>SJW trash
What games did you guys have in mind?
>SJW trash
What games did you guys have in mind?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah okay.
Also yeah okay
only if you want it to be
Not really duder. it's an alright sort of thing. not really a game, not really not a game.
Atleast it isn't minecraft stories
Holla Forums is worse than tumblr. You came to the wrong place to complain about SJWs.
I rest my case.
do we need to bring out the "stupid gun" scene.
At least the characters are fuckable besides the cunt with the blue hair
Sony as a company. They are responsible for everything wrong in the industry today. The Playstation brand is cancer.
You talk like a faggot
Sorry not every company can cater to your pedophile needs like Nintendo can.
Did this place get overrun in the ~6 months since I've been gone?
I feel like a game should fully be considered a game by it's players to warrant that much praise
if you compare shit with another shit, its still shit, user.
Who the fuck types like this?
Nothing weird about that, friendo.
What actually gets me about this game is that it was probably written up by a handful of balding nu-males and maybe one token female, probably decked out in warning coloration. That's a group of people who are painfully out of touch with real teens and the game makes it incredibly obvious with how artificial and awkward everything is. Why did they think they could identify with teen girls? It it because they have just about the same testosterone levels as said teens?
Guess the game
I don't know if it even has an art style
only good thing from this
Guess the game.
I don't know anything about it but I'll guess Stardew Valley solely on the fact that it's the only time I've heard of a Harvest Moon clone
no idea if it contains any of those Holla Forums trigger words in it
I'm curious, why was this made? The animation and sfx choice are pretty good, I doubt it was just slapped together casually.
Oh boy, I have this one!
You know the answer.
…I know you're probably talking about Stardew Valley, but you are also pretty nicely describing current Harvest Moon. Everything from about Tale of Two Towns onward.
Cringily bad hip too.
Here's where I disagree with you on why this isn't cancer to the industry.
Not a bad thing.
Only if you look into shit that isn't there. It may be cringy and terrible writing but SJW it is not.
What? The episodes got reviews ranging from mediocre to pretty good. It didn't sell well and a lot of people online tore it apart.
Absolutely amazing.
The biggest problem was that in both endings your choices were entirely meaningless. You should have been given the choice to let the tornado destroy the town while you were out being cosy in the art exhibit.
Not really, probably some salty faggot because anons were tired of them injecting social politics into their every post.
lol, people actually played this "game"
You know, life is Strange could be interesting if it didn't focus on such lame fucking characters. I mean, Chloe and Max keep crying about their life, Max even says that chloe is poor, but their living conditions are much better than I've seen.
The story makes little sense and I could forgive it if it had interesting puzzles but it had about 2 the entire game and the last chapter is a stealth ripoff.
Here's a question fot you anons:
How would you make Life is Strange interesting?
I'd make it about Victoria instead. Playing as a stuck-up bitch who is secretly an anime fan and exploring her realtionship with her psycho best friend who forgets to take his meds and by the end turns out to have killed multiple people.
Make the time travel like Radiant Historia, where you bounce back and forth between two timelines. Main character uses information from one timeline to solve things in the other timeline, bounces back, solves something else, etc, etc. The girl that doesn't time travel (and thus knows about the events in each timeline) is there to keep main girl on track, since she doesn't see everything that changes with each jump. Boom, time traveling, mystery solving lesbians, but now it's interesting.
Here and Holla Forums gets shit up by reddit and tumblr apologists and when called out demand fair treatment. It's like they want this place to be like cuckchan.
I would shill that for free.
I'd say that sounds great.
Bear with me here.
I think the biggest problem here has been right under our noses all along. It's people going for the lesser evil in the industry and defending it as much as they can, going through mental gymnastics trying to convince themselves that this is a good game that requires skill simply because you need to learn what character counters which. And when you talk about the shit balancing, they immediately screech "muh teamwork wins the match it's a team based game" like it's some sort of fucking battle of stalingrad simulator where the fun is in bum rushing the objective like chickens with their heads cut off thinking there's fun in something like that. No skill, just casual fun and waifubait that makes any autist defend it like it's the second coming of christ.
The best part? When the game eventually dies off and said retard moves onto another very similar game, changing out all of his social media profile pictures of old waifus with new ones. The cancer are the fags who support shit like this. Today's MOBA/FPS is tomorrow's CoD. The cancer is YOU.
Check the steam page and see how much you are wrong about the praise.
No, CoD was yesterday's MOBA/FPS. The series is on a decline while competitive centered multiplayer games are on the rise. And in many ways, those games are worst than CoD.
I meant that people are merely supporting casual trash with a different coat of paint, and the "coat of paint" in turn gets popular and saturates the industry. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
But it's funny how competitive vidya is on the rise and surprisingly, absolutely none of it is very competitive.
most people here that aren't in the Overwatch sump thread are on the same page. and it's not just Overwatch, it's that entire "genre" that materialized out of nowhere. TF2+MOBA.
dota. git good.
I can't stand a game where everything moves slow as shit for the first 20 minutes or whatever. MOBAs hurt my fucking head, I wanna be directly in the shit from beginning to end. Hell, I can hardly even stand vidya where you only get one life per round. It's a good thing I'm actually good enough to get around shit like that though.
And don't get me even started on how much a vastly prefer RTS over assfags.
laneing phase is 10 minutes or less, and there's heavy rotations at real skill levels.
I really like how the death timer rises, adds pressure and danger. like I can't play ArmA without permadeath, it ruins the experience.
fair enough, can't change people's genre preferences.
Ori and the Blind Forest
One of these was praised as the second coming. The other was largely ignored. If that isn't indicative of Undertale a perfect example of industry cancer, I don't know what is.
I support the idea of an increasing death timer but
Nah, I can't put up with that. Even in RTS, the beginning of the match is actually the most intense with the amount of precise management needed with each unit in order to get shit done the quickest. There's simply too much walking and waiting for your character to get to a certain place. Controlling one character in an RTS-like setting is simply too jarring and basic for me that I end up treating the match like a joke because it feels too much like…well…the original DoTA. Just a custom gametype rather than it's own thing.
But then, I also can't stand the idea of a "build order," so I'm not much of a fan of either genre in the end.
I don't know about you, user, but I see Ori mentioned everywhere. Especially on steam.
Didn't it hit 1 million+ sales and consistently get 80+ Metacritic ratings?
Oh I'm sure Ori gets talked about some places, but not like Undertale or any other indie darling. It certainly wasn't as popular as it should have been either.
It's a fucking visual novel you faggot. To be fair, not a great one but you can't have the same expectations as for ordanary games.
Why not going to cuckchan then? m00t worshippers should be gassed too.
LiS is shit, but I did like the twist.
what fucking twist? only a child could not have predicted the plot two chapters in advance
What are you? A misogynist or something?
Are you sure this isn't tongue-in-cheek?
Battlefront in an angry way and DOOD in a sad way. The first one is a disgusting by-the-numbers cash-in with zero moral integrity and less content than either of its predecessors and the latter is sad because it feels like what's left of id tried really hard to make a proper Doom game but didn't know how.
If you ever needed proof that reddit has infested this place, let this thread stand as proof.
Give the MC roughly the same time travel abilities, but only allow her to rewind time one or two minutes into the past. Then you could focus on her slow descent into misanthropy because she ultimately starts treating her friends and family's conversations the same way she treats the blackjack table at the local casino.
Then in when Chole shoots herself, Max just rewinds and lets the scene play out over and over. She doesn't know why, but having that amount of control over something (even something painful and likely traumatic) feels good because of how shitty and powerless her small town life is.
I don't know if this would work in a gameplay sense, but it's not like LiS has any gameplay to ruin.
Haha, good one.
Undertale does a lot of things wrong, but this isn't one of them. It only takes a handful of hours to play through in the first place.
The site ate my file.
I'm not a /k/ommando. Tracer rounds still glow even if they ricochet, yes?
Nice meme. I guess Street Fighter 3 is SJW too.
I don't remember a 'gender neutral' protagonist in SF3. Try again faggot.
you mean the teacher being the bad guy with exactly one throwaway line of foreshadowing?
or the fact that the devs didn't have the balls to make him rape students and instead just drugs and photographs them?
because honestly I was more surprised by the latter
I've came to this so many times.
Some people get off to it. PestilenceSFM is the animator, a lot of his stuff is hit or miss but he strikes gold occasionally like with that webm or the Kasumi anal snuff. His newest one where Harley gets shot in the head for not sucking cock good enough is pretty hot too.
I don't even get rustled when I see SFM dickings of Chloe. That bitch is the worst lesbian ever and probably only because she's so retarded and dangerous that any man would have a yandere harem 10 lifetimes over before even thinking of going near.
Yeah you are right about the lack of foreshadowing, I remember thinking that. Don't know maybe it was because I played with a group of friends, we shat and laughed at it the entire game til that part. I remember asking that.
What's next? It's SJW to not have a silent protagonist so you can use them as more of an avatar? Retard.
Not really, just trash.
Too bad sc2 is min max bullshit built on how fast you can execute certain build orders, maybe if we could go back to age of empires or command and conquer style games that gave you more flexable gameplay RTSs would be fun again
Any modern Naughty Dog game
Ye, its attached to the bullet.
>these are all good points of Frisk a special snowflake name for special gender-atypical snowflakes
Nigga, if an 8 year old girl got into God of War, she'd still see herself as her self playing the game, and not a super ripped demigod. Avatars don't mean shit, people self insert anyways. Anyone whose gaming experience is ruined by shit like this is an identity politic.
nope, just some apologist faggot. We get them from time to time.
go back to cuckchan faggot
Retard, isn't the protognist silent? How can they have "preferred pronouns" if they don't tell anyone. They call Frisk "they/them" so it doesn't break the immersion of the character being you. Imagine if you were playing as you character and then someone calls you "she". You thought your avatar was supposed to be you, but they just called your avatar female. Immersion broken.
No user, you are the SJW.
Well given you're triggered about it right now I'd say you subscribe to that shit hard.
You're one of those twits who renames their characters after you and your friends in RPGs, aren't you? It's ok sunshine. I'm sorry I don't care for your shitty mspaint game. Maybe you can go jerk off to your goat porn to feel better.
I played through Undertale and none of this actually apply to the main character. Stop being angry about games you have only read about on deluded tumblr blogs.
You mean like many game characters? Guess Beyond Good & Evil is SJW too since they never tell you what Jade's race is.
I don't, just explaining that others do.
Haven't played any RPGs where you can name a character besides your own, except for Pokemon, in which I name them after a friend.
It's okay spring chicken, I haven't played your mspaint game, and don't have any plans to.
Nah, not into Undertale characters. Don't strain yourself too hard trying to think up another epi ccomeback.
At least it isn't free to play yet
Jade had characteristics other than her gender and ethnicity. Because she was a character. Not a diversity quota blob.
Ya, SJWs do. Why do you think they keep pushing the 'such and such game is made for white men to project themselves into their fantasies' bullshit? Because they do just that.
Oh, right. School is out. No wonder Holla Forums is getting shittier.
I felt bad the first time I wanked to this
I've made several playthroughs. Didn't regret it, and enjoyed it at times
I just want to shitpost
Bullshit. It doesn't even look like me, and I'd never dress like that. It would have been better if they fleshed it out more. I'd be immersed with any good character, male or female.
You want to know what really broke my immersion
Fuck me. A single person is not enough plural pronouns.
And Frisk is an avatar.
Guess all those silent protagonists Nintendo created are for the SJWs then. Also, it's hilarious you imply it's an SJW thing when escapist characters have existed for decades.
Maybe you should wait til you've finished school before you try to fit in?
Tell that to Link.
And it's been used as early as the 1700s, so it was a thing long before those SJW bullshit pronouns.
At least Nintendo has the conviction necessary to give their MC a gender.
Link: 1
SJW circle jerk character: 0
As time goes on, it seems like more and more of the stuff taught to me in English classes was all lies. Every English teacher who was asked said the reason the subject was mandatory for all of compulsory education, and post-secondary, was that no one demonstrates a mastery of it; everyone speaks and writes like retards.I'm guilt of this shit myself****
When did this start to happen? I've only noticed it in the last few years, but I'm only recently not underage b&.
When you became an OCD Grammar Nazi who spends his time on imageboards?
Kill yourself
Find a new job dude.
Right, a diversity quota blob for SJWs. Just as I said.
I sure remember projecting myself onto Mario, Link and the like. They were characters I controlled. Not a digital me.
Funny, I thought they were called avatars. Which is it?
This is the second time you've pulled the 'I'm rubber and your glue" shit. The second time you've pulled the meme shit too. That's sad.
You tell that guy! I mean, is he cereal? It's hella one of the best games of this generation. It's a steampunk!
You're an idiot.
Feel free to explain why they're devoid of dialogue and personalities?
Not all escapist characters are avatars, but all avatars are escapist characters. Comprehendae?
oh THAT? I had that shit guessed two chapters in advance simply because the plot always shifted focus away from him, and it's easy to deduce when the game is about muh soggyknees. Goddamn, have you people never seen an ep of scooby doo? Mystery 101, here.
I'm sorry but I laughed hard at this post.
But really, what's so awful about "There's" instead of "There are"?
Full retard right here.
1+ (You)
Who gives a fuck about review sites. They give most shit an 7 and above anyway.
There's = There is
Guess you would know, nigger.
Nothing really aside from ignoring subject-verb agreement. I know it rolls of the tongue more easily, so I don't begrudge people so say that.
This whole fucking thread…
c'mon guys, you got any legitimate complaints?
This whole fucking post reads as "I'm bad at the game and therefore its shit how can people like what I don't like."
You guys want to talk about Episodic content being cancer then you should probably start at Half Life 2. That's where the concept became popularized.
Worst thing is, they didn't even fucking FINISH it. Instead of putting up one last episode they said they would just make a whole other Half Life.
about a decade and some change later and Half Life 3 still isn't around.
You want to talk about cash shops and other cancer? Valve again with Team Fortress 2 which normalized and showed great profits in having people pay real money for in game items. You can point to maybe WoW for this but those were shops made outside of the gaming sphere and for a time Blizzard tried to take steps to actually shut those down.
Oh, but you should also blame each and every MMO that went Free to Play (Pay to Win) and every fucking phone game that does the same.
You guys want to talk about cancer in writing and pandering then you have to look no further than Mass Effect 3. Where EA popularized and legitimized the concept of hiding behind the LBGT community.
Actually, you might even bring in Assassin's Creed into this. Starting with the first one with that little "This game was made by a multicultural development team" blah blah bullshit that at first seemed like a pleading excuse to not get Aloha Snackbared by some angry muslims but has then since evolved into a way to help hide themselves from criticisms as they pump games out year after year like some shitty horror movie franchise. So now when you're in trouble you just write in some gay character or some Trans or some minority or woman or cripple and you can say "you just don't like the game because of ." and throngs of twitter activists will flock to your aid. They won't buy the game but they will help defend you and silence criticism against your shitty game.
But hey, you really want to know what the big cancer of the industry is? What is rotting away AAA development and tons of others too?
Its that developers and publishers have this mistaken idea that their game, yes their game, can be the first game a person ever plays and will be the game that brings them into being a gaming hobbyist. So they dumb everything down, they put button prompts everywhere, they make what are literal movies that you have to press a button to continue watching (annoying, really) because they are convinced that they can make their game appeal to those that don't even play video games.
You know what though? I don't expect this thread to be much more than bitching about what's been popular now and the last 3 or so years. Give it a few months once the hype has died down and you'll all be enjoying your daily Overwatch threads complete with all your memes and shit. Undertale is already on its way there.
Got it, you're retarded. Begone blizzdrone.
This fucking game was the very catalyst to all "Multiplayer Early Access Rixel-based Zombie Survival Sandbox" cancers.
No you see I don't think you can "git gud" because you either A, have never played the game or B you just suck at the game in a terminal manner.
Or you're just determined to hate it for whatever fallacious reasoning you can come up with which would lead me back to point A.
See it all the time on this fucking board, just circle jerks about how the new popular thing is bad and so much digging and nitpicking to try to justify that statement.
In the sea of exploitative bullshit where hack "writers" think they have a story to tell and where DLC is fucking MANDATORY to finish some games (season passes…good god) we have a game that cuts out all story, lets you drop into a match and get in and just fucking play.
Gives you a great variety of characters to play, each rather unique to eachother in weapons/abilities/movement and nothing is a wasted repeat. You know, when they put something there just because of the way it looks?
Oh, and they didn't lock your character & stage selections behind a fucking paywall like every fucking MOBA seems to do.
You know, doing shit right.
Zombie survival sandbox? Nah, I don't think it was minecraft that did that but yeah I can agree it did help push the idea of "early access" but all that shit seemed to pop up around the same time Kickstarter got popular so who knows? Terraria is better game all around anyway.
Zombies being used as default enemies was always going to happen in video games because the AI is easy and the concept is acceptable to a game player. Zombies attack in large numbers and have no regard for themselves so they just come at you. That AI programming is easy as fuck and people don't bat an eye at that.
However, you make them into actual things that are supposed to think (like replace zombies with soldiers or whatever) and now people call your AI programming into question.
You give zombies guns and the only thing people say is "ZOMBIES SHOULDN'T HAVE GUNS" but will still let the shitty AI programming slide. because zombies.
Actually "there is a lot" is valid, if you use "a lot" as in a singular measure of something.
There is "a lot" of land, for example.
I played an entire night of it, hated every second
MVP of every match, didn't even care about the win because I wasn't having fun
No, I've just played enough of both TF2-types and FPS' to know what quality in said genres are like.
I don't understand, I can't nitpick a casual as fuck clone of another casual game.
Remember what I said about people defending shit to the bitter end because it's the lesser evil? You know what you're doing right now?
That's not a selling point, you're describing hero-based vidya in general
As opposed to what, a game that doesn't let you drop in the match in play? Are you serious right now or are you going to say something stupid like "WELL UH, YOU HAVE TO CLICK OUT OF THAT MAP SCREEN IN ARMA DUDE"
That's why you bought the game?
You actually think it's more than waifushit? Nice.
Do you not know what F2P means or…?
Congratulations on being the exact shit I was talking about in my post. I can literally use your post to defend any game, congrats on making yet another shill copypasta. Congrats on having such low expectations. Epic shitpost, you got me to reply this time.
Full Retard. Here's your (You)
that's all you came here for.
I don't know about Zombies or Sandbox, but Minecraft was, if nothing else, the ultimate early access success story.
Fuck I remember playing it back during Alpha, back before survival test existed. The game seemed so tiny, like a flash game you'd play in a browser.
Now it's made billions.
Out of curiosity, what does this mean? This is an imageboard and this thread is going to 404 eventually, so what's the point racking up replies like they're some sort of validation (or presuming others want to)? They're as fleeting as they are useless.
It was cheap as fuck back in the day and a good value for money. It wasn't a ripoff in the slightest, just like Besiege; unlike the kind of early access shit people rightly complain about.
Some people feel so starved for attention that all they want is a response. This is the origin of not only internet trolling, but all sorts of misbehaviour by children outside of videogames as well.
Outside of the internet, I mean.
Aah I see, the (You) is the thing he sees on your reply.
I'm actually not complaining.
Yeah, it's not that good now, I still go back to it when I'm bored from time to time, but solely for creative.
I payed 10 dollars back during a two for one sale back Christmas 2009, got the game for me and my cousin. We had our fun, and I definitely got my monies worth over the next year or so.
I wish I could go back to those easier times someday, when we had fun servers like the Archives and I could just wander around cities or castles. Ultimate comfy.
Yes, but attention is fleeting. When people don't walk out of the spotlight with any material reward, wouldn't it curb those tendencies? Why is it worth the effort?
Persona 4
Oh yeah, tell me more about how you went from 0 to top player in the world in one night.
Never. Fucking. Fails. Every time.
Ya know what, anybody with a brain can see you're just heaping salt for salt. Defending lesser evils? What the fuck does that even mean for this game? What exactly are they doing in a business sense and game design sense that is wrong? Are they fucking over the players in any way? Have they ruined a genre somehow?
Please tell me and try not to use the word "casuals" because at this point its a buzzword that is synonymous with popular.
It means that if you don't agree with every statement of the hivemind you must be a troll or some attention starved kid.
But if you noticed, pretty much the whole thread was bitching about very recent games. Recent and popular I might add.
Its a hipster circle jerk at that point because they're not really trying to talk about the cancer of the gaming industry, they're just trying to vent about their hipster-needs to bash what's popular. Stop liking what I don't like sort of thing.
Much of the faults in the industry today were put into a little more than a decade ago.
Business, much like law, works on precedence.
Minecraft's success in selling alpha copies sets the precedence that you could sell incomplete games and people will buy it.
Kickstarter provides the climate for the "Early Access" model as a means of shoring up funding, a sort of plug-in to the kickstarter crowdfunding model.
All of these things lead to two consequences:
1) You can push out an unfinished game with an expectation of purchases and then finish it up later. That way you can meet certain deadlines and buying seasons. See SFV, MGS5 (not in story but in gameplay content/features) for recent examples.
2) You can perhaps push a demo for a fee. See MGS:Ground Zeroes. If it weren't for the previous things, nobody would have even thought of doing this. But also now that the paid demo was a success, expect to see MORE of that type of shit.
Japanese RPG problems can be directly linked to the rise of the waifu and husbando moe-shit anime popularity.
Your game describes all the same cancers that anime has been struck with. Its no surprise that the gaming sector would emulate the other entertainment sectors that the video game players also consume.
Its sad to say, but the ones ruining things are the no-lifer NEETs who want to be the little girl.
RPGs in general seem to be fucked at the moment. What was the latest big release of a western RPG? Fallout 4? Where once again you're chasing some rogue family member around?
Somebody at Bethesda has some serious fucking family issues and needs to stop writing.
Trolling is entertaining, that's all. However, the key is to put in less effort than the trolled.
user, it's a fucking CASUAL AS FUCK FPS. And I am very good at FPS. So, YES, I got MVP A LOT.
Nah, eat shit. Casual means it's easy as fuck and requires no skill to play. The video game equivalent of a capeshit summer blockbuster.
Besides making a mediocre shooter that requires no skill that is the new "in" thing atm, just like splatoon was, just like black desert was, just like sm4sh was. Admit it already, this fucking game is just another meme that'll be replaced in a fucking year. There, you got my reply.
this "game"
Every fucking time. No wonder why these retards praise this shit, they have no other reference in the first place.
What's a hardcore FPS? Like for real, I would like to know.
What makes a game not "casual" in any genre, really. Seriously, please explain this to me. I've been playing video games for nearly 3 decades now and I would really like to know.
Its a term that gets thrown around here so much that its lost all meaning. usually thrown at games someone doesn't like and/or is popular.
At the time, yes. But really it may have done more good than harm. Capcom was forced to realize the mistake they made and as a sort of apology they went and did the DMC4 Special Edition AND it seems like they're on track to making a DMC game in its proper series line.
On top of that, I think the way the "gaming media" and other sources handled this game, showing outright open contempt towards an audience who didn't ask for it and were disappointed by what they were seeing, was a nice big first eye opener into just what "gaming journalism" is all about. I know plenty of people who treat game news sites as nothing more than one big commercial channel for video games where they USED to actually value the opinions of the article writers/reviewers.
It was cancer that the fans were actually able to stop. Imagine if it had been successful though? Imagine the flood of shit we'd be wading through now. Japanese game series handed off to western devs and given that middle-school EDGY treatment.
Quake, Unreal Tournament.
What makes them hardcore? What is the specific mechanics or design?
Emphasis on mobility/weapon spawning instead of 'loadouts'/no perks/speed
The design makes CoD sniper campaign a doomed approach since >no health regeneration
So by that logic then Halo or Gears of War are hardcore too, aren't they?
Just mad dashes to whatever the better weapon is?
I guess an argument could be made from the health regen but if you are able to get away long enough to let your health fully recover you are either rather skilled or your opponent(s) is shit.
All I see is a difference in gameplay goals/direction. Quake and UT are focused around kill counts being the driving factor. You might have capture the flag and other modes but all your tools are meant only to kill. Which is fine, that's what the game is going for. That is how you get your wins. You have game modes like capture the flag and king of the hill to be sure but considering that killing someone starts them at zero again (any better weapons they picked up are gone from them), killing people consistently is a great way to win.
In overwatch its all about capturing and holding points/positions. So yes, while killing the enemy is a big part of that, the team composition (and having a competent team) becomes an equal part. There really can't be a situation where you have a one man murder machine carrying the whole team in Overwatch. Individual skill does help the team but a huge individual kill count doesn't matter if you never spent time taking and holding the objective point. There are individual rewards for these metrics but i've seen matches lost with teams with high kill counts because they never bothered to actually take and hold the points enough.
I don't know man, just seems like different goals of play.
If Overwatch had shit like being able to customize loadouts for a character. Being able to get bigger and better weapons because of play time (the XP factor of this game is only to unlock cosmetic "loot crates" which are costumes, sprays, voices, poses). Or having a smaller character selection, I would be inclined to agree. Adding RPG mechanics to a multiplayer shooter is a way to get people who suck at shooters start to feel like they're getting better but really they're just fudging numbers in their favor vs newer players.
In Overwatch, like UT & Quake, everyone has the exact same access to the exact same tool set.
I'm sorry, I just find it hard to see Overwatch, of all things, as cancer in the industry.
No SJW bullshittery story.
No jewery regarding actual gameplay mechanics (as in trying to get people to buy gameplay changing items. Pay to Win sort of shit).
and from what I know so far, no plans to make people pay for actual additions to the game like any future characters or maps.
There are a whole lot of cancerous things that Blizzard has actively done in the recent past but this isn't one of them. It seems like for once SOMEONE has learned from their mistakes.
Save this post though, i'll probably be proven wrong in 6 months and they'll try to gouge people for money then.
If you've never played Quake or UT, why are you trying to post about them?
I have. A long time ago. I admit my recall might be a bit spotty.
I feel like the last time I played an UT game may have been during the PS2 era. Guns generally had a primary and secondary fire from what I recall.
I remember some sort of green goop/sludge gun and some yellow one that you could shoot out bouncing fragments.
I think there was also something that could shoot discs that bounced too.
But what have I said was wrong in the initial statement? Those games are primarily killcount/death matches.
You have a spawn point and you have primary weapons you start with (usually barely better than crap) and there are weapons on the map to pick up which are usually better.
I will say that they have something that overwatch lacks in and that's there is definitely a better weapon for the environment fit strategy to be played, on the fly, in those older games.
But again, I attribute that to design goals more than anything that has to do with casual/hardcore.
I love it.
For me, the difference between a casual or hardcore game hobbyist is all about variety. A casual, to me, is someone who only plays maybe one game or one type of game. Like they might ONLY play shooters or might ONLY play sports games and most times only from a single franchise. The latest batch we've seen have been those that only play the super story heavy games that are pretty much just movies that require you to press buttons to continue. Order 1886, Undertale, Gone Home, those sorts of things. The large influx of a base that those games might get doesn't mean you now have video game hobbyists, it means you have a bunch of people who enjoy what is essentially a visualized book or a semi-interactive movie.
As a side note, the "COD fanbase" was most of this. Just people who only play that shooter and might go to others but you'd never see them play a fighting game, an RTS, or definitely none of that kiddy weaboo trash. Only mature games for mature gamers.
Likewise, to me, cancer comes from shitty business practices/decisions. Cancer grows when people willingly buy into that sort of shit. Fradulent DLC, Season passes, pre-orders with bonuses that are unique to certain stores (basically forcing some sort of store loyalty or some shit), the evaporation of exclusives (as in designing with intention to port instead of designing to a single system to start with), pay to win features, and of course everyone's favorite cancer which is a game company trying to design a game to pull in more players "we want the COD audience" effect.
See, I don't necessarily see certain GAMES as cancer unless they cause a direct spawning of shitty practices. That's part of the reason why I am skeptical about the claims of games being shown here as being "cancer" when the problems started long before them. I had shown this in previous posts. Shit, sometimes a complete cancerous game can prove to be its own chemo like with DmC. The flop that came after the pomp and bluster from the paid game journos and the other major outlets really put a stop to what could have been a disaster of western-driven edgy retarded reboots of other japanese titles.
If you want to blame a game as real cancer on the industry, at least in the indie scene, I would say you have to look no further than Gone Home. A perfect nexus of nearly all that is wrong with the industry and its practices today, basically a product of other cancers, and it also helped to propagate other cancerous shit because it set a precedence. Its a tumor.
Gone Home's success proved you could put minimal effort in making an actual game. It proved you could get by with a walking simulator if you tried to spin it all as you were telling some sort of story. It also showed that you could get bonus brownie points if you made that story fall into SJW wank material.
It showed that you could make even a non-game float to financial and perhaps critical success with the right marketing and spin.
Now all you have to do as a future developer to top that is put a little bit more into your story, maybe give A gameplay option and boom, you now have Life is Strange and Undertale. And because Gone Home was successful, developers that actually used to put effort into crafting gameplay, which is hard to do, can now strip all sorts of shit back and have some hack put a story on it.
You got anymore of his stuff?
Until Dawn is a textbook example of everything wrong with modern video games.
I think if it had focused on the high school setting and managing relationships and such with time travel powers. The first episode has you talk to someone then go back in time to talk to that person again equipped with new information. Managing your way through high school in this way could be interesting. Certainly better than the garbage it actually was.
I would think Evolve is probably a situation that is simultaneously a cancerous game (trying to push some rather shitty business practices) while also being the chemo (because it flopped hard).
Remember how much it was pushed? How much it was hyped? How it was the second coming of shooters?
Then they hit everybody with season passes and expensive as fuck costs for maps and characters and other really shitty things like that?
Which then proved that they pushed forward a little too hard for a game that was hyped a little too much, it flopped, and now people are a bit more cautious about that shit and companies will likely not try that again.
But as for the first point, I think the game industry is trying to take a page from how hip-hop artists promote themselves. Especially new ones. There is an odd trend where a brand new rap guy will, on his first album, perhaps even the first song that makes it big, talk about himself as if he were a big name the entire time. Talk about all the cars and houses and women he has and how big his name is in the streets when he's literally had NOTHING going for him, at all. The intended effect seeming to be that if you can convince people you're a big deal, even when you're not, then you'll eventually be a big deal. Fake it til you make it.
That's what I remember seeing with Evolve. They pushed the thing as if it were some grand sequel to a well known and great series and everyone should be hyped about it.
I wish, my hopes have been dashed. The whole capture suit thing was for an arcade game
Another quality thread to help redditors learn how to fit in.
Every David Cage game. They're all shit from terrible storytelling to the fucking Europeans trying to sound American. Cage's self-insertions justify anyone wanting to slap Cage in the face for being such a pretentious cunt.
In terms of Gary Stu faggotry, Dragon Age is cancer in terms of all the dumb shit found in every game.
Might as well throw in League of Legends. Lol wasn't that great of a game, but almost every rework/VU is a disaster. Riot is a sleazy company, yet it gets away with all kinds of shit. Lol's also reeking of some major SJW bullshit lately ("Gay as fuck Taric*," Cait-Vi shit).
*Taric needed a rework, but everything about it is wrong. I don't want to see what they'll to Yoric.
What counters? All you do is pick Reinhart, LOLBastion, Hanzo/Genji (pick your cancer), McCree, Widowmaker, Lucio, Tracer, Roadhog, and Junkrat. Every fucking match up I've seen feels like cancer that kills me with boredom.
Fuck. you.
Was there some sort of amazing cultural revolution in Japan that made them absolutely HATE money?
Chara is the player, and Frisk is supposed to be extremely similar to Chara in every sense, perhaps going as far as being a reincarnation. Determining a gender for Frisk means determining a gender for Chara, and thus blowing the cover.
Taric has always been gay as fuck. It would be concerning if they reworked Ezreal to be a yaoi fuccboi just because the fanbase jokes about it, but Taric was a flamboyant faggot from the start. A very cool flamboyant faggot, at that.
Have they confirmed this? I thought they dropped all lore enriching attempts since Season 2.
Even without the ridiculous hype and praise, I would still consider this one of the worst games I've ever played. The fact that there are people on this board, right now, that don't see any of these problems is extremely disheartening for the future of games.
Fuck you. I'm serious, the game is trash.
It is just an interactive story with rules on how you are allowed to interact inside.
A very basic game that relies on a story to compensate for the shallow gameplay.
Capped. Pat yourself in the back, you earned it.
Every. Fucking. Time.
People still say that? Seriously?
both look funking retarded, I loved starcraft's story but holyshit neither of those look remotely fun
its the whole autism spectrum in one video
No they don't, which is why one of the most consistent complaints about this game is the slang.
go back to giantbomb you faggot fuck
i remember making this webm after watching one of life is dranks videos. i was beating it to some futa mlp on xvideo, when the snuff video popped up on the bottom, i knew i had to share it with Holla Forums
I think playing as someone other than the Blank Slate template character is a must. Make a character have clear preferences towards certain options, instead of making them respond in anyway with the same conviction and reasoning. Playing as Kate would actually be a good idea. Having a power that isn't an easy cop-out for conflict would be a plus too. I was thinking the ability to create two timelines for an object through touch, and the ability to recombine them as an approximate between the two would be a good main power.
Secondly, make the reasoning behind why "time-travel bad" less fucking dumb. What about the character becoming immortal as a side effect of their powers, having episodes take place generations apart in some cases. I would say that any energy expended in the future no longer exists in the past, and with enough time, the heat-death of the universe would occur much quicker.
Finally, make something more than the fuck-you 5 episode formula. If your so insistent on releasing your game in stages, why not release alternate episodes for various choices, so that your choices can actually affect the story. I know some autists would pay for all the episodes, even if they cost way more than $60 all together, and most people would pay for their story-path.
Fuck you, user. At least concede that CD Projekt Red puts time and effort in, finished the game before launch, and the DLC is worth it.
D Projekt sold out and is a dead husk of its former self. Almost none of the original Red team is left. who has the pasta detailing their completely toxic corporate takeover?
This thing was the beginning of the end.
Ori was shit. It was just Super Meat Boy, but a metroidvania, and with so much visual noise onscreen that you can't see what's going on.
I can tell summer is upon us already
Friend, the average post quality has been rapidly declining for over a year now. This ain't summer, it's the norm.
Quake and UT offer the player multiple paths to victory. You can win by knowing the item timers better than your opponent, by being faster than your opponent, by being better at positioning and weapon choice than your opponent, or by being better at straight-up fighting. You need ALL of these skills (map knowledge, movement skill, positional and weapon skill/knowledge, twitch/tracking/predictive aim) to be top-notch to be the best.
In team-based gamemodes, you need those + communication and coordination. You need that extra layer of situational awareness regarding your team. You need to know flag routes, you need to know who is going where and who will fill in for them when shit hits the fan. You need to know when to sacrifice for your team and when to retreat. You need to do this while utilizing all the previously mentioned 1v1 skills in a map with 7 other people all trying to share or steal the available resources. There are many plates to spin, and thus a lot of room for mistakes to be made, leading to dynamic and exciting matches. It is difficult to keep track of all of this and perform consistently well
In class-based shooters, you pick something like… a healer or turret based class
Your aim doesnt need to be as good all of a sudden. You have an automated device, or stupidly high AOE, or some other mechanic, that makes it less important for you to be good at that one particular thing
Your movement is also locked down. Suddenly your ability to position is much more important without necessarily taking more skill, while your ability to excel through the movement system has been removed
Your loadout is given to you at spawn, and there are no powerups, meaning you don't have to know anything on the map aside from the objective and a few approach vectors, and you don't have to worry about spawn disadvantage.
You still require teamwork, but your team and the enemy team are much more locked down and predictable. That Defender cant chase you down with a rocket jump and knock you out of the sky with a well placed rail. He can't travel at a speed beyond the standard runspeed. He can't use resources on the map to build himself up for your next encounter. He travels at speed X, has abilities 1 2 and 3, and cannot play the game outside of those functions. His only option is to /kill and counterpick you, or attempt to situate himself so that the restrictive loadout he has been given can make itself useful.
There are few plates to spin, meaning matches are far more predictable. Devs have to come in every few weeks/months to change up the game artificially with patches, because the meta will be set in stone after a short window of time and people will gradually grow bored with the game if matches remain static. The counter to A is always B so why bother with C in A-heavy situations? It is easy to pick B and use the Anti-A attack on A. It is easier to move, easier to aim, easier to keep track of resources, because the skill ceiling has been lowered drastically.
That's why modern class based shooters are casual as fuck, and why AFPS are considered difficult as a general rule