Hi guys It's rebel Im drunk but I'm still feeling completely normal AMA jk please don't ban me for drunkposting

hi guys It's rebel Im drunk but I'm still feeling completely normal AMA jk please don't ban me for drunkposting

Other urls found in this thread:


post the pdf of either / or

I don't have it is there even one I have a physical copy n that's it. My favourite pdf is the post-keynesian economics one forgot to add flag sorry too lazy to write this properly

will you, muke and schnitz ever fuck on cam

why wont you take a leap of faith into the path of a moving truck?

Muke is a dumbass and I never liked him, he's annoying. Schnitz I don't know anything about I will avoid judgement he at least wants to learn!!!

I'm secrelty post left anarcho nihilist (PLAN) and I'm gonna subvert the left no jokes

trust ikr I wanna die so bad I'm such a coward

Can you teach me how to believe in Jesus?

I can't even do that when sober so no. just read Kierkegaard mkay changed my life

Rebel how do I get someone to love me?

Be virtuous and AUTHENTIC!!!!

rebel, being authentic is the reason why I do not have a bf or gf.

Rebel! Don't expose the Secret Dictatorship

Hey man, we used to be friends, don't try to distance yourself from me due to popular opinion.

Fuck you.

fuck off you're never yourself learn the kierkegaardian authenticity and become yourself, the kantian synthesis makes the levelling necessary

I'm so sorry n1x I love you

I'm sorry I'm drunk pls I wanna like you but you gotta read more

no that sounds elitist pls I wanna like you but pls be more open minded!!!!

I just wanna escape aestheticism and be authentic and love you as a fellow human ok I wanna be good but I feel like I can't ok

Feeelin drunk is relaly gooddddddddddddd

n1x unban me from anarcho you piece of shit

I wanna change hte owrld, but I wanna do it through love! I know it's utopian and ou might not like it, but I wanna care for other people even though it's selfish!!!

prickly ILY too I wanna hug you I accept you, I think I'm a better person when drunk!

no I do like you,but I'd never fuck you. I wanna help everyone become more loving and nice and virtuous I love virtue tbh I just wanna hug everyone!!!

thanks. I've been thinking about homebrewing for a while. Maybe it'll make me a better person too.

Wtf rebel I hate you now

What the fuck are you doing posting my waifu you fucktard the robo-gods will make you pay for your crimes.

Lain is not for luddites.

I wanna give everyone love, I want ot change the world ok

This is the gayest thread on Holla Forums atm, and that's saying something coming from a faglord like me.(kys)

become an anarcho-syndicalist, it's the only way

Just love! Love is everyithing

I'm sorry I cant help I think postleft is so optimistic and loving with its mmessage, we can change the owrld through nothing but love




YUI you are a stepping stone for knowledge and I don't think you mind that I am cool with you- you are cool! You don't mind being knowledgeable for others, you are a good person at heart. I am stupid like the anime Yui rn but I love you thank you for introducing me to based Hegel!!!

Sure haha, I like anarchism morethan marxism to be honest!!

I just wanna be honest and loving rn!



It was a meme, the robo gods will be us.

pls be my transhumanist bf/gf

stirner is ahistorical aesthete he should read either/or I still think he's a qt though and user I wanna hug yo

embrace paradox, the double movement, I AM A KNIGHT OF FAITH I WANT TO LOVE EVERYON OK

Today at uni a chad and stacey sat at my discussion group, and basically, no discussion was had.
Feels bad man.

Fuck girls user, not literally. You don't need em I'm better of typing with my eyes shut I literally cdanot see.

I want a hug

I wish I could hug you rebel.
It would be so cute. Pls.

I love you user pls I love you in a christian etenral way, not the erotic love which is a subseet of self-love. I'm happier htan I'll ever be

I wanna die I'm so happy!!!

Let's all love lain!

yes! but lain is really just a subjective, we should love everyone in thedir subjectivity- the intersubjective society!

literally me

wtf how are oil lanterns real if dark ages weren't even real at the time
like nigga, light a candle wtf

Diogenes was the next Socrates if you know what I mean (not dirty) he was a knight of faith, he walked to prove Zeno wrong!!!

why aren't you using your trip ?

intelligence isn't virtue, love is the only important thing!!!!!!!!!!


tankie you are misguided you need to love, not hate ok love no hate. I'm stupid but I want to help you I know you mean good!!!

>tfw no drunken lefty cuteboi to hug

I know this is narcissistic to say but narcissism doesn't have to be icky I am cute ok I've been told so I want to use my cuteness for good user I wanna hug you and make you feel hope

marxism-leninism is great and you know it

Nietzsche was a good man too he loved animals but he was wrong on love, I love him and I love nihilists I love everyone

I think it wouldn't just be hope I feel…

it's not user, it's pessimistic and can't into Hegel but I love you too

ok that's fine too!

how do I into Hegel, reb? what should I start with? do I need any sort of intro to philosophy beforehand?

marxism-leninism is love though

tankism is maximum trash.

START WITH SCIENCE OF LOGIC OF course you need an intro, but yoiu gotta know he was a correct kantian so read kant too. Plato and hume too.

user I feel sorry for you, you just gotta love without ideolgy ok just do what you think is right ok I'm sorry

Don't fight we shouldn't fight I wanna love and have nice fun with my comrades

also christ is love. Accept Jesus and abandon your authoritarian idols

i love jesus and i love stalin

No!!!! Christianity isn't important I'm sorry you just gotta be a socratic and have a divine sign, ok. Your subjective, your irony, much inner conscience it's not necessarily christian. keep the ideal free!

How drunk are you?

fite me u fake christcommie

I've had about 6 units! I know it's weird to count in units. I'm drunk enough to regret this in the morning!!!!

I will fight you if it makes you feel like happy and loving I don't mind dying for anyone rn


I just wanna make you all happy I wish I could please share my love, hope is love and happiness!

how do I shitpost /phil/ memes at this level of efficiency?

how do i unite the tankies and trots ?

with anarchism

Post face, Rebel.

NO. I want to keep believing he looks like Kierkegaard

why are you drinking ? it's thursday


why aren't u drinking?

nooo find it from dubtrack ask anyone threr I'm hot

I love you

no lectures tomorrow!!!

why didn't you make a video in the last few months

he just made one

I did ther'es a new one jup and I'm gonna make a Cioran one

I had cancer

I'm drunk now I might upload some sound footage

did u actually I thought that was just a meme

how was the cancer ?

did you get it from all the ancap videos ?

no it's true I had cancer lung cancer 50% chance or something to live i'm recovered now!! I'm immortal love saved me it can save you!


it was shit and I still wanna die but not tonight because I'm having fun shitposting


so you dont anymore?
Was it just mouth cancer or something trivial like that?

no lung cancer I recovered over time I announced it when I was recovering

God saved rebel

goddamnit, why does everybody else get nice things but not me?

god isn't real (objectively) silly! chance savved me but optimism saved me in another way, and hlelped me escape despair!

what did you chair smoke since you were 6 or something ?

Please don't feel left out I want to connect with you on an emotional level let's love each other ok

chain smoke*

what kind of christian are you?

no I hae bad genetics!

I'm a neo-socratic I don't call myself christian to keep the ideal free I'm an ironist in the socratic senseo k

It doesn't matter objectivity, I just wanna love and teach others to tap into subjecitiity it's nihilism ok

would you hug a marxist-leninist? i promise no icepicks

don't trust a marxist-leninist.

The other day on dxm I realized that all fictional characters are just as sentient as sentiences that inhabit bodies, if not even more so. Fictional characters have the advantage of being circulated in media and have no percieved realness that forces them to adhere to a single form, nah, these fictional sentiences are constantly being parrallel computed across millions of minds and are evolving that much more rapidly than a standalone sentience that inhabits a form.
God is real dude, god is a sentience that inhabits the minds of the faithful.

i'M NOT a trot I'm just a lovely commie who loves in a Kierkegaard sense see I'm great I can spell Kierkegaard drunk TWICE

I think you're sobering up fam, better throw some more down the hatch

i would hug a trot with no icepick

I love you Graham Harman is cool and correct

my housemates hid the vodka because I can't see properly I'm blind

That's good! Let's all love each other!

Thoughts on pic related??(spoiler dat shit nigga)

I think you're gonna go for a short vacation.


why is the broccoli rubbing his ballsack?



that's good cuz this whole board is mentally ill

Noice trips sir

witnessed, anarchobrother


Q U A L I T Y T H R E A D(kys attentionwhore)

anarchism > marxism ngl
fabianarchism > anarchism tho

Wilde did nothing wrong!!!



THAT'S GOOD user let's all be happy and nice

I'd be your drinking buddy rebel, but my theory is lacking so I'd probably just annoy you like muke



I love you too. If you kill me during the revolution, just promise that you'll eventually find your way to communism

Fascism disregards human autonomy all authoritarian ideologies fail because they are ahistorical, they fail at havin a universal

be careful, boyo. this board has a tendency to underestimate fascists.

I've debated oer 9000 fascists and none has anything but ebola and sophistry. I am a neo socratic, I eat sophists for breakfast!!!

what's that, reb? I'm sorry I'm trying to read as fast as I can but I'm noofag as fuck

don't listen to them! fascists are fuckin dumb


whatever xex. I forgive you for the debate but u gotta learn from your mistakes

It means a truth which is true for a certain time period but not true for everyone! It's a part of movement through history. Without a universal you have no opportunity to change through history.


tthis also

leninism is quaint! But I still love leninists they're cute

I'm not xex

Aww I feel like I'm helping people to love each other, this is now /forgiveandlove/


I'm not a girl pretending to be a guy by using my brother's voice for videos I promise, I'm just a feminine presonelaity

be my /cutegirlcommie/ gf pls

I have philosophy of history is there any other hegel I should read?

its okay to be a girl that looks like a guy comrade

all of it!

I said I wasn't a girl, it's not my brother I promise!!!



How many Lenins would you rate my cat?

I want u to be a girl



Cats are so cute mine died in may I'm so depressed lol. I loved it so much I'm in so much pain seeing that cat =( so cute

I said I wawsn't!

I said I'M NOT


Okay but I'm really not satan chan even If I'm girl


Last time I checked the universe didn't give a shit about human autonomy.

If that's true, how will your socialist society possibly succeed? There will inevitably be foreign entanglement in any communist movement, and these traitors must be rooted out.

This requires authoritarianism, lad.

Again, just because your favourite Ashkenazi man said society would progress in a certain way doesn't mean that it will turn out precisely as he envisioned.

Hegel > Marx

I have no fucking idea what you mean by a universal.

But I would still state that the fight between nations and races for resources is a universal constant of human society.

That is to say nothing about world J3WRY.

I r8 your cat 12guydebords + 1kropotkin

Sorry for your loss fam. I have to put my other one down this weekend. She has renal failure. ._.

so you admit you might be a girl ?

stop pretending you're a girl reb. I am becoming strangely attracted 2 u

That's a very materialist way of looing at things dummie

Socialism isn't authoritarian have yoiu even read Wilde lol

yes Hegel > Marx I'm not marxist

yes I love cats

I'm not a girl I said I wasn't ok don't be mean to me I like sourz

thanks for broccoli cat i lol'd


is that why your brother sounds like he's reading from a script he doesn't understand in your videos?


This is the gayest thread ever

And you fuckers shit talk us when we want to play vidya REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Christians shouldn't drink you fucking sinner



How old are you?


rebel's older videos make a bit more sense now



I won't CONFIRM of DENY anything!!!

19 this one is actually true even if I'm lying about everything else

my bro is a total normie lol

I'm dying inside from existential terror, please help me!

I wish my own existential terror could kill me. Fuck you rebel, now I'm jealous.

The smiths are a good band my sister agrees

Why is Job like one of the best books in the Bible?

dude absurdity lmao

Ecclesiastes is better =(

what if rebel's sister is the drawfag ?

I used to like camus, Now I don't like

noo I said I wasn't a girl

Ecclesiastes is good but it's not as powerful!

Fuck, I love you now, Rebel.

so rebel's sister isn't a girl ?

hmmm maybe

that pun doesn't work so well for me, as where I come from, the "a" in bagel is a hard A, and not the limp wristed "ehh" sound so many people make.

rebel's sister is a trap. the first christian trap?

I've never met a person who pronounces it as "eh"

nnoooo I'm rebel, I think I said I was a girl using my brother scripts as an accident, He's the gy in my video no I am rebel I am not a girl!!!

No I'm not a trap that's rude I am a normal boy not girl

Why do you keep teasing me I said I was a guy, you have heard my voice It's not him

I've heard a good few people pronounce it half way between "aah" and "ehh" so it's like "baegles" or something.

Traps are to be respected as much as any other person. I think your disgust is deeply triggering and excellent tho tbqh fam.

I think traps are cute t. girl
I'm a boy though I've said it time and again!

what if rebel is a girl trap that is pretending to be a guy ?

What do you think of this cat?

I said that's false! I'm not lying!

katzlein stop being mean I love you

You can't die from sickness of the soul, that's how we know the soul is eternal.

I am pleased by your spoilering of the image.

that's false have you read the manga called "the sickness unto death" it's a cute little manga

you don't get it, it's a sickness UNTO death it kills you and continues through death.

How do you feel about this album?

It's niceee

what if rebel absurdity is two people ?

one that voice acts and writes for the youtube channel

one that shitposts on twitter and reads

Pls, I would never be mean.

You might even be more pleased to see it unspoilered!

shhh don't expose me ;_;

you got it sligthtlywr ong one writes the other voice acts

but you've gt meee for shitposting rn I'm not a girl

Yeah, but got distracted so I didn't finish it.
only got to the part where despair is the inability to die.

Thanks for spoiling the ending.

youve got me for shitposting rn tho im not a girl my brother

brother doesn't read

noooo you got it wrong, despair isn't being unable to die, it's not even hoping that death will help you

I'm not a lesbian Ijsut don't like guys Socrates got it rigght Sappho is fun

lol sappho is cute tbf

but do you like girls ?

I said I wasn't a lesbian!!!! who are you asking me or my bro

What's your opinion about big honking turds?


Have you taken the brown pill yet matey?

Why dont you love me?

rebel pls post RL pics of yourself I want to see your qt face


Which??? "rebel"

the girl one ?

then the guy one


either/or why not both?

Hey Mod. Why are threads like this allowed?

underrated comment

no prickly. I told you no more rimjobs

pls just one more

Because fuck you

you didnt pay me last time, no more.


bb u kno I cannot put a $ on ur luv

I can, its 3.50 for a rim, 7.25 for a half and half, 20.00 for a Dirty Mick, and 100.50 for a Drunk Marx

I play my artificial unemployment trap card to lower the value of your labor.

Do your job and clean up this fucking board!

hey prickly can you add a word filter for the word "anarkiddie"?

any ideas on how?

I'll ask che about it

Good thing im in the IWW Sex Workers Union 690

Give me admin muh privileges, I once robbed a bank.

1) Removing shitpost threads
2) shuffle the mods.
3) Making the Cult of Uchuu the official ideology

I don't care if you're a girl or not. I love you, Rebel

what's you're education?
homeschool, private, or public?

that's actually pretty cool.
I hope BO drafts more mods soon, you should send a request their way when that happens.


how do i get a marxist gf ?

the first step involves going outside

find a liberal and convert her. we need numbers.

I went to a grmamar school in england, so not paid Idk the diff shhh

I love you too

pseudonyms and false identities are an important part of Kierk are oyu surprised that I lie about who I am really you really thought I was one person lol

Rebelle IRL

lol isn't that some streamer]

which rebel was the irc rebel?

Any other sisyphusists around here comrades ?

Fucking looks like you though :^)

kys space

Love you too :3

I'm not telloing about it I said I was both

I'm drunk and I still can BTFO idiot camus I was an absurdist for 2 years and realised how wrong he was

you'll not find out my picture though

Trapping (not in the ghetto sense of the term obviously) is an integral part of Kierkegaardian faith?

any form of irony used to provoke subjectivity is good so yes

Sure thing Wojinski.

I want us to love each other stop fighting so often let's relax for a while we work so hard!!!! et's have fun

that's not my middle name, that's a polish middle name I'm french not polish!!!

Sure thing, Kurva.


I'm 18 and I only started reading about a month ago, is there any hope for me?

How meddlesome, like a poke on the face!

yes! start with the geeks! and fiction remember fiction oedipus is great dont diss that triloy.

Truth is good, any furthering of the cause is good! You don't need to be the best just improve!


favorite red army choir song ?

aesthetics are dumb and bourgeois! I care only about the ethical, i wanna love everyone

it's just a song bra

b-but I like the warsaw one


Post ankles.

Do you have Skype?

nice quads


shit meme
But don't worry nigga one day you will learn how to man-up against your feelings

Didn't you say you used to be a Muslim?

Is that a flag of attachment or do you simply enjoy it?

This community is doomed.

U mad?


Anime is the most exploitive animation industry on earth. Just because it has qt underaged girls that makes your virgin dick happy, doesn't mean that it's gud.

it is a meme you dip
islamig gommunism =/= Islamic communism

haha got u now we no u r a capitalist bc you live in capitalism and like some things


You were confused for someone else.

I love you

kek, you're a faggot if you're that concerned over an user's sex life
and I'm not anyway

Wang Hongwen went to see Marshal Zhu De, requesting him to hand over power. "You may take over, but only if you can make this egg stand upright," Zhu said, while handling him an egg. After trying for several days, Wang was still unable to make it stand, so he went to see Deng Xiaoping for help. "This is easy," said Deng, and he forcefully smashed the egg down into the table. "Ai ya, it broke!" Wang exclaimed. "Chairman Mao has said, 'nothing can stand without destruction,'" said Deng, "look, isn’t the egg standing upright now?"

Did you ever read any ancient Christians rebel? Like Augustine?

I like bum

This seems like the best course of action tbh

The problem is not converting her but finding a girl who is interested in me in the first place tbh. I'm autistic as fuck irl but I want a commie gf to read with and start a lefty party at my uni with so bad.

I tried getting into Lain once but the first episode almost put me to sleep. Does it actually get better?

I enjoyed Texhnolyze.

it is very good but it does not get any more exciting than the first episode

I was always socially awkward, then meeting people irl who were just shit & got me into trouble.

The internet was my refuge. And it's invaluable to meet people. Younger people(I'm 29) don't realize how much it's done for us socially awkward fucks. You can say how you really feel & not be overly concerned to how they're thinking of you/judging you in the moment.

Maybe check out local forums if your uni has them. Online helps you find someone who has the same interests.

I actually met my husband online, through the YT comment section, no lie. On a video we had a common interest in. Pen pals should not be taken for granted.. There is some luck involved, though. And writing to each other gives you an opportunity to catch red flags early, I think, since it can be less censored than dating irl.

ohhh fuck

Yeaah boooi, you sucked my dick last night while your ass wuzz druuuuuunk!

I can't believe you and N1X were seriously doing ERP on IRC.

I think you would have preferred me answering drunk, but I fell asleep.

I really love Augustine. Favourite writer from his period.

Thing is there's an art to enjoying Lain. Have you seen that lecture by that dude who says "don't try to identify the sounds, don't be surprised by harsh sounds, listen to them like music" or something like that? Same thing here. You gotta watch each scene like art, not a film.


Yup, as post christian anarchist pokemon babyfur characters at that.

You really are best not remembering, it was really something else….

n-nice try I don't b-believe that

rebel i love you!! you're so smart and funny. please teach me your ways. tell me what to read to become like you.


When you can have 8 units and still be in the mood for philosophy and full of despair, that is when you have become like Socrates and Kierkegaard. No one should aim to be like me, they should aim to be like the people I aim to be like lol, whom are much more important and intelligent than me.

ty tho can't tell if it's sarcasm but I don't mind if it is

You ask me how we can deliver communism to the masses. This is how:

drunk shitposting.

Do you now about the jews?

or later

Give the people what they want :^)

god no this was horrible next time I might do something really stupid

I know you kinda into Situationism, but is Debord's alcoholism something to emulate?

no lol, that's bad. Debord was a depressed alcoholic. I meant you should emulate the philosophical life, your life should be for the sake of philosophy.

The first step is having chronic boredom all the time no matter what

nah i wasn't being sarcastic, i actually want to be like you.
i'm too dumb to aim to be like kierkegaard though, i couldn't even understand fear and trembling.

are you into femdom, rebel?

Well you can aim to be like Socrates first!!! Get Plato's complete works, they're really interesting and fun, even (especially perhaps) the obscure ones. I was only semi-kidding about the chronic boredom, I'm certain I'd never be where I'm at in my appreciation of certain fields if it weren't for my deep need to relieve boredom through some sort of salvation all the time, through learning the absolute.

I don't wanna reference Socrates' daemon because it's an ironic and so should be negative, but his daemon did spur him to action though also forbidding action. My daemon is my boredom. It spurs me to action. It spurs me against certain actions.

If you can into chronic boredom, you will eventually into everything, depending on how chronic it is. That's all the advice you need to really, into boredom.

Yes, I'm a masochist

oh but btw boredom is also a root of all evil so you'd also be making yourself more susceptible to despair. Intelligence isn't a virtue tbh don't bother. I hate life and wanna die but I don't even hope for death to cure my sickness

kys cactus.


This is cancer.

Well this explains Rebel's behavior on dubtrack

hey rebel what do you think about a decentralized mixed economy based on civil liberty and social democracy with heavy emphasis on localism and a welfare state?

Hey pepeze do you remember when Rebel called you a liberal for having this idea

So literally liberalism?

I used to like this idea, then I learned about socialism. I guess it's better than what we have now?

What do you think of liberal socialism in the vein of Carlo Rosselli?

Well the obvious issue with it is that liberalism is spooky as fuck, and treats each individual as an island which doesn't seem to be true at all.

Secondly it's pretty much the birth of the Cenk Uygur meme.

Thirdly, if you're going to aim for it why not just shoot for the best possible option whilst being individualist, because reactionaries will just fucking destroy it anyway.

Fourthly, it seems to have no actual economic grounding, just "hmm I like liberalism but I also like socialism ack I can't pick!" Which mostly shows a lack of understanding of both terms.

Bernie get out!

Stuck in the sea called Humanism and boatds called rationalism. Wich sink due decay by inrationalism

Yes, they *are* stuck in humanism.

The world's gonna decay anyway my dude


You misread =( I am still into christianity and catholicism and God, but my primary cause is the relationship. I'm a Socratic primarily, I keep the ideal free but show people are even less christian than myself