What are Holla Forums's thoughts on monday's debate?
What are Holla Forums's thoughts on monday's debate?
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The manner in which third parties were kept out of it constitutes a fraud perpetuated on the American voter.
There aren't enough quotes in the world for the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""debate"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
When are you going to wake up and realize it's the filthy πππMicksπππ behind it all?
It was terrible, but at least all political boards were anally devastated.
that's all it is, a meme. no need to get upset
After the first 30 minutes Trump relies on acting like a misbehaving small child with an attitude.
Trump BTFO himself
It's funny because even though he said multiple illiterate things like this, the polls of likely voters barely changed.
Trump was intentionally passive this round.
He will anally annihilate Clinton in the upcoming debates though.
The second debate format will play to his strengths. He will do much better at emoting and empathizing than Hillary will. I should add the disclaimer that I thought Trump won the first debate, which polls say he didn't.
I think it was fairly even. However, the reason Trump didn't do 'better' was paradoxically because he was being too 'reasonable'. I think most people he's capable of reaching in this campaign aren't necessarily going to be voting for Trump as much as they will be voting against the entire socio-political establishment.
While I understand why his campaign might attempt to dial down the rhetoric for the sake of some semblance of mainstream acceptability, that's a lost cause. His entire political life thus far has been essentially about the apparent transcendence of and apparent opposition to political and social normalcy. The reason he didn't do 'better' is fundamentally because he was fighting against himself, (or rather the spectacular manifestation of himself) and thus appeared stagnant. By appearing to comply to the rules, he compromised his own image of rule defying and general Shiva-like character.
It is telling of the point as a society America has reached when an avatar of unbridled rage and destruction is the most politically apt image.
Disclaimer, I'm not American, I don't even have a choice in this shitshow.
I just want to watch it all burn.
When is the media going to Red Bait the fuck out of the Greens already, now that they're openly anti-capitalist?
Trump got destroyed. My opinion of Hillary ticked up by half a degree, but she's still a porky imperialist who will likely kill hundreds of thousands of people.
He didn't seem passive to me at all
The green party is explicitly anti-capitalist now.
It was a fucking embarrassing shouting match between two hooligans who I don't approve of or support, and the fact that personal attacks are even considered an appropriate way to make decisions at the highest level of politics in the entire fucking world is proof enough to me that this political system is fundamentally flawed. It seriously reminded me of highschool catfights and someday in the distant future people will watch it and be horrified in the same way that people today look back on the barbarism of monarchist politics.
Nah, nigga you didn't go nearly far enough with this. It's not just that it's flawed. It's that it's actively an impediment to beneficial social organization.
I can see why they kept Ber nie out of the debate with Trump now. The only thing he has going for him is being even remotely suggesting he's anti-establishment. Hillary was literally just going on about how she's basically going to keep the status quo.
San ders would have fucking wrecked him.
Stein would have wrecked both of them with some left over for Gary.
kek Gary would have just said the free market will fix it.
they're already doing that. But most of the anti-green propaganda is more focused on painting them as dumb hippies who don't know what they're really doing
Trump just like Hilary wants a police state. Both said they want stronger police. But Hilary said she wants it to be less racist & thats it.
Police state is the future..
I don't think trump is actually anti-establishment. He's just suggesting he is.
I find this easy to masturbate to.
This sounds familiarβ¦
From what I can tell, Trump and Clinton both want the same base structure, they're just competing to see what the icing on the shit cake should be.
Both are for imperialism, both are for authoritarianism and totalitarianism, hell both still even want to legalize the growing slavery of Latino and other illegal immigrants with regards to agriculture and such. Let's not forget, as one Holla Forumslack pointed out, that Trump's wall would have a "big, beautiful door" in it.
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Don't know, didn't watch it, too busy not wasting my time watching it.
It became blantantly obvious that the theories about Trump being a democrat puppet were all true
I liked it only because I knew the alt-right would quit being so fucking smug for a while. this board's been relatively clean lately as a result
y-yeah my dud. communists are crazy. I mean like I'm really liberal, but like communists are like too liberal. Like when you get that liberal you're basically a conservative.
He is anti-establishment. He's just opposing a different kind of establishment for different reasons.
What that means is, he's not opposed to an idea of a capitalist global elite. However, he's a nouveau riche trying to get back at the current elite for rejecting him.
If you actually pay attention to which cities he is adressing have crime issues in during the debate, it's those that he has private property on.
That's why he mentioned them. He only cares about his own business in the end.
Granted, some of her ideas are kind of out there.
I'm not sure if I agree with her stance on the adverse effects of wifi.
Hillary won, but that doesn't mean much when both candidates are terrible.
Trump has to tone down his anti-immigrant and race-baiting rhetoric in order to kowtow the favor of America's economic elites, who are mostly pro-globalization, pro-immigration and indifferent to issues of inequality or race. Playing up his right-wing populism might actually get him more voter support, but would prompt the elites to band together and dump even more money on Hillary to guarantee her coronation.
I think it'd be even worse if Sβββββ or Stein were present. I can imagine a timeline where Sβββββ won the primary, gained steam with more leftist rhetoric, and as a consequence the establishment went full reactionary, dumped all their money behind Trump, began red-baiting and war-hawking everywhere, maybe even triggering a recession just to spite the progressives.
trump couldn't criticize hillary on personal issues without triggering the sjws. if he keeps the debate firmly focused on policy he neutralizes them.
i assume he was argumentative because that's what his followers wanted, to give Her a real hard time.
i'll never understand why he chose mike pence as a running mate, i can only assume no one else wanted to touch him.
i tend to agree with scott adams take on this; trump had to step back a bit in order to play the long game.
he probably also could have prepared a little better, he has like 20 minutes of material, most of which is bragging about all the property he owns.
Trump is a complete moron. You average Holla Forumstard could probably out debate him.
Clinton lacks any actual appeal as a candidate but won by default because Trump made an ass of himself.
He only won the GOP nomination because even he is more sensible than neoconservatives, aka literally the lowest political clique in Western history.
Trump lost bad.
I don't get the mick meme. Jews are hugely over represented, while Americans of Irish descent are fairly common. Plus, how do you explain the over presentation of Jews in countries outside of the USA. Because we do exist.
No one's buying your smokescreen, paddy.
The Jewish conspiracy itself is nothing but a πππmickπππ diversion.
Nice non-arguments there.
All I'm seeing are pathetic attempts at a meme that doesn't make sense, isn't even funny, and which is aimed at misleading the people.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
This thread sucked until this happened.
thanks for pointing out that chain
Just keep ignoring the obvious
Trump came off as a total idiot, while Hillary managed to say nothing a let him self-destruct. The moderator was feeding Trump a lot of NBC questions though. Bββββ ββββββ could have done better to keep the heat on Clinton. For godsakes Trump, you aren't running for the Repulican nomination any more, you are running for president!
McGovern. Taft. Kennedy. Reagan. Obama.
How deep does the potato hole go?
No you see, it's the jews that are behind it all despite all the signs pointing towards the irish.
deeper than you think my friendβ¦
Pray for another blight, me laddies.
nobody won
Hmmm, I wonder who could be behind this post?
Stay dall'd sassenach