‘America is a white nation’: More racist fliers spotted at University of Maryland

Washington Post: archive.is/xfdUc
The Diamondback: archive.is/NklWA

Other urls found in this thread:



WEW, really surprised this happened at UMD, one of the most pozzed campuses on the east coast

I remember visiting UMCP back before college when I was touring various campuses.

This was before I was fully redpilled of course, but eve back then, as soon as I stepped foot onto campus, the first thing I thought was "holy fuck, there are so many goddamn niggers here". Obviously, I decided to pass. And that was 10 years ago; it must've gotten far worse since then.

This should be hitting you with the clue stick(hoax crimes.)


This is going to be normal soon.





Bump for an encouraging story.

Someone out there's done some awesome work in the great state of Maryland!

applies to post


Regardless of if you agree with it, don't retweet/spread because it somehow feeds into a Soros agenda. Maybe he's planning to run a media blitz, and this is a keystone, he's going to use everyone who retweets it somehow.


There's nothing wrong with wheatposting redpills or posters.

AV is shit and so is the first pic of this thread though.

Have you ever seen a traffic sign?

They're TRSodomites. not shills. Ghoul was one of the founders of their group.

Id bet the farm on Matt being an actual faggot. Pretty sure the woman is 1/4 kike too.

You guys are trying way too hard. You were doing this on 4 earlier.

I don't even use cuck/pol/ anymore, but see: >>>/trs/1735

Soros-funded false flag confirmed.

Are you implying those gold stars weren't invented after the war?

lol CTR confirmed and reported.

Question for shills, do you really expect me to believe that this is a Soros false flag? Holla Forums student groups are popping up all over the place, IRL activism is pretty much limited to fliers if you don't want to be blacklisted.

They actually predate NS Germany, faggot.

It's autism, not shilling.

Wrong image, but kikes were forced wear various badges and garments throughout history to stand out, including so-called "stars of David".

yeah to show the fucking contrast

this is the standard paper print for posters/banners/etc. higher quality paper are more expensive, want proof? just call your local print shop and ask for the printing prices, this is nothing new.

no, soros is taking advantage of cheap prints at the printshop, he doesn't own an actual print shop, he just orders an organization to do them and the printshop complies because its more profit for them.

it goes to show the majority of Holla Forums dropped out of school and never came in contact with their local printshop to know that this is the most common shit in america.

yellow papers are cheaper to print, white papers too with the exception that it gives contrast and easier to write message on them, literally the fucking standard of every paper.

if you don't know what you're fucking talking about, atleast do some fucking research on the field.

I've seen these faggots blitz over frog stickers irl, no way they would put this shit up even out of irony

Who the fuck cares honestly. Not everything is Soros controlled and kikes like you are demoralizing to prevent us from banding together and actually doing something outside of this website.

… yeah those are Soros owned.

I don't know the others, but they're probably Soros owned as well.

You must lurk more my man


Kek, why are stonies so damn based? I've literally heard nothing bad from there, ever.




Don't worry about becoming minorities goyim! I'm sure the spics and niggers will treat you well!

Right on.
As the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished.

It's always helpful to remember neither Soros nor any other big kike is omnipotent. Keep in mind that Viktor Orban started off as a Soros false flag… and now, after Trump, he's possibly the statesman the International Jewry hates most.

I dunno, they hate Kim Jung Un so much they made thai ladyboi assassins kill his brother.

This is reverse psychology, they are attempting to ingrain in students minds that not letting yourself be genetically wiped out is racist.



I bet 10bux he's illegal.

The Media literally memed white nationalism back into existence. It took them over five years, but they did it. This is the future they chose. They literally asked for this.

AV seem to have changed quite a bit under their new leadership actually. They are not like they used to be.


user, I…

Black & yellow fliers inject propaganda directly into your brain


Somebody posted a link to an Iron March thread where the new leader tried to set things straight, they're just as bad as ever.

Go back to cuckchan and cry about it there

What's racist about flyers saying we should enforce the law?


Loyola Marymount University (LA) student here.

I'm planning on pasting up similar posters around my campus. Watch in the coming weeks.

There's been a few other threads about this over the past few months and I'm glad to see this trend has continued. I really don't care if it's an "alt right" group or some faction that isn't far enough to the right for this board, they're actually doing something even if it's just triggering leftists, spics, and niggers - it's still making its rounds through the media.

Are we ever going to see people actually use the phrase white supremacist properly?

Triggering should be a nice side effect of something like a policy change, never the actual goal. This triggering for the sake of triggering is foolish.

Agreed. In the case of the poster from the OP, I would've made it more subtle and gotten rid of the parts specifying white.

It should've just said
it is your civic duty to report any and all illegal aliens to US immigrations and customs enforcement

The "america is a white nation" part doesn't actually help at all. Yeah, it triggers minorities and libcucks, but so would just putting up a poster that said "lynch niggers". Okay great, what did it actually accomplish? The goal of this poster should've been a PSA to get regular people to report illegals. But because they decided to reveal their power level and go full WN, the poster as a whole gets ignored. Thus the purpose is defeated.

And note that what I'm saying is NOT the same as PRcucking. Different situations call for different levels of hiding your power level. It all depends on the goal of a specific project. Revealing your power level when the goal is to just get normies to report illegal beaners just undermines your own purpose.

so will it be a spic or nigger behind this?


Now THIS is a good flyer.

Isn't it great how they spread things for us?

Good job giving everyone a head's up, faggot. Why doesn't anybody learn the most basic opsec?

Oy vey, don't you think that's a little too 1488? Wouldn't something that homoerotic and only makes reference to "communism" be better?


please Kek, I too am tired of waiting.

Also the color of busy bumble bees stockpiling nectar and honey for a brutal winter

t.footwear shill

Wew lad. White people are finally getting bold, and in ways that are 100% legal, which still seems like it's still to our advantage at this point.

Such is the strength of this place.

Who was this? Was that AV? They really stepped their game up if so


fucking wasted trips by forgetting pic, just kill me

Well, it does say "America is a White Nation"


No shit. I was going to go to school there, but after dealing with the niggers in admission I decided against it. Still don't know if it was a good call or not, but seeing some of the shit that goes on there it's probably best I took a year off.

My sides would like to report a murder

YES, since the country was developed and become great because of white males working to develope the country, all the technology, science, everything was made and developed by white men and now is used against the own white and they invent any mental gmynistics to please the fantasies of niggers and any other trash of garbage countries for lack of whites to develope the country, but at least today they have technology, language, clothes, books, computers, everything of white men who make their lives better and help them to develope a little bit more their shithole countries of niggers but still being garbage.

Nope, america have a nigger who burn a church and put in the wall vote trump, america is popular for corrupt establshment, fake news and this kind of false flag, this is right but i really doubt was made by whites in these places who make this even more disgusting to live with these people who use every dirty trick.

In my mind have 60% of be false flag of some political group, 30% of possibility of being niggers, and 10% of being whites.

But the text is not wrong. Whites need to stop being apologetic for this kind of bait and just ignore, feel proud of this being truth or feel disgust of this being false flag made by political groups or niggers against them.


Requesting realistic, printable anti-white propaganda posters.

IMO a good strategy is to take the opposing narrative and exaggerate it until the point of alienation. For example: "All whites should pay for slavery, whites need to step back so non-whites and immigrants can get better lives, non-whites and immigrants should be preferred in jobs and public administration and so on". Attack their existence. Racial and national identity is built when you are under attack, not when everything is going swimmingly. Racial and national identity is at the core of being a human and one of the last things we can fall back when everything else fails. Don't beleive me? Look how groups are formed in prison. Do inmates stick to other inmates from the same city, age group, religion, sexual preference etc.? No, they stick to THEIR PEOPLE, their race, their blood, their culture. Because in the end, that is still the strongest bond. We need to exaggerate globalists agenda to a point where people scream ""Enough!".

Doesn't Soros know chimps can't read well? All that sign had to say was free gibs and white wimmens with the street address.

Good try, Shlomo.

this seems appropriate for such a happening.

Not a pdf but…


Shut up and read my post again, you dumb faggot. I want to post these in liberal, white neighborhoods- not places where people already know what coons are like.

Thanks anyway, user.

Thanks Woodrow Wilson. Who would have thought giving jews control of the money printing press would have led to this?

Anyone wanting to really troll their campus post accidental redpills instead.

For example, I got MASSIVE mileage out of "If you attack the 1%, you attack 44% of the Jewish community, a minority that only make up 2% of the population. Don't be an antisemite".

Here's an example image / poster you can print out but I recommend you modify it to what I used to get mileage like the one I mentioned above since it's far more likely to make their brains explode, here

Keep in mind you can do this with almost anything. Like saying ''when you attacking (insert kike infestation here e.g. Hollywood Media etc) you're attacking the Jewish People.

Anyone whine about what you did just cry antisemite all day long for the keks.

"Gutierrez" is a spanish crypto-jew surname. I've known some personally. This is the same individual who admits to photographing the images. If he didn't put them up I bet he knows who did and is working with them. Fucking kikes.

And what do you know, Gustavo (((Gutierrez))) was a pioneer in (((liberation theology))), the commie ideology directing the current Antipope Bergoglio.