subversive migrant, no different from the muslim shitskins infiltrating Europe. Holla Forums is the juggernaut it is today thanks to our culture. Of course I'm hostile to anyone suggesting we need to change to suit a more "serious" mold. Shoo shoo, globalist jew

It wont be called 8/pol/. It will be lead by someone who is of us, who understands the concepts and the world view for which we refuse to be divided on. Someone who is easily identifiable by his actions and words, not by his name.

Apparently the "fascists" of AV broke off and made a new group called "Aryan Underground".

Holla Forums's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. The very disorganised and anonymous nature of Holla Forums that makes us so potent and effective is also what dooms us to be co-opted by those who wish to steer us in the wrong direction. Anonymous imageboards can't, by virtue of the very medium, have a leader, thus we have developed a culture that doesn't require one. Outsiders, however, require a leader in order to feel a sense of belonging and direction, thus they cling to the first person claiming to "represent the movement". These are those most dangerous, as they will do everything they can to mould these new followers to do their bidding and co-opt what we have created. Such is the unfortunate fate of all imageboards.

First post that makes any sense in this thread. Looking at the replies is truly some concentrated, high level autism.

Who the fuck is Tomas and who the fuck cares? Still, I'm not saying stop. Obviously "American Vanguard" is a true lolcow organization and we need some more fun here on Holla Forums these days.

t. Tomas

All we have to do is remain vigilant and throw off anyone trying to claim leadership of something that never has and never will need a leader.

Well then it's just going to be a group that some people will like and some won't. 8/pol/ inherently cannot become a organization, or a mannerbund, or a party, or a paramilitary.

The true leader of the noble ones will return some day. Sages gather once more and the way has been made ready.

We are certainly not the "juggernaut" thank to animated kids shows. I know you subversive fucks won't go away because you think that if you know how to say catchy phrases and being le epic legion you are part of this, but you aren't. You never were and you never will. You can sperg how much you want about muh boardculture and 2D>3D but you are just washed up autists in every serious Holla Forumsacks eyes.
You can keep claiming i'm a newfag and think you have the high ground, it means nothing to me. I'm just saying what everyone is thinking, Normaly no one want to get in an argument with you because they know how fucking autistic you are so they don't feel like it's woth the time. I know this because I was around at the time when they tried to tell you to fuck off, but you are so convinced that you are an essential part of this that it was no use.
Just beacuse you have been on Holla Forums for x amount of years and think you are edgy beacuse you say nigger, faggot and post le funny picture doesnt make you a part of Holla Forums.

Is this some esoteric hitlerist shit

Hear, hear, mate.

I have been on cuckchan and here for years now. I started watching anime because of that, but through meditation and reading, I have came to the conclusion that it's totally degenerate subversive garbage. Same with porn etc (which I've been clean for 5+ years now).

If RaHoWa or whatever comes, these faggots will be burned at the stake as well.

Remember, remember, late June…

(Also, every "movement" started by these retards is bound to fail, of course, as they can't even lead their own lives without resorting to crap like anime and m-muh safe space)

As long as this remains here, we will have 8/pol/. Im not saying it will be abandoned, it serves its own purpose.

8/pol/ is like.. writing a letter. You can achieve a whole lot of things simply by writing. You can craft elaborate scenarios, use trickery, and deception - or simply truthfulness and honesty. You can make your point solid as a rock, and people who are interested in what is right will follow you, and they will do as the things that you say - to some extent…
Wars are not won by writing letters though. It would take an amazing amount of power, and control - beyond that which we may exert - to make all the change we want to see in the world merely through writing letters, through words, through argument and discussion, through clever, chaotic and disorganized individual acts of subversion, through social media, through petitions and boycotts and votes and memes.
Eventually, we will need a large number of people to actually band together and make the change we are pushing for, the real changes, the one's we will never get Trump or anyone in government to do, without their hand being forced.
To make the talking heads talk about how "White genocide is the absolute biggest problem facing the world today, is an absolute atrocity and must be stopped at all costs!" for white families to be subsidized exclusively, and encouraged to have more children.For abortion to be made illegal if you are white, because its a contributing factor to the extermination of an endangered demographic. For non-whites to be sent back where they came from, first generation Citizenships revoked as Canada was going to do for terrorists (so it can be done). For islam to be banned as a terrorist doctrine of murder, forced conversion and sexual slavery etc. For Jews to be called out as the poisoners of our well, as the cause of all the other problems which now must be addressed, and so on, and so on.
So far, we have failed in controlling any of these groups to the extent that they are ideologically viable obviously because we dont actually control them. I argue eventually, we will need to take control, to put the harnesses on the horses and take the reins ourselves, to build the foundation ourselves, to mold the clay exactly as we would like to see it take shape.
This will be no easy task, as you have said, our current system makes this difficult. When we found our house, the ground it will be founded on will not be questionable. It may not be questionable, for it would undermine the group from the start. We will need someone of unquestionable authenticity, not some tricky dicky half faggot from a CIA recruitment area in Virginia.

Yet every group of super serious idiots who spring forth and ban anime turn out to be infested with kikes, faggots, and Feds. We are the genuine article, and every newfag such as yourself truly earns the title through your pathetic emphasis on your own ego over the wisdom of your predecessors as well as your uncompromising love for cocks. By trying to upend and subvert this board, you've proven yourself unable to live up to the ideal of tradition. Your very insistence on your own righteousness damns you as a pretender.

There is only one sort of person with a drive for genuine relations in the world of falsehoods.

What are you implying? Only a self interested person would seek power? What of Hitler? Maybe I misunderstand.

anime is but a single part of a larger culture that has been built and refined over one and a half decades (even before that if you count pre-4chan history). Your utterly naive and disrespectful view of imageboard culture is enough to identify you as an outsider. You have no right to use "we" when you're clearly just another immigrant trying to change our fundamental character. Please tell me how you are any different in principle from the shitskins who flood white nations and demand we accommodate their tastes and lifestyles?
Who the fuck are you even referring to? Do you know nothing but copy-pasted one-liners? What you just said has absolutely no relevance to anything posted ITT thus far. From my perspective, you just look like you're projecting hard.
I haven't once said "2D>3D" - that was the other guy - but even so it's plainly obvious to anyone that it's nothing more than non-serious jokes. You immigrant faggots are so NO FUN ALLOWED that you'd strip every semblence of non-seriousness from Holla Forums until it's just a bunch of edgy LARPers trying to outdo each other no different from the puckered anuses on stormfront.
Maybe it's different where you come from, but we're anonymous here, champ. I really don't know why you're talking to me so personally as if you know who I am. I call you a newfag because that is what you are. It's plainly obvious to anyone observing this thread. You don't even care to deny it. I can tell by how you're falsely trying to speak for other people on Holla Forums, building up a false air of consensus in order to astroturf your opinions. It's the same thing actual shills attempt when they claim Holla Forums isn't actually racist and everyone's just being ironic.
Again, you sure do love that projection. If you think making things up in order to construct an easily-dismissed strawman is a valid argument, then you're a clueless retard. I don't exactly know what your goal is here, but it's clearly based on the intent to change Holla Forums into something you think it ought to be from what it currently is. I hold nothing but contempt and total distrust of those demanding we change our habits to conform to a "respectable mould". Fuck off.

You seriously need to get better at this, you fucking nigger.

Like I said, you think you are such an essentail part of this that you don't even know that you are ostracized.

do you think if you pretend hard enough your false narratives will stick?

I don't get this whole weeaboo thing. I don't care for it but I know going to a chan it's just an inevitability and don't let it bother me and just ignore it. What's the problem?

I don't get this whole pedophilia thing. I don't care for it but I know going to a chan it's just an inevitability and don't let it bother me and just ignore it. What's the problem?

Am I even surprised that you go for the most 4cuck thing there is to accuse someone of doing.

What is it with you kike stooges and your endless use of false-equivalencies to force a narrative?

No, you dumb nigger, reddit spacing exists. The problem was people falsely accused others of reddit spacing when they weren't actually doing it

Reddit spacing is when each sentence is separated by a line break or when someone uses excessive line breaks in their replies. Again, you're proving you don't belong here

We ban for D&C here if you try to shit on people for liking anime. I dont watch it myself and could list off several of my personal opinion based objections, but I understand that its part of Holla Forums culture and has been as long as it has existed. Its also a tool for propaganda, for culture warfare. Regardless of any objections anyone here might have with anime, stopping white genocide is the goal, and D&Cing the board over anime is a stupid thing to do. I wrote a very long post earlier on, directed towards the first guy linking anime to Holla Forums posters.. but I decided to not post it, because merely listing the actual objections of the anti-anime side is divisive, and this is not the appropriate place to do that.
You dont like anime, go tell cuckchan, were here to get shit done and youre never going to change Holla Forumss positive association with anime.
Pic related is the only valid objection against anime, but pushing it here is only going to harm white people and cause massive division. Not smart.

The whole thing is that we shouldn't ignore it. We have done it for far too long. Like I said in a previous post i dont really care for occasional anime posting but if someone thinks that anime is a part of Holla Forums they are greatly mistaken and should be told so.

I don't get this whole kike thing. I don't care for it but I know going to a chan it's just an inevitability and don't let it bother me and just ignore it. What's the problem?

Ban me then faggot. You are just like jews screaming anti-semitism every time someone tries to oppose you.

Hitler rose not by gaining power but by gaining trust. He did not desire a world reshaped in his image, he wanted to correct the broken world into which he'd been born. He despised the corrupt nobles who lorded over others with power which was never carried forward into a will to become. He just wanted to be a painter and win the heart of his waifu, and so when that was denied to him he realized that his countrymen had been captured under the tyranny of evil forces. Every dark secret he had heard whispered by the occultists on the fringes was true. To make the people understand this and save themselves, Hitler became the convergence point of the spirit of the volk. He opened up to genuine relations with the German people, thus why he was so beloved.

How can the core be ostracized from itself? It is you pretenders who segregate yourselves after failing to live up to our standards, and then you are picked apart by our enemies.

Lol mods are slow, youl get tossed out. We are goal oriented, we know what we know - and we aren't interested in wasting time on your bullshit.


Maybe she wouldn't have to think that if white woman would stop fucking dogs, retard. If we don't get our house in order, we don't fucking deserve to survive.

WLP was a physicist and had a happy life too, before realizing his true purpose. I agree, the best leaders are often those who don't actually want the job, or who even seek to avoid taking it.
I feel like we are made up of several thousand aspiring Joseph Goebbels's - with no Hitler creating a party we feel inspired to sign up for.


It's honestly the same thing with kek/pepe and the alt right. They think that just because they can post le funny frog they are part of this and that Holla Forums is alt right and all that bullshit. For crying out loud just look at all the HWNDU bullshit. All these niggers running around thinking they are redpilled and part of Holla Forums. You are the exact same thing but with anime.

lol, Dagon's not white?

I liken it to a hyperbolic time chamber of political discussion. Over a decade of concentrated exhaustive political discussion has been conducted here. Anonymity is what had facilitated that. These discussions which have been discussed so much, have reached a singularity. A single truth. The greatest thing is that you don't have to be here 10 years to reach these conclusions. Or have taken part in the endless debates. That's why I liken to to the "hyperbolic time chamber". You can get redpilled overnight.

nice job completely ignoring me BTFOing you here you disgusting rat-faced yid. Don't you even have a thing to say?

Posts from Israel.


Jesus, you kids are embarassing.
That's the reason I only stick to Holla Forums and would never joing one of these "aut kike" groups, it's harder to take autistic teenagers with weird fetishes seriously when you see them IRL.


this isn't a game, kiddo

Of course we'd be convinced of it, outsiders such as yourself parade your lies around without any attempt at subtlety while those who stray from our path are dissolved by subversion. The OP has provided us with another such example of Holla Forums always being right.

More or less. The Kalki of this era will essentially host a National Socialist Comiket.

One issue with your concept is the fragility of the discussion, of its results, of the archives - which are limited. In 100 years, will anyone know the truth we have recognized? Will anyone even know we existed…
Holla Forums is fragile. Look at cuckchan. That place wasnt this bad, during the election… its currently unusable, largely because the new mods are permabanning the qualityposters and letting the cancer stay.
I get the feeling eventually, the Jews will take this website down, 8ch as a whole. The archives may even disappear, and we might be forced to deal with new levels of internet censorship preventing the discussion of the holohoax, for example. Have you tried posting the things you do here, on other boards? You get banned in about 30 seconds unless you self censor.. and even then, point out the Jews did anything wrong and anywhere outside Holla Forums will ban you. Almost internet wide.
Small little private websites will never attract the same attention the Holla Forums name does, websites like TRS (which are also cancer) dont even attract that many people.

And here you once again demonstrate exactly why your ilk needs to be cut out and rejected. You infiltrate what we have created, try to co-opt it, then attempt to ostracize the original members. You are not Holla Forums. You never were Holla Forums. You never will be Holla Forums. You are just another worthless immigrant who wants to tear apart the foundations that we have built and redefine us. To think you have the fucking audacity to declare yourself representative of the thing you're so actively trying to destroy is truly astounding. If you aren't actually a Jew, you sure do resemble one through your actions.


From what I recall it was TRSniggers who had the most problem with anime while Holla Forums was naturally fine with it. Your piss-poor attempt at co-opting us with your shitty concessions of "I don't mind anime-posting, but…" is what gives you away immediately. We can smell your stink from a mile away.

The shillbot seems to have broken and gone into some kind of loop. Guess they'll have to go back to hiring shitskins to come yell at us.

Goons hate anime. TRS hates natsoc.

No, Moishe, I'm not an essential part of your plan to co-opt Holla Forums because I'm not a good goy who listens to jewish orders. Anime is a bulwark against kike subversion, so it's no wonder your ilk would like to remove it from us.

Look I don't have anything against anime but that is fucking hilarious


I don't have the pic, but they even write articles about the "hidden anti-semitic message behind trump-supporting anime girls"

Yeah, being degenerate really helps against degeneration.

trying to get rid of anime on imageboards is as pointless as trying to get rid of french and latin words in english

yeah, fuck off you stupid TRSodomite.

Uh, I don't care what you do here, buddy. I'm saying that these weebs are claiming they're "pure" because they like anime degeneration. I don't really care if you kill yourself or masturbate to these anime girls, just don't kid yourself that you have the higher moral and mental ground.

You are just trash. A worthless piece of filth.

forward. com/scribe/343210/the-origins-of-anti-semitic-anime-inspired-by-donald-trump/

I cant get the article in 1 picture, its narrow and long… this isnt the one with asuka eating watermelons. Thats the one I think you wanted.

hmmm nice one, did you do it by yourself? or did your mommy write it for you?

I don't think this was ever supposed to the movement in itself. Users come here and gain information, and disseminate it how they want. Anonymity isn't likely to work in a physical uprising or organization. I don't know, I can't get around the issue of having a leader. We need one for a movement and for a leader of the government we want. I guess the only way to ensure he's good is for each of us to embody what we believe as fully as possible. It's still gonna take Harrison Bergeron actually triumphing, metaphorically for us to win.

Herr Goebbels already warned us about your kind

Again, I'd love you to explain how watching and enjoying tv series makes you a degenerate. I don't masturbate to any characters. In fact, I am working on nofap and haven't masturbated for two months.You're just spouting typical normalfag garbage, which proves you're not from around here either.

I called you a TRSodomite, not a kike. Are you illiterate?

Yeah, I meant the one with Asuka, but any kike kvetching over anime is welcome

Having a leader is part of the National Socialist ideology we profess. We merely are forced into this situation by the kikes, National Socialists do not naturally hide in shadows. Kikes hide in shadows, National Socialists proudly march through their streets, and chant songs, and revel together.



You still are consuming the media. Again, if you don't study you won't see what I'm talking about, you will only be subjected to it.

TRS are kikes.



Welcome to Imageboards, now get the fuck out

Is there a group that isn't fucked?

see goebbels statement. I have no time for your hyper-moralism. What matters is someone's willingness to fight for their race. Watching TV shows has no baring on this.

The one you make yourself with the long-time friends and family around you.

Goebbels was an intellectual commanding great respect, he spent a vast amount of time reading, and all his pursuits prior to National Socialism besides the brief romantic stints were done to broaden his knowledge and mental ability. He read without a focus, reading anything and everything. A very broad knowledge base.
I have yet to read or hear anything he has said which I don't completely agree with.

My favorite nazi.


I would hazard a guess that most Holla Forumsacks do their reading here, but as Ive come to find out that is an extremely shallow understanding. You get the pre-packaged and ceaselessly repetitious arguments, we all know the same facts, the same timeline. Its all true, but its shallow - there is so much more to know about these subjects. If you consider yourself truly dedicated to the cause, you should seek out literature about the topics we discuss, and bring new information into the collective hivemind. Broaden that base of knowledge which we more or less all know about, for the betterment of us all.
Especially now, more than ever, because we need to be subverting cuckchan and the reddit posters who now dominate there. Post as if you are in hostile territory, but dont abandon using it as a tool. The message may be drowned out by shills, race traitors, trolls and non-whites, but its still the truth - and there are more people than ever who read cuckchan Holla Forums who are open to being converted to actual National Socialists.

Make time.

Sorry, the idea I wanted to convey at the end - but forgot and then got distracted from - was that we are like the higher tier over cuckchan, and we to some degree form the ideas that become consensus, or traditionally for the last few years before the election ended - became the general consensus. Its our important role to be the thought leaders, if you remember that term from the campaign. The more we know, the more everyone knows… and its important we pick the important things to know. Its all true, but some things are more important to focus on than others.


That was true to some extent for a couple of years, but I don't think it is true anymore. 8/pol/ went all-in on Trump, and the board doesn't yet realize how much egg that has left on their face. they will, give it another 6 months Moderation enforces a mostly closed-loop about Trump, and much of the board is made up of threads like "Maddow takes on Trump, looks like a fool" which reinforces the notion that Trump is anything more than another Republican president that the media hates.

Plus, memes from 8/pol/ have dried up compared to what you would see in 2015.

They are all pretty much fucked. Heimbach seemed like a goofball but sincere. but this Sven Longshanks thing makes me really question his integrity. They are all a bunch of money grubbing, fame seeking retards who, if not fags, tolerate and enable them. Some of them fuck jews, not by mistake and the rest are secret libertarians. Name one who doesn't fit this criteria?

isn't the whole sven longshanks thing based on a lot of unproven assuptions?


Or as some people view them, undenied allegations. They comment on every other controversy, unless Heimbach and Anglin come forward and swear that Sven is both white and not this guy I will believe the smoke = fire.

I hate to pull a DallasButtplug, but the ears are pretty much proof they aren't the same person. I remember the original Tony thread on /new/, nothing solid was ever provided.

whoever OP is must know AV well.

Just to let you know, Starman is aware of this thread.

this is the classic FBI entrapment signature. he is pushy because his handlers are pushing him. he's an asset, not an agent, and he's trying to get out from under his federal felony conviction(s).

Sven denied it when Andrew Carrington Hitchcock accused him of being Tony.

Where was that?

I said post as if youre in hostile territory, but dont give up spreading redpills to needy recipients, there are plenty of them there, right now.

So people want him to self-dox to prove it's not him?
What a world

On twitter. The tweet by Hitchcock is linked in that pastebin, check the replies.

best post. no group, no name, no membership. this is what actually works.

i'm disappointed his channel went down. i think he has more promise than anyone else i've seen do that.

he should have expected the absolute worst and accounted for it.

ya ok

what's NFP?

well i *am* an anarchist, and nothing that anyone needs to do ever requires organization *that isn't spontaneous,* or that exceeds the nature of insurance and simple plan-writing. but i'm not here to convert anybody, just to shitpost memes anonymously on the right side of history.

What the fuck are you doing here then? I swear, Holla Forums was flooded by TRSnigger Anarchokiddies after it imploded and it never recovered.


Fuck no, I was in a skype call with him and some atomwaffen or whatever guys. He's almost Mullato level swarthy. The rest of them were fucking Bosnian Muslim immigrants except for one skinny white kid who'd apparently converted to Islam. Apparently almost fucking no one involved with Iron March is white. Now you know why they cup Common Filth's balls 24/7 and focus on faggotry. Because the moment they say anything about race they look fucking retarded. Then I found this. Holy shit lol.

I will now and forever refer to them as Rukus March.

Nubile Fuck-and-suck Party?

That is the best thing I've heard all day. It's one thing to be against faggotry, but if you harp on and on about it, I assume it's because you're not white.

If you're a TRSodomite, since you probably are since nobody else obsesses over CF and IM like that, you're in no position to say anything about race either.

Make sense, it is the last stand of implicit White identity after all.

It's an awkward situation. Of course he will deny he is Tony Young. I would too. The real question is whether any of the people who know him in real life will attest that he is not Tony Young and that he is white. I dont care what his real name is unless it is Tony Young. The picture that might or might not show a fraction more ear won't convince me.

Ill try to find the Hitchcock link later. There is so much Sven stuff that the dox is inevitable but I would only post if he deserved it. I don't have time to work on this at the moment but I am sure somebody else will lead the charge. Sven is a weirdo, Tony is a weirdo, are they the same weirdo?

Somebody should e-mail Heimbach or Anglin.

The only thing really "off" about him as far as I can tell is his Christian Identity, but he's hardly alone there. Even GLR was pushing CI at one point.

TLDR: Kikes blurred the lines between white nationalism and the concept of the "alt right" and this causes much confusion among non-whites who identify as "alt right" but were associating with people they didnt realize were self professed white nationalists.

Video related is by a half-jew anarchist.
It was pretty obvious this was the goal of the media kikes who turned "alt right" into a term people perceive as being about white interests. It never was, it was always being applied to a group consisting of faggots, non whites and people who care about radical feminism not because of the breakup of the family - and traditional culture - but because it was just one step too far beyond second wave feminism which they are okay with.. and who care about muslim immigration for reasons other than genocide, but more likely because when 10 people get blown up, they think its the worst thing in the world.

Do you think GLR was non-White?

I know nothing about AV.
I didnt read your thread.
I still think AV is CIA cancer.

it is. They're still fags though

did you think i was joking? i'm here to shitpost memes anonymously while on the right side of history. do you not really believe you're on the right side of history? a curious response.

They're homo apologists. You should have been angry a long time ago.


stirner is leftist tripe. ancoms are a contradiction in terms, populated solely by fatherless adolescent-minded reactionaries. odd video, but thanks for the overview.

incidentally, do you know what a "thought-stopping cliche" is?

i also don't understand this fascination with denigrating paul gottfried for being jewish when he contributes to anti-jewry. you all read this article when it dropped, right?
do you know what the cabal does to ethnic jews who work against them, even a little? they drag their name through the mud endlessly. so why am i seeing paul being slandered here?

in which country has anarchism been successfully applied?

it's not hard to keep it going. you have to be educated enough and have the will.

is it my imagination or is this drawing of Sven Longshanks missing part of an ear?

you should really read these

it's important to understand that anarchy is not really a system you "bring about" or "apply." by answering your question with one example i am not actually accepting the way you framed the question.

christ is not here, so we live in anarchy until his return and reign (monarchy). that is what christian anarchists are talking about. it just also happens to be the case that this is not simply a religious metaphor, or weasel-words, but an existential reality. see here:

I dunno why I made this but it makes me laugh.

this was a failure.

there has been no successful anarchist State in any country throughout the entire history of humanity. stop being 15 yrs old.

Trying to understand the links between Christian Identity and Mormonism. It seems like there could be a bit of overlap particularly in the UK British Israelism stuff. Can anybody clarify?


You do join them, but ones that are actually woke on JQ/Race, not joke groups like American Vanguard.

That day won't come unless you form goups.

t. anarchist/kikertarian. It is obvious to everyone group effort will always beat individual effort, do I even need to say this.

There are tons of based groups, Nordic Resistance, Golden Dawn, etc, just because American amateurs are retarded jews doesn't make them great, legit examples to follow. Srs my dude.

Anarchy is designed to fail. Disagree? Give a working, successful example of anarchy being applied. Hippie communes where everyone is a drugged out degenerates doesnt count :^)

I was proving your point you retard by comparing them to how redfaggots always say it wasn't true communism.

lmfao, you're a joke. you're an edgy overweight teen who thinks he's a freedom fighter. gtfo


Baby nationalist's first red pill.

They're very much alike in that people of British descent are viewed as "we wuz da juice", but mormonism has a few key differences. 1) they add a book that Jesus came to the new world too, so some of the injuns was juice also, 2) said book adds lots of stronger heresies in that it's openly non-Trinitarian, and 3) polygamy, and 4) niggers were actually devils. Quotes from various wikis follow.
Basically the "we wuz juice" got popular in Britain, Smith expanded on it for mormonism several decades later, and CI latched onto it after another few decades.

Jesus. Why is Holla Forums always used as a platform to slander and attack nationalist groups? American nationalism suffers from crabs in a bucket mentality like nothing else I've ever seen. As soon as someone tries to get something going it gets shot down and attacked from our own ranks. This is embarrassing. Americans, are you even trying?

American Vanguard is shit. The tree of TRSodomy cannot produce good fruit.

Slandering american vanguard is nothing new, they have been run by LARPers and faggots for a long time. Their collapse is inevitable

im glad you finally came around.


Because a bunch of FBI agents would communicate on their alt-right project's discord. LOL




Thomas the Tank Engine is too far right to be Thomas.




at this point I'd be more surprised to find out somebody even tangentially involved with TRS was straight.

don't you want to strangle the "snake" of communism goy?



not sure if this is fake or not but if it was real i would not be surprised tbh

That's just overtly gay.

Its implicitly white.

If you really want to do this
check out nordfront, they have been here a couple of times, and are not horsing around

Pick up their legal outfit, you can prolly even do better

I'm just and observer

They will take Sweden

This is all… interesting. A bit cringe, a bit disappointing, but interesting if what you say about infiltration is true. More COINTELPRO data points. That being said, imageboards appear now to be the central hub for movement drama. That's a bit disturbing in itself, because these are also hubs for enemy false flags, divide and conquer campaigns, astroturf, psyops etc. I like the intel on possible COINTELPRO activities, but I don't like the normalization of backstabbing, "its not perfect, it must be destroyed", etc: Saying former/current military has high level opsec/security culture is kind of redundant; it's not really proof that he's a spy or a fed. Feds don't make it obvious by sticking "current military" into an org; in fact, I'd be more concerned with people who look like nobodies, NEETs, "harmless" types.

I appreciate what came from scrutinizing TRS, and think it was necessary. It forced everyone in TRS worth a damn to take an honest look at the whole. But in general, we shouldn't normalize this kind of shit. The enemy is going to pick up on it quick and use it against us (of course they probably are already).
Wouldn't the appropriate response to leadership failure be "this needs to be fixed", not "fuck the whole thing and anyone connected to it"? That sounds suspiciously like what the enemy would advocate:

AV, IM, even TRS, had members doing good, or trying to despite bullshit coming from the rest of their orgs. Anyone of quality in TRS left once the kikes were named, and anyone of quality from IM probably works at arms length with them, but you can't have everyone scattered and disorganized and call it a good thing. Tradworkers, NSM – everyone falls victim to this "someone is shit, burn it all down" shilling. That's not an accident, that's part of the COINTELPRO against the Right as a whole. It's sad to hear AV has leadership problems, but I'm not going to say that all of AV is shit, or anyone connected to them is cancer.

You act like there are constantly threads bashing every pro-White group or organization, it's really just American Vanguard (which is connected to TRS), and to a lesser extent, those Identity Evropa retards.

AV is essentially a homo-erotic John Birch Society rehash that uses fascist imagery. Iinstead of identifying the true enemy, they want everybody chasing the kosher poltergeist of "communism". Even if they're completely legit and aren't controlled, they're still pushing a kosher narrative that's good for the enemy. They stole pic-related from an old Neo-Cohen bumpersticker.

Because as a bastion of free speech this place is an actual battlefield of ideas. They come here to die because their battles amongst each other are nothing when compared to the war that is fought here daily. Their little bullshit ego's it appears are not the big issue of the day despite how much time they waste shitposting about each other in their echo chamber.

They didn't come here because they thought they would die here, they figured this would freshen their ranks for the final battle they are fighting. A battle for relevance. Without this internal struggle for ego, control, purity, whatever… the institution they created is without purpose, being that it was only created to sate their ego to begin with.

It is the mortally wounded animal returning to it's place of birth so that it might feel some fleeting connection and comfort before the cold darkness extends through its body.


Thanks, would you think that it is a logical path from Mormonism to CI for a Mormon who gets interested in racial issues etc?



Campuses will drop millions on anti-racist classes and activities after that. It's to hit them in the pocket book.

Cool strategy, bro.

More likely it is an attempt to groom fashy young college men for illicit puurposes/

White males know it's going to screw us in the end.


People should really look at the national alliance under WLP. It was by far the most successful white nationalist operation of the last few decades. IIRC they had millions in assets at their height, with successful media from WLP, tons of members, lawyers, etc. before the internet (or before it became widely used). And they never cucked. So people who think they need to walk on eggshells around the real issues (race, kikes) are fooling themselves.

What do you propose?

lmao nice

It's A path but I wouldn't consider it to be a LOGICAL one tbh. If one takes a good honest look at the history of Christianity it becomes pretty clear, pretty quickly, that the only true Christian Church that could possibly exist would have to be Orthodoxy. There is a Western Rite Orthodoxy in America and most of Europe, it is harder to find parishes than the Eastern/Byzantine Rite but they are more respectful of our traditions. Also go with ROCOR if at all possible, because of their "social concepts" document which expresses healthy respect for nationalism and patriotism and will reduce difficulties with your pastor if you have problems hiding power level, a lot of the convert priests in Antiochian parishes have residual anti-White poz infections even though most of the social/sexual poz is purged from them.

IMO there's too much suspension of disbelief needed (above and beyond the FAITH needed to embrace a religion or the Church) to be a part of any of the really heretical so-called "christians" like mormon, CI, watchtower aka jehovah's witness, seventh-day adventist, etc., and the history clearly shows that the Romans and protestants have got to be wrong, so it's either Orthodox Christianity or be a non-Christian, if you want to be honest with yourself. Sure you can join CI just to be part of the secular racial part of it, but accept that it is what it is if you do it.

IDK what kind of ritual or service is in CI so that might be very different than mormon services, so if comfort and familiarity while transitioning to a racial group is what you're after, the first thing I'd do is look to attend some services, assuming you can find any. My guess is, having been born out of American protestantism in the last century, that there'd be a diversity of service types and most of them non-sacramental.

I think the logical path is to accept/reject Christ, meaning Orthodoxy or agnosticism. I don't believe in atheism, because all this shit isn't just random atoms, and most so-called atheists really believe in God, they're just angry with Him. I also don't believe in LARPing as some shit you made up and imagine your ancestors might have done, or leaping into the oriental shit either. Something on the order of Greek Stoicism with a God that you "know" only through His works and natural laws is the only non-Orthodox choice that makes sense to me.

Polite sage because this conversation is off the main topic.

Kek I was just thinking this

What the fuck happened in here?

I've done my research on TWP and co, and they seem to be on the level. Even scouring the most paranoid corners of the internet, I couldn't find anything worse than "lol christcucks". Of course, Heimbach is a fatty, but he's been getting that under control.

american jewguard got BTFO like it always does

My group is focusing on forming platoon sized groups of men that are all focused on self improvement and becoming the aryan ideal. Being good role models, exemplary citizens, all that PR crap, etc. eventually we want to start having people run for local elected positions, local law enforcement. we also want to start doing more community service stuff. We already take a trash bag with us on hikes and pick up garbage, we talked about eventually doing a fundraiser/charity thing to help support white single mothers, so they don't turn to spics/niggers/drugs and the kids can have access to positive male role models.

That's a problem we noticed as well, everybody wants to be the next Hitler

With decentralization you just have more widespread infighting over who's the leader

We've had a lot of success with Twitter and The daily stormer book club groups as well.

Normalfags are a scourge: they are at best lemmings to be used to brute force a revolution. Classical populism; attempts to sway the masses and enact democratic change are doomed to fail. The true is revolutionary is doomed too, but at least he has the dignity of the fight.
The normalfag is of the intellectual peasant class; empowering him to believe he is of value or an intellectual is foolish. He is at his foremost a soldier in total war.


There's nothing wrong with anime, fucking kike shill.

Ok now that is a big problem.

You mean the guy that turned out to be dating a tranny jewess and has two moms? Wooooooow.

That's Holla Forums in a nutshell.

This, say you will about Seventhson but after he was doxed he doubled down and carried on. Also he never dated trannies or jews and practices what he preaches about saving the white race.

dubs confirm he lied about jews in trs more than ever

Fuck off degenerate overweight cunt

Why is that you Amis, Anglos are such ridiculous squeamish prudes, covering up like a Muslim in bag sized swimming shorts?

BTW did you know, the male athlete in the trailer to Riefenstahl's “Olympia” documentary was an Australian? He was supposed to be naked like antique athletes were. The trailer was about antique statues coming to live. He refused to be filmed naked and after some discussion the compromise was him wearing a loincloth.

More Olympia trivia, one of the naked dancing girls in the trailer is Riefenstahl herself. That decadent were the Nazis.

Fagots are attracted to strong dominant masculinity, same as women.
Many muslim shitskins are closet homo.

By subverting other organisations. Keep your relationship to other Holla Forumsacks informal.

No, but it as good start.
Guess, how do you think the Commies did subvert America, by joining the Communist Party?

Moscow Patriarchate opposes idea of Lenin burial as ‘untimely’

Ghoul actually wasn't all that bad on his own. I admit that I was part of the threads which revealed their dox here. I created a bit of the TRS OC, actually.
And again, the TRSfags made a huge mistake. If they would have just divorced themselves from Enoch after it was known that he was a kike and his wife was a kike, they could have enjoyed successful endeavors later. They could have came out after the Enoch dox and said, "Hey, we didn't know Enoch was married to a Jew," and gave a bullshit explanation and I think that might have been enough. Then again, if Enoch would have just came out and admitted right off the bat that he was married to a kike, this all would be nothing.
But yeah, I think Ghoul could have done something. I was actually kinda pleasantly surprised that he came out and showed his face. At one point, before their users came here to shill for "based nationalist Jews," I liked TRS.
TRS and AV have made many mistakes. Most are unfixable. The only ones who have clean hands in this (or seemingly so) are the FTN guys, who left TRS after the whole Kike Eunuch debacle.
I have often thought about it, but there actually should be a Holla Forums radio. Talk radio, European classical music and interviews. Would anyone be interested?

t. goon kike shill

This thread sucks, nigger. Nobody cares about this retarded kike shit and everyone posting unironically in thieves thread needs to be gassed. Global reported.

The jury is out on Heimbach until the Longshanks matter is resolved. If he is protecting a non-white sex offender, what then?

because there is no such thing as homosexuality. Only sodomy. Men that enjoy getting their assholes torn. Getting shit on their dick turns them on. They are sick sick people that need to be put down.

I guess it depends on what sort of sexual assault he was convicted of. He certainly looks non-white. Heimbach and Anglin both need to answer some questions.
I like TWP, but it could be their undoing if they don't at least make a statement on it.

it involved a 15 year old girl

Publicly, but Jizzhands was with Enoch in DC the night before the inauguration, and did show prep for TDS the following week.

[Citation needed]
Kike Enoch was with Spencer that night, when he acted tough and confronted Bill Mitchell, the night before he was punched lol.

wew lad. Why can't we have personalities who were not convicted over something fucking retarded? Even Azzmador the ANTIFA slayer has a lenghty prison record.

Maybe Sinead was right…

All three of them were together. Somebody linked a thread here from the Daily Stormer forum where somebody who was there talked about meeting the them, and the next TDS Eunuch confirmed it saying he was with people who didn't want to be named.

The fashy ancaps from FTN are just as bad as the rest of the TRSodomites.

i hear its more concern about losing their politically connected/white house jobs.

I doubt they're really politically connected, it's probably more about hiding degenerate secrets, like the rest of the TRSodomites.

What's wrong with IE? Other than not being natsoc. They just seem like a chad nationalist network.

Commiefornia based honeypot that also has some connections to TRS

Many blokes in IE are good blokes and blokettes but, the leadership are crypto sodomite opportunistic attention whores who when pressed will answer the JQ but, they actively discourage the serious talking about it especially in public like the rest of the Alt Kike

It was founded by Angelo John Gage, who says only "weak White men" name the jew.

Even the vols don't larp that hard

Saging for DNC bullshit. This is absolute autism.

Huh every IE guy I've talked to has been pretty open about the JQ. Not as much as, say, the AW guys I've talked to, but they didn't strike me as AmRen-style Jew includers.

I thought Damigo was the head of it? That guy in the Turks interview.

I've noticed a ton of (((alt-right))) christians are very butthurt at right-wingers being anti-Jew. Cucks like Common Filth and Iron Larp try to make it seem like everything is the fault of White people and that white people are weak because they fall for shlomo's tricks.

I can't imagine being this dumb. thats like the FBIs wet dream

Damigo took over after Gage's kid was born.

Just follow strategy and join the DNC or GOP then hijack them the same way radical leftists on alinsky and neocons hijacked the DNC and GOP from the generation before them. Don't bother with these shitty honeypot organisations. Take what already exists like the ones in power now did before them.

Today's flavor of kikery apparently.

Even a broken coalburning psychotic flat-earther cunt clock is right twice a day?

Yes indeed. Its the leadership not the members are the problem. Yes Damigo is the midget blonde guy who was on that Young Roach interview

This. Lots of basic bitch christian reactionaries get booty blasted at the thought of National Socialism and their mindset

But doesn't the fact that they would join such an organization say a lot about the individuals involved?

Please tell me this is sarcasm

No, because they don't necessarily know all the ins and outs and history of the organization, they're just people who are awakened and want to do something pro-White and be part of a pro-White group. Now you might be able to say something negative about someone who's been in IE for multiple years and is in a leadership position themselves, but someone new who joins? Or someone who was in and left?

Disclosure I was kicked out by the midget himself, personally, when I bitched him out about how faggy the drunk kenboy milkspitting looked and asked him WTF he was doing at TRStleMania knowing that Peinovich had a yid wife. I've seen many people who have left IE due to concerns about the manlet's "leadership" and almost all of them were go-getters, people who were active recruiters, coordinators, interviewers, who were in a position to figure things out. The rank and file are probably just happy to be part of a group that appears pro-White for a change, especially the new members.

You can say a lot about heimbach and his cringe-levels especially when it comes to his older appearances but he is an all around solid dude who keeps working in the interest of white people.

He also has a wife and kids.

Woes has a girlfriend now and the rest of the stuff is just loosely connectected immagery containing a bunch of people with no real connection to one another.

Not sure how valid what that graphics is trying to say is.

come on now



I'm just ruling these out as slide threads, since there seems to be no logical purpose for their existence.

Millenial Woes is a homosexual. This is not a debatable point. So is Damigo, so are Kulturkampf, so is Counter Currents, so is Jorjani, so is Spencer, so is half of TRS.

American Vanguard or whatever they are called is filled with them.

The question is "who isn't?"
Heimbach and crew might not be but Longshanks is a pedophile.

What is this blog post of some literally who group with a joke of a website with a manifesto that starts with "american fascism" as if they know what fascism fucking means.

It's almost like OP spent all this time for nothing.


There's still no proof he's Tony.


Yes Damigo is ok with being single the rest of his life. He probably isn't asexual. That is probably his excuse for being a faggot. Nathan was studying social sciences at his university until he stopped going to college so he might have had to read that gay book from his communist california college.

when did he stop attending classes? the review is from Feb 2016. Why is he not marrying and reproducing? Too many many men with Fashy Haircuts i bet.

Find a picture of Jorjani with Kissam and you might have something, but him with the Dickster doesn't prove anything.

For some comedic relief

Faulk is doing a podcast on TRS again.


Anglin's cucking

Iron March is just teenage edgelord outcasts looking for a group to be a part of. A big chunk of them unironically converted to Islam after watching some ISIS propaganda videos, so that should tell you what kind of losers they are.

Which is funny as hell, since half the mods at I'm are Serbs.

What is the date of this post?

They're both from the 19th.


That's not a surprise. TRS welcomes fags with open buttholes.

Holy hell you're grasping at straws desperately trying to make a point. You're using the Olympics to excuse this faggotry. None of what you pointed out makes any sense in this context, and is nothing major.


Wait, what's wrong with Jack Donovan. Please give me a quick rundown.


I think he just didn't sign up for the summer or fall semesters now that he is working directly for Spencer organizing Spencer's college speaking tour.

I had a conversation with Nathan only like a month ago, and he was attending classes. I don't know what y'all are talking about.


What are you talking about? Just checked out his twitter and he even got his girlfriend in his avatar. Are you deliberately lying about Nathan? If so, why? Who would benefit from that?

And there is literally nothing wrong with speedos.

People here just really hate the whole 'Alt-Right' scene. And yeah, some of the hate is justified, but even the good people in it have to be slandered in order to keep the hate flowing.


Lone-wolfing will only get us so far, and it will become decreasingly effective the more lone-wolf operations there are, because a surge in lone-wolf operations will eventually result in a more powerful police state. Secondly, normies don't follow ideas, they follow leaders. Society is always going to be 90% normie, otherwise it would fall apart. You can't have workers and professionals spending 8 hours a day reading Spengler and thinking about racial politics. Normies need a man who will lead them (and whose party will educate their children) while they do their business.

The Jews won by playing all goy nations against one another for hundreds of years while they themselves remained highly networked. We lost because we treated Jews as individuals instead of as a collective. The one time that Jews faced any real opposition was when Hitler organized a political party that opposed them. Whites need to work as a team, and teamwork involves political organization.

From what I've seen, Nathan is modeling IE after European identitarian movements, which are very preppy/normie in their aesthetics. Filtering out people with visible tattoos on their neck or face is completely legitimate. And he read a book documenting the spread and growth of gay culture and political power in LA throughout the 60s and onward, whoa dude, HOMOSEX CONFIRMED!

Threatening people with the FBI is obviously a very shitty thing to do though, but I don't know the context of that conversation. Sounds like someone was talking about political violence maybe?

Not well. They essentially invited people to talk openly about the Mike thing before they shut down, and banned everybody caught saying they thought Mike should leave.

I kept my mouth shut and survived. A lot of other people seem to be in a similar position. The forum moves slow as shit and I've seen posters like Percival say shit about stickman that people got banned for saying about Mike.

I can't bring myself to listen to the show, but apparently it's getting less and less listeners and it's devolving more and more into unlistenable mike monologues interrupted occasionally by that unlistenable fuckwit mcnabb and nervous commentary from Sven. Apparently on the last episode they're letting nobodies like Mosley and Jayoh Del Rey on because they're so desperate for fresh people. Most of the time it seems to just be Kike Enoch and Nervous Energy Guy

There's a video.

zero tolerance is the only way lads


no jazzhands in that vid

well balanced post

look closer

I think you're absolutely right, but you also have to consider that although the majority of Holla Forums is from America, there is also people from different european countries, therefore organizing groups wouldn't be an easy task. I should also state that despite you being correct, there's also the possibility of kike infiltration, like we saw on other pro-white movements, and not having an hierarchy or even an organization is vital at least until we find a solution to that problem, besides genetic testing. I guess we could use something similar to the tests in The Order (The Turner Diaries), but again there's anons from all over the world, so it'd be a colossal task.

Oh yeah that is Jazz Hands confirmed.

Yeah he might still be in classes. Last I spoke with him he was considering leaving college

Well I hope he stays in. I know a lot of people here don't like him or IE, but he seems like good people to me, the few times I've spoke to him.


Kike Eunuch: 8/pol/ is non-White, unlike me and my jew wife


Gays were doing just fine and helping white nationalism grow a shit ton the past year. All you did was fuck up our progress with your cuckservative nigger-tier muh principles crock of shit. Back to uzbeklarp and commoncuck posting with you kike.

man i hate that kike

litterally butthurt faggot detected

Yet here you are.

spencer leave

Look I don't like the guy either but it's pretty clear he was talking about non-white Holla Forums and Holla Forums as different groups that were there. You know full well 4chan is diverse as fuck.

I take it you have never actually seen the problems with dysfunctional idiots in IRL groups, nor are you smart enough to care about fixing this shit. How about we rule you out instead, user?

From what I can see on the outside, things like this are far too common in pro-white groups: dysfunction, namely. Nowhere in any of this is there even anything about being PRO-WHITE. I realize that a lot of the people we work with are civs, but I have long tired of this kind of nonsense. I have seen it all over, and it has ruined plenty of groups that could have otherwise made a difference. Our people are dying and enslaved. Anyone that engages in this kind of chimp-tier faggotry to sabotage one of our groups is fucking guilty of treason.

Seriously, there are plenty of groups out there that have something to deliver, and then they fuck it up by being stupid and either tearing themselves apart or leaving themselves weak and vulnerable to our enemies. What is going to happen, as the situation becomes more and more dire, is you are going to see ruthless professionals who are NOT furries (or in other words, half a warrior) who will start taking charge of things–actually, you may not see them, because they will be behind the scenes. I know fun is fun and all (like meming), but we can't be having this kind of nonsense that honestly looks like it came out of a kike movie like American History X. And if you personally are a train wreck, please avoid trying to lead a group and merely offer your support. You do not want to be found engaging in these kinds of shenanigans. Also, stop shitting on other pro-white groups publicly or in front of normalfags. Those doing that are part of the problem. Preferably, this kind of stuff should be kept internal. I understand if the whole group combusts that you have to take it somewhere.

There are too many cases of groups that are even cogent, yet take a great truth or positive and add total faggotry to it. There are various examples that I'm not going to go into here because I don't need more D&C faggotry, ignorance, and shilling tarnishing the points I am making:
1) Create or join your (preferably small) IRL group of those you know and vet
2) Run your shit correctly
3) Fix yourself if you're fucked up
There are so many idiots that want to shitpost against the military, but why is it that a fucking 18 year old that barely got into a group that has barely any ideology or real values left able to fix their shit and many of you are not?
Fucking fix yourselves. That goes for everyone, including here. We could have had politics fixed by now–we could have fixed religion–we could have had our business lined out and be a much greater threat to the enemy.

polite sage for ingroup drama

He said the "mystery meat Holla Forumstards" were "definitely 8channers".

which one? I've met jazzhands in person and do not see him on that video. I see Spencer and Peinovich and two guys who are not jazzhands.

I saw the live stream where he showed his face, he's the guy by the exit sign.


Yup. Just order some truth serum from Amazon and do the interviews in the basement when mom and dad are away for 'date night' on Thursday.

This is why I would never associate with a group that admits anyone under the age of 25.

Why is this not anchored? Sage.

checked kek
really makes me think.

I saw the same video but my recollection was a guy with darker hair and a goatee. Could have been Halberstram for all we know.

Bump for autism awareness

Thats a quote for the history books. What a great leader, clearly the next fuhrer. Did he write that, or was it part of a Hitler speech? I cant tell.




Marx was so right, because look at Holla Forums.

I found the way I was approached by "recruiters" (usually female-presenting accounts on twitter) for both Identity Europa & American Vanguard to be eerily similar.

Remove the Karl Marx bullshit, and Im "okay"

Who the fuck is American vanguard and why should I care

Best poast in the entire thread

Don't mind the necromancy but yes re: radio

The NORMIE QUESTION may be the most important of all.

Heimbach is the Nationalist leader who I currently most identify with and appreciate.
He understands strategy, is a good public speaker, and is a man of clear principles.
I think Traditionalist Worker's Party is a clear step up from American Vanguard, Iron March, etc.
However, it is true that the TWP, in their efforts to organize and advocate for White Nationalist interests, may have collaborated with some groups that you would not approve of.
As always, each person should do his own due diligence on such groups.
At the end of the day, it doesn't hurt to try it and see if you like them.
I appreciate a group that openly identifies as National Socialist and Fascist without being a bunch of edgy larpers.
Sure, Heimbach is overweight, but nobody's perfect.

I'm a NEETSoc MGTOW Otaku… does that count?


Seventh-day Adventists (Ben Carson) aren't in the same boat as Mormons (Glenn Beck).
SDA's basically just stick to an earlier interpretation of 'Sola Scriptura' (meaning they baptise by immersion and don't believe in a 'secret rapture') and reject the edict of Constantine to worship on Sunday instead of Saturday.

I am merely a simple browser of this here tibetan flag seamstress' support group forum so I really don't care about pussy fights between homosexuals. But this (((American-Vanguard))) wanting to ban a simple symbol which has turned up time and again no matter who thought they could eliminate it doesn't sound like they are my friends.

kek, I love how leftists just mock legitimate points instead of attempting to disprove them. It really damaged your worldview when you learned that they had to change the definition of retard on the IQ scale to avoid classifying half the niggers in the US as mentally retarded didn't it?