Post your reaction to the last game you beat

Post your reaction to the last game you beat
>That massive fucking plot twist with the real Amada being killed by his own creation and Faye being born from a Hollow Child
>Big Bro dying on you to save your qt

Wasn't that game complete shit?




at least TLOU had action segments that were enjoyable, uncharted 4 had so little fucking action that i truly regret giving ND one last chance

It was good. A little short, but I guess if it was any longer then the gameplay would have gotten stale or the story would be too stretched out.

I wouldn't say it was complete shit, it was just a regular TPS, granted with cool ideas and a neat setting. It doesn't come close to Yakuza, but still one of the most fun I've had with a modern TPS.

it's the best terminator game that exists, also the story and characters are enjoyable

has multiple endings too i think, based on your actions over the course of the game

Ace Combat Joint Assault

user, Bo can survive, everyone can


I just wanted closure.

Star Fox Zero

It was shit

There is a closure ending, give fire keeper the eyes, shut it down and kill her before the cutscene starts.


Not my fault, I didn't know Cain can turn on you.


Was it really that bad? I heard it was ruined by motion controls and basically being another remake of Star Fox 64.

I guess I should start looking for a new hobby

my wife



Max Payne on Dead on Arrival difficulty.
Still great after all these years.

Was that the hardest mode or the one with the time limit?

Also I think people gild memories with MP, the second part in the docks is so bad.

I recall New York Minute being just as difficult as Fugative, just a time attack mode instead of the normal game. You also unlock it just by beating Fugative, while Dead on Arrival is the last difficulty you unlock by beating Hard Boiled.




I never felt this bad for winning in any other video game.

I don't recall the second chapter on the docks being particularly bad. The only part that stood out as being bad was the crane bit, where the slowness becomes more apparent on repeat playthroughs. Not really a deal breaker for the entire chapter though.

yeah, even that game had some good parts.

fuck outta here, big bo is fucking great

Core mechanics are ok, but the variety of enemies is sorely lacking. Not enough monsters at once and they should really tone down the fucking tiring grenade chainsaw blob.

>no option to destroy that filthy asian scraphead

>Cain died because I stacked relations on the characters who leave/die/don't matter
Kurosawa best squad member

Quake single player was always shit, it was the groundbreaker for online/LAN multiplayer why it still shines.

Rachel especially. She looks like a bulldog, but her personality was top notch.

It's excellent, great gameplay with great mechanics that actually let you play the damn game instead of hiding behind cover the whole time. Story and characters are good and a lot of fun. Don't listen to the reviewers who didn't like it because Sega didn't pay enough.


Not sure if I'd go as far as to call her likable. She doesn't really do anything in the game, at least nothing memorable.

Letting her live is the closure ending, you darkwraith nigger

it was cheap, uncreative, shorter than the previous 2 installments , and it performed like shit on a computer that was entirely capable of running said previous installments at max graphics with a stable 60 framerate. they mixed things from the story of 1 and 2 (2 was supposed to be a spinoff with no relation), and removed other things, making whatever little shred of plot available a complete nonsensical mess. the bosses were pretty unoriginal (some are even copypasted from bloodborne), and to make it seem better, they simply gave every single boss in the game a "second form", last time i checked, second forms or final forms were reserved for main bosses, or important bosses, but in this game, even the shittiest boss has a second form. Poise is not programmed in, Covenants aren't programmed in (they are but don't work as they should), and despite all the broken content and poor performance, they're selling the game for 60 dollars or 85 dollars in case you want to buy the season pass edition, so you can pay now for DLC they won't release until they feel like it, which will probably also be broken and perform like shit.

i finished the game 1 week ago and im still disappointed. it should be illegal for them to sell this broken garbage.

Pretty fun character action

It's as good as ever



Anyways, last game I beat was DS3. I missed out on a bunch of areas I need to fight totally not Gwyn's son, but I enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty easy, but that's because the Dark Sword is OP.
Currently sequence breaking the game as I killed that one old bitch to have the Dancer come early and did the glitch where Sword Master has no hitbox. Sped through some of the other areas to get the Greatsword and now have it at +9 from farming the knights in Lothric Castle.


The Marathon games are so fucking good


i can't tell if dark souls 3 is actually easier, or that after playing all the other souls games and bloodborne i just know the formulas well enough to make it through easier

Not as fun as RE4 and the Mercenaries mode isn't as good as RE6, but I like that it was the closure the series deserved until the sequel came out and ruined it.

It was pretty enjoyable, albeit a bit short and with too little exploration for the metroidvania label.
Boss fights were challenging on hard, decent graphics, fluent animations, solid base gameplay, good atmosphere, decent OST. 7/10, would recommend.

That could also be it.
DeS is still my favorite.

I really liked RE5 despite it not being a horror game. Haven't played 6, but I wouldn't mind trying it.

There's not one thing about this game I looked forward to going in. I have a general distaste for stealth, "interactive storytelling", convoluted RPG upgrade systems, open ended missions, most FPSes, etc. Basically everything but the premise. But I loved the game. It proved to me the worth in a lot of concepts I've been dismissive of for a while now. I'm really glad I took a chance on it.


The gameplay isn't bad but because they have four different campaigns and Capcom had three or four different teams on it, it feels disjointed. Has some cool ideas, but they spread out the playstyles between campaigns too much. Leon's is like the old RE games with a bit of 4 thrown in, Chris' is by far the worst because they tried to make it a cover shooter the end was good though and the last one with Jake and Sherry was annoying. Ada's campaign was all over the place depending on where they are in the story as well, but at least in co-op you can play as Not-Hunk.

>Big Bro dying on you
looks like someone was too casual to save their friends

Huey should've been killed

God loves me and I love Him

>Rouge Legacy
What an anti-climax. The final boss just fucking spammed magic attacks, and he's easy as fuck.

I'll fucking fight you

It hurt.
It was so bad it hurt to play.Every character was unlikable,the combat was somehow worse then 3 and all the endings suck.Halfway throughout the game I just gave up and rushed through the story in hope of finding something good.There wasn't

Rachel was my waifu. I never wanted that traitor in my party. Bo was a Bro.
Hell naw calm down Bo don't kill all these fleshheads u kidder. Aw yeah boobs to the left and right high five time to level up Rachel, u can have Faye you know how them girls like the donkeys. Saddle up Bo here she comes. Ok ride on my brother. People we got so much mother fucking recyclong to do today get your cocktails in the air we going to get vampire, drink their fucking… oil.
sip sip
Now lets waste a bit of ammo and scare these mammals we gotta move fast fron here on. Too much time in sewer make rust crew need shower.
Enougj of thja cunt of a place. Bo get me a fucking car.
Yes a black man does it Bo thatvis why I choose pikachu, get me my fucking car ive got other peoples piss in my undies.
Say sir once in a while you racist fuck. Dont go stealing a fuxking volvo. I know you wont. Good boy. I know you heard that! Rachel kiss Faye.


Rust crew 4 life.



MKX's story mode. It was shit. I actually liked MK9's. Didn't have much time playing it but fatalities also aren't good. MKX in general looks shit, I had hopes for this game

>tfw the secret ending

Every time.
Every fucking time I misspell it.

Deus Ex

It's great fun, always wanted a Titan Quest sequel.

bravo dumbass

Boring, real joke of a final boss. It has one three hit combo attack, one or two ranged attacks and after a minute or so it goes into bitchboy mode, goes out of range and summons some early game enemies for you to fight and then kills the remaining enemies after like 20 seconds and regens a minute amount of health.

I wish I never wasted my time pirating this game.

Nah. Should have kept faith in him until he proved it right.

Should have built a portable cage for the saluters, with docking. Rig it to blow in a worst case scenario and/or rotate soldiers into keeping a perimiter. Make their living area larger all the timer. Clear the skies, let them out and give them the means to gass themselves after a while of them running around some pregassed dessert. The saluters become command to merc teams, help develop gear etc. Work on a cure.

Should have barred and jammed all coms to base. He has his loyalties and asking him to betray them is wrong. Exposing mercs to outside influences is stupid. Retain their ability to live outside the job. Masks on, stay on. Gear on, if there then ready, if not ready then training.

Torture was allowed. Ocelot needed to have that our of his system. Miller needed prosthetics forced on him, fuck his pity. He stays he fights. All rotate jobs. No exceptions. Nobody gets to choose when their story is over.

Get Oscelot on scouting. Keep snipers ready to defer attention from him as he might try to show off and prove his loyalty by puting himself in danger. Close to his idol, doing not reminissing his best, which only seems good enough away from danger. Always needs to be better. Need new sentimentalities. Keep Russians and Mujahideen from killing eachother. Get both on side and higher skilled. A power against all subjugation. Russians get that no different. Ocelot helps retain what valuble progression has been acheived throughout history through projects he can fully command and expand. His contacts become direct allies. Men are endowed with the means to make their own lives and fight for what they feel right. Propaganda in all forms is attacked. Passion becomes a personal drive from within.

Organisations continue to collect and attack, numbers against individuality forms contests.

Oscelot is playing dress up too much. Get him dirty, alive again pitted against his own human frailty. Restyle himself with a host of new cultures. Going deep into the last good places untouched and don't touch them. Help them stay hidden. Keep culture growing from it's own roots.

Etc etc. Shouldn't desire the words from an enemies mouth untill it's new information from their heart. The info he has is a disease that took him over. He needs to overpower it himself.

If people look to you as their commander regardless whether or not they follow orders their fate is your fault. There's no honour in lightening that burden by putting it on another. Nor demanding command. Only the charges reaching beauty and victory, and deserving to.


What this man said:

The character progression systems are fantastic.


Makes it even better knowing he's meetable in 3


It's a solid 8/10 actually.


POSTAL 2 for the 100th time, it's such a power trip.

Tales of Symphonia. Fun game but Jesus Christ was the last boss weak as fuck. That second form was especially retarded. I think the story ended with the android chick somehow becoming Mithos's sister and she merged the world after Lloyd went into space or something. I dunno, it was pretty anime and I was pretty drunk.