Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson cannot name a single foreign leader
Seriously.. the lolbertarian party is dead at this point.
Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson cannot name a single foreign leader
Seriously.. the lolbertarian party is dead at this point.
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he could've just said "the former president of mexico" without admitting not knowing his name
Dude… what if this guy is doing this on purpose to get attention and stuff?
I mean, first that Aleppo thing, now this. How the fuck can someone be legitimately so ignorant?
I believe he's doing it to get attention.
Fox isn't the immediate former president. That would be Calderón.
As long as there is money going in…
Are you seriously asking how a lolbetarian can be so ignorant? It's literally an idealogy for children my man.
Aleppo is a shithole tbh fam
I believe that he just spends all his time smoking weed and watch cartoons, he just looks like the type that would.
Gary "DUDE WEED LMAO" Johnson singlehandedly destroying the lolbertardian party. Feels good man.
When have they ever gotten this many votes?
Yeah, they were on the rise, but stupid shit like this is what kills candidacies.
Fuck you, don't lump me in with him.
I think the type to vote lolbert is too stupid to actually do any research on the candidate.
Oh yeah? then why is Trump so popular?
Yes, and anyone on the fence about them is probably reconsidering after seeing their main representative not once but TWICE make an ass of himself on TV.
Trump hasn't been saying stupid shit. He's been saying outrageous shit that the right has always been thinking but has never had a candidate who was willing to say it.
And the other guy says
Gary Johnson is literally nothing more than a walking libertarian platitude spouting drone. The more you listen to him the more you realize he has almost no serious ideas of his own, they're all just vague libertarian talking points that he tries to make into something close to sounding like a presidental platform.
So, he's just like every other self-described libertarian, then.
how the fuck is "heil the tpp" pro-liberty anyways?
Literally just a name he knows because I highly doubt he would actually agree with her policies.
At that point the question had been simplified to 'name a foreign leader'. It's still pathetic of course.
But seriously, what current leaders would a lolbert respect?
im still voting Johnson since hes right on his politics and ideology and both candidates want more government. Enjoy that two party system. Even if trump wins the status quo will still be the same and he will still be supporting a fed fiat system.
Lmao, why wouldn't he just play it as
This is a fantastic OC nigga.
The money shot.