Holy shit, we need to do something! I can't reckless consumption under capitalism led us to this.
I gave up leftypol, it only went downhill from there. Do you have any completely backwards arguments you've seen?
Holy shit, we need to do something! I can't reckless consumption under capitalism led us to this.
I gave up leftypol, it only went downhill from there. Do you have any completely backwards arguments you've seen?
Other urls found in this thread:
KGB informant gives talk on strategy of subversion, therefore all subversion is done by the USSR.
If you argue the USSR does not exist anymore, then you're an idiot who doesn't see that the methods of manipulation never change, almost like that was the point of the statement.
What happened to the Aral sea?
Really aggressive irrigation, apparently
This is literally not an argument. Capitalists caused much more enviromental damage so I fail to see how this works in his favor.
Bolsheviks were environmentalists until Stalin.
Put your weapon away, stalker.
N-no b-but s-statists!
I wonder how they would react to the Murray Darling Basin crisis. Probably the same way they react to climate change: either pretend its not happening or divert the conversation and make the government seem like Rand villians.
Oh wait jimunro.blogspot.com.au
Better question is to ask what are the ruins doing on the currently dried-up land. They were 19 meters under water in 1950s.
goes here
What ruins?
just fucking kill yourself comrade, this happened under Hruschev.
Next you'll say Stalin led the tanks into Czechslovakia.
by the way, fuck yourself Hexizy read a book you prepubescent nigger.
Merfolk, apparently. Kerderi ruins.
Triggered tankie detected.
Stalin built berlin wall is my favourite
I don't give a fuck! there are problems that need to be fixed now that that sitting back and letting the economy churn will simply get worse!
This is literally the leftwing equivalent of creationism.
Sit back down, junior. The planet is billions of years old. Asteroids and super volcanoes, pangea continents, ice ages, desertifications
How fucking arrogant do you have to be to think these were inconsequential events compared to factory smoke?
Jesus fucking christ all mighty.
It's like you're literally retarded.
Didn't the Soviets build it?
Go on, tell us again how billions of years of biological history are about to come to an end by my car exhaust
No one thinks the planet is dyeing, we just think that the planet is going to uninhabitable for humans.
Fucking retard
It already is and was. You think 7 billion people can be here without industrial agriculture and medicine?
Fucking dumb ass. Cities couldn't exist on your ideal earth for humans. That's the point of human industry
and porky controlled industry clearly can't be trusted not to fuck up
I'm guessing you also believe that the government made climate change up in order to get people to buy more solar panels.
Cuckservatives, not even once.
You're the cuck.
Please, go on creationist fag. Tell us again how humans are an unnatural race of beings with intelligence and physical bodies that exist seperate from the universe and planet they inhabit and destroy.
Demiurge cucks btfo
here fag, try listening to these videos, I don't see why I should post a pdf because I bet you are to ecocucked to read them
its a series of 9 videos
what do you propose we do when we push things too far?
move 7+billion people to the poles and abandon the rest of the planet?
Alright, now we know you're shitposting.
Has anybody noticed that shitposting here has gone up since yesterday? What's going on?
you are a fucking dumb nigger, do you understand the massive amount of resources you need to power a boat, do deliver food and services to las vegas?
we don't push things too far, we only have one planet to experiment what are our limits
I really doubt any discussion of climate change is going to go anywhere here.
It's a board based on economics, strictly speaking.
I'd go and watch videos by people who are more versed in science and climate studies.
So far, I'm going with potholer54 for the subject of climate change for a more detailed understanding of climate change and the climate change debate.
That i was an anarchist because i was cursed by dark Jewish magic.
Whoosh, right over your head.
Go back as far as you'd like. Even preindustry cities wouldn't exist without supply chains. Nothing beyond stones, sticks and fur would exist with supply chains exchanging resources.
It has nothing to do with the environment. The real issue is your misanthropic creationist mechanical universe mentality where you unironically believe you're a magical floating consciousness existing to spite the material world. You can claim the leafs on a tree are more important than the tree like you do with your envirobullshit, both make you retarded
says the ecocuck who refuses to even read different points of view other than his'
how about I drop DU, or asbestos dust all over your house, it's all natural, and all the studies againts them are envirobullshit right?
try posting any arguments any time now
And then I would live some place else or hire somebody capable of cleaning it. See how that works? Problem > solution. The uninhabitable becomes habitable. It's the value of science and ingenuity. Use your brain. We don't have to flap wings to fly, genius.
I will do it to the whole planet, and you are of course evading the material and economic resources that will be needed to clean your house and move to another one
try again, your argument is flawed and you are a retard
we've already pushed things too far.
it's the oil tanker analogy - there's fuck tons of lag and inertia but it is gonna go tits up eventually.
yes the planet will recover, look at the chernobyl area it's all been reclaimed by nature.
it's uninhabitable for long lived animals like humans though.
that scenario doesn't work on a global scale though unless everyone fucks off to mars for a century to allow the planet to rebalance.
Hello, I am new to this argument but are you literally saying that humans should move to space/under the sea once the rest of the planet is fucked up?
Face it buddy. Your problem is your solution. Smaller populations of humanity by eco imperative versus small populations by ecological collapse. Both would take decades and possibly never return to the state you've arbitrarily selected from a 4 billion year geological history as the best. Which is fucking hysterically ironic in itself, that saving the planet from evil humans is only possible by… making it the most comfortable to their tastes, which is what we're doing now and you want to stop.
And that would be any different from the supply chains, industry, medicine and technology we have used now to survive how exactly?
Well, for one, it would be a task of titanic difficulty. See physics.ucsd.edu
Essentially, you're saying that if the world is fucked up we need to build a submarine for every man, woman and child on earth and then keep each of those submarines running indefinitely for the rest of time. Once in space or at the bottom of the sea, we will have to create enough food to feed this population within this confined space. Assuming we're in space, acquiring raw resources will be considerably more difficult as you won't be able to just step outside and get stuff.
Basically, this is a logistical problem so massive that we'd need to start working now and even then might fuck it up. If we're going to have a realistic shot at space exodus, we are going to have a much easier time just not fucking up the entire planet since that would require the same amount of political will and long-term planning while being considerably less resource-intensive.
And most of that time was spent completely lifeless. Life did show up eventually, but was almost wiped out by those asteroids super volcanoes, etc. youre talking about. Those events were no inconsequential thing, but that's also the point. Life has gone nearly extinct because of those events, and now we're seeing signs that another catastrophe is coming.
So now we're worried that that event could make humans extinct or at least leave us barely surviving. Or is that fine to you?
But now that I think about it, I'm not sure what you're really denying: that climate change is happening or that we wouldn't survive it or it wouldn't be a big deal or what?
Any argument is impossible to win on the internet. People don't read to understand but to respond. Confront them with evidence and they will double down.
There is/isn't a god
Climate change is/isn't real
Climate change is/isn't caused by human activity
There are/aren't objective moral or ethical standards
Capitalism/Communism is the best way of organizing resource distribution
Taxes are/aren't theft
Trump/Hillary is the most qualified presidential candidate
OP is/isn't a faggot
Discussing anything online is pointless. You'll never change your mind and you'll never change anyone else's mind. Go read a book.
You are so ecocucked you can't even form a coeherent argument
except you don't need a small population, the ecological collapse happening today has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of people, I bet you thing Malthus was right
the ecological collapse is directly caused by capitalism, the idea of putting economic profits before ecological impact is the problem
except no one is selecting anything you inbreed retard, you don't need to set a reference in order to understand that pollution affects other living forms
speak for yourself, ecocuck
sorry, but we are not moulding the world according to our tastes, but to follow the profitable mode of the capitalist
go drink bleach, since after all its natural
you are fucking stupid, god damn
You tell 'em, bro.
Honestly, fam, I'm not sure he has a point.
I thought the idea was to post examples, not to roleplay them out.
As an aside, I was planning on running a tabletop RPG campaign soon set about 50 or so years in the future. Does anyone who knows anything about climate science have any sources which might tell what the continental US and Canada might look like during that time assuming we do approximately shit all or even double down on the pollution?
these videos usually have a lot of resources, you can try to dig out what you might need
The internet is really fucking people up like that. Everything has to be a confrontation rather than a rational discourse.
No it doesn't shut the fuck up
if this was true, Holla Forums wouldn't exist
Holla Forums is almost as bad as the rest in that sense as far as I can tell, see
bet you don't say that to my face cunt :^)
That was me. I only said that because I'm pretty sure there's only one equality flag guy who is a culturally right liberal and I was trying to make him feel unwelcome. And anyway, bitching about people discussing the merits of theory on a socialist board is pretty silly. It's not like we all wouldn't stand behind any socialist movement that actually cropped up regardless of the specifics of its theory. (Well, except the leftcoms probably.)
Polite sage for off-topic.
Part 1: youtube.com
Part 2: youtube.com
Part 3: youtube.com
The crimes of porky are well documented, extensive and overwhelming in their sheer destructive power. Capitalism is like a flailing retard ripping out all the life support systems on a space ship because he likes how shiny the metal is.
Jesus Christ its worse than i could have imagined
The catastophe has already arrived and it's been in motion since the Late Pleistocene when large mammals consistently went extinct in time with human migration to their areas. It's not just global warming that has fostered the sixth great mass extinction; it is the great contradiction between human intelligence and the tragedy of the commons.
It remains to be seen whether the evolution of intelligence is a recipe for long-term survival or short-term population explosion followed by ecologic disaster and self-destruction.
Perhaps the latter is the answer to the Fermi Paradox.
Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about?
The contradiction is that while human-like intelligence appears to confer a staggering short-term survival advantage, it also provides such a powerful rate of success at resource exploitation that it could end up undoing that species' success in the long term. The tragedy of the commons is when a harmful effect from the gain of a part of the whole is too insignificant for that part to care about it, but when it happens en masse the effect hurts the whole collectively. It's the story of every species humanity has ever hunted or harvested to extinction. It makes more sense to conserve a species to continue reaping the products from it, but individual or even community-level gains took precedence over overall management. It remains to be seen whether human-like intelligence can be used collectively by its species to maintain a balance with its ecosystem and survive or if it is ultimately an evolutionary dead end.
So? They got a fucking problem with that?
The "tragedy of the commons" is a myth.
The onus is on you to provide an argument to support such an outlandish claim.
This is really common tactic. Liberals say that because the USSR was to some extent homophobic, anti-Semitic, or environmentally unsustainable, the entire communist philosophy is "less progressive" than liberalism.
In general the criticism made about the USSR and whatever other red villain of the week don't make any sense
So like when a capitalist government does something wrong its seen as a misstep in an otherwise great system.
But when a communist leader does something wrong all of a sudden the entire philosophy, from the economic principles to the way the government is run to the "brainwashing" of the people, is self evidently fucked.
Like, how the fuck are the principles of free market so strong that they avoid any criticism at all? "B-b-but i'm not saying there aren't problems with communism!" Really? Because thats what it sounds like.
Are people actually using this as an argument?
eh…well.. fuck
To suppress the bourgeoisie.
this is why i hate anarchists, they always are right.
literally there isn't any reason to justify state besides muh feelings
Not even oh-so-smart volvo vegan liberals are free from the lingering influence of Cold War propaganda
Liberals use it CONSTANTLY in hopes of countering internet socialists
You can't win arguments. Any sufficiently dedicated opponent can simply spew meaningless drivel and repeat already disproven points until you give up. Arguing on the internet is a waste of time.
Should make an article or infographic? IIRC Soviets even legalized same-sex marriage.
This is fucking retarded. What is important about USSR is it implementation of direct democracy and central planning. Both theory and practice.
That's being generous. Try "totalitarian state capitalist dictator", more accurate.
You mean how it didn't?
The denial is implied. If he did deny outright, you'd be just as likely to say "leninhat doth protest too much".
For real, son?
Recent historical changes have recent externalities, idiot.