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I am curiouse whenever i will come acros a youtuber doing something silly in the wild while im hiking.
get a real gun
haha j/k it's a jammy piece of shit stick to the original
Should I buy a moist nugget in preparation for the revolution?
Sure. Get an SKS, too. Both are good, affordable rifles with rather cheap ammo. If you're not already into guns I'd also recommend getting some flavour of .22 to learn on, since you can develop bad habits if you start with a full-power rifle.
Be original, or atleast copy the thing people watch it for.
This meme creep is taking things to far.
don't stop let us see you spergout.
What did I just watch…
good video, we need more leftist youtubers
I just hope that people see in this what they see in Filthy Frank and the left gets more dank memes out there.
Good video.
Glorious cancer. Thanks to based Schnitz.
its a bb gun
Dont blame me im european
Guys, I think I'm in love
i'm from florida. lets start the revolution together comrad.
fuck off he's mine
i just noticed in his video that it's fucking blatantly obvious he's from florida.
we gotta start a florida front to kill bourgouise
it would be nice to get all the florida leftypolacks to meet up. I heard gainsville has lots of lefties.
howd you find out sherlock?
not a meetup comrad, a literal raf…
someday schnitz, someday me and you will start the FLORIDAFAG SHNITZ AND FRIENDS REVOLUTIONARY FRONT
i'm tampa.
no actual leftists here
Melbourne leftist reporting in.
Deep south Georgia Leftist here not in Florida but close enough to join the floridalution
when the time comes and american economic stability has truly eaten itself we will unify florida leftism and create a large enough florida front. melbourne, tampa, and gainsville fags alike
or it will just be a couple of us florida guys from leftypol becoming a literal RAF. either way stay vigilant florida comrads
damn we already have like 5 guys.
i gurantee you we could create a florida raf just the few of us martyrs to fuck up porky
but are there any superporks in florida worth meeting?
yes. we can easily make a list
shnitz and fellow florida comrads ill find a way to hit you up some day and we can start the revolutionary floridafag front. give porky what is owed to him
Even the dumbest trumpfags and liberals would support a florida revolutionary movement if we politely asked bankers/certain porkies to stop existing. all it takes is one dedicated group of comrads to spark something
my concern was if there was enough superporks in florida cause i dont see the common lib/con supporting us going after "small business" porks
creepy fucker
hey youtuber, what part of Florida you in? South, North, what?
yes comrad of fucking course there are super porks in florida. do you honestly think in the entirity of the state there are no literal billionaires/super bourgouise/fascist?
and the point isn't if they are porky enough, the point is that we are actually doing something about porky to create a wave.
i don't know if now is the right time with the whole focus on identity politics garbage but sooner or later the time will inevitably come where we need to start a genuine left "protest movement" in florida, and seeing as how a shitload of this board is floridafags it shouldn't be to hard to create a literal raf
hahaha what the fuck
the dialogue is cringeworthy as fuck but the imagery is 100% dank
and gain weight.
I fucking love Schnitz.
I'm mostly aware of FRSO and affiliates (like something something stop FBI). heard FBI is real around tampa, especially in trying to radicalize muslims and then bust 'em. Not a fan of FRSO after the rapey bits, dropped ML later for other reasons.
561 reporting. it's little NYC for the richest northerners and their functionaries. blacks and latins make up the underclass. non FL folks might not know but FL is a case of rome burning while nero fiddles.
I see talk of a Floridafront here and not sure if ironic or not but I totally be down for a lefty meetup in this shit tier state.
Also North Florida, 904 specifically.
Stop larping, people. Get a modern gun in an intermediate cartridge and detachable mags. If you're in the US, there is no reason not to get an AR.
Goddamn, just you fuckers wait until next year. Holla Forums will stop talking shit once I show you what I've been working on.
My condolences, m8. What state, if I may ask?
top kek
Fucker, I have an Enfield made of iron and wood. Once I'm out of ammunition I will bayonet a poor fucker on two feet of cold steel and then beat the rest to death with a ten pound club. Fuck you and your faggot plastic.
Saying "fuck me" every 15 seconds in every video will not make your virginity go away.
Pretty boring 2/10
There is nothing wrong in being a virgin.
I think OP disagrees since even his exclamatory fillers reek of virgin despair.
In the process of raiding an activist's home, FBI agents accidentally left behind a file of secret FBI documents showing that the raids were aimed at people who were or were suspected of being members of the FRSO ( The documents revealed a series of questions that agents would ask activists regarding their involvement in the FRSO ( and their international solidarity work related to Colombia and Palestine.[12]
On January 12, 2011, members of the newly formed Committee to Stop FBI Repression held a press conference in Minnesota revealing that the FBI had placed an informant inside the FRSO ( to gather information prior to the raids.[13]
A federal judge unsealed the FBI's extensive documents collected during its nearly three-year surveillance of the FRSO ( on February 26, 2014.[14] At 104 pages, the documents revealed that the FBI placed an informant around and eventually inside the FRSO ( during and after the 2008 protests at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis, St. Paul. The informant, named Karen Sullivan, attempted to craft a case that the FRSO ( was materially supporting the FARC and the PFLP with their anti-war and international solidarity activism.
To date, no charges have been brought against members of the FRSO
godspeed comrad
the anti-fascist revolutionary spirit of marx is with you. avenge the blood of the martyrs
Fuck, now I really am curious. Tell us you faggot, are you building a big ass gun or are you going to McVeigh the shit out of everyone?
I am writing some manuals and helping train some people. If they work out fine, I will push that out to you. I'm saving up for a plot of land that can be turned into a training area. It's going well so far.
You should go all out and form a militia, I'm not American but as far as I'm aware communism isn't against the constitution unless it's the federal government trying to do it.
Was doing some reading on the militia movement yesterday and found this by a black militia leader, which seems to ring true today
Have you heard of the home gunsmith? It's written by a Brit named Luty and his site is still up and hosts guides for building a 9mm SMG that you may be able to use.
I'm not trying to form a group. I just want to spread this knowledge to as many leftists as possible so they can spread it farther. I also am not interested in breaking the NFA, so luty smgs are out of the question.
I myself am not a communist per se. I'm still learning theory, but I'll be damned if I let Nazis clobber you guys if shit goes down, not without a fight.
And they call it the land of the free!
Well, porky is scared of well-armed workers. Luckily we don't need SMGs to be effective.
So this….is the power…..of the modern left
I'm going to be moving to Maine soon and there is a militia very close to where I'm going to live. I've been thinking about attempting to get a whole bunch of leftist from Maine to join the militia and start introducing leftist ideas into it. Is this kind of entryism a good idea or should I toss this idea out of the window?
Also, I found this
What is this webm from? Looks really happy and sweet tbh
Fuck that wix site is suspicious. It's a case of 'give all your info to join the secret club'.
Not sure about joining a militia to subvert it, there's a militaryfag around here somewhere who may know someone in a militia though.
Hey Schinitz if your videos ever become anymore similar to Iddubbz will you rename your show secret content police?
pure autism
Kontent KGB
I'm not in the US, user.
And fuck your shit, the SKS is a modern gun in an intermediate cartridge. You can modify it to take AK mags with a minimum of machining that a retard could do, and it's handy and easy to feed. I stand by my words.
Also fuck your shit, a full-power bolt-action rifle is perfectly good if you wanna go full mujahedin and fuck goats in the mountains.
New Jersey. Probably one of the bottom 5 states when it comes to firearms.