Slovakia criticised by EU for segregation
The eternal Serb strikes again
Are these gypsies? help me I'm ignorant
Slovakfag here, they're somewhere between niggers and abos.
Yep, gypsies. All of Europe hates them, even the leftists hate gypsies. At least I think so, even on leddit I haven't found any good word on them. Any euros know if leftists recruit gypsies?
Yes and half breed jews.
Even communist Yugoslavia failed to make gypsy fucks civilized and they took education very seriously.
All Slavs know gypsies are worthless by design.
Gypsies are the worst.
I mean that 100%. They make niggers look civilized.
Fucking cygany
Reminder that gypsies are so shit that Pajeets kicked them out of India.
Are you kidding me ? I had a few gypsies in my class and they totally destroyed my education. I would have much better grades without them. Its a race war in class instead of focusing on the curriculum. Gypsy females just groomed themselves to pop out more gypsy scum and males just chimp out like niggers.
They dont go to school for education but for free lunch payed by Slovak tax payer!
We are not racist enough.
My dad grew up in Eastern Slovakia.
When he took me to see his birth home in a medieval German town, Gypsys threw rocks at our cars.
An aunt of mine who is a University professor is pretty disgusted with the fact that they DON'T discriminate against these fuckers and let them "study".
Fuck the EU.
I've never heard anybody speak nicely about gypsies.
Closest thing I've head was a lefist trying to do mental gymnastics to justify why a group of gypsies had pushed a teenage girl to the ground because she was in the way of them stealing a carpet at a flea market. (Muh systemic oppression)
yeeah, nah. just raze them illegal settlements and pay them ticket back to india where they belong
gyppos are lowest cast
Cigani (gypsies) came to Europe in the 13th century. They had 800 years to change their ways. 8 fucking centuries. In those 800 years they didn't move a milimeter from what they were when they came here.
They are Abo tier people.
India better be a brand of oven I'm not familiar with, because thats the only place those subhumans belong.
but muh oppression ;((((
Zooc explains it best. All you wanna know about gypsies in this video.
Kek, it's for their own good and for the rest of the children.
It's the same in my country and I can tell you that they want it themselves. They sneer at ny gypsies that talk to the "normies".
Not to mention that they are usually the only ones with special needs and behavioural problems.
This guy is pretty based actually.
Man, this hasn't been a great year for balding at 28 asscancer man.
Gee I wonder why that is, maybe because they actually have those “mild mental disabilities” and are naturally averse to any kind of work?
Also who are they kidding, they are falling behind and live in poverty because they want it themselves and because they only know to leech.
Thankfully I didn't have to deal with gypsies when I attended school.
Top kek
My sister at her peak bluepill still hated gypsies.
With niggers you have the jews trying to convince everyone they're good and you have the odd rare one that's raised by whites or something that's a good person so you can kinda be tricked into not "basing on experience".
Literally one interaction and anyone will hate them.
Man, this all sounds so familiar…
My wife is half Romanichal (British Romani)and does well for herself (has pink nipples, is a college grad and self-employed. The problem with Romani is their degenerate culture built upon the belief that they can steal and still be morally just. However, unlike the nigger, they steal from others - not themselves.
Gypsies still exist? Fuck, how lazy has Europe been?
Based Slovaks taking the lead, lad
Wszystkiego najlepszego, bracia !
Trying to civilize a gypsy is like attempting to convince a brick wall it's actually a floor. The only way to do is to tear it down and scatter its remains all over the ground.
By Jove, we will gas you and your half caste subhuman gypo babies as well.
I'd read all kinds of stories about how Gypsies were degenerates whose only chosen professions were those of thief, drug dealer, pimp, prostitute, child kidnapper, or panhandler.
I go to Europe on a vacation, not even one day into my trip in Amsterdam and I see a wretched looking Gypsy wailing loudly and sadly on the cobblestone street with a metal pan full of coins. Four Gypsy teenagers flanked him looking menacingly at anyone who passed by. This was in an area in which there was a sign warning tourists about "zankenrollers" (pickpockets).
The first Gypsies I'd ever seen IRL and they were flesh-and-blood stereotypes.
There aren't any others, burgerbrah.
Here in the UK, roma gypsy women are way over represented in prositiution work and spread diseases like wildfire.
Make Slovakia great again
Yes and it is a political corrected word for the dirty gypsies. There is nothing absolute positive words about them.
How come they didn't try to kill them? If they did then this problem wouldn't exist today.
At least they were successful in getting them out of India.
I remember some report about how "hungarian" women were the lowest rung of prostitutes and oy vey why aren't our police doing anything to help. Turned out that 99% of those were gypsy women, so hungarian police just didn't give a fuck back then, still doesn't to this day.
Idiot dutch police keeps annoying ours with requests to assist them in relocating "reformed" prostitutes back home. As if our cops have the time and manpower to feed some brown bitch and her 15 kids while fending off attacks from her slaver family.
True but they made it even worse and it came back to haunt them. There are even more gypies today than in the old ages.
I worked with a Gypsy. Dumb as all fuck and caused so many problems until eventually CEO bought a fully automated dual turret lathe to replace the gypsy motherfucker. Automated load/unload, so it runs all weekend unattended without breaking shit. It was glorious. It was cheaper than buying new tools to replace broken ones/delays/downtimes.
Gypsies are fucking scum. As another user said, between abos and niggers, but with the greediness of kikes and the ugly of all three.
They're short little untermensch motherfuckers too.
Lmao I remember when I was 6 in France a bunch of gypsies came to my village and into our school. It was funny.
The only stereotype that you missed mentioning is that all of them are inbred. They're like the absolute worst combination of the bad traits of all non-white races, cunning and underhanded like a kike, stupid like a nigger and inbred like a mudslime.
Yes, Romani means Gypsy in their own language.
Where I live in Eastern Europe Gypsies are a bit like Indians, in a way that they have a caste system. The highest caste gypsies are musicians, they are more cultured, although if they are very rich they also like blingy things like nigger rappers.
The lower castes are people who's ancestors did traditional work, like basket weaving, that became useless after industrialisation. These people were forced to work during comunism and lost their jobs after the regime change. They refused to learn any professions and many turned to crime. They are brought up seeing their parents not working, but drinking, whoring and pimping. They choose the easy way to money, and that is crime. When they grow up and have children they don't teach them any manners and everybody want's to get away from them in schools, including their teachers. They descended into utter degeneracy.
The most important thing for them is keeping to their own. They cast out the ones who intermarry not just with whites, but also with the other castes. A musician gypsy will never marry the descendant of a basket weaver.
Social-democratic and liberal parties follow the example of the Democratic Party of the USA, and use them as pet nigger voting machines. They also provide them "civil rights" lawyers and seeding them the dindu nuffin SJW culture.
Personally I find it insulting to call them Romani. They stolen the word of Roman from Roman people.
Well, they aren't the only one.
Here in Slovakia we have an actual genuine fascist party as the second or third biggest party according to the latest polls. Their election program includes taking care of the "parasites in the ghettoes", complete shut down of immigration, restoring self-sufficiency (it's terrible right now, especially with food, we import almost half of it and we have huge tracts of fertile soil), pushing traditional values and supporting "decent white families".
Oh and I forgot to mention, they call NATO a criminal organization and want to leave NATO and the EU. Pretty based.
the only people i've seen defend gypsies are jews because of muh shared oppression and sheltered liberals
Out of all the three groups balkan/eastern e. roma are the worst by many magnitudes and most alien. Ssinti and romachial aren't the same shit, idiot. Take your wife and go meet some. See what she says after that.
A lot of them are just 100% Indian looking with maybe some turkic blood.
Dalej macie do nas ból dupy, że sprzedajemy wam owoce i warzywa? lol
Dobrze słyszeć, że macie prawdziwą prawicę.
'helping white families in need'
I am actually LARPing when I talk about genociding jews and shitskins (ok maybe not jews). But there is one group of people that MUST be completely eradicated from the face of the Earth. Gypsies. And I'm not joking.
What an interesting amount of money they're giving them.
by chance, i'm sure
I live in Spain and gypsies are a plague, they usually gather in small villages on the outskirts of towns and cities, most of them are illiterate and refuse to educate their kids, even though education is free and compulsory until you're 16.
I myself have been robbed by them, they broke into my house breaking two front doors and stole some tools and other things I had in my garage, they couldn't get to the other floors because I have a reinforced steel door upstairs. There are thousands of stories about this subhumans stealing, selling drugs and causing havoc in general, even the leftists know they're trash although they like to virtue signal and pretend to care.
They don't need discrimination, they already refuse to integrate and don't mix with non-gypsies, they even have derogatory terms for others.
Oh, the thing inside the red circle is a lonely fence pole, the town hall decided to install a fence so they would stop throwing trash into the riverbed, the gypsies, naturally, stole the fence. It wasn't a smart move.
Pic related, all the trash they throw.
We have Gyppos in Scandinavia. They're exactly like yours. Criminals. TBQH I'm surprised you've not dealt with them. Just denying all benefits makes them scurry like cockroaches from sunlight
Why don't they criticise Israel, where it happens much worse? I witnessed it firsthand.
I never saw them in Haifa? Are they really as ubiquitous?
Poland here, my grandma was a teacher and she would have gypsy students in her class. The communist government tried to integrate gypsies into the society a bit by giving them education but they just refused to study. So she told me that they'd do poorly in class and they would just leave class randomly, and no one even would even bother to stop them because teaching them was fruitless.
Gypsies ARE descended from curries. It makes sense.
You're Polish and your contact with the romani is through stories. Lucky you.
I live in a quiet part of Warsaw far away from the poor districts where there's not a single one in sight. I occasionally see one downtown begging on the public transport (they quickly leave after a stop or two because they obviously don't have tickets).
The fact that they self-segregate is their only redeeming aspect.
Guess your police actually does policing. The risk/reward to this scam just has to be put way down.
I used to be so bluepilled on gypsies but that's because I never met one until they started flooding my neighbourhood thanks to commie EJew migration shit we had no vote or say in. I have never met such unreasonable, dangerous, and subhuman creatures in my life. I can see why they were expelled everywhere even from their own native India. They are like niggers and jews COMBINED.
You don't think there can be a group of people so disrespectful, entitled and repugnant like gypsies until you meet them. Their existence goes against all logic and Darwinist theories. They live between their own trash and they don't care, they won't move a finger to better themselves or their community, they're just parasites, without a host they would go extinct.
Diversity is working out so well for Germany, France and Sweden. Why aren't more countries taking on ludicrous debt to help violent animals plunder their countries?
Came here to post this, the memes are real, praise Kek