Crushing the shills and Shareblue: A nuclear option for kamikaze Anons with zero fucks to give

Okay, here we go.

The shilling is out of control. They are everywhere, and they are utterly amoral. But they are weak, not strong. Their weakness is evident in their shilling. If they weren't weak they wouldn't need to pay whores to shill. I won't talk at length about what they're doing here and on 4chan's Holla Forums because fuck it, you see it for yourselves. I will give you the info given to me and a few viable tactics.

1. Holla Forums isn't the only place being shilled. Every place on the Internet be it something like reddit, twitter or your completely unrelated apolitical forum about anything, be it cars or wrestling or #34 is being shilled. The moment people start to discuss current issues in a natural manner Shareblue and shills will swarm it, especially if the users post right wing opinions and redpills.

2. the number of actual liberals is really low. There's very few of them. Those that are actual liberals are usually damaged or deviant in some way and thus have a vested interest in spreading and upholding poison. The number of shills and bots however is high.

3. the theory is that computers in posession of (((them))), or Google, or something similar are of an exceedingly high caliber. Anything posted on the Internet in any way or form is known to them, but they pay attention to the above mentioned. No defense is possible. AI may be a possibility. Shareblue as such is just a tiny, tiny portion of a larger beast.


1. Scatter yourselves to the four winds. Post everywhere, post naturally. Redpill on every platform you have, be it a forum or any and all websites you frequent. Asymmetrical warfare. And when you do post make sure to point out the existence of shilling, make sure to point out there are people getting paid to espouse liberal poison and that you don't believe in its authenticity, IE call it fake propaganda done by hired guns who do not have good intentions.

2. Refuse to fall for it. This is mostly a Holla Forums thing. Shills will try to drag you into meaningless, fruitless discussions that amount to nothing (because they are paid to waste your time). They do this by throwing out incendiary posts, insulting this or that valid person (like say Evola or Hitler), a feature of board culture (like say anime) or failing that they will try to accuse Anons of this or that ranging from ye olde virgin bullshit to the newest "anime is pedo" claptrap. In short try to ignore them. Do not engage.

3. Their newish strategy regarding Holla Forums is to limit our scope, by obstructing discussions about culture and cultural matters and beyond. They will often pretend to be oldfags. They will say "Holla Forums was never about X" and so on. Discussions about X may be almost anything, stuff ranging from animu to religion to magic to history and so on. Pay attention to the spirit of the topic and its intent.

As you can see caution, calmness and no small degree of cunning is needed to function. Weaponize your autism. Do not allow the shills to coral us here, but take the fight to them by being EVERYWHERE. Which brings me to the most Anonymous and public toilet like part of this wall of text.

4. Western #34. In the last two years or so many artists of your favourite faps are being pressured to create interracial drawn porn. This is a planned effort of subversion. They seek to poison even this relatively obscure part of fiction. I can't really call them "shills" but these pressures come from the same sort of paid people. More disturbingly, you probably saw (don't lie you faggot) some rather professional looking and animated 3D porn that is absolutely degenerate (trannies, pedo interracial, cuckoldry etc.) Those are made per order. They are paying people to make those. It's just an extension of the Jew run porn industry. It is a psyop.

How to counter this? By shitting on it in the comment sections - everywhere, and telling the artist (if he is a legit person) that he shouldn't cave in nor do you approve/expect him to. Even hint at its dark origin. More importantly the truest form of rebellion is to create #34 (if that's what you do) that is pro-white and blatantly right wing. An artist or writer will understand how, so us who aren't can't really offer advice.

To end this on a high note - we have two powerful allies but they deal with RL. One is Outpost 39 and the other Daidouji 44. The first is US/Europe based and the other Japanese. They work together. All I know is that they're wealthy people and do things we'd do if we had the cash. I don't know what the numbers mean, but I've been told that point 4 was unmasked by Daidouji. Daidouji owns/is funded by a powerful zaibatsu and they have their fingers in the anime and manga industry as well. Outpost is secretive as fuck. Neither are a thing on the Internet. As stated, they operate in the actual world. That is all I know.

I'm just an user like you. But let us rejoice.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you just shit everywhere up with gore spam again?

We can do better user. Much better.


What we really need is a bot that spams shill threads with redpill talking points. Similiar to the bot Shareblue is using.

Hi shill.

Blow your brains out.
fuck off reddit faggot. Even using reddit spacing.

I agree but don't have the know-how.

Hi shill.

Nobody said to mention Holla Forums. Nice attempt at creating a problem though. Also, how nice of you to ignore the things I said, meaning the things that kill your kind. user will see, user will act.

Now fuck off. Ignoring.

Wew lad just blow your brains out. You are the one who created the problem by making this shit thread.

It was a lot worse back in October. At least nobody says Julian-Assange-is-dead & Wikileaks-is-compromised anymore.

Why don't you explain what you believe are the messages coming from the keyboards of paid shills? It's too easy to just say "you see it for yourselves." And what if it's the CIA shills or the JTRIG unit and not the Shareblue losers?

WUT? THE? FUCK? are you talking about? stop watching anime porn you fucking loser


What we need to do is find out where Shareblue's HQ is located at. If they don't have an HQ, they certainly have a location where management meets. Establishing those coordinates would be very helpful and place them in effective checkmate.

Get fucked, you are complicit in the violation of 18 USC Ch. 115 §2383, §2384, §2385 and 22 U.S.C. § 614


It was a lot worse back in October. At least nobody says Julian-Assange-is-dead & Wikileaks-is-compromised anymore.

Why don't you explain what you believe are the messages coming from the keyboards of paid shills? It's too easy to just say "you see it for yourselves." And what if it's the CIA shills or the JTRIG unit and not the Shareblue losers?

WUT? THE? FUCK? are you talking about? stop watching anime porn you fucking loser

Is that why every adventure into reddit-land has only benefited them and hurt us in the past? Look at gamergate - reddit cucked them.

>More disturbingly, you probably saw (don't lie you faggot) some rather professional looking and animated 3D porn that is absolutely degenerate

No because I don't watch that shit. Who does? it's even more retarded than anime porn

Wow the shills got REALLY asshurt when you said we need to find their HQ. Wonder why that could be…

Management maybe but their guys are probably "working" from home or some nondescript building.

I'd love to know where they meet, but even if we did we can't do what we want to do and what should be done. At best we can get to know their names and general information. I don't see how us merely knowing who they are and where they meet could help us, so please elaborate.

At best we could out them publicly but the effectiveness of that tactic is dubious given that they're expendable.

They're buttblasted as fuck, so that means the tactics described in the OP will be effective. Likewise, I agree. Disregard since it is now evident we need to locate their hive as well.

Nice reddit spacing - not that you'd care you're already a redditor

So, hit everything everywhere all the time?
I'm in.

there should have been a thread about that weeks ago and it shouldn't be that hard to find:

" At first glance, the Clintonian grass roots seemed to have organically sprouted in anger. But closer inspection yielded traces of Miracle-Gro that led to the sixth floor of a building in the Flatiron neighborhood of Manhattan. "

Who lives near Manhattan? Grab your phone or a camera and go try to find it.

Keep crying shill. Your hourglass is rapidly emptying. And this time it's glued to the table.

They have to be located somewhere, we figured it out with CTR so I'm sure we can do it again. The nature of their operation means that they have to be at least somewhat centralized.

Various groups can do a lot of things with coordinates. We aren't the only goys that hate Brock you know.

Your reliance upon the playbook betrays you

Good find here lad, hadn't seen anyone bring this lead up yet.


Yes. But here's where it gets interesting - notice the shills shitposting about reddit. They're trying to jew you out of the thing I actually implicated:

user participates on the Internet, everywhere. All of us do stuff in places outside imageboards and Holla Forums. And it is precisely in those places that we should be FAR more active and honest about what we believe in to the point of self-destruction of whatever identity is assumed in such places (think forums).

Total asymmetrical warfare bro. We must be everywhere at once, not allowing the shills to have an easy target. Let us go forth and conquer!

I express my agreement.

FEC reports must be filed quarterly. We'll get all the post-election filings around mid-April I believe. At that point the digging into Shareblue and collation with old CTR filings can begin. We can see who left, who was hired, and who stayed onboard. Also their and their HQ's addresses.

As long as they are being paid they will be eventually found out and deal with accordingly.


does the FEC report need to include the physical location of their offices? because True Blue Media, LLC is apparently registered in Delaware and their offices are in Maryland. And Shareblue's offices seem to be someone in Manhattan on the 6th Floor of a building in the Flatiron district.

And until we reach that point we should completely neutralize their effort. All that money amounts to nothing if user starts redpilling left and right on every website he uses.

The amount of shilling in this thread is the ultimate proof that this strategy is a winning one.

Look at them. Just look how desperately they're trying to bury this.

They aren't even right about reddit. Right up until like a couple months after the election we had /r/The_Cuckold as our colony spewing our talking points to literal tens of millions of people. Reddit, like any other cucked platform, has it's uses. In essence jewing the jews out of their propaganda machine.

Interesting idea and likely we will just have to sit tight and wait for that info. I bet we can figure out where in the Flatiron District they're located though.

They took great pains to conceal the view from the window in the article but it looks like it might be adjacent to another skyscraper.

A Canadian who worked for them and quit told me it is being done in cash as much as possible to cover the paper trail. This time they are taking great pains to go undetected.

Is does not matter,we dont play fair, basically every single transaction we can trace even if it wasnt related to the shilling can be taken as an hostility action towards us and will be deal accordingly even if the people affected had to do fuck all with this operation. They may cover very well so people are not afraid of participating in the shilling and they can keep the recruitmen but ultimately when the first middle man manager gets real life consequences the whole thing will go down in flames faster than kike enoch libertarian dreams of leading a political movement.

I've never used reddit so I wouldn't know. I just used it as an example, but yes:


It is impossible to be everywhere at once - for them. But we actually are everywhere and we should use this to our advantage. Shit, if you're using a forum you can even use your signature for passive redpilling. Our options are endless while theirs are finite and predictable.

Go everywhere you usually go and post redpills, espouse right wing views, create right wing content, express your disgust at liberal nonsense. In short just be your regular NatSoc self in all your Internet dealings.

This is true, the Canadian also told me moral is so low that they can barely replace the shills who quit. Finding their HQ and starting the fire will only accelerate that

Also ask leading questions to crush the spirit and make them start questioning what they are told. We realistically only need most normies to stop believing the narrative.

Yes, clever! Even if we just get the normies in normie places to start doubting we've already helped them make a step in the right direction. A spark of truth can shed light on a whole lot of lies. At a certain point even the dumbest normie will stop believing and at the very least become too lukewarm to eat up liberal propaganda. The best case scenario is even more glorious.

Recommending books and stuff can also be added to that, especially is the person shows genuine interest and an iota of intelligence.

This pleases me.

Yeah it'll be right around Late-May/Early April and maybe even sooner that the FEC filings drop. At that point they're fucked because we'll find enough common threads to track them down. Worst case scenario someone takes a bus to NYC and does some legwork.


My superior posting is my weapon, Kek is my guide.

The normies are actually irrelevant. We're just dismantling an easily-targeted aspect of their propagandizing power structure. Easily targeted because it's nature as a secret consensus building organization means all you have to do is point out it exists and terrorize the employees a little. Or a lot. The gloves are off after the election.

Exactly, if they begin to doubt the narrative they will exhibit negative reactions when the media continues to push narratives they suspect are false. The ones we cannot save we can try to get to become so self absorbed, they attack their "allies"

The guy who coordinates their Canada operations apparently goes by the name of Dale Demmans, works as a janitor at Vimy Ridge Academy in Edmonton, Alberta.

Why are you shilling freemasonry op?



As for me I'll start operating under the plan in the OP. The possibilities are endless. We were fools to go on the defensive! The advantage was always ours! We are the freaking Umman Manda!

And the digital steppe your domain. Go forth and spread the truth far and wide!

I'll agree that the normies are of lesser importance as such, but still - we need to help them in order to help ourselves. By their nature they aren't inquisitive or daring so we have to be, and we do that by going everywhere, being everywhere and participating in any and all communities we usually do but with a heavy leaning towards redpilling and bold right wing defiance.

Yes, give them a nice seed of doubt.



OP, I have a bunch of twitter accounts all in different parts of subcultures on the site, and I try to subtly drop redpills.

The more we win the more the normies come around to our side. It's much more effective to terrorize ShareBlue into not existing and then publicly gloat about than a whole campaign of cucked normie memes will be. The normies come around on their own.

Why are you shilling freemasonry?

Why are you telling us to use tactics that we already use?

You cut kids bro?

I assume OP is just trying to re-activate the digging machine since we've just been kind of lazing around recently.


It seems more to me like an effort to push people to overreach in order to get accounts banned before a big political event.

Yeah I'm sure we'll get our Holla Forums account banned for digging into the Shareblue HQ

Yup, that's the way to do it. Operate in your natural habitat outside Holla Forums and drop redpills wherever you go.

It's like put it. We've grown too lazy, too safe and lost the original wildness. We went defense when we should've stayed and doubled down on the offense. We need a good kick in the butt to get us going again, and this is that kick. Panzer Vor and all that.

Go everywhere, be everywhere, redpill everywhere and fear not the shill. No resting on laurels! Seize the initiative! Take the fight to the enemy!

Is your transient internet identity on a normie website that important to you? Are your rep points on a monster truck forum more important than fighting degeneracy, the Jews, liberalism and white genocide?

Here's another way to counteract shilling: with "vaccine."

Here's how it works: see what opinions the shills are posting and post those same opinions, in a way that's shrill, harsh and obviously fake. Something like this:

"Donald Drumpf is a RUSSIAN PUPPET and NOT MY PRESIDENT! It's time to make this country a SAFE SPACE for ALL womxn, people of color and immigrants!"

Halfchan posters kind of have this going with the "can't let him get the nuclear codes" copypasta. The objective is to highlight the forced, artificial nature of the shills' opinions. Often times, you tell that normal posters are annoyed by the shilled opinions but the shilling has an effect on them over time.

To prevent it from having an effect, find the most annoying, grating elements of it and turn it up to 11. You don't even have to write new text for every post; start a new account and start spamming the same irritating shill posts over and over again as a low-count poster. Soon the smell of astroturf will become sickening and the regular users will instinctively reject it. You could also use this technique to encourage the exodus of users from pozzed forums to non-pozzed alternative forums.

Also, here's a pic of David Brock at ShareBlue headquarters.

Yah nah, I'll wait for when it's worth it. Cunt.

Good idea, user, but there's no way I'm going to get those vomit stains out of my carpet if I go this route. Can we just hang all the traitors instead?

Your tactic is valid, but I think it's valid primarily for people like us who are already aware of what's going on.

Remember that this is directed towards normies on normie websites, and normies aren't know for their intelligence or subtlety.

You should do a test run though, I may be wrong. It makes sense to me but normies may be volatile.


'Fraid it's not an option yet.

Here's something that can make "vaccinating" more fun: attacking other shills over ideological purity. Any time they make ANY comment that could be interpreted as slightly insensitive to [oppressed group], unleash the fires of hell on them. They need to be 1000% committed to social justice or they're going to gulag.

Another fun thing to do when you're spamming copypasta is to deliberately fail the Turing test. When people try to debate you, post copypasted paragraphs that are non-sequiturs but correspond in some way to the words they used in their last post. They'll think they're literally debating a bot and will accuse you of being such. Then you can post some really crappy, canned denial of being a bot. Make this post in response to anyone in the thread who uses the word "bot." This will devastate the shills' credibility.

You're right, subtle vaccinating is best suited for people with a few brain cells to rub together. With NPCs, you need to be extremely blunt. As in, copypasting the same post dozens of times and acting like a robot.

As for trying it and reporting back, there should be a regular thread for organizing and discussing propaganda ops. I may try making one if I get time.

Natural posting is best for redpilling. Having normie websites in mind here. Never resort to spam, because spamming even the purest of truths will go unnoticed or hated precisely because a normie will see it as spam.

One particular strategy I've seen from shills/faggots lately on cuckchan boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums is they're really pushing the "Holla Forums is just right-wing SJWs!" horseshoe theory shit. It's completely ridiculous, because the argument just boils down to "both these groups want something and advocate for what they want, so therefore they're exactly the same".

It's not enraging, and I don't think it's a successful tactic. But it is tired and eye-rolling to see people think they're clever with this shit.

I noticed that too. I don't know if there's actual people who honestly believe that, but if they do (like in your pic) they aren't fooling anyone. Their position isn't one of moderation and intellect but mere cowardice. They're shutting their eyes and minds to the truth.

But yes, it doesn't work.

There's also shills who when someone posts anything that isn't liberal insist on how user should "go back to Holla Forums" which is just another attempt to limit our scope, or rather discredit right wing thoughts and opinions.

Most of them are either lolbergs or spics that have no valid argument in an ideological debate, just mock the pathetic rethoric they sue and explain how his talking points in a non-autistic manner and move on as you normally do with dealing with people 10-20 IQ points lower than you.

I don't know why it bothers you so much. From the aspect of identity, it's absolutely true. Only our position and SJWs take identity into account at all. Well, that's not completely true since regular leftists adopt it too when pressed on point.

Another aspect in which that is true is that we are both fighting a culture war, something autistic conservatives and smart ass centrists can't do. Which is why they always fail.


I've noticed they'll come into an unrelated thread and make an offhand comment about a religion. Classic d&c tactic, report, hide and ignore. Don't let them derail a thread into anime/religious arguments.

Create an AI, even a very simple one.

1) To create an AI will require anons to spend a decent amount of time learning programming, math, linguistics, etc. However, the output could multiply the effect of Holla Forums on the internet as a whole by billions.

2) How to design the AI. Use something like machine learning to help the AI learn how to give redpill responses based on identified subject. Have it learn from posts here on Holla Forums so that it would tend to approximate a Holla Forums response in any given situation. Even if the bot only provides an actually on-topic reply 50% of the time, effect is still vast. Use neural networks so the AI can learn how to identify and distinguish between actual humans and shills so that it won't learn from shills and will learn from real anons. In short, the AI would be learning from anons how to redpill, and then it would bring all our arguments here out there.

3) It doesn't matter if the bot is known for being a shill. If it is known that *we* have a shill bot, then it is beyond doubt that Google et al. have their own, far more sophisticated shilling schemes in play. Game theoretically, we win due to asymmetry and the bot still has the potential to redpill simply because people would still be prompted to find the truth for themselves.

So basically, summon a demon to meme for us throughout the entire network, since it isn't limited by space and time.

Call the demon Lain.

Just remember that beside fighting against shills here and outside is also important to ignore shitposter and newfags that refuse to lurk before spouting non-sense.

That's right. I'm suggesting that you use an unnatural posting style for false-flag shilling. Make posts expressing the same opinion as the shills in a highly robotic, unnatural style and people will associate the shill opinions with astroturf.

just wait until the CIA gives the lackeys here the green light to delete the thread once all the participants are identified

this is what the establishment has been doing for a while now


Sage isn't a downvote ShariaJew

your theory is shit; its the aliens or psychicwarlocks…
more likely still is its the kings brain/mouth

i wanna make real fight clulb videos for youtube
go up to an off duty cop or judge or newspaper editor (hardcore shills) and ask them how many dragons they sleep with
go to a mental hospital and prove with EMF detector that the patients get radio/magnetic/emf wavves, on camera, with a emf detector
have mods film themselves with lie detector apps saying they dont communicate/sleep with dragons

ex psychic billionaires control the publics reaction AND the newspapers editors

; causing them to throw out the truth and print distractions, and ignore the truth when its published OR like many times not even read it cuz brain.not.working/autism/cant.cuz.they.snipers

learn more about how they control the world with SHILLS

Seconded. They do the anime/religion thing very often. However I recently noticed these kinds of shills/spam too:

They'll post absurd and inane /x/ tier shitposts (there was an ayy lmao thread around last night for example; also remember the flat earth bullshit that makes rounds from time to time), and I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of those is. I have two theories though. The first is that it isn't even directed at us but potential newfags who might see such things and just leave for the obvious reason. The second is that it's a failed attempt at a psyop directed towards Holla Forums users who are actual occultists, but that one is ridiculous because actual occult tier threads and posts of Holla Forums are usually of a high caliber with Anons referencing legit authors like Evola, Serrano and fairly standard books and resources available to all. Furthermore there is a logic to the things our guys speak of.

A milder version of the theory would be that these kinds of shills are trying to discredit the above mentioned occultists, but that's doomed to fail from the start. user isn't a normie simply put, and has both an open mind and a critical one. They fail to understand that.

nice shitpost pleddit

exactly. thanks for the post.

Always happy to talk to another humanbro

Yeah, you know, or it could just be the kikes.


This thread is pure gold when you stop to look at it as a whole. OP offered a great tactic, shills showed their hand and strategies, user delivered more observations and overall we grew stronger while the shills grew weaker. Again.

Whenever I see a shill, I want to post this now. The level of autism is high enough to crack them.

If we are to undertake this course of action we must be sure to take caution in the tone of what we post elsewhere. Lest we create more enemies rather than create new allies.

Many of us joined this side in reaction to the insane shit that SJWs and the like were pulling, so we wouldn't want to shoot ourselves in the foot and do the same thing but in reverse.

Although in theory we could create more opposition to create more allies for us, personally I think the risks outweigh the gains as further radicalizing the conflict would in the end balance out.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? I think it's a good idea to take caution before we act just so that we don't end up with an unintended effect.

Im sure the CIA had a tool specific for this purpose. Just need some white wizard to give it up.

Just do what Hitler did when he appealed to the normies. Be truthful. White working class people are the backbone of a healthy society and you can let them know to be proud of that. All the Esoteric Occultism and high level economic talk is for us, but for the new converts just give em the basic truths. Your people are under attack, and that weird feeling you constantly have that you're being lied to and fucked with can be easily explained. Would you like to know more?

Google Maps shows my location

Great thread OP. Allow me to elaborate on a few points.

Rule #1 Attack often and unpredictably:

Rule #2 Chipping away at a different unrelated narrative can prime a normie for 1488 conversion.

Rule #3 Waste as much of the enemies time as possible without investing much time yourself

Rule #4A There are no ethics in online debating.

Rule #4B Be dirty and attack the liberal personally

#5 Help budding NatSocs along, warn them about negative shills.

#6 Use your god given creativity to employ unique tactics.

Good tactic user.

I've actually been working on a Sockpuppet Platform to counter the paid shills.

Rebutting arguments was always a problem because those replies have to be hand crafted.

But, by over-propagating the most retarded points of (((their))) propaganda, I might be able to have some impact here.

As this user has said, how real is the concern that it goes over normalfags' heads? Take it back four years ago and I would've assumed most of the feminist rhetoric was satire. And now the transgender rhetoric has taken it to a whole new level (how are people even falling for this shit?).

Now, my hope would be that only an incredibly stupid segment would take the retarded arguments that I propagate seriously. But, I'm not sure how large this segment is? I.e. How retarded are most of the population? What percentage actually have capacity for rational thought?

As an example of shilling, some lesser threads were bumped a few hours ago with reddit tier comments.
While the bread about Gorillas was lulzy, no need to bring is back from beyond page 15 unless your name is Moshe


The more we destroy the left the more it unites the right. If you would have told me a year ago that Mark Levin of all people would have come to Trump's defense on national TV, I would have called you insane. But alas, he we are.

As much as some of us here despise constitutionalists, libertarians, and free market zealots, and Christcucks, right now we need them more than ever. Don't forget that we were once sheep led astray as they are now.

The more we expose the left for who they truly are, the more we win and show the world which side is actually civil.

Steve King didn't even bring up race and the media is jumping on him like a pack of wolves for merely uttering the words "western civilization". We need to subvert and further radicalize the left online and in real life so that Trump will eventually be forced to restore law and order.

Read up on some old anarchist propaganda from the Paul/ancap years and familarize yourself with it again. We need to use the old Marxist propaganda against them and take it a step further. Infiltrate their ranks and keep stirring the pot until the food burns.

This. Shills want to contain us here much like T_D because they are scared. Anyone who thinks concentrated autism only here and never spreading it elsewhere will reach the masses is dreaming and or a shill. We have to spread it because most normies are driven off by 'hitler.jpg' 'gas thekikes' 'stop race mixing' etc etc when they test the waters here. Sure they'll eventually get there but it takes time to red pill in a zone they are comfortable in.

T_D has red pilled more reddigg normies than anything else. stop being a blind faggot and or shill, you might be surprised to hear this but a growing number of them look up to us.
And a growing number of us are there spreading the memes and red pills.

Shill logic:
insert Holla Forums counterpoint here

Fuck off back to your handlers.

Everyone here has a responsibility to post memes, red pills and info everywhere outside of 8ch. Be the masses and subvert them.

This. We need to scare those faggots that they'll loose their shitposting gibs/handlers and make them paranoid like shitcuck ledouche.

And regarding T_D. We formed that place. We now need to provide another platform for it to grow so it can influence internet even more. Imagine what 10-20k normies online at any one time could do on the internet, if we gave them their own death star free of rules, T&C and regs? Like voat but better…. v/FPH often would brigade shit and is pretty effective at times. Imagine that times 1000…. supposedly 700k subs there and to be honest, with the activity levels that would not surprise me. That is the single largest internet force I know of. That's even bigger than china and the kikes and the US forces alone.
This is why they have not banned it. Because they 'threaten to do' so people stay contained there and censored. It is a containment zone, nothing more, nothing less. They are scared of what would happen if they ban it - their actions to censor the sheer number of people and content there speaks volumes. We need to lead them to a new place to coordinate while maintaining presence in T_D and similar places. This censorship is helping us though as more reddigg normies (not even T_D types) are getting sick of their non political subs being shat on and T_D and other places being censored, shill content being posted everywhere etc. They are overstaying their welcome.

If we can organise the normies, then we can unleash the true power of this fully armed and operational battle station…

lol organize the normies and they're gonna turn against all of your weird lolicon interests.

These "centrists" are nothing more than intellectually lazy cowards who lack conviction and backbone. Challenge them on shit they don't know and they back off and shut up because inly then will they realize they're wrong.

yes lets assume everyone here has some fucking anime CP fetish and degrade them so they don't post.
Hasbara is that way brah>>>

Simply be normal with your redpilling. Humble, polite, calm. Avoid bombastic SJW tier hysterics and grandiose claims.

Also as put it:

Avoid arcane speculations we mull over here. Keep it simple.

Excellent effortposting user.

Please refer to the above in this post. SJW's go full tard, like with trannyism. Your duty is to be the rational, approachable, sane alternative. Never underestimate human stupidity but don't insult them either. Many normies are just confused and I'm wiling to bet terrified of what's going on even if they don't know the (((source))). We must not stoop to libshit levels of discourse. We are passionate humans who adhere to the truth. Don't ever pretend to be some sort of saint of perfection. Freely admit your little vices and so on, they make you you. Example:

Of course I'm simplifying this to the point of caricature but you catch my drift.

Yup. Few people are ready and inquisitive enough to go full NatSoc or even mere "WTF is wrong with society?" and that is why we need things that to us look like half-measures or just plain cowardly. Remember those threads where Anons get depressed due to redpilling? Reality is horrible and monsters are real. We shouldn't be cruel. There will always be people who will shrink before the truth, but some will dare to seek it out after tasting its bittersweetness, and they will find us.

Those places like pseudo-redpilled reddit pages and other such things work in our favour in the long run. Like a slow but mighty river that cleaves through a mountain - this should be our mindset, our way of doing, and out kindness. We only need to go full holocaust if actual liberal subversion/inflitration has taken place. Note that even that is to be judged according to your intuition.

Glorious thread is glorious. I'm proud of you guys and I love you all. You are the brothers and fathers I never had. Let us be the same for the lost souls of the interwebz. God wills it.

Well, for one thing we could kill them and burn their houses down. Put the fear of God in those who would stand against us and fuck with our heads. Or find the office and smash the windows. Or find their family and kids, and hurt them. Take the higherups and torture them for information. Use your imagination, shill faggot. Were coming

This thread got flooded with shills. That's a sign you're on the right track OP.

You know what, thanks, you've reassured me.

It's just we tend to use a lot of "strong" language here, which any undecided normie will, if they hear it, decide to be a conspiracy theory of some sort, completely losing us credit.

I should have more faith in our fellow Holla Forumsacks to have tact and nuance in their dealings with normies.

don't get discouraged if you are initially rejected by a group of listeners. if you are persistent and honest they will accept you after a short time an listen to your ideas and respond, as long as you can show you have something in common with them

I'd like to know how shills are even recruited in the first place. I mean surely it's not as simple as they just apply and then hired and are given their instructions to start their "work".

The would-be shills must surely go through some sort of initiation process where their trustworthiness is tested (because shills are no doubt given an ear into the secret plans of (((them))) and were they need to know that the shill won't go out and pull a Snowden). But what IS that process? And indeed, where DO they all congregate? I have a theory that all of (((their))) shills (from accross all companies and all areas of the internet and IRL they operate) have a mass network where they allget together and share information.

This could explain why you may find yourself arguing with a shill and then suddenly a swarm of accounts you've never seen on that site before come out of the woodworks to their defense, as though the shill had signaled to their allies in secret for backup.

Maybe if we could figure out how shills are recruited this could be somehow useful in stopping them.

The magic lantern leaks confirmed that. They have an upper echelon of people who knowingly violate the sedition and treason acts and coordinate their shills with things like that in mind.

More analysis on their camouflaging tactics and account histories on social media would also be useful, so you can find and identify new accounts before they attack. Then you can bait them and determine what specific tactics they use and note how they relate themselves to the swarm. In spite of trying to appear as a "consensus", they'll slip up and reveal more of their organization structure the more you bait them.

shilling is done with 'artificial intelligence' - chat bots. The only shills that are flesh and blood have ethnic ties to their political overlords or have had their indoctrination otherwise vetted (they are employed directly by intelligence agency)

One fracture point that is easy to exploit, everyone hates liberals even "true" leftists despise liberals. Point out their lack of conviction or degeneracy whenever you can.

The shills are fucking ridiculous at this point. I've read about 20-25 threads today and there's not a single one, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE, which doesn't have at least one shill relentlessly shitting it up and sliding it.

And they all use the EXACT same tactic as described in the OP:

It's fucking maddening!


Never forget that fundamentally, deep down at our root we aren't extremists. We're merely realists who think that realpolitik is the way to go and that our race and culture should exist. We're in fact so natural and simple (in a good way) that liberal gibberish and behaviour appears almost clownish to us. Our sole and primary goal is to remove a threat to our biological existence and continued survival. Even animals understand that. It is the law of Nature itself which requires no further justification. By being so simple and so natural we've grown into something complex and yet utterly untainted.

Also, never forget - who are the violent ones? Who riots? Who started this in the US? Liberals. It was the liberals, not us. We will never start the fight but we will end it. Liberals hypocritically condemn violence while being violent, we of the right recognize violence as valid in certain cases and that's it. We are nuanced and reasonable, they are not.

Honestly I'd like to know that too.

PR agencies and the like would be my guess.

This is why OP also advocated this

I think they might be paid by the amount of (you)'s given that it's the only metric of effectiveness that can be measured. If a post is ignored utterly how can their (((masters))) know they've been doing anything at all? To screencap entire threads would mean someone would have to actually read it all day in and day out. I doubt that. Furthermore without context even if they save all their posts they mean nothing and can't be seen as effective shilling because there's no proof of effectiveness.

I think (you)'s are what they're after.

Also I go the "sage, report and ignore shill threads" route when it's obvious a thread is a shill thread from the first post. You know those.

Yes, shills are absolutely in every single thread. They work around the clock.

Its easier said than done. People on here can get easily baited at times. Now we're starting to experience what's going on with halfchan. If we can't figure out how to create a bot to counter Shareblue and soon, its gonna get worse.

Given the writing styles, this thread is primarily shills, cia and plebbit, circlejerking.


or just don't respond to the shills you fucking retard

your mommy isn't going to follow you around clearing space for you to breathe and relax forever

you might as well learn to function and not be so easily influenced by weak forces surrounding you

also can we just end this thread, OP writes at a middle school level

Here is the thing:

I like you bro, but we never signed up for this because it was easy but because it was hard. Ignoring shills is a learned skill.

I agree with you but I'd like to say that mods actually are doing their job. I've seen many a shill thread BTFO and many a shill banned. It's just that the scope of the shilling is vast.

Regarding chatbots I think it's best we lean on our own skills and insight rather than making bots ourselves. Shills aren't here to learn anything. By adding bots we're only muddying the water even more.

Learn to ignore shilling, that is the best way. Above all do what the OP suggested and go everywhere, be everywhere and redpill everywhere.

Gas yourself, kike.

you are probably greatly mistaken about what a shill is

this sites mods are shills themselves, trying to maintain a mentally weak, controllable community that can be rented or sold

t_d is ours, as is halfchan. What happened was that people stopped moving out of those forums and onto social media platforms where normies are.

Look at how effective they were when we were pushing the slush fund/Shareblue information the other week. All we have to do is cripple those handling shills or cause them to be unable to find sufficient numbers of employees and we will be able to start getting normies to spread our message again.


yeah just keep on being a fucking retard hidden behind a keyboard who can't openly express his ideas in public and tell everyone on Holla Forums to wait for Hitler because that's a great winning strategy

Only applies to elections, kill yourself.

Where have I seen this faggotry before?

this legit?

You wouldn't be able to avoid it on most sites (the ones named after jewtube mostly) as a normie, they're gaming the searches or straight up using redirects. I'd noticed this going on for a bit but thought it was typical ad-shekel shenanigans. But then, after it clicked, I noticed the bulk uploading, and that a majority was vidya/3D-themed, so that it floods the searches of that particular tag. (WoW, DoA, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, DC, that kinda shit)
so the autist tripped over a manifestation of the (((symptom))) by accident, got freaked as autist plebbits typically do, and ran here.

Of course since everyone here has ublock already we'd never notice this going on at all. Fuckin' normies man. Bet they're still installing fucking toolbars too.

#4 lel
Yea tho I've noticed even on those wacky circle-jerky DA groups that use poser models and such a sudden explosion of 'amazonian /ss/ with women that might be packing' from formerly 'marriage is man&woman only' types. The rule34 angle is kind of intriguing, you don't see a mass fetish changeover like that anywhere.
Wonder if it's jewgle, or (((Mindgeek))) or straight from Israel's pockets itself. Should've just made the post on that because now everyone will ignore it because the rest is useless blather.
Think about the amount of artists and their pricing categories, and how much extra they charge to 'go outside their comfort zones.'

Someone's dumping literal millions into tranny-porn/paedo-content production the last year. Christfags, look alive, do some poking IRL (not literally) and if you know what your most pozzed local mag is (like for Detroit it would be Metro Times just off the top of my head) you know the kind, the ones that cater to the 'nightclub' life with all the trannies offering themselves up for booty calls in the back?
Find some place that distributes those and (especially if you've seen it before and know whether something has changed or not) check the articles and ads to see if the tranny push has left the back page.
If that kind of money is being tossed around online they're probably hitting the 'seedy red-light' mags too, to encourage slight degenerates who only wanted "loose women" into "exploring further boundaries" so if it's left the back page then they're probably pushing trannies "rights" some other way locally too that you haven't seen yet. Could be the bathroom shit could be something else.
I know a couple of artists that mentioned after a dry spell getting contacted by repeat customers for really skeevy shit and wondering 'how many loans that guy took out to get his fix'

I didn't think of it til now, but they're probably being tapped for this too. Paying as much as 400% normal commission prices to have all the characters changed into trannies, or original ideas all about trannies.
I've known enough trannies in GG to know if they don't have rich parents with trust funds they tend to break themselves on shitty fandom merch before they even hit the porn. Or the transition itself empties their manpurses.
So this sudden 'trannysplosion' isn't coming from the LGBT poorfag side of things, some techie (literal) fag fuck in SF or Tel Aviv is probably behind this. Must be nice to be a faggot billionaire so you don't care if these bizarre attacks pan out or not, just throw money at everything.

If you go to some heavily normie-trafficked site like say pornhub as an example and look up trannies sorted by upload date you'll see a whole mess of bulk flooding. Be like 2-4 a day, then suddenly 30, then back to 2-4.
And speaking of r34 if you go to the actual r34 site you can see multiple people yelling about "not allowing content tags" like other boorus in tranny pics, lmao now why would that be (((their))) most pressing concern, I wonder… For once R34's janky 1999-era architecture was a feature, not a bug.
It's too bad I don't know how to get into (((porn))) on the behind-the-camera angle, I'd be down for some hot IP voyeur action.

So yea, thread's a wash but does bring up an important point, the jew's expanding outside of their former 'safety zones' in porn at an exponential rate lately.
Dunno if anyone recalls from GG how some people from the BDSM communities came in complaining about it

except they aren't, hell it's what built Mel Brooks' career, it's all in the delivery. That dude needs to go watch The Producers and Top Secret to see how it's done.
And don't forget all the panties dropping for Hans Landa.
Go fig the only presentable one out and about out there like that is an out and proud faggot.

gotta commend them on that one, the whole "CIA kidnapped julian" thing is 100% plausible and difficult to put down without stepping outside to confirm it to multiple individuals every couple days. That'd give them a lot of chances to actually do it. Whoever that clever schmuck was, hope he was the first one shitcanned by the new admin.
Anyway OP smells more like plebbit T_D autist cancer than shariablue, hard faking that level of enthusiastic dumbassery. It's like the difference between Kern (a paid shill) and Oliver Campbell, a 100%suckered DoItForFree autistic negro thinking he some vidya Malcolm X.

Supposedly "Shareblue's HQ is somewhere in NY, Flatiron district. Daou and Brock have both been placed there by the NYT" though seems like no one is sure. If it is in the Flatiron district I think I may have found it or something connected to it.

ht tp://
11 E 26th St, New York, NY 10010
ht tps://
this guy worked for the Clinton Foundation, went to Berkley(as did brock), got bought by IBM for it's marketing stuff( ht tp:// to use with it's own iX marketing program. Trying to see if he went to the same school and/or same time in NY as Daou did but having a weird bit of trouble with that.

Not exactly strong argument but still plausible.

Here I am thinking "hell yeah let's get the long knives going" and all you did was encourage shitposting.

It is true that normalfags usually respond to the culture of the times, but that doesn't mean they are devoid of the ability to identity morality. That's like saying you can easily convince someone that the sky isn't blue.

I mean, you CAN, with time and effort and brainwashing, but self correction is inevitable because the objective truth reasserts itself.

To win over the normalfags you must accelerate the reassertion of the moral truths of blood and soil.

headquarters at an airport make no sense. Doesn't mean they may not have some sort of corporate storage space there, bignames rent there but I'm not sure how open that place is. I would guess disregard.

it also doesn't mean they don't have a lifetime at rationalising why it doesn't matter
I can.
so that's why normalfags are so rational and adhere to objective truth.

Note: The purpose of lying is to get people to consider your view point rather than shutting their brain down as conditioned. And yes, I agree that it's an excellent tactic. Pretend to be black, pretend to be a woman, pretend to be gay, pretend to be an arab, etc
Vid related is what initially redpilled me: an ex-muslim shitting on Islam

So that explains why user culture is so insanely powerful in Japan and anime remains uncorrupted.

I swear to god why can't these groups just fund new imageboard software with moderator subscription to eliminate abuse, decentralization to avoid being acquired by Soros/Jews/Feds, and autotranslation to bypass the language barrier.

It would increase our influence exponentially.

Julian apparently knows of us and we did stop him from being framed as a pedo.

Who knows what will happen.

Honestly OP I sense that you're an ally but also quite the newfag.

Are white hat organizations starting to take interest in us?

liberalism is a legit mental disorder.

Honestly OP I think that the American elections just burned us the fuck out.

Eternal struggle is the reality but it is exhausting.

That's a fucking great idea user


1) people should already be posting on many forums yes even reddit

2) Their shill posts hone my skills

3) always pay attention to spirit of the topic and its intent

4) 'Western #34' is entirely degenerate with the exception of totempole

Do not underestimate curiosity and contrarianism
In young people especially

Why do you think they swapped the term "conspiracy theory" for "fake news"? We've reached a point where the average normie believes in at least some conspiracy. Seeing the TV man use the term "crazy conspiracy theorists" will make you question the system

These threads do indeed bring them out of the woodwork. Pay attention newfags.

But holy shit man, they are fucking EVERYWHERE tonight. Even on literal desolate wastelands like /newsplus/. There's gotta be something going on. Why all of a sudden with the flood? It's really low tier bait too like LOL DRUMPH BTFO OUT XDDDDD. Hasn't been this bad since just before the election.


Indeed. The reddit spacing and "n-no you're the jew" accusations have skyrocketed over the past few days. It's quite obvious we're getting raided.

You are retarded m8. Subtlety will win us the day, not your hollow machismo.

Normies aren't NPCs :(
It's just the perfluorinated aspartame glyphosate fluoride formaldehyde mercury that makes it appear that way

I think the shills were ordered to abandon trying to "debate" us because we speak the truth even when we see that the thread is indeed a shilling thread, and truth is anathema to them. It's simply not a good use of their time and resources, so now they defaulted to spam and crude provocations (like posting nigger porn).

I've noticed that some shills have a terrible grasp of the English language, and since I'm not a native speaker this is perhaps more evident to me. I don't think this brand are bots. I think they may actually be pajeets or from some other asian country.

Also I noticed a critical error in shilling, or to be more precise a further proof of it - they use words and terms which were originally cuckchan's and which we used only very sporadically (m8, lad, wew etc.) and they overuse the fuck out of them. They can't grasp the difference between us and them, meaning they are blind to the uniqueness of boards and their culture.

All of you need to pay attention to every post. It's very easy for me to detect a shill due to me being in the game for so long, but it seems some Anons struggle with that. I can't put this into words either. I just know when someone is bullshitting.

Ignoring them is the best way to mitigate the damage. Simply refuse to acknowledge their posts and don't fall for provocations. Yes user, I know. It's something difficult to do and seeing things like makes me bemused as well. But you must steel yourself in serenity and become like a rock. Lao Tzu was right. You should listen to him.

Amusingly the thing that pisses me off the most about that comment is the zuckershit tier smileyface.

I also noticed (and I'm sure others did) calls for violence like which I think are primarily directed towards newfriends rather than us. Because as we all know there is no such thing as true anonymity and only a fool would post threats or plan armed actions on the Internet. Holla Forums is a board of peace.

#34 went too far. Back in the day the artists were of modest skill with a few really good ones and lots of pure amateurs. But the art was generally common sex with common themes. Posting stuff like that on old Holla Forums would get you banned because it was truly a niche thing. Once it exploded in popularity there was a high mark, and then it all went full degenerate with trannyism, faggotry and less nameable things. I see it as a testament of how poisoned our society has become. The difference between what #34 does and what the Japs do is that they don't believe in what they draw. To a libshit #34 artist his toddlercon furfaggotry is an actual belief, an actual propaganda effort and a display of things he believes should be accepted and normal. The Nips are just playing around with it like a kid with legos, but our deviants are the dangerous, political ones.

Posting the twins. Lana is the protector of frogs.

Far from it. I oulived Snacks, moot, and was raised under toothy grins and basked in the salific power of Raptor Jesus.

Look at it this way - are we being shilled? Yes. Are we being monitored by various agencies? Very likely. Are multiple countries present here, such as China, Russia and Japan? Yes.

Draw the obvious conclusion. But no hubris please. I think we have done much good and we struggle to do it now and in the future, but we're just a small part of a greater whole that might not even be aware that the other exists but share the same goals.

Regarding the three mentioned countries they don't seem to participate that much or have displayed evil intent. I think they're here because they're interested in what the actual people think and feel regarding… well, everything. We're their window into a segment of the population which is demonized and not represented by the (((MSM))) yet alone (((Hollywood))) and similar. But we are real, and they want to know the truth.

True. That was a marathon even for me. I can't imagine how it was for Americans.

Target reddit, it's full of pseudo-intellectuals. Don't go for the big subs if you don't have a powerful like bot because those are way too shilled for you to have an impact 90% of the comments in /r/conspiracy were shills the last time I was there, as well as the OPs themselves and I'm talking about obvious shilling like calling people tinfoil hatters and endlessly claiming that the Earth was flat

The thing about reddit is that it's designed to facilitate shilling:

upvoting comment2 doesn't mean

it means

Ultimately, all kinds of voting systems are systems of censorship, regardless of how they're implemented

Why do you think chans are the only decent place on the internet to discuss thoughcrimes? Rather than just pressing a button to censor a post, you actually have to write new comments in order to bury old ones, and you can't even do that properly because comments are sorted chronologically, so you have to slide an entire post just to censor a single comment


Yep, was at a bar after close the other night and politics sort of came up and I was explaining to the normies how they had been lied to the entire election by the media. They got pretty agitated by this but I cited examples (I wish the Maddow Tax destruction had happened by then) and most of them came around to the idea. The most agitated blurted out "But can we all agree on one thing, that 9/11 was an inside job" which they all agreed upon. So I started questioning them why did they think 9/11 happened? reminded them that Bush had only just become President, then one of the most normie girls fucking clicked …."Bill Clinton was President before…." You could see the cogs in her head moving and then she blurts out "Crooked Hillary is called that for a reason"
Cue all the normies asking about The Clintons, Fake News, Trump.


Actually, I remember something I mentioned about two years ago in another forum.
I was cruising (((OKcupid))) just to see what some women of the world looked like and within every city, no matter how small, was a left wing tranny who wrote in English and seemed to come from a western country. They were 'gamergrils' and 'pansexual' etc. It was blatantly obviously a tranny but they marked them selves female looking for straight guys.
To cross check it I looked at small Russian towns. They were there as well. It was obvious they were shill accounts because they would be beaten or arrested if they were so open about it in Russia. These were active accounts, I never contacted one though.
I flagged them to OKC and ended up getting myself banned for it. It looked like a concerted effort and I believe OKC was in on it. The fraud was too widespread.


Saucy digits, Slim.

I have found that even criticizing Hitler makes you automatically a shill.

Thank you for your service user. What we need now is a broader board culture. We must create threads on philosophy and ignore all attempts to divide us along petty national lines. We may not be of the same places but we want an end to brother wars. Further we need Space Elevator threads to remind us what we stand to gain if we should prevail. Also culture threads because the better culture and art we produce the more will join us. We are the soldiers of information and cultural warfare, this necessitates our culture to dominate and replace the insipid trash of leftism and cuckservatism.

No, those times are long past. Nowadays, TRP is heavily red-pilled on many issues, although, due to their history and user base, they tend to blend out the race question.

Thank you for admitting that you care less about winning than being a LARPy 'fashy' shitposting faggot on chan boards. You can go kill yourself you useless clown.

>caring more about winning than having a coherent ideology


Thanks again for revealing just how much of a useless faggot you are. You don't even want to win. Go kill yourself.

Makes sense

Quality OP.

This was a location of interest because it showed potential deep state involvement but the actual HQ appears to be somewhere in NY, Flatrion district

Good digging here user

Which implies that all we have to do is continue pushing and degrading their ability to push back by fucking with Shareblue

better version

Perhaps it's in the underground complex, it's quite common for airports to have them, a la Denver Int.

"History has shown us that repression often sows the seeds for revolution down the
road. Those who clamp down on Internet freedom may be able to hold
back the full impact of their people's yearnings for a while, but not forever.
Leaders worldwide have a choice to make. They can let the Internet
in their countries flourish, and take the risk that the freedoms it enables will lead to a
greater demand for political rights. Or they can constrict the Internet, choke the
freedoms it naturally sustains, and risk losing all the economic and social benefits
that come from a networked society."

"We believe that governments who have erected barriers to Internet freedom -
whether they're technical filters or censorship regimes or attacks on those who
exercise their rights to expression and assembly online — will eventually find
themselves boxed in. They will face a dictator's dilemma, and will have
to choose between letting the walls fall or paying the price to keep them standing —
which means both doubling down on a losing hand by resorting to greater
oppression, and enduring the escalating opportunity cost of missing out on the ideas
that have been blocked."

"While the rights we seek to protect are clear, the various ways that these rights are
violated are increasingly complex, the U.S. will help people in oppressive Internet environments
get around filters, stay one step ahead of the censors, the hackers and the thugs who beat them up or imprison them for what they say online,"

"The Wikileaks incident began with a theft just as if it had been executed by
smuggling papers in a briefcase. The fact that Wikileaks used the Internet
is not the reason we criticized it. Wikileaks does not challenge our commitment to Internet freedom."

Hillary Clinton
February 16,2011


Hello, TRShill.

Oh I want to win, I just think winning must be done correctly and not involve diluting your values until you're a complacent cuck waiting down until the last white man dies thinking "well at least we won and I got to be proud to be white without actually fixing any problems(like nonwhites in white nations)"

Dilution is death, blow your brains out kike. Not having an ideology that is explicitly pro-white means you are vulnerable to dilution.

And that image is fucking trash because not adhering to a pro-white ideology will get you in that exact situation.
Look at gamergate, look at the alt-kike. Full of muh based niggers and muh based fags and muh based zionists etc etc etc. They are now indistinguishable from the people they supposedly oppose.

keep telling yourself that useless faggot

Bullshit. You think having the perfect ideological fetish is more important than winning, you said it yourself Ethnic nationalism will happen sooner or later, open borders and mass immigration have guaranteed that. The sooner it happens the better our chances of winning are. It won't matter one bit how perfect the beautiful ideas in your mind are when the shit hits the fan. The world ain't going to be your safe space anytime soon. You're like a weak scrawny kid who masturbates to a picture of a big bodybuilder wishing you could be like him one day instead of actually lifting weights and becoming stronger. Spergs like you are even less than useless.

imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him

Underrated post, upvoted

In the US, we are basically half the population, and the Overton window has been moved so far to the right, that even the normies are starting to listen. GET OUT THERE AND REDPILL THEM.

keep telling yourself that useless faggot
Go back to reddit where they appreciate your cucked spacing.

bump cos shills

Threadly reminder that fags complaining about how we will look to the outside are shills 100%. Never compromise your beliefs Holla Forums. That's how the jews beat the christians without so much as a fight.

based 64 calls it. the shills dont want us to find them. we must find them, and show NO mercy. we control the jimmies, we control the rustling. not some paid shariabluefags

Wtf! The shills ITT!
Even if you don't like anime you wouldn't literally say that on (the only) Holla Forums

I've redpilled a lot of normies on various things.
Once I get them to admit they've been lied to by the mainstream media and government, I ask them:
"So if they lied to you about that, what ELSE have they lied to you about?"
It's funny to watch the cogs turning as they think about it.

Agreed, muh pr cucks sre shills.
However, there is something to be said for using influencing skills to lead people to harsh truths in a way that doesn't scare them off.
I use partial redpills when I sense the person is not ready for the full one.
If that goes well, then I push a little more.
Bit by bit, I chip away at their ideological armour and plant seeds of doubt about their current beliefs.
This is essential in a working enviroment with "anti-discrimination" rules, and I have been very successful for many years.
Of course, once your are in a less regulated enviroment there is less need for caution/ taking it slow.
But gentle stealth redpilling can still be a useful method when dealing with some resistant normies.

All porn is degenerate, degenerate.