ITT: Characters who would vote for Trump

ITT: Characters who would vote for Trump

Other urls found in this thread:

Armstrong would vote for himself, Wario is a jew and the goat would probably join ISIS.

Wario would distract Trump with a shiny new toupee or some shit, then just steal the White House when he comes out. Worked in Super Mario Land 2.

Jesus Christ this board needs a massive purge.

You mean the libertarian?

Literally a kike.

Fuck off back to Tumblr Undertalefag.



How about this?

Anything to back that up?

Isn't Wario Italian?

10/10 thread, OP.



Why are Trumpfags so oblivious to how fucking annoying they are?


They act like a cult. I meant I vote for him but I'm not fucking autistic about him.

Why would Wario or Toriel vote for Trump?
The goat bitch would probably vote for Hillary and Wario wouldn't even vote.

Most of them are underage memelords.
Even though I'm gonna both for him, some of these fags are obnoxiously annoying.


That's more pathetic that the Romney bullshit 8 years ago.

It's far more annoying if you're not even American and you have to hear about their fucking politics all day.

Do you know what libertarianism actually means, user?

Like what?

Which ones?

What stuff?

Jesus you faggots don't even try.

She sure would

Let's make Lordaeron great again.



You want to stop me from voting trump, user?

I wonder if the shitposting about whoever the nu burger president is will increase or decrease once the elections end.

When do the elections end, again?

Simple answer - they don't.

Burger elections end in november

I always get this answer. How come?

I know next to nothing about american politics or law

I'll bait this bait.
Trump's campaign key points:

The meme-wall
Prevents the job market from getting flooded by incompetents that will burden the social structures. Kinda nationalistic, but you can see the business-aspect of it. Could be just a distraction to troll in the degenerate bottom-classes.

Wants to remove all the socialist aspects the dems built to increase competition.

Claims to put end to moving american jobs abroad, but is notorious for having plenty of factories in developing countries himself.
Being "strong" in negotiations is just bullshit that doesn't actually mean anything. You'd have to be fucking stupid to think that USA hasn't been aggressively protecting its interests so far.

Tax reform
Linear tax rate and cutting of taxes. The cornerstone of all libertarian policies.

second amendment
Disarming the citizens is a traditional cornerstone of all nationalist policies.

He comes from a rich family, he has never had to actually work for anything. His skills, assets, all provided to him by his family. Which is kinda okay, but him pretending that he actually had to fought for anything in life, and that every poor piece of shit in this world can do the same is just delusional and has nothing to do with nationalist principles. Without education they will be even more worthless than they are now. Providing basic education as spring board to higher opportunities is probably the one good thing a nationalist government can offer.

Effectively, when one election ends the next one has already been going on for about two whole years.


No, the cornerstone of libertarian tax policy is getting rid of the fucking income tax.

If he decreases the regulations on schools and stops the student loan bullshit education will start fixing itself, you know, real free market and all.

Also Trump may come from a rich family, but he actually worked hard to make the small loan of a million dollar (which is small for real business) and made a lot more.

Meanwhile let's check comrade Sanders,

Eminent domain is enforced in plenty of nations that are considered to be libertarian.

Or weakening it.

You little nigglets need to realize that nationailsm is inherently leftist ideology. Trump isn't an actual nationalist for he is going to weaken the bottom classes in favor of making the big biz thrive even better.

How is he going to hurt the bottom classes? By decreasing their taxes or completely removing them?

By closing them in a loop of shitty below-minimum wage jobs and being incapable of getting proper education. Liberals have this weird idea that people can just pop out of stupidity with sheer will, but they can't. People need to be dragged into becoming something. Just because american schools are shit, doesn't mean they should be removed. Recognize the issue, and fucking fix it instead of ignoring it like Trump does.

So we gunna let this be a dubs thread cause Im game. Also politics isnt vidyah

Check out my digits

Well, at least income tax scales with your income, unlike goods taxes which are regressive - and would mist likely increase should income tax be removed.

Also this. Prevention is better than cure. We need some minimum standard of education.


Pic reminds me of this.

Where do you eve get this from? You are just making some random statements as if people are suppose to understand in which asshole you found them. How is Trump going to be closing people in a loop of poverty? How is he going to fuck with education and even "remove" schools? How high are you?

When Bernie loses to Shillary, do you think he'll vote for her, for Trump, or for nobody?

He said he will be sticking to the end. It would be funny if he decides to tell his voters to vote Hillary though.

I think it'd be funnier if he told Berniebros to vote Trump. The salt from that would be off the scales

I think this clear made painfully clear that most of Holla Forums is underage and doesn't understand anything about politics.
Wich explains why Holla Forums can manipulate them so easily.

Endorsing Hillary is at least somewhat realistic. Trump is basically the rich guy he wants to tax up to 77%. But who knows. We will know soon.

You don't have to be a Holla Forumsack to prefer Trump to the other two left.

Holla Forums is so concerned about shills ruining the board that the moderation is starting to ruin the board anyway. Can't even have a fact-backed dissenting opionon without getting shouted down and possibly banned.

Name one so I can laugh at you

Hong Kong.

Not libertarian in the slightest, retard.

Holy wew, lad. Have you ever been to Hong Kong, do you have any idea how business are run there and how much intervention from the state there is on pretty much everything? They have partial freedom of market on some aspect, but at the core, everything is extremely regulated. Housing space, health care and public transportation are some of the stuff that is just as regulated as in a """"""socialist"""""" country of Norway (which is actually a welfare capitalist country and not really socialist).

Except it is. Okay, if it ain't, then what country has been libertarian and not under total Mad Max -tier anarchy?

I almost forgot Holla Forums was retarded.

Except you're not explaining why it is. Pro-tip: Having -relatively- low overall taxes isn't enough.


The second one is a trap