13 days until E3


Still can't believe Nintendo is only gonna show a Zelda game.

Is there only one game period, or will there be other smaller presentations and things on the showfloor/livestream?

Thats because you've been sucking Nintys dick for years.
They've been shit for quite a while now.

They've said only Zelda, they wouldn't even talk about anything else.
I don't get it, if you're gonna make an effort to go there, waste time/cash… you might aswell talk about more(unless you don't have anything).

The NX comes out NEXT YEAR, this doesn't give me high hopes for a strong launch.

I would like for them to say "Surprise! The NX is actually prepared enough for us to show it off!". But with how the last two E3's went, that's unlikely.



I haven't been sucking anyone's cock you fag.

I'm just baffled that they'd do that.

we already have one of these godawful shitposting threads

Yeah sure

Previous thread is still up

Its zelda on the show floor. Their presentation will have more.

I heard they weren't doing a presentation. It's just a "Nintendo Treehouse" stream.

Little quick on the draw guys.

I control+f'd for ">days until e3" and found nothing so I made this thread, I only realise now that if I dropped the arrow I would have seen the other thread.

I'm assuming the only new game we'll see is Zelda U and get more details about it, then they'll go over others like the upcoming Pokemon and Paper Mario

That being said, anyone who has any bit of hope for these is deluding themselves. Zelda U is clearly going to shove gimmicks into your face given the presence of the tablet in the new concept art, and we already know Color Splash is aids so there goes any chance that will be decent

Someone needs to start posting the webm in this threads.

I hope Microsoft is funny bad this year instead of just bad, or else this is just going to be a bad time all around.

There have been like 60 of these threads now.

The effort the sperglord who makes these puts into it is more than you expect of any single company at E3.

So, how do you think Microsoft will bring a car onto the stage this year?

I thought lowering it from the ceiling last year was pretty good, but they should really try driving it through the crowd this time.

Is it true that EA is out of E3 this time around? I was hoping they would bring the bants


Where did the time go?

Time wasted having fun isn't time wasted, user, i look forward to watching E3 with you nerds

It feels like a few days since "89 days till E3"


Thanks my man


The future comes too fast and the past seems so far away.

I want off this ride

anyway, what are you guys excited to see?
I'm going to enjoy all the you anons screaming in agony when aiyisha tyler comes out on stage during the ubi event, but for actual games it's TLG, Ace Combat 7, Persona 5, and the inevitable remakes

If Microshit will make the triple and give us the most laughs.

Still can't believe that they're STILL gonna win e3 despite that.

Actually i can, everyone else is a joke

-Serious Sam 4
-Shadow Warrior 2
-Nier 2
-RE:Make 2
-DMC 5

Is there really any games to look forward????

Like AAA games that are the shit. No AAA main game has come out in recent years that was front and center of a company that was good. Im talking about new games, last new game series I was hyped about and it delivered was SPLATOON.

I'm interested in Kojima's new trailer; the game is just a bonus.
Battlefield: WE totally not an demo date would be fine for eye-candy.
I just hope Ubisoft doesn't fuck up R6: Siege.

A lot of those i forgot but i'm looking forward, thanks for reminding me

I'm looking towards EA and Ubisoft's shit conferences, Sony's conferences and Zelda Gameplay

Kojidrones, everyone

Will girlwood be there again?

AAA is dead user, give up, we're not their audience anymore.

Don't you mean;
M E M E S ?

No problem I just wish more people here werent jaded fucks and found their niche.

Alsp forgot about Endless Space 2 and CivVI

I don't know, but if the past two years have told me is to always expect the worst from UBI and EA so maybe

Welp, let's get this over with.


Does anybody have the new report cards for this year's E3?

Second year in a row I get to miss the E3 threads.

Use your phone nigger

Did you fucking miss the "Media" part of that?

I'm going to be fucking working aka playing video games and writing previews and shit.

Whats your point?
Im sure you have breaks/free time after the events.

E3 is just for you
Also the trailers were pure trash, then again what trailer isn't

Can't wait for the shitshow

Just give me Nier 2




why does Nintendo hate fun? theyre just going to show the shitty fucking console a month later anyway since its releasing early next year.

Who knows, zelda u could be the only good game released this year.

I forgot about Amiibos



and what confirmation do we have that a good 3rd of these are even being shown?

I haven't heard a blessed thing about SS4 since they've announced it

I think they should do something like embed related


This guy gets it. Say what you will about post-Iwata Nintendo, the Wii U at least has games on its library and not walking simulators or 30 FPS movies. And as for E3, only having one game shown off is still far better than everyone else trying to out-cringe each other.

Did any good games come out this year? My pc died and i only have a tablet with shit ton of roms so i havent been keeping up with new releases.

This gif was made a long time ago but it comes back every year.

To be honest up until the past 2 years the only thing that kept me tuned in completely to E3 was any sort of announcement regarding the future of Starfox. I waited a good 7 or so years for Zero, and I enjoyed it, and now I have nothing really to look forward to at E3 besides maybe Ace Combat 7, if they're going to show gameplay footage as well as a story teaser, with the off-chance of Sony disappointing me by saying "VR exclusive for the PS4.5".

I mean it'll also be nice to see what the fuck the NX is, and whether or not I should even pay attention to it, but I can't really feel hyped this time around unless something surprises me, like Splatoon did in 2014.

sony totally won last year though
i don't even remember what nintendo had

Wait the Wii U had games besides Bayonetta?

Ubisoft always has the worst conference which is what makes it the best. I look forward to another year of the giant niggress coming out in 12 inch high heels to stand next to European manlets.

I recall Ubi giving them a run for their money a few years back, and Sony doing the same another year. But aside from that, there seems to be a pattern ever since this E3 granted, a number of the games in question ended up being disappointing, but still..

But that's Squilliam you goon




this is so out there that I can actually see it
also EA is probably going to be all about Battlefield , not Battlefront

A few

Ace Combat, to see if they go back to making good games. Other then that I will be watching for the keks, i expect nothing amazing to be shown. Certainly not gameplay of any of the new games, just prerendered shit.

Hopefully Zelda is good so I can put it in my collection of Wii U games.
So it can keep Bayonetta 2 warm during those cold nights.

The Square Enix conference had more PS4 exclusives than the Sony one, and they didn't resort to shilling a kickstarter.

Yeah but it also was the Square Enix conference

bingo card from some anime man

This is absolutely perfect.

who do you work for?


Hah, that's pretty good.

Sun/Moon too probably.

Wonderful 101.

Why does he wear the mask?

Also, do you or anyone ITT have a blank E3 2016 report cart?

Mainline Pokemon games are never shown at E3, user


ayy that's pretty good user
I get the joke with the treehouse thing, but what's the original unpixelated image?

Come on Reggie, give us Mother 3!

tfw it might actually happen this year
tfw you no longer want it to happen



what happened

You're kidding?

Oh well, E3 never turns out good.

What is there to look forward to?


Find another hobby, and switch them when they get boring. Drawing, anime or programming are nice choices.

Anyone have the song webm?

Can we all just step back and admire OP's determination? He's posted the same thread for so long now…

same image each time too, at this point it should be part of the tradition




What happened to color splash? Did they just go silent after the petitions?

ORAS was.

you got into PC gaming?

Ubisoft did pretty well last year.

Yeah. I regret it somewhat. Freedom is nice, but I enjoy my 3DS more.

Is PC Gamer doing another one this year? They set a new low last time, and I'm anxious to see it get even lower.

Wait robot chicken is relevant to vidya now? I haven't watched it forever. Should I start watching it again?

I think you might be happier with new, interesting games. Even then, there's wonderful libraries on systems past.

The systems are cheap, and the possibility of loading backups is always there when you get to things like the xbox, wii and ps2.

You know, you actually have a point. I've just started going back and just been playing older games.

No, that was Nintendo's skit two years ago.

Ubisoft will be the most fun to watch. M$ takes second place here.
Reddit will not shut up about Bethesda's conference (though Dishonored will look ok) the final product of Dishonored 2 will be watered down and casual, though

Nintendo will win by simplicity, the entire thing is going to be about the NX, using Zelda as an example of all the gimmicks.


Yeah, no. I'm pretty sure Sony has already gone on record as saying there's no plans for another handheld.

Apparently I still had hope for this industry
Oh well, it's not like it would be any good anyways

Best to save it for E3

I know how it is, I lost interest in PC gaming a few years ago. All it became was terrible ports of games that actually worked on consoles. Delayed ports released way after the game was no long relevant, sometimes several years down the line. It's nice having say, FF9 on PC with those nice little extra features, it makes it so the game is in an optimal state and essentially, can be preserved in that state forever. There's real benefit to it.

There's a strong desire to play new games, with new ideas and content. I find the people who say these games don't exist, don't really even play video games outside of the same few, they may even be very dedicated hardcore players, but they don't play these new games because most of the time they either can't, or don't care.

I care about games like the new Yakuza, Gravity Rush, these games appeal to me a ton. They don't make games like this on PC for a number of reasons. I play a ton of old games, but now I play new games too, and I'm finding more that interest me constantly.

I'm not saying there's nothing good on the PC, Comiket games in Summer and Winter make my year pretty much. I love those games very much.

Dark Souls 3 was the first time in a very long time I've genuinely enjoyed a video game. Not like "Oh yeah I bought this game, time to play.", more like fucking crack where when I'm not playing it, I'm thinking about it.

I miss when that shit happened all the time, but now it's only a handful of games.

I must be depressed, can't remember the last time I enjoyed a videogame.

Why do people keep saying they expect more than Zelda Wii U from Nintendo at E3? Nintendo already announced that LITERALLY all they're doing is a Zelda Wii U Treehouse stream. That's it.

I know what you mean. Only reason I'm enjoying Overwatch right now is because I have friends to play with and it gives me an excuse to socialize. Other than that, I've modded Skyrim only to not play it again, and started a new Kotor 2 campaign.


I tried playing Dark Souls, lost focus, tried playing something easier, it was so easy I got bored.

There is something wrong with me.

people still want to believe nintendo isn't that retarded

I dunno, maybe I've just gotten too good at vidya, but I enjoyed the fuck out of Ds3 and was constantly thinking about how to beat shit when I was at work or out doing errands. It was crack, I swear.

I want to believe it so bad. I want my belief to be so strong that I accidentally shift to a better timeline before worse comes to worst.

That's a lie.


How so?

Was it?

we don't even get the cringe compilations because the companies realized the only reason we watch anymore is to laugh at them.

its now a boring dead husk of what it used to be.

Nigga, that was official Nintendo E3 stuff from 2014.

Pretty good
Reminds me I need to make mine
Also TGBS is god tier

ridiculous amount of input buffering


Input buffering? Nigga what the fuck, this isn't Street Fighter.

Yeah nice job



No wonder you cant enjoy videogames anymore
Fucking kill yourself already you haded fuck.

have you played the other games? Demon's Souls, Bloodborne especially.

I've found that Western games are draining most of the time, and require a real push to actually want to play them. They don't entice me much.

input buffering is how the games work on a basic level, it memorizes your next input in the middle of one to emphasize the importance of your actions, making it a more sound, and challenging experience, punishing your mistakes.

they're not doing a presentation.

Sorry I have friends user, I wasn't aware I should just say fuck them all because you have different taste.

Bloodeborne was fucking great. I know what you mean about Western games, probably because of this recent push to make it all about the story. How about no, just let me jump right in and start killing shit? I hate sitting through 10+ minutes of goddamn horseshit that I don't care about just to be bored the whole time.


Do you also buy Call of Duty every year you fucking retard?

Of course not, WaW was the last good one, and even by then I was fucking sick of the CoD meme.

Right? Sometimes I just want to play and experience the fun without dealing with any obstacles. I want the raw mechanics with no buffer, no handholding. While games from all over do this, it's usually Japanese games that take the restraints off quick as possible and have the funnest ideas. This came out last year, and despite its short length was such a memorable and fun and satisfying game.

Did I stutter?

Yeah, I mean Japan makes some god awful shit, but what they do get right, holy shit it's so much fun. If I'm gonna get story, make it like the terminals in Halo 3, optional little secrets I can go hunting for later if I really want to know.

Halo 3 was the last good Western release. Prove me wrong.

Ori and the Blind Forest was good, but had some serious issues with its pointless rpg mechanics.

I haven't played Halo 3, but I enjoyed ODST and Halo 2 a ton. I have an Xbox 360 hooked up I'm waiting to mod so I can get all those great games on it.

But you're friends buy it user, so it must be good, you dont want to feel left out, do you?

What the fuck does that even mean?
Drain you of what?

You need to leave

Halo 3 wasn't quite as good as 2, but I chalk that up just to the fact how fucking revolutionary 2's multiplayer was for online play on consoles. Other than that, Halo 3 was just as solid as 2 in every way possible.

I bet you never even fought for Best Girl you fucking queer.

interest, motivation, lots of things. They practically require you to be prepared to deal with bullshit.

I had never played H2MP, but playing 1 to 2, back to back, you notice how much the game has grown in terms of design and its mechanics.


Halo 3 did the same amount of growing. All the maps were solid, controls were basically the same, but the amount of custom content, jesus christ. I wasted thousands of hours in that game with friends just playing all the custom maps and game types, making our own shit. Not to mention, it was the peak of online ranked play. No other game has come close to matching H3MP's ranked matchmaking.


My nigga, what are you doing here?

You need to leave you cancerous weeaboo.

Dark Souls 3 isn't anime though you idiot.

I'm not really a multiplayer person, so I wouldn't get a chance to try it. I only really do the SP in these games. Halo 2 had some remarkable moments. The space pickle is amazing, especially once you start to consider how they got it to work on the original Xbox. It's not a video file, I've explored the file structure of the Halo 2 game install, and it doesn't contain a .bik for this scene.

don't be so mad, I've been here since 2014 and I'll be here forever.

Almost forgot:
Fucking leave

Halo was really the only MP I genuinely loved. Normally I don't like multiplayer because I never feel like I'm any closer to finishing anything.

So good.

Todd just admit Fallout 4 sucked dick.

When did I imply that?

Then its about time you leave

Newfag detected.

Don't be silly, Holla Forums has only existed since 2014.

Im not falling for that weeb I know your kind too well.

Todd please, the sooner you admit your mistakes, the sooner you can make TESVI even better.

Just kidding, we all know it's gonna be fucking garbage.

anything even worth being excited about this e3 ?

i mean i just watch e3 now to laugh at everything and call it shit.

I know exactly which webm you're talking about, I just can't fucking find it. I know I saved it but fuck, can't for the life of me find it in the sea of shit I saved.

sony conference
things that aren't at the conferences

There they go again

Something's definitely obtuse here.


Leave already you cancerous blob

Yeah, your post history

Same. Can't wait for the final specs instead of the BS that got "leaked". 9 11 megahurts? Nigga please.



Ah yea, that's the shit i was talking about

I dunno, you've got 21 posts but haven't said anything with any substance.

Fuck out of here you cancerous shitstain

I never said I bought overwatch, silly. I don't really play online games, so why would I buy that one?

Are you having trouble keeping track of people by ID? I understand if you're mad, people tend to get confused and find things difficult to keep track of when they're angry. I don't get why you would be so mad, however.

Muh dick

Christ, get the fuck out of here


Oh, you hadnt seen it yet?
Great work man.

Let go user, Valve will announce Source 2 and will do what Microsoft did with Conker.


I have been busy as all hell with classes, so I know that I have missed a few of them.

E3 2013 was when the unveiled Fairy Type



I just realized that shopkeep is probably dead

Hes free now, if only we were so lucky.


I'd rather Microsoft do with Conker what Valve did with Half-Life 3 and just forget about it altogether.

I'm sorry user, Iwata isn't coming back ;_;

No, no, it's not about letting go of a hope that they're going to release Half-Life 3, it's about letting go of a hope that they aren't going to release a bastardization of Half-Life 3.


DMC5 and whatever new Resident Evil game Capcom are gonna show