What is the Jewish Endgame? They wish to enslave us all in the end? Why do they hate white people so much? Are the russians any better?
Recently redpilled here, please answer my questions, i'm really confused right now.
What is the Jewish Endgame? They wish to enslave us all in the end? Why do they hate white people so much? Are the russians any better?
Recently redpilled here, please answer my questions, i'm really confused right now.
End your life, untermensch.
So seeking out the truth makes people Untermensch?
I have a hypothesis that the Jewish elite see white people as an extension of Persians, who their religion is essentially built around exterminating. Other than that, there are several reasons like how whites are the only race which actually threatens to usurp their total control. Theres also the Tikkun Olam stuff. Cultural Marxism calls for a single brown race, with 1 religion, 1 hive mind that is easily controlled. They spend their time figuring out human nature, they grab a few of these simpletons and throw them in a research group and figure out the stimulus they need to create in order for the masses to respond in the way they desire. No competing factions in society, everyone is the same, mindless controlled robot that does exactly what they would be expected to do. If everyone thinks the same, there are no differing opinions, and they are all easily controlled. Thats the end goal of cultural marxism. Enslave everyone.
Lurk for 2 years before posting. Lurk 5 years before starting an OP. Or, since you're probably a kike/shill, just kill yourself.
Read or listen to The Protocols.
So basically, a 1984 dystopia, right?
Again, how can I be a kike, since i'm I want to now the truth about them? Are you a legit retard?
No, probably something that makes 1984 look like candyland.
Do you think we will make it? Can we win?
Suckstart a shotgun.
Its our duty to do absolutely everything we can to preserve our race, and restore white control of white lands. Also, the kikes need to be disarmed.
There's way more to it than just that. The end result is every possible theory you can think of is shit, not just for us, but for everyone else. Look at what they've done throughout history and what they want to see in the future.
Pick your poison and you'll find more than enough to back it up. Biblical fixations, enslaving the world, world domination, etc. There are no right answers to what they want exactly other than we, as we've always been historically, are standing in their way.
He seems a little lost, but cuckchan has been irreversibly subverted and destroyed, so I wouldnt send him there for a real answer. Without our help, white people will never see the light. Shills need to be purged, but genuinely interested brothers should be held closely, instead of being pushed into the arms of something like TRS, or cuckchan with their civic nationalism and bogdanoff kikery.
Doesn't help that since Trump took over the redpilling dump threads have died off considerably.
if he's genuine, he's a dipshit for making a thread so he deserves the abuse anyway.
dubs confirm. Go find an infodump and do some research, newfriend. Here's some topics to start with: The Frankfurt School, the Rothschilds and the Red Shield, Tikkun Olam, blood libel, and The Greatest Story Never Told.
Look, maybe you're new. Normally I'd tell you to kill yourself but I'm dying of the flu and hallucinating so I'll be nice. Go to the catalog, search "redpill thread" and just read stuff. Nobody is going to spoonfeed you.
There's a QTDDAT up and a thread on redpilling newcomers. OP shouldn't have made this thread. If we don't hold people to higher standards and lurking more and posting less this board will just turn into cuckchan. There's of course nothing wrong with helping each other, that's the whole point, but we do have a board culture.
Ive seen several threads related to dealing with newfags, and redpill dumps in the last couple weeks.Most of the information I find new and interesting are random posts related to subjects which just come up in daily life. People give historical reference on events which have parallels or helpful lessons to be learned, people dig things up that youd never see anywhere else… 4/5 articles linked are written by 3% of the population, and they are almost entirely against white people and for radical leftism. You stick around here and you wont be able to help but become redpilled.
Im not saying he isnt a newfag. Im saying he might be a white person who is genuinely interested in knowing why the Jews want to get rid of white people, which you could call a frequently asked question. Its the type of thing we should have a sticky on, all the time, but you are right - if he wasnt a newfag, he would know not to make this thread.
Its like the question "How do you know its all Jews" or "How do you know its Jews behind it" or "How do you know its not a co-incidence?". Its not the type of thing we typically spend our time answering around here, because its not something that is easily explained, especially in a short amount of time. It takes a considerable amount of effort, especially if they decide to be contrary and try to poke holes in your arguments and resist the redpill - as normal people typically do. Its not that it cant be done, its just that its a big production… and not what were here to do. Its the type of thing that would best be done in a full blown presentation with a projector, and slides, maybe a powerpoint presentation.. something that takes a week to craft so that it accurately explains things in their fully detail. You cant just say "Well, X, thats why" - and have it definitively prove your point.
We arent here to argue with people about things we already know, we ban people for divide and conquer - so that we can get things done. If were constantly explaining the answer to "Hey Holla Forums, why do you hate the Jews?" and "Hey Holla Forums, whats wrong with homosexuality?" - like you would typically see on half/pol/ years ago, we just go in circles, and nothing is achieved.
We know what we know around here, and I understand that.
All Im saying is - white people who are interested in how the Jews are trying to wipe us out, and interested in possibly contributing to stopping white genocide - should not be pushed away, and goreposted, and told to kill themselves.
Religion is secondary for the juden elite. What they want is to sit at the very top ruling other jews, who in turn rule the goyim. Jews consider goyim worthless, for them murdering millions of us is preferable over spilling a drop of their rotten blood.
One problem they have with Whites (and probably azns) is we're hard to control. So they want to replace us with the more violent but easier to direct brown horde. I think they (not the elite, but lower Jews) are still butthurt about Christianity too.
Keep in mind not every single Jew on the planet wants us dead. Thousands served Germany during the war. That isn't to say you should trust them (don't!), but understand they (like anything else) do not all think the exact same. I still don't think it's worth the risk of keeping around though. Hitler went easy on them trying to ship them to Madagascar and look what they did to him.
world domination.
they want to enslave all gentiles and keep us stupid.
Technically its part of their religion to control the world, it says they are the chosen ones and that everyone else should literally take joy in working for free, to their benefit. Anything else is unacceptable to them.
newfags get hazed because we love them.
it's like drill sergeants hazing boots to toughen them up into soldiers
I agree, there is something to be said about that kind of logic.
yup. that's the endgame
it's more complicated than that, though.
we're dealing with not just jews but also extremely rich bastards who don't see any value in their vast amounts of money anymore
so they turn to humans instead.
What the Jews want is to eliminate all strong, intelligent races through (((peaceful))) means of course. tho that is only step one of there plan
step 2 is for enslavement via money. ((((They)))) know that the only strong, intelligent races know how to rise up in capitalism and other ways therefore we are a clear threat.
step 3 is for them to acquire more land for isreal and the jews.
Reminder Jews are weak and will never voluntarily fight in war
After that ((((((((((they)))))))))) have won its over they rule the world while have enslaved the pop
Forgive me for bringing metaphysics and esotericism into this, but it's what I believe. The world had a great golden age of the past, before our known written history. A race of ancient Aryans ruled much of the Earth peacefully, and it was an era of prosperity. These people were highly intuitive, connected through mind, body, and spirit. They had slight "super powers" compared to us. They were more intelligent, lived longer, possessed greater strength, and some psychic abilities. Something happened that killed off these people and sent the remaining survivors to the corners of the world where the Earth fell into a long dark age. These Aryans intermixed with other humans on Earth during this time, and that's where we get many of our different races. The purer the blood, the more direct of a line back to these ancient Aryans, the greater the power that culture possesses. Jews know this and are not a part of this blood line. They are of their own, which is why Jews try to keep their children marrying other racially pure Jews. They want their blood lines the strongest and most pure in the modern world. "White" people are the closest descendants of the old Aryans and thus are under attack. Jews want us to not hone our ancient abilities in order to keep the world in darkness. Jews push so much garbage media, food, and ideas to keep our bodies unable to reach their mental and spiritual potential. If we were to study our true roots and become deeply dedicated to harnessing our spiritual/psychic powers, the world would be raised into another golden age for all humanity. It would be their downfall. Jews are here to keep us in a spiritual prison to keep humanity from advancing and living in peace on Earth and throughout the stars.
It's all in Talmud.
Basically they have to fulfill certain conditions for the Messiah to come (which boils down to owning the world).
When the messiah comes, he will sit upon the golden throne on the mount Zion and be the king of all kings and every Jew will have 2400 goy slaves to please him.
Mods may now anchor the thread.
That's literally what the niggers say "we wuz kangz and shit and then Yakub created the evil whitey and took our magic". You, sir, are a nigger.
Holla Forums likes to post like that here. They basically just call everything a shill or a kike.
Ok. I'll break it down for you.
Aryans created civilization. As many of you know, we created complex language, agriculture and discovered mathematics. But what many don't know is that Aryans, specifically the Iranians (Persians), also invented the concept of monotheism. Now, I'm not here to say which is right or better: mono or polytheism, but I can say that worshiping a single God caused the Iranians to unite under single goals and ethics, which caused them to excel at mathematics and the sciences to such a degree that the very word "magic" comes from those Iranian wise-men (magi).The Jew, seeing how powerful these Aryans were, stole or "co-opted" their religion and philosophical ideals to benefit themselves, thus they produced Judaism.
So the Jews were never slaves in Egypt. The entire Book of Exodus is a lie. But all good lies are based on some truth, so what is the truth? The truth is the Jews were enslaved, but it wasn't by Egyptians. Instead, it was the Amalekites who enslaved and possibly even drove the Jews to near extinction. Because of this, the Jewish God commanded the Jews to never forget what the Amalekites did to them this story is also the origin of the never forget meme, and their God further promises them that they – the Jews – will destroy all the descendants of Amalek from the land He has promised them. Deuteronomy 25:17
Aryans are Amalekites. Some say Germans are the modern-day descendants of Amalek, and this is true, but should the Jews ever destroy every last German, they would then come for the English and the Swede. Indeed, Amalekite as a Jewish religious term represents the Aryan race.
The Plot is thick, and there's far too much to cover in a single post. Simply: they want to enslave us through false liberation, they want to destroy us only to recreate us and they want to live forever as God's special snowflakes.
That is the prototypical Genesis/Sumerian Creation myth. Gods breed a subhuman slave race, but some of the gods interbreed with them giving them intelligence. They rebel, take some of their knowledge and are exiled/break free.
Jews think they were the gods and everyone else were the subhuman hybrids. Kangs thing they were the gods and whites were the hybrids.
And that folks, is why you don't race mix.
they're not thinking long term, they could share power but instead they will be destroyed by whomever they've handed power and the whole species will decline, much like with the fall of the roman empire.
There is no true end game. They subvert because it's just what they do. Individuals or groups may have short term goals, but long-term, no REAL goal other than "fuck the goyim"
This is why their plans always end up blowing up in their faces and they either get expelled or get POGROMED.com. If they were able to think long term, they'd find an equilibrium with the host nation and figure out that they should stop actively fucking with everyone and pissing them off. But they don't, and so host eventually fights back. It's just a great cycle.
georgia guidestones…
Thats not the real JFK
They sort of have an end game. The religious ones believe that if they can all perfect their religious observance, the Messiah will come, Jews will become masters of an earthly paradise and a new temple will descend from Heaven in a pillar of flame.
The secular ones may not believe this literally, but the yearning for miraculous salvation is still part of their thinking. Just as they have unnaturally heightened fear and loathing of outsiders, they have an unnaturally grandiose hope for the future.
The result of this is that they will destroy and subvert endlessly, working toward a prophesied paradise that will never come. Just like with communism, every time the Jenga tower falls they think "we just need to try building it again but higher this time."
Jews don't believe they were gods. Jews believe they sealed a contract with god in which they serve god and spread his influence and he grants them riches and world domination in return. Also they received a second soul, which made made superhuman, that's why everyone else is subhuman to them.
There are 2 major differences tho - first they aren't god's slaves like every other religion, they are contract workers and Talmud is actually dedicated to squirming their way out of the contract obligations or bending god's rules, and second the Jews actually have the riches and the power to back up their crazy story.
Second soul? Like an alter personality created through dissociation ala monarch programming / satanism?
it's gonna be very awkward if they manage to own the world and the messiah doesn't come