One day tumblr will call for Toby Fox Head for being so transphobic by making Mettaton a canon gay robot instead of being Transgender
One day tumblr will call for Toby Fox Head for being so transphobic by making Mettaton a canon gay robot instead of...
He is a jerk to fans on Twitter. Surprise undertale fandom hasn't already turned on him yet. That I know of.
I like Undertale, I really do. I usually say I hate it to fit in, but fuck doing that. However, I can absolutely see why so many people hate it; its got one of the absolute most cancerous fanbases any video game has right now.
Also block Mettaton is hotter than Mettaton EX
Isn't the big secret reveal that Mettaton is a robot that has been permanently haunted by a female ghost?
So basically it's just a female in a male robot body?
That's fucking stupid, Holla Forums "acceptable opinions" rule is retarded reddit tier cancer.
I can't say I blame the guy. It's one of those games you'll get lambasted for liking.
I don't like it, but I can't see why so many people hate it so fucking much. If you said you liked Call of Duty or Battlefield you wouldn't get shit on as much as if you said you liked Tumbertale.
Nigga of course he's gay, he has good fashion sense. Have you literally ever seen a tranny dress themselves well without a designer? Shit this is why I ask my gay cousin "Tony with a Y" for fashion advice.
With all the angry faggots about it every time you mention Undertale you risk derailing whatever thread you're currently posting in because muh politics.
Kill all faggots.
Kill all trannies.
Kill all childfuckers.
Kill all horsefuckers.
The only acceptable opinion
Toughen up.
By encouraging the groupthink and avoiding subjects that trigger the spergs you're allowing them to make Holla Forums a worse place.
They're not the bosses of this fucking gym.
I couldn't have proven my point better
I blame Homestuck for this.
it's 2016 and a game where you move a red dot while dodging weird patters with many various characters spawns so much autism and porn
The porn I can understand, fucking BoxBoy! got porn.
The autism I can't understand.
THe game is shit and the dev is a SJW.
American Phil Fish?
even /bane/ is filled with autists.
Here he is, the big cheese.
so is Touhou Project
tumblr won't exist by the time "one day" comes about
relax, you nerds are way too defeatist
I like the game just for the spider porn
I don't even care about the fanbase, I thought the game itself was just fucking shit. One of the most overrated games I've seen in recent years, got so bored I couldn't even be assed to finish the piece of shit.
I'm still wondering if Radiation will actually do his last donation goal and make the second game or try to "gracefully" exit on the mounds of money he made on other people's work.
He did do the music.
That guy makes so many fucking dumb fucking low-effort animations that I swear just shitposting.
Hi I'm your friendly reminder that undertale cancer and fnaf cancer are both the same cancer.
Let's player cancer.
And the niche of people that acrually like the game are content to discuss whether or not the fish is a mammal or not.
Porn is the only good thing to come out of Dumblrtale threads.
Well at least he's not Shadman.
While I'm sure Weaver made tons, I don't think there was any content like that from Holla Forums, thank goodness.
Half of it is furshit, so not really.
Who the fuck is Weaver?
Also, there probably were some drawfags in the Undertale threads who drew porn.
Never doubt the autistic powers of the undertale fanbase.
Fuck off @foldablehuman
He's not exactly a "fan" of Undertale, check his channel. He has tons of videos like that, one of them was for FNAF, I think.
His username is "3LAMESTUDIO".
You ever seen an image where the characters are just color outlines? That's him. Did MLP:FiM, FNAF, UT, and TCP/IP.
That "dancing" reminds me of this webm.
Not really, no. I have pretty much all of those things you listed filtered on my blacklist.
I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on
i wanna fug the robit
reddit habits die hard
Fuck off Underfags. Time for:
KMFDM GENERAL: R.I.P. Powerpuff Girls, here's a song called Stray Bullet in remembrance because that was also an episode name EDITION!
You've described Touhou perfectly.
That sounds like a really weak version of Nine Inch Nails.
The thing is, though, if you have generals ans shit for canced games, it invites the cancerous fanbase to come here and talk about it, thus polluting Holla Forums with its filth. Do not encourage cancer here, user, it only multiplies.
And whom would tell them that said generals and shit are here?
Yeah, KMFDM Sucks.
Game Theory memers literally trampled him after the whole Ness=Sans """theory"""
Did you see the undertale generals that were here forever? Cancer infects every part of the internet, user. Nowhere is safe.
can we all agree that Phil Collins is a hack to Genesis?
Went to a convention a week ago and saw a dozen Mettaton cosplayers better than this spastic faggot.
The problem is, Holla Forums often has the generals for average to mediocre indie games up long before the cancer even takes notice, and if you know Newton's first law you'd understand it's much harder to stop something than it is to start it.
tumblrites are weird
Yes, I lurked basically every single one of them. It was mostly digging for secrets without the tools for it. Trying to find out who what's his dick was, and something about fish oil and genesis.
I never understand what people mean when they talk about it like it happened 4 years ago. it was like, 3 months tops since the last one, and the only reason they ditched was some volunteer faggot burned his hotpockets and nuked the thread because he doesn't understand the rules.
but tumblroides are too single minded to realize it.
also, mettaton's sprite reminded me of homostuck
You know, if Undertale was discussed serisously on Holla Forums it would sooner or later draw in its fanbase, the cancerous part of the game that no one wants here.
Technically if you made a self-aware machine, you could make it want to fuck somebody.
Precisely why I usually avoid talking about the game.
/clang/ is wholesome
Again, who would be telling the cancerous faggots from youtube and FA where this place is. 8ch isn't even on google.
He's also the guy that did rubyquest.
his box form can't give me a BJ and a thigh job
It's nice to think that there aren't any faggots who take anything good here and show it elsewhere. But you'd be wrong.
Jesus Fucking Christ
This place really is infected with fags
Yeah it is you fucking retard. Hell stumble upon this place all the time googling around my shit tier fetishes because there's always some random board for that.
We got put back on Google awhile ago.
One day op will make a good thread
Im pretty sure Holla Forums is well known on most parts of the internet. It even has a subreddit for fucks sake.
Then if that's the case isn't in an inevitability that someone would show tumblr or youtube cancer things from here and inevitably bring them here, rather than some preconcieved notion that it would have anything to do with any arbitrary game in particular, which only through a guess I could suppose that possibly you don't like, but not imply that.
Literally tumblr newspeak used exclusively by feminists to explain why they think all men are rapists.
I loved Fallout 3, BioShock Infinite, AssCreed 1-Revelations, Half Life 2 and Halo 1-Reach
Meant to link to
Even putting aside any political or personal biases, Undertale is seriously a 4/10 game.
The mechanics are underdeveloped and repetitive except for the boss fights, and the story sets up the dichotomy between killing and sparing when gameplay-wise the only difference is how much grinding you have to do. The characters are mostly bland degrees of stereotype, the graphics are lazy, don't give me that retro look bullshit, compare this game's sprites to Earthbound (which it wishes it was) and come back to me. You can only lose to the first boss on purpose, and you literally can't lose to the final boss. There's a noticeable difficulty spike in the middle with Undyne, and the puzzles in the Hotlands aren't hard but they take disproportionately longer on average, dragging out the third act of the game. The only reason we're given to sympathise with characters who have done heinous things is "because they meant well". The music isn't as memorable as a lot of people say it is; again the parts that stand out are the boss fights. Worst of all, for such a short story, the game itself actively discourages replay value.
Now a lot of this could be passed off as "it's deconstructing the cliches and tropes of RPGs", but the game doesn't do enough to actually examine what's going on in these games. It presents us with a flat "killing bad loving good" moral choice which results in it being yet another dumb "friendship is magic" prose with all the depth of a Saturday-morning cartoon. Killing in self-defence is bad? Fighting on either side of a war is inherently evil?
And that's why someone should hire me to review video games.
Like all the halo games between 1 and reach? And do you mean the pc or console versions of 1 and 2?
You what?
I hate this character cause everyone dresses up as them to openly act like the biggest obnoxious flamboyant faggot.
This is gonna turn into an unpopular opinions thread isn't it.
Playing through to the true end of the game has one of the characters ask you not to reset your save game, saying that the characters within are finally happy and should be allowed to stay as such. On subsequent playthroughs, the game takes various jabs at you, implying your cruelty and selfishness for not letting these characters live in peace. This is especially true if you reset the game to try and get the other ending. How dare you want to see everything a game has to offer.
But he isn't a canon gay robot.
Oh you just wanted to make a shitposting thread
They almost did. The loser who paid 1000$ to have his furry fetish character in the game got buttmad when he assumed Toby tucked him away in a corner (secret) cause he was a furry faggot.
Everyone was calling out for Toby's blood. But Toby was smart and simply said that he tucked him away cause he thought people would make fun of him cause he's a furry, out in the open. It was a smart save and the furry fag and angry mob bought it. You can just tell Toby didn't want to do. There was apparently a lot more assests for the furfag and Toby even tried to talk the guy out of it.
Every one, even Wars. I'm a hardcore halo fanboy, if I'm honest. Still play CE multiplayer on PC - it's fun when not full of Brazilians
i wish there was some type of effect to further mentally destroy the shitposter of the game
i wish i could keep reseting the game everytime i meet sans, do it over and over and over and over again up untill he has some new dialogue.
I should expect that I will not say this again in my life;
Listen to this anonymous poster on an imageboard, he knows what he's talkinf about.
Least post of some of their better stuff
I'd hire you, I don't have any shekels but take a simpsons clip as payment
Are you really listening to that flower faggot?
It gets better He wanted to have his own shop in the game despite where he ended up being put already finished, and was making all kinds of retarded demands since he was like just the squidge that put it at "finished" but some mega autist from 8/v/ crowd funded like 10x his donation and Toby basically told him to fuck off, and then when he got caught selling comissions at a convention he was selling as "official" since he worked on the game at mark up toby yanked his name from the credits sequence
I'd disagree with you there. You usually don't fight the same enemies for any more than a few minutes, and each one has their own attack pattern. The actual attack mechanic is vastly inferior to the dodging mechanic though, you just have to time a bar hitting a line.
you're right.
you can always mash throught the text and not give a single fuck about the story
Just like you can mash through everyone and get the cool extra fights.
Liking games =/= games being good
shit taste is optional
it's just a game, nobody will actually suffer if you reset the game coz nobody actually exists
Unless we're talking about games you like, though, right? Obviously those are best.
Holy shit is that true? Cause that makes it all the more hilarious.
I knew the furfag was an attention whoring autist, but that takes the fucking cake. What a tool. It's so obvious that Toby really wanted nothing to do with him.
Much appreciated, mi amigos.
I do realise now though, that I missed out one of the most egregious issues with the game. When it comes to the penultimate boss of the neutral route, the only way of beating him is by doing the very thing the game's been chastising you for even thinking about the entire time. Oh, you may say, but this is set up by some dialogue earlier in the game. Is it fuck, that dialogue is set up to sound like it applies to an enemy in the area it takes place, but it doesn't apply to a single enemy in the game other than this boss. There's absolutely no set-up for this.
I appreciate the different attack patterns, but my complaint mostly comes from the fact that attacking is a single action in the game, for something "deconstructing" RPGs there are no spells or offensive items at all. That, and sparing an enemy involves doing even less, just picking the right thing from a menu, but still having to dodge the supplied attacks. The fact that the bosses have new mechanics with each soul colour really causes the random encounters to pale in comparison.
Nah man, I always play games two times in a row. You have no idea how many games I've found out to be so shitty because I was just blindly having fun with it.
What little story the game actually has is basically 3-4 hours of being lied to and monsters trying to kill you while the game tells you that monstuhs dindu nuffins, its all them humuns fault.
Literally the only reasonable/good characters are Flowey, Toriel, and Papyrus.
Now there's something I'd agree with you with, the boss battles are easily the best parts of the game and the main reason I liked it. If Toby cut the bullshit and made the entire game like that, it would be much better.
You know minus the whole thing with monsters at the time they could be around humans being complete dickheads and eating people's souls.
Obviously that's true, but part of the game's selling point is your interaction with the characters, and the state of the fourth wall involved.
I used to play Pokemon Blue on my gameboy as a kid. It's a glitchy mess, and kids can be imaginative, so there were always rumours about secret pokemon and getting more than one Master Ball and other things. A lot of them were fake but things like the Missingno glitch would actually work, which made people come up with more secrets. The playground was full of rumours about bullshit pokemon with impossible stats, or finding Mew under the truck.
Undertale kinda reminds me of that. "If you kill everybody in the game you turn evil and the Devil steals your soul", "If you don't kill anybody you get to go to Alphys's REAL lab full of fucked up abominations", and "If you talk to Sans at the end of the game and turn the game off, then talk to him again, he acknowledges this and thinks you're a time traveller. Not to mention the whole Fun value thing. It was nice to see a game full of secrets, and to slowly unravel them by playing the game based on rumours.
The neutral final boss was great as well, in terms of presentation at least. This 4th wall breaking fuck just kills the guy you were supposed to fight, then steals your game. Then you have to fight him by his own rules, on his own turf, and the game completely changes theme to this weird photoshoppy mess.
I don't see why people say the story is deep though. The game gets boring after the skeletons, then it just becomes a raw, boring mess until you get to the Core. Kinda like a badly cooked burger. I just went through the game hoping I'd bump into Flowey again. And the good ending final boss was shit. If you could actually die it would be much better, but it still wouldn't top the neutral ending
Not really, the monsters started a war they couldn't win. The humans could've slaughtered them, but they instead spared the remaining monsters, forcing them to live underground to prevent another war from sparking. The whole thing with Asriel and Chara's death only goes to show how much of an inept leader Asgore is, and how he lied to his people to make them think humans were the bad guys. But the few people who knew the truth - such as Toriel, were aware that the whole situation was Asgore's fault.
Yean, Undertale is fucking overrated.
Your fear rests on two predicates being true.
1) Those same people not being scared off enough by everything else posted here, as are the majority of normalfags/cancerfags, or those people won't learn to lurk and perhaps gain a better view of themselves.
2) That the gaming community isn't already shit no matter what games you like.
1) see halfchan
2) see halfchan
Most cancerous fanbases:
Metal Gear Solid
Five Nights at Freddy's
What about Minecraft? Or Sonic?
There are many more of course, but I don't see them so often on imageboards.
1) Good thing our janitors aren't as crap.
2) see fullchan
I see a bunch of tumblrfaggots in this very thread.
this "game" and everyone that likes it is cancer that needs to go back to tumblr.
Fuck off newfag
No user, you're a cancer.
Why are you so obsessed with tumblr? Why wouldn't people on tumblr stay on tumblr?
Why do you hate video games?
Generals bring cancer, they bring tripfags and avatarfaggotry. They normalise the shit behaviour and it spills into the rest of the board. You can have threads about topics and everyone can have fun, but games like Undertale tend to develop into generals where you'd have to be a day zero poster to understand what's going on. Then there's the endless reposting of old content and thread stagnation brought on by the endless nature of generals.
Anons can talk about what they want, the problems arise when shit like the above isn't actively discouraged. Other faggots can arrive via YouTube/Reddit/Tumblr/etc but they'll have a hell of a lot harder time fitting in if they lack a general to hide away in. That's why Undertale is discouraged, that's why you won't find Homestuck discussed on Holla Forums.
ebin meme there friendo.
But I didn't say that at all.
Please kill yourself, newfag.
Oh, boy, this fag again.
Hey are you still embarrassed about commissioning over two thousand dollars of scat art because you were mad people were talking about this game? Or still mad that canonically monsters don't do that?
the implication being tumblrtale is just as valid as any of the other games discussed here, when in reality it's a shitty sjw game
the implication being tumblrites don't constantly go to other communities and shit them up.
kill yourslef tumbie
are you thinking about mark?
But it isn't a shitty SJW game, and no tumblrites don't go to other communities and shit them up.
yes it is
I bet you have an account there faggot.
Who the fuck did this?
Don't play stupid you think people would forget when you got busted months ago for, and let me remind you.
Because you were mad, and thanks for not changing your file names poopy joe.
Let me guess, next you'll post that image comparing an undertale screenshot to a concept shot of a non-existant wario game.
Enjoy the free bump, redditfag.
The first half of your post is correct, but let's not say things we can't take back now.
I really have no idea what you mean, fuck this shitty game, I hate everyone that likes this garbage but I don't even have $2000 to spend on it, I don't think I've ever spent that much money at once, not even my car cost that..
he clearly thinks the same way or this "game" wouldnt be infested with faggots
Fuck off poopy joe
What sjw? Do you have any proof of your claims?
nigger what?
toby fox
Fuck off poopy joe
Nothing there says anything that Toby Fox is a SJW. Your arguments are weak.
Don't bother with that retard I've seen him too, he fucked up a thread about piracy on wii u because someone used a reaction image with some skeleton in it.
She was so disgusted by Asgore declaring war that instead of doing anything about it like trying to calm the monsters down or calling it off herself (Asgore's kinda spineless/defers to her opinion a lot, Gerson calls her the brains behind the throne) she locked herself away in the ruins for so long that by the time she comes out most denizens of the Underground aren't aware there ever even was a queen, and all she ever did in the ruins was ho hum about how evil Asgore was and try to keep any humans that fell down with her
Asgore didn't even really want war, he was just angry at the time and wanted to appease the other monsters and give them hope for freedom.
I don't think he was expecting humans to keep falling into the goddamn hole.
Okay no I'm sick of this cockslobberer coming into any thread he doesn't like and downvoting don't even think about getting huffy "b-but sage isn't a downvote" that's exactly what he's doing his head off and posting anything but an actual argument about Undertale to try and prove it's bad and how Tumblrtale memers need to fuck off back to [site he doesn't like].
Filter and report because there's no arguing with him, he'll just cry SJW Reddit goon Undertale shill Tumblr memegame until his fingers fucking fall off. He's done this for months with the exact same posting patterns, non-complaints and random pictures of Tumblrites used as evidence.
This shit is why when the second waves of Fascism and National Socialism start taking hold they need to be far more aggressive in their extermination policies than the first wave was.
10/10 rant, user. Allow me to touch up on your review and expand it with this additional post;
I'm not the shitter-shattered, but I believe these are the relevant parts for the proposed argument.
For the third part, there is no evidence, contextual or otherwise, to suggest Dr. Andonuts was gay. This was a creation solely of the modder. While this may not be evidence fitting exact definition of SJW as you or others define it, this searching for an "underrepresented" identity and inserting it into a fan product, and this was done almost seven years ago, before such behaviors were prominent, definitely gives some of Radiation's characters in Undertale a less quirky vibe and more a "noble" intent of inclusion on his part. Again, not the same guy.
None of those indicate anything about SJWs, considering SJWs don't make games and cry to people who do make games to insert shit instead of doing it themselves.
That was a huge thing too, Asgore realized the very second he declared war that it was a massive mistake. He did it because he was pissed he lost both his kids with little to no explanation and his entire plan afterwards revolved around staving off the actual fighting for as long as possible, since Chara was the first human to ever fall down and he wasn't really expecting any others to fall down at any point.
Then Toriel gives him shit for not actually being dedicated to a war he knew would be a death sentence for all of them
ctrl+F "homosexual" you fucking retard.
his views are pretty fucking clear.
why would I want to bump shit threads about shit "games"
I did and all I got was every post you made in the thread
nice, so you agree that toby fox is an sjw and undermeme is a shitty faggot game for faggots?
Bugger me, should've given the right URL.
The problem is that people are always fond of extremes.
Undertale can't be a good game, it can only be
It's fucking retarded. It's a good game with a terrible fanbase. It was quirky, had some memorable characters and I enjoyed the gameplay and the different endings.
If you want to call it an SJW game, at least try to not group it with the previous fucking piles of shit, filled with actual memes and the most unlikable pieces of crap and shallow plots.
No I was calling you a homosexual, that was the joke, you dense autist.
you're right because games that put narrative over gameplay can hardly be considered games at all.
add a bunch of progressive tumblrshit to it and you get the steaming pile of refuse that is tumblrmeme
funny coming from the guy defending the game made by, for, and about faggots.
that's exactly what tumblrtale is though. it's one step above gone homo one step below firewatch.
either way it's the same emasculating narrative driven trash devoid of any engaging gameplay.
it's just the latest itteration of the walking simulator with the look and feel of a jrpg.
I think I found the SJW, boys.
kill yourself tumblrite
Found the SJW
well yeah, he only judges the game based on fan art and has never played it
He's like a secondary.
Thanks for proving my point you giant raving faggot.
Fucking hell, you're as bad as any SJW. You just yell with no arguments. "LOOK IT HAS GAYS SO IT'S AWFUL" and just repeat it over and over. You even have your set of images that you repost every single thread you get the opportunity to do so and never have anything other to say than that.
I mean, look you just keep on doing it, am I'm pretty sure all 12 other posts are just the same shit.
nice meme, faggot.
more like the creator put narrative over gameplay and then on top of it shoehorned in a bunch of faggots so the tumblr crowd would buy it.
pic related, I played your shitty "game" and hate it because it's irredeemable garbage that only a tumblrite could possibly enjoy
He says he played it and then constantly proves the opposite, every thread ends up like this where somebody laughs at him or shuts down an argument and it filters down into passive-aggressive greentext or repeating his point as if it makes it any more true
okay, keep defending shitty tumblr "games" I am sure they will go away eventually
reminder that this is the kind of shit you support by liking and defending sjw games like this.
I'm pissed I wasted 10 bucks on it but I wouldn't do it just to prove a point.
I wanted to like this game and gave it a fair shot, It just happened to be a "by tumblr-for tumblr" shitshow.
kill yourself undermeme defender
Those aren't dialog edits, though.
Narrative over gameplay isn't bad as long as there is actual gameplay. And if you didn't enjoy the battle system then that's your opinion, but it's not because you state it as a fact that it makes it so.
It's decent and it plays around with it a lot and introduces new mechanics for most boss fights. Hell, I'd say that the integration between gameplay and narrative even works nicely in the pacifist playthrough as you try to figure out how to mercy each monster.
It is by no means deep, but I'd hardly call it the worse thing ever as I'm sure you deeply believe it is.
You didn't prove anything.
Actually launch the game and show us you even attempted to play it on the file select screen, user.
The "I love hugs" drawing one apparently isn't an edit but it is from the 1.1 patch for Steam that most people don't even know about since it changed basically nothing of consequence besides enabling Gaster encounters and fixed a couple bugs
I am afraid that dodging the argument wont leave you much better than a SJW either
who are you quoting?
Ah, that explains it, never played after the new patch. I have to question why they added new dialogue though.
Feel free to bully
Shakespeare, why do you ask?
The flirting is entirely one sided, if its there at all.
and there wasn't in tumblrtale. 90% of the game was spent walking through bland corridor like environments where little to no opportunity for exploration was present. when you aren't doing that you're interacting with the garbage characters that boil down to nothing more that overplayed archytypes slightly rearranged to pander.
the battle system is the only bit that could be described as engaging and even then, only the initial encounter with each enemy type is the only bits of gameplay that pose any sense of a challenge because once you figure an enemy out every battle can be "solved" the same way or just won by spamming attack.
not really it's quantifiably repetitive, and battles don't require any skill to master what so ever. plus using physics objects when trying to achieve a bullet hell feel is simple bad game design.
they can all be summed up as this
the rng based SMT games were mroe engaging you faggot.
here you go, second playthrough. was going to go for both runs but that shit was too grating to complete.
because sjws like toby simply can't get enough faggots in their games.
I thought we were talking about Sans and Toriel, but that's probably it too.
I said take a screenshot of your file select menu, not Snowdin which is barely an hour into the game, cunt.
barely an hour into a 4 hour game. my playtime was 5 hours
do the math fucktard.
Are you retarded or can you not follow directions?
Take a screenshot of your file select menu or everything you posted ever will only be considered as shitposting.
I'm pretty sure she enjoys the attention, her sperg out at the end at her husband was very offputting.
The whole good ending reminded me of an episode of pokemon, there's something creepy about the whole friendship is magic thing, it feels manic and delusional to me.
The art is pretty ugly on this game, and not a purposely simplistic style that looks cool like Space Funeral, just plain ugly.
being a bossy little cunt now are we?
feeling entitled? fucking gas yourself you self righteous tumbie.
You have one more chance. Post your file select screen.
Fucking hell.
So this user burns you hard and not only are you too dense to realise it, but you thought
was a good comeback? Jesus fucking christ user.
You think that shit was a burn?
Fuck is it summer already?
Summer started like 2 weeks ago user.
Well yeah, i mean you are here after all.
post your tumblr account and I will consider it.
defending a game tailor made for tumblrfaggots is the height of faggotry
go be a cuck somewhere else.
Jesus fucking Christ
But it's already too late, you have proved you never played the game and you're only a shitposter.
thanks for proving you are in-fact a tumblrina to some degree.
and whatever you say. doesn't make this "game" any less garbage.
pick one and kill yourself
Basically to state what was already obvious, Burgerpants is a shutin that can't reciprocrate romantic interest and the Nice cream guy drew THE TWO ARMORED GUARD MEN WHO YOU FOUGHT LITERALLY SECONDS AGO.
You don't get the dialog if you killed them.
As if things weren't bad enough with all the doom/blizzard shills and the redditors all over the place, fuck my life.
Who cares what you say? You don't play video games and you go to cuckchan.
Basically poopy joe is a colossal shitposting nigger.
and you defend a "game" tailor made for people who don't play video games.
Both of you are right, both cuckchan and tumblrtale are cancer.
Now either stop that shit or just kill each other and save the rest of us from this torture.
Hey guys, 25bux here. When I'm not busy being a filthy crossposting piece of shit I spend my time having autistic fits about derivative video games like Undertale.
Now for my BTFO of all tumblermeme fans, check out my finishing move the Quintuple Old 4cuck Meme Post.
you are right. I just want tumblr to fucking go and stay go.
your next move will be posting spoilered furry porn
You already posted that last image, cuckchanner.
Summer came early, huh?
at least I don't defend shitty games for tumblrites
I can sympathize with all of those except Bioshock Infinite
I guess it had a good art style but was that the only reason you liked it?
Then why are you still here.
I know you are having a hard time dealing with your latent furfaggotry and you're lashing out to feel a bit more secure in yourself, but don't expect me to indirectly fulfill your porn requests.
but what about undertale?
You're right, you just shitpost about games you've never played.
Pot calling kettle
I don't understand. what does gender or penis have to do with metal and bolts?
people shit up every thread anyways so its not like itll make a difference
nuts and bolts vs screw holding twisty vaginas and bolts.
How am I ignoring arguments when he hasn't made a single one?
I want to fuck that dinosuar thing
the manga is decent, if not exactly my thing. I can appreciate it.
the anime and the legion of trendy idiots that have frantically gravitated towards it are just as sickening as all the other things on that list.
shitty "game" tailor made for tumblrites
I proved that I played it though, just because I won't fulfill your specific request doesn't mean I don't know exactly what this game is or that I haven't played it.
the target audience was progressive tumblrfaggots, and you're defending it.
fucking kill yourself.
I am sorry, but you basically said "u just repeet gey evry tiem" when he spent plenty of time talking about flaws like being boring and tedious
but what about undertale?
And to prove my point further, you havent adressed the point of you being a paranoid faggot.
I swear, you niggers here have no standards.
I like undertale, and I really respect your opinion for being so thorough and descriptive. You make good points. Well done, user.
meant for
But he hasn't spent any time talking about flaws, and opinions aren't objective flaws.
Why am I paranoid?
how is wanting to fuck a sexy tree not having standards?
to you, is pandering to tumblr not a flaw in and of itself?
Prove undertale panders to tumblr and that I ever claimed that Holla Forums would benefit from a "tumblr crowd".
But he did talk about flaws. And they are objective too. If the game takes too long to start engaging in combat or story, its objectively boring, long and tedious.
And yes, you are being a paranoid fuck. He already provided a screenshot. Moving the goalposts in the discussion on purpose, too.
not if you are amused
Plus, we are discussing this game and that involves subjective opinions, so discarding them while arguing means you are basically screaming "LALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU"
And thats subjective. Bingo.
It wouldn't benefit from the tumblr crowd at all, but you are acting exactly like a tumblrite. You are fixated on something you despise and post about it the whole time.
When people on Holla Forums get mad about Fallout 4 or some shit like that it's usually because they were fans of the series and that series is getting fucked up, but you post about this game every single fucking day on two sites. Just like a Tumblrite writes microblogs about homophobia and how white people need to die.
you're willing to say all this obviously progressive garbage isn't pandering to a very specific group of people all of whom have tumblr accounts?
And you discarded half the post yet again. I think the one who smells like a SJW here is someone else.
Prove it.
Except undertale doesn't because within the first 5 minutes you're fighting enemies and exploring. Also
I don't think you know what "objectively" means.
Of absolutely nothing and of nothing that proves he has played the game.
I didn't move the goal posts, I asked from the start for him to provide a screenshot of the file select menu.
but what about undertale?
turn on color ids you dimwit
You're fucking pathetic.
I think your opinion is stupid and I will call you a faggot because I thought undertale was complete garbage when I played it, but even I don't censor myself for fear of the Holla Forums hivemind. I mean I liked the new DOOM quite a lot and get called a shill constantly for that opinion, but I don't censor myself.
So, like, grow a pair your pussy.
Why do you keep posting the same pictures that don't prove anything? Also none of that is progressive.
you know what bugs the hell out of me? a lot of people put their controversial opinions under spoilers as if theyre ashamed of it, and to further confound me they tend to get less negative replies
I am a fan of video games, undermeme represents video games getting "fucked up"
It's the same kind of shit that happened to western animation and comics, being spread by the same kind of people.
hello anthony burch.
Proving my point yet again about moving goalposts?
Thats independent of my argument. And yes, being stuck in a corridor not advancing the story is objectively boring. Having jokes or a sad excuses for it is subjectively amusing.
He proved enough. And even then, he doesnt need to prove anything.
No you didnt.
Because they cant be similar colored, right, dumbass?
You're right, none of that is progressive considering it's nothing new.
Also you realize that 3rd image means the person who made that post was the one who screencapped it because of the lack of a reply line, right? Are you a fat and fat skeleton fetishist, user?
so you fail at color association, you fail at reading ids and you fail at looking at the post count.
whos the dumbass?
user I don't think you know what "moving goalposts" means if you think asking you for proof is that.
Respectfully disagree on a few points.
>The mechanics are underdeveloped and repetitive except for the boss fights
I'll concede that the non-boss fights are largely forgettable, although that can be said for the vast majority of turn-based RPGs, including several "good" ones. So it's not as big of an issue to me as it seems to be to you.
>You can only lose to the first boss on purpose
I actually lost to her on accident once, believe it or not. If she starts an attack when you're at a point where your health is low, but not low enough where her bullets start to avoid you and get hit multiple times, you can still die in that round.
>and you literally can't lose to the final boss
I think that was more due to Toby writing himself into a hole in that encounter. It seems heavily implied that if you actually lost that encounter, shit would go down hard. I'm usually not a huge fan of "you can't lose" bosses, unless they're implemented VERY sparingly, which was the case in this game.
>There's a noticeable difficulty spike in the middle with Undyne
It goes from super easy to easy. And having a save point right before her is a bonus. Unless you're talking about Genocide. That fight is some bullshit. I've probably put out like 20 or so attempts on it and still haven't gotten past it.
>and the puzzles in the Hotlands aren't hard but they take disproportionately longer on average, dragging out the third act of the game
This I don't disagree with at all. The puzzles in the game in general sometimes felt like they dragged on for longer than they had any reason to, and only really broke up the otherwise-linear pathways of the game, which is another issue I had with it. It doesn't help that you would get spammed by Alphys through that area, which got mildly annoying after a while.
>The only reason we're given to sympathise with characters who have done heinous things is "because they meant well".
I interpreted Asriel as an exception to this, as his acts were more due to circumstance than intent. I prefer actual intent over "they're evil because they can be" myself. I quite enjoyed how Undyne's character was fleshed out via the different kinds of runs.
>Worst of all, for such a short story, the game itself actively discourages replay value.
I don't consider this necessarily a bad thing. As you mentioned in a later post, it's just the game berating you for not just letting the game end on a good note. The hints of self-awareness shown in the game were just subtle enough for me to legitimately enjoy.
>Killing in self-defence is bad? Fighting on either side of a war is inherently evil?
I interpreted this as humanization of enemies, rather than just treating the majority of opponents as soulless mooks like a lot of RPGs like to do. The neutral endings tend to involve varying degrees of the underground going to shit after your departure, which is to be expected given your actions. Actually going out of your way to kill everything is the only "truly" evil route, and the rest is dependent on personal morality. At least, that's how I saw it.
The game certainly isn't without flaws. But aside from a few design issues, largely stemming from personal preferences on my end, the game wasn't necessarily bad, at least to me. I quite thoroughly enjoyed it, in part due to playing it before Tumblr shit up everything.
user, I know the shit you posted is some pretty fucked up garbage, but even the ever-cancerous undertale fandom hates this guy.
Because it's all about the color right
fighting enemies that take absolutely zero skill and you're encouraged just to use the talk mechanic on them.
and exploring a bland as hell purple tunnel that's aggressively linear.
so now you try and argue semantics? you know exactly what I mean by progressive I mean subversive leftist gender bender bullshit that's in every single one of these "games"
?Also you realize that 3rd image means the person who made that post was the one who screencapped it because of the lack of a reply line, right?
keep demonstrating your intimate knowledge of tumblr while claiming you aren't a tumblrite.
I don't think you know what the term "semantics" means.
But it isn't in Undertale so your point is moot.
Know thy enemy, you fat fetishist.
yes it is, i've just provided numerous screencaps of the faggy progressive elements of tumblrtale, and provided proof that the creator put that shit there for political reasons.
gas yourself.
you're the one claiming tumblr is your enemy then defending the exact same ideals they promote such as obvious homofaggots and gender benders shoehorned into vidyas for progressive points as well as having intimate knowledge of how tumblr works, fuck off you retarded tumbie.
But you haven't.
But I didn't.
You really love projecting, huh?
I won't try to argue you on the other points, although I will point out using your own interpretation so much may defend your own opinion, but please do not later, if the thread even lasts that long, use these statements to defend the game in general, but that last rebuttal is a stickler.
While writing an rpg that has enemies as characters, it makes sense to have them as NPCs in the world, but having a single way to pacify them, that would be required multiple times within an area, easily and rapidly undoes the enemies' character and delegates them to a single trait or, so help me, quirk.
As an aside, the fact that fandom confession simulators only consisting of fetishistic statements have overtaken thread simulators which could at least contain complex fetish plans saddens me greatly, even if it's just a switch from bottom of the barrel humor to just chucking the barrel out and telling jokes from that minecraft book level.
I will post them again.
and >(37) posts defending tumblrtale
We broke poopy joe.
haha undermeme isn't a progressive game all these things are just for jokes xD gay people are so funny bro.
which good games did this?
>you drew a picture of two dudes hugging
why put that in there if not to normalize faggotry?
exactly, why bring it up at all if not to normalize the very progressive concept that gender is a social construct?(which I fully think you've bought into by the way you're writing all this obvious pandering off as lol not progressive)
and the joke takes place right after we learn mettaton's blatant tranny allegory backstory.
and i'm sorry you're such a braindead cuck that you're either willfully ignorant of the progressive media you consume or simply don't care it's progressive garbage because it validates your faggy beliefs.
yeah bro just jokes xD I sure love playing these shitty tumblr games devoid of any engaging gameplay and chalk full of faggots. I hope they make more.
Hips and tits? Give it the dick.
that last one is a bit of a stretch. kool aid man has been doing that for decades.
the kool-aid man isn't a boxy robot though
oh, right
Balrog isn't a robot you motherfucking fucking retard.
heres one im surprised i never see the anti undertale crowd bring up.
the dog segment in undertale and the dog segment in cave story. the one in the desert where you collect puppers. both fairly early in the game, too.
well what the fuck is he?
his arms go inside his body and he looks like a damn brick.
possibly because the dogs aren't a recurring theme in cave story and they look almost nothing alike aside from color.
if you know what he is please tell me. dont tell me soap, soap doesnt shoot missiles nor is it known for its inherent toughness except on grease.
Did you not play cave story either Poopy joe?
played it and I'm 100% sure they never explained what the fuck balrog was.
Did you play the nicalis version you retard?
no, played the aeon patched version.
Then how the fuck did you not realize what Balrog was?
he's a fucking robot that serves the doctor and ends up helping you.
it's implied he's a victim of the curse, but never explicitly states what the fuck he is.
Jesus Christ almost this entire thread is him baiting people
what do you expect?
Nigger it's explained in the egg chamber
so hes a dragon!?
I'm still not sure what the fuck you're referring to tbh.
they never say what the fuck balrog is other than a bearer of the crown's curse.
I wish doing Acts did more actual things that changed bullet patterns though, if Toby ever makes that second game he said he would consider, I hope it has that.
oh man I love coming here to see anons stir up shit that isn't true every day. he hasn't tweeted in like fucking twenty days
But he's a ghost and nothing more.
Surprise there not a papyrus is a pedophile meme yet considering he dated a young underage child.
Remember those first few days when everyone loved Undertale?
Maybe if he triggered you with microaggressions, but he talked with me about a game he never fucking played over email. He's a chill guy.
Or was frisk an adult the entire time and the sense of scale is fucked?
Watch the intro again
The goatmonsters look about 10ft tall, what's to say the other monsters aren't huge motherfuckers as well?
that pretty funny. what happen to die cis scum?