Is Trump selling us out?(Concern shill. Carry on.)
Is Trump selling us out?(Concern shill. Carry on.)
I wanna report you so fucking bad for being a retard, but I have too many theories about this to just not talk about it.
I voted for and support Trump but there's always this nagging suspicion to trust no one.
The source is the WSJ? Take any assertion of that gaslighting rag with a BIG pinch of salt.
How is it you think they've been limiting themselves the last 8 years?
The CIA probably cannot conduct airstrikes without the Airforce or whomever is in charge.
Also, remember his most important men are Bannon and Sessions. He will go to his grave with them. When in doubt, remember Bannon.
T-This is good right guy?? Trump will still gas all the kikes right?i-including his "beatiful jewish grandkid" r-right??
Type out the word "God". I dare you.
If you didn't think Trump was a warhawk, you weren't paying attention. Although the fact that they're allowed drone strikes on 'suspected terrorists' makes me worry they'll drone strike the whitehouse.
Yes and you would too.
Trump was never /ourguy/. He was just a conduit for our ideas by breaking political correctness. The wheels that were set in motion were not going to be changed, only dampened. I thought that was pretty clear from the very start.
they usually won't say "kike," or "every jew should be killed"
Get out.
Oh yeah good point. Hey say "kike" faggot.
They can only into spastikas, as well.
inb4 Soros' house gets droned
why'd you swap IPs so early?
Hes not wrong user. 8ch Holla Forums rides the trump dick like no other image board. But youre too stubborn to see that cause of muh 1488d chess
And who are you pretending to appeal to?
and you clearly don't belong around here, so whats your point?
What could possible go wrong.
and just to give my idea, I think I figured out why this action was taken if it was. sounds like hes giving the CIA just enough rope to hang themselves with.
I find this to be bullshit to be honest. Right after we find out what the CIA was doing with the wikileaks dump, and suddenly this is the news?
And because you're all so willing to defend Trump even when he does things that obviously do not benefit whites.
Trump is a band-aid, not Caesar, and certainly not Hitler. He's keeping whites complacent on their slow march to the last white man dying. Where is he incentivizing white births? Where is he suppressing the violent "legal" shitskins that are already "americans"
Democracy is suicide and capitalism is the noose. Trump will keep this going.
This is what it seems like. He's setting them up to take the fall for shit.
you mean accidentally droned. and rape island as well.
The CIA have their own drones, there is no military oversight.
but why are you concern shilling? He hasn't shown that he has the intention to do the opposite so why?
And this is why anti-trump shills still don't fucking get it.
mods on point
Jews never learn user. That's why they repeatedly fall due to their own repeated actions.
Can't find any information on the supposed bill or EO that alows the CIA to carry out undisclosed drone strikes. Unless someone can find it, it's just wapo being fake news as usual.
Reminder: Robert Murdoch runs both Fox and WSJ, his media power was undamaged by Trump's recent attack on MSM.
I don't know enough about him to have a substantial opinion except he's gaining from his mutual interest of Trump.
Yes, I thought that was the game too, but unfortunately many anons are still in election-season mode, and any criticism of Trump having neocon tendencies is written off as shilling. They're basically forcing themselves to be retarded.
I'm not even anti-Trump you retard, how is telling the Truth about the president and by extension the presidency "concern shilling" ?
He hasn't shown his hand either way.
You can call all the cucking for israel and BASED niggers during the campaign PRfaggotry all you want but don't pretend it hasn't extended to his presidency. I mean fucking sleepy nigger is in his cabinet and he's said many good things about BASED Bibi.
If you actually fell for the 4D chess meme and see him as anything more than a band-aid you need to go back to cuckchan.
I don't know man. It was only in 2013 that they were made to be conducted under the DoD.
I just can't even
Its wall street journal not Jeff Bezos anti-trump wapo.
you mean the same WSJ that called pewdiepie a nazi. Oh ya thats right, woops.
You're a proxy hopping concern shilling faggot being paid minimum wage. Nobody here calls anyone based, you retarded fuck. Go back to cuckchink.
Stop being dumb.
you seem upset, and out of place, newfriend
Just pointing out that they're definitely not the same, I dont trust WSJ since its still kikery from a different publication.
So you unironically believe that he's going to deport every nigger, spic, dunecoon, and kike?
This isn't something to be concerned about, none of the other presidents have and he never once promised to.
You've let your reality get consumed by epin maymays and lost the truth in the process.
I'm saying the fight isn't over - if this "concerns" you then you are just a weakling.
No shit, because it's niggerspeak. Youve never seen those
posts? I am doing the same thing.
is a far cry from GTKRWN.
wow, its like you aren't very good at this or something
It's bizarre when uncritical, nuthugging Alamo leftovers are telling everyone else who belongs and who doesn't.
Still no sources, no official documentation, and only "hur dur officials refused to coment" over and over. I'am calling bs
blood alone turn the wheels of history
fuck off - you're the cancer killing this board and turning it into a Trump personality cult where nobody can question anything he does without being shouted down as a "shill"
you mean like when we tell kikes to get gassed, e-celebs to kill themselves, or rapefugess to fuck off we're full?
Are you retarded? Do you need it spelled out for you?
He's making them kvetch harder than anyone and you still think he might be a good goy?
If you shriek at him loud enough and accuse him of being a shill long enough, I'm sure he'll get exasperated of your idiocy and leave.
It seems like if this was truly false the White House would have said so by now. I'm willing to wait and see though.
its because you offer no effidence to the contrary yet concern shill about how hes not really going to do anything. When I have reason to suspect he is shit then I'll drop him, but your efforts to do that before are not working.
Obama allready gave a carte blanche to the CIA to drone anyone they labeled as a 'enemy of the united states' even allowing to drone enemies with collatoral deaths.
So what new priveledge is left to give?
Also direct link cancer no archive link.
probably because it's anti-trump virtue signaling for the sake of virtue signaling with no actual ideas, you know, like how kikes talk.
Woah, user you're not some kind of anti semite are you??
Might be the best play, this media side of the MSM ironically publishes for attention, instead of publishing to smear. With exception to pewdiepie garbage, smearing a big eceleb to siphon off clicks was a kikey move.
kike mods are too ban happy. we can handle our shills you cunts. fucking mod
to some cuck on an IP shared by verizon or some anti christian comment. now i have to fucking toggle airplane mode to get a new IP to post for a month.
No, more like when you jerk yourself off to Stephen Miller or shit up thinly-veiled Greater Israel hype threads with "Deus Vult!".
Making them kvetch doesn't mean he's not part of their system - he's still interacting with them and pushing this we love israel crap.
Fucking where? Was it when that nigger got caught making all the bomb threats?
And he's not a "good goy" he's just the president, and as we all know the presidency hasn't been a legitimate position since the CIA killed JFK.
He's not shit though, he's great. By-far the best president we've had since Nixon. I'm saying to be realistic and not buy into all the shit-tier "muh 1488D chess he's going to start building gas chambers any minute" shit. It's keeping you complacent to the problems(like a large nigger population he's clearly not doing anything about) festering right under your nose.
wanna know how I know your'e aut-kike cancer?
Ah, a TRS lurker. makes sense now
Wew lad I didn't even fucking read the rest of that shit. Denying how the jews operate is a huge red flag that you're dealing with a kike.
because you copy-paste repetitive counter point to try and fit in?
Looks like you forgot you posted in this thread
Did the money stop flowing to Israel? Did intelligence and military cooperation come to a full stop? If all you're ever satisfied with is superficial optics, you'll be very easy to control.
I love how the kikes touring this board fully shifted the narrative to "he's a Jew puppet" after the election, as if the influx wouldn't be fucking obvious.
you mean like how foreign lobbying is going to get fucked?
chew galss jew
its a desperate raid all of a sudden and its painfully obvious. Every thread is filled with their shit.
Oh, no. You misunderstand. I don't have any real issues with Christianity, per say. It seems to be a reasonably workable foundation to build a society around and has worked in the past [although so has a number of other religions/ideas so I don't know if that's really a feather in anyone's cap]. It's just noticeable when you kike faggots – and that's what you are – start pushing ANOTHER war somewhere else that isn't here and deals explicitly with religious ideology and implicitly with race, rather than explicitly with race and implicit with religious ideology.
Fucking tired of these kikes.
Half the kikes bitch, the other half love him because "we love israel"
It's always been this way, kikes are sneaky and subversive.
How are those two things mutually exclusive? He can be a good president without removing all the mud, it's arguably impossible for a president to do that. Whoever does it will not be the "president"
He's not even a puppet, he's a participant. Not sure which is better, one is on-rails and will lead directly to a collapse and one keeps everyone happy for a little while longer while the negro population grows and the kikes are still able to push race mixing in the media. What will Trump do about that? Has he even commented on the various agendas Hollywood pushes?
Did you forget all the threads you shitcanned with gore spam every time Trump's jewish servitude was exposed?
tired of ad nauseum ad hominem with no actual argument
Like I said this board is more for you: >>>/gasyourself/
first, you are undercutting your entire argument you made in this thread or you must have a short memory. Second, where do you think you are right now?
Are you this ignorant? You think the CIA drug running jets needed air force help too?
Notice how the shill changes topic, like jelly through your fingers
I think you haven't taken the final "the presidency is a puppet position" redpill.
I'm not even really making an argument - the only argument I have made is that the fight is not over - I think we can all agree on this.
Thread is made up of jews calling jews jew. So back to the discussion, if above article is true, what does it mean? I can see a bump towards lockheed martin stock if verified (more drones needed).
archive link below:
Ignoring the points I made doesn't make you right you jew.
you are right, you still are still alive
Well, what would you like someone to say about it? I guess we can pretend that all of these Christian organizations that are shipping these mud race hordes in don't exist. It's obvious jews and communists don't like Christianity at all, so it's got something going for it, but the totality with which it's been turned into a vehicle for jewish foreign policy and blanda upp is disconcerting.
Would you prefer I just not notice any of this?
Retaking Constantinople is explicitly about race.
my theory
The CIA as an organization is fine.
The problem are CLINTON-ERA and OBAMA-ERA personnel in the CIA and every other branch of government.
Delete them and the agencies will become Ameronationalist overnight.
Stopped reading right there and reported.
i misunderstood your post because i;m too retarded to check ID
being the president makes him a participant but Trump the man is not Trump the president
Trump the man may not be a puppet(likely isn't) but has to enact the role of Trump the president for the time being(which makes many of his actions puppet-actions - like holding up the LGBT flag at a rally or cucking for niggers - that wasn't Trump the man but Trump the candidate)
I think that if we faced a complete and total systemic collapse Trump's tune would shift to something a lot more Holla Forums-friendly really quick.
I don't think I'm making much sense 2bh.
Well, sure. That really doesn't come up too often outside of humorous memes. In reality, the guy Trump wanted as his national security advisor is now registered as a foreign agent for lobbying work with Turkey.
just stop trying to justify your shilling, its painful to watch. its over, you are done. Go home
Then lurk more.
you need something to counter foreign intelligence though, unless you're a fucking paultard who thinks isolation works
Well this was after the unironic EO to reorganize federal agencies for efficiency. Wondering if this is part of it, can't be effective if you gotta have every mudslime terrorist signed off for targeted drone killing.
Jesus user this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Here it is in one simple sentence:
Trump is clearly influenced by the current social and political climate, and WE must work on changing that climate or we will end up with another Reagan.
Trump was a guy who went way out of his way to publicly shit on guys like Pat Buchanan and even White people in general with that whole city council shit down in Palm Beach years, decades even, before he ran for president.
rope to hang themselves with, like I said.
source on this?
I agree with your theory, assuming the information is real of course. I don't yet feel like it's credible info.
yes of course, I think its crap too.
So this creates another discussion, who should have control over the drones? Mike Pompeo hasn't been confirmed, seems like hes getting the role prepped and ready to go. I have no problems with the CIA tracking terrorists and making targeted drone strikes in conflict zones such as Syria. Looks to me this would create less burden on JSOC. This is assuming the article is true however.
If it doesn't come from Wikileaks, Spicer, or Trump himself, I don't buy into it. I feel like this whole thing is a distraction, or Trump finding more leakers, but that's a stretch.
This is what they should be doing - instead they hoard malware and create massive proliferation risks.
Palm Beach incident and backstory:
Trump leaving the Republican party and calling Pat Buchanan a "Hitler-lover" as if that's a bad thing
Fuck, I completely agree with you, even though I'm pretty sure you're some sort of d&c shill.
I'm so fucking tired, guys. I want off the ride.
I'll do my best, though.
Agreed, I would like to see Trump remove more responsibility from the CIA and give them a more narrow focus. However we do need a federal agency that pushes to increase cybersecurity instead of exploiting it. One could hope.
So.. you think the quotes attributed to everyone in the article are false?
>Mr. Trump, who has never been a political candidate, clearly timed his announcement to target Mr. Buchanan, acidly denouncing him on the NBC News program Meet the Press as the candidate of the really staunch right wacko vote.
>Look, he's a Hitler lover, Mr. Trump said, alluding to the recent debate over Mr. Buchanan's view that in World War II Hitler initially presented no serious threat to the United States.
>I guess he's an anti-Semite, Mr. Trump said, raising an accusation Mr. Buchanan has repeatedly denied in his career as White House strategist and talk show polemicist. He doesn't like the blacks, he doesn't like the gays, Mr. Trump continued. It's just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy.
Is the argument you're making that these are fake quotes? The New York Times article is citing Meet the Press as the source.
god you fucking shills sometimes I swear
I think if you're taking info from the Jew York Times seriously you need to go back.
Oh shit I totally forgot about that.
I'm not sure I follow. This isn't an article about yellow cake uranium full of "intelligence officials say" and "State Department sources conclude". It's a quote attributed to Donald Trump, with the citation source being Meet the Press. So, the argument would have to be that the quotes are fake, they are made up, he never said it.
Nah it's just that this place is cynical. Every policy required to fulfill Holla Forumss stated goals would not result in a sudden shift to optimist. They'd simply zoom in on whatever they want to complain about.
Find a source that doesn't have a clear anti-white bias and we'll talk.
This, the power-grid as well as the internet of things needs to be protected because as of now that shit is vulnerable - CIA also needs to stop surveillance of anyone and everyone they deem dissident. Focus on the commies not WN groups.
They cited their own source for that quote - that would be the argument.
Find a better fucking source lad.
Disregard what, though? You keep telling me to disregard the source but you refuse to tell me that the specific quotes – which are the material of primary import here – are fake when I keep asking you if you believe that. He either said it or he didn't.
If you don't reply to their posts then they have no reason to write them.
You're too stupid to be from here. You have to go back.
Which source? The Times or the Daily Caller?
RT has shown the same story.
Both are anti-white MSM, neither should be taken as fact.
I don't know why you can't just say "Yes, I believe the quotes are fake." That's what the argument would have to be. The quotes are fake.
Well, you know what? Why don't you put the search terms into Google or duck duck go or Bing or whatever the fuck search engine is fine with you and meets your exacting standards and pull up the exact same quotes about the same subjects from a different fucking source?
Yeah, exactly. He fucking said what he said and he did what did down in Palm Beach.
And then 16 years later, during the election, Trump praised Pat on twatter. Old news, that 2000 quote.
Sage for shit reporting.
God this sounds pretty fucking stupid from his part when everyone knows who CIA niggers really are, it's like touching a psychotic rattlesnake with your balls knowing how much damage such decision can make
Yeah, when he was looking for votes. And then proceeded to stack his cabinet with kikes [to say nothing of his family].
Found one - archive.fo
kill yourself already
Well user Trump is under enormous pressure and his mistake is to always give a little ground thinking it will earn him some ground in return, but this is not working for him. The only way for him to drain the swamp is to declare a national emergency, suspend government, declare martial law and start to fix it directly (ala Hitler).
As for infiltration….I'm going to say it but no beta user wants to hear it….his biggest threat is his daughter Ivanka. Trump I trust…her I do not, but she's daddy's girl and has enormous sway over him and the jews know this. Want to know where subversion is? Find the jew.
Look at her history. She has sucked more jewish dick than a rabbi. She only hooks up with jews (she banged and lived with a rothschild as well), she converted and married one. Holla Forums gets sickened by chicks who bang niggers, but call this jew their princess.
So far she has
I could go on Holla Forums but why bother (but muh beta princess)….never trust a jew…ever…..even if she is your daughter.
Kushner also knew that CNN was taping them through the white house window and making sniper imagery with it. Looks right at the camera. The rat is clear.
true, but then who will BTFO them?
So let's recap what has happened to your arguments ITT.
Sure, he was trying to swing the coveted Pat block, those 1000 or so folks that still remember Pat's failed 1996 run.
these shills are more like pic related
He's trying to swing the votes of an increasingly polarized and radicalized electorate that has far-reaching information available to them at the click of a mouse. But you got your dig in on Pat, which was the point of your post anyway. Another one from Israel's Amen Corner.
I'm laughin
This mentality is going to turn this board into cuckchan2.0 Kill yourself.
I admire the man, doesn't change the fact that he failed where Trump succeeded.
He filtered you, you fucking idiot. It's not that you're questioning Trump, it's the fact you're ignoring previously establishing events to do so. Kindly kill yourself.
No, that's not what it means. It means Trump isn't a genuine opponent of jewish control and power.
I know, I'm replying anyway because he's clearly watching for it.
No event - like him not saying muh six gorillion on holohoax day - prove concretely that his apparent views will make their way into policy. I look at policy.
His run for president was a failure–that was my "dig" on Pat. It's just historical fact, an unfortunate one.
It was a failure because he was a genuine opponent of jewish power and control. He didn't get billions of dollars of free media advertising.
So we got another thread full of stale shill lines that been heard a thousand times now. Also who the fuck trusts MSM anymore?
Ron Paul got the same.
I predict that there's going to be a great schism and half of this board will go to either Iron March or TRS, and the remaining other half will go to /polk/. This thread is absolute dogshit and proves that there's a division of the Trump/Putin loving moderates and the more traditional NatSoc who are skeptical. I'll bring popcorn if you need me.
From the article:
But Assad has told the US that he doesn't want the US in Syria. (sana.sy
What? As if it's wrong to be concerned when the president gives the CIA the green-light to kill anyone at will? I'd say that this concern is warranted, given the history of the CIA.
He, Pat, got the same type of kike media coverage; the negative kind. It just took less of it to sink Pat, while in Trump's case it was on a global scale. We even had paid shills flood our friendly Korean weight loss boards. We know how all that turned out.
Nigger, you don't understand how this board works. You have a viewpoint that I don't like? You're a shill/kike. As a proud merchant I'm glad to see this toxic board being in disorder. :::^^^)))
keep predicting because you are wrong, TRS is irrelevant, Ironmarch is irrelevant, and your board is dead before it started. fuck off.
where do you think you are, this isn't a cnn disqus you fucking kike
not even 2 posts he outs himself
oy vey, you sure found me out, goy :^)
wew lad. I knew that board was a hive of 4cucks
yeah, she's more of a cancer than an asset.
I approve of psyopcucking Alphabet faggots that need to learn to go back to the cuckshed. BASED user.
Remember who we're fighting.
Started reading this thread and was thinking uh oh, these shills are cracking consensus with major astroturfing going on. Was happy to see anons get a handle on it. OP is a faggot confirmed.
you are a fucking idiot retard
I really think Trump has just always wanted to be a populist and to have a well-liked presidency. Also, I don't know if he wants to dig out the roots of corruption, maybe just trim off some of the uglier leaves. Maybe his campaign was just a way to revitalize the Republican party and weed out the pussies. He shilled hard for evangelicals didn't he? Those people will go and die for Israel without thinking about it. Like it's their people.
One of my remaining hopes is that he had a picture of Andrew Jackson put up in his office, supposedly. Is that confirmed? Please say it is..
Nothing but rope with which to hang themselves. POTUS is no longer liable for botched strikes.
This would end up giving Trump a headache as the CIA would be more empowered to enforce their desired foreign policy. Though, it also allows Trump to blame the CIA for anything that does go wrong.
t. dwight schrute
>after Trump got elected
This board is going full hugbox