This is a thread for all countries and peoples to discuss today's election!
This is a thread for all countries and peoples to discuss today's election!
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Isn't he married to a mud?
Daily reminder that Geert is a Jew who's only function is to prevent an actual sane right wing party from gaining a foothold. Said sane right wing party being FvD.
Also he is doing a generally shitty job, he could easily be the greatest if he actually put some effort in it.
How about mentioning the weapons caches found in mosques and refugees centers across Europe in the main debate that 3.3 million people watched. Easy win if he did that.
Controlled opposition.
Just like Trump's controlled opposition, right Dr. Shlomo?
He pissed off Turkey so that is good enough for now
is he losing
Come on shlomo changing the subject doesn't make you right
I think he's litterally jewish, so I'm personally not very excited over him. And him losing would not lead to a dutch revolution. Looks like the netherlands lost it's oppurtunity for this cycle, maybe the next one we can gett some great candidates.
Still, if Wilders won then that would be something. I guess.
Ban muslims or something.
Maybe escalate with Turkey, maybe send back people to Trukey. That'd be nice.
I'd say he's about equally shit with the other candidates.
Except that one party that supposed to get one or two seats, but whatever.
I can't wait for the French elections, those will be very exciting
Hates Islam, talks about it openly. Anti-EU. Is there a better party than this? The Dutch leaving the EU and hopefully France will surely gut the juden plot for one world government this time around.
they've always been nigger fuckers in Holland, what's new today?
In Germany the AfD seems to be half of crypto-nationalists that want to Make Germany Greater Again Höcke wanting to end holohoax guilt tripping, Perty wanting to end stigmatism of the world Völkisch and a few years ago said that AfD was the Only Pan-German representative party with Austria's FPÖ but then it seems like there is an amount that are all cuckservatives. Also AfD got 67,1% in the Saarland
bump for a better Europe w/o the EU. Geert new dutch president. Mme LePen after.
Well him winning would raise the chances for Le Pen.
And her father is literally a Nazi so I still want him to win.
Why can't we ever have a perfect candidate?
Because the overton window isn't where we need it to be yet.
I think Geert winning will be good just for PEE-ARR to normalfags. They probably think he's a Nazi and don't see him like we do so him winning will signal the strength and success of our position. Also it would be another nail in the EU's coffin. Nothing to get too excited over but we should still support him.
Isn't Netherlands part of Greater Germany? If their weirdass country used similar naming conventions as the rest of the Germanic countries instead of Holland/Netherlands/whatever it would be called Dutchland. I personally consider Switzerland part of Greater Germany as well.
You've got your priorities all wrong
Father a literal nazi, so she had him kicked out of the party he created.
Marion's father however, was a self-confessed isreali Mossad spy.
Once upon a time, when a political candidate presenting themselves as white nationalists were found to have links to isreali Mossad, that used to be the last time you heard of them, now the new aut-kike wants to campaign for them tirelessly, for free.
Fuck off, he only uses his mudslime shit to get in position for israel.
Even if his party wins they will ultimately lose since he won't have any potential coalition members. Glorious democratic system in action.
I agree with anons that he's controlled opposition. Polarizes so many people that he has no chances of succeeding.
Gonna vote FvD soon. Here's to victory
I wouldn't say the Netherlands is German, Germanic for sure but idk about being actual Germans. I'll look up haplotyping but as far as langauge is conceded Dutch isn't too different from low German rip Plattdüütsch also I am pretty conflicted about the Swiss question but Austria south Tirol and Prussia for sure need to be united if nothing else.
It's quite difficult to imagine this women as having any Jewish blood.
Good on you user
Well Holla Forums's enthusiasm for this guy doesn't seem to be high, which is encouraging. Even the biggest optimists among us don't think Wilders is any kind of step forward, just a stop-gap. I personally think he's textbook controlled opposition.
Honestly I think that the only reason why Holla Forums trusts Trump is because he's way to rich and way to prideful to be controlled opposition.
It retrospect we really were completely fucked if he didn't step in.
What is FvD
True, people who go "muh gazillionaire" have no understanding of people. Funny thing to say as an autist on an imageboard
It will be amusing to see my government kvetch about letting another jewish racist into the country. He is currently banned.
t. Bong in judeo occupied bongland
Sounds pretty complex, I'll let the Germans sort it out. I haven't even heard most of those place names outside of medieval contexts.
I thank God for Donald Trump, I'm so glad I didn't have to suffer through the decades of despair before him.
Dubs of truth.
Her grandfather's superior genes fought and won against her father's weak lineage.
Yeah, I'll always be ready to criticize Trump if he strays into neokike territory or doesn't do enough to help white Americans. But the "who do we vote for" meme was correct; Hillary would have completely killed white america. It may be difficult for euros to understand (or maybe not given how insane their politicians are) just how megalomaniacal hillary is. If she had won, she would have punished white americans far more viciously than Obama ever did, not because she's ideologically a leftist (she really isn't), but because they defied her will. We'd have seen abuses of power unlike anything in US history.
Her eyes are pretty mongrel though,
Fuck off and I say this as a green eyed blonde.
eh, not really. Obviously pure blue or green are ideal, but facial structure, skin quality and hair texture are the things to really watch for. As a side note I've found limb length, particularly the length of the tibia and achilles tendon, is a good way to differentiate Germanics from Anglos and Celts.
Also if Hillary won I genuinely believe that we'd get hate speech legislation(or EO's). Imageboards and our entire culture would have been destroyed.
Trump winning literally saved us from extermination, then again we did win him the election so I guess we paid each other back.
New video from South Africa.
Oh you're bang on about that, she would have passed some half-assed anti-terrorism measure specifically aimed at "radical right homegrown terrorists" that'd strip everyone of gun rights and make our speech laws Germany-tier. I think she also would have sped up Obama's HUD project and poured funding into welfare housing to be placed in majority white communities. If she got a second term, we may have even seen proposed amendments to the constitution like they had in SA that basically forbade white people from holding positions as CEO's.
Once we've liberated Europe and her colonies, we're going straight to Africa. Rhodesia and the Southern African Republic will rise once again. On every tree, there shall hang a nigger and to every Boer, a humble apology and offer of friendship.
What are they saying? I couldn't even understand the chimp speaking english.
He is a jewish dutch indonesian mud. His wife is a hungarian jew. I'm voting FvD today.
Do they pay you in shekels or in christian childrens blood
Wilders is our best bet at the moment.
FvD will be big in 4 years, dubs if true.
Honestly that shit with ergodan is probably going to take some of Wilders vote to the current leader, as well as giving Lefty vote more to DENK
Of course he gets paid in shekels, user. He's a shill on Holla Forums, so he's obviously too young to be worried with aging, for now. Give him a decade or two for the blood libel payment scheme.
Jeb isn't young
An Indonesian jew closely linked to isreali Mossad?
It's a pity then that no white nationalist European with a sound conscience could ever vote for the lying crypto kike isreali Mossad agent
And that's why I think you FvD fanboys are fucking stupid. Do some research: FvD is controlled opposition too.
First-rate thinking, user.
The post you are replying to is exposing the jewish controlled opposition designed to lead whites in a dead end only advantageous to jews, yet it is you shilling for thhis compromised jewish kosher nationalist with isreali Mossad connections.
I suppose only you can know for a fact how you're remunerated in possibly both shekels and Christian babies blood.
I remember seeing him say years ago that the Israel/Palestine deal should be neutral
Though trump said that too unless if he's playing
Wilders is a kike, Thierry is not.
Fuck off shill. Yes, Thierry is also an Dutch Indonesian mud. But unlike Wilders he is not a fucking jew. Also that tweet is the one time he said something positive about Israel. Every other time when he is asked about Israel he is neutral about it. Besides that he never talks about the jews in the Netherlands. So go suck a dick, schlomo.
Look at poor Achmed. He must be shaking in his boots. Surely we don't want him and his family deported?
You will hang on the day of the rope, friend. Remember that.
He is
kek wills it
2 jews, one same illogical comment
Immediately followed by this gefilte dripping cunt
So you are saying that I will hang for refusing to be bullied by an organised pack of jewish astroturfing hasbara into voting for an isreali Mossad connected kike?
You haven't complete control over us all just yet Moishe, just the really really dumb easily manipulated unwitting goy
Gerfag here. I don't know much about Dutch politics other than this thread but everything done to dismantle the EU is welcome, since this time it can't be us who start the fire, for obvious reasons.
You gotta be thankful to Erdoroach though for pulling such a stunt right before the elections.
Do you think a "kikkerexit" will be possible though? Wilders won't get the absolute majority I assume, will a probable coalition partner be on board with this? Could they even just let the people decide with a referendum?
Anyhow, "Success!", as you say.
When are you going to react faggot?
fuck off with this kike
being this dilusional
for newfags and alt-retards this faggot is blatant controlled kike opposition and he is not even trying to hide it
Report: Dutch Secret Service Investigated Far-right Leader's Ties to Israel
Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent
Geert wilders is a zionist shill
Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders
Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders
The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders
Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america
Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam
Zionist hatemongering
Sooo, they're all either kikes or kike sympathizers. Wonderful.
Don't burn all your IP's too quickly Moïshe, you still have much shilling to do.
Geert shills fuck off. He is our best bet at the moment.
In 4 years FVD and maybe VNL will be stronger so we they have a chance.
Why don't you kill yourself Jesse Klaver
Sounds like a fair comment, only to be immediately followed by
An Indonesian jew, who has close links to isreali Mossad to subvert and misdirect the nationalist movement in Holland is not a best anything for the white race, full stop.
So in essence, the promotion here by jewish hasbara kikes of Geert Wilders is the very definition of shilling
Anyone rejecting this jewish proposal are resisting and rejecting your shilling
What and leave all you multitudes of organised jewish hasbara shills to astroturf all these boards without any objection?
Hardly Moishe
Translation in English. We had the same discussion in a other thread and he never reacted.
How do you want a politicus to take position on the middle east? Must men side with the sandnigger? They both suck. But they can hardly say the should commit genocide and reinstall the East Roman Empire or the Kingdom of Jarushaarlem. The best thing you can say is that both side suck and that the conflict shall remain. That almost the same as saying your neutral in it.
Besides that one tweet I have never heard Baudet say that he is really for Israel and going to support them. In all other statements he has just not said he is against Israel. That is a major improvement with the other rightwing parties like PVV, VNL and SGP who are staunchly pro Israel.
Better to preheat the ovens for a bit first.
Pic related, maybe the other three are, no idea. Funny thing is we have all these cancerous Geert threads popping up suddenly.
This guy lurks in every European-related thread to shill against nationalist parties.
He even promoted the French Parti anti Sioniste, a fucking pro-immogration Muslim organization under the pretext that "black people and Arabs are our friends against da Joos".
His writing style is very obvious, but not enough for the mods.
When you make an argument worth replying to. Because every time Thierry gets exposed as the kike-servant he is you ignore it and just post some stupid bullshit about how you still believe that he's neutral on Israel without offering any evidence. Have fun voting based on your feelings, faggot.
Yes. And I'm just annoyed with the amount of election shilling going on here. Vote for whoever you want but don't claim that there's a party that's not controlled by the jews. Posters are fools for trusting democracy this much in the first place. We could have better things to discuss but some people just want to shove their favorite party down your throat.
Hitler dubs checked, but if he's your best bet, it seems like a bet designed for you to lose. I'm not Dutch so I won't pretend to know what the conditions are like there, and if you really feel Wilders is the best way forward then so be it. But don't expect everyone to take you seriously when you accuse anons of being shills, for questioning the legitimacy of A LITERAL KIKE
Fuck off, Gummihals.
Exposing lying kikes and isreali Mossad connected agents of subversion, isn't shilling but telling the truth.
By exposing you jewish liars I am against your shilling, you are the ones selling us a lie.
You are SHILLING for jewish controlled opposition, I have only ever exposed those who are championing for and cheering on others to support jewish false nationalists.
Every comment under my ID happily encourages support for all non-jewish organisations resisting international jewry.
Every one of your teams IDs shills for kikes and astroturfs and gaslights other anons, effectively bullying them to accept your relentless shilling
11am GMT update: Many PVV voters are backing Mr Wilders in order to rock the political establishment and voice their anger over sky-high immigration.
What horrible perversion of the German language is that?
Everywhere I'm reading that the VVD has taken over the PVV in the polls. Is this true?
Vote PVV, stop supporting terrorists and 3rd worlders.
You need to come with evidence beside that tweet that he is pro jews. And how hard is it to answer the question that hasn't got anything to do with the arguments in the discussion, "How do you want a politicus to take position on the middle east?". And goodluck on waiting for Hitler and voting for nobody.
It's (((exit polls))).
They said Hillary would win as well, the only result is of bigger cities, (((Wilders))) was supposed to get more voters on smaller cities.
I just hope I wake up to a Geert victory
I've read every that PVV is in the lead. It looks like Wilders has won it
I hope all anons are starting to realise the huge extent that jewish hasbara make to try and compel us to champion and cheer on corrupt neo-con zionist jews.
In the case of geert Wilders an isreali Mossad connected agent to boot.
It's alarming at the most basic level, the fact this goes on even on Holla Forums of all places should give everyone pause for thought.
Translation of linked image:
This legal statement is about the words spoken by mr. G. Wilders (GW) to the woman seated next to him Mevrouw M.B. Kwint-de Roos, after the traditional christmas diner of the VVD-fraction in the old building of the Second Chamber of 1991.
The revealed statements were made after alcohol usage, but are despite that, now in 2010 with the election coming, very notable and worrying.
A Dutch Politician as informant for a Foreign Intelligence agency should be addressed and should, to the opinion of the signing people of this document, have no access to sensitive information of strategic andor economic nature.
(Miss M.B. Kwint-de Roos served from 1983 to 1996 as (medewerkster) of the VVD-fraction in the Second Chamber)
With this document, M.B. Kwint-de Roos (MBK) and J.A.W.F. Kwint (JAK) state the following After music stopped playing there were a number of VVD Chambermembers, Personal Aides and Fraction personnel who remained after dinner to sing songs and eat snacks.
During that, GW found it suitable to sing in hushed tones in MBK's ear Israeli songs and to gave a number of announcements of private nature, that will now be listed below.
-Geert Wilders is the son of a Dutch-Indo father and a Dutch Jewish Mother
-Geert Wilders was recruited by Israeli Intelligence agency, received in Israel a harsh education and was even tortured as part of that education.
-Geert Wilder drove during a vacation, during christmas leave, in an old Volkswagen on his own, through Syria.
-Geert Wilders has both a Dutch and an Israeli Passport.
-Geert Wilder career is not decided by him but by others for him. This goes so far, according to his own words, that even the divorce between him and his first wife was engineered as well as the marriage to his second wife without his own decisions arranged. Geert Wilders supported this with the following statement How do you think I got her I even became Chamber member. I am too young. First Hoogervorst and then me, I don't have to do anything for that!
When MBK noted that JAK, in an old past, also had contacts with an intelligence agency, GW immediately sobered up and uttered the following threat
If you ever make a report of this conversation, that will be very dangerous for you and your husband
Worst of Wilders - Part 2 of 14 - His True Loyalty
Geert Wilders embraces his Jewishness in America
Israeli-Zionist GEERT WILDERS EXPOSED! (Another Zionist Spreading Fear, Hate, and Lies)
Zionist interest groups finance the hatemongering against Muslims
Extremist Jews & Israelis Funding Racist Geert Wilders To Fight Muslims
Geert wilders ?n Israel 5 Dec. - 3/3
When will the first exit polls be published?
Kek wills it. Long live the Boer!
Thanks, so that means Rutte has won and will make some coalition, right?
Netherlands want out of the EU, they don't want the Fourth Reich, one step at the time, stop this bullshit.
Lads, I'm actually nervous.
well, I bet bitcoins on the blond faggot. Especially nervous after I found out that he needs 50%+1 (which never ever happened before) to become a prime minister and I only found out about that yesterday
You are just pretending to be retarded, are you? Prepare to lose your bitcoins.
At the moment Geert will probably never enter government but he is a giant fuck you to the establishment. It's the best what we can do at the moment sadly. (we cannot get other anti-immigration parties in power, there is no option B). That why I am saying: vote Geert (even if he is somehow controlled by kikes) to say FUCK YOU.
And my Hitler dubs confirm that giving the giant FUCK YOU will red pill normies and pave the way for FVD and/or other anti-immigration parties to grow big in the next 4 years.
There's been detailed documentation covering this one crypto-kike infiltrating and subverting nationalism for international jewry's gain.
You are quite right in that he isn't the only kike working with isreali intelligence to undermine and misdirect white nationalism, just the one concerning this particular thread.
The troubling factor is the organised championing and cheering on for all these neo-con zionist globalist kikes on a board like Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is ostensibly an anti-jewish board, it should not tolerate any shilling for jewry.
That document I posted, for example, is detailing the witness reports of Wilders' own admission he was a paid agent of isreali Mossad, this courtcase was first initiated way back in 2010.
The other videos I linked were made and posted on Youtube some 5 or 6 years ago…
The recent organised astroturfing/gaslighting to compel anons to campaign [for free] is a recent development in the movement that only ever got any traction since 2012. We will eventually put a stop to all this shilling for jews once and for all.
Delenda Est judaica!
I wish I was this faggot now
These (jewish) shills need to stop shilling and face reality. Geert is our best option at the moment.
If he gets in government (which he probably won't) the least he will do is close the borders.
Wew thats how the jews win?
You mean these?
Voting for one candidate in order to get yours is the best thing to do lad.
The kikes on cuckchan shilling against (((Wilders))) are the same ones saying that BREXIT was a mistake.
Explain that, lord of the jews.
I got Hitler dubs in my message before that saying we need to give FVD etc 4 more years to grow strong. After that we can discard Wilders.
I'm getting tired of you.
Shilling by definition is promoting or selling something.
That is what you are doing by flogging this syphilitic isreali Mossad agent as a hero for the white race, he is a deceptive kike as are you who champion him.
I am exposing jewish shills championing neo-con zionist globalist kikes on this board, yet the jews are claiming that exposing the lying devious jews doing this are in fact the "jewish shills".
How does this square with any single non-jewish user on this board, that those championing kikes and insisting we support globalist zionist kikes are the genuine sincere ones here>?
Can someone please explain how so many obvious jewish shills are allowed to gaslight and astroturf these threads?
Still won't save you, shlomo.
Awesome, keep writing blog posts, I'm trying to push for a lesser evil here, and this kryptokike or whatever the hell you want him to be is the one pushing to cut the rope from the EU and stop that flood of sandmonkeys, possibly even kicking all those roaches and igniting something which can, in the long run, even help.
You're suggesting another dose of poison with less representatives that will never get the same focus as the kryptokike because he'll keep shilling the same bullshit and more louder and people will still flock towards him with more determination.
It doesn't matter how you judge or try to predict it, we mostly didn't moved a finger towards Austria and lost that by a thread, even if it was stolen it could've still be a step closer.
There won't be someone calling for 'final solutions' on a liberal place like the Netherlands, and the one getting louder even if he loses will be (((Wilders))).
Something that the population doesn't want anymore are fucking rapefugees, if (((Wilders))) fuck up at least this side of the agenda he'll have pushed and people could get rid of him easily than it would be if you'll still have him anyway on the next elections.
Fuck jews, fuck shitskins, having these niggers on a white country helps on what exactly?
There's enough redpills on Sweden/Germany/France enough to wake the fuck of all the world, and yet the MSM kikes are still paying billions and billions to people to shill everything around here and prohibiting speech more and more.
Your pushing for an ethnic jew, an isreali Mossad intelligence operative at that!
That is what he is by his own words and deeds, not what I want him to be.
It seems so surreal and strange that I have to deal with so many different IDs on Holla Forums all campaigning for dirty subversive jews, but also on the plus side, it truly is helping expose just how many lying jewish shills flood this board in organised packs to promote lying devious jewish controlled fake nationalist steam vents.
Keep up the shilling it's now so self-evident what you're doing here that something will have to be done by the Mods to curb your blatant shilling for kikes.
Strawman, much?
Writes one himself
All this shilling for Wilders happening now, instead of in the leadup leads me to believe you
-Only got enough money to shill for one day, bad choice to do in now btw.
-Just found out this place needs shilling as well.
Just came back from the polling station, lads. I voted for Martin Bosma.
Not an argument.
Burden of the proof lies on you, should I post some nazi marchs and talk in buzzwords now?
Save that for alt-kikes, please.
You seem like the same kind of person that says 'we lucked out' with Trump, if exchanging offenses seems to be of utmost importance.
anti anti kike shill. you're concern is heartfelt fam
You said that an isreali intelligence Mossad operative is the lesser evil.
I never put words in your mouth, that is what you actually said.
You also said
He is the very epitome of evil, he is an isreali passport carrying liar and deceiver, with the sole intent to misdirect and aid the international jewish communities grip and control of Dutch politics, all while claiming to be defending Europe, from his jewish compatriots zionist plan to destroy Europe with mass immigration.
every reply I've had from all you kikes demonstrates that the famous self-made claims of high IQ are quite unfounded, it seems most worker class jews are as retarded as anyone else stupid enough to vote for jews and expect them to aid white survival.
Dude, goddamnit, even if you're not a shill. Stop this Geert=kike shit man.
What will happen if Geert goes into government?
The border will be closed. Islamic invasion will be stopped. We will get a referendum to leave the EU.
How will this help Israel?
If half the documents exposed shows any proof, anybody can be anything with too much proof at any point in time.
Haven't you read the (((news)))?
Trump is a Russian agent, they said they finally have proof about it, seems like a serious thing, now.
It's so easy to spot Mossad agents that documents are flying around on the internet with blatant proof on YouTube as well.
Is there really such a thing as an anti-kike shill on Holla Forums
I would've thought that principally everyone on here was against kike-jews
Indeed it is, jews are a major problem and threat to every nation on Earth not sure why you think repeated attacks by odious kikes would silence me against your odious kike attacks.
Show me Soros israeli passport, better yet, of any of the kikes on Bildenberg.
Sorry no, that would make me complicit in supporting and allowing jewish hasbara to astroturf and gaslight anons on this board.
Gert is a fraud, there is no jew that will assist or aid white Europeans in defending their nations from international jewry and its intent to destroy the white race.
Send that back to your Isreali internet Defence Force team leader and ask him to get a better English translation for that boilerplate nonsense.
Of course he's friendly to Jews and Israel.
Pim Fortuyn ignored the Jews completely, that didn't end well.
Yeah except he wrote a book about it, dumbass.
I've had enough of your shilling. You pretend like you're one of us.
You will be gassed Schlomo, make no mistake.
Have fun with your shekels.
Fucking idiot
The very fact that Geert, with a bit more effort, could easily be the biggest party is proof enough of controlled op.
Fucking Turkroaches.
So he's like Trump? Trump is a huge civic nationalist with a Jewsih daughter but you'll support him and not the Wilderbeast? Fuck off lad.
I have never claimed to be one of (((you))) jewish hasbara shills. I am a white European who is happy to expose you kikes shilling and astroturfing these boards.
How is exposing jewish liars, like (you) shilling in any way fashion or form?
This is Holla Forums, we are against the jews here.
Meanwhile you and tens of dozen others are [by the very Oxford English definition] "shilling" for a lying scheming jew.
This really ought to stop.
Again, ask your IIDF team leader to rephrase that in somewhat a more coherent English please.
You think don't ahead. This is what will happen;
his father was a "literal nazi" who just so happened to decide to marry a half-indonesian mongrel. Welders is at least a quarter indonesian.
The shills are working overtime from Tel-Aviv. Watch out goys.
Theres only two kikes here with the same narrative that cuckchan and on the other thread, and both of these kikes are assuming everyone is a shill.
And these same kikes are the ones with complete (((youtube))) links and (((smoking gun))) proofs that a kike, which I already confirmed is a kike, is worst than the kike that is letting in refugees and loves the EU.
Thats so convenient that I'm in the point of tears.
What now, you're against BREXIT too, or that is coordinated only on cuckchan?
And not a single one of my points was addressed, with the superior kikelords that claim having knowledge about a Mossad don't have a single document of the most known (((kikes))) of all.
Go ask for directives of your 'number one' this week or whatever the hell you call him of, but stop LARPing, you ignorant jew that can't put up an argument.
Wilders is a full on kike, his mom is a jew and he was raised by Israel kikes.
Why is nobody mentioning how you have to be Kosher to stay out of prison in Europe. Dutch ADL would hang him regardless of who the fuck his ugly mother is.
He protects Israel so they wont. ADL is nothing more than a pro Israel and holohoax business
Yet he's much more based than Trumpet. Really induces cogitation . . .
Yet Geert Wilders is a literal isreali Mossad controlled operative charged with misdirecting the Dutch nationalist movement.
One of these statements is true, the one you made about his father being a 'nazi' while marrying an Indonesian wog seem,s rather far fetched and meaningless considering who his son works for.
I seem to have been batting off you foul jewish hasbara kikes quite ably and without any problems so far.
however again, your prose suggests that English isn't your first language nor is Dutch.
ID: 5a973e is the MIDF shill from Egalite et Réconciliation.
He's in every thread relating to Europan anti immigrant politics.
Do not engage him.
Out with you kike.
Get hanged.
I know, retard. But you can't question Jews in Europe without risking prison. You have to now to kikes to get anywhere. We all want another Hitler but it won't happen that way again. Shlomo's shekels have gripped the whole continent.
Confusing, because my ID the Mods can find repeatedly defending European nationalist movements and only being critical of those who are championing neo-con zionist kikes, crypto-kikes and isreali mossad intelligence operatives
Weren't you banned earlier for literally shilling for jews on this board, yet up you pop on another fresh new ID complaining about those exposing you verminous lying jewish hasbara kikes
Sicc argument man! Toooooootally radicaaaaaaaaaall!!!!
This board is sad.
It is a demonstrable fact that Wilderbeast is better than Drumpf. He in the very least will solve the Muslim problem.
Mate, I was mocking the two people I quoted who called his father a "literal nazi". I'm obviously not suggesting he was, considering he went ahead and married a half-indonesian mongrel.
Oh god, leftypol is here now.
Another Janmaat would be enough.
LoL, my mistake and please accept my apologies user, as you can see I've had quite a few IDs attacking me for criticising jewish isreali mossad intelligence operatives.
You'd think that we're on breibart with all the shilling for jews here ITT alone
How dare you slander the God Emperor. I can sense your limp wrist even through text.
Based Drumpf, Wilders is such a kike shill.
What kind of coalition can we expect? A PVV-VVD-50Plus one? Or maybe a PVV-VVD-FVD one?
iirc the other parties have already said that they won't make any coalitions with PVV/Wilders
Well I'm kinda interested in what you've discovered, user, please tell more about the differences in body structure.
Wilders is a kike in everyway
Trump isnt a kike at all
There you go. Read
50Plus didn't. Rutte is a faggot but he'll probably step down if he doesn't come in first.
Yet Wilders is more based, my muslim friend, because he will throw your people out. You are the larger demographic problem. You are the problem. The Jews can be dealt with later. Drumpf will deal with neither.
Interesting that you should draw such a corollary.
Yet the problem we and all the world over has is organised jewry sending all these millions of hostile non-white wogs into our European homelands just to displace and destroy us.
Every mud in Europe is a symptom of that genocidal plan by jews.
Perhaps we should resist jewry and not ever lose focus of that ambition by mistakenly fighting all of isreal's wars instead of tackling the actual problem we face, which is international jewry and their plan to wipe out the white race with the millions of muds they sent to destroy us.
We want it to stop completely, voting for jews, and isreali mossad intelligence affiliated ones especially, we should be more than wary of…
I stand corrected then. But PVV+50Plus only amounts to about 30% as per . You think a PVV led minority government is likely or possible?
I don't watch TV often so I probably missed it but why the memes with partijenkartel?
He won't throw them out because he can't you fucking retard. No one wants to have a coalition with him. Learn some fucking dutch politcs
Fucking kikes, you're all the goddamn same.
Yet he's signing bills like a madman and no one can't stop him, add the fact that America doesn't have a retarded amount of mudslimes like Holland or Europe does. Fucktard.
It's a dangerous game to play i agree. All I'm saying is that we played this game with based Wig lad and won. I hope that today we can get the same type of victory. Wilders winning most votes I don't think he'll be able to form government will send a strong message tbh
FvD, look into them
For everyone who needs a break from autists calling each other shills, have a short kek with webm related.
If you think Drumpf is more based than Wilders I don't know what to tell you lad
But I'm Dutch. America is different than Holland, you kike.
I don't think that I'm just saying Wilder can't do shit and is just spouting bullshit to give Israel even more control
I agree, championing isreali mossad intelligence agents employed to steer the nationalist movement towards jewish isreali zionist goals is a most dangerous game to play with.
It ought to be discouraged on Holla Forums, in fact the white race can't afford to ally with lying deceptive jews who intend to have us wiped out fighting in their wars for isreal.
it would be better for people to realise just how much energy and finances the jews have put in to astroturf and flood all these boards with pro-isreali misinformation.
Of course you're Dutch lad i completely believe you!
Trump will be gone after 4-8 years and the Republicunt party will return to normal. The lambs of Wilders party can build a legacy that lasts and creates a lasting shift even when the other parties block him today. Him getting the majority of votes is an important goal today. There's simply no doubting it.
Like Drumpf with his Jew daughter?
I know its the FvD, just wondering why the praise, is it something Baudet said in the past that turned into a meme or what?
Everytime. Wilders is deep into Israel, shaped by Israel. You fucking retard. What has that a to do with whatever Trumps fucking daughter is doing.
here you fucking kike
What more do you need to get it into your thick fucking skull
Truly a kike.
Add the fucking that his daughter is only a kike in the religion sense, not the racial sense like kanker Wilders.
I agree in principle with what you're saying but who should people vote for then? And don't give me the "don't vote" crap, because that doesn't work (since there is no required vote participation rate which could then delegitimize the results) and you know it.
I've had this same response on every thread where I've challenged the highly organised teams of hasbara promoting jewish neo-con frauds.
the answer is really simple,yet it's never good enough for the jewish shills.
The answer is anyone who is not aligned with international jewry, anyone who resists any and all aims of international zionist jewry to destory our European homelands.
Fighting isreal's wars on their behalf is not opposing jewry but aiding and assisting with the extinction of the white race.
One of the more comical aspects of the jewish astroturfing on these boards is ignoring the fact that since the end of WWII, the international zionist jews have been flooding our lands with not just one type of hostile immigrant [the muslim], but also millions of extremely violent and criminal Africans, Indians and all other 3rd world filth that have now colonised our European cities.
This is where the counter-jihadi angle comes unstuck.
Big time.
In every major European city you can expect to be mugged, or your daughters raped and or murdered by any one of the millions of hostile 3rd world monsters the jews sent to destroy us.
So first choice should always go to a European nationalist movement that opposes international jewry in all fields, or failing that any party that rejects political zionism, which is the actual device used to flood and destroy all our European homelands.
Voting for jews, especially isreali mossad intelligence affiliated zionist neo-con kikes is a big no-no.
That will onlylead to bigger insurmountable problems for the white races down the line.
This is Holla Forums, stating such obvious facts and warnings against international jewry should be redundant, but alas as we see, it's necessary because of the close attention this board gets from jewish hasbara.
Literally hundreds of them, every day, 24/7 shilling for neo-con kikes.
Or you get a clear answer without this flowery rethoric that this jew cocksucker decided to spill because he saw the latest video of Milo Sucklotsofcocks.
Study each one of them and decide for yourself who is jew backed and who isn't, and finally see that theres not one who isn't an openly so because they're not stupid to commit political suicide and know who their enemy actually is: (((Jews)))
Which the daydream of the niggerfaggot there is to gas them all, but he'll never be able to because a refugee will assrape him before it happens.
Wew lads, Sylvana will win in a landslide!
And that's how you find yourself with a Muslim president. Thanks, Ahmed.
So, who's /ourguy/ and why is he our's?
Does the Netherlands really fund Israel or fight their wars?
I know the US does but I dont think the Netherlands does.
Yes, our government has given at least 7.5 million dollars to the White Helmets.
By not voting for and cheering on international jewry, the only other option is da moozlims oy vey?
Did you know, that white people are still permitted to put forward candidates in our own homelands.
You haven't quite won your JWO outright just yet Moishe
Very strange rationalé and dare I say it bent Talmudic logic you present there.
Perhaps you need to ask your boss for a better boilerplate script, as these jewish hasbara pre-written responses today are astonishingly piss poor, even for low-IQ jewish trolls.
Thanks for the chuckle
This book is all about the fact that it is already happening, if you showed it to a French months ago they would totally deny it and shrug it off.
It will be a hellish fight for them, but it's far from hopeless, the point is, and in this regards the jew here have a point
There was hardly ANY intellectual defense besides these 'fringe' authors who tried to warn people, and that comes back to Pascal Bernardin and even Churchill.
Leftists are a fucking disease that needs to be erradicated from the face of the earth, never to allow this scum to have political power or even drawing breath.
One of these idiots cause problems for 2 or 3 generations that seem to be in no sight to end.
Thank God their intellectuals are mostly gone, utter garbage, and this is why the leftists nowadays are so idiot, people that actually listen to what a (((Noam Chomsky))) have to say don't deserve to live.
Sadly all European nations under zionist occupation pay dues to isreal, in all kinds of forms directly out of the public tax purses and many others offset by 3rd party methods in hidden ways.
These consist of tax breaks [not offered to locals], land transfer to isreali business and other such white collar tricks to siphon hard earned goy taxes.
As for fighting the wars, ignoring the WWI & WWII, then there's every Middle Eastern conflict that the UN and NATO sources our collective military resources for, including the recent war on terror, which is essentially chasing isreali Mossad created, trained and financed boogeymen around the Middle East who only seem to want to kill nations that are resistant to zog, rather than these jewhadists attacking jews or zionist elites/politicians that you'd normally suspect an antisemitic jihadist to want to fight.
Do we have any numbers yet?
Only (((polls))).
There's still half of day for their elections.
Can anyone give me a quick run down of Geert Wilders policies? Don't pay that much attention to Holland elections,sorry.
This article does a live feed of the election as its happening:
the guy is definitely a cuck and shill but as long as it keeps the dunecoons out then what is better
What are the (((polls))) saying?
here have some meme magic from another thread
Ali Sourate's dick needs some cleaning, Mouloud, so as they say, go do the job no white wants to do.
Too early to call, only votes on major cities, so far it's pretty much the same with the labor party geting fucked for backing up the current government.
It's impossible to judge without the full numbers that will only come out in a couple hours.
But seems to be having an increase in voter turnout.
“Turnout today to surpass 80%, maybe even 85% (2012: 74.6%). Media reports some station have run out of (((ballots))).”
Are you saying no white, not one, wants to gas all the kikes IRL?
I'm pretty sure you're wrong on this aspect, including all your non-stop cheerleading for isreali mossad connected kikes like Geert Wilders and every other zionist neo-con you;ve been charged with championing on these boards.
Filter the maniacs, then proceed with the thread as normal.
You're right, sorry. I just couldn't help myself making him sperg like the dunecoon he tries so hard not to be.
Polite sage for not contributing.
I thought I might want him to win, but then I found out he's a Roman Catholic–funny how a lot of people are claming that his Judaism is what disqualifies him. But I don't know any of the other candidates, and can't say that democracy is even very good for people. I would probably support the hardcore Calvinist Christians roughly the same type or style of religion as their monarchy, but then again the names for the members of their parties aren't familiar.
I guarantee more women than men will vote for this cuck. Worse mistake western civilization has ever made was allowing women to vote. When given enough time and opportunity, they will inevitably vote every culture into serfdom.
Do we have exit polls yet?
Kill yourself JIDF
At first I was like all for Geert Wilders the isreali Mossad intelligence operative to win
Oy vey!
People keep joking about the 1488D chess MeMe nonsense played here, but this right here is 33 Degree judeo-masonic solitaire these kikes are throwing our way.
You could almost admire their brazen brass-necked chutzpah, if they weren't infernal lying devious kikes.
You already used that IP Shlomo.
You're the one defending a litteral kike, Moshe
Not until after polls close at 21:00 CET (4PM EDT)
You are aware that your open shilling and defence of isreali mossad intelligence operative Wilders makes you the unwanted kike-vermin jew rat shill here.
Is the election today and if so when does it end?
4 hours and 55 minutes
So we will know the results by the end of the day then?
At that time you can expect the first exit polls, 2 hours and 30 minutes after that you can expect the "this is probably it" and then march 21th you get the definite results.
Saar secession when?
Yes, let's not vote for the nationalist candidate that HAS a chance of winning today's elections. Letting socialists win is a so much better alternative! :^)
You mean the isreal mossad intelligence operative tasked with the role to misdirect any national resistance in Holland?
*For the 6millionth timetoday
Any updates or is everyone replying to the two ID's I filtered?
PVV 74 seats
SGP 30 seats
FvD 27 seats
VVD 13 seats
VNL 10 seats
CDA 5 seats
CU 4 seats
GL 3 seats
SP 5 seats
PvdA 2 seats
PvdD 7 seats
50plus 0 seats
D66 1 seat on the electric chair
DENK arrested and thrown in jail on conspiracy charges
How will Americans EVER recover?
So from all the anti-Geert shilling itt I assume he's the one we should root for?
t. Burger
Dutch are the tallest people on average, this is known. Because otherwise you'd be below average since your legs sink into the ground wherever you go.
Seems like it
Well considering the arms on some of those guys are as big as his legs I'd say they recover quite well.
Oy Vey goy! Don't support Geert, he loves israel! Let the country flood with muslims instead! Let multiculturalism replace the dutch people with a less competent race! If you do that, at least someone who didn't love Israel so much was in charge to oversee!
Cmon, be a shabbos goy and just wait for hitler I'm sure he will fall out of the sky. The dutch need to be in the EU so that they can continue to get fucke–i mean assisted by a large socialist jewi–I mean progressive entity. UGH BAD GOY please dont send geert any meme magic that..that uh..indonesian shill kike! Yeah!
Did I earn my bitshekels zog boss?
she's such a qt.. when her and Natalia met a few weeks back, I thought my heart was going to burst
Damn swampgermans and their ridiculous height genes.
Source this god-tier marion x natalia fanfic.
God damn.
Also, geert has a fucking giant head
Jew or no Jew, I want the EU to collapse so I would vote for him
To quote the isreali mossad operative Geert Wilders in his own words
Wilders told the Gatestone Institute. Mothers in the West can sleep safely because Israeli mothers at night worry about their sons in the army,Their fight is our fight. We should support it
the jews are not our friends but our eternal enemy as is anyone daring suggest we should ally with them in any fight against the infernal kike
Its either Geert, who will remove kebab forcefully, and lead the charge to take the netherlands out of the (((EU))), or any opposition to him, who will continue to flood the country with muslims and ideas of multiculturalism, and will stay loyal sucking on the tit of the (((EU)))
Reminds me of US election where it was either an Israel loving Nationalist (Just like geert) or a multicultural globalist shill.
What's the Dutch equivalent of CTR?
It's all the milk m8, not the genes.
the fourth one is easily my favorite
Where can we see the live results?
DENK uses fake accounts to troll websites. It was all over the dutch news.
What is this fascination with isreali mossad controlled operatives lately?
Politics is just far more fun since Trump joined. Wonder if we can meme Italy into bringing Berlusconi back. The kind of mediajew that he is, he would go wherever the flow takes the overton window in a spaghetti drop.
When are they releasing the first results? WHEN?
Korrect Die Rekord?
Don't forget to put your cross at DENK :^)
3 and a half hours
Any place to go see results as they come in?
Yes goyim, why are you supporting nationalists who want to leave the (((EU))) and reclaim their countries from a multicultural nightmare? These people are pro israel. Keep globalists and the EU in power and long live multiculturalism!
God dammit, we won't be able to escape the Jew until they've all been turned to ash and glass.
thanks. I hope there will be a happening regardless of the outcome. How probable are chimpouts? Hell, at this point I'd be happy if someone farts on live tv. We're starved of Happenings, since NK didn't nuke anyone. Fucking chinks.
Americuck here! (Don't know jack shit)
No idea how fast this site will get updated
Lurk more newfriend
Someone gonna do a Geert meme based on this?
PVV (Jew leader, Israel lovers)
FvD (Small party, probably Israel lovers)
VNL (Small party, hardcore Jew/Israel lovers)
Probably either PVV(jewcon) or VVD (neocon).
Both are seen as right-wing here in the dutchlands.
How much time until we start seeing the results?
Probably her isreali Mossad spy father that does it for you Moishe
Trudeau is running for Dutch president?
Simple majority is for sure. But that more then enough in cheese land.
I just voted, they closed down a few voting stations nearby, for the first time i had to wait 30min to cast my vote.
Feel kinda sad for the few people of the silent-generation that were coming with me, first time in 2 decades that they
saw that their vote could make a difference for once.
How close are we to seeing the first results??
10 minutes nigger. Hopefully fvd does well and geert is the biggest for the salt
Oh thanks, I was wondering which one Geert was.
Better spam as much as you can kikes, before you get thrown out of the plane.
FVD is a pretty fuckinh good alternative PVV is Geert kiked and cucked nationalism
The faggot brownskin party is getting as many votes as the only decent party
God save us.
Liberals won 31
Geert got 19
Eurocucks 19
Mudslimes 3
Based party 2
Greenshitholes trudeau 19
Cristcucks 19
Crhistcucks part 2 6
Christucks extreme 3
saw exit polls on the express live feed with geert down 17 to 30ish, but then they took it down, so not sure.
4 part centre right coalition with christians seems most likely
Also labour got DECIMATED DOWN to 9 seats from 40.
They still need to count the votes don't they?
Yes, those exit polls are just based on a few locations in a few cities.
first exit poll:
VVD 31 (-10)
PvdA 9 (-29!)
PVV 19 (+4)
SP 14 (-1)
CDA 19 (+6)
D66 19 (+7)
ChristenUnie 6 (+1)
GroenLinks 16 (+12)
SGP 3 (0)
PvdD 5 (+3)
50Plus 4 (+2)
Piratenpartij 0
FvD 2 (+2)
DENK 3 (+3)
in 10min the next exit poll.
correct, nothing official yet, these are just the exit polls which are supposed to be relatively accurate
They're not in yet but here are the results of the exit poll. People are asked to fill these in at voting centers but not everyone does this, also it's state TV (ZOG)
Yes, these are just an indication.
hello newfriend
Wilders is a kike, so we will also lose if he wins.
Yes, in 20 mins the first 'real' results will drop in.
Remember on Nov 8th when the first exit polls showed Hillary won?
Take them with several grains of salt.
Only cities?
Doesn't that mean that Geert will do better because rural voters?
Hang jezelf op AUB.
They are not. It's just the same shit as in America.
Good luck Swamp germans
VVD is ahead but compared to last year they lost one quarter of their voters. They and PvdA are the biggest losers.
This is rather disgusting.
I'm liking the flag.
This should be good.
Not necessarily. City folk are surrounded by shitskins all day, rural folk live in nice white communities. City folk thus are more likely to break out of the conditioning that migrants are good and racism is the most evil thing in the history of mankind.
That must be why Trump won all the cities
America =/= The Netherlands.
Please Kek, if you're here now, we need Geert to win this.
Biggest cities have extended their voting hours. So we won't get results for them.
Labour has been destroyed. It will be one of the smallest parties.
Thanks for that.
https ://
For the ones intrested in a visual on the results.
FvD better win
A Morrocan party member just got in
I guess it's just indicator of how bad things have gotten.
Official Final Results when? So far ive only seen exit polls
Fuck right off you dutch faggots. You're in charge of your own fates/
see link
The kikes are shilling for Geert and have figured out how to say "praise Kek" by now. The Dutch anons know about the indo-kike
This is why it's retarded to have so many parties for Dutch, while the Turks all vote for the same party.
I wish. But lets hope at least that the party earns a lot of seats. That would be awesome, especially if they earn more than the destroyed labour party.
Wat was dat?
I wouldn't either. It just gives them data to sufficiently cook the books
So labour party got decimated and PVV ended up in third place? Is that it? No more updates?
looks like it's going to be a Libtard coalition.
Nothing would have prevented that beyond 51% Wilders vote
I could have told you this before the election.
International audiences are underestimating how much poz there is here. Hint: it's a lot.
Polling stations just closed, now slowly the results will drip in, patience is key now.
This, the geert defense force suddenly started here a while ago. Must be pure coincidence though :^)
fucking lag atm sorry
Liberal Right (VVD)+ Christcuck Central (CDA) + Eurocucks (D66) + Super Christcucks (SGP) + Christcuks part 3 (CU)
No, these are christian parties that litterally shill for isreal, not talking bout christianity in general
You must remember that shitskins congregate in ghettos. They effectively take over certain areas, which unfortunately for the European voting system means that they will get representation for areas as they are the only people living in them. It's sort of like how Detroit will always be Democrat, or how Tower Hamlets will always be Labour.
The Dutch might still be decent, there's still hope.
The Dutch are merchants themselves, existing as a small and relatively powerless nation stuck in the middle of many real powers.
Just tell them you voted for JezusLeeft or some other shit party the NOS really doesn't want to pay attention to.
Yeah, they ignore them for now on though. (((I wonder why)))
So Wilders is gonna lose? Good.
I'm expecting the PVV to come in second, but who knows. Hoping for a miracle.
(((Germanic))) people are the worst.
Goddamn it you Dutch faggots. You better not fuck this up.
Kek is disgusted by you. Gert shall make the netherlands great again
Such a big dishonor to kek
kek demands at least quads
Please fucking save our country. Please holy fuck I'd kill myself for a white Netherlands.
You fucking shill, he's a kike that will give Israel full control over The Netherlands.
Yes, you are right, better vote for socialist.
>voting for Altmer politicians
not even once
its time to get ready to meme this woman into being president of Denmark in 2019
Krijg kanker kanker joden. Elke Nederlander met verstand stemt voor de FvD
I don't believe the agent in question was ethnically Jewish, he was a journalist in the Lebanese civil war and apparently got chummy with the kikes and decided to spy for them. I'm not saying for certain that he wasn't a kike (his mum was a commie), but from what I could find he was just a French traitor.
He's not going to win.
Agreed, fuck every kike and every shill.
A live stream:
Voting results (being counted as we speak):
The Dutch are Germanics LARPing as Brits.
But aren't the English Germanic themselves?
Anons I'm scared.
If the left gets in, The Netherlands have 5 years at best before civil war.
We used up a lot taking a shit on Maddow, might have some left to spare.
This to be honest.
Question: True that Dutch is the easiest language for English speakers to learn?
lol absolutely not
Bumping for this. I'm intrigued.
No, the easiest would be another Romance language
Still, his kosher anti-nationalists gained 3 seats, but it won't be enough to really do anything.
1 VVD Mark Rutte 20 26,58 41
2 [8] Partij van de Arbeid (P.v.d.A.) Lodewijk Asscher 20 24,84 38
3 PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid) Geert Wilders 20 10,08 15
4 SP (Socialistische Partij) Emile Roemer 20 9,65 15
5 CDA Sybrand van Haersma Buma 20 8,51 13
6 Democraten 66 (D66) Alexander Pechtold 20 8,03 12
7 [9] ChristenUnie Gert-Jan Segers 20 3,13 5
8 [8] GROENLINKS Jesse Klaver 20 2,33 4
9 [9] Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (SGP) Kees van der Staaij 20 2,09 3
10 Partij voor de Dieren Marianne Thieme 20 1,93 2
11 50PLUS Henk Krol 20 1,88 2
rachel confirmed dubs thief.
VVD kek
Nah, I've heard Afrikaans isn't that bad though, maybe you're thinking of that. I've been to the Netherlands and know German fairly well, and Dutch seems about on par with it in terms of difficulty. The pronunciation is crazy, I would never get a handle on that.
Exit Polls aint the end though.
These exit polls seem kinda rigged
Maybe he'll demand a recount?
Honestly there's a good chance that it was rigged.
VVD islands
I recommend you visiting the SGP website, scroll down and take a note.
Apparently spoken Dutch is really easy to learn for English speakers yes. Grammatically correct Dutch on the other hand is so hard half of our own population can't do it, even moreso than English speakers and their they're/theirs.
When will the final results come in instead of of these exit polls?
When I get back home I better see that Geert has won in a landslide or kek is going to have me on his hands.
Kike puppets dont deserve dubs
Checked, If dubs Geert wins the election and removes kebab
Fuck off cunt, Geert wants to leave the EU. He'll help push Europe towards being saved.
These dubs are the signs of magic
Aantal kiesgerechtigden 12.980.788 | Opkomst: 114,9%
March 21th are the final results, in about 1 hour and 40 minutes there will be more accurate results
Daily reminder that waiting for hitler isn't an option
remember to never cry for the dutch after this. like the swedes they chose their fate without much if any of a fight
Okay, cause from the few minutes of Geert's debates I watched, the people occasionally sounded like they were speaking gibberish with an American accent.
It would be strange if Afrikaans were easier than Dutch, cause that's basically Dutch which evolved in isolation, right?
Labourfags BTFO
Well be ready when he flip flop on that
Thats what kike puppets do
No shit but at that point Le Pen will be in office and by then we can just have him replaced.
I'm confused my dudes. On one hand I want the Dutch to help beating the EU. On the other hand, Geert sure has lots of pictures wearing a kippa. Wat think?
This is just a very tiny piece of shit in the netherlands, dont be fooled.
Gert will win in a landslide. Cya guys.
wub wub
He's just not the savior, he may be a step in the right direction that's all.
Kan iemand dit even uitleggen? Serieus.
Your official watch on the election
I'm enjoying watching the Labour party crash and burn. Don't know about you though.
He should be used then gotten rid of by true nationalists in his party. He like all politicians are a tool for the people. It seems though that the dutch have chosen the fate of sweden so it doesnt matter much anymore
Hey, fucking anti wilders shills, explain this:
cuckservatives number one choice for dutch jews, freedom party third choice.
Wait for more polls to come out, user.
Remember when the first exit polls for Brexit came out? It showed over 90% voted 'No', but that changed quick.
Het is Schiermonnikoog. De helft van de mensen die daar stemmen wonen er niet maar zijn er op vakantie en stemmen daar gewoon.
The only reason to vote and support him. Fuck anybody that says "KIKE PUPPET". He either helps us leave the EU or we drop him. That's the only goal right now.
No it didn't, it showed that Brexit won.
Never worked faggot.
Can't read Tulipspeak. The fuck is all of this?
Jesus christ WTF is wrong with you marsh niggers- I used to think you guys were the whitest country in europe. How can you guys get cucked so damn easily?
WW2 thought you nothing did it Shlomo?
you better not have voted for Trump then.
No, man, no. Do you not remember how Gibraltar was were the first results came out?
You dutchfags better not fuck this up.
Let them drown
Merkels party was also anti immigration before they got elected, trust a kike if you want but that would be the grave you choose.
Ratio of muslims to Dutch is 1 to 17. Add to that the fact the Dutch expend their votes across multiple pointless parties like retards, while the muslims all vote for the Turkish party, and there you go.
To the chambers with you.
Are you joking you nigger? Farage literally conceded at one point you kike.
votes that are counted on that island.
Has everyone forgotten that Holland has been where every heretic fled & every subversive book was published since the Enlightenment? I'd say the unreliable exit polls alone show a lot to be hopeful about. And anyway France is the big enchilada far as Europe goes…Isolate Merkel & let it collapse on her head
Ik snap het niet jongens. Zijn mensen in dit land echt zo kanker dom?
Did you support Trump, yes or no? As far as I'm concerned, he and Geert are stepping stones, not destinations. What other options do you support besides some fringe christian party?
He works for us then he gets thrown away.
Honestly the Netherlands has always been kiked and as long as he has them leave the EU and keep shitskins out it's all good in my book. This is also why I don't think we should object to Le Pen and Petry being women and all, it's Europe for fucks sake, they're meant to be subordinate to the Trumpenreich.
Take my energy swampgermans, we can't handle all of this winning on our own.
I'm Dutch so, no. Also Trump isn't a kike
FvD, kike.
He didn't even mention the six million on national holocaust day. Your shill tactics do not work.
He's as bad as Geert is regarding the jew shit.
Only his entire family is kike
Don't doubt Kek, whether the Netherlands is saved by ballot or by accelerationist bullet is up to him.
This too.
Wrong. Geert is a full on kike shaped by Israel.
Filtered schlomo.
Wrong only his daughter, but not by race.
Are they anywhere near as influential as Geert? No? That's what I thought you swampfag. You need to help destabilize the EU first.
List of all the parties and the percentages of votes they have earned so far. Exitpolls suggest VVD winning. Labour party is expected to get royally fucked. Expect massive asshurt from prog shits.
But then again everything this year has defied poll expectations, so who knows.
(((luxembourg))) receives the most, COINCIDENCE!
Trump's family, his cabinet, his advisers
he's as kiked as you can be without being having the blood. But whatever vote for the most niche party you can since that's how you take back control of a country
Really now?
Guys Brexit and Trump was magic but i'm just not feeling it here.
It's the fucking language barrier, i'm starting to think that our power is restricted to the Anglosphere.
Trump's said he's the most pro-israel president there has ever been.
And yet you have magnificent trips, user
Well no shit. Which parties are complicit in kebab invasion, which parties want to remove kebab, which parties lost seats?
meme responsibly faggot
Please Le Pen, you're our last hope.
Mean while he's threatening Israel if they build more settlements, and said no to moving the embassy.
Yet all the kikes hate him, the kike media hates him and he pissed off kikes in sneaky ways. He just doesn't go and kill them off simply because that will be the death of him.
Read The Art of War.
Trips confirms all anons must take a foreign language course for ops abroad.
Yes, keep letting the EU continue to fuck you and the rest of Europe.
I still have faith in Le Pen & Vermund
wasted digits
Le Pen has to get over 50% to be safe, I really don't think she'll do that unless some major terrorist attacks happen between now and election day.
Checked and approved.
Plus, the mod team is completely ignoring the pro-immigration shills.
We will need much more energy for France elections.
Oh god what have I done.
Lol just kidding, but in all seriousness the diversity is spreading across die Niederlande like a fucking cancer. I was there a few years ago, and all the bigger cities have massive mudslime populations. It's probably a lot worse now with the migrant invasion. On the plus side a lot of the schools seem to be heavily segregated (the muzzies all go to muzzie schools), and the genetics of the natives is pretty top notch.
Don't they inform shills of the basics now?
is that really enough to make you happy lol
does your kike media like Geert? Everything Ive seen ours put out has shit on him.
don't worry, we're still growing in power. right now we can function in the anglosphere but the fire rises. one day we will influence everything
On the plus side a lot of the schools seem to be heavily segregated (the muzzies all go to muzzie schools)
That changed a lot. All schools are fucking kiked up, like in Sweden.
Oh shit it's starting to look like they fucked up the voter fraud by overdoing it
Congrats on the trips. Your theory sounds half-baked tho.
We've had a fucking turkroach riot days before this election, there are people that will never wake up.
people seem to forget this. Politicians have no problem being changeable, and a kike like Wilders would be the most changeable of them all.
Only a select few do, but not all.
I dont think well live trough another 4 years…
In isolation, but with influences of English and some other languages. And simplified a little in some ways, to make it accessible to the nigs.
I'm already fluent in 3 languages, with some basic communication skills in 2 others. Yes, anons should strive to be multilingual. Knowledge is power.
you can't build a national organization with 1% of the vote lol
kys as an offer to kek, only then can you correct this mess you created.
this and the fire will rise, fast.
Do not worry, kek will help us
Are we going to see another election re-do like Austria?
Can we get American election observers?
Are ya winning, son?
Vote counting aint done yet. But if small parties never get votes simply because they are small they'll never grow, thats how the bigger kiked up ones stay in power.
That's because your dubs magic is weak. I bet you are a non-virgin too. Get lost, loser.
So is the Netherlands officially fucked? I hear Wilders just lost.
What we really fucking need is high quality auto-translation software.
Voting isnt done. n
dubs confirm
What's the results so far? I cannot find them in english.
I pass for merchant b/c I can imitate mannerisms & ask in-group questions. It's fun
I saw one tweet claming establishment overshot it's expectations by 20% & precincts were reporting 130% - if it's true it sounds like royally botched vote rigging
Congrats on hitting a double
yeah that's why you take over a larger party and push them towards your side. Then again I feel that the election system of europe was made to destroy any non liberal party by fragmentation so w/e maybe you guys are doomed
He could become part of a coalition, user.
What said or;
Exactly, thats what I hate about democarcy, and the retarded people who spout about "tactical voting" and "Dont vote insignificant parties! Always go for the Important ones". People should start learning that the best way to fuck up the status quo, or to improve the situation is to NOT VOTE THE SAME SHIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
3/338 districts counted.
107% voter turnout so far.
It was the one glaring flaw in the multiculturalist edifice of shit, so I can't say I'm surprised that they fixed that right up.
So do you think Trump should have made his own party instead?
Yeah with a 30 party system I would think the guy whose party is in 2nd place isn't going anywhere just yet…
Satan gets it.
So, how is this possible again? Legally?
The Dutch exit (((poll))) sampled 43 out of 9100 stations.
All of the bigger cities crowded with sandmonkeys, there's hope, you're getting dragged down by the same 2 IDs since the thread started.
One that claims having secret knowledge about ultra secret documents acquired through (((youtube))), but yet failed to answer the most basic inquiry, and the other that's playing both sides as if he didn't have an ID.
If (((Geert))) wins there will be a revolution today.
Why do I have a feeling they are likely ramping up the voter fraud right now, and burning ballots before they count all the results?
Please, you should know better.
The precinct reporting 130% is a small island with 774 residents eligible for voting. The island is a popular holiday location, and at any given moment half the people there are tourists. Those tourists vote there, and the 130% is based on residents, not on people present in the precinct at the time of the election.
the biggest problem with Trump is the GOP cuckservatives holding him back.
Wasted trips.
I've never met a Dutchman that didn't know decent English. I think it's either the whole 1/4 Jew zionist thing with Wilders. D&C or not it's a valid concern, no doubt, but none of our preferred candidates are perfect (Trump's Jewish son-in-law and Le Pen's sidelining her father come to mind). People seem to forget they are a means to an end, that means being shifting the overton window right. Make Nationalism "normal" and ethnonationalism loses at least some stigma.
Remember anons, history moves SLOWLY. We can't and shouldn't lose sight of our ultimate goals by getting lost in our immediate goals anymore than we can or should ignore potential small or short-term gains waiting for the next Hitler.
Kek, I'm begging you. Please give us something here.
Well, he tried to takeover and be the front man for the Reform Party years back when he got all butthurt about Pat Buchanan being a "Hitler lover" and "hating blacks, and gays".
You can't really blame the voters. The problem is the way the voting system is designed. It's like the prisoner's dilemma. Everyone is acting totally rationally when they decide to vote for one of the major parties rather than waste their votes on smaller meme parties.
The only real way for this not to be an issue is if you use an alternative vote method. And even that is complicated and gets messy.
How is the voting done in the Netherlands?
Is the possibility of mob rule most votes wins?
Nothing will be given, but tides and water.
It might have something to do with voting in a different district than where you officially live, but it still reeks of (((something))).
Doesn't work for all browsers.
Yeah they even complained the Northern and Eastern providence's are "too racist" because people don't like the shitskins fucking up everything and especially schools
And I thought early voting by mail was an absurd, transparent scam
It was rigged wasn't it?
"9pm GMT update: Mr Rutte may be coming out on top right now but he has lost 10 seats, which is a massive QUARTER of his support."
You fucked your future
These exit polls are scaring me guys, someone give me hope.
you can't vote outside your municipality moshe
I smell bullshit.
Are you really this retarded? That never will happen.
Same Satan.
No it doesn't necessarily. Nothing in the past century has indicated that history moves slowly anymore. Constant action and full-court press is needed to stay afloat.
43 voting stations out of 9100.
Anyone else having memories of Bernie flood back right now?
Don't worry. We'll just drain it.
You can, but you have to get a special voterpass at your local government office first. No idea how much of a hassle it is to get one, but if it's anything like other government shit it'd piss most people off too much for them to bother.
This kike-lover needs to be gassed.
seems like your people want to be destroyed so w/e
These guys on stream have a good point. Wilders is cucked, and to have someone that will only put a band aid on the issue, rather than root out the source is not that great.
Seats in the parliament are assigned to the parties based on the popular vote. There are 150 seats, so any party with at least 1/150 of the votes gets at least one seat. After the seats are assigned the parties have to agree on a majority (76+ seats) coalition to start governing.
The voting tourists are Dutch. This happens there every election. The turnout is lower than last election's.
This really is not suspicious. I've been to Schiermonnikoog. It's filled with Dutch people who don't live there.
Will Geert be enough of a man and challenge the vote?
Martin Schulz doesn't look like a kike lover, he looks like a kike.
Kike-loving kike*
He is a kike.
He's a kike who has said the nation of Germany exists only to fund Israel.
Make it happen
Alright Shlomo.
But counting aint done yet?
PVV voters thanks!
We have won seats!
First profit in!
Rutte and is far away from me !!
Left wingers on suicide watch. More news after they rigged the elections.
Again I go back to a deeper problem, imo: 30 fucking parties. No one even is thinking about being top dog so no one acts like it
Thanks for the perspective… What you described is fraud in America. Being registered in 2 states is fraud, eg
Western Europe is already pozzed beyond belief. Expecting a miracle here (or in france) is foolish. Nothing short of an armed uprising will uncuck the dutch.
wtf is that thing??
Don't use google. For fucks sake.
lel, he is a bit of a nog.
Tonight has proven one thing to me. The dutch, and most of Europe are too kind for their own good. They will actually have to face annihilation to wake up.
You have to go back
I voted for Trump. I have no problems. Helping to split the vote and resources for the only party that has a chance to save your country is what seems pretty kiked to me.
Not necessarily, no. Naturally there will be random leaps and bounds. Not to mention history is moving FASTER than it once did. What I was getting at is that public perception changes over time, Rome wasn't built in a day, that sort of thing. We're not going to elect an openly ethnonationalist or fascist leader just yet, but we're getting closer with increasingly right wing candidates and parties growing in popularity and winning seats in their respective governments.
I did not nor would I say that "Constant action and full-court press" isn't needed. We should of course never stop pushing, never stop working, improving, etc. It just seems the "wait for Hitler" crowd doesn't understand that that overton shift is necessary and electing people like Trump, Wilders, Pen, etc. is a step forward despite their inherent flaws.
Perhaps I should have said, "History will not move as fast as we wish it to. Therefore, we should push it along and expedite the process every chance we get." Sounds better?
Was he supposed to do better on the islands? Because he got double the vote there than he did in 2012. If that holds across the Netherlands, he got 30 seats.
a cuckchan meme, used to avoid talking about international kikery. Avoid
God that makes my blood fucking boil. I remember walking the streets of Amsterdam in the morning and seeing lines of rosy-cheeked happy Dutch kids walking back to school from a field trip to the NEMO. In the evenings they'd play soccer in the streets, without fear of anything. It seemed so idyllic, something few burgers can hope for their children to have. The fact that these kikes are fucking that up is pure rage-fuel.
Dutch governments consist of multiple parties that have a majority together, no party ever has a majority by itself. This isn't anything like American elections.
Rothschild monkey detected
He's the walking definition of a crypto-kike. "Catholic" my fucking ass. The dude looks so goddamn jewy it hurts. My family and a ton of the people I know are catholic germans and I don't know any germans that look like that.
The voting isnt done, it doesnt get updated. They shut it down.
Brexit was first blood lad. There's a lot of hope for Western Europe. So far we have 3/338 regions counted, and an exit poll that sampled 43 out of 9100 voting stations. There' still hope for the Dutch.
Get the fuck out cuck
Amsterdam is totally unsafe now a days. It's a big shithole and the Dutch people living there don't even see it.
That's a problem because the Turks all vote for the same party. They probably got seats because of that.
Wat is deze neger aan het doen, ze zijn net pas aan het tellen.
lol no it's straight to annihilation
look at sweden they basically go "meh" whenever little girl is raped, cars set on fire or bombs go off
They are the laughing stock here though, as always
So between 23:30 and 0:00 the true results are probably in.
It's not just Europe, it's European peoples. It's our compassion, it's our curse.
They got seats, but no other party is at all likely to get into a coalition with them. FvD and PVV (wilders) on the other hand would be very likely to enter a coalition.
Nah this is more about putting all the possible resources behind driving the vote for one party. Instead of splitting up the anti-eu vote between different groups which diffuses it.
But like I said it really doesn't matter at this point. Seems like the dutch have decided to kill their country.
I'm talking about European countries user.
No updates in the UK media so far. Is it over or has it still just begun?
Me too, decades ago. I am storing up the hate from witnessing this happen to every western nation until the point it will inevitably be unleashed on those responsible.
It's just started m8
Holy shit these guys are based.
Counting is still going on, kikes here pretend it is done.
just begun, ignore the shills who say otherwise.
What time (GMT) is the final result?
Count faster fucking clogfags.
All 10 kilos of them. lel
fug. Did the migrant influx bring a lot of crime? I remember reading somewhere that the University of Amsterdam was basically making parts of itself into a giant fucking homeless shelter.
There are no valid elections. It's all a big fraud.
I think my perspective is a little different from yours. To me it's not so much a matter of who will win a particular refendum or election but rather by what margins.
You think I have any respect for the British who only managed to vote leave by the slimmest of margins and who are taking no action whatsoever to deal with the massive infestation of pakis and other assorted shitskins that plagues their nation?
Between 01:00 to 02:00 would be my guess
"9.20pm GMT update: PvdA, the Dutch Labour Party failed miserably today, losing 29 seats bringing it from 38 seats to just nine.
This brings it down from the second biggest party to the seventh."
Sometimes I really wonder why I even care about this country anymore.
The people are godless and suicidal, but then again, what do you expect of a people that view their ancestors as evil, racist, maniacs.
If the current results are proven true, we'll probably get a centre-left cabinet, which will mean we'll lose the last of our freedoms/traditions.
– Be Dutch
w/e, time to lift more and prepare to move for when the ship sinks.
3 hours from now the results should definetly be in. That said some cities extended the voting times apparently, so might be another hour after that.
I am becoming one of (((them))) and I don't know how to stop it.
good, it's a cuck party.
seats went mostly to other cuck parties, though.
Read the protocols:
You need to understand that the media is designed to demoralise us and make us think that there is nothing we can do. They do not report on any retaliations (unless they can frame it as we're evil terrorists) as it could serve as a rallying point.
We know people fight back. We have videos captured on phones or during live-streams of good men and women standing up frequently. We even have politicians speaking up now, we have media channels and entertainment that is being designed to appeal to us. Stop being a defeatist cuck.
The fire is already burning. It will only grow from here. The inferno cometh.
very good, these fucking communist niggers have been destroying my country for 50 years, theyre the reason were so flooded with shitskins
this was America until Trump won tbh. we all have a long way to go
Holy shit, he insta-drowned
p good. It's the jewish led labour party. The rest of the results are just the regular sadness inducing things. but not that one.
We may have cuckservatives in the Netherlands with an iron grip on the country. But no true nationalists that will fix the problem. When they fail to make things better it will pave the road for Watergerman Hitler.
No breakthrough in Netherlands the same reason why Hofer did not win in Austria - people are financially too well off and too indoctrinated from the schools with no experience with other races in general.
It's fucking hilarious and the only bright spot in the worst case scenario.
That is very good. Hopefully PVV and some other non-fucked parties get seats to seal the deal.
This is pure kikery. Next time you think of posting defeatist, anti-European agitprop neck yourself Chaim
Dubs checked, I try to do the same, the hate is best kept at a light simmer.
Survive user, just survive. The enemy tries to blind you with demoralization, don;t even touch the electric jew. If you can even connect with a few like-minded Dutchmen, you will have done your ancestors a service. At least you aren't Belgian
So I take it that it's like replacing democrats with what we Americans like to call RINOs (Republicans IN NAME ONLY) right?
Head shot with a water hose. Instant kill.
The anglos have less brainwashed guilt then the germanic europeans. Every country that was previously part of the allies will lead the right wing way
Kerel, ik ben een half jaar terug begonnen na aanleiding van US verkiezingen. Ik ben ruim 35kg afgevallen, beoefen nu kickboxen en ben mij aan het voorbereiden op de rassenoorlog.
Het belangrijkste is nu zoveel mogelijk mensen aan onze kant te krijgen. Blijf tegelijkertijd aan jezelf werken. Meer kun je echt niet doen. Hopelijk staan we ooit zij aan zij, ik sterf voor ons land, in ieder geval voor ons verleden.
Een Wilders zegen had symbolisch mooi geweest, maar dit geeft wel de stand van dit land aan. Wij zijn in de minderheid.
That's a powerful can of Raid.
Vienna is in Austria, Amsterdam is in Holland. For some reason some shit I saw in a history book made me decide not to hang my hat on either of those but what do I know I'm American n shit
I hope he died
Any live results update link?
it makes sense then that the jews see us as their natural enemy. they have no compassion whereas we are blinded by it.
they're red ice, supporters of based kikes and bro tier sihks, and associate with the alt-right label. I like some of their stuff, like the blonde buttermaker, but in general they're pretty obviously controlled op
Hofer didn't win because of Vienna and Graz being cucked beyond belief and probably letting rapefugees cast a few votes. also the districts with dead people voting and >100% turnout like in all completely normal and not rigged elections my face :^) | my soul ;_;
"The Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, has tweeted there will be no "Nexit".
He said: "No Nexit.
"Anti-EU right lost the elections in the Netherlands.
"Common commitment to change and relaunch EU."
also meant to quote
Do have to ask?
Simon shama popping off about the Dutch election and calling Steve King a nazi.
So is Geert suddenly not a zog controlled opposition candidate now? What changed? Did he change his genetics? Is this full of Jews, Dutch Jews, or newfags? I thought it was common knowledge that Geert is in power to be a gatekeeper.
Looks like most votes haven't even been counted yet. How are they saying Wilders lost?
thats misleading, you can vote in a district where you don't life. we're talking about maybe 100 people on vacation there.
Same shit as in America, vote counting aint done yet.
Shills gonna shill. :^)
Same how they said Hillary won.
Well the good news is, the mudslimes will make all drugs and DUDE WEED LMAO illegal.
All-or-nothing reasoning at every turn has become part of the "brand" of so many on the right. Apparently it generates enough traffic to be effective with a target audience but it irritates me. Always sounds like arm chair strategy w/ no skin in the game
Its only the shills rooting for them. (((American))) shills for that matter.
Is there some kind of legend sumarizing all those parties?
Souce for music please?
Only one bitter is you, kike.
We have people in here who barely know the guy, except from his anti-Islam speeches. They think he's based
They appeared here a while ago and they will soon be gone anyway after the elections.
This faggot/shill needs to learn how to use google translate, and understand that our magic works fucking everywhere.
nice digits though.
Ahhhhhh, OK, I got ya. Voters still have a chance to save the Netherlands and the globalist kikes are running scared, making shit up as they go along. This should be fun. Better get myself some popcorn.
americans aren't the ones majority voting for their own destruction
They are just assuming that Trump is using the IC to manipulate the elections like they do. And since they are not going the way Bannon would want that they failed to rig anything that they themselves were not actually rigging in the first place.
It certainly does. and the magicians decided there was no reason to let wilders win. and so it is.
Why would magic work for a Jewish guy who is in power because Israel put him there? There's no truth, there's no justice, there's no innocence. The prime components of the magic you are thinking of aren't there, so nothing will come of it.
google translate will give you "are you of havings butthurt, comrade?"-tier responses. no substitute for actually knowing the language, and knowing how it's colloquially used.
Whatever USA does, Europe follows
Trump effect will take 2 years in Europe, like allways does, every fucking time. It'll happen, be sure of that.
Kikes always play the same song man.
But (((americans))) love to shill the most. ADL for example.
That's true. Europe does like to claim they don't like America, only to follow the trends we set.
There will be too many shitskins voting in 2 years for right wing parties to win.
Except Trump got elected thanks to Farage and Brexit.
-Was pursuit with friends by 100 shitskins 15 years ago, cuz we come to buy in a coffee a few marijuana, when I was a kidcunt
-There are shops (smartshops, Turkishs) where you could buy lots of Cannabis resin in the back of the shop, money goes in Terrorist organizations
-Dutchs don't like foreigners imbeciles who go in their country to do drugs like the imbeciles thinking Amsterdam is so cool, be on Mushrooms and make shit in their cities like hipsters thugs
-Dutchs are far more Alcoholics than Cannabis smokers
HOW the greens full of spirit cookers could have so mush votes?
It smell like rigged, there's a trick>>9504069
Yeah except Brexit happened first burgers
Nethrlands is much smaller though, I dont think there will be as much as a swing as in the US but it is still possible
Ignore the fact that the retard that took this pic uses the kekistani meme, this roughly explains all the parties. PVV is Geert Wilders (possibly controlled opposition right winger), FvD is closest to what most of Holla Forums wants, and SGP is apparently pretty okay christians though I didn't keep up with their policies and stuff.
Yeah but we got our independence first.
If dubs Le Pen will win the french elections.
Please kek save us
4 of the 388 districts counted
Voting results live (being counted as we speak):
Doesn't matter, it's not a race. We are in this together to save our own countries and cultures. Remember that. The kikes want us fighting against one another.
Stop with the "if dubs", thats not how it fucking works you mongoloid
I doubt I even know anyone IRL who fully understands what Brexit meant, much less what the EU really is. The meme that Americans don't have a fucking clue what's going on outside of America is true.
I'm european you egomaniac idiots
Don't deny history, this has been happening for decades now. USA makes a move, Europe follows like a good dog.
Now that we've a new master our elites are rabid, but they'll get as docile as they've allways been.
Well can't disagree with those dubs
What the hell is D66?
No. You always demand people check your dubs. And then you either stand triumphant or slither away in shame.
He speaks the truth, anons. KeK will only grant repeating digits to those who are deserving
Demonic666. They're George Soros's favorite party.
I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm just saying it won't be possible with elections. So that means there's only one other option…
(((Democrats))) 66 (founded in 1966)
Same year as the Church of Satan. Coincidence?
why the fuck is there a pensioner party
because of boomers incredible sense of self-importance.
==Pure== yes :^)
m u h
t o r
it's the same guy who posts X is a kike threads & spams an ungodly amount of links all by himself
This is what I'm getting from Austrian news: the social democratic party is losing massively but the Green-left party quadrupled their seats from 4 to 16 (according to exit polls at least). PVV will gain a few seats but it won't be a massive gain.
Can a Dutchman explain why this would be, especially the green-left thing?
The digits must be natural and spontaneous, if you go around begging kek will just mock you, and rightfully so.
So it's looking like Wilders won't get as big of a percentage as he wanted?
The green party has had the same PR team as Obama.
Some explanation for people using
The top graph might as well be useless, and assuming anything based on 4/388 districts is stupid too. Nothing is certain yet.
So when will there be a new thread ?
The green party does the same shit as with Trudeau. But a "hot" faggot cuck in place and the women will vote with their cunts.
The country of euthanasia wants more Islam.
I'm not Dutch though
Then yes, it does look bad
No need to fully win this to get a referendum anyway
Girls like faggot cucks?
This tells much more of the Dutch people as a whole. There are 6%+ muslims in The Netherlands, Wilders seats equals to 12% of the population.
Considering birthrate and such, I think we are done.
There's some obsessive poster for years now who makes Putin/Trump/Your Grandmother is a Kike threads & spams links in them. Haven't been on Holla Forums in a while but wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't surface for European elections in coming weeks
We're done with democracy and elections, that's all. There are other solutions.
Yes to suck them dry of money. Thank the jews for that
Are the coloured areas on the map the areas that have had their final counts?
Yes. Let both our countries show Europe the way.
So exactly like Trudeau himself?
wub wub 5 of the 388 districts counted.
Yes. It people on tv compared him with the cuck even. Women allowed to vote was a mistake.
according to the jewtube comments, he really did die.
fucking deserved it, too.
WEW Lots of time to go!
I think it will be mostly dark blue and green/red unfortunately
The green party quadrupled, the fucking covert islam party got a few seats.
If anything, this made me more dedicated though.
There's still hope.
After what was being shilled so far, I almost gave up my will to live.
The Netherlands will be better off once Wilders is out tbh.
Let's be clear, I invite anyone on this board to look up PVV, then FVD and see which one is better, under any theme.
Let's also add the fact that Wilders is a Zionist supporter, while FVD are actually normal nationalists.
PVV has an agenda that is a mess, full of contraddicting positions, while FVD organized last year's Dutch referendum on the Association treaty with Ukraine, won and BTFOed all the mainstream parties.
This smells like blatant fraud. Only 5 of 388 counted and yet winners declared already? That smells like shit to me. Utter shit.
Yeah, it is.
There are no declared winners, there's just retards assuming the exit polls are correct.
there are no declared winners
look at the seats instead of percentages, 0 assigned seats
it is yes.
If you're not retarded you can make out what they are trying to convey. Then when you get the details wrong some dutchanon will correct you and you're all set to go.
Google translator and a few others are pretty good when it comes to the West-European language group I've found, but you have to be able to interpret it.
That's not how the system works, user.
The Dutch don't vote for the PM, they vote for the parties.
The seats vote for the PM.
Don't cuck out on us you Tulip eatershs ffs, the Anglos will be the only non-cucks in Western civilisation.
When will they vote PM?
there is no vote. used to be appointed indirectly trough the crown, but the current king let that power to the people we are voting for now. that means, vote for parties/people, and the winners get to appoint the cabinet members.
Last post, have a nice next thread anons.