Neptunia thread

Attraction for repetition edition





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Game's retranslation reaching endgame ( >>>/nep/3150 for details)

>Re;Birth mods - >>>/nep/822
>Translated Nep media - >>>/nep/1589
>Hello New World manga - >>>/nep/3153
>/nep/ Steam Group - >>>/nep/3211
>/nep/ Quest - >>>/nep/3011
>/nep/ Monthly Bunker - >>>/nep/2756
>Stories from /nep/ and Holla Forums members -


Q: Which game to begin the series with?
A: Go with Re;Birth 1, and follow the remakes from there on. Available for PC or Vita.

Q: I've heard of bad translations in the Neptunia games, care to tell me more about it?
A: Here it goes…

Q: I'm too poor to buy the games, where to grab them?
A: Ask the Volafile or Share threads.

Q: I wanna help with the translation efforts.
A: Ask in thread or go to >>>/nep/835

Other urls found in this thread:

nep is best

And as usual, I want to have children and raise them with Nepgear. And have fun at the beach with them.


It's meant to be page 15 ya git

Yeah, I have things to attend in half an hour, and wasn't sure I'd be there for page 15.

Nu-uh, Blanc is the best one, but all neps are great

everyone have own taste but yeah all neps are great

and makers too

And I'm back. With a stop for the week due to catching a cold… Under a quasi-permanent 30Β°. Didn't know that was even possible.

Oh well, at least it made my dreams fun enough to have gotten some semblance of a scenario for a new story.

A screenshot of me?
I'm flattered really.
The cutest nurse in the universe stole my heart!

Get better user! eat some hot chicken soup

It was the best representative of the dub madness we have here. I also had that pic, for the two last quints.

As for getting better, I've begun to prepare some soup, hope it'll help.

Why are dakis so ridiculously expensive?

Its almost June, time has gotten so fast.

I kind of like Vert. Is she still the least popular nep?

How much is your budget for a daki?

I kept writing, this chapter is possibly even more relaxed and bad ass at the same time. I'll pastebin it when it's done

I prefer Makers, but CPUs can be pretty cute. Noire is the cutest CPU

Vert could be a great nep if she got more attention.

At least you want one for a character that actually gets merchandise

Don't read the following spoiler if you don't want to feel horribly old.

In two months, it'll mark the end of the second year since the beginning of the nep threads.

She is, to the point she has to appear in other games to grow more popular.

I usually try to avoid going above 50 dollarydoos

Shes still popping up in other titles but yes.

That won't be a problem.

I've seen worse.

Meh. That's nothing. I started feeling old when all the people I knew in high school started posting all their marriage photos to facebook. Also realized I will never have the opportunity to do that. Don't click the following link unless you want to feel horrible about life:

I like her to user

She just gets overpowered, personality wise, by the other neps. That's a big reason why I'm looking forward to her game.

Is that a Wan Wan Vert I see?



It's a bittersweet feel, to be honest

It is, Wan Wan Neps are the best Neps.

Be sure to pat their heads lovingly


Got some minor masochistic tendencies, I'll admit, but nothing over the top

Vert is still nice, I would definitely drink tea with her and Compa

Thats how I feel after writing 6 pages in not even 2 days

If Pururut didn't exist, Compa would probably be my all time favourite, keep going

Neptunia is the AssCreed of Weeaboo shit. You are as bad as AC and CoD fans. You don't even discuss the games, just pure waifu faggotry.

You are getting better at it, but you should post good cosplay if you really want to start a shitstorm.

If you like shit, that's ok, but it's fucking shit and you know it.

At least the cosplay has the claws.

So how about Atelier then? That series did the exact same thing

What was your argument in the first place? "It has a lot of games so it's shit"? I'm sorry but if you try to play a "you have no argument" card you should at least have one argument yourself

You say that the games are shit but have you played any of the games? What do you not like about it?

I'll try, I love writing this in such a cozy way. I read some of the other guy's stuff and its way too lewd for me. My first part is in the full Pastebin and I'll make sure to post this one when I get done. I still want to find a way to use some cheezy RNB lines in my story, maybe I'll mess around with that soon. I hope you don't mind a little Neptune and Noire, they just match together so well to me

Don't deal with people like this, its always been the same salt master coming in here and shitposting.

Well, you know the new meme, "Shitposting for a better Holla Forums". It wasn't even funny the first time.

Still, even though it's sad for them to think we're full of waifu faggotry, it's sadder for them to actually take the time to come every thread to shitpost about it, despite knowing full well that it won't do anything.

I pity them, in the end.

That's a very smug Vert you have there.

It's for use with extreme cases of smugness. I only use various zooms of smiling chibi Gear for lower cases.

I honestly didn't see this coming.

Mess with the best, get bullied. Nothing strange here.

W-well, at least I still have Neptune, Nepgear and Plutia as my friends. They're useful… Even if all they do is beg for free stuff.

You are being played like a fiddle user.

Make Uni sing, she'll get less cocky after that.

I think this thread needs a cheer up.


Would it be profitable to mine you?

Holla Forums produces enough sodium to kill all sea life.

I think I've cried every time I hear this song ;;_;;

What happens?

We play lotsa vidya

you become a pudding

The moment was particularly poignant in the anime. One of the rare things it did right, along Iris Heart and its take on the Conquest ending.

We play video games.

Wait, what?

We find a way out.

I'd just like to remind you that if you feel down you should think about your waifu, nep or not, it's a sure way to cheer up
Unless some actual serious shit happened, then 2D can't help you

We see if there's enough provisions to last us, necessities are available, and proper facilities as well.

If even one isn't there, try to find a way out.
If everything's there, get comfy.

I think he's saying that since there is no pudding there, they use your bodily fluids as substitute instead.

Thanks for those who need it. I second that advice.

rape then consensual sex

nah i assumed that there will be no food and you know what happens when there is no food

user, you know that even a nep would need a release to her sexual urges, her only options would be
A) masturbating when you are nearby and would probably notice(unless you are asleep)
B) ask you to "help" her
No need to rape

Who said that he is the one who does the rape?

The scenario you are forced into you have enough resources and needs to stay there until you die.

Escape is impossible.

Onii-chan, don't worry. I'm able to sustain myself with the Share Blade and there is enough food to last us for years. I'm only looking out for your best interests. Even if SHE shows up, she can't destroy the door or the walls leading to the basement. She left me in that other dimension for 100 years… Neptune chose to procrastinate instead of getting me back home. .The doorknob is missing, so there's no way out of this room. You don't need to rely on anyone but me. Now, let Nee-chan take good care of you~



I knew what pic it was even before I clicked on it.

Hi, YandereGear !

Vert and I make some "little sisters" and have a loving basement family.

i-i don't even like you gear
i'm fugged am i if this happens?

As a side note I'd like to say that Rom is the cutest candidate and deserves all the non-main-CPU love you can give her

Should have given your money to lastation, then you would have it by now on the PS4 goy:^)

i'm ok with this

Oh yeah, Rom is definitely cute.

Though her sister claims that name as well.

probably not until late June at the earliest

I'm afraid I already give all my love to a non-main CPU. But hey, to each one's own.

As for VII on PC, actually no date outside of "this summer".

I'm betting it'll release with the Summer Sale which is about June 23.


Nepgear is practically the CPU of Planeptune since she takes care of pretty much everything.

She's still a candidate. And she only takes care of everything because Neptune is a lazy bum most of the time.

Ergo she is the working CPU in Planeptune. The CPU is the one taking care of the nation right? Which Neptune doesn't take care of the nation.
Besides she's technically a CPU due to the events in V.

True. But Neptune's still considered the CPU of Planeptune, while Nepgear is still a Candidate. Until the moment Neptune realizes switching roles could be a better opportunity to be lazy as hell most of the time, as Gear will take her CPU duties seriously and leave nearly no work to her sister.

Time to put a spin on that.

Well firstly I'd kick my roommate out since I only have two bedrooms. With him gone, the condo would finally be clean since he's so filthy. Of course the initial condition would probably disgust her, so I'd have to do something to convince her the whole mess was my roommate's fault.
I go to a technical school that teaches about automation and robotics, so I think I could at least keep her entertained for a year. I would like to think I'd have a good chance with making her fall for me in that time.
I'd probably join her on her way back to Gamindustri if she didn't want to stay here.

I didnt expect it to come over so soon though. Is it easier to port from PS4 to PC compared with Handhelds to PC?

Probably. PS4 is a PC, unlike the handhelds, modulo some random shit.

Well the beta happened this month or the last, and it was stated to release this summer.
Might be, that would be a hard thing to quantify.

Porting to x86 from an x86 architecture vs porting from an ARM architecture? Way easier.

Now you still have to code with the target OS in mind, but still.

They could've started porting it the moment it released on the PS4, and they announced it when it's almost done, and just have to buff out some scratches, which is why there's a closed beta.

Who the fuck even uses Linux? It's exclusively for hipsters, nothing is ever compatible, and there's a million fucking forks that all work differently.

I don't care if your shitty notepad clone has FOSS stamped on it, I can pirate shit and get along just fine, and my shit just works.

Why, why, WHY should I ever touch my hardware on a programming level? You don't buy a fucking car and then 3D print a new engine

people who wanna get shit done, people who don't play video games all day and have a purpose in life :^)
you can customize the kernel the way you like it and get the newest updates this way
you are a retarded nigger

Programmers like myself use linux, people who were into computing before windows became just works OS use Linux, and like you said people who want to be trendy or appear tech savvy use Linux. It has it's advantages, but really only in the deeper levels like understanding how your programs work, and what really goes into to an operating system.

I'd also mod my old nissan to shit if I could 3d print parts.

Compa would be sure to hate my hellish schedule, but I'm sure that I could be kind, strong and charming enough get close to her. I think I would prefer her to stay here but would follow her back if thats what she chose. Whatever happened, I would make sure to take her camping and on car rides, I'm sure that she would be just at home in the crisp mountain ranges of my home.


As for me, and to wake the thread up

I'm excited, to say the least

We'd be doing lots of sleeping and cuddling together

For those liking her but hating Iris, there's also the fact there is no Share energy here, thus no CPU transformation.


Lame and gay.

I like them both a lot, but Plutia considerably more

Am I a monster if I were to prefer Plutia having breasts?


To each one's own.

I saw someone post an old webm I made in the last thread, so I made a new ones with sound.
I haven't made a webm in a while

and a few more. I'll try to make webms of the neps counting sheep.

Having a nepfu is an expensive habit.


It's a small price to pay for neps

One day we'll be able to download neps into robot bodies.

The only difficulty then will be making sure they don't realize that they're just robots, since that knowledge would probably make them either go on a murderous rampage, attempt to graft human flesh and organs on to themselves or try to build machines to take over the brains of real women.


Ill have to save these later. I wish i made more videos of them myself but the audio was always messed up.
Now the gallery mode crashes my phone and I cant see this cute stuff. So sad.

Why does this remind me of Megaman?

I want to be a Nepgeardam made with lots of love by Nepgear and spend an eternity with her.

That's very sad.
I can't record the audio, I add the audio from a game rip while editing. Gallery mode also crashed my phone for me at some point, but I somehow fixed it by using an unmodified apk and pay for neps. It stll crashes when I don't have Wifi though.

Your phone doesn't have the option to record audio along with it?
What about an AUX cable you plug into your PC and record from there?

try this version

I have an old crappy phone which I only use for the nep app. Haven't bothered rooting it yet, used android sdk to record some stuff a few times

Thanks, will try

I love you almost as much as I love Nepgear. Now I can finally be together with her again.

Dunno if it'll work for the nep app, but google play games lets you record games, dunno how well it works though, since my tablet has it built into the default rom

What's this Nep app you're all talking about? Does it have Noire?

It has the five main characters (Neptune, Noire, Blanc, Vert, and Nepgear).

Doesn't it include others for a price? Or is it just Neptune as a base and then those four as micro-transactions?

You start with a Neptune, but you don't have access to any of her stuff and I'm pretty sure you can't increase your relationship with her until you buy her.
You do have to buy everyone else though. Though that version linked here
says that there's a patch that made all the Neps free. I don't know if it works or not. I already bought all of Nepgear's stuff myself back when I had my old phone.

Never used it before but I can't find a way to open nep app there. I'll look into it, thanks anyway.

I installed the unlocked version in the link and it works. perfectly for me. The install did reset a few months of Nepgear love.

Yeah I had to go through and unlock all the special scenes with Gear again, but that's not an issue. I can listen to Nepgear's voice forever.

I also don't mind unlocking the cute scenes again. It's more the thought of it.

Would love to try that Nep app but the unlock and forced like versions won't even install, while the original won't even run. FML.

I'm even worse.

I don't even play this game. I just come here to look at the pictures.

you'll have to uninstall the original version first (unless you have root+xposed+lucky patcher+disable signature verification)

but the original should run. did you copy the obb file?

I copied the OBB file yes, but I'm not sure if I need to do anything with it. It looks like maybe I have to extract it. If so, I'll look into that as soon as I can.

what is uni thinking

anal beads and milk

no, you just have to copy it


otherwise I get a download failure upon starting

Oh, so I had it right all the time. Well, it still won't run (will still display the download error if the OBB isn't there) and uninstalling it will remove the OBB too (not that it makes the unlocked ones installable either).

She's wondering why Nepgear is so lewd, and when she'll be the main character in a game.

Probably debating whether she's lucky she has a nice ass and no breasts or if she would prefer to be in Nepgear's place with bigger breasts but no ass.

then I'm out of ideas, especially if even the original version doesn't start…

does it display any error messages or whatever?

Delicious Gear thighs

Thinking about guns

What does Onii-chan see in her? N-not that i'm jealous, but he spends all his time in Planeptune. Why can't he spend the day in Lastation?
I'm half tempted to write something in the Hyperdimension Lastation. What's a VN without dead ends and choices? And different consequences depending on the actions taken. Instead of going downstairs, you opt out in using a hang glider to reach the Guild instead of seeing Nepgear in Neptower. Resulting in you and IF getting stuck in a cave in while the young goddess personally takes out her three targets, giving her a point in that style of execution unlike her other option; mind control and a command one Guild member to kill her two friends along with her self after.

Oh no! Everyone hide your Neps! Fate's going to turn them all into yanderes!

That's Fate for you. He has a big thing for yanderes and he doesn't hide it.

At that point, I wouldn't even be surprised should he proves us he's YandereDev.

Write a Yandere Vert.


Don't you prefer her to share you with her little sisters, when she'll have some ?

Make her make me into her little sister as she becomes aa yandere onee-chan and we've got a deal.

what happens?
do you roll with it hoping you will clash with your favorite nep very often or try to reedem yourself from whatever you did?
how do you act as a villian? goofy or serious oriented?

Don't touch my Iffy!

I roll with it as a benefit to keep weak minded dumbshits who believe what they say away from me

I don't know how to respond to this…

Probably tsundere?

Do I get anything to improve on this villain persona, or everyone just sees me as a villain?

I'm sure once they actually see me, they'll see everything was just a delusion and I'm no threat.

That's when they all fall into a pit of anti-share crystals

If I get special powers, then I'd pretty much act as Kreia from KOTOR 2 and hopefully make the Neps stronger.
If not, then I'd fight to defend myself and probably get closer to them while fighting.

I would roll with it and villainously defeat all of the other villains!

Behold and tremble as I cut pudding prices in half!

Quake in fear as I increase all four nation's shares by 10%!!!

My name shall silence crying children as I give them all candy!

My reign of terror shall never end!

I would do as said and destroy all other villains. As for the neps, when I defeat them I would imprison them in my sex dungeon and do incredibly degenerate things to them like holding their hands and giving them headpats.

I would also feed Neptune a diet of eggplants.

I'm not going to turn all the Neps into yanderes. Besides, a harem leaves a horrible aftertaste and a harem wouldn't fit any of the characters I've written. The most I would go for is 2 Neps, three depending on the situation. Besides a yandere harem would end in a blood bath with Histoire the winner.
Don't forget, there are a lot of dimensions. As much as I like yanderes, I wouldn't want anyone to end up in a yandere dimension…

I just jinxed myself, didn't I?


There is one last thing. I've been getting a lot more emails lately. None of them have any relevance to Yandere Simulator, but it must be said. I don't know who this ShockingFate person is, but please stop emailing me about turning these Neps into yanderes. I don't even know what a Nep is. I don't even know who ShockingFate is. Only email me if you find a bug that hasn't been reported yet. Or fan art. I like looking at fan art. Thank you for supporting the development of Yandere Simulator.

And everyone is going to email the poor Dev about that… I'll say this once; I only know python and visual basic. I'll stick with Ren'Py and figuring out how to get the scene replay page working right. I am not YandereDev. I'm not stopping you in that email bomb nor am I telling you to do that to YandereDev.

I'll give it a shot later. But someone will be "missing".

I'm not going to touch Iffy. She has been through enough in V and the Anime.

As a villain, I would probably bring down all the game servers. If the Neps appear, I would probably poke them with their issues until their enraged. That way, their not thinking strait and give me some time to escape. So, I'd be more of goofy villain. But, I would help defend Gameindustri in the shadows if need be. But, that won't stop me from selling eggplant flavored pudding in Planeptune. My response if they asked why I'm doing X: For shits and giggles. I was board and I thought X would be fun to do.

Either I die in my sleep, die from poison/projectile or die a slow and painful death on life support with her torturing the entire time. Yanderes are scary because their condition isn't resolved by getting their target to themselves
what happens when Iffy visiting becomes "that other girl visiting" in her mind?

Probably just find a way to make my reputation better, I'm not out to play some mind games.

>Harems are awful
great taste

Factorio reminds me of Lastation for some reason

Well, the Re;birth1 version rather.

wtf happened to the options tab on this site?

What the fuck happened to everything?

someone was drunk and fiddle with it

I'd probably try to play into the facade of being a dastardly villain until it got boring, at which point I'd let my ass get beaten by neps then make friends with them.

I assume neps are okay with redeeming their enemies at least. Then again, Neptune does sort of kill some of them.

Looks like things are back to "normal"

Are things really back to normal though

The lastation from RB;3 looks pretty industrial

forgot image

we're back

I laughed, congrats. And of course, I know you aren't YandereDev. Both of you could be friends over common interests, though.

And about that one who will be missing… Vert's sister is missing since the beginning, you know.

What happened ? I was sleeping.

Things went missing here and there. Nothing too major, just some UI stuff going everywhere.

Oh, I see, thanks for the information.

I'll be warmly waiting for it!

I'm liking that more than I probably should

If I can't have her fall in love with me, I'll make her fall in love with my dick

So, any of you tried to run Re;Birth 2 on Windows 10 only to get that "wmvcore.dll is missing" error? Windows is a piece of shit, and the internet is full of shady programs and files, all of them promising to fix this problem. Ive downloaded a few official Microsoft packages that were mentioned on the Steam page, but nothing.

It's not exactly my computer, and running the game on Linux is a nightmare, so I'd rather not reinstall the OS.


Believe me, I never asked for this. And my other option is no neps at all.

In that case, that's reasonable. I forgive you user.

RIP user

My computer updated to Windows 10. None of my games could play because even a visual novel would max out my CPU usage for some reason.
Luckily I could roll back to 8.1. But if it's not your computer I guess you can't really go around changing things like that.

Do you have Windows Media Player installed? If not, install it.

I really want to crash Microsoft with no survivors.

I'll give it a try, but it will take a few hours, because I'm reinstalling the game. Maybe that'll work for some reason.

No, that won't work. It needs Windows Media Player to run, and that's not included with the game.

Accepting microsoft dick is the same as the stages of grief.

Try K lite codec pack, the mega version or something like that it should include a fuckton of codecs.

did you try launch it from the folder I.E not through steam?

Well then, I hope that at least there isn't some bullshit here, and I can just download it from Microkike.

I'll try that too, if WMP won't work, Hitler.

Of coursh. Nothing… it did nothing!

wierd because mine worked in 10

i didn't like it

Windows 10-N versions come without Media Player installed. I'm pretty sure you have it installed or some other codec pack. Either way it needs Media Player or some codec pack to work. Not entirely sure if a codec pack would work but it probably will

It appears some versions of Windows 10, i assume some pre installed, lack some media features.

This is supposedly patch for the problems that arise from that.

user your googlefu is weak

Beat me

It hurts.

I think I've already downloaded those exact packs, and they did nothing before.


I wonder how much time she spends thinking about oppai each day.

I know this feel.

The other day I dreamed I could time-travel and I was able to fix every mistake I've ever done in my life.

And then I woke up while thinking I could still do it but I was embraced by the cold reality instead.

Its reality that is the nightmare

If I had to guess, as much time as I spend thinking about her

Depends of the case. I had my Lucid Promise and I'm okay with it.

Well, fuck it, I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow I will install fucking Windows 7 on that machine (or 8? I'm not sure which one is preferred), and even find out how to shut down all the telemetry, Holla Forums be my witness!

7 is preferred. Be sure to disable all updates from Windows Update and you'll be fine.

Roll with 7.

Of course, there is XP but shes gone…

What the hell, I didn't ask for these feels! Take them back! Ugh… I don't know if I'll ever be able to upgrade my computer OS anymore.

I want a Nepugia OS.

Definitely 7, if you have trouble I'm sure someone here or on Holla Forums can help.

Noted, thanks.

Switch to Linux.


I'm almost always using my computer for gaming, so no thanks.
Though it probably would be good for improving my programming skills, but I still have quite a bit to learn before I'm ready for OS stuff.

7 is more preferred then 8/8.1 and 10. Yet, my laptops run both 8.1 and 10. With Windows 10… I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I can revert back to 7 at any time with the back up disks. On the plus side, I can play Re;Birth 1 on 8.1 with no problem.


Yes, Vert's "sister" will be missing.

Well I've played rebirth 1 a few hours now. Can't say I'm disappointed.
I like it
How consistent is it between games anyway.

Very consistent.

highly consistent


Gameplay and mechanics are so consistent, it's like they used all the same system and assets for all the Re;birth games.
They did.
As for the story, nothing in Re;Birth 1 has anything to do with Re;Birth 2 and 3 since it's in a separate dimension with different versions of the main characters. Starting Re;Birth 2, most everything involving the characters is kept consistent.

It's time to turn the mood even darker.

In terms of tone the games go all over the place.

But with the RB games on PC, they're basically the same game with a few differences. That said, if you like it, you'll probably enjoy the other games.

All aboard the feel train.

Pls no


Those first two images, haven't seen them before, good one.

And now for something, completely different.

Looks like someone made another Neptunia abridged. This one actually has good voice acting. Especially Neptune.

I just downloaded the retranslation and I don't know where to put it since I pirated my version of re;birth 2

so my question is: can I apply the re translation on it?

if I have to actually buy re;birth 2 I have no problem with that

You put it wherever you put Re;birth2.

I thought you put it in the root of the RB2 folder or something

true fear right there

I tried to do that but is only giving me errors on how it failed to create the procces

Did you change the kitserver.ini?

Is the kitserver.exe in the same location as the .exe it's looking for?

yup, that's the last thing it need what it needed thank you guys

What the fuck do you even say

Just a story to flex my creativity, though I'm still embarrassed so I'd rather not share.

Or you could spill the beans

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're trying to say. Thanks for the Compa anyways

Ask them if they feel in charge.

He gives you an excuse to use.

You and Compa are a match made in heaven, I think

I'm not Companon, sorry.

I quoted the wrong person

In other news, I've finally begun to write a new story. Nothing to say on that one for the moment, though, since it's only at the very beginning.

No problem.

Anyone have any good edits of lewd images to make non-Neps look more like Neps?

>Match made in heaven
I had to.

Ten pages already on my new writing project. Two words about this project - Four seasons.

Your ideas interest me and I wish to know more about them.

>last special voice was a confession dialogue


Its not Neptunia, but I've been looking into Black Rose Valkyrie, and it looks like it got delayed to July.

It's fine as long as it doesn't become Persona 5.
I mean, Atlus was so adamant about the game coming out in 2015, then at the very end of last year, they're like "lol jk, we're pushing it back like 8 months."


Thanks for the bump, I was too focused on my new story to see time pass.

I'm surprised at the length, though, the first chapter is as long as The Promised Day

Half of those aren't mainline and the other halves were made my completely different teams.
You have no idea what you're talking about.


why would you respond to THAT guy?

More makers is always the answer

I'll read it if its not too lewd

It isn't lewd, although one moment was verging on that, due to the things happening between a young man and a young girl alone in a room.

Did they hold hands

More or less. She offered him a date on Valentine's Day, like the good tease she can be, and spend the whole of it clinging to his arm.

I wish there was a nep doom wad so I can shoot eggplants with Uni.

That could be fun. I'd play it, definitely.

Hey 8ch/Nepgen/, any update on the VII steam beta testing? Sent my email of my rig like 2 months ago and never heard back.

No idea since I didn't apply, due to how bad is my toaster (I can't even run Rebirth 1, to give you an idea).

nep-chila the destroyers of wallets?

You did read things like their terms and conditions right? They like to hide things in there that you have to mention in your beta request or they throw yours out immediately. For example with RB;3 I think you had to write nep is life on your application to show that you read it.

not even windowed at the lowest resolution?

If you haven't gotten any message about it, you weren't picked.

Not even that. I managed to run it once, though. Then I got on the first battle with a bald Nep right before a crash.

Pretty sure the beta is over at this point actually

First she will empty your wallet, then she will ask you to buy pudding

I read it and it had instructions on posting specs, but I don't recall any weird stuff like writing some phrase. Since I didn't get a message back, I guess I missed whatever special instruction was needed on it.
Even though I did mail right as it opened. Well fuck my life- I'll just have to wait until it gets released this summer.

Pretty much

can i request nora (noire + vira)?
or rom lotta (rom + charlotta)

Who are these girls? And why is the first one so lewd?

They are from Granblue

the first one is lewd mostly cause it's swimsuit version of her (also fun fact asami imai dubs her and she also recently won the popularity fanpoll)

How much do you guys think V2 will cost when it comes out, or what the discount would be?

Probably $30 with a 10-15% discount for the first week.

Probably a little more expensive than RB3

Girls from Granblue Fantasy, the Nepnep pics earlier were her dressed as one of the characters in the game, the first one in that user's post is voiced by Noire's VA and (I didn't know that) the 2nd one is voiced by Rom
There are also characters voiced by P-ko's, Nepnep's, Puru's and Vert's VA's

no, i just like charlotta and rom so rom in a charlotta costume would have been neat

I see, sorry for the mistake, Satan

Bumping the thread with a small update on my project, which becomes huge every passing chapter. I'm actually on Chapter 2 of 4/5 planned chapters (depending on how will stretch the last ones), with the aim of finishing it for next month.

Here's just a little bit from Chapter 1, in order to make you expect something completely different.

Dear diary. Even the ass was cute.

Are there any pictures of Uni in blue jeans? I want to know what her butt looks like in them.

I dunno, but since Neptune has the best butt I'd rather see her in blue jeans.

Is This thread is all about butt now?

Of course I doubt anyone has a problem with that though

Not at all, but I like the direction this is taking.

Why the hell would she want her sister to see?

Maybe shes teaching her sister how to use sex appeal to pick up men and/or get what she wants?

Is this from the official manga?


Context: She was losing Nepgear to Vert's bust, trying to think of another thing that might appeal to Nepgear, she uses her butt

No, not dead. Basically the main game is close to done. We basically just have to fuck around with the DLC text. And then double check it. And then compile it into a package. And then get it out the door.

Noice. I knew that by overpowering the process with memes success is guaranteed.

Awesome, looking forward to playing RB3.

Amazing. Waiting for the release.


Ah, sort of like an overflow: throw too many memes at something and the memetic value goes into negative territory or resets to zero.

It is not magic; it is science.



It's not a problem for Plutia because she's hella flat.


Her legs usually show more in standard clothes. I like it more.
Wishthe art was better but still better than what i could do

She doesn't seem to get mad at anyone acknowledging her flat chest…then again, I don't think any of the girls have poked at her (Probably because Iris Heart) or she lures someone to a place and summons Iris to beat them up

Off by one. I guess the dubs magic died.

Oh well. It was nice when it lasted.

Blanc being flat doesn't do anything for me. Uni and Plutia being flat makes me hard as fuck. I guess it helps not being a complete bitch.

It's alright, we'll get them next time


At least we got some salt.

Inb4 we get the 10M.

I was so satisfied with the gets in last thread that I didn't even pay attention to the post numbers in this one anymore.

Same, I was so worked on my new story that I noticed the numbers as they were passing.

We still have some time for the next ones, though. May the dub luck shine on us at the best moment ever.

If we get the 10M we can immediately count that thread dead because of the massive spam influx we'll get

Oh goodness. I didnt realize how close I got. I feel cheated now. Just gotta aim for the next big GET then.

So close to thread killers.

Heres a new CPU to ask your questions to! Please don't bully her, if you can.

Well Rei, do you?


Neptune let's have pudding together

Son of a

I'm done

, are you happy with being the main girl of my new story ?

Yeah, tricky question.

You'll be back


Rei, will you ever rise from your grave?

Let's go fishing, Nepgear!

And the answer is negative. Too bad.

Perhaps is it because of my little trick not naming her ?

I'll be back later that's for sure, but for now I'm done

Grabbed them, so I have every thread killer thus far.

Time to try again, it's a new day.

Uni, do you want to go to the range with me?



Great! Ill make sure the boat has oil in it!

Now, for some fun.

Girls, do you want to be part of my new story ?

are niggers human?

Rei! It's an emergency! I need to hug you right now!

can I give you a big and warm headpat?

Noire can I be your friend

Congrats for having five roommates for talking about it.

anime politics imminent

Hey Noire, why don't you take a break and play Clue with me.

I'm bout to slay Noire in the lounge with my pipe, if you know what I mean.

Here we go!

Oh no. Its happening again

Head to the bunkers

You fool! It's too late now!

Oh jeez

Have no fear, boys ! We already went through this dubstorm, and we went out of it alive.



We must stand against the dubs, ready yourself.

Now you've done it

Rei, can I bully you?

Rei will you make Gamindustri great again

That's Nepgear. Dont have that gif of her wearing a Make America Great Again hat on my phone though.


Vert, you want to go to Jimmy John's with me?

hope I'm not too late to ask for sauce pudding


Why's everyone saying "cucking, cucking, cucking" these days?

Almost Page 10 anyway…


giving it a go

Rolling for a qt

I'll go get my books.

Nepgear, will you give me a hug?


Rolling around at the speed of NEPU

Plutia please be my best friend

This happened two threads in a row.

Someone please hold me.

Atleast Iris Heart won't violate you

Unless you're an M and you like it that way

Doesn't help one bit

I just want my waifu to love me back

i have sauna ready and cold vodka. who's with me?

Are you sure this isn't just Stockholm Syndrome?

You should try again next thread.

seems vert and peashy are coming with me

i'm ok with it

I'm 100% sure I love her

I merely see IH as a plus, but her original form is what gets my heart going


Then shine on you crazy diamond

I can certainly see why. Good luck with your waifu


Back from sleep and rolling.

I fully agree with that. Plutia would be my definite favorite, if it weren't for Neptune.

Anybody else have that bored feeling that nothing seems fun unless you're actively trying to avoid work, then everything seems fun?

I have no one else to vent this to, have an Uzume to compensate

You're becoming more and more like Nepnep, openly avoiding work for more fun.

Now embrace it. And cute Uzume by the way.

It's like unless I'm actively procrastinating, nothing seems fun.

oh my god is this why Neptune does this

She does it because she enjoys vidya, and actively avoids work to maintain her image of a lazy bum, so she can play more vidya.

Could it be that whenever you have a break, you're not properly resting? It's important to make a very clear separation between work and play. Just a shot in the dark. I had a lot of stress in the past because of this. Nowadays I'm pretty lazy, but I have fun whether it's during procrastination or not.

I know that feeling user, but im trying to avoid it, not healthy at all

I think I secretly enjoy the stress. Now that I just finished college and still waiting for the processing of my diploma so I can find a job, I have nothing to do.

I long for that gripping hopelessness when I'm nearing a deadline

I literally cannot enjoy vacations longer than 3 days anymore, I grow extremely restless

What is wrong with me

Its the worst disease, you are becoming Nowa

I need work/something to do man

The only something I do is in the morning which is study my Anki Decks

I should probably just go and practice more often during the day.

Here's a Nep Nowa


Is it selfcest in that case ?

In other news, new thread is ready to roll and I have the whole day for myself. So no worries about that, it'll be dropped in time.

And in other other news, second chapter done. I'll probably post it as a whole once it's done, though, as I may come back on some chapters once it's finished. The thing is huge, though, and even I am surprised.

If I don't find something to work on during a weekend I start going crazy

I hope the story is good

I hope so. I enjoy writing it, though, like the previous ones.



Here they are - πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†