Brit/pol/ - Trying something new edition

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Didn't Corbyn want to hug it out with Blairites?

He spoke of a truce with them to focus on beating the tories but they're still backstabbing at every opportunity. The media does seem finally to have accepted that he is the leader of the opposition, whether they like it or not.

Dunno if you're British or follow Brit politics but Corbyn made repeated mentions of socialism on the final day of the labour conference. Not social democracy. Not democratic socialism. Socialism. Well actually, 'socialism for the 21st century'.

Why the fuck is he being so conciliatory to the blairites? They're nothing but a pack of vipers and all he's done is try to take them into his breast.

Probably cause 9 million people voted for Milibot the last time. Rather than burn them (the public who support centrist labour) I think he is trying to get them more involved.

I suppose I can see the utility in that.

Nice get btw.

Why didn't you listen ?
You will always be too late m8s

Because he can't really do anything about them until 2020 anyway, even if he could kick them out (not sure how he would do this) they would hold their seats regardless, as it's the person that is elected not the party.

If they continue to stir shit they will be deselected in 2020 and will likely lose their seats to their replacements though.

I hope May doesn't hold an election next year and there's a financial crash before 2020.

She can't anyway right? They changed it so it always happens in 5 year intervals

That's correct, the fixed term Parliament act of 2011.

Nice one Clegg.

The Fixed Term Parliament Act is nonsense. It was only instituted because the Lib Dems were scared of losing power before 2015. If May wants an election she can just repeal the Act with a simple majority in Parliament and then call an election. Or she can deliberately lose a vote of confidence, or she can request a snap election (which requires a 2/3 majority in the Commons) and dare Labour to admit that they're not ready. I don't see the Act lasting much longer because governing parties naturally like to have to ability to choose the time of elections.

Corbyn specifically referred to the possibility of a 2017 snap election in his speech, so I assume there's a way to do it as just laid a few ways out. Said speech was mostly centered on uniting the party in preparation of an election at any time though.

I'd bet I'm the only one on this board who actually liked Cleggy. Poor guy.

As to the fixed term act, if 2/3 of MPs agree to it a snap election can be called. I think the tories are considering it but still unsure if they can beat Corbyn. On paper they can, but polls are becoming worth less and less. I don't however see the SNP going an early election, so it leaves May needing fully tory and some labour support to do so.

I thought what the German Industry guy said about Brexit was interesting, that we might as well go hard as the alternative would be a pointless fudge.

Markus Kerber, the head of the influential BDI which represents German industry, said the UK would not be able to secure access to the EU single market without accepting the freedom of movement in its Brexit negotiations.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We have a rough idea of what the British government wants to see.

"It wants to have relatively full access to the single market and yet limited on non existing freedom of movement of labour…

"That I think is impossible at the moment, so what we think the British government wants I can tell you straight away is not what the continental Europeans are willing or even able to give, then it will be relatively short negotiations."
Hard or soft Brexit?

There is no strict definition of either, but they are used to refer to the closeness of the UK's relationship with the EU post-Brexit
So at one extreme, "hard" Brexit could involve the UK refusing to compromise on issues like the free movement of people and losing access to the EU single market
At the other end of the scale, a "soft" Brexit might follow a similar path to Norway, which is a member of the single market and has to accept the free movement of people as a result

cbf greentexting it


rib owen smiv :🍀🍀🍀

what's the point of this thread when brits have their own board?


Why not?

So judging by your being on this board are you all ready to accept leftism now?

This isn't really Brit/pol/, it's just a Holla Forums thread about Britain. The real Brit/pol/ has moved to a separate board.

People from leftypol don't read the Torygraph, Breitbart, and the Express

OP is clearly from Holla Forums but every other post in the thread is typical Holla Forums.

there's almost a british containment thread on every board lmao