IGN Interview with The Last Guardian Director
People bought a ps4 and 4 , for this.
Is anyone surprised by this?
Dead on arrival?
And a PS3. And they will buy a PS5 for the 4K HD Remaster.
Well, it looks like it's going to be a shittier version of Ico instead of a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus.
Why does combat have to be important?
Combat in ICO was basically the same thing, completely boring and irrelevant if not for it's use to the story
It's been in development for 9 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a turd.
Are people honestly surprised that is going to be a push direction on the joystick, occasionally press (X) to platform, while you watch all the cinematic scripted events happening around you.
This is Sony's forte after all.
Why post when you don't know what you're talking about?
Eh, not every game needs good combat to be great.
That said this has been in development hell for so long that I honestly have zero hopes.
I was expecting this to basically just be another Ico, and it sure sounds that way.
I'm mostly fine with that, except that means it will be way overpriced for what it is at this point in time.
Nice cherrypicking there.
>"Yes, in Shadow of the Colossus there was a stamina meter… but in this game we will not have such a meter. One of the reasons is that we want a wide audience to play the game, and the other is that the game content doesn't require the meter."
Now that's high tier constipation
Have you ever played a Team Ico game?
Yes user. Be in denial
Women Ruin Another Game: The Thread
But if a stamina meter was irrelevant to the gameplay, he wouldn't mention a wide audience as the reason, even partially. He'd just say a stamina meter isn't needed.
Dead on arrival.
Grow the fuck up dumbshit.
Hahahaha, they're still pretending it's in development.
Ok can you people please genuinely tell me if you're actually looking forward to this game after seeing the trailer last E3? I doubt there's any.
¿Are they gonna casualize the game?
Brand loyalty at its finest.
u bangin ese
Not me personally. I thought it looked gay as fuck. Gave me that Flower vibe. All faggy and shit. But that doesn't mean I'm not upset about ANOTHER game getting dumbed down for the masses. They're starting to make these games more and more geared towards middle aged housewives. Those fuckers aren't the ones playing this shit.
It ain't right.
Ueda has always said that the minimalist gameplay was so the games could appeal to a wider audience. Ico didn't have a stamina meter either.
Well that sucks. I guess this is what happens when a dev gets too much praise and getting lazy when it comes to game design, and bear in mind this is coming from someone who loves the shit out of Shadow of The Colossus.
So Shadow of the Colossus remains unmatched then?.
You have never played a Team Ico game.
Op is using manipulating you all to make you hate the game based off of cherrypicked parts of an interview from a site you all hate. Why? To sell the game to the faggots who will buy it "to see how shit it is" (aka the proxy shills) in order to get attention from other Holla Forums dwellers who will constantly keep the proxy shill's thread at the top of the catalog for weeks straight. It's called reverse psychology and it happens with most triple A games that this board cares to notice.
You are all sheep.
This sounds in line with the other Ico games. I don't think this game will be disappointing as successors to the first two. I don't understand what people expect. What game do you want this to be?
*as a successor
What do you see in this game?
Seems popular, but to me personally it's completely uninteresting, boring
Will we see any gameplay at E3?
Go to bed, grandpa.
Lmao, im still hyped for this game.
Good goy!
You deserved this.
Holy shit all the Sonyggers in this thread. What happened to this site?
The real question is, why is Ico acting like this now? Why? I'm pretty sure their other releases weren't intended to be a justification for an instant PS2 purchase.
Oh look, another overpriced interactive movie.
I hope their fucking company goes bankrupt after it flops in sales.
that's my theory anyway
Im gonna end up buying a fucking ps4 over this shit. Also bloodborne and nier. Maybe uncharted 4, ill play it when it hits the bargain for like 10 bucks.
what the fuck….
ITT people who have only played SotC.
Everything we've seen so far is literally just Ico with a more useful companion.
None of that is new, all his games games have been very minimalistic. This is the man who made a videogame with only boss fights.
At least 3 times as powerful as ps4.25
Oh no!
What can I do??
The Last Guardian will sell a lot, because some retards will buy it even if it is shit.
I hope they go bankrupt too, but sadly it won't happen.
Why the fuck does it matter if it as a wider audience?
It would be a problem if they're trying to target a wider audience at the detriment of the gameplay. But they've already stated that it's not the case due to the kind of game it is (it's kind of obvious actually, since you're not trying to kill the Griffin there wouldn't be a reason for scaling to be challenging) so why bitch about it?
Oh boy
Honestly I'm thankful he's as honest as he is. Honesty from game devs is refreshing.
Hell, I can even forgive the linearity since a lot of good games are linear.
As a fan of Ico and especially Shadow of the Colossus, I'm not excited for LG. It's been vaporware for far too long (which is usually bad news) and these quotes don't exactly inspire confidence.
The quote about accommodating a "wide audience" is disturbing. The feeling I got from the earlier games was that the dev team didn't give a shit what people thought. Ico and SotC were very unconventional (at the time at least) and quite challenging at times (they're both pretty easy, on the whole though), so it's weird to hear this about LG. Accessible is not the words I would use to describe Ico or SotC. LG looks like it's turning into a walking sim, instead of the puzzle platformer it first appeared to be.
It's disappointing, but the only time I had high hopes was in 2006.
Who says it doesn't? Because he said it's how the game was already designed? Why would he mention the wider audience thing, then? Why not just say that the game doesn't have combat and leave it at that? Don't you think that's odd?
Can you give a valid reason to be bothered if it's not detrimental to the gameplay? Otherwise it's going to be "too mainstream for me" hipster bullshit.
Because, as I said, it makes sense not to have a stamina meter when the Griffin isn't an enemy. I'll acknowledge that saying that they're trying to target a wider audience isn't the smartest move since it bothers people. But I'm not going to complain about the reason given for making a gameplay choice when I think was a good one to make to begin with.
Can you provide some examples when a game went for "wider audience" and it didn't result in dumb down bullshit?
Pretty much this
You sound very naive. Don't get me wrong: I'd love for LG to be a good game, but I'd be a fool to not be suspicious of these quotes, based on previous experience with devs saying similar things.
Some serious denial going on here. Fucking apologists disgust me.
You must love eating shit then.
Classy. TF2 and WoW are the two that spring to mind of games which originally were aimed for wider audiences than the predecessors in the series/genre, even if they both got worse over the years they were both great games.
Ico and SotC
TF2 is nothing like classic TF and WoW is nothing like actual Warcraft. It even continues the cancerous trend of everquest grind and holy trinity.
But still a good game, not something I would call "dumbed down bullshit".
But one of the things WoW did do by appealing to wider audiences was greatly reduce the amount of grind making the game more accessible.
Let's hope it will have the charm and magic from ICO.
Gameplay comes second in a game like this.
And it's still a shitty RTS compared to its predecessors
.>Gameplay comes second in a game
Fucking glad i never played any of these shitty "games" then
I'll give you Ico, but SotC? Are you having a laugh? That game was 98% gameplay, 1% horse and 1% story.
Uuuh, you just say that because you aren't high brow enough, nyeh, team ico fans are obviously so far beyond regular plebes who play vidya.
It's fucked.
To be fair this is /v. Autists with ADD. Not really the target audience.
It was more spectacle for me. I didn't find the climbing so fascinating.
No, but nice try, ribbit.
This is a good point.
What I want from LG is a quintessentially Japanese artsy fartsy 2deep4you game that doesn't sell for shit.
Really? I thought it was fun and tense. I played the time trials and replayed the game a bunch of times. I don't do that with other spectacle or story games.
Thats all I wanted to be honest
come put some baby sheep inside me~
This. To quote the wikia:
I wanna fight that war of the worlds colossus…
Anyone else think that 48 is too many? 24 sounds alright.
What is Monster Hunter.
But he is right, if they had time to spend on and do 48, that would be great but they didnt.
What another user said was have DLC FOR FREE and release them. Probably if we have x sales we release x bosses.
no user, recolors of the same boss don't count.
Fucking hilarious. At least they are keeping another shitty overrated game from being released.
search for Leggy Lamb on e621, you degenerate
I refuse to believe this means what we think it means.
They cannot be this fucking stupid, not after two masterpieces in a row.
Its something else, they mean something else entirely and this is a mis-translation.
I am going to play the fool just this once.
I hate vodka mixers. Vodka is not for mixing.
The characters in the game literally grow up before your very eyes. No game has ever done that before.
You guys saw the E3 demo last year and you're surprised it's a scripted event nothing game? It was obvious from the start. The reason the game was delayed was because they kept coming up with dumber and dumber ideas they couldn't actually pull off because they couldn't just pick a feasible idea and stick with it and now they're just being told to release an amusement part ride.
You attended the meetings at SCE?
Didn't have to. You just had to read the various press releases over the years.
i mean we all sorta knew it was gonna be an artsy fartsy kind of game anyway
Shadow of the Colossus was "artsy fartsy." This seems like it's going to be an on-rails scripted-event-fest.