WTF is wrong with this lady
She is a White House Correspondent..... Let that sink in
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Being a white house correspondent is nothing special as this bitch proves
Hope she's enjoying that espresso machine, guess that was their participation award.
Well, shit. He only made 100 million dollars in a year?
Complete. Fucking. Failure.
She didn't tweet so good.
fucking nigger
ooga booga
Not the only one.
the color of her skin
How can a jew be this bad at accounting, has he been disowned?
its not that hes bad, hes just being purposefully dense.
That says 6:29 PM so it was probably before the show and it's his prediction for what would be revealed.
I bet scholmo here knows about it but didn't use it because he's such a virtuous Jew? Why doesn't he cite the portion he's talking about in picture, you'd think he'd want to expedite his side?
Who wants to try next?
do these people file taxes? how can they not know you get taxed on income not on wealth? someone should audit these fucks, i bet they both went to elite schools too, scary!
5,000 students graduate our schools with journalism degrees every year.
The fact that a top journalist is THIS FUCKING DUMB means only one thing:
Time Warner and other TV mega-conglomerates literally can not find a single journalist that hates Trump.
Maybe they will stop crying about that $1,000,000 loan Trump's father gave Trump back in the day?
Nah, hes still an evil rich man to them
That's one unlucky lady
She's a nigger.
I should have know that his "I was a billionaire in 2005" campaign was a lie. I never would have voted for him if I had known he didn't have a Scrooge McDuck swimming pool.
Affirmative Action in action.
I guess they can't understand that property has value.
These fag wrote an informative book about the famous "holocaust denial " trails involving Ernest Zundell and genius Doug Christie. It's so poorly written, it actually makes you sympathize with the defense.
**His band Hot Nasties did a bretty gud single in 1980 tho''
Other than that, he is cringy as fuck and still plays in manchild rock bands.
People with low IQs do not really "think" or reason things out. They pretty much operate only on feelings and cognitive biases, and behave like a Pavlov dog. This nigger saw $150 million, recognized a number lower than one billion, combined it with her bias against Trump and spit out a GOTCHA! moment.
Niggers literally don't understand savings and investment at all. The income gap between blacks and whites actually isn't as big as you'd think, but the wealth gap is colossal because they can't comprehend not spending money.
The Jew is either playing dumb or was making a prediction before the reveal. Jews aren't as smart as they pretend but they do know money.
they're grasping at straws. Only this time, the straws too, are imaginary.
It's not just low IQ. You can find plenty of whites who are kind of dim who nevertheless understand the basic principle of saving. They won't understand what the best ways to save are and will make dumb decisions with their money, but they get the general idea of putting money away rather than spending it immediately. Niggers just don't get it. They don't have the ability to plan for the future like even dumb whites do.
Only 50k followers, Trump has 2.6 million followers. She's not relevant.
AHAHA of course it's the pigger
Sean please bully her extra hard tomorrow
It shows that anyone can be a White House Correspondent……. how did she graduate college?
she went to an "historically black college"
I hope she asks Spicer about this.
Do people actually take these seriously? It's like saying "I went to a historically special ed class"
Does she have the 'tism?
When she asks Spicer a question you can tell he takes it easy on her. I'm pretty sure she's on the spectrum
Howard is like the only "good" one, but judging by how poorly read Tanahesi Coates is, I have doubts about that place too…
legit made me lol.
also, sauce? i'd like to look into that
Probably lives hand to mouth. The concept of having money and not spending it is likely completely alien to her.
Niggers will never into intelligence.
This creature does a job that a white man should be doing, to support his family. This creature was most likely created with my parents taxdollars.
I am just so sick of stupid niggers.
I saw that book on his Wikipedia page and wondered. It's $27 Cdn. for a used copy, though. Don't think I'm that curious about how bad the book is.
Sheboon Shakka Lakka
Only 100 million in a year? HOLY SHIT. How can someone who's not making billions be president? That's never happened.
There isn't one. Somebody posted that on instagram and everybody ran with it.
Somebody could source the news stories
It's been 4 years and nobody has.
well that or only retards major in journalism.
shill or not, you're a tard.
He's Irish.
Where is that ?
These people are legit mentally arrested.
Not being able to recognize jokes and sarcasm is a sure proof of autism, user. Just letting you know.
Dem Dubs!
Well shit nigga, gotta put an incompetent retard to show diversity somewhere.
That is blatant sarcasm…
Excellent, now we can start to get some audits on any of the global central banks cant we? This woman will be front and centre demanding it I'm sure.
"White House Correspondent" and / or a blue checkmark is more or less the new ((( )))
Around nig watch out for gibs
Around nigs don't insert or you'll get GRIDS
Around nigs baby back ribs
Not sure how else to reply to this retarded sheboon.
This will only make identification for future pranks that much easier
Corps* fug
Wait, is this kike seriously claiming that loss carried forward is illegal now? I don't think these people even do taxes, they just hand it all to their accountants and fawn like retards when they get the tax return.
I'm not even mad, just a bit disgusted. When will Spicer let us be in the press corps and kick these retards out?
You have to go back
Who thought bush jr was a billionaire? :^)
stupid whore
Just do it already.
In the Netherlands that I know of, possibly in other countries as well. Works as follows.
>IRS assumes you make 4% profit
So if you have 50K saved in your account, you get taxed for 30% of 4% of 25K. 300 euros in total.
The background wall and picture color are the same, her head is in the same spot on the picture frame, she's clearly wearing the same dress and earrings, she has exactly the same expression on her face, and the light is even reflecting off of her hair exactly in the same spots in both pictures. You're looking at the same picture, but one is zoomed in and possibly given a slight filter.
I mean I'd still consider him a billionaire. He only earned 150 million, but I'd assume in terms of physical assets he's got far more. 150 million would likely be the networth of just one of his Casinos.
seperate entity assumption anons, this is strictly Trump's personal income, it has nothing to do with the revenues of any of his business ventures. Also, this is only a measurement of his income, gains on investments, etc. this does not measure his total assets, which I am sure are in the several billions if he is making 150 million a year.
I love that everyone is making fun of her for this. They should bring this up every time she tries to open her fat mouth.
This guy has the most punchable face I've seen in a long while. He's not even American so I really don't get his whining.
Are you two serious?
You don't have to make a billion dollars a year to be a billionaire, you don't even need to have a billion in cash, just assets. That's why Trump isn't as rich as these kikes like Gates or that spic who owns all of the cell phone towers in Central America. Most of his cash is in assets, like properties. When your "net value" is calculated, they use firesale prices for all of your assets (except for cash which is obviously liquid), as if you would sell your property for dirt cheap to come up with the money to show off how much you had. So since Trump's money is in real estate, it's not so clean to convert to cash, so he "has less than he claims" when it's the method for finding net value that is so inaccurate. These people are just fucking stupid, so dumb I don't know how they breathe.
yeah why not. mostly wrote that for the user above me, he seemed confused about how assets and income work
I mean all I was saying is that I assume his wealth is in assets, not income.
Being both a black and a woman, she assumes that all the money a person makes, that person is required to immediately spend 100% of it. She also assumes that anything you own holds no value.
here's hoping your explaining-the-joke-tier explanation is unnecessary, because otherwise Holla Forumsacks are as dumb as the nigger in the OP
you're very upset about this
Came in here to say this.
right, to a nigger, the only way to be a billionaire is to make a billion. BEcause a nigger would spend it all immediatly.
Niggers can't do math.
These negresses are doing a great job of showing why black people are incompetent and cant be trusted.
Normie comments on youtube are pretty funny tbh
Top fucking kek, user.
So, billionaires like Trump and Warren Buffet comply with the tax code to minimize their taxable income as much as possible. This was the money he wasn't able to obfuscate. The rest (however much it was) was construed as investment or paying down debt etc…
Niggers can't into finance.
Gee Dubyah was a gud boy who din du nuffin.
Looking at her twitter she retweeted this. I click on and what do you know some White lass flapping her gums about how shes indoctrinating her son into being guilty.
That extra-wide Jewess mouth.
How do we report this bitch to CPS?
Now, if it's for no reason - because you know too much about the Satanic cult operating out of CPS - or because you named your child Adolf and have an extensive German ancestry. THOSE are causes to remove your children. :^)
Fuck's sake.
Niggers have no comprehension of savings. They think everyone spends all the money that passes through their hands like they do, implying that billionaires make at least a billion dollars a year.
Watching that reminded me of .mp4 related.
best post
a shining example of Dunning-Kruger effect
Too stupid to know she's stupid.
he has a site….which allows commenting. :^]
He really is a bad jew because he only jews when he virtue signals otherwise he calls himself Trudy's Proudest Leaf
he actually failed out of jewing worse than Gilbert Gottfried, who did that shit intentionally. He's had to be taught his own holidays over twatter before. Amazes me how I never knew there were so many "male kardashians" until this last year.
if you need another indicator of what a failure he is, he took GG as deadly serious as Geordie Tait despite not being a card-playing cripplefuck hobo.
He's connected through his bro Zak who owns an indie…. something blog called "Loser-City"
It's not even worth linking to it's so bad.
scratch that, it looks like he still gamedrops completely at random, as recently as last week.
essentially a lefty Beck or Yeb.
Press Cops makes me think we should start having police officers with long canes to pull people out of the seating area when they get really dumb.
I really want them to allow Counterpunch WH credentials just because I know there's only two who would be available daily.
Paul Street and…. Pepe Escobar.
so that's why they only break up the good families.
Looks like it's something that escaped from the zoo and got a full body Brazilian
you'd be surprised how many dindus have autism and dont even know it
More like it looks like a Brazilian.
They meant the news broadcasts which claimed her as victims of both attacks.
The White Helmets in Syria are currently using this tactic, using the same children to stage rescue photos to make it look like things are worse than they actually are. Some people have spotted this tactic being used for mass shootings and bombings, where the news will show the victims and it's someone who has been reported dead at another incident. This has led to the "crisis actors" theory.
However, some will simply argue negligence and incompetence on the part of journos, who have been caught simply googling "shooting victim" and throwing whoever's image they find onto their collage.
It's likely a combination of malicious misinformation and gross incompetence, though.
damn, don't you have any humanity left?
Humanity is reserved for humans, not sub-human shitskins. Now fuck off back to where you came from you limp wristed faggot.
The ride never ends until we end it.
I can't help but think that's the cover of some obscure 80s porno.
Ha ha ha! No, my friend. There's no way she doesn't have an unforgivable amount of jungle snatch.
I didn't even understand what it was trying to say at first. Twitter rots the mind.
That reads like it was typed by a lazy teenage girl, not a fucking grown-ass lawyer.
So many things to take from this statement.
1. If the son is the great white hope who will "break the cycle" of racism, that means she, herself, is a horrible racist. Someone with a twitter should point that out.
2. The son, if he's anything like me or my friends at that age, will nod along to what the parent is saying and then promptly go out and do the opposite out of a general sense of "Fuck you I won't do whatcha tell me!" So we can expect Junior Russell in the news any day now for literally throwing migrants in an oven for shiggles.
3. I'm really, REALLY hoping that his name is "Jimmy."
4. We need to start a list of virtue signalers and their idiotic statements.
Looks like she couldn't take the heat.
Sounds like you could profit off it.
Terry was right again
Never gets old.
what's with the recent surge in terryposting? I'm noticing a lot more than I have before. Not that I'm complaining.
can confirm
The cianigger meme took off, we had some threads on him.
Is this the nog from the White House press core? Spicer is going to hear about this. I can't wait!
what the fuck are you doing nigger
This is the problem I've seen with speaking with leftists. That they have no fucking idea how networth works. The masses of braindead leftists literally and unironically think that billionaires have a billion in liquid assets all the time and that's what motivates a lot of their stupidity, not that the wealthy are free of blame or anything but it explains a lot of their whining about the literally dumbest shit.
Niggers don't know anything about wealth. When they get money in their hands they immediately spend it. When they get a little REAL money in their hands, they buy 7 Bugattis and then end up homeless.
It's funny because jews write the tax code.
He still implies something retarded, even if the main content of his sentence was obviously a joke.
He has every right to be upset about retardation like