Trump ‘true friend of Muslims,’ Saudi prince says after meeting

Trump ‘true friend of Muslims,’ Saudi prince says after meeting

Where is the Trump that wanted to inspect Saudi involvement in 9/11? Where is the Trump that bantered Saudi princes about how once he gets elected they will no longer get to bribe US politicians?
Source: RT

Other urls found in this thread:

But I've been constantly told he's the greatest friend of the Jews for the past year.

he may be goodest of goys, but is he goodest of kuffar too?

Big first offer. He got something big from them. Probably continued support for the petrodollar and an end to their funding of ISIS.

Is it too late to change my vote?

It's called negotiation your 12 year old samefag.

This guy never existed.

Why does the Saudi prince look like Seth Rogan?

shoo shoo jidf



(((Saudi prince)))

Go back to >>>/cuckchan/

This isn't negotiations. Only a beta negotiates like this. If you want to get something out of negotiations, you need to start hard and only soften regularly. If you start praising the other guy and backpedaling as soon as he enters the room, you're gonna get a shit deal.

wtf i hate trump now

fuck off concern shill, its called The Art of the Deal, he got the Saudi cunt to pay lip service to take ammo away from libshits.
Also, sage because this is an obvious shill thread.

What's Holla Forums's problem with muslim countries living on their own territory, and sending the ones that immigrate in our countries back at them?
Yes, i know, i want to liberate them from islam too, but that isn't happening under democracy, we need a better political system in our countries to attack their political religious notions.

They never live on their own territory peacefully. They always aim to expand. Their communities are tightly knit and in foreign countries especially dangerous.



This man is a fucking genius.

Found the problem. Lurk more, you autistic child.
It’s our territory.

Trump probably believes he's doing the same. But mark my words, the Wahhabi kikes are playing him like a damn fiddle.

Yes, you're a retard.

t. based mustachio man german

Muslim Germans will be the rulers of the coming civilisation.

OP 'true sucker of nigger cocks,' user says after reading



Islam + white wombs = global caliphate so i hope trump knows what he's doing. Whites go kind of hard and muslim in the oast has kept us in check to some degree.

Learn literally anything about the dune coons, please.


It's just words, though. Words to get votes and establish bonafides. In reality, Trump also went on record saying he would want to protect Saudi Arabia with our military and he registered something like 6 or 7 different companies in Saudi Arabia just during the campaign alone.



Unless you can rid Islam of polygamy you will always have a glut of betas with no choice but to invade our countries if they ever want to get ficki ficki.

here is why europe is so shit – too many beta dads incapable of raising children

I mean look at fucking Indians, they have arranged marriages so even the most omega can get married, this is one of the reasons why they're so poo


Saudi Arabia is the greatest friend of Jews, literallly run by kikes, so there should be nothing confusing about it.

It's worse than I thought, this is some SEVERE autism.

Look. If we don't criticize Trump when he deserves it we may as well be bernie bros. This right here is bullshit and you know it. Saudi's are the weakest pile of shit country full of pile of shit people on this planet and the thing that pisses me off the most is that country is ripe for the taking.

Trump still has my support because he has done everything right so far so I give him the benefit of the doubt on this situation but at some point there has to be a line where we start saying the major problems America faces aren't going to be fixed and we have to start looking for the next guy.


We can still have eugenics within our own countries, that's a complete non-sequitur. But unless Islam is rid of its polygamy simple dynamics dictates that they will ALWAYS try to expand into our lands.

I honestly cannot figure out if your name is Ahmed or Chaim, OP.

Nobody here wants that you stupid newfag. We don't give a shit about them period.

Because this thread isn't really that worth responding multiple times to. Being polite with other leaders when you aren't at war is a thing in this shitty world.

If you weren't such a bunch of pussies, and just killed those who tried to invade you instead of making up excuses as to why killing invaders wasn't acceptable, it wouldn't be an issue.


This is how we know you're retarded.


What's your point? Thread sucks.

Sounds like bullshit to me. What Trump said in those clips (implying Israel) far outweighs publicly giving support to SA. I am hoping he is slowly cutting the ties with other (shitty) countries while patting them on the back and saying they are great friends and allies.

Navarro Says He Wants US, Canadian, Mexican Trade Powerhouse

He is positioning America to be more independent and focusing on his continent hopefully.

So… Now you're supportive of the 'American Union' shit?
Funny, when Cruz's wife wrote about that shit saying how it would be awesome, we were generally not in favor of that shit… Now here's Trump saying similar things, and you're cupping his balls about it.

Hmmmmmmm. I smell something kosher. Or maybe just Kushner.

You have a point about us being way too slow to anger. I wouldn't worry too much though, within the next decade you will see Europe flip hard right, at which point you and your family will burn. We want to do things legally. You are going to burn. We have no choice. We have. No. Choice.

Here's your (you) shitstain.

Anger does not equate to action. You can be angry as fuck and not do a fucking thing about that which is angering you. People do it all the time.

Find that rather doubtful lad, seeing as my country has more guns in it than most of your countries have people.

And this is why you fail.

Except you do have a choice. You have the choice of fighting, or being subjugated.
The question is which of those paths you'll walk - or rather, if by the time it matters, whether or not you'll even have a choice anymore.

Hi kike mod your 59% white american will never be overturned with any activism on here, don't worry!

lol what a cuck

Yeah. And the Saudis got something too. What did you get out of the deal?

There is no way this is real. That has to be a shill. Nobody who frequents Holla Forums is that fucking retarded.

Muslims or jews
This really is a tricky conundrum, we all desperately need to find out who really is his bestest everest friend of the two?

Respond to this post with an "Oy Vey" if you think his heart is with isreali neo-con zionist globalist jews

Or respond with
"Oy erm Allah Ackbar erm vey?"
if you think his true affection lies with whabbist crypto-kike gloablist sharia advocates.

Your results will be counted at the end of the oy vey… erm I mean day.


This is a surprise to you coming from the guy that's being cucked by paul ryan?

The cucks at fox can even assault some gateway pundit journalist with zero repercussions.

immigration, token ice raids, no action on leftist groups, no funds reverted to right wing groups, no repeal of gun laws etc etc.

Better get used to one term trump.



You're shilling lad. This is you

Tell Jared he needs to up his game.

Oylah vey!


There are 2 main differences in play here.

1) Trump still has my trust whereas Bush, Cheney etc never did.

2) Everything is under the microscope now. America's eyes are more open then any time in the last several decades and there is no chance that a shitty NA union deal gets passed.

Are you actually going to try to imply that anyone on Holla Forums who wasn't a paid Cruz Missile was supportive of that American Union shit?
Are you actually going to try to do that?

My God, you're so stupid.

I… Wew lad.


Or one last step before the plunge…

What if a deal was written that benefits all 3 countries equally and had no loopholes to allow foreign countries any control over us?

You are acting as if a Trump NA union would be the same as a Cheney NA union.

Well, look it up yourself. It will carry more weight that way.
Wew lad.

You are so fucking stupid, it hurts me to know you're probably real.

It would be the same. It would be exactly the same.

Top kek, the concern trolling is so fucking weak. You guys are such fucking rank amateurs.

No, WE don't.

Reported for supporting the North American Union.

It's identical. Kill yourself. Supranational unions are kikery by definition. Either you support the annexation of Canada and northern Mexico into a white United States or you're a kike if you shill for international cooperation.

Yea, like somehow getting a compliment from a diplomat signals groundbreaking FP change. lol.

Shareblue to its little faggots this morning: Ignore and slide Trumps taxes conversations and concern troll anything you see

They seemed to live within their own territories quite well until isreal came along and then got America to destroy half the Middle east and direct them onto white nations to destroy our homelands.

prior to this we didn;t have much problems at all.

Leave all the sandwogs be in the Middle East, perhaps arm them to destory isreal

Concern troll is now filtered, and reported. We will get your name and you will be executed for your treason.


So no argument, then. No evidence that it would be different. Nothing to disprove our statements that it would be the same.

Got it. Thanks. Please commit suicide immediately. You either kill yourself now, we find you and kill you in the purges, or you change your fucking mind about your kike worship.

Indeed that is the 'quality' of all the isreali trolls tasked with targeting this board
The North American Union is the American territory equivalent to the EU all for the jewish NWO

It's really strange how open the jewish hasbara shills are on the MSM let alone here on Holla Forums

i know it's a strawman, but come the fuck on. why are you upset that he is just being friendly with the prince? what he decides to do with them in terms of legislation is all that really matters. i dont care if she shakes hands with muslims and jews, would you rather him just spit in their face?

Its pretty cute actually. This board has been relatively quiet the last 4-5 days and we could actually have meaningful discussion. Once these faggots showed up again they just stick out so much. One of em even said "wew lad" pretending to be one of us. Really cute :)

Argument about what? We're saying the same thing. For whatever reason, you aren't realizing it.
I'm saying it would be the same. The post you quoted – that I quoted again for you and added green text for immediate reference – says that it would be the same.
You very clearly do not have it. I'm going to go ahead and filter you.

Spoken like a true shill.

Jared's boys have arrived.

If this Saudi Prince was Trump's enemy, and he was trying to drive a wedge, then speaking about how supportive Trump is of Islam would be the way to go.

I thought Trump was the best fried to niggers? Why didn't liberals buy it?

The fucking quote system can go straight to hell. Rendering errors on the page caused the button for one post to quote another one. Sorry.
Okay, never mind. You're a fucking retard.

You spend too much time here if you believe this. You are talking about the dangers of Holla Forums becoming an echo chamber when it has been one for the past 18 months.


Okay, faggot.

Its a funny circle. We call out shills and explain why so the next time these retards get their shill orders they start calling the people here who disagree with them the same shit we called them prior. At this point you losers are just fucking up your own thread when this is the first time Trump has done something that actually has some legitimate concerns. Your tactics are weak and are really working against you here. Try getting another thread about SA and Trump after this one gets locked :)


muslims being flooded into the West are just one symptom caused by jews [along with all the mexicans, Africans, Pakis and other 3rd world filth], jews are the actual totality of the problem and cause of what we in the West face today.



A 'funny circle' indeed. Tell us more about the wonders of the American Union, Schlomo.


Wew lads.

And you're just kinda retarded it would seem.

Surely packing his cabinet with countless neo-con zionist globalist dual passport carrying isreali jews was the first?

Well, the 9/11 thing is probably more about America than saudis. Bush and friends are guilty and The Saudis gave them a few goat fucking terrorists. Some of them are still alive (meaning that they were not even in amhurica).

Also, if he has forced Aladdin to cut his business ties with the Swamp (clinton and friends, + Roths) it's a really big hit for them, because they were a really good ally for Zion.

Roast in hell.

He was filtered because he could barely understand plain English, even when it was pointed out to him again, and spilled his spaghetti for no reason. I'm sure we'll talk again in another thread, but I'm not particularly interested in anything he has to say in this one. Why you feel the need to interject yourself into it, who knows?

Lad, I called you retarded because you utterly misinterpreted my views, while responding to a post that was not directed at you and had nothing to do with your accusations.

Case in point: You, again, responded as though I'm supportive of fucking supranational unions, when I've said nothing in this thread that didn't demonstrate a disdain for them. Thus, your commentary, again, leads me to believe you may be retarded.

Trump was always supposed to be a means to an end, not the end itself. You can thank the jew mods for turning 8/pol/ into /r/The_Donald

You can add this to your list of things to remember when you try to fit in as one of us in the future.

You guys are D&C arguing your own shill thread meant to concern troll Trump. :)

They have resources we can use, and it's more moral to wipe them out than to pay them money that they'll spend supporting terrorists and buying Dubai port-a-potties.

Haha, holy shit, you are so bad at this.

Keep it up, moishe.


Fuck! Dude, we're using the same IP. Do you want to switch, or should I?

Oh, that's weird. Mine switched automatically.

What's going to happen to the petrodollar anyway?
Aren't the saudis looking into selling in yuan?

its your name kyle by any chance?

Yes, good goy. That's totally what rules the world.


Just going to be snarky or do you care to elaborate?

C'mon, up your redpill game.

This thread could have been a civilized discussion about why Trump sold arms to the Saudi's but were being raided today due to (((them))) getting destroyed last night on Trumps tax returns. If the shills could some how fake the normal discourse here it would be more challenging to spot but they just go all out with buzzwords we use and immediately default to calling the real Holla Forums users shills and blaming "kikes and niggers" for everything since that is what they've seen us call them in prior CTR raids.

Agreed. I'll go one step further and say that he was a meme candidate, and his candidacy where he widened the Overton window is far more valuable than what his presidency is turning out be.

I'm not one of you. I barely visit Holla Forums anymore.

It will probably be fine now. Trump has secured it for now. It will likely be replaced with a gold or silver standard at some point in the future, after the US stealth accumulates enough for a reasonable backing.

Ask me how I know you're a shill. Go on, ask.

We're in such a precarious position demographics-wise that I don't believe this to be true.


Trump is moving close to Saudi Arabia and positioning Iran as the great enemy. I wonder whose interest this matches up with. Of course, that is probably just coincidence. Or 8d chess from someone who said he didn't know the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah.

I can;t speak for that user, but is it because he called out the jewish hasbara shills championing the North American union, which is the American equivalent of the jewish world Order's EU for Europeans?

I know this is hard to understand when your native tongue isn;t English.
But "to shill" means someone selling or pushing/promoting an idea or product.

What he was doing was calling out jewish infiltrators and lying jewish hasbara.
That isn;t shilling but more accurately he was exposing lying jews.


Again I read about the Overton Window once more which I thought had died down after the 6,000,000th zionist globalist kike got access to the US administration, which should now read as OyVeyton window seeing as all it's done is pushed the window towards zionist neo-con globalist zionism instead of the direction all the unwitting anons had anticipated when they first heard of the wonderful plan to push this OyVeyton window.

Alas the jewish hasbara shills successfully tricked the goys that time, however I'm hopeful they will soon realise the error of their ways to never again allow themselves to align and trust a jew.

It's all a learning process dealing with deceptive lying kikes.

Shills always use "##D chess" ironically. Every single one of your posts in this thread has given you away. Take notes of what I am telling you and send them to your shekel provider. You guys really fucked this one up, hopefully you still get paid that full 5 bux for your days work.

You're already talking out of your ass about how Trump plays the game and now you're using this cancerous term?
Fucking faggot. You're on par with disinfo hillary shills.

The only thing I'll be liberating from them is their life.

Not unhappy goys pretty angry and pissed off that theior board and love Holla Forums is getting raided daily by astroturfing by hostile satanic genocidal kikes?

Interesting fact, anyone claiming each and every shift of the OyVeyton window towards isreali zionist globalist neo-con interests is somehow some mastermind 1488 dimension chess without irony is a self-exposed jewish hasbara kike.

Its not a good thing that Trump is selling arms to SA but once I realized this is a shill thread I stopped trying to have an actual conversation. I did say this right after the post your quoting"

HEs not wrong Iran is using ISIS as an excuse to expand its borders. NOt that I really give a shit.
I think you are a newfag or a shill either way you need to go back.

Are you trying to imply that the whole doesn't run on American dollars? You must be retarded

This entire thread has been overrun by retards and/or shills
Im leaning towards shills

The fact of the matter is that everyone wants to be friends with Donald Trump.

Trump is not pro-white though. Nothing he has ever done has demonstrated a concern for whites. Whether he will actually help our demographics remains to be seen. While the obvious counter to that is his stance on illegal immigration, he has repeatedly left the door open to an amnesty for the remaining 8-9 million illegals once they get rid of the criminals. Even in his August speech. Also, he has dropped all discussion of fixing the problem with anchor babies.

You guys started using the "xd chess" bit with the campaign, along with "God Emperor" and "The Absolute Madman." Don't distance yourself from your fawning embrace of Donald Trump during the campaign. You should own it, and remember it when your delusions come crashing down.

What shocks me is that anyone still believes in him after his request for an extra $54 billion for the defense budget. Donald Trump is basically going to be Mitt Romney (who was also tough on illegal immigration, and chastised by Donald on that very subject for being too harsh. But you don't know that, because you get all of your information from a Trump-worshipping echo chamber).


Let me know when and where Iran has expanded its borders.

I guess it dawned on you while you were typing your fantasies about ISIS and Iran that it is actually Iran who is the most hated enemy of Israel, and they have said repeatedly that they would prefer ISIS in Syria over Assad or anyone else who supports Iran.


Crikey, I can;t imagine what you want to do with the infernal satanic jews that sent them all here in the first place then.

I'd like someone to explain how Iran can expand its borders with 20 military bases surrounding it. Don't bother responding to the shills. This thread is full of failure.

Through rope, unity.

t. concerned assmad shill stamping his feet for the over 9000th time this year

lol kill yourself.

Seems said shitskin is awake, here to purge all criticism of his shitty fucking moderation yet leaving the blatant shills ITT untouched.


Every fucking kike must fucking hang.

Now GET OUT you civic cuck.

Holla Forums is nintendo of politics. Everyone shills that Holla Forums is compromised, doomed, not nationalist, or too violent, but we still promote white values.

I just had a brief check of your id
5 posts,and all of them reminiscent of isreali kike-jews calling for the goy to serve isreal and fight all their wars.

Are you familiar with the definition of a shill?

I can provide only the Oxford English definition for you, to get one in your native hebrew you'll have to search for

A person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest.

That's (((you))) promoting jewish interests

You mean "not violent?" No Holla Forumsacks are going outside to chimp out.

So much this. Explains this whole thread. Just filter/sage and move on. The blanketing of sites by the share blue crew right now is off the charts because they know they fucked up last night.

I specifically pointed that out to out you.

you wrote "too violent"

I'm honestly kind of shocked that Trump Worship is still at close to 100% on Holla Forums. I don't know what it will take to wake people here up if the ObamaCare-liteTrumpcare bill and a Defense Secretary who nearly got us into a confrontation with Iran already doesn't do it.

Old Holla Forums and /new/ would not have been this clueless. I blame the mods for stifling all critical discussion of Trump during the campaign.

How can semites be this fucking stupid?


I point out hasbara kike shill is pushing a jewish agenda, it replies with
Good, I'm glad we can agree on something at least

Then spoils it with the inevitable jewish hasbara illogical outburst of

When all I've ever wanted to do was return our white homelands back to their prior white glory and gas every last jew.

Seriously you counter-jihadist kikes have a massive problem over the next few years once real white nationalism (not (((your))) jewish kosher nationalism] is gaining ground worldwide.

English isn't your first language, you'd need to write it as "Holla Forums is nintendo of politics. Everyone shills that Holla Forums is compromised, doomed, not nationalist, or not violent, but we still promote white values."

when you say "too violent" it implies that Holla Forums is violent and goes out shooting people, which it doesn't. Completely changes the meaning.

m8, what the fuck are you talking about? When the fuck did I say we should fight for Israel, instead of nuking them like normal? I meanwhile looked through your 10 posts and what I saw was a shill with English as their second language desperately trying to fit in.

I am saying nothing other than Muslims are fundamentally shit, and that kikes are fundamentally shit, and one day very soon you bastards are going to fucking die, because you haven't learnt from history and even now still do not understand the roiling rage bubbling under the surface.

You don't get it, do you?


You obviously don't get it. How is Holla Forums violent? No Holla Forumsacks are out in the streets shooting people, no Holla Forumsacks are bombing people, Holla Forums in effect is the most effective distributed non-violent political movement in the world right now. Holla Forums is not violent.

Check out the dozen or so Wilders threads, and witness hundreds of unique IDs championing the isreali mossad controlled opposition, with every kike saying

It truly is a marvel to see the brazen brass neckery of these hundreds of paid jewish hasbara shills that swamp the board in such huge numbers that no one breaks out the zyklon B at first sight

Do you really think when ISIS is gone and the shiite militias whose real loyalty is to Iran they will just retreat and allow Iraq to be a sovereign nation? NO they won't and they shouldn't Iraq is a fake nation and should be broken apart.

They are doing it right now with the Shiite militias fighting Isis in Iraq
Question for both of you are either of you old enough to remember what happened at the end of the BUsh years with Al sadr, Sadr city and the quote unquote Surge? QUick breakdown

Well i'm sure you know the rest. Still we shall see if the Iranian backed militias actually leave Mosul and retreat back to the south then I will believe that Iran doesn't want to expand but I'm not buying it. Once again I'm not saying the eternal kike doesn't wont to expand as well I just don't buy the Iran wants to be left alone bullshit.

Ahmed, you're going to hang alongside Schlomo don't worry. There's nothing hard about it, both are our enemy.

You do know that there are more shill groups than "hasbara," right?

That poster is probably from hasbara, hence why he's accusing other people of being them if they don't love niggers as much as he wants them to.

Your fake white nationalist posture and pose, while solely calling for us to serve jewish isreali zionist interests is what.

muslims are just another of many symptoms the jews sent to destroy us.

The jew is THE PROBLEM, every other hostile wog in our homelands is a result of that hostile jewish genocidal plan to destroy us.

Expel all non-whites and allow them to live peacefully within their own boundries and gas all kikes to prevent their return is the only healthy white refrain for national socialists

If you want to fight all of isreals wars on their behalf, you can go join your IDF and wear a isreali regulation nappy in case hezbollah finds your position.

It's not just semites posting on Holla Forums, user. I don't know how he tricked so many whites here into thinking he was somehow on their side.

Yeah, Wilders is a complete joke. He basically follows the lead of right-wing Jews who realize that they hate Muslims even more than they do homogenous white societies.

Yeah, but the major principle concern are all the jewish lying kikes pushing the "OyVeyton window" towards zionist isreal goals.

Why is your entire method of argument simply copy and pasting articles? Nobody is buying your concern shilling. The height of laziness, typical for a jew.

The only posters on Holla Forums who don't want Israel glassed are shills.


Yeah.. I don't think so.
That quote is damning and I'm glad someone is putting it out there. Typical for jews is attacking messengers instead of the message.

The only posters on Holla Forums who don't want the whole middle east glassed are shills. Israel first though

You can't really say that, because they are funding other Shias. They want more influence and for ZOG to back off. Just as Russia wants. I can't have actual discussion here because literally no one reads anything. The Israeli policy in the mideast now is based on "living with low level chaos." They are funneling all the Sunni rage onto softer targets in Europe rather than themselves. They've been doing it since 9/11. It's fucking written if you care enough to look.

People also can't understand that the Middle East is not only religious but tribal. So you have Sunnis and Kurds who fight with ISIS and the other side. The only way to sort it is to let them ethnically cleanse each other and fuck off. This is why ZOG is constantly pushing pro-internetion propaganda.

The Netflix propaganda film "White Hats" was completely Saudi and Jew funded, and they gave it an Oscar (!). Research it, look where the clips come from. In Afghanistan the "White Helmets" would be Al-Queda. In Syria, ZOG is funding them. The policy makes no sense at any level and is only good for the Jews. I think the al-Sauds have a date with the rope from their own people, whether they know it or not. They will ALL turn against the Jews then.

I'm attacking your method of argument, which is complete shit. "Attacking the messenger" is a form of ad hom, but my argument isn't predicated on ad hom. I'm calling you a lazy fucking kike because your argument methods are shit.

A better start might be checking IDs.

I make arguments, and then I present evidence for my position. I don't care about people like you, I care about anyone who reads this thread with an open mind.

That particular quote is honestly shocking. It's like something from Bill Kristol or Alan Dershowitz.

From what I can see, his "method of argument" in that instance was to provide compelling evidence that Wilders the jewish indonesian isreali mossad operative is indeed a scheming lying kike.

Surely we at Holla Forums encourage replies with supportive evidence, rather than just mindless abuse and childlike mantras like

Go tell moishe in the next cubicle that I said his methods are shit. This thread is nothing but cancer, and I'll treat it as such.

Except that will never be the truth the brownhordes and the Chinkike will always want everything we have. War is inevitable the only question is will the next victor of World War have the guts to do what we didn't?

Ten cents a post.

Maybe you should knock off your shift there Moishe, your inability to subtly blend in with the goy is most apparent.

his method of argument is trying to move discussion to wilders in a thread about Trump.

He's shit and so are you.


You'll get exactly the amount of effort out of me that you're putting in, which is nothing. Did you enjoy seeing your kike cow cry live on tv last night? Check the bottom right hand corner of the page for a reminder.

You're too fucking lazy to even check IDs.

Great post. Also, obviously, the Oded Yinon plan.

Really, mods? Anchoring this thread?

I didn't check any ID I just saw that comment and put my feelings towards it.

Do you really not agree? Do you really think we need to keep meddling with the lesser races and let them live in peace? Do you really think they won't eventually try to infiltrate and subvert? Lets just be done with it.
Wish I was a shill getting paid for this actually waiting for my sweet potato to be done in the toaster oven while my daughter takes a nap.

It was pertinent to the situation we were discussing, shilling ITT and the nature of their methods.

Wilders shilling is in overdrive today especially and as a reference he provided a very interesting article I'd yet to see myself, so I at least was grateful for that.

Instead you got all irate and criticised his production of said evidence.

Considering all the swarms of organised jewish hasbara ITT your concerns should be more focused on them, rather than a helpful user with some really good info

I agree with everything you say and in the future if the Shiite militias in Iraq retreat back to their old neighborhoods I will say that Iran doesn't want to expand however from the looks of things it looks like Mosul which is 90 percent Sunni will be run by Shiite militias. But like I said we will see. I agree with everything else you say though.

Once we reclaim our European homelands, I truly couldn;t care about all the various grades of wogs and muds as long as they stay in their own designated spots.
Talk of extermination even on the internet I will only reserve for the filth that is the kike-jew that did this to us.

The symptoms and various 3rd world tribes sent to displace us will be dealt with accordingly, deported and any messing about they can get and invaders reply from our military defences if they refuse to go quietly.
Up till then I would happily let them go back home without any ill-will torwards them.

All 3rd world invaders are a symptom of the jewish global war against us, those that ally with jews, both non-whites and the whites, including but not limited to zionist neo-con championing whites, can be regarded as true enemies and must be dealt with as any combatant would.

Seriously I can only get a bloodlust up to fight the satanic jewish enemy, everything else is a distraction as it was intended to be.

Trump, the guy with the jewish convert daughter, has bibi kikeanhu eating out of his hand, kike hating jewish mentor, can't be called anti sheemite, publicly 'supports ISISrael', meanwhile ass fucks them in Syria. And has been assfuckign them his entire life in the business. He makes money off kikes, Trump is based as fuck, hates kikes for killing his friends and know what is up.

Secular Syria is the lynchpin right now. Trump is helping them (as he should). If Syria survives, ISISrael is fucked and the Iran BS is all for show to shut the kikes up. You know, that war that's been going on for 6 years involving two superpowers?

The White house holohoax remembrance day (when they told the kikes to fuck off with their prepared statement) says this very loud and clear;

to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good

Enough said.

What has happened to this thread besides it turning to shit because everyone accused everyone else of being a shill?

It got bumplocked, for example.