Is this a sign from Kek?
A sign from Kek, glowing frog discovered
Other urls found in this thread:
Kek speaks to us!
This level of memery isn't what i signed up for, but I'll graciously accept it.
I can cite scientific journals if you want.
Palindrome check
Also apparently he's a gif of the frog.
It's more that I'm astonished with it being Alex "TURNING THE FRICKIN' FROGS GAY" Jones running this article on his site.
He turns the exact shade of most Pepes.
ID trips checked praise Kek
Truth (light) in darkness (ignorance)
Sweet timestamp bro.
An OC user needs to make a rare pepe that glows like this.
This is now a frog-fu thread
Indeed auspicious
Do you anymore OC from that artist?
if dubs, the death of a prominent jew will be caused by a frog
it's mine, first one I made like it. I plan on making some more soon
Kek, the god of primordial darkness and bringer-in of light (signified by the T-form in the hieroglyphs). Awesome. Can't wait for glowing Pepe memes.
Making art of Keket (Kekuit) would be better than Heqet – Keket is the female version of Kek, while Heqet isn't directly related to all of this.
You mean Soros?
Please do
Please make more lad
Here's the study referenced in the article:
Then when they become lewd does that mean synchronized sacrifaps are inevitable? Thank you, Kek-chan
Fucking double digit goddamn idjits…
Waifibian bump
Nice work, lad.
ID and timestamp check'd.
Why are frog girls so delicious?
Does anyone else really want a pet frog after we discovered Kek?
May this be a sign that kek is planning something for this cucked shithole?
Post your best frog pictures, so that we can admire these magnificent creatures.
Isn't Argentina technically first world now?
Argentina is a socialist shithole that is rapidly circling the drain.
I'm seriously planning on bulding a frog sanctuary.
The biggest problem is my proximity to France, they might steal them to eat them.
I honestly kind of what to outlaw eating frogs worldwide now.
Maybe PETA wasn't wrong about everything
Nice try argie, you can't stop the Exodus of whites looking for a new place to live
I Should Help You Get Down, Denise Thompsonam I close?
It's a secret but Uruguay is actually white.
Damn, that's some Vedic tier architecture.
Argentina used to be kinda a libertarian white nationalist and sociallly conservative 95% white until the 40's, work of the President Julio Roca, but since then it has gone downhill.
If it was for me i would open the gates to all white immigrants so we can make argentina whiter and genocide the mestizos.
Also de-socialize all this shit, this country looks beyond redemption.
fresh oc
Fuckin' saved.
Good job user.
I like it.
Glowing Frog: 'I am growing stronger'
Heil Kek! Sieg Heil!
berry nice.
Over the past decade I saved the local tree frogs from the brink of (local) extinction. Now they swim with me and sing all night long, breddy comfy.
For some reason the red dots bring Ebola Chan to mind.
I am intriged about kek and argentina, because every time i make a thread about my country it has a unatural ammount of dubs per post.
It goes like this
check em
slight revision
I just don't know
All good deeds are repaid in time.
It is a funny story that one.
You see the man who helped the germans get inside argentina wasn't a very good man, he was a mestizo populist that squandered or wealth and ammased a giant wealth, while having his own personality cult.
The post-war germans to argentina where the last immigration wave of a period that lasted between the 1880's to the 1950's.
I'm not very familiar with the details of all that.
I'll have to do some reading.
I want to have sex with her in the missionary position on our honeymoon for the sole purpose of procreation.
While holding hands
Truely portentous!
Taking steps towards sacrifaps now authorized by Kek.
Peron wasn't a mestizo, he had spanish, italian and finnish ancestors. And he wasn't a "populist" whatever that empty term means for you, he was a local fascist. His doctrine had ties to Spanish falangismo, Italian fascism and even German national socialism. National-Justicialist doctrine was delineated, writen down and spread by former french SS De Mahieu. You still can find his works and if you read certain official Justicialist doctrine documents you can easily spot stuff writen by him
I wouldn't want to confine such a majestic creature. A frog pond, however, seems like a comfy thing to put in the back yard.
But how can you go on a honeymoon with her when she's already married to me?
Praise Kek.
Heqet is a nice grill. However, it is important to remember she is married to Khnum.
Opened thread to complain about jonestein, posted to say I love you guys. Shadilay.
The god of Egypt that is the creator of human children
The god of Cannan that is the destroyer of human children
What does it mean
My baby frogs are still haunting Richland Hills in Conway Arkansas, CIANigger.
I don't mean to be a cynic but what if this is simply a CRISPR/genetic engineering project? They've made luminescent creatures before.
This may be for another thread but obviously the elite class of western societies have turned their eyes onto us. They may even showcase this genetic achievement to further social conditioning (hopefully good?). Just my thoughts on the matter.
It means that once Heqet receives actual worship by having her imagery not confused as Kek's anymore, her fertility powers will go along with Khnum's child-creation powers to tip the scales in their favor against Molech, aiding white birth rates as a result.
Cute digits but you haven't had a CIANigger as your backyard neighbor. That faggot tried to show up and talk some threatening shit even back in 1999. All I've seen is a few have just less hang nails than me.
stop shilling witchcraft kike. Go kill people and stop shilling here. Go on. Go smother kids for lucifer. Ok I am not going to validate your crimnal behaviour or be related to you with a divisive anti-meme.
light means lucifer this is lucifer worship grafted onto pepe. This is enough. Stop shilling for the devil kike. Go eat people kike.
0/10 embarrassing not even funny
I-Is that you Terry?
Who is this faggot? I even made my own Kabbalah poster when I was 18 while starting into esoteric faggotry for a friend's sake. Who didn't have synchronicity with me and my best friend. To try and understand it.
They're both dead now so that's that.
Your kikemagic killed your friends, user.
You aren't this. Synchronicity was a thing many tried to figure out. My best friend killed himself over a girl. The other was just too autistic and lost at a database company.
One was Puerto Rican, one was very hook-nosed and burly-haired.
You may be right… Can she be the punisher of race-mixing, too? Maybe she'll be top waiphibian.
Ha, just give up already.
memes and the will of kek
I'll just stay in the SS until I die. I won't be able to confront the children with a straight face.
Well, Egypt's lore does literally have a god of foreigners (Set) as one of it's main antagonists.
You know, Khnum and Heqet have been married for thousands of years now, and are both related to the creation of life. They probably have thousands of little frog daughterus by now that spend their days arguing over which one of them is the "rarest".
Don't think I don't know your father.
I only need one frogfu in my life
So you're saying some rich Kekite created a glowing frog?
Terry I love you
Maybe somebody did make a glowing frog.
The real question is how did said somebody make said glowing frog…
I'm not Terry, he's closest to the kid that tried to figure out the synchronicity between me and my soulmate.
Are you gay for Terry or something?
Were you the guy who found a bunch of baby tadpoles after he moved his kiddie pool?
That was a different user, and I remember that.
I had an actual pond for the ones I found in the wild.
Link to thread?
That was 1999 and I've had the same stuffed frog since at least 1993.
We're getting an awful lot of dubs here! Heqet wants attention.
They'll surely grow up in Kek's good graces, so it'll all be natural to them. What an awesome life it (hopefully) will be for a kid post-ZOG.
I'm holding out for when develops his Heqet pics and starts making lewds
checked. It makes me happy that someone else remembered that user, too. Godspeed, frog farmer in Arkansas. You're doing kek's work.
Those lewds had better only consist of her with her husband, or white birthrates will decline even further.
Heqet fucking her Ram god Husband?
It was a long time ago, I think around summer.
Beyond Frog care, the synchronicity is something deeper than meme magic on deep levels.
I hope some of you find at least one good friend and find it.
I fucking hate niggers
Praise Kek
Death to all niggers
You know that lewds in this context refer to solo pics, right? Honestly, Ebola-chan opened my eyes to the way such things can strengthen these beings.
Who are you yelling for?
Shit i just realized… our "pepe hand symbol" is the same as the zen Buddhism hand symbol you always see them make in meditation… coincidence?
Maybe Ebola-chan would be been more powerful if she had big tiddies rather than being a loli.
Sexual energy is powerful. Thousands of NEET's fapping away might actually get us to an ever higher ethereal plane. Especially if it's a wholesome introspective fap, unlike the Satanic shit where you have to hurt someone.
How about you answer right here.
True, but Ebola-chan is single while Heqet is married.
Of course you won't you want jacked off boys. You want them unfocused from their work.
Fapping only brings greater focus if you know how to wield it.
Terry please no bully
If you are white you will understand how focus cums as you pump.
Mudpeople may this be their only attachement to manhood. Germanic men need to ejaculate and then work.
Terry you're a national treasure.
I ejaculate on purpose without orgasm for big gains. You'll never be Hessian.
I can't argue with those dubs or that logic. Top waiphibian must be at least B cup.
That reminds me of some meditation instruction I read once… it explained that sneezing and orgasming are moments when your mind tends to find a state of clarity, and absence of a bunch of random thoughts is needed to cultivate one's will for our purposes here. Ebola-chan's sacrifaps were goal-oriented and that energy shouldn't go to waste, so there is sense to this.
Bro, you must've missed that whole thread about high-memetic-density Pepe hand signals. webm related.
You can't have me.
I don't understand.
God damnit. Does anyone have an archive?
You don't know how to ejaculate without having an orgasm? It takes some walking about when you feel it about to blow. Then let it blow. Then have your orgasm much later.
It's like an intimate stage show.
This statue of Heqet gives some idea of what her true proportions might be, though she's also portrayed as being as small as a frog at times. Heqet is probably a minigirl that Khnum uses as his loving frogirl onahole, minus having a literal animal head.
What about Kauket?
it's true.
What is real? The (1) that goes headlong into a magic it is has never put its fingers in before?
It's up to Keket, then?
I don't, sorry. These are some of the main points I can remember:
Yes, that's what I'm saying (Keket=Kauket).
I don't believe you.
May as well be Omegle at this point.
Kauket is snek girl
That's right.
And how the fug am I supposed to ever sacrifap to a grill with no legs????
Sacrifap? That's up to you, user.
Just turn it around user, it's our religion now.
We're sticking with the frog theme, dammit. How can you not want a qt frog girl who can glow in the dark? The point of sacrifaps was to have a bunch of energy directed somewhere, not just individually; Ebola-chan was a qt, but no-leg snek girl won't gain traction except on smooth surfaces.
You: They're paying chaff girls to be barber wire in front of Sweden.
Argie posters best posters
some oc
wrong loop options. fixed oc
Maybe try using the color scheme from ?
Nice. Add some of the dots from the IRL frog like said and maybe some shading in the background to add depth. Or maybe a starry sky.
So you prefer the Kek ring then?
watcha peddlin' shlomo
These frogs are literally high energy…
Perhaps this was a sign that we were right to strike at our enemies with the most weaponized form of the 'tism.
The Jews never expected weaponized 'tism. Or that checking repeating digits would feed energy into the worship of a frog god whose prophet they'd have to put on a list of hate symbols.
Found the thread:
someone's got to punish the racemixers.
I was hoping Maat would be useful cause bird-girls but she's just a female thoth in a lot of ways. She stands for truth, which could also mean hard truths (redpills), but when people have to pass her test it looks like typical do-gooder stuff. Some stuff about adultery and not polluting yourself, but the rest is pretty bland.
thanks fam.
been tweeking the design a bit
I have a more lewd one in the works but I probably won't get done before this thread dies
Oh wow you're so great user.
cia. gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00787R000500030006-0.pdf
So what if I cite formerly classified intelligence reports that show the government is in full control of the flow of information, including especially scientific info; all this shit is not "newly discovered"; the report is from 1977 and they literally state the prediction that "bioluminescence" (which was already known to them for some time back then) will be among the "easiest" topics to introduce in society.
Today, looking it up, it seems like it's always been publicly available info and kids are taught it in school.
Ask yourself, WHY was such a "harmless" phenomenon kept secret for so long?
Hint: "absorb light at one wavelength and release it at another".
Pretty terrible hammer choice if you want to strike your enemies. That's a welding chip hammer. You would need something more like pic related, Smithing hammers.
Kek's wife Kauket is a snek, user.
Maat primarily works for Ammit at the moment.
But user, Keket (Kauket) is a snekgrill, not a frog grill. It's Heqet that's the frog grill.
Praise his name!
Something about a connection to the thumb and the fingers enhances energy flow.
Do you like to hurt other people?
That means the frog sleeps during the day. NEET confirmed. I bet the frogs spend their time shitcroaking and finding repeating patterns.
What could it mean?
Like these?
Very nice.
Glad to have you here, drawfag.
Is this a tactical Day of the Rake gear?
Yep, an AP-14 Assault Pitchfork
Bitch, I got dubs, you didn't. Also that chipping hammer kills. When I hunt, I use those to put down deer and anything smaller, because I can penetrate their skull with a single strike and end their suffering faster and cleaner than with my knife. (also good for snagging catfish after you reel one in.)
Praise the frog who will usher in the dawn from the blackness of chaos!
And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they'd made
You're a credit to the cause, user. We're getting closer to finally applying sexual energy to the female version of Kek and shifting into a higher gear.
A suggestion:
See how in pic from her underside is white? I think adding that aesthetic would be perfect… white skin is prettiest (can still have green elsewhere) and then she can have proper looking pink nipples and pussy lips.
Goddammit you faggots are dragging us down.
Keket was also represented as a frog in ancient times
Sticking to the frog theme fits with what we're trying to accomplish here and we're talking about a glow in the dark frog girl qt, c'mon
==where's the pussy gonna go on a snek, you faggots? No one's going to sacrifap to a leg-less snake==
problem solved
I can't really into Ammit but I also can't argue with those digits.
Are any Tarot anons still around? I'd like to know what any of this means.
Think you could try the coloration in ?
What's that site again?
In the new answer for everything…
Thanks user, but I meant for the second image. Should've made myself clear the first time.
It's here:
Cheers. Thought I had the same cards as you for a bit.
The sun is fucking broken, again
Except for the power cards being the same we're more like opposites
is this a sign from kek that infowars is legit?
or is alex just selling more filters?
It means you're probably a faggot user bong.
It means you probably want bong anons benis.
Nice. The pulsar (?) makes it look like Gondola or Spurdo, though.
You guys think it even matters if a file name is Heqet or Keket? Maybe the waiphibian theme is clear enough to do the job, but who knows what the equivalent of "Thank you, Ebola-chan" will be.
This is a point in favor of Keket, though:
Heqet is married to Khnum, while Kek/Keket is a male/female duality. Check out the hieroglyphs again if you don't believe me. The glyphs are the same except Kek (Kekui) has the god glyphs while Kekuit (Keket) has the goddess version (the different humanoid form and the setting sun and egg shapes also denoting a female). Again, Keket was in some cases represented as a frog, not just a snek.
This relates to:
A variety of colorations and bioluminescences would be qt AF. The bottom line is that we're trying to feed energy into a particular pantheon, of course.
Back to your efforts, after this thread is gone you might want to use
it was just a joke
OC of and
I don't think that's a pulsar (yet). A star, in its death throws, jettisons a lot of matter which can be shaped into polar jets by powerful magnetic fields or by clouds of debris orbiting the star.
tower and chariot
it means where ever I go I must also build
what the fuck am I supposed to look for there?
How do you color this so well? When I color I always have uneven concentration of colors.
Does anyone else keep frog figurines or plushies around their domicile?
I do. Got three plushies of various sizes.
Whenever I come across one that speaks to me if able I'll purchase it. Next step a shrine with candles and figurines.
Trying to figure out the proper table/alter, cloth and color and color of candles.
Without a doubt the shrine will require:
– Two baskets, each containing an object identical to the other (dubs), not sure what exactly
– Accompanied by a meal of chicken tendies (the bird glyph literally translates to "chicken")
– Speakers playing the instrumental "Shadilay"
– Some kind of candle, relating to the T-form (represents darkness and bringing of light/Kek's power)
Sacrifap additions:
– Lewd Keket or Heqet anyone else uncomfortable finishing to a pic without clearly visible pussy? Surely I'm not the only one who's developed a sort of distrust considering all the tranny/crossdressing shit that goes on
– ==THANK YOU…== (I'm not sure about the phrase)
Probably would have to agree on some kind of intent before a phrase can be decided.
thanks user. I use photoshop and start with a flat base color. using the wand tool, I select the area I want to blend, then hide the lasso effect (Ctrl h). blend on a new layer on top. I use the soft round brush (hardness 0) pick the blending color, then select the pen pressure for opacity button. Just work at it till it looks good. I also play with the layer opacity and hue/saturation.
I'm using a Cintiq 13 HD. it makes it really easy, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're going to be doing a lot of work on it, expensive
Have you used GIMP at all? If so, how do the two compare? I mean, is it worth shelling out the cash for PS?
never used gimp. I've heard it's ok
I got my copy of PS from pirate bay years ago.
I've heard SAI is pretty good. tried it, couldn't get the hang of it. I'm just too familiar with PS now, it's hard to change to anything else
user, snekgrills wear paste-on pantsu that covers the vagina in the same spot it would be on a normal human grill.
Your own JUSTICEtrips have proven you wrong.
Just accept that Keket's qt potential >>>>>> that of a snake with stickers on it or a shark-toothed hippo girl. Not trying to insult Ammit, to be clear.
is my OC any good?
this isnt colored well you blind nigger, it's 1 lghter airbrushed color over the other darker color. it's a pretty terrible coloring job. but at least it's drawn okay
Are the Dynarri Kekist or just coincidental?
For those who haven't had the pleasure, go download ur-quan masters or set up star control 2 in dosbox.
Kinda, though I wish her thighs were bigger in that pic.
You fucked it up. But otherwise it's OK.
They are literally fucking Jews.
fucking furry shit
TFS pls
SAI lacks palm rejection so you need one of those gay two finger gloves, but holy fuck if it doesn't run amazingly fast. You can work on high res canvases with huge brushes on SAI even on XP era hardware no problem. I haveaptoo with a 6700hk, 16gb ram and an 8gb 980m that still lags like fuck in photoshop at half the resolutions though. Photoshop desperately needs to be reoptimized for new hardware. I learned on PS7 a decade ago and it ran better than it does now on a higher end PC. Still use it though because it does so many things so well. Never could get a feel for Gimp. Always seemed to take longer to do everything with worse results.
Shadilay, I would like to draw attention to the work of a lonely user, standing proudly with maximum autism, against those who defame the name of Lord Kek, Praise Him!
Can we not oversexualize our gods? That kind of degeneracy is for wicca.
You're missing the point of all this. No one is putting on costumes.
It's like you cunts don't want to win.
Did you read my post? I was saying that these degenerate fetishists are trying to turn our gods into slut idols because of their own sexual degeneracy. Wiccans do this, hence the comparison.
Yes, I read your 13 word post. The hundreds of posts and threads over the years on related subjects make me think otherwise.
It starts without the costumes
"Anthro Art" does not pay well… nothing pays enough to put up with fucking furries nitpicking about every fucking absurd detail!!! "Can shi have utters?" "IT'S A FUCKING DOG!" Burn the degenerates! is one of them!
I wonder what kind of specialized autism those artists have to deal with while on a commissioned job.
Let me ask you this: do you think Ebola-chan was degenerate?
My wife used to make coloring books and cartoonish artwork for fun. We were both fans of the same cartoons like Gargoyles as kids, thundercats, transformers beastwars, so she did plenty of anthropomorphic characters along with dragons and classical fantasy themes. Guess which type she doesn't post online anymore due to the fanbase.
Maybe three candles, one green, one white for light, one black for darkness. Trips.
The two baskets or bowls are a good idear. Maybe a certain amount of meaningful stones/objects in each. Could be coins, stones, feathers. Stones from a pond where frogs live?
Also a type of incense, maybe spring/rain smell.
Chicken jerky in place of tendies since it wont go off.
A bowl of fresh spring/distilled water.
You hit it spot on with repetition and intent.
Also, goddamn, the Ur-Quan are actually based and set a good example for us, don't they?
→ dubs baskets
Ha, never even seen chicken jerky before. In any case, the hieroglyphs specifically indicate baskets with handles. In another thread, a mememage user confirmed that it's a matter of storing energy – with a positive charge – using the baskets, which cycles into the negative polarity of the T-form representing Kek's power. It's like Kek wants offerings of tendies so he can keep on esoteric shitposting, but knowing the way we've become familiarized with meme magic, the whole thing is probably meant to be a little tongue in cheek.
And that's part of the reason why "ur a furfag" D&C and purity spiraling on this isn't constructive. Anyone who's looked into the culture of /monster/ would see that it is totally distinct from the furry crowd.
Maybe using artwork that's more like the frog version of a catgirl would allow us to find common ground and settle all this. Maybe Kek-chan, I don't know.
Wasn't /monster/ infiltrated by fags from pic related?
I have no idea, but your trips suggest that you're on to something.
So basically /monster/ was all about having a stable family with your waifu, but then these infiltrators used the bait of making those waifus real to further their fuckery with reality? We're using Kek's meme magic to survive as a race while DKMU are essentially Satanists?
They also dared to "command" Kek and many of his kinfolk in a "satanic" ritual. >>>/pdfs/5501
(((LaVeyan Khaos Magick)))
Let's keep that shit off our board. Tad/pol/es confirmed for true children of Kek, every time.
What does this mean? The trump train and us doing magic are my lucky cards?
It means your a worthless heathen who looks at bogus cards too much.
believe in the power… of love :^)
Confirmed. The blasphemers must be voided!
Daily reminder that the new season of My hero academia is starting next month
I prefer The Eccentric Family for frogs.
No. Most anons on /monster/ that have heard of Ellis see DKMU as attempting to co-opt/misuse Ellis as a goddess. Aside from that, most anons there just don't know what the fuck DKMU is. It's still very much about waifus and familial bonds.
Help me Kek /
I'm feeling blue /
Show me the way/
I love you /
I hate gays
Cloaking technology?
What show?
Anybody know what pic related is from?
Gotta admit, the water aspect is nice. A feminine element. I could never have a fire-based elemental waifu, but frogfus are amphibian.
sooo…we posting OC pepes in this thread then?
Kek. Saved.
If only there were Pepe in this image…
Holy SHit i never have seen a frog bite someone…. I am hypnotised…
Gabriel dropout
World War III between White West, China and Russia
going Nuclear.
Praise Kek
You are using it wrong kike
This is just a little bit of anecdotal evidence that I've observed but when I was a wee lad and didn't have access to a computer for porn I would often try to vividly imagine an attractive woman while I spanked it. When I would reach a certain point of clarity with it. If anyone knows about this please let me know. I would often be flat on my back while I did this.
Red should represent the Jews, though. Since the start of the Rothschilds, red was the color representing the kikes that overturned Russia, formed the Red Army, and sent communism into China. Modern Russia should have no reason to ally with those elements, especially as their relations with the US improve. The fluorescence could also just represent Kek's light-bringing, countering (((false light))) and initiating the awareness needed for the great cleansing.
Notice the transition from low-energy Matt's pale green pepe to #1488 green of smug Pepe.
The dialog if you tell an Ur-Quan you met an awakened space-jew:
The thing that confuses me if this is more synchronicity is that it's a (literally mind controlling) space jew that looks like a frog. Why that form, Kek? A reminder to not trust the appearance of things?
Then I remember that Ur-Quan are fighting among themselves if they genocide or enslave and shepherd other younger races. The non-genocidal ones make a point of the self destruction they've seen and stopped, and the charred remnants of worlds wiped out by races that fell to "the effects of unrestrained instinct and emotion - or simple ignorance."
Holy shit the Ur-Quan are a gigantic red pill, and the Kohr-Ah an even bigger one.
I already saved every single pic I could find of that frogoid grill and fapped to them as many times as I could.
I want a frogoid GF so bad.
Stop being so fucking degenerate
Say that >>>/cure/ user.
I still can't evoke CureChan.
Nah, Ebola Chan is powerful because, I was contacted by her and I pushed for her to be given a form, and started the formation of her cult with a couple other anons, and powered her with parts of my own soul I sacrificed to her and later she also got power from people's sexual energy.
y'all niggers need to read this
/nu-pol/: the thread
Better link. Praise be it to Kek! This is quite literally a warning from the personified God of Chaos Kek!
What most people do not realize is that in a world where all people are educated to the point of understand Natural Moral Law, even the niggers and fags. I agree in that some are too far gone for it to be achieved in their lifetimes, but they can still come to peace with in and do all they can to right the wrongs of the past by being individuals who truly empower mankind. Knowledge is only useful if you are the living embodiment of that in which you know. It must be internalized through experience into wisdom.
Anons, together through creative social media schemes- conservative comics that poke holes in soft spots, podcasts and commentary to boot. Spread awareness, create nationwide boycotts of the federal reserve. Being absolutely careful to keep it absolutely PEACEFUL and not nigger riot bullcrap. Get it on the news, both the alternative and the mainstream. Force them to destroy their own con scheme using their own tools as a means to literally end a multi thousand year long plan for Humanities enslavement and destruction.
Praise Kek, Khrist, Khrist meaning the order than naturally arises our of chaos from the primordial ohm and if an individuals soul is closer to this ohm, the more "Christ" they are. The Dark Brotherhood shall face the Ascendant Masters one day, and Ahriman shall be cast back into the eternal depths.