Civil War France

" Les français parlent aux français "

Je veux connaitre votre opinion . Pensez vous avec tous se qui se passe au pays actuellement, le pays pourrait tomber en guerre civil ( Comme les Balkans des années 90 ) ?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2017#Opinion_polls Orly DH_&ncxid=E12B41DC3B242BC01BBCE0C7121FB735&m_i=iJB5niLejlsu_0OYSuqEOfl6A+E0mDfmX3ImfMpcrY2RdqCUjamSH1t1TyC9rd9z6OPEC3HdTnlmMgptwp_zG9mt3aqsF0SiiQ

I have no idea what you're saying, but fight on you brave frog.

"The French speak to the French "

I want to know your opinion . Do you think with all that is happening in the country now, the country could fall into civil war ( such As the Balkans of the 90's ) ?

Oui oui baguette. En mourir toutes les Maghrebs.


Hoh hoh hoh! Omlette du fromage!

I can’t read baguette, but you motherfuckers had better make it an ethnic civil war or there’s no point.

Sixth French Republic when?

Now is not the time for civil war. That comes later. Any kind of major civil unrest that would result in the demographic crisis ending will result in intervention from (((the UN))). Until the UN has been neutered then legal, governmental measures are the best way to deal with the problem. Le Pen is your current best hope until a more permanent solution becomes available.

Anglo-french. You'd get more respect just asking in English.

I posed the question to French citizens, but I'm interested in all opinions. This where I can see the vision of the rest of the world, on the news of the country


The UN couldn't end shit.

It's not about what the UN can end, but to what extent you want Jew controlled soldiers on your land. Civil wars are already a nasty business, but you can bet your ass that if one happens the Jews will do all they can to ensure the maximum devastation and loss of white life possible.

Is it even a civil war if ur just removing illegal invaders?

Funni gui
The only way to get rid of Jewish control over France is the restoration of the monarchy, again.

La France doit mourrir avant de pouvoir renaitre.

Translation pls, I don't speak surrender

it will be when all the peaceful liberals start protecting them



what is a french civil war even like? Is it a race to see who can throw up a white flag the fastest?

Some people are ready here in France, waiting the right moment.

How many times do you need to repeat the experiment before you figure out that it's the problem?

Yes, there will eventually be a civil war, most definitely within the next 50 years.

Within 5 years

I do not know the French particularly well, but I know history.

France has been the very heart of revolutionary AND reactionary thought in Europe throughout its history. That is potentially a deadly combination these days. Even in times as womanly and cowardly as these there is a stirring and willingness in the French from what I have seen. In my opinion, if there is a country left on the continent that could break into an open conflagration, history tells us it's France.

The marxist traitors will have to be removed eventually. Luckily as we all know leftists don't even lift & are piss weak faggots.

Tell us one crisis that the UN solve and didn't make it worst by trying to fix it.


Just one.

unlikely, unless mudslimes get so uppity that they commit sharia-law barbarity openly while mocking french values, thus causing pissed huwhyte men to calmly grab their guns and slaughter a few dozens shitskins, before being thrown under the truck by a jewish justice system, thus causing mass upheaval that may degenerate into civil war with a few well-chosen provocations

this depends too much on the willingness to light the fire by the (((MSM)))
so it probably won't happen


Unlikely. Though, it would be cool to see Brittany, Aquitaine, Burgundy, and Elsass break away as independent nations, I don't think there's enough regional sentiment to drive such a war. France instead appears to be gearing up for a fight over the mandate of heaven. France as an idea and the need for a french state aren't really what's in question so much as the legitimacy of the reigning government.

The only intervention would have come from the US, and that possibility has been thankfully averted with the defeat of Madame President.

Look up the french revolution, they made ww2 japs look civilized

lol, try harder, kike.

Yes, you're that retarded.

Any notable examples? I hope the frogs shoah the mudslimes, every single one.

Good luck

Clearly minds are changing, and everyone feels that if we can't change things in a democracy, we'll have to do it in arms. It's not something anyone truly wants, but people sure as hell don't want to live in a fake democracy that's actually a dictatorship.

Now a large part of French dissidents follow Soral, a faggot jew that wants us to befriend nationalist shitskins, and who's against the idea of a civil war, as it'd weaken the country to outside influence and kill people. Sure, but then what shall we do? Sit on our asses throwing money at him so he can express an opinion no politician will follow until it's too late? In the meantime, he's keeping many people in check who lap up everything he says.

A civil war would be disastrous, but so is letting all the current bullshit fly for too long. We'll have to break some eggs, and that'll be one giant fucking omelet. I don't feel like going through a civil war myself, I don't feel like dying in it either. Hell, I'm scared it'll happen. But I'm not letting my country invaded by shitskins, I won't watch our culture be destroyed by juden, I won't watch our genes go to waste, I refuse to live in a world where whites have disappeared, I refuse to continue being a puppet of (((Europe))).

France like the rest of Europe is already irremediably scarred by what happened, I refuse to see it go further, but there's so little I can do by myself, especially now that shitskins are a sizeable group in France, and with a right to vote. I've already been kicked out of my birthplace, that is Paris, because it's been partly invaded by shitskins entitled to live in luxurious Parisian appartments as (((social housing))), and partly invaded by Saudis, Qataris and Chinks that bought up everything else, and there's now so many of them in Paris that they decide what becomes of it, and they're running the whole city into the ground. It happened to Paris already, and I know the same thing will happen to all of France starting with major cities. And shit, people are already mad as fuck about Paris, because I'm not an isolated case, there are many true Parisians forced into the suburbs because Paris is too expensive, and suburbs aren't "classy" enough for poor shitskins, plus it's far and you need to take the subway and shit.

Few things could prevent it, and I don't think any of those things will happen. But many, whether they want it or not, are certainly feeling it coming.

Soral is a liar. IF an actual civil war were to take place, the immigrants would be the first to leave because they are here to live as comfortably as possible. And Soral doesn't just claim that immigrants would fight tooth and nail, he even claimed that immigrants would win because "i was in the ghettos and I saw the amount of testorone" which is laughable on many levels.

Pour qu'une guerre civile éclate, faudrait vraiment un événement majeur, genre Marine gagne les présidentielles et puis se fait assassiner. Et même comme ça, je pense pas qu'une guerre pourrait éclater. Les gens sont trop confortables et surtout, pas armés.

Les gens n'ont pas encore faim, rien ne bougera.

With the amount of guns in France and the size of its military? HAH. Nah. If the French can dehumanize themselves and wage total war on the Muslims it will be a massacre for the shitskins.

Effectivement. Quand des gamins blancs commenceront à crever de faim, leurs parents en auront marre des musulmerdes qui font que parasiter. À ce moment là peut-être que quelque chose se passera.

The French are fucking hardcore. Don't let the surrender meme fool you, they literally didn't want to fight the Germans in WW2 so everyone takes the piss now, but they came out of WW1 with the most powerful army AFTER drowning the Germans in blood.

Their revolutions were just brutality and afterwards they gave every other European nation a run for their money at the same time. This is after crusades and constant wars despite not even having a unified country at the time.

Don't fall for the kike meme of French being wimps. The French have a history of preferring blood on the outside.

We seem to conveniently forget that they're called frogs.
Hope the translation widget works okay

Good. I hope they win a quick victory over the barbarians and proceed to take over the world.

Better translation would be

I'm French and I'm not sure what that even means. Post in English I'll translate.

Dehumanise yourself and face to bloodshed.

Also, in case of war, I'm joining in

Oh, that old meme.

Whoever works hardest to rid the world of the modern black plague caused by the jewish diversity psy-ops will rule it. Obama and the Arab Spring proved these creatures have nothing positive to contribute to society. War would definitely put France ahead of any gains made by Brexit or Trump. Good luck.

I think the French military has been cut down from like a height of 300k+ personnel in the early 90s down to something like ~120k+ now. And I think they run similar proportions of non-Whites [maybe a bit lower] as the US. A massive armed revolt of shitskins would likely destroy the entire country and result in massive territorial losses. It would be like Afghanistan where airpower would be the only real way to control anything with every manned patrol resulting in enemy attack and area denial.

The republics have always been dog shit trash. Either an emperor or a king

Fuck off lefty nigger the democracies have always been the problem

French Civil War, huh. How do they determine the winner, synchronized rifle-dropping and white-flag waving for style points?


You also have millions of Whites from around the world who are just waiting to join the first reactionary uprising that kicks off in the white nations. In some regard I almost view Trump and Brexit as just piecemeal bullshit to keep us at bay until (((they))) can strategize a better plan.

Fuck the globalist, fuck the communist and fuck the jew.

Hail victory.

Non. Il n'es' pa' poss'ble.

pic related

Sieg Heil

Regarding point #2, this is the main reason why ZOG has been so adamant about pozzing the military and the 3-letter-agencies with as much vibrant diversity as possible. It's why the modern military is full of tranny sensitivity training and why all the """officers""" now are fat middle-aged black women or literal faggots. They're doing their best to break up the conservative predisposition in the military by forcing it full of marxists and their pet monkeys.

Of course, they only really have the resources to flood the officer positions and agencies with dindus and pozz. They really don't have a way of doing the same thing on a mass scale with the grunts, which is very good.

Vive la France

La Guerre est inevitable. Mais la guerre dans la rue est encore loin. Elle commencera à la fin des années 2020. Avant cela, nous avons l'effrondrement de l'economie mondiale, la perte de controle des gouvernements des ecoles, le chaops dans les rues, les etrangers qui retirent leurs investissements dans nos pays/entreprises.

Je conseil à tous mes frères grenouilles de se procurer un permis ball-trap, et au moins un fusil style mosin-nagant, et un pompe calibre 12.

La guerre qui vient est inevitable. Il faut un evenement historiques gigantesque pour nous condamner a l'effondrement, ou nous propulser vers la derniere étape de notre civilisation: L'Empire.

Ca me parait un peu tard.

Et pourtant c'est vrai. Il va se passer de nombreuses choses dans les prochaines 12 années. Il y aura des evenements qui retarderons egalement l'inevitable.

Mais le camps des saint viendra. Les "migrants" que l'on voit aujourd'hui ne sont que le début. Quelques années après l'effondrement de l’économie mondiale, toute l'Afrique commencera a mourir de faim simultanément.

Il viendrons par 10 de millions et ne arrêterons pas. Ils déplacerons les populations maghrébines vers le nord. Ce sera le chaos totale à une échelle jamais vu. Rien que sa, je ne sais pas si on pourra y tenir.

The logistics chain that services those grunts is pretty non-White. So is the Navy. Yes, you need boots on the ground to occupy territory, but for large swathes of the country they can simply issue surplus weapons to shitskins literally right off the street and deputize them. Will they be anywhere near as effective as a real solider, veteran, or just a typical hunter/range guy? No, of course not. For simply terrorizing the generic White population and guarding routes, they probably don't need to be most of the time.

That's entirely the point. Any conflict will lead to intervention which will lead to more dead whites. Which is exactly what the Jews want.

Ouais mais comment feront ils pour franchir la mer Méditerranée par eux mêmes, sans l'aide de l'UE (qui n'existera probablement plus d'ici la)?

France has been in a state of civil war for decades by now. It's just that only side is fighting.

Ca ressemble un peu à ce que raconte le dernier bouquin d'Obertone non ? J'ai pas pris le temps de le lire mais le synopsis est similaire.
Je ne sais pas pour 2020 mais peut importe la date, j'ai quasiment la certitude que ça va arriver. Je vois le truc un peu comme quand tu préssens un orage, que le temps est écrasant de chaleur et qu'il y'a de l'électricité dans l'air.
L'atmosphère est radioactive actuellement (dans le monde je parle, pas qu'en France) et une simple étincelle pourrait emballer tout l'occident - USA & Russie compris - dans un sorte de croisade 2.0

Je ne pense pas qu'on se retrouverait seul a se défendre d'une telle invasion a part si c'est devenu tellement chaotique que Trump se repli et ne s'occupe plus que des USA, que la Grande Bretagne s'isole elle aussi sur son ile et que toute la méditerranée est déja sous caliphat, dans ce cas là, c'est envisageable, oui.

Après Marion/Marine Jeanne d'Arc il va nous falloir un Charles Martel maintenant. Cette invasion faudrait la stopper au bosphore, et reprendre constantinople au passage.

I don't trust the survivability of provincial languages that do not have a sovereign state of its own to be its official language; if that were to come to pass, it might be a catalyst to the independence of Spanish Catalunya, to absorb French Catalunya.

I rather have a balcanized white france than a unified multicultural francistan.

Pretty sure he's referring to the terror, where they beheaded tens of thousands by guillotine in months. But also, they ended up at war with almost the entire continent shortly after.

What i know is the sooner a civil war breaks out the better for the french.


It's at the point now where if the shooting starts, you don't stop until they're all dead. That goes for any nation on the planet.

The vikings destroyed you in 800 AD

Thanks mon ami

Portuguese here.

If I can say anything positive about the French, is that they always start the party.

The rebirth of the west (Frankish empire), the fightback against the Islamic conquests (Tours), the Crusades (major fighters of the 1st Crusade), second center of the Renaissance, the beginning of the absolute monarchs (Versailles and the Sun King), the beginning of the Jacobin revolutions and finally and arguably together with Germany the spark of WWI.

Pretty much France is at the center of the shitstorm every time.

the french will be the first to fight and the first to win
kek wills it

The Gaul is outnumbered in his own nation. I'm pretty sure outright war is needed at this point for us to be able to even maintain our numbers in our nations let alone regrow them. And for that we will lose population even in that effort.

Postes en Français su le thread French/pol/, ne pollues pas la planche comme ça.

Non. Les fusils à pompe en 12 sont en catégorie B, donc soumis à autorisation (que les préfectures ne donnent quasiment plus maintenant pour les pompes).
En catégorie C, c'est coach gun ou semi auto.
Et ne me parle pas de ces hérésies que sont les pompes à canon rayé.
Let an impure blood
Soak our fields!

The national anthem literally ask to spill blood of their enemies
Kek makes the nicest of gifts
Déshumanisez-vous et faites face au bain de sang.

Heureusement que mon grand père et arrière grand père récupérer et restaurer les armes de la seconde guerre.
Ça a quasiment 100 ans mais c'est plus efficace que ce qu'un civil a le droit de légalement posséder.

Faut surtout écraser les pays du quatar (et autre producteur de pétrole arabe) cette bandes de cons (avec les juifs) foute la merde la ou ils le peuvent.*
Le soucis dans tout ça c'est la France est devenue dépendant de ressources quelle ne produit pas sur son territoires, ce qui est la plus grosse erreur possible pour un pays.
Les U.S on d’ailleurs bien compris ça depuis longtemps.
Ne jamais être dépendant d'un autre pays.

C'est pas comme si cela pouvait aider a se protéger contre un connard mais bon on est tous coupable en France.

De toute façon, un 12 semi-automatique c'est bien plus utile qu'un pompe: pas de perte de mire, moins de recul, cadence de tir plus élevée et surtout, c'est du catégorie C.

Bonjour baguette.

And I'd like to point out that we won that war.
We even ended up conquering half the fucking continent before discovering that snow is cold.

'Twas the good ol' days.

No. Fucking. Way.,_2017#Opinion_polls
There is no scenario in wich lepen wins.
Even if the FN was to somehow double its support in two months, the witch still loses, and we end up with a rape-friendly pig.

So you an expect stricter gun laws, massively increased diversity, and an even more policed state.
Macron is even okay with giving the invaders citizenships, so there might not be coming back from it.

We might be living our last few years, frogs.

The ONLY scenario in wich we win is if they massively chimpout and give us a reason to start shooting.
Right now, we're set on course for a slow and painful death. They just have to wait us out.

If only msm would tell them what's happening. Orly DH_&ncxid=E12B41DC3B242BC01BBCE0C7121FB735&m_i=iJB5niLejlsu_0OYSuqEOfl6A+E0mDfmX3ImfMpcrY2RdqCUjamSH1t1TyC9rd9z6OPEC3HdTnlmMgptwp_zG9mt3aqsF0SiiQ

Something else has happened over the last 2 weeks or so.

Francois Asselineau, after 10 years of being banned from the MSM, all of a sudden is being pushed by the MSM.

That means that now we have TWO candidates (Asselineau and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan) who are there only to steal percentage points from FN, like Philippe de Villiers in previous elections.

if that is the case then the solution is to shoot first, as soon as Lepen loses. I expect it's best that at the same time shit pops off across the globe. I talking dead jews eerwhere.
South Africa should happen at the same time while the world is distracted.
In all the chaos as many of our true enemies die as possible to send them scurrying back to israel


It is the only sane answer. Guaranteed pure white bloodlines in power, with a biological investment in making sure the country does well and is not invaded.

The jews had a large part in the 'french' revolution, killing off all the nobility en masse.

Same as in the 'russian' revolution.

It serves them to remove any obstacles and make the people think it was their own idea.

I see antisemitism is out of control in France. Good.

All is right in the world.

Yeah the saying was wrong until he added bain.
Les fokken memes Jaques.




Give everything the D.

The french are frogs, they already have the blessing of Lord Kek and his Prophet Pepe (peace be upon him).

So much this.

Quebec too. That Bissonette guy jumped the gun.

Does he know where Aleppo is?

what's a leppois?

Memes aside, I can assure you that they both know where Aleppo is. NDA and Asselineau are both very very very smart people just like de Villiers was.
They're both graduates of the ENA and other elite French univiersities like HEC and Sciences Po. Literally some of the most prestigious and elite universities in France.

Asselineau in particular was second best in his ENA class. Second best! Since you're Québecois you probably know how incredibly hard that is.

really don't think there will, and if there is, it'll be game over for the muzzs in a heartbeat

apart from Paris and Marseille, it's pretty safe and a big 90% white majority

Jesus Christ, fellow burgers, France has a chance of uncucking themselves and getting Le Pen in office and *this* is how you treat them when they speak their own language like a proud frog?

I don't know anything about French politics, but here in the US we were talking about the possibility of a Civil War a lot while Trump was getting elected, and a lot of it came down to "Doesn't matter, we'll win 'cause we have the guns." Your situation may be more complicated, depending on your gun laws and who likes guns demographically over there.

Le pen is clearly controlled competition.

People might say "hurr well wait for hitler then" and they are correct. We DO need a hitler so we better get fucking active.


Transexual Commie Shitskin (we are all ) Catalans

Don't make me laugh

I'd laugh at the segregationists. Do you fools really believe they would let you alive in your backwaters without industry.

Guaranteed kikes in power,

Cheering for those wanting to butcher you.

Never trust any nobility, they betrayed Uncle Adolf.

C'est possible.

Essaye d'arranger les choses Democratiquement pour commencer, mais prepare toi pour le pire.

Bonne chance, cousin.

Vive la France Libre!

so then yes, you are absolutely headed for a civil war.
we got your backs, though, frenchies. we'll send you kebab removal tools if it breaks out into open conflict.
the u.s. does in fact teach about, and therefore collectively remember, france's contribution to our independence.

vid related is from 2014, but the hatred hasn't stopped us don't worry. We had been forced to live with them for hundreds of years now, thanks to Napoleon. So we do have some things to say about the international jews.

L.I.C.R.A. (Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisemitisme - International League Against Racism and Antisemitism) is the French A.D.L by the way

Did those frenchmen just said Juden to the Gaschambers?

Yeah but it's not gonna be white vs shitskins, but right wing vs left wing, shitskins, jews, the army, the police, …

There will be no civil war without empty stomachs.
Your best hope is the collapse of the welfare state.

It will be an ethnic and religious war.
Niggers, Arabs,Jews,Gypsies and kung fu people don't belong here.
Deus Vult.

My God, I never realized that until now.


Well shit. Guess we have to wait for Charles Martel.

No, here's what they said
and one guy saying
Robert Faurisson is a 88 yo academic who was prosecuted for questioning the holohoax and the veracity of the gas chambers amongst other things. He's been used by a popular comedian now, sad.

Shoot down the power grids around Paris, frog

Ah thanks for translating it.
Is it that one murzyn nigga who made the "le quenelle" meme?


It's coming. French are getting more and more redpilled.

how often is stuff like vid related happening in paris?

Are the French starting the fire?

Le feu monte et l´Union Zeropéenne brûlera!


(18) 11, 00 and 88! Nice!

Paris will be the first to fall to Islam. This, because the French citizenry have been effectively (((taught))) to have a distaste for self-defense in the face of violence, while the soldiers of Islam do not.

Make preparations accordingly.
Accommodations should be planned to make sure that certain treasures get saved in the midst of chaos - think Museums/monuments, banking contents and precious metals, irreplacable tools - the Islamic Jews will loot what they can sell and actively destroy the rest. Their goal is especially to destroy what has made France 'France'.
Outlying areas should be fortified with armaments and instant barricades. Medical supplies should be cached for the civilians fleeing from Paris.
The French military needs to be aware of what will happen, that they can organize any patriots appropriately. (They already know what's coming…)
Other regions of France should be prepared for a protracted guerilla war stemming from pockets of well-armed Islamic rule. Turkey esp. is likely to refortify their breathren in France.

Don't expect much help from the rest of the West. We are all so infested, ruled by Jews, it's unlikely we will lift a finger to help the Parisian refugees, unless they are brown-skinned, of course. France is the NWO test case. They are seeing how much they can do with their Islamic army before they unleash it upon the rest of the West.

This is great. If only the shadow government was stupid enough to impeach Trump at the same time as stealing the election from Le Pen, the shitskins would all be pushed back to the hellholes they came with no more aid to sustain their miserable existences.

Anyone got any Charles Martel as pepe memes?

Pic not related, it's David and Goliath

The UN can't do jack shit without the USA to enforce it's rulings.

Whatever happens, I would like to see to see a referendum of independence for Britanny, and maybe a referendum to join an (uncucked) Germany, but other than that, Aquitania and Burgundy ought to belong to France, as far as I'm concerned.

The monarchy will need new non-kike blood, of course. The Bourbons and the Bonapartes are both defeated bloodlines, and unless they take the crown of France with a sword (or FN FAL in this case), then I will have no respect for either.