ITT describe your favorite game like a shitposter who has never played it would

ITT describe your favorite game like a shitposter who has never played it would


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Guess the game, Holla Forums

Pick one

Just because your game is fucking broken and there's a million different ways to fuck around with some walking potatoes you call people doesn't make a game 10/10.


No, much more recent


What is The Last Of Us.
That shitposter is right, too.



You got it.


Asura's Wrath?


Morrowind is your favorite game? Christ man get some taste

Max Payne?


That's your favorite game? Really?

I've been meaning to play it recently, should I? What's so good about it?

You clearly never actually played the game.

Fuck no, I just wanted to use that GIF again. My favorite game is Guild Wars, but that's not the real point of threads like these.

I don't really have a favourite but this is what I've been playing recently:

I got a good one

That describes 70% of games out there according to shitposters though

Did you not read the OP or are you just being silly?



My Stop Smoking Coach with Allen Carr?


TBS meet Oregon Trail inspired by nord mythology, made by actual nords
Comfy as fuck, despite being very willing to beat you with a belt for the slightest misstep
Dat Eyvind Earle inspired animation
Writing is bretty alright. Choice and consequence setup that's actually well structured. For instance, the last choice of the first game determines the protagonist of the sequel.
Some interesting combos actually available with your units, especially in the second game
The game isn't actually SJW, I'm just making fun of how the three guys are ex-Bioware and doing a much better job at a choice-and-consequence trilogy than Mass Effect

So yeah, it's definitely worth the $20, IMO

Try again

Glitchy, broken shit that faggots only play because Holla Forums circkejerks over it.
If it needs mods it's shit.

That's the beauty of it. I can say that phrase in literally any thread here regardless whether its true or not and instantly that game will be shitposted by clueless morons

New Vegas?

Neat, I'll buy it next time I see that it's on sale

Resident Evul

It's one of the silent Hill type games right?

Never played em



Stalker actually, but it covers a lot.

I can enjoy both without mods actually.

These days it does take some getting used to

Come on man, that's just low-hanging fruit. At least put some effort in.

lol that's actually how I feel about the game and I played through it twice. It's a fucking turd.

Factorio is fucking awesome. And also somehow attracts less autists than Minecraft.

Alright time for my favourite:

Oh wait fuck that's actually what the game is like. Why do I like this game?


Can't say I know this one. It's definitely some sort of RPG hybrid, probably with a shooter.

meme game


New Vegas is one of two gamebryo creations that are decent without mods. the other being Morrowind.

that describes a lot of games user

Vampire the masquerade.

It felt like invisible war to me but maybe it's good.

Civ 4 is also good without mods

im one of those people. also waiting for purse owner 5

Personally I'm more excited for TLG and Gravity Rush 2

Though Persona 5 looks great

What game am I talking about?

I think that's everything, anyone got anything else to add?



meme game

what does this mean?

top fucking kek, wew lads

It gets that tag too? huh. Do people not know what Holla Forumscore means?

It's the tag people throw at games that aren't Thief and automatically assume stealth games with action are casual trash. It's a common shitpost I get when I bring up how much I love the damn thing.

Means what it sounds like. The game has a score attack boss rush mode, that's pretty arcadey

that's too indepth for some hypothetical faggot who never played the game.

I think it's more along the lines of simply how game-y it feels, from the exclamation marks to the alert system to the way enemy AI is set up to be simple-minded.

hur gaem is shit because Holla Forums told me so, unlike superior japen gaymen

animu grill.png


It roughly translates to "fun". Fags who play nothing but RPGs, simulators, and strategy games often fail to comprehend this concept. See also

Hardly, they're all common regurgitated "criticisms" that can easily be made just by looking at clips of gameplay and listening to post-release fan autism. The salt never ends.


I don't know shit about weapons, what is that thing in the picture?


It's called a gun, you put these metal cartridges in it and a spring loaded pin on the gun hits an explosive on the cartridges which lights a flammable powder which causes a small explosion that propels a small metal "bullet" at high speed. The bullet goes fast enough to kill stuff


A sawed-off Mosin-Nagant with a modern compensator. This specific one has been cut down verrrry shortly. It's a .30 rifle.

Holy shit is that ring welded on? I wonder if it fixes the abysmal safety.

That's not true friendo, it just attracts the intelligent autists.

I read the OP but my brain took a shit on itself before I had a chance to realize what was going on.

Jesus Christ, everyone is REALLY good at this,


>game throws a shit-ton of enemies in an autistic manner at you non-stop to try and be hard A.K.A: Shit enemy placement

practice makes perfect

Now that is real horror

what is going on in that gif? it doesn't look like anything went wrong

The kick hurt his shoulder because he's probably never fired a gun in his life.


hurgh i hated typing that

How is this your favorite game?

What is this show called? Why are they all such faggots? It can't just be that they're swedes


mfw I'm a quarter swede

Still left a bruise after firing a bunch though.


Uncharted in general.

Is that like, Heavenly Blade or something?

I like Assault Horizon more tbh fam. Who even cares about some fag and his girl who die anyway, and the graphics are way old. Controls suck too, where is my ability to instantly go behind an enemy, where is the dlc? Why do I have to be some mobius dick who goes around bombing niggas? Like I said, Assault Horizons is better and its the better sequel then Shattered Skies, which is why western games are better then eastern weeb shit.

I accept my autism.




This game is shit. It's aged like milk, looks like garbage, and 90% of the ships don't even have shields. Also, fighting for the Empire? Um, hello, the Empire are the bad guys.

If you were really shitposting you'd be talking about the framerate and the load times, for a short list.

All of those posts are just one really autistic guy who tried Classic HD and dropped it on the first day

How did that drill sergeant manage to keep such a straight face?

Most of burgerlands disciplined alpha males are tricked into fighting Jew wars.

Jesus fuck, OP, trying to shitpost about GOAT is bloody murder.

It's more like twenty minutes.

I couldn't get past those spiky things in the sewers.

It's coming to the PS3


Webm related.


This razorfist sounds like a faggot but I don't think he implies Fallout is TES. I think he's talking about bethesda RPGs in general.

somewhat of a point there
I played it for the first time ~2 years ago with 0 issue, I don't think it could possibly age.
He's got a point.
I wonder what he said about Shadow of the Colossus.

razorfist actually wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't trying so very, very hard to be LIKE TÖTÄLLY BRÜTÄL METÄL BRÖ

if he ditched his retarded persona that he's trying to push (seriously, the two videos i saw he was wearing a biker jacket, aviators and those gay half-gloves, we get it, you saw a judas priest video) his videos actually wouldn't be that bad

I personally loathe the "narrate over funny low res images with a snarky passive tone" video format so honestly he needs to be fucking shot regardless. Fucking ass cancer.


He sounds like one of those faggots that think Bethesda made Fallout.

Notice the Fable 3 poster?

i miss HM threads

yea you freelance because you want "freedom" aka you were so obnoxious and talentless that entire company had to create a special job title just so they could trick you into thinking its a promotion while it was a position with no decision making power and when you realised that after 6 FUCKING MONTHS you ragequit like a 5 year old kid.

I want to fuck that goomba.

I remembered him being a Witcher fan but he discovered Elric of Melnibone and then decided that Witcher is a ripoff so he wont talk about it anymore. Even when dozens of people said that Witcher is not a ripoff but merely being inspired. He seems like narcissistic cunt that only goes against the grain so he can seem cool and non conformist.

Was about to ask that very thing, could've sworn bethesda had nothing to do with any of that shit.

Sorry, user. I think HM2 pretty much killed the entire fanbase. But here's to whatever happens to Midnight Animal or whatever that new shit is.

I'm sure if you can find some good fan made levels you could start a thread on that. Though I'm not expecting much along that line.


Shill me on marathon because honestly it really does look like ass cancer.

it's doom with worse graphics, worse combat, worse weaponry, worse map design, but an actual coherent story that actually is pretty good


I had a feeling. But is the story actually worth the awful gameplay? What about the atmosphere? Atmosphere is a big selling point for me.

Those aren't even Swedish they are Danes or Norwegian, can't tell because both of their languages sound like if Sweden had a retard son they locked in a basement and that tard learned Swedish from muffled noises upstairs

I guess I've just played too many sourcemods. I couldn't enjoy underhell either.

>le shitty anime plot that in the end you fight God
Weebshit/10. I really don't know what you fucking weebtards see on this pile of shit. Where are the big guns or the sports?

I feel like shit after this. It hurts to think like one of them.

I think the faggot was actually Norwegian?

They ain't Swedes at least, but memes b4 reals

Congratulations, you are literally the only other person besides that gets pissed off when a game feels like a source mod.

All the faggots were Norwegian like me IIRC. I once went to a party with one of the guys who had participated in it. Unsurprisingly, it was all staged. All "reality" TV is.

literally the only person besides me*

People who like this game are as just bad as genwunners. Take off the nostalgia glasses, it's not even the best game in the series.
It's sequel was much better and you'd be thankful that they killed off everyone from the previous game for being such terrible characters if you didn't have such shit taste.
Don't forget the check dubble maymay.



first-person shooter where the combat is more about dodging projectiles like its some kind of bullet hell game (especially on Total Carnage difficulty)
The weapon arsenal is pretty varied and most weapons have an alternate fire mode. The first game is the weakest in the trilogy and has you defending the titular Marathon against the Pfhor invasion, who are a race of alien slavers. Shit goes even further messed up when one of the ruling AIs of the Marathon goes 'rampant' and teleports you around to do whatever in order to help him escape the closure of the universe, including hijacking a Pfhor ship and starting a rebellion amongst the slaves in their ranks. The first game has the weakest level design, which might be a pain to get through. However, it does have some excellent atmosphere thanks to the soundtrack and creepy corridors. The story in the first game is not required per se for the second game, but the writers assumed you already knew what happened.

The second game has the rampant AI make you explore ancient alien ruins on a planet which the freed slaves belong to, in search of the legendary lost alien clan who will have to aid you in the process. Shit gets interesting when you get to read the ancient alien lore. You will run from flooding lava Indiana Jones-style, activate an ancient AI, swim alot, and get the two flipcockable shotguns. This is the most solid game in the series with the most solid level design, though I wouldn't skip the first game. This game has no soundtrack aside from the menu theme, instead Bungie wanted to rely on ambience. Pretty great alien atmosphere, if you ask me.

The third game is where things go xjwjwkeb2@::33jsdap
DON'T play the third if you skipped the one of the first two games. The story takes a turn into mindfuck territory where you are expected to make your own conclusions about what is happening based on what the terminals tell you. Seriously, EYE is peanuts compared to Infinity. Level design in Infinity is a mixed bag, there are some REALLY SHITTY (fucking Acme Station) levels and REALLY GOOD levels. Aye Mak Sicur is a fucking masterpiece, the level designer for that level worked on it since Marathon 1 when it was just a simple netmap, and then pushed the engine to its absolute limits to make it work (it uses 1023 from the 1024 available polygons).

I'd really consider giving Marathon a shot. After that you can check out the custom scenarios like Rubicon which is basically an unofficial sequel, Phoenix which has all around god-tier level design and combat compared to the original trilogy (but a weaker story) turning the game into a pseudo first-person bullet hell, and Tempus Irae where you have to explore fucking Renaissance Italy.

DooM is exactly that, though.

Alright, though. Into the backlog. Can't really say no to something as standard as an FPS.


don't. don't type it like that. only reddit-tier millenials trying in vain to fit in try to stylize the name of a game

Listen man, I'm as autistic about DooM as the next guy but for the love of fuck, suck my fucking dick I will type it exactly how I want because DooM deserves to not be typed like any other game.

Can't guess?
Then I'll shift into full-sjw-retard gear!

user, aren't SJWs infamous for being able to say that about every game? *Insert ep of extra credits where faggot says the Division supports police brutality*


yes, but this one could actually be a proper strawman if the game took itself seriously and was a standard in the industry.

Zerudo : Phantom of the Opera

You got me. I can't think of a game that has items but doesn't have an inventory screen.

Here's one.


Postal 2

Oh forgot to guess:
Shadow Tower on PS1?

unless you're like thirty or forty you're still a millennial bud

hey I'm not
ok now i just feel old. ow.


Har du spurt Jamal og Abudullah om du får lov til det a? Burde ikke du være i gjøk-skuret ditt?

Nope, older than that.

But that's true, user.

are you fags just salty at nintendo for hurting your fee fees by adding memes to your game? Grow up.

Are you ripping on Pokemon or Yokai Watch?

This is a valid complaint.


Nigga what the fuck?
How am I supposed to guess that?
Can I holler up a nigga in dis bitch?

Monster Hunter?


Nigga you can process of elimination this shit. Fuck. Who is the primary artist behind Dragonball?

anime or manga?


Read the filename, fucktard.

Both are the same guy.

Yep. You can do this, guys. Simple stuff. What could Toriyama work on that is anything similar to Pokemon? A monster-catching, turn-based RPG?

Ch-… Chrono trigger?

Why the fuck does everyone hate this game? It's still as challenging as the other games in the series, if not more, and now that the sales were complete shit there isn't gonna be another game. At least the reaction of everyone to the game made me see how shitty Holla Forums's tastes are. Fuck you all.

I'm surprised this wasn't one of the firsts posts in the thread.

… Nigga.

If you really don't know what I'm talking about, you're missing out on probably the best series of Pokemon "clones" ever made and I will gladly fill you in.

I mean Tobal!
Blue Dragon?

I know it's dragon quest monster, just yanking your chain

I figured we were proceeding into "bit" territory.

watching LoL is a homeopathic sleep aid. i've pissed puddles with more depth.

Let's face it, Holla Forums only likes Shit Hand because they're contrarian fucks and IGN gave it a low score a long ago. It's pathetic.

>qt dies no matter what you do


Is there a folder we should know about, user?
Tell me about your father dragon quest monsters though, I've only ever tried playing one of the early Dragon Quest games (3, I think, the one where you do a personality test at the start) and kept getting my ass handed to me by the first couple of enemies even after recruiting some party members.


Well yeah, pretty obviously

I wish the other two games came to america. Now my wrecking crew is stuck in the first game.

meant for

Oh, I didn't read what you said later.

why do you fucks even play this? How far has Holla Forums's taste fallen that they play this travesty?
It's really hard to shitpost realistically about terraria

The Dragon Quest Monsters series is fun. It's a more intensive but hands-off Pokemon. You tame/breed up a party of 3 monsters (more in later games I think) and use them to beat down teams of other monsters. Each monster has stats and a small pool of skills that they learn, and a personality that determines how well their AI handles battles.

In fights, you can decide how a monster will behave (or, if they trust you enough, just tell them what to do). Battles go by pretty quick because mostly you're taming an AI to do the hard work for you. Monsters have all sorts of varying statistics, weaknesses, resistances, but unlike Pokemon you're not gonna be too bothered by this.

Now, your monsters are generally kinda crappy unless you breed them together. Breeding a monster passes on ALL of its inherent skills, PLUS every skill it ever learned in its life into its next of kin. So two monsters with just their three normal skills make a new monster with its own three skills PLUS the six from their parents. They also pass on statistics, intelligence, and generally level up faster. Also, breeding certain combinations of monsters can yield much stronger monsters than just throwing two together.

I can't believe those fuckers are still updating the game and that for free.
I'm pretty sure that anyone would've sold the last patch as a DLC.



Wait, I have a copy of DQMJ2. You mean the 1 and 2 remakes?

now tell me about your fathers****


But user, Mega Man 3 is the worst of the original series gameplay wise. It's a glitchy mess that was rushed heh to meet a Christmas deadline.

I thought only the first game came to america and the other two games were Japan-exclusive. Hell, I didn't even know there were remakes. Quick search says that the second game did get released to america, not the professional version.

well fuck me, how do you make a spoiler within a spoiler so that when you hover over the first part it only reveals said first part, but when you hover over the second one, it reveals all?

another game, favorite multiplayer:
Writing all this down just made me want to play it more UT2004

He's a good man trapped in an alright marriage by a special needs daughter. He smokes a lot. He's really funny, and I've never met someone who could do more with his hands. I thought he was Native American when I was little but turns out he's just Norwegian and that's how Norwegian people get if you leave them out in the sun too long. He wants me to lose weight. Even though I'm a theater major he is proud of my work. Last time I saw him he had whipped together three gardening boxes and a chicken coop from scratch and was, for the first time in a long time, quite happy.

I'm sorry I told you, user. It would have been better had you not known…

It does have some glitches here and there indeed, but its big and fun and have its charm.

I don't understand how people can categorically hate all Source engine games.

The source engine is quite outdated, and not saying on the "waaaaaah graphics are shit", but well, let's say it limits gameplay itself quite a bit with some of the problems, like only supporting very small maps.

I would by no means call it a bad game. It introduced a lot of things I love about the mainline series, and nothing can take that from it. I like the creativity of the robot masters, and I couldn't say anything about Rush and Proto Man that hasn't already been said. They're great.

Despite that, I'd say that it suffers in a lot of little ways gameplay wise. The weapons are too ineffective to be much fun, if they were more powerful then it would open up a lot more creative ways to use them. I'd say this was something that MM5 did very well. Along with the weapons issue, many of the boss weaknesses don't seem very well thought out. I don't mean in a logical sense because there's no obvious weakness for a guy made out of goddamn needles, but rather in a design sense. For example, Needle Man spends much of the fight jumping around the room in erratic patterns, and his weakness is Gemini Laser, a beam that bounces off walls. Seems like a match made in heaven, but the beam itself is just too slow and makes for some awkward moments where you're just waiting for the beam to finally ricochet into him before you can fire another one. If they just made the beam a little faster then you could sidestep this issue altogether, and end up with a more fun weapon in your hands to boot. And I don't want to sound cliche, but if Top Spin actually worked at least most of the time I'd like it a lot more.

Most of my complaints really do boil down to autistic, nitpicky shit with that game. I still like it, but it's something of a black sheep to me. It's not a bad pick for a favorite because it really does charm the pants off you and the soundtrack also kicks major ass. Though I will say it irks me to no end when trendy faggots who have only ever played 2 and 3 place those games on such a pedestal without giving any regard to the rest of the fucking series. Looking at you, Brentalfloss.

Until X4 or so, its really hard to find a megaman that you can call bad or even average, unless you dig up the first gameboy ones.

I need to start testing my skills with something, anyway.

I think it's Hammer. Extensively using brushes makes everything look very flat and sharp edged.

i think the devs are kill too
last update was the steam workshop intergration with the level editor

if you mean good = better than vanilla, then there are loads of those in the workshop
but actual memorable ones are rare like always however, since it's more better in a campaign format rather than just single levels.

4/10: I'd bang the skeltal in the micro skirt


not actually my favorite, but my favorite has already been used

I've been trying to play this game.

GOG torrent when?

It's been pulled from both Steam and GOG because of something with the license expiring. You can still just torrent the disc image and then crack it. iirc you don't even need to crack it.

You weren't always cucks, just look at the "Carolean" wikipedia page

what game is it Holla Forums?



It really did feel broken to me. I found the gameplay almost totally unenjoyable. However, above all else I respect the vision they had for the game. I didn't necessarily find it fun to play so much as I found it fun to try and participate in the world they invented.

postal 2

Its not my most favorite game, but its a close second.

You forgot to sperg out about windows

Planescape: Torment

Postal 2 on just the first question


Also it was a shit show, deal with it looneyfags.

You were supposed to describe the game as if you were a shitposter that never played it, not give an accurate interpretation of the game.

you sound like a faggot but i want to hang out with your dad and build chicken coops with him

That game was shit. No matter how hard you meme it.


that's that gun from the fallingout game, all those guns are short. I found a legendary armor that gives stealth on hit.




You aren't supposed to be honest about it.

I don't think some people are even imitating at this point.


I think Contracts is better than Blood Money.

No series has made me go from 'oh this looks neat' to 'I must own every game in this series' faster, I don't think. It's a crazy fun series, and I'm not even that much of a planefag.


On the one hand, DoAX3 isn't GOAT material, but you actually got me angry with Virtua Fighter. Congrats.

Every fucking time. You guys don't like the series, you guys only jerk off the PS2 games. No one ever talks about the PS1 games. Only the anime story ladened bullshit games.

Also the remake of 2 was absolute trash and I can't believe you cunts are convincing people to buy that dreck.


I still love it, those points give it charm, and I'd like more games to have secret maps.

But user, none of that is accurate. Most enemies aren't in dungeons, the water temple isn't badly designed(unless you're one of those faggots who thinks the Xen part of Half-Life was bad), the camera works fine, Majora's Mask is objectively worse, it's not really similar to ALttP outside of access to a different version of the world being allowed halfway through, and the game isn't even in the same genre as Ys, Gothic, Silver, Daggerfall, or Legend of the Mystical Ninja.

dude same
Goombella is criminally underporned and flurrie is criminally overporned.
And by flurrie being overporned I mean her having any amount of porn at all, she's trash-tier.

It's got three trailers, a soundtrack preview, and a (hopefully) concrete August release date.



>"Hey guys, I just read that RPGcodex list of RPGs, look at how fucking awesome and mature I am!"
>"cRPGs are for le true hardcore gentlesirs *flips staff*"

ITT cry that someone made fun of your shitty game and then check my dubs.

not before you check mine you fucking nerd





It's kinda bad, cause it is kinda true. I still play the fuck out of it though.


Shadow Of Colosus?


A lot of this is legitimate criticism made to look like shitposting though.

The worst part is that there are people on Holla Forums who likes this piece of shit of a game and are making a fan sequel to this.
