More hunting for salt from the left!

Other urls found in this thread:


hey let's not rub it in guys…


so I just woke up, can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened today?


Real /comfy/ hours.

So are leftyfags trying to deflect the embarrassment of this with their typical faggy snark?


Mostly just indiscriminate "FUCK YOU"'s and "WHATEVER IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYWAY"'s. Just like upset toddlers.



Maddow's non-news story that makes Trump look good compared to everyone else in news and politics also made her a felon but not before getting scooped by Trump himself 15 minutes before airing. Then it turns out that Trump anonymously supplied the dox himself in the first place.

Im saving a lot of gondola webms today


Figures. Just saw a screen shot of leftypol and they were pretty much doing what you said.

More salt from leftypol



Can't wait for these people to hang

i always knew he was waiting to release this information for a good time. That means, there is something epic coming out tomorrow. something so godly that this will soften the blow. inb4.


Double dubs confirm, the Ides of March will be remembered throughout history.

This is just the opening salvo. I think this is an Ides of March which will be burned into history for the rest of eternity.

My fucking god


Will there be a press briefing tomorrow?

You just know the guy who posted that is some numale beta faggot who absolutely deserves the rope


>taxes and property are theft anyway

kek says yes^

The levels of spice will be unprecedented

Guys, all this smugness we're getting, I feel like Holla Forums can become dangerous when smug. I love it.

These people are so fuckin dead when shit falls apart.

Never, in all of my days wandering upon the broken clay of the earth, did I ever think I would say these words without irony or snark; but we are truly blessed.

Trump paid more taxes than fucking Bernie, King Nigger, Shillary, MSNBC itself, Zogney, Madderp, etc.

I actually can't believe I ever doubted Trump. He's a pretty good guy. No wonder he actually fulfilled so many of his promises so quickly unlike past presidents.

My dick isn't diamonds
It just came diamonds.

Was assuming it was a parody. But there is no doubt there are some tards that are thinking and expressing the exact same things in that post.


is that Cid from Ice Age?

How's Rachfag taking it?




Ive seen them post. People who are definitely living a shit life and don't understand the concepts of saving and investing.

Probably laughing his ass off by my guess. He is a troll, after all.

And lo I say unto ye, even the prodigal torfag will come to believe, such is the power of our memes.

Shadilay. So mote it be.



Miracles are gonna keep happening. You may even get sick of miracles.

Just because it's a client copy doesn't mean Trump himself leaked it. It could have been one of his Jew lawyers.


Leftists cant into economics

Hitler quads confirm.


why does the screen move all around in this webm?



its kinda been confirmed

also nice palindrome
Thoth appreciates you


I don't go there do you have proof?


MSNBC kikebook has a higher quality version but I don't know how to rip it

Jr was all over Maddow, meming and banting on twitter. Pretty sure they knew what was coming.

Leftists really don't understand a fucking thing about how taxes or the economy work, huh?


God watching her talk is like watching a horse cough.

Impressive, very nice.

aymgdala hijack. When Holla Forums REEEEEE's at (((the current state of affairs))) individuals frontal lobes shut down, making people less able to preform higher functions of thought. However, when smug?

The left sucks at bants, they always have. They just had the numbers, and those are dwindling the longer they autistically screech.


Oh man, this maddow shit is great! She is furiously writing down numbers, trying to find a mistake to hang Trump with. She looks like a fool! This has got to be a career ender.

Miracles you say?

This post was a p good use of quads fam.

No they dont. Its why theyre losers and leftists.

Hitler Quads confirm.


that person is either legitimately retarded or one of us roleplaying for keks


Am I the only one who wants a Sean Spicer action figure?

Not if we smugpost them to death.

I wonder if kampfy and maddowposter are on suicide watch yet.

Them dubs confirm

Considering kampfy is rocking out right now to A E S T H E T I C Kekwave, most likely not.

Never going to get tired of winning, Tor-kun.

we can only hope




KEKS! CTR/CREW are going insane. You know what to do lads!


I don't even..

Dohoho, that droopy eyed faggot's gonaa have to find a brand new shill persona to avatarfag with after tonight. What a pickle :^)


Nice Tanya, kampfy. It still won't save you from DOTR



inb4 trump gives them to him and takes the reward

there is nothing suspicious in his taxes, and he gives the money to charity


He's been in business for 50 years.

If that's his average yearly earning, he made 7.5 billion in cash.

This doesn't count the value of his stock or businesses, which aren't counted as "income".

Seems like they're open to taking in PDFs. Sure would be a shame if they got hit with some nasty malware

Holy shit
How can she ever recover from this?

Isn't this conspiring to pay someone to commit a crime?

Isn't that illegal?

Wait, is that for real? Sounds as if she's clutch at straws.

Here's hoping that faggot gets hit by a bus.

Good rest Don Jr! Thanks for the KEKS!




so, did she actually break any major laws?

if so, trump's gonna be on her like white on rice

She can't.

So does this mean people can just bombard them with bunk files? He's open to getting a fuckload of spam labeled "Tax Returns" right?

Get your hands off my anime you fucking faggot

She is

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

even more /comfy/

She can't, there's a webm in another thread where you can see the exact second her spirit broke.
(((MSM))) on suicide watch.


Dubs confirm, kampfy is to be hanged alongside all the kikes


what are the ramifications of this? felony, possibly jail time conscription into the Colosseum?

Post yfw Rachel Maddow is now a felon.

Kek. Literal retard.


Well memed my friend.


Wait, so Brock is paying for someone to commit a crime? Time to arrest.

Is this it? Was this pretty much her entire show or just a part of it, because if it's the entire show, then that is a fucking job.

Doesn't anybody at MNSBC have any common sense that this would be a huge failure?

You have post number for that? I love seeing these sort of moments

nice digits. ive been posting the HD cap with [CLIENT COPY] to salt mine




anyone got JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP hair template

This is like some 40th omni-nonlinear-dimensional chess right there. And I thought Trump fucking with leakers and the CIA was brilliant. Just goes to show Trump isn't Bush, he's actually really smart and that's what pisses them off and annoys them to no end the most. If he was an actual idiot there would be no way he would have not only held onto the wealth he did but amass many times more of it Most wealth doesn't actually last into the heir generation like Trump does. Look it up. . Oh and while paying his fair share of taxes to boot. Meanwhile the limousine liberals like Al Gore tax dodged consistently just to do things like sell his libshit shilling network that somehow managed to get worse ratings than MSNBC, who also pays less taxes than Trump. We can't forget Bernie Sanders own lampooning of Trump for not paying his fair share of taxes, while Sanders himself pays nearly than half of the percentage of tax Trump does.

for trips, of course

Why do we allow them to share the bandwidth with us?




Enjoy tonight lads. Ides of March tomorrow. I hope we're all ready.



Oh boy, someting tells me we're gonna wear this baby out tonight.

Fuck Reno Jackson

given how utterly incompetent his throw the matzo against the wall and hope it sticks kike is it wouldn't surprise me if some enterprising was able to fake his way to a nice $5m of computer hardware and action figures.








so what about this embarrassment makes her a felon? Is it that she has the tax returns at all, like you're not allowed to have or look at anyone else's or something?

If she broke some law I hope it's serious and the femcancer gets jailed forever


Praise Hitler


calling china now….

That's the comfiest usage of the Portlandia theme music I've ever witnessed.

jej for real though. While I hate the CIA, the anti-CIA shilling is weirdly and unapologetically organized. I haven't been given a straight answer yet as to what is going on.

They showed the pages on national television.

If you're referencing my pic I can't helpy you man, I saved that shit here and I got no context.

it's the FBI feelin cheeky


Funny how the bourgeois :DDD don't give the pages clicks, yet the freedom fighters :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD simply use adblock

Maybe they think a copy of a copy of a copy is legal?

While we're at it can we get the glasses and thumbs up

Suggests it's not a state actor.

Suggests the use of downitall.

tl;dr it's one of us who mass downloaded a thread full of CIA junk using a mass downloader program.


Holla Forums is playing that "we don't care lol" bullshit despite the fact they did. I lurked their shitty board so I'd know. Sometimes I wonder if they have any self awareness, the fact that they come here to Holla Forums, a place invented for Holla Forums and Holla Forums to promote everything they hate but we tolerate and allow their existence when reddit (where most of them are from now no matter how much they deny it, look at the way they post and admit such and their recruiting cancer form plebbit) and almost all other sites do not ours. Really says it all.

It's anons combating CIAniggers through TempleOS

It might be the RIDF trying to get us to D&C the military and the CIA like the JSOC user said. Maybe some foreign intel agency smelled blood in the water and wants us to kneecap our supposed intelligence agencies, not realizing the Child Insemination Agency is a net drag on the United State's safety and ability to self-govern.

I'll just keep calling them CIAniggers and threatening their lives anyways.

This person is twelve years old.

It's the NSA trying to muscle out the competition

found a great saltmine




Shes trying so hard to save face and ignore that her scoop was gutted by Trump himself.


I'm sure there are more than a few zipbombs floating around here.

Can't ever go wrong with threatening state intelligence with shooting themselves twice in the back of the head; stuffing themselves into a duffle bag; and throwing themselves into a river. Elaborate suicides are just a waste of police time.

The face of Holla Forums :^)

Dont forget about David Brock hiding 1+ million from the IRS

so send him a lot of gore?

Just go on /baph/'s IRC (if you dare to give them your IP) and ask them to do it. It'll take them like two minutes. They might just extort David Brock for money after hacking their shit though. They're pretty /neuromancer/ about how they do thing.

Sassy-Cat-Pic-640×607.jpg did nothing wrong.




t. r/The_Donald

Yeah it sure would be a shame if we bullied and pranked the CIA into killing themselves in increasingly elaborate ways that require no investigation due to their nature of their suicide.



He's saying Holla Forums recruits from /r/Socialism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM not us

why are earth are we doxing the guy?
He did is a favor

Checked and thanks for warming my heart.


Has there been any workaround for the twitter throttling other than logging out or using an incog window?
It's really fucking annoying when I can only see 25% of posts on that shitty website.

"She gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken her to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the green skin. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two salt-scented tears trickled down the sides of her nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. she had won the victory over herself. She loved the Nazi frog."



He actually looks better after being just'd.

Not to mention you need the concept of property to have the concept of theft.


ect ect

It's that girl from game of thrones.

It's not healthy to refer to trannies by their pretend gender user.

yeah just go to leftypol and you'll see

I love the way Trump reveals he outsmarted his enemies.




Extremely good time to get reddit karma for d&cing in the future. Simply say Maddow/MSNBC fucked up and helped the orange cheeto and you'll get enough karma to avoid post restrictions etc in every subreddit to spread doubt.


Weird al is a Jew

I don't know what this means.

No one kills commies like Wierd Al.

i still wanna make soup with him

He's a literal faggot kike user. What more of an answer do you need?

good point, meme magicians can't stay up in their mountain sanctums, we have to go and secretly mingle with the peasants. many subreddits are thirsting for a redpill

He's a Trump hating jew.

I don't understand why "CIAnigger" is a thing, we can come up with a way better pejorative. As true as it may very well be, it doesn't roll off the tongue, it's not as smooth with as much impact as something like "shitskin" or something. It's not punny either.

It seems like a super clumsy word, so many syllables. Maybe something starting with A, although "CIAsshole" sounds too cheesy.

Anons, the past two threads and this one are the hardest I've laughed in months. I have never seen one person get so thoroughly and eternally BTFO. The fact Maddow is fucking with the god damn President and he struck her down with a lightning bolt like he's mother fucking Zeus is the funniest fucking thing that has happened in a long time.

These are frames from a fucking video aren't they? You're posting the entire movie one frame at a time, aren't you? The images with higher numbers are more zoomed in.

but he's also weird al

His music just makes fun of people in song.
Name one good song he's done.

devastating photo

No he isn't you stupid fuck. Weird Al was raised Catholic. Stop spreading disinfo.



Okay, I'm fine with that. Just most people would freak out and begin to throw up in there mouth and regret what they've said. I'm actually somewhat proud to see a Holla Forumsock view someone who is a Jew without automatic contempt. Its not very often to see that on Holla Forums, most people on Holla Forums view any and all Jews as oven fuel and nothing else.

Hey at least Rachel can get a new fitting theme song for her show

Please, when we get more footage, overlay this with the highlights

whats song sauce?

It's pronounced See ya, nigger!

That's learningchode. That's the file naming scheme he uses for his autistically collected images.

How fucking new are you?

Hardware store and Amish paradise are pretty good.
Ton of his stuff is hit and miss.

You need to lurk more

You seriously posted nigger shit?
Come on user.

I miss space engine threads on Holla Forums

just cause i'm a huge nazi doesn't mean i have to be an abrasive jerk to everyone tbh

You can only understand the CIAnigger once you've installed TempleOS and spoken with Kek utilizing NIST guaranteed random numbers.


I looked it up. He's Half Yugoslav, 1/4 Italian and 1/4 Eternal Anglo. So he's mutt burger stock but he's not a kike.

Also a big Zappa and Dr. Demento fan which if any of you guys are listeners to either, you'll know they were major sources of childhood redpills.

suddnly i really want to install templeOS





What's the song of that webm? I've heard it before somewhere

Funny considering he's either a fed or on the goon payroll.

It's from Interstellar, not sure which track off the soundtrack but I'm sure you can find it.

oh thank god

"Mountains" by Hans Zimmer
just shazamed it myself

He's a dumbass, I don't waste my time wondering why he does what he does. But that filenaming scheme combined with that large range of files, combined with the obnoxious style of posting and never directly addressing complains? Learningchode, without a doubt.

Huh, according to Jewgle I can't find the area where I once saw weird all as a Jew.I was always told that Yankovich echoed and that he was your common place curly haired Ashkenazic eastern european originating Yid. Still, he looks pretty Jewy, oh well.

My apologies sir, I found out that Weird Al actually isnt Jewish. I for some reason grew up with the false memory that Weird Al was a curly haired Ashkenazic Yid with an echoey sounding last name. I can confirm that he isnt though.
He is not kosher, though I still respect your humanity towards individuals based on merit.

Yes I looked him up on Jew or not a Jew.
P.S. most mutt burger stock isnt that fucking mixed, its more like Irish and German mixes. Though we do have Italian/poles mixes on the East and West coast.

Yes I know I'm taking time to post.

I was thinking, maybe some of us could rework TempleOS and replace the bible quotes with random posts that have been blessed with dubs.

You do know you can be Jewish by ethnicity too?

I disagree, I think that user is posting frames from a video file. He posted one that was in the 200s and it was far more zoomed in on the image than the 156 in this thread. I think he made an mp4 or webm zooming in and dumped the frames with ffmpeg or something. The default filename scheme is very similar to that.

Trump gives tax returns, takes the 5 million, and gives it to the American people.


This is what they always do. No matter how hard something fucks them over, they will try an claim that either they don't care or that it worked in their favor.

Still got the blonde hair and blue eyes though so I'm not even mad.

Bittersweet symphony - The Verve

My soup is justified

But he is.

what kind of slav and from where.

She committed suicide

spread it

He's been posting them for a while now, some of them have text, others don't. He compulsively makes hundreds of images, each numbered like that, with seemingly insignificant differences between the images. He's got hundreds of nearly identical maddows. It must be a serious sort of autism.

Prove it fam.

Genes are wierd like that

No I meant the CIAnigger user. I know maddowposter all too well.

thanks user

What is even the reason for different colored eyes anyhow?

In a sane world I'd be considered a half-breed, instead of a bastion of racial purity, but I guess that's just the world our parents left us.

Sayin' what you like don't make it so.
Holla Forums, Holla Forums, will you please go.

That's what I'm talking about. Some of them have text, others don't. They're not frames from a video. Some of them are zooms or translations of others. He does the exact same shit with his maddow images.

that has to be satire

we shouldn't

Green eyes are fine. Its the pure whites with brown eyes who feel bad about themselves/

Genetic gamble. Blue and Green arent that different, its more a difference between having light colored eyes vs dark colored eyes. Even a white person with brown eyes is going to have a lighter shade of brown than non whites.

Oh. Oh. My. I'm grinning so hard my cheeks are aching.

Fair enough, I concede the point. I haven't seen all that many of them and not any with text on them.

This one for instance:

I like my green eyes, makes me look like manny pardo

100% true. Looking into a black person or an asians eyes is looking into darkness and it freaks me the fuck out

do they even have souls?

Come on lads, lets give them Trump's "tax returns".

He's a partially Serb mutt, not a Jew

He's not even anti-Trump, he made a parody video of the debate that ripped both candidates. Actually it ripped Hillary more, it was called Bad Hombres, Nasty Women guess which pejorative is worse.

Do we? I've always loved my brown eyes, but then again I am a narcissist. They're just such a nice shade of golden flecked coffee I can't help myself.



Glorious dubs confirm!

There is nothing wrong with clear brown eyes. Don't compare them to the glazed cow mudpools you see bulging out of shitskin heads.

Yeah, not being able to see a clear outline of ones pupil is one of the things that helps me feel comfortable when deceivering white from non white when just looking into someones eyes.

You should read about what the Japanese did to the Chinese in the 30s. Asians don't feel empathy like we do

it's daily at this point

Welp at least the pattern looks neat.

Yeah, Weird Al has always been purposefully apolitical. He makes fun of everything. It's the best way to be if you're in the business of entertaining a wide audience. I wish someone would tell that to the stupid pedowood commies so they'd shut the fuck up and continue playing dress up for our amusement.


Ukraine, a village, I shit you not, 20 miles from Chernobyl



I'm mainly looking at it from the perspective of pure whites with brown eyes who are pushed the idea that blue/gray/green eyes are beauty standard. I imagine that some whites with brown eyes might feel insecure. I personally have nothing against whites with brown eyes despite having light colored eyes because I can tell that they have a white tier eyes.

I actually have secondary heterochromia. Green inner ring and blue outer ring. I think it's because my Dad got mutated or something.

t. Deviantart OC

Fucking dox this dyke and say that it's totally cool because the 1st amendment gives us the right to do so.

even after reading all about the Pacific War, it still doesn't hit home quite like a picture of a baby stuck on a bayonet

Prepare for the ninjaknight demon war oniichan

Unfortunately that argument will be aboit as effective for is as it will be for her :^)

fucking kill yourself.

Yeah I've seen them. I know people who when there eyes diolate their eyes turn green when they're normally viewed as having blue eyes.


Don Jr. really is /ourguy/ isn't he? He talks like he's from here.

Checked for delicious

Income $152,737,916 and the sum of those digits is 41. Taxes $38,435,451 and the sum of those digits is 33. This is all information from 2 pages of his 2005, sum of those digits is 7, tax forms.
What does this mean?!?!?!



Cheeki Breeki I V Damke

Teriyaki flavored food is delicious.

The girl in my picture being a whore is irrelevant to my argument. You also don't seem to know what a tramp stamp is.





Asians are basically insects mentally tbh. Listen to Sam Hyde talk about Asians and its pretty fucking true.

poll edition, and holy shit that faggot at the bottom trying to justify



It's very relevant because you posted it from your computer onto Holla Forums.
you're just another outsider. go back to your love for whores
but yes, i misused the tramp stamp phrase. she's still a tattooed whore, though. and you should be ashamed of liking it.

deleet this

My favorite thing about this is when pundits don't want to give up and talk about "the so called alternate medium tax". That's exactly its name, you can get a form from the IRS for it. Niggas know nothing.


Chinese and koreans especially, but most of the southeast asian vietnam types are pretty bearable tbh


I don't like Forbes, but they're okay when they're blowing out Maddow even more. They reported Trump's tax payment back in 2007.


Liberalism is a mental illness

I know a guy whos a pure swede, last name was Olsen. Looks like something out of Hitler Youth with his perfectly proportioned skull, skin tone, and very light blonde hair. But he has Hazel Eyes. He was also known for being in the honor programs. debate team, etc. Bit of a cuck though. I would basically talk about how imperalism is logically justified and he'd just mumble under his breath after.

Well that's a tranny so clearly mental illness is on the table for it

Answer honestly, does this image disgust and nauseate you like the sodomite you present yourself to be?


Forgot to archive for you faggots, here you go

I feel bad for anyone who invested in salt futures. There's going to be an oversupply for centuries.


surely you jest

Koreans and the Japanese originally came from China. The major difference between the Koreans and the Japanese is that the Koreans remained under Chinese influence until the 20th century.

The trending story isn't about Trump's tax returns, it's all about Maddow and her fail.

tippity toppety kek

yes, contracts made to do illegal things are immediately void. it usually applies to when new legislation changes rules and suddenly something in your contract becomes illegal, but also obviously applies to assassinations, etc. Social media posts, emails, even texts can (and have been) interpreted as legally binding contracts. So what this guy is doing is illegal.

t. taking a business law class

Outside of pedowood and concerts, wasn't cross-dressing punishable by death in the 80's? :^)

On no only 3.9 billion……..that suuuuuuuucks…..

Honestly how will the shills ever recover. I've seen a bunch of concern trolling and slide threads which are always hilarious because they launch them when our confidence in the man is highest and our smug is at it's zenith.

I, for one coughed up a lung because i noticed a slight hint of a tattoo on her arm

and guess who is going to take the hit the hardest…


This was our plan all along goyim. We get the price of salt down and save bundles of shekels on catering for the barmitzvah.

Even fucking ebaumsworld is getting some jabs in.

Holy shit that's hilarious, almost a million tweets and yet she still gets dominated by the Saudis like the woman she is

Who is this semen demon?

I'm a monster Holla Forums

What's the music here? Real comfy.

My god I love this timeline.



That's Harrison Jones. This is Reno Jackson


Check'd and kek'd

Redeem yourself with the slaughter of those who share your cursed blood, halfbreed.

get a genetics test

oy vey!

Carbon Based Lifeforms - Frog


Fuck it, a lot of anons who post on here aren't white. We could stand to take allies when we can

Well of fucking course.


Leftism is literally a mental disability.


Kek. Won't be surprised if someone posts a TayZonday screencap.

Pic very related.

Didn't know I would stir shit posting Weird Al. Glad to learn he isn't a jew.

fmr gf? personally brown eyes even on whites creep me out, otherwise cute though myspace angle

it may not be a tramp stamp, but really we should just call all tattoos on women that.

the closeup that makes it look fat is pretty gross

my grandma thought her grandfather was irish because she sucked at names, I know the feeling. Dodged a bullet. Really though, get tested so you know who to breed with at least

Kid is a master ruseman.

Thanks user

You're all getting the gas by the way. Joining the SS will just delay the inevitable.

I hope you know he kills he purebreeds. Usually a purebreed who has degenerated in some sense, but sometimes not.

what about Spaniards and Italians who naturally have hazel eyes?

You mean Barron?

Jews are literally vampires, user

Here's the album that song is off of if you're interested. It's bretty gud

I'm white you fool. I'm trying to make the mongrel user feel inspired to fight for the white race's survival. Try and keep up.


That should answer itself

wut. To be fair, they may just be being sarcastic.

To laugh at retards and liars, and to have proof of their retardation and lies.


>Somehow even less passable than your average tranny.

How does this even work.


I'm not gonna lie to them. If they want to come to our aid during a time of great struggle it's worth consideration. But they're getting a Caribbean Exile Island at most.


you sneaky bastard…

Curse this dyslexia.

I hate niggerball but the whitest team in the NFL steamrolling nigger HQ makes all the cuckoldry almost worth it. Especially if Trump blesses the team himself.

At least give the poor lads liberia or something, that's good soil

Nigger do you even lebensraum?


Trump uses the $5mil to build a magnetic turbine that powers the entire eastern seaboard with clean renewable energy. He names the generator Chief Petty Officer William "Ryan" Owens memorial generator

I'm a potato nigger/german mutt. Just saying that we need to look at our priorities

You didn't have clearance to access these feels

I can't keep up with all the gondolas today

I'm not saying only X white or anything, just that other color eyes make people look like aliens to me. To a lesser degree than the nonwhites superdark eyes, of course. Hazel is a weird one I've mostly only seen in pictures.

If I see a qt and then get close and see brown eyes, the interest dies immediately.

Do we really neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed liberia?



Speak only for yourself, HWNDindU.


How about laos then, no one likes those filthy loations

Come on now. We can afford to give them a Caribbean exile island if we can afford to give the gorillas a big chunk of Africa for doing their part in stopping white genocide.

What she did is illegal right?
Or because the white house released it a few minutes earlier does that absolve her of the crime?
Does Trump know this and did this on purpose so it eats away at her soul that she is free on his sufferance?

What the fuck are you talking about? The fact that Holla Forums has an unusually high shitskin presence has been a joke for years

Do I really need to spoonfeed you here?

The Saudi story happens to be some quite fitting icing on the cake

Yes yes i know world conquest etc. But do we reaaaaaaaalllyy neeeeeeeeeeeeeed laos

Nah it's ours. Our kids might need the land one day. I'll gladly shoulder the burden of exterminatus so my kids never have to.

It's not entirely clear what would happen if Trump himself released the page to them. As far as I know, as long as he has not explicitly authorized them to publish his tax forms, the distribution of any part of his forms is a felony.

Hazel is just the nigger version of green right

Yeah, yeah world conquest big glory etc.

But it's fucking laos

Please point out the parts of manifest destiny and eminent domain that you don't understand.


Everywhere that isn't white means resources were plentiful and easy to access, and there was little pressure put on the people there to develop intelligence and civilization. That means that everywhere whites are not, resources are plenty, and everywhere whites are, resources are probably more scarce. Don't you want more resources user?

Incidentally, this is one big reason why it's dangerous for whites to allow higher intelligence races into areas generally populated by retards. For example, allowing China to take over Africa would be a fucking disaster, because they are definitely at least smarter than Africans, and they would use the resources of Africa much more effectively than the natives. Consequently, the rest of the world is utterly terrified of whites taking over anything because they know how effective we are at using whatever resources are available to gain the most advantage. Thus it's our imperative to claim all the resources possible so that no-one else can take them and potentially develop an opposition.

Is my destiny laos?

Do we even want laos?

What would we even do with laos? Parking lot?


We'd keep it unspoiled because it's biodiversity contributes to a healthy planetwide ecosystem. Unlike the polluting Laotian insects living in it at the moment.

not a single one, but a single field/compound/whatever the fuck its called

and with $5mil and Trump at the helm I'm sure it'd come out to actually $4.5mil with the remaining money going to directly to children's hospitals.

Every grey rock.
Every shitty mudpuddle.
Every sad and scrawny tree twisting out in the wind.
Every salty cubic liter of sea water.
From Tallahassee to fucking Timbuktu

that's fucking disgusting.
again, kill yourself.


WebMs for Anons who missed the original broadcast incoming.

This is the worst fucking failure of a political narrative I have ever seen. I am watching the existential equivalent of a thirty-story free fall into a bucket of shit.

whatever you say Mr. Fakenews.

Apologies for the terrible quality, haven't really made WebMs before.

I don't know why I made this, but I did. The masking isn't 100% perfect but I was working bretty fast.

It's a reference.

See they're remembering the Pentagon Papers and the COINTELPRO leaks. Prosecution of the journos would have made Nixon look like a tyrant. So he didn't go after them.

Nixon only had the legal authority to prosecute, not the moral. Trump now has both. And he fucking should. Terrify these cunts into submission.

Also, I now believe in Kek


I should say that to you!


not believing in our god already
you have brought shame to us user
our ascension is at hand
don't tell buzzfeed what comes next


Kek toasts us both, brother.

I'll check that full house you got there, Satan.

I'm in over my head here

thanks user. please post the whole thing, irregardless of quality, that bitch is easier to look at is low resolution

Go with it.


have you accepted Thoth into your studies brothers?

The Ogdoad is revealing itself to us.
An Age of Heroes is upon us.
Nay, not heroes

I only made it a minute long, didn't want it to drag on. It's stretched out long enough to last an hour though kek

have you noticed that they never call him Mr. President, its always just *donald*

nothing surprises me anymore


ready for the final redpill?
The stories about Conan the Barbarian were historical, not fictional, and we are soon to re-enter them. This is our timeline now.

Ah, so that's the tricky legal loophole CNN used to talk about Wikileaks when we weren't allowed to read it? Clever! I'm glad our greatest ally knows these legal secrets, so they explain the truth to us under Trump's regime.

Don Jr. shows off his smugposting skills.


Ó, wǒ de shàngdì! Never forget the 3.1x10^9 dead Chinese babies, user. The glorious middle kingdom and Nanjing will never be the same, after Unit 731 committed their horrible human experiments under Dr. Yoshio Shinozuka. I was even vivisected twice and used for weapons testing almost six million times. The Japanese dogs must pay for their crimes against the glorious middle kingdom, just as all European cattle should with your greatest ally, the Semite.

so has anybody realized exactly what today's presidential trollage means for our future?

nothing will, or can, be the same. The Media is no longer trustworthy, the ruse has been exposed.

The Media isn't truthful, they are rumor-mongers and nothing more.

I expect the next eight years to be flub after flub after flub, each followed by a flurry of damage control.

There's power in repetition and the hatred they've stirred up for the president has its own momentum. This is mostly likely to be one in a long series of successful mortar strikes. The castle didn't collapse today, but the walls will just keep degrading over time.

green is the nigger version of blue
hazel is the blue version of nigger

And they're truly glorious.


I'm never going to get tired of winning at this rate. Can't wait for the retraction today.


smug is flow


fucking amazing

I feel like when videogames were still good, they were preparing us for what's to come.


I'm watching the interview now, and I've only read through the first two threads, but
Did anyone else catch Maddow trying to link the President's alleged ties to Russia with possible additional ties to Iran?
That's right! Maddow implies Trump's supposed ties to Russia also means he might have ties to Iran. MSNBC literally implies the President is a Russian spy AND a terrorist financier. The Left reached a new level of insanity last night. We're gonna win in ways no one will see coming.

Is it possible to feel smug for 8 years straight?


Knowing the arrogance of these people? They'll keep declaring victory up to the very moment they sink beneath the waves.

I realized what a stupid statement that was after I hit new reply, I know.

blue is the swarthy version of gray

note challenge level, smug is relaxed control

I've never been happier to be a blacksmith. I swear to all my brothers in Kekism, when the time comes, I'll arm as many of you as I can muster.

I was thinking something like this the other day. After Trump, American presidential elections are literally never going to be the same. We've seen that neither entrenched political party can come close to hoping to pull off what Trump did, Kek knows they'll try. I get the feeling that the recent flashes of "Oprah might run!" and "Fuckerberg might run!" are conditioning/focus-group "feelers" being put out by (((the establishment))) to see what "outsider buisnessperson" they can prop up as an Anti-Trump in 4 years.


If you re-temper my Meliador I'll carry the water and tend your forge.

language of a circa 2011 brain dead coal burner

According to your replies, you were either operating under the divine influence of Satan or Kek. Maybe both at once.

They're going to float Kanye.
I wouldn't bet against him either.

the best parts about saving Gondolas is having each one individually named

they're fucking doomed.

btw nice palindrome

I just realized that they don't know what the word "income" means. They just think it means "all da money."

Maybe that's why it sounds kind of evil. Oh wait, that's just Maddow talking. By the way, that video sounds fucking hilarious at 1/3 speed with her voice stretched out, she sounds drunk as fuck. I should whip up a quick edit for you guys.

Kanye would likely get destroyed
the only votes he'd get are adamant Anti-Trump/Never-Trump/Death-to-Trump voters

and if Trump does well for 4 years no one can stand against him.

Kanye doesn't have the skillset to lead or any merit to backup him as a leader. He's a shit plan.

It's a little more complicated than that really.
A true contract requires full disclosure, terms and conditions, wet signatures and consideration/$.
The contracts you speak of may refer to e.g. false advertising or similar. It's not a true contract but more related to another contract which may require performance and the 'disclosure' on the social media platform is part of it.

But yes, David Brock is encouraging illegal/unlawful activity (breach of privacy/constitutional rights) and incentivising it paying for it. It would be excellent if Trump looked into filing suit against him and soros for funding this POS.

I want an action figure of him in his gundam outfit

but can't (((he))) pilpul his way out by saying Oh vey your honor, we said in the tweet that it was legally obtained

It doesn't matter if he's a completely incoherent nigger. He will get every last non-white vote. And he can do what Trump can do: make the media talk about him whether they want to or not.

Fuck off with your garbage cuckchan/the_zionald meme.

So what now? Assuming MSNBC got a small ratings spike from that teasing do they try to double down?
If so, what would doubling down be?

Touched a nerve.



No one cares about your fucking nigger, faggot, and there won't be enough shitskins left in 4 years to matter


Poes law, that has to be satire.


holy shit.

Cool it with the racist remarks.



It's completely illegal.

Here's the full law she broke:

''(3) Other persons

It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.''

Rachel is either going to pay $5000 or go to prison for 5 years.

She and MSNBC will then either face a civil suit or both the DOJ & the FCC will see about shutting them down entirely.

I think you're underestimating what 4 years can do

I really don't think they'll choose Kanye, he's "uncle tom"ed himself with the meeting with Trump, he's dead in the water

transforming action figure

It would be like David Brock saying 'I will give you 5 million if you murder Trump legally'.

The only way to get those returns is to obtain them unlawfully, unless the legitimate one is released by Trump.

SCOTUS precedent makes it legal


6/10, made me walk to my car and get my textbook to reply. I'm assuming that since you replied you have experience in law, but looking through my text it seems that as long as the requirements for a contract to be formed are met (agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, legality), then the contract is formed, whether or not there is an explicit terms and conditions section, full disclosure, etc. The legality is obviously in question in Brock's case, but the rest seems to check out. Based on this, and that courts have found exchanges of emails and texts to be binding contracts, Brock would be making a contract with his tweet. someone should bait him and ask for specific details, terms and conditions.

With verbal contracts or modern day social media or similar (which are technically lawful as you point out) the problem is enforcing it when it's not explicitly done to the dotted line. It gives wriggle room as it can enter the territory of hearsay.


Go home Rachel, you're drunk

wew meant for

How can one man be so based. Its like God has put an invisible sheild around him which rebounds any attacks sent his way.

replied to wrong poster oops. alright that's true. it could be wriggled out of pretty easily I guess, and this would be pretty low on the priority list for punishing unlawful online posts


we're in an anime story now, with Trump as the main character (who has unique hair)

Does that even apply here? That appears to speak towards use of intercepted communications like wiretapped phone calls or tape recorded interviews, where the means of acquiring the communication was illegal, but it was then handed off to a third party who used it. It doesn't appear to speak to USC 26 S 7213 (3) which specifically penalizes the disclosure of tax return information by any party, no matter how it is acquired. The only reasonable exception there being if the person named in the return publicly discloses it themselves, or gives explicit permission to a third party to do so.

I'm not a legal expert by any means so correct me if I'm wrong on this one.

If I were Trump I'd at least get someone to look into it, if anything of merit pops up it would be useful.

Brock has so many Obama ties as well with the Podesta pedo crew. You can bet he wants someone in the Niggers past IRS to release any stolen files they have taken before they got fired.

The fact that Trump still has that Obama fucker John Koskinen still in place is his 5d chess play. If any IRS files get leaked now it will totally shit can the IRS for years and also play right into Trumps hands. The only way legally is through any FOIA requests of any pending Judge orders for investigations on Trumps taxes, or Trump himself.

Trump is playing the long game, to embarrass/prosecute the IRS and the judges who have been under the Obama admin past 8 years.

The biggest part of the swamp that needs to be drained is the IRS. Trumps tax plan will be pushed out soon and what better way is to expose the IRS 1st. Baiting the dyke @msnbc was a mastermind play by the Trump admin. Now the news day will be yapping about taxes and a perfect time for Trump to roll out his Tax plan and possible new picks to head up the IRS. Just a guess, but enjoying too much liberal salt past hours is a good rush.

glad you applied your own personal knowledge user


I thought he was a slav? Would explain the Accordion playing.

The cases are similar enough, both deal with publishing unlawfully intercepted information. Do you really think their general counsel would have signed off on this if they didnt have a good defense? The people here suggesting that anything criminal is going to happen to MSNBC are delusional.

kek, i had originally typed a post saying I had saved your gondolas and wished I had my own gondola folder, but went for lawposting instead. i love the idea of an extensive pepe/wojack/gondola collection, but the few clicks it takes for every photo just keeps me from keeping up. i wish saving to a folder was as easy as one click

I think I feel physical pain from all this winning.

Euphoric natural pain of winning?

like when you cum way too much and your balls feel hollow?

what the fuck are they even doing

Why did she go forward with this story if she had nothing? Shouldn't she have just buried it?

More like my face is aching from the glee and constant joy I'm expressing.

categorize your memes user

It's a fair point about MSNBC's general counsel, they're probably not gigantic fuckups like their programming director that let Maddow run this story and embarrass them this badly. I'm wondering if their angle is David Johnston being the one that actually released it, rather than Maddow. He's not part of MSNBC so he'd go down in fucking flames and they wouldn't give a damn. I wonders if he got reverse kiked in the negotiation - tried to make sure his name stayed attached since it's "his" story and MSNBC willfully let him play ball by making him the fall guy.

Also, I wonder if Trump could make a case for this being a matter of national security. I'm not fond of how often that gets thrown around to make things secret, but I'd love to see Sessions pursue it, or mandate the local AG pursue that angle. My disdain for using that excuse is overridden by MSNBC and/or Maddow get BTFO straight to jail. By the way, wouldn't this have been in Preet Bharara's jurisdiction since MSNBC is in Rockefeller Center in New York? Just an interesting tidbit, not sure that factors in to any 88d chess.

77 files.

yeah, we should burn it in



I try to, I have an imageboard folder, then seperate by board, then seperate by topic, like pepe, trump, etc. but then it all gets too spread out. then you have to name every file. someday I'll get it all organized

very nice

its like eating fresh chocolate chip cookies with a cold glass of milk

i know what you mean, i have 1.3g of distilled memes but its still difficult to put them in individual folders. some programmer user needs to get on /g/ or whereever and make software that sorts all your meme folder and search it contextually, by date, by type ect. for the time being, i'd have two folders, unsorted and sorted, and just slowly move stuff from unsorted to sorted.

now thats comfy

try this

comfiest thing I could think of to describe the feeling I felt when I read that line though I was actually thinking brownies but cookies had been a while

this is the best weird al song, but nobody knows about it

it's about cucks

nice digits user

checked and listening

top fucking kek. These nu-male faggots live paycheck to paycheck while spending all their money going to ethnic restaurants for dinner every night and donating the rest to anita sarkeesian, so they have no concept at all of saving money

Plus Trump owns a lot of real estate. Much of his wealth is in buildings and properties.


Kek is smiling at us, Liberals. Can you say the same?.

thanks, also, that post number is spooky af and now im hungry


This person cannot be an adult. This has to be some retarded 12 year old leftypol faggot.

Do it.

r eddit.com/r/esist/comments/5zfuxr/comment/dey4waq

fucking delicious


Snoop Nigger on Suicide Watch

We should shitpost Malik Obama into the Supreme Court. It would be hilarious when the 8-1 dissenting opinion is "Barack Obama is a Kenyan homosexual."


I am 100% behind this

The only good thing from the post. And it needs to be memed.

make some rice broccoli and shrimp bowls also soy sauce

That honestly reads like a deep cover Holla Forumsack trying to fuck up some plebbitors day
That is very persuasive to emotional libshits

This seems like an intentionally bad argument - it's obvious that this is only one year of Trump's taxes and it's entirely possible in 2004 he was able to use carried interest to eliminate his entire tax burden. You'd think a dedicated leftist would latch on to that possibility rather than admit the sand is falling through their hands ever faster.

That is classic Holla Forums dealing with leftists, in my opinion. You take what makes them despondent already and double it. I don't think it works well as a motivational tactic for them - it's something they are trying to prevent but clearly don't know how. Hence /r/esist even existing - what are they resisting and how?

my sides user, stop it

Actually, piping hot rice and smoked salmon on top with soy sauce is cheaper, easier and IMO tastier.

One other thing I forgot to add - there's a huge weight placed on lying in that post with liberals being the perpetrators. That establishes the counterpoint that Trump is the only one telling the truth, but without directly saying it.


in short what you are saying is, he appears to be concern trolling

Thats the best part of the picture. Nothing like a nice mound.


I do canned bumblebee salmon, shrimp and pink crab alternating because a local discount place sells them because dented cans or something

I hope you do a sniff test before eating those. Dented cans can potentially result in metallic contamination of the food, which is why they are sold for cheaps.

they smell fine, I avoid the dented ones and go for the regular ones in the batches

I am not a constitutional expert but I think thats not true.

yep that was my first thought, finally someone shilling from our side.. it has upvotes though. so unless t_d are brigading, then actual anti-trump-tards are buying this shit

any deviation from the native in /r/esist or /r/ETS etc is usually met with HEAVY downsides so I was surprised to see a critical post floating

point is dey fukd up, and dey no it.




fuckin christ reading the archive it looks like it could be ourguys doing the false consensus job on reddit

Maybe you could call it that. I wrote a longer post trying to explore the distinction I see, but you're pretty much right. I think the only distinction is that he's concern trolling them hard about how much they're going to lose in the future, but he at least gives them a solution: stop being libshits and be a little more open minded. Usually concern trolls just throw out all the concerns and refuse to give any opinions on a solution, because the point is to get people arguing.

I wonder sometimes why we aren't running dedicated shilling ops on reddit. They are so fucking vulnerable to it, and even if they figure out we're doing it, we've sown the doubt that every post could be one of MUH Holla Forums TROLLS and they'll grow paranoid. It wouldn't even be that hard to make 10+ fake reddit accounts per user and brigade the fuck out of posts, or shill the shit out of them and upvote our shill posts like crazy. It'd also make Brock waste even more of his money fighting us over there, since Shareblue has basically no opposition on a lot of the larger political subreddits.

definitely our boys

you did great analyzing it man, if you didn't I would not have thought to simply label it that
it's a lot like "tfw neet how will I get wife" and "I'm losing faith guys pls help"
may not actually be concern posting but I don't know what defeatism is
read the archive and see the replies, definitely consensus engineering going on

beautiful to be honest

and don't forget, they're waking up too

they're seeing the lies, they're seeing through the false narrative, and soon they will be seeing Trump for who and what he is.

God Emperor might be too small a term for what this man will come to be, but my mortal mind cannot comprehend a phrase to summarize what Trump truly is.

checked and praised


so many people have been coming around because of the way the media is acting in Australia. Today is no exception its fucking amazing. As soon as people started posting the Maddow tweet I started planting the seed in their head that it was Trump leaking. [CLIENT COPY] sealed the deal. ahahahahahaha fuck every day I wake up is better than yesterday

I can't fucking handle it.
I just can't.

I don't want to shill on reddit, I don't want to deal with these people, they're just far too fucking stupid to even realize how much they're projecting, or how insane that truly are.

Like we here are in fact extremists, but we know we are, we embrace it, live in it, we wouldn't know moderatism if it jumped up and bit us on the balls


these people, if you want to call them that I'm not sure that count as "people" anymore, really do in fact require AT LEAST re-education camps, if not outright deathcamps.



don't worry bud, that's the worst of it, read the beautiful archive

She's nervous here.

She KNOWS that everybody will know that it's absolute trash.

I'd fake it just to get $5m

also take note to the down votes

I can just see the leftist mental gymnastics and short circuiting at work.

Don't pity Reddit, let it burn. It's part of the long confrontation from long ago back when 4chan was still using lolcats and other memes meanwhile reddit had black and white vectors of actors. Reddit came along, stole memes, used the punchline incorrectly and so often that it made the meme unfunny, and then had the audacity to claim those memes they stole were created by them and that 4chan had stolen the memes. The rest is history. It's why to this day I never agreed with Moot the betraying cuck's decision to let reddit members be incorporated into the board and shit up the entire place before the NSA/CIA planned happening set up for sjw mod take over and eventual exodus. Their culture cannot mesh with imageboard culture.

Its comfy thinking some of our memes are on Trump Jr's phone.

or he could forgive here and hold it over them forever

I did
like said so many are unable to figure it out

some are waking up as I said in , but they're the moderates, the extremists just can't put it together.

don't sage me bro

Consensus engineering is a fantastic term. It's the exact opposite of consensus cracking and D&C. What I see in your screencap is even better - it's forced out-grouping. You can see two users out-grouping "ConservativeTraitors" by first insisting he's an extremist, and then by reinforcing it through an observation he can make himself, and will probably find to be true.

Also, when I said I made a longer post, I wasn't talking about my previous one you replied to. I had written a shitload in exploring the distinctions of concern trolling versus what that guy was doing, but in the end I couldn't resolve any meaningful differences, so I backspaced it all away and wrote what you saw.

Shilling reddit sounds really stupid and frustrating, but the thing is, it would be SO EASY to fuck with them and seriously disrupt the lives of so many liberals. We are fucking experts at shills because we encounter them constantly, but 99.9% of plebbitors have no idea shills even exist, let alone the ability to find them. Imagine being able to cast huge swaths of liberals into disarray through slow shifting of their overton window, by creating a new consensus among them and slowly in-group and out-grouping them. You'd force the extremists even further away and make them feel isolated, and the more moderates would slowly move right.

Also, I think you're flat wrong about Holla Forums not knowing moderatism despite our extremism, and I'm glad you said what you said. We are absolute experts at recognizing moderatism versus extremism. We call out more moderate groups all the time when they get co-opted, but we also know the true cuckservative types are almost a lost cause that just have to be eliminated. The thing is, we have to know which is which to make any distinctions at all. From what I read on here, most of us are about as far right as it gets. I mean, our points of argument are whether we let other races live on Earth or whether we fucking kill everybody.

The left, particularly the extreme left, have absolutely no perspective on this. They basically see themselves as normal and everybody ELSE as the extremists - the old "how can they possibly not agree with me?" mindset. That's one of their big flaws - they are unable to distinguish between compatible and incompatible groups, so they just let everybody in and their movement gets diluted into feminist bullshit and rendered useless. The progressive stack at Occupy Wall Street comes to mind - and although I'm not that well read on that, a lot of people think the downfall of OWS was engineered on the outside by simply giving them a little push in the wrong direction, and their jenga tower of diversity all fell down.

This is why I'd like to do some serious shilling on reddit to fuck with them more - it wouldn't take a whole lot to send them entirely out of control. You could pose as a more extreme left group, like some kind of ultra antifa, and try to forcibly in-group all of the actual moderates, or at least make them tolerate your extreme views. You can blackpill the shit out of them and get them totally disinterested in politics. You can create a more right-leaning consensus and try to force them along with you as you slowly move the ideology with other Holla Forumsacks in a coordinated way. Then you stand back and watch it burn while David Brock cries in James Alefantis' arms.

I believe it was thanks to Holla Forums that I read an article about how the first few posts will define the thread and how businesses are paying people to do that
was a video I think, maybe vice

ah I see

I hope I didn't infer we couldn't identify moderatism, I meant it more in the
but I can see how it could be misunderstood, so its on me

I'm not saying we shouldn't viking the shit out of reddit
I'm saying I can't do it
I have no stomach for it

At 2:48, a part of her dies inside at how weak this bullshit is. She barely makes it through the damage control.

I am personally stunned by how incompentent these people are. Media hack jobs aren't even that difficult to do when you don't have evidence. When you do, fucking it up is even worse.

Basically our elites are all uselessly incompetent children. These are the people running the world, and they are throwing a tantrum because the public is getting tired of their shit.

because he IS from here

snow blindness
you don't see so well in the dark

isnt what that subhuman faggot maddow just did illegal?


Maddow btfo

AHAHAHAHAH holy fuck it really does

Sup, Don Jr.?

Thats some ripe rope fruit mods.


he is one of our silent partners after all

lmao how is this real life? Can't wipe the grin off my face… colleagues are like, "you dating someone new user, you're a lot happier?"
"Nah, just most days are great now."

what I would have given to be sitting on the couch in the oval office watching Maddow's show come on with him, Mattis, Bannon, Don Jnr. fuck

Still, the best part about it is he talks plainly, so then everyone underestimates his strategic ability. It's actually better this way because the left mindset in general seems to have trouble learning from their mistakes.

Green eyes are even rarer then blue eyes, don't be ashamed of the unique European gift you have user.

I fucking forgot about that shit, but in that episode of Sunny, Charlie went full tinfoil about some guy called Pepe at the office that he can't find but who keeps getting mail sent to him.

Ah you meant "identify with moderates". Well, it still brought up an important point to me, which is that liberals actually can't make the distinction, let alone identify. And I understand a lot of anons can't stand reddit. I end up reading it a lot just to keep an eye on their discussion points and what Shareblue has been shilling. It can be frustrating as shit to read, but I can't ignore they are all such literal cuckolds and would be the easiest group to dissuade from political involvement.

An example just to illustrate the point.
>after the story breaks and, surprise, it's fucking nothing

I'm probably being autistic as fuck, sorry, but that's how I'd go about trying to blackpill various liberals on reddit. You hit various different subreddits with your posts, and your post history backs it up. Set up a few accounts and do some basic persona management and you can start to have an effect. If we could start to coordinate shilling on that level, even if it's only 10 or 20 anons, we could seriously start disrupting things for them, and a lot of them would be totally lost without their r/politics hugbox.

Given that /hwndu/, despite its massive cuckchan population, was able to coordinate enough to geolocate a fucking flag based on next to nothing, I think we have a pretty good chance at running a top notch coordinated shilling operation, probably surpassing all of the faggot shills that get paid to come here. It's just a matter of organizing and coordinating enough to actually do it.

I googled Maddow, shitters at the new york times had something, looking at it now

ny times
new york times


This reminds me of the time they aired a "leaked" phone call that turned out to be leaked by Trump's campaign, 1) because it was nothing, and 2) because it got the media creaming themselves and running round the clock coverage talking about this super duper important leak that they got their hand on.

Wish I could remember the video title, because you can see the exact moment the two news bimbos realize that they dun played themselves.

never mind, its fucking nothing


You think that's bad? This is that dindu reporter who always asks 4 stupid as fuck questions during the Spicy briefings.

You underestimate the level of cognitive dissonance the anti-Trumper are under and have been under for some time. Remember, the hysteria was supposed to peak one week before the election. That was supposed to be peak bullshit.

Since the election we've had 3-4 more ramp ups of shilling stories, liberal praise for CIA lead sedition, fucking Michelle Obama meeting with George W. Bush for chirst's sake. The average progressive voter is living in an acid trip by this point and barely hanging on. Contrary to popular Holla Forums opinion, they're actually not all complete retards, they've just been very, very heavily propagandized, in spite of, or I would say in tandem with their "educations". But despite all that they do have enough education to recognise inconsistencies and fundamental contradictons between the stories they are being told and between those and reality.

In the short term, for 4-8 months of an election cycle, they can be kept on track despite the underlying logical and ethical pressure. But keep it up too long, and even the most delusion Clintonista will begin to crack. The actual progressives, the Sandernistas, the remaining old lefties; their faith in the system will be shattered sooner rather than later. And when that happens, when they realise they've been played, they will get very, very angry.

They might even start digging.

What makes all of them believe this makes impeachment within the realm of the possible? I understand they live in an alternate universe but I can't wrap my head around the logic its so bad.

I wish they administer a minimum IQ test to even be able to attend white house press briefings.

Not doing much to dispel the "niggers are bad with money" meme.


Maybe this is what he's been waiting for?

We all know that clinton was impeached for perjury right? Aside from the backroom type of shit he did. There is nothing impeachable he has done. Nothing. The shitlibs cannot fathom that concept. Nice dubs too checked

It's weird that he larps as one. Very common theme in his work.

I believe that's the one.

The anti trump reddits usually block new accounts or people who don't have karma (upvotes).

Posting anti trump shit is a good way to get them but obviously we cant do that. Posting a comment like the one I mentioned is guaranteed to be upvoted and isn't negative of trump but negative of MSNBC

is a hwndu user who helped

again, I'm not saying we shouldn't or couldn't viking up reddit, just I fear the effect it would have on me and perhaps others on this board.

That's a war of attrition, and while I don't doubt the potential to pull off big things, I worry the cost.

you cannot seriously be that stupid can you? like do you even listen to yourself when you speak? Look at what you just said, that Trump made over 100 million dollars in 2005 so therefore he is not a billionaire, that line of logic used to get you laughed out of any reasonably educated circle, but now you get to come to white house press briefings and make a complete and total idiot of yourself, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so rude, but can you please for the love of yourself go read a book?


T_D does brigade 'unintentionally' from time to time. Just link things to 'discuss' and it usually draws a decent amount of traffic, if you're coy about it, but usually not shitloads. It's so big they can't moderate it and rules are rarely enforced if you're not being a prick. Enough that you can solo bump a red pill post in a shithole small sub by linking to it in discussion. That's pretty easy and effective ops..
But we created them, now we need to let them out of their reddit cage and into an independent site though, bit like voat but better. Imagine commanding legions of T_D to shitpost and brigade places via command here in Holla Forums? They already look up to us and trust us after FBI user and heaps of leaks. Many chan comments are featured each week on front page..

Harvested some of the latest salt from that thread though, the cognitive dissonance is delicious. Enjoy

Can't argue with those quads




Nips aren't human, weeb faggot.

Gooks aren't human. Nips are alright.

Both aren't human.

I never went, what ever happened with that?

human is clearly a genus, not a species
just like the Canina genus
niggers aren't even in the same genus



He needs to stop hitting her, shes already dead


voat is there, active and still relatively effective. it's growing as more and more are disenfranchiesed with the shareblue cucking of reddit. some here I don't think realize how strong 'anti trump' propaganda to an extreme can be, especially when they get on board and vote it up for you for free (fall on their own sword).
a great feature of voat is it's easily usable/recognisable to reddit normies who jump ship. It's also not against T&C to get people to brigade reddit easily with it either. T_D could easily fund itself if it migrated there. Lots of business owners.

Holla Forumsniggers is quite similar to parts of 8ch, pretty based and similar memes.
Best part of voat is it's like what reddit used to be, actually free speech.
Some subs only ban people if the admin does a sitewide ban… that's how serious they are about it.
Holla Forumspizzagate Is a centre hub of research once reddit shut that shit down and is a good place for it. Shills slowly beginning to come but are told on no certain terms to fuck off usually like here. It's just so easy to spot them, they are always against anything to do with progress.

Sorry for semi OT

Someone should tell Don Jr. about the 13th amendment

Fucking every time.

no worries, I just don't know how that site even works because I'm an imageboard fag

and it's not that off topic


Don Jr going full beat down. Good morning Don! Keep keking the dyke while she is down!

it's been fun guys

This. The common sense of the issue shows it was Trump's message that won, not his persona. In fact his lack of oration skill probably hurt him a little, but it did make him seem very sincere. People liked Trump for a lot of reasons but him being a fucking businessman is not one of them.

God I hope some liberal business kike runs in 2020. How hilarious would it be? Instead of making Trump deal with a politician like Hillary he'll just run circles around the business guy since that's his lifelong bread and butter.

I was thinking about what it'd be like to hate fuck Rachel "Ass like a japanese flag" Maddow…

But then I realized she actually looks like a man.
Pic related.


I know youre kidding but im sick of it. thats the lie jews tell to make up for the fact that millions of trees would have had to been burned to cremate millions of jews. In their (((eye witness accounts))), the jews said fat people were used as fuel to keep fires going, which is the stupidest fucking thing ive ever heard and I cant believe anyone would buy that.

The first reply.
fucking JIDF keyboard warriors

Maybe she'll change for the better if she stuffs herself with a good enough benis.

One way to find out :^)

She finally saw the light? Story?

Feels weird man

woah hey guys

You do know this a very old term, and it was probably used while your grandparents were still children, right?

what a fucking cuck, you cant control what happened before you were born, you just take what you are now and work to improve yourself and to improve the world you live, there is no room for self hating, just self improvement

Nah, they should absolutely feel bad for being mongrels. It means their bloodline was weak.

Vocals ruin it.


Please be dumb enough to bring this up at the next press briefing. Please, please, please.

Dude he grew up beating kikes at their own game. he has bibi eating out of his hand, a jew convert daughter, isisrael is disarmed (can't call him anti semite) and he';s fucking them in syria.


Holla Forums sure works fast… also nice symmetric dubs

even the left is getting sick of her

the normies are catching on

I can't wait until Barron starts tweeting.

We will reach a new level in smugness I feel.

post yfw barron starts a youtube let's play channel out of the white house

I guess the only redeeming thing is that she's underage


Make it so.

gud meme


The best part is, all those leftists that are deciding to mutilate and sterilize themselves, along with making themselves so repulsive that you can see it in their eyes they regret their fate of growing up to be a crazy cat lady, the lot of them won't procreate. There won't be any offspring of theirs to poison the gene pool. They aren't the hipsters or the soccer moms of the 60's or 70's. And to show for it, the newest generation of kids are growing up to be more conservative. Their "memes" will die with their vacant mutilated wombs.


Checked for LOVE

That sounds dank as fuck, fam.


friend of mine reported her often visited (but hated) SJW bastion of villany, 'ONTD' is even red pilling itself over this. She's never seen this, even when he won or other 4d stuff he's pulled.
This is the biggest red pill since ever really folks. we need to spread it far and wide and sow the ops errwhere

is it time for THE DANK AGES?!


This is some Yeb! tier bullying.

well.. same can be said for all the white women tha are marying non whites.. pretty sure their blodline was not weak, there are other factor in play

If the men in their family didn't stop them from miscegenating then yes their bloodline is weak. Of course Schlomo has his influences but at the end of the day you are personally responsible for your actions.

Not kids though. I can forgive a child that's been pozzed up and set down the wrong path.

there's only one person in the world who can legally obtain and release donald trump's tax returns, so it looks like david brock is writing that check to the god-emperor himself


Basically she was going through hard times and the whole SJWism shit was an outlet to vent.

Trump knows the jew and knows all their tricks, he is wiping the floor with his drunken master political wu shu (credit to user in salt thead 1) as they keep lunging at him with drawn swords. The jew should fear Trump when he is speaking, but they should fear him even more when he goes silent, because he is about to dislocate their shoulder and give them a concussion. It speaks volumes a literal cocksucker like david brock has no choice but to offer millions in bribe money for anything, anything at all that is damaging to the God Emperor. And fuck all of you shills who keep trying to say he's zionist deep state puppet blah blah blah. You too have been exposed.

I still don't get what they would get from the tax returns. If he doesn't pay his taxes or scams he'd be fucked already, it's not like he isn't a businessman for just a couple for years.

Women follow the herd and those in power. It's actually surprising it isn't more widespread, there must be some deep instinctual part of them that knows its a bad idea.

women considering going against the herd to be worse than going against their people, so if the herd celebrates going against their people then that's more important

women are symbiotes of man.
that's why it was Mankind for a long time.


It's the beauty of imageboards. You don't know who you're really talking to. Anons come from all backgrounds, all workplaces. Thats what scares (((them))) so much. They don't know who are Holla Forumsacks in their own institutions and work environments. Anyone they come across or run into could be one of us. And even any of their paid shills or lurkers that try to study this place or shitpost it to death (good luck) wind up getting redpilled from continued exposure. The seed of doubt manifests until they can no longer turn back to their blue pilled fantasy life and world..

Dear god what have I done, least my mistake has been purely entertainment so far.


Realistically? She's not gonna be charged.
I'd love if she was, but it won't happen.

oh hey maddow! :^)

Realistically if this puts the msnbc into a liability over waving Trump's uncensored SSN on camera (albeit very tiny, it wasn't marked out when she held it up) and other committing of felony along with jeopardizing their credibility hard; then it is more likely that they'll just kick Maddow out of MSNBC in order to save face. Throw her to the wolves and all.

Operation Mockingbird - all these idiots serve at the pleasure of the CIAniggers* running DDI. Doing something this stupid and embarrassing to them could mean she will be doing a webcast with olberman soon.

*fuck you noobs who don't know whence cianigger originated

Raid MSNBC studios when?

WTF is this gibberish?

That big gay statue in the fountain at Rockefeller Center needs a MAGA hat.



I've been away for a few days. Spoonfeed me on what happened.

One step further: Theft requires that one be deprived of their rightly-obtained property without consent. If an object is not first 'property,' then stealing–or thieving–it away is not possible.

Fucking retard levels off the charts.


What hasn't been said about her in these two threads? Top kek she's been getting fucking lampooned. How will learningcode ever recover?

Sessions needs to get david brock on video paying for Trump's tax returns. There is no legal way for him to get his hands on them, even attempting to buy them is a felony. Actually making the exchange would put him in the slam where he can get all the buttsex he wants.


Dubs confirm first reply. Sorry

meme responsibly lads.

We need Robert the Bruce
Unite the Chans. UNITE US!

Dat the OST to gravity Rush?

That guy looks way better nowadays.


>Trump Barron leaks full tax return going back 20 years through intermediary


Sounds like shit that happens here tbh. "Slavs aren't white!" etc

Holy shit, how sad.
the guy's t-shirt says a lot about him, fucking beta man-child.

you're doing gods work user, just the right kind of autistic for the job
I'm too tired and old for that shit

I love this site


It's s kike site but it's funny. Also, the smurfs are redpilled as shit. Literally KKK members.

grey eye master race here



on 'co for the past 2 weeks an alt-right fag has been told repeatedly to go and stay go by me and another user

he didn't take the hint and finally the slow to anger Holla Forums board owner banned him and nuked his posts
the magneto thread has several missing posts

that's what forced out grouping looks like

and I and other anons do it all the time, because Holla Forums is an in-group with in group ways and when you spot a faggot that posts with [embed] you know that faggot doesn't belong and you call him on it

That just sounds like a fat girl with too much time on her hands.


If I'm not mistaken, it was MSNBC who also broadcast the driver's license of the San Bernardino shooter, or one of his acquaintances. What should have been a devastating blow, swept aside and memoryholed as if it never happened.

Holy shit that place changed fast.


yeah because the mods think they can make one retarded sticky and turn is into a civic nationalist board. Clearly Maddow getting inducted into the JUSTice League rustled his shitskin jimmies.

Oh, that crazy cook Sarah!

yes, that's the point. that's one of our guys posing as a despondent leftist… and getting reddit gold for it (from actual leftists, nobody else is cucked enough to pay for upvotes).

Gee I dunno.

Which is why their preferred audience is children.

Site looks accurate, funny and jewish. Amazing.

If they were just jesters and mummers that would be fine. But they are greedy murderous bankers who own our government. So, INTO THE OVEN, jewboy! This time for real.


Kek, but they still can't see how the establishment mobilized to bury both those issues can they? While the most action taken by the other side was probably sending Rick Wilson some fanfic and having a massive giggle over it.




Get the fuck out, CTR.
You will never change our lingo or Terry's place in our hearts.

it's just soup, dude.

No wonder every other race envies white phenotypes.


You're more right than you think.

Even during the late stone age/Early bronze age, we had the infrastructure and resources to allow large scale battles, which is something you just don't do when you're a shitty little tribe of like a hundred people just trying to scrape by, which is what the academic Jew wants you to think we were.

My theory is that these people were survivors of (Or descendants of) the old Empire (Pre Younger Dryas) who were in some sort of power struggle.


Think he's saying it's legal to own her after all retard.png

Here, have the webm version.

It was a joke he was making you pedantic retarded cunts.
I'm not even going to give you a (you) for how stupid you are either.

I hope this kills her stupid smug look.

What have Trump done to these poor people?

You still pay capital gains tax on anything personally held poorfag

Not a burger here but I don't think those are settled on an income tax form, which is all that is relevant. Obviously Trump pays many taxes that aren't income tax.

I know that feel. My grandmother on my father's side said that I had a Jewish grandmother on my mother's side like four or five generations down but looking into it the surname is fucking Anglo and it predates the Norman invasion.

Yeah, on cuckchan.

Fucking sheboons jesus christ.

I want to gas everyone that says this.

They won't fire Maddow, that would put blood in the water and display weakness. Instead they'll just neglect to renew her contract the next time it comes around.

And prevent someone who might actually do damage to come on board? I would support that.

I hope they keep her because she's a complete disaster. But I said they'll probably neglect to renew her contract. If their ratings start to slip because of this anyway. Ultimately ratings is what they care about because ratings is what determines how much money they get from advertisers, and ratings indicate how many television addicted goyim they are reaching with their propaganda.

The ending of 1984 for you illiterate fucks. Good job

What really bothers me is the fact that if it was some big rich lefty goon who really was skirting his taxes then these same people would not even care in the slightest. Their hypocrisy is starting to turn people. It's becoming blatant.

He has the most noble attitude any non-white could possible have. Honorary.


So it is dubbed, so it shall be done.



It would be really funny if said malware were some sort of spyware that would let us keep track of their movements instead of simply bricking their computers. But of course that is just wishful thinking. None of us posses any technical knowledge about such things, and everything posted here is just harmless jokes and satire.

Its like freemasonry except without goofy handshakes and sucking old man penis.

made a new thread to talk about demoralizing the lefties and to keep on smugging

You massive faggot.
That said I need more information, on 5 and 9 in particular.