Aryan QT Fends Off Jewish Rapist
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That girl is a mud, probably a quadroon or octaroon. how far down has the ZOG sunk when there are so many spics now people can't even tell who's White? "aryan???"
What? Anyway good for her.
This may surprise you, but some people who go outside on a regular basis do wind up with at least a slight tan.
Tan my ass paco. It's in her facial features, from a mile away. the eyes, the forehead with the big vein, the teeth. She's part negro.
For comparison, here is the quadroon meghan markle, who has been in the Judenpresse a lot of late for dating…the zionized brit royal ginger whose name escapes me. Compare:
Niggers in the shitter looking for white womens…
Where does OP get Jew from? Everyone knows they use grinder and yellow for their gay and child rapes.
Look at her hair, then at the Aryan QT's hair. They can play at being white, but they can't outrun their genetics.
Just because you see a few passing similarities with the majority-white Markle, that doesn't make Kelly "Shove 'Em In The Oven" Herron any less white.
>Herron said she was able to fight off her alleged attacker, named in another post as (((Gary Matthew Steiner)))
Could you at least read the excerpt, newfag?
since the influx here, I don't know if you're trolling or really this dumb. Also "Steiner" is not typically a Jew name, especially with "Gary Matthew" in front of it. "Stein" is Jew.
She's very far from Aryan and the perp is most likely not a Jew with first name "Gary." It's the same with "Meyer" and the ones who used to think the dumb slut running yahoo was a Jewess.
Go back to univision
you're trying to pass off a mud as White and calling Me the spic? Sit and think on the irony for a minute…
That's a kike you dumb newfags. Some kike tries to rape another kike and fails. What a story.
She sure ain't part negro. How many nigs do you think we have up here? They've only really started moving up here in the last 10 years in significant numbers.
If anything she's probably got some chink or actual injun blood in her. Definitely a mongrel of some sort just not a nig.
Have to agree with the others, in that picture at least, she does look like a mutt.
counterpoint to her being a niggo:
Moshe pls go bother some kids making jokes on 9gag, this isn't your speed.
Fuck, this is for you Ari.
There used to be a rule on VNN before it became a honey pot after Glen Fraser shot up the Jew place and didn't kill any Jews– if you accuse of high kikery without proof, it's an auto-ban. Should have it here. If you shout "juden" without sourcing, you take away the power and meaning of the term. This place is a hard-on these days. I don't even know what's stupidity and what's trolling. Thanks, cuck-chan.
No she doesn't.
quit covering for jewish perverts. We all know they have sex addictions.
I smell kikery on you, you don't type like you belong here.
She doesn't sound like a kike. Just kind of dumb maybe.
Do they have irony in Israel?
I'm not even going to explain how shit of a shill you are, I'm just going to filter+report. Get fucked schlomo
Gotta enjoy the little victories against scum like
I'd really love to see an image of you. It would be a great laugh.
wut r u sayin? :o } Q! Hay, who is favorite rapper?
It's hilarious that you'd think we'd fall for this.
"Gary Matthew Steiner" isn't a Jew name. "Stein" is a Jew name. Went through through the same thing with "Marissa Mayer" from yahoo and trying to teach retards how to spot the kike. I'm over it.
doesn't deserve a thread
from the looks she's more likely to be part jew than nigger, nice d&c
plenty of burger jews don't name their kids Shlomo, plenty don't even know they are jews. I know two named gary. Steiner could go either way.
learn surnames, faggot.
checked, what I'm suspicious of is why is this on mainstream news? Shit doesn't get on the news without being part of a narrative
Holy fuck. I didn't believe it at first, but that infograph/whatever the fuck about JIDF tactics was right. When they've had their every shit-tier argument destroyed, they always resort to spamming interracial shit.
It's hilarious how by-the-book you faggots are.
It's one of the reasons I refrain from calling everyone a kike or shill; I go with nigger, faggot, or retard first.
Because Jews only exist when they're the victims of antisemitism, otherwise they're white (see claims of ebul rich white men running government, media, etc.). They will never mention the fact that the attacker was a deranged Jew, only that a BWAVE STWONG WOMYN fended off an EBUL WYATT MALE WAPIST. That is the story.
Kek'd and checked, had the same thought myself.
How did she lock him inside a bathroom?
The narrative was she supposedly screamed at him "not today, motherfucker!" so she was a stronk womyn. She is a mongrel of some type and if he WERE a Jew, this would have no national coverage. That's how you know perp is not a Jew, they'd have buried it.
She looks Spanish.
t. Spaniard.
I mean hair and eye color aren't even thing, facial structure is arguably the most telling "Aryan" trait. In my educated opinion I would say she probably isn't.
"White men are raping women in the shitter".
There's your narrative.
Many Jews took (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, …) surnames. Loosely paraphrasing uncle Adolf: "They switch them like raincoats, discarding them when there is good weather".
A lot of idiotic nordicists are taking their own facial typography as the only white standard.
The skin looks more like poor color management in the camera than anything else, see pic related (five seconds in gimp).
As a *green eyed, fuck yeah!* southern European I can tell you she looks like she lives next block, definitely not a Nordid.
well she is not aryan, that much is obvious. But she is a european, that fascial structure is not shitskin. So technically speaking the title is wrong at the very least.
Because of low-energy posting on Holla Forums. Step it up.
Yeah, her face is too ovular. She has a big forehead, and a wide chubby face. I mean even I have dark hair but I still have high cheekbones and shit like that. Certainly not Aryan. I can't identify her phenotype either so who (((knows))).
Yeah, it might just be the camera angle also. If we had a different photo it might be easier to discern.
Around the time of purim and passover one should not relax.
Well I dont think that not deleting this thread is bad moderation, I am just not sure as to how far racial profiling ability should be considered in the OP.
Well knowing ourselves and pic related I dare say that it should be a skill that most of us should have. But I dont think that there was malice in the poster. Op should learn how to phrase his title better though. Just "woman" would be better next time around.
Hahahahaha, reported
Fine specimen of manhood.
White or not I'm just glad some kike didn't get to do anything and has been arrested
It's possible, but if he WERE a Jew, it never would have had this much exposure, they'd have buried it. That's a fucking given in the ZOG. ANY crime a Jew gets buried, or his name is simply not given if a Jew. That's why I'm certain he isn't– they never would have let it go mainstream.
As for her…she doesn't set off any Jew bells for me, but some mulatto blood (possibly Injun or spic) is def. there.
And for reference, the thing in OP's pic looks even jewier than pic related. Anybody mistaking it for white is either blind or the JewCREW.
She is clearly not Aryan.
The number of oygevalt in this thread is insane.
Don't respond to shills. Just hide and report them.
Agree. Sad to say, though, that in the US she does, in fact, qualify as white in many places. "Aryan", what a joke tho'.
Why are you covering for this kike?
Into the shower you go, kike!
That's a stretch man. I'm not seeing it.
Dude, Those eyebrows, her eyes, everything about he looks like she's a latina.
8/10 would fight Jews with
Lol, OP.
- shovel teth
- permanent smile mouth
- inverted W shaped mout area with deep folds
- broad concave nose
- low set ears
- long lower lip
- bagged almond shaped eyes (aka Nancy Pelosi eyes)
- rat like smile
- etcetra, etcetra
Conclusion: YENTA
Pic related is Aryan QT, ok?
t. taxonomist
This needs to stop.
look dammit, you can't be aryan if you have brown or black eyes.
that's one of the prerequisites, light in the eyes ranging from grey-green with blues inbetween.
Browns may be Europoid, they may be white, but they are not aryan.
Aryan eyes are special.
You also can't be aryan if you have black or brown hair that is curlier than "wavy"
Agree with you. OP user just doesnt have classifyel skills. Mixed yentas are hard to detect. I wrote that in the bottom of that thread .
Careful thou, it is anchored.
So let's go over this.
Blonde Hair Brown Eyes = not Aryan
Light Brown Hair Green Eyes = Aryan
Blue Eyes slightly wavy brown hair = Aryan
pick one faggot. This is what an Aryan looks like.
Im not gonna say she is le "aryan" meme but she is definitely not latina. I know I am surrounded by latina's and NONE of them look like her. She is probably italian irish. Herron is an anglicized version of an Irish surname.
Yes, Aryan became synonim for Nordic tipe White Eropids. But careful. Kelto Nordid can as well be light brown eyed and brown haired.
Your best point is, Anons should learn about taxonomy, at least basics. Loads of crypto jews are missed because their mixed form.
They keep making these threads too.
Yah there's a lot of mystery meat in WA since the spics rolled in.
Correct, she is not latina. She is Ashkenazi jew, mixed with European white Cro-magnon type, called "Borreby" and bit of Kelto Nordid influenced.
Also, look careful. Looks like Nancy Pelosi daughter.
Pic related is, what we consider almost pure "Aryan" male form. Ill search for female example.
t. classifyer
Get the fuck out of here.
What makes you say that she has no eastern european nose though that nose does look cosmetically corrected. I just looked up nancy pelosi's kid and she looks nothing like her two daughters.
She most certainly isn't white. But good for her.
This one is Tronder (see pic related), sort of Nordid + Cro-magnid. Pure form Nordid (Aryan) is Hallstatt Nordid (second pic).
Yep, that's the schlomo right there.
Just for you, son, pic related is, how East Europids looks like.
Also, I was talking about Nancy Pelosi vibe, not about her actualy daughters. Holla Forums is 130+ mandatory btw
The caucasian race has sub-races.
The aryan sub-race has pale skin, black or rarely red hair and blue, green and mostly brown eyes. There is no such thing as a blonde aryan.
The German (nordic, norse, etc.) sub-race has very pale skin, Hair colors are mostly brown and blonde but black and red are also present. Mostly blue and green eyes while brown being uncommon.
The German sub-race is the only one that developed blonde hair in the caucasian race.
Brown hair is not natural for it comes from the mix of black and blonde.
The confusion regarding the aryan and german sub-races began around World War 2 where the german leadership often brought up the ancient aryan peoples and their culture as reference to use it as an alternative for judeo-christianity. After WW2 the anti-germanist rhetoric used aryan as a pejorative term against the germans and their ideology.
Thus it was the German sub-race that got the Aryan label.
The reality is that germans are not aryans and aryans are not germans.
Please get it right already, it has been decades so start learning the difference.
you do this shit in every thread regardless of what the fuck we're looking at. I even agree she should be part kike but you're just making shit up. You can't even figure out noses.
you're not using that right, don't pollute our pool of insults with that weak shit
What does this mean?
I agree she isn't Aryan but don't act like your some professional taxonomist because you have some basic knowledge that comes with not being a newfag
meme it
This is the gayest and most autistic thread currently on this board.
I'll just leave this here
Well user, you have some litlle clue, but you are mistaken.
First of all, we are talking about Caucasian specises and in Caucasian species, there are subspecies aka "races". Not all Caucasians are white, because also Semites, Hamnites and Indids belongs to Caucasian species.
Second. While you are right about this mess around term "Aryan" after WW2, it is not true, Aryans were some specialised group. With Aryans (or proto Aryans) we are talking about eariest civilisations north of Black See (PIE), what we call Yamna culture. Those people invaded Cro-magnon inhabited Europe, mixed with them and created novadays ethnic groups - German, Slav, Celtic, etcetra, people. Not just that in Europe, but also in India (Vedic people) and China (Tocharians)
So to speak, white European ancestors are paleolitic Cro-magnons, Aryans from West Asia who invaded later and in the South Europe, some agricultural people from Anatolia (G, E, J haplo).
White man, if not in pure paleolitic surviver CM form, is Aryan. Purest bred of Aryans are Nordids as for curent definition. What you described (brown eyes, black hair), is Indid of Dravidian caste. And probably reason for that is, you are Indid and think, Shudra = Aryan.
Pic related is, what I meant with ashkenazi Nancy Pelosi vibe.
Washington state probably has a lot of bears so the bathroom doors only open outward. Trick the chosen into following you into the bathroom, run out, jam the door shut with a bench or trashcan. Real looney tunes stuff.
Nope. Just jews and crypto jews dont like us classifiers and taxonomists, because they want to be white Europeans. Pic related.
nothing to se here, I am German, just like you
So the bottom 80% of blacks are dumber than 100% of whites?
Sur, why not. And I'll just live mine.
That negrees is touching two pieces at the same time, it is against chess rules, btw, except when rokade.
did she pass mirror test already?
Notice how the shills itt successfully shifted topic from a kike trying to kidnap a RANDOM woman for ritual slaughter into one about what kind of mystery meat she is?
Good job guys.
Yes, in the case with USA Negroes. With African pure type, that ratio is very different, like 99,99% against 100%. In African Negro, IQ80 is considered gifted. No joking.
I honestly doubt 1 jew could kidnap a woman, the average male jew being so weak and effeminate.
When jew's do this shit they do it to stupid shiksas who never knew any better
For example Leibel
Yup, there's that blood libel business again.
I can not believe that these things are literal hellspawns that drink human blood.
Well a good percentage of blacks know how to goad most white people into doing anything by attacking their want to keep a coalition. Whether or not that's a boost to IQ because you've learned a niche way of surviving in an environment is debatable.
"Oh no I don't hate you, everyone here is just grand, we're all in this together surviving in a desolate cold climate where we all must work together." , which I believe is the typical normie white thought process when faced with whether to exclude minorities. There is no easy way to get around it unless that white actually is forced to learn otherwise, usually violence by the minority secures this. The sad part is that the amount of turmoil that has to happen against the white population worldwide in order to force them into white communities where they can actually build a culture might be to much when considering that any action done against minorities in the early years will be most fought for by these whites, and they'll give the minorities any weapon or technology to fight against those who want to break up their coalition that, "must survive because we are living in a desolate cold environment".
Sadly its very easy for most whites to consider the people they grew up with to be their folk. The continuous increase in these being non-white has terrible effects upon their psyche, that's why a generation ago not only racemixing but having desegrated communities was considered something important to fight against and uphold for the continuation of the white race.
Rawlin' for dubs.
do you believe gorillas could be trained to shitpost on the interwebs?
You are rigt, user. I am not anthropro, just doing that for fun for about 10 years now.
Hope so, honestly. Hope that all Anons have some basic knowledge about taxa. Things become much easier to understand, if you are capable to reckognise cryptos. Like this one (pic related).
I am sure everybody knows, he is crypto
Sure they could.
It means you are of pure Cro-magnon type. Rare in pure form. Some Anons (including Plato) will argue, those are from Atlanteans. Enjoy your pic.
I'm supposed to believe this "girl power" narrative, why exactly?
Good for her at least.
Definitely a mud, it breaks my heart that anons have grown so accepting and accustomed to mixed race faces, that the contamination is invisible.
She looks mixed "native american" Asiatic, like "Evalion."
The Kikes and anti-"purity spiralling" groups like TRS, Daily Stormer, Radio Renegades etc start these threads featuring mixed race women for a purpose.
Their attacks have a few main objectives, first to create friction between those who can easily see the contamination and those (younger, more likely to be Americans who are used to seeing mixed race persons refered to as "white" ( even the government does this in classifications, census, crime etc.)) who can't see the mixture and those who can.
The second objective is to normalize mixed race people.
The third reason is for personal satisfaction, the enjoyment of knowing that they tricked Holla Forums into calling a non-white woman "Aryan QT".
Could you be Aryan and not have blonde hair and blue eyes? I've done genetic tests and I have Aryan DNA but I don't.
It was called the "blood libel" because it's supposedly false. The term refers to the claim that they drank blood, not the act itself.
Also, she's not white.
If anyone wants the ABC video it's at this link. I can't get it small enough to post, and the JewTube version got taken down.
True all that, user. You just forgot one more reason. To normalise ashkenazi phenotype as white. In this particual case, girl is clearly Nancy Pelosi type of ashkenazi yenta (I posted that type above). And you saw result. Just couple of Anons reckognised her as jewish mix. Other were on Latina, Amerindian, or just strait normal white face, accusig us of shilling. That is realy sad. If you cant reckognise that obvious ashkenazi, how can you reckognise cryptos? And btw, crypto sayanims are those realy dangerous one.
Learn basics about basic taxonomy. The look at the TV shows. If not pure jew or nigger, there is crypto. Look at your teacher. A bit strange face? Eyes blue, but not in harmony with other facial futers? Eyes not in straight line? Ears unusaly low set? Lower lip somehow longer than upper? And this teacher beeing leftist liberal? It is not goy. It is crypto.
Look at your doctor. Lawyer. Banker. Look at higher than blue collar positions. There they are, a net of mixed and not very welthy jews, who knows very well, to whom they belong and what is tribe expecting from them
Look at those, chanting in the strets right now against Trump. Do you realy think, they are pure whites? Then look closer. Almost none of them, those revolutionaries, marxists, feminists, is white. Mystery meat yes, there are many mongrels and stupid niggers. But most of them are well organised cryptos.
This is why user should learn to classify, at least basics. This is why user should look some film or video with only one purpose - to practice classifying peoble. In time, that became automatism of sort. You wil know with whom you are talking, you will know what to expect from given person. It is important knowledge.
Interesting, thanks. Any information on where I can learn more about the various subraces of European stock?
Yes you can. Nordids are just pure form. Every white person is to degree mixed with them. Pure form is rare. Pure Nordids are rare.
And dont forget, it is noot just about Aryans. White European is mixed to degree from three sources: Aryan invader from PIE (north of Black Sea), Cro-magnon paleolitic surviver, who inhabited Europe before invasion (later he mixed vith Aryans) and Anatolian farmers (probably Alpine subrace now).
So answer is - yes. We white people are all Aryans and all Cro-magnons. On ratio of mixing depends, if you will have farer or darker hair or different eye colour.
You can also be Nordid with darker than blonde hair. It is called Kelto Nordid. Somehow darker, more sloped forehead, more prominent browridge, etcetra. Pic related.
Start with that link. PreBoasian (curltural marxistic) anthropology from 1920 when science was science.
http: //www.theapricity.com/snpa/index2.htm
The different phenotypes of ashkenazi kike fascinate me.
There are the normal more-common types with the hook nose, very dark hair, dark eyes, swarthy features, etc. The typical jewy look. But then there's this other type of phenotype characterized by softer round facial features, gray eyes, pale skin, puffy lips, and ginger hair. Mark Zuckerberg is a prime example of this second type. So is chelsea clinton, who I'm 99% sure is a crypto kike spawned from an affair.
Ashkenazi with Aryan interbreeding. The disgusting niggerfeatures of the kikes are dominant by Mendelian Genetics (many niggerfeatures are), so the probality of an F1 of a pure Kike x Aryan cross makes these disgusting faces. The red hair however is recessive (unless there is a dominant red hair gene, of which I have no knowledge), meaning they are most definetly not an F1 but a non IBL hybrid.
Basically they are kikes with some white features. Literally bastards (like mulattos, haplo and whatnot).
What all Ashkenazis have, is their jewish "qualia", aka base features and traits. Now, depending wiht whom they are mixed, other half (or more) is from that other basis. It is not stabilysed phenotpe other than few common traits (like rat smile and overall look) an ugliness.
Here (pic releted) is our OP's "Aryan OT" and typical ashkenazi jewish yenta Sarah Silberman.
It is not 1:1, newer is. You should learn about vibes. It is somehow intuitive job.
One more lesson, who dont yet know: stop looking nose (or just nose) shape. Rhinoplastic is easy and most common in ashkenazi yenta comunity. Better trait is always, longer lower lip. Remember that. And btw now you know, why some yentas are pumping their lips with silicon (and some stupid white women think, it is modern and chic).
Nice post, user.
You are first to mention, all jews are to degree mixed with Negro species. People usualy dont realise that.
Jewish traits like bagged almond shaped eyes, long lip and some other, comes from Negro genetic influx. They are basicaly stabilysed hybrids in pure form.
Here, some data (pic related).
Personally, I can always tell a Crypto by their eyes. Even blue eyed cryptos have that dead inside kike look behind them. Aryans have a light in their eyes that no other race possesses. The only thing that gets tricky is the converts. Then you can't judge on appearance anymore, since they may be 100% Aryan DNA but became a jew after the fact.
Whats wrong? Yo never heard of it?
I am not trying to insult jews. I am just reckognising them.
know that hurt
there's a good book "the Genetic of the Jew" from late 70s. you have to keep in mind the 15% negroid blood mixture with Ashkenazis when dealing with them.
That is one beauties Aisto Nordids I ever saw. Gee user, if that is at your wedding, you are one of the last happy man.
Btw, it is beautiest phenotype for me. But rare as fuck. Where did you found this?
Something like pic related? Or more Mediterranid? I forgot to mention Atlanto Nordid type. Sort of Atlantid + Nordid mixed. Then you can have dark hair with fair eyes.
I'm sorry, is that the new way of asking someone to defend an assertion?
Silvermans mom is Sephardic. Also jerry seinfelds mother is Syrian. They have ashkenazic names but aren't pure ashkenazis; I imagine someone like zuckerberg is a pure ashkenazi for reference.
Its called asking for proofs. Of course ashkenazis aren't Aryan or anything but the idea that they have negro blood is very foreign and sounds like a lie. It also sounds like something a black Hebrew Israelite would say.
She's breathtaking isn't she? I found her here on Holla Forums originally, and did a little digging and found a bit more of her on a European Taxonomy forum: www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?61303-Classify-beautiful-Croatian-girl
Actually yeah. Goes with the GEDmatch info too. Chief splits here:
Also, I have some straight indo-European DNA. I don't know if that's good or bad because of how recent it is.
Ashkenazi is not stabilysed phenotype. You are talking about pure jews. Yes, 15% is about right, but depends of sort. Could be up to 70% (Yemeniti jews, etcetra).
Pic related is bonus for interested in differences.
-t, jews
not, it's doesn't. See Dr. Ariel Toaff's "blood passover." the blood was thought to be ( and, in fact, was) used in the matzo they baked for passover. As they ate it, there was a ritualized prayer "Take this, crucified Jesus. So may all christians die, by land and sea." That confession was extracted by torture. The Jews claimed it was false. Their problem came when Toaff discovered the same exact incantation written in a rabbinical text from a completely different part of Europe. It was genuine.
Okay. North Atlantid, Baltid influenced.
Here ya go (pic related):
you are true Aryan
Note* the "f" looking character is called a short s. It's still an S, not an f.
Here I can see, a bit dinarid nose. Croatian indeed. Beautiful. Croatia will be one of the last stands, together with Hungary.
Nice to see user, who is also in that business.
Btw, for interested. Pure Nordids are not as beauty, like this mixed types. But they have some inner light. Pure Nordids like pic related are rare. Dont look at those Sweedish girls, they are Tronders, Nordocromagnids. Pure Nordid is Hallstatt Nordid.
All types of Aryan woman have their own inner light. They are all so distinct, it's one of the things that makes me proud to be white. The true diversity and beauty of our people.
user, I…
I'm not saying it was false. I'm saying the name "blood libel" is based on the notion that it was false. Every use of the term "blood libel" is used alongside the denouncement of the claim.
Yes of course.
I prefer those in wedding garmet
Because he was obviously half Chink (Mongoloid) and traitor, his last words were: "remove this piano wire from my neck!"
nice try, smart Shlomo
Ashkenazi is just product of pure jew mixing with Aryan women, they prefer Nordic girls, special Germanic one, because of inteligence.
Difference between ashkenazi and sephardi is just fact, sephardi lived in Spain and mixed with spanish mediterranid type of women.
So dont look at askenazis as fair hair must.
Here, typical dark hair ashkenazi (pic related).
He had good genes but he was a traitor m80.
t. fellow dark hair aryan
Well, can't disagree with you here. If I ever use "blood libel," it always goes in quotations to suggest that's what THEY call it. The actual term is JEWISH RITUAL MURDER.
Nah, it's more complicated than that mate. I know everyone here isn't a autist who researches Jewry in his spare time, but this is very much an over-simplification. You can test for Ashkenazi if you ever take "23 and Me." If you're genuinely interested, highly recommend the book "the Genetics of the Jew." I think they may still have it up on solargeneral, can check if you are interested enough to read it.
I'm not trying to shit on you, your belief is common among people who aren't autistic enough about this to really do the research. Spend a few weeks doing it, and you'll discover all sorts of amazing things. For example, Ashkenazi and Sephardi have 2 diametrically different types of blood disorders (tay-sachs and the entire spectrum for Sephardi).
this is a decent link:
armenian-something. tell tale signs of fetal alcohol syndrome, too.
You haven't lurked nearly long enough OP. Either that or you're a spicgoblin yourself.
Well, who would think that, brother in arm. And that is the reason, we are talking simple way. Jew autistic anons are rare and this is complicated field. I am trying keep it simple and understandable.
Sure we can, from their jewish part (pic related). But I wouldnt do it on the jewish owned firm like 23andme.
Years, not weeks.
Here is one for you:
http: //www.jrbooksonline.com/
and search for "Sir Richard F Burton - The Jew The Gypsy and El Islam"
Also, "The Biological Jew from Eustace Mullins" is not bad for beginners.
and thanks for kindly advices
Lel. Nice catch. Didnt even realise that.
on her facebook page she posted her mother walked 500 miles across Spain…. so….
Spain Spanish is white. Mestizo squat goblins are subhuman.
We really should revise the Nuremberg Laws. With our updated view of genetics I think it's necessary.
None exist.
Even Jews in North Africa and the middle east are distinguishable from Arabs.
video related is what we call a decent woman. Everything else is cantmanagetogetbetter/10.
That woman, Lisa Mayer, has brown eyes.
why live Holla Forums ?
So Hitler wasn't aryan?
Jup, they are rare in pure form. Pic related is one of the purest I ever saw.
What about swimming, lifting, throwing, pole vaulting, long jump, skiing, shooting, etc
You have 31 posts in this thread, so I'll assume you're serious.
She has overwhelmingly meitzo features.
Wtf does that have to do with the topic, schlomo? The point is the creep is a kike, not that the woman is an Aryan goddess.
You know this how?
shit thread
Well, Steiner of course isn't a Jewish name. Could be Jewish, but it's not like Stein where it's almost always Jewish.
How are those to things related? Also who are you defending? The guy is a fucking perv. Look at his fucking face. Your jewdar is broken.
We've already had forum golems try to infect this site with their "purity spiraling" memes and we dont need another.
Your writing style is so weird that im guessing you are one of the kike mods trying out a new "social experiment".
DURIN'S HAMMER, you're obviously a newfag. You can't have brown eyes and be a dwarf, pic related is obviously a goblin mixed shitskin. Lurk more.
elf-lovers get out
Man, the duchess of Alba is hideous.
OP said "Aryan" on purpose so the thread would intentionally derail into "Is x white?" I seriously hope none of you anons fell for this transparent shit posting.
I bet you have a mexican gf :^)
You need to lurk more faggot.
ID = 14xx88
kek is real
tbh i would gladly crush any of those girls. cant really pick a favorite
TFW no alpha female GF.
Attractiveness is directly proportional to the amount of monkey you have in your genes.
The less monkey, the more attractive.
It is a measure of how evolved you are.
sanpaku eyes like fuck