He gave his body up for charles to took over his body. In other word, Charles is alive in the physical world again but I do not know what happened to Fantomex. Fantomex's life is full of tragics so I think it is unfair to see him to go without fixing the issues that plagued him for years.
Fantomex is actually dead?
Wait seriously? Are the current X men comics bullshit like this?
Yes I hope they don't forget that fantomex don't have genetic x in his blood and Charles is a powerful mutant so how will Charles be able to use the telepathic abilities without the genetic X? Seriously I don't want to see Fantomex to go. I know he's machine killer but it's not his fault for being like this.
Fantomex have three brains and don't have the genetic X so how will the charles cope with the three brains? I don't want to see Fantomex to go.
Might this be for the best? I haven't been following X-titles in a some time, but didn't Fantomex's 3 brains get split apart and his good side became a chick or some shit?
Just seems like they've been running the character through the loop slowly stripping away what made him interesting in the first place.
The last thing I read with Fantomex was the really good X-force run.
Actually I think that is the last marvel comic I actually sat and read through.
He already have three brains. A chick was one of the three brains. The machine thought it was three bodies instead of one body due to three brains in one skull so the machine gave them three bodies for each brains. The three people are thief, mutant hater and chick. They were happy that they are finally free until they chosen to go back in one body.
I feel sorry for him when he become one person along with his uh…maybe individual siblings and his girlfriend abandoned him despite Fantomex died for her.
Oh, Grant Morrison, the destruction and mad pop ideas you've left, that are still trembling the Marvel universe in your wake.
What Chuck Austen didn't immediately shit all over.
Fans like mystery and Fantomex is mysterious and smart so it will make x-men look boring and shitty. Charles should stay dead until the original adult Jean put the pieces altogether and fix the timelines and universes again but do not come back. Nobody is happy the way the writers treat the comic and characters. PC should stay out of business.
Source: Astonishing X-Men by Charles Soule #6
Yes that's the comic.
Did they ever confirm if Morrison intentionally wrote Xorn as a character out of the story to prevent Marvel from getting another juicy IP. Dude was a really great new character; it was almost a waste he turned out to be Magneto. Frankly, if I was Marvel, that Magneto reveal would've been changed.
Can the X-men (both comics and movies oh, and also vidja) stop being shit again now that Disney have gone full autist and bought an entire studio to get them back?
If the Fanto-fans don't want him to die then they can create fanfiction comic based on him.
Given how Disney has handled vidya for their own Marvel characters I doubt it.
Are you a fan of Fantomex?
Ghosty Jean grey come back again and the teenage Jean died
Is the artist using Wentworth Miller as reference for Fantomex?
Claremont brought back the character (or his brother or some shit) like a month after Morrison's run ended in New Excalibur, but I couldn't say what the hell became of it.
Death really has no meaning when you got multiple chefs cooking a single universal broth.
Well, for the past several years you'll think everyone is a schizophrenic when they change one writer to the next, it's gets daunting.
So he will be back? I hope he come back unaltered. The writers doesn't have a clue what they are doing which is the reason why the comics is dying.
He didn't die. He traded his body so he can live in the astral plane. His reason is no one like him because of his tragic life and the shadow king is wrecking the city so Xavier is the only who can fix the mess so he need a physical body to exist in the physical world. The big problem is Fantomex is not psychic like him so how did Xavier managed to keep the telepathic abilities in the physical world? The way Xavier speak is creepy. I think staying in the astral world for long time may have changed him.
They really need to stop bringing them back to alive. It is very annoying.
Why did old Jean got separated from firebird and come back as a ghost?
Maybe somebody at Marvel realized that Jean's been kind of a mess ever since she was merged with/replaced by the Phoenix and they're trying to fix her.
There is no story on how she got seperated so it make no sense that she showed up for a small reason to lecture on young Jean who are from other universe in the past about the firebird but the firebird killed young Jean because she doesn't belong in the other universe.