Tfw you discover the force is female


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I bet they smell like roses and lavender tbh
I want her to fart in my mouth

Why does every one of her facial expressions seem so forced and inorganic?

That’s quite natural for a Primordial Serpent



Ever noticed how all batshit insane people bare their teeth?


Because they got taught how to laugh and smile. That's also why it never looks genuine.

what do you mean, shes a robot or some alien in a human suit?


The force is an overbearing, controlling, manipulative, remorseless, all encompassing entity that wants everyone to love it and accept it's guidance while trying to instill its personal sense of "balance" which ends up killing trillions. Of course it's female.

>that which you seek, inside, you will find
>your dildo, you will need it not



i'm sending this to daisy, i hope she sees it.

Nice try there queerbait


Daisy Ridley's face genuinely frightens me.
Uncanny valley type shit

she looks like a fucking wood elf

gay reddit shit

To be honest I think Kathleen just got Dune and Star Wars mixed up.

The face of death itself!


Every time I see this pic, I have a really hard erection, I am dreaming of her giving me a fellatio with her long sharp teeth.

I won't fight it any longer, I am cuming

Men are pathetic tbh


Is Luke's entire role in these movies going to be looking bewildered and miserable?

That's exactly how good tamed boys should be.
