Statue of Marx, Funded by China, Will Stand in German City of His Birth

BERLIN — The bicentennial of the birth of Karl Marx was supposed to bring his hometown, Trier, Germany, an important exhibition about his life and an increase in tourism.

So, who's going to go smash it down?

The working class.

Thats a weird way of spelling nuke

Erecting statues of biological jews pretty much signifies the end of your civilization.

There are many great Germans and german politicians we learn about in history class in Germany.

Marx is not one of them. Only when the history class turns to soviet Russia his name arises for a brief moment.

Statue will be liberated fairly quickly I believe. Especially in trier, where a lot of proud Germans live due to the Roman history.


Soviet/Slav occupation never really ended. It just got a new name. The EU

Deutschland ist tot.


Tare that shit down. Someone should send the krauts a statue honoring the suppression or Rosa Luxembourg and her jewish associates a century ago.

Reminder that China will be the new host for the Jewish parasite. They already proclaimed their love for globalism in their last speech.

destroy asap.

wasnt there a statue of lenin in the USA?
I rememeber it was bought by a jewess and placed in a public park.

Also reminder china is far from allies and is the worst enemy second to the jews and muzzies

That looks photoshooped.

Seattle or some shit if I'm remembering correctly.

Not sure if it was Lenin, but yeah, they basicly had to charge people to see it for upkeep or some shit lol.

take note from the HWNDU vandals.

Take it down Germany.

that's marxs grave


I have seen this before, but everytime.

yeah because a rich upper class jew that fooled the workers into killing themselves and their brothers and to destroy the biggest push for an ideology of love for themselves and destoy the secret societies is to be honored.
Fucking germans they brought this on themselves for being such cucks
I just hope to see them destroy this statue once its created.

no its seattle

I said Seattle lad. Nonetheless what's it doing in burgerland out of all places.

they have to pay to keep it there, otherwise it would be



Not if I can help it


What's next Spinoza in Amsterdam? Maimonides in Cordoba? Mendelssohn in Dessau?

I remember chinese billionaire that owns alibaba crying about how Trump needs to stop talking against China in bad light SHIFTING THE BLAME to US companies that betrayed US (playing into the "muh 1%" of marxism)

China is covertly trying to sabotage the West in order to be number 1 in the world.

i looked it up and they already exist

the jew plague is truly terrible

truly, to kill the jew must be something to be written in the constitution. May it somekind of supreme rule that every able man is allowed to kill any jew with any methods and at any time.

I used to work at a mom and pop Chinese restaurant. They were nice people. You guys are alright in my book.

Seems they've been working overtime, I wonder who paid for them, probably some good goys.

There was a law almost exactly like this allowing burgers to kill Mormons in Missouri.

Marx's birthplace and memorial would have defaced a long time ago if that was the case.
i was in trier in december, there were a bunch of 20 something commie trash begging on the street with several different cups labelled for marijuana, cocaine alcohol food etc. i doubt there is mush right-wing thought in this area, and if there is i am yet to find it.

This is a crucial thing to understand. The EU is just another form of the enemy's occupation, an advancement of it.

Standing near a (((Masonic))) lodge

Nice statue. Would be a shame if something happened to it.

that is a pretty shit looking memorial tbh, kinda reminds me of pic related.

lol I still remember when they threw a shit fit because the statue was white.

Only a race traitor would agree to erect such a statue.
Totally unrelated: singling people out is a great way to get your message across to the group.

They should be throwing a shit fit because the Kang family demanded that the government foot the bill for the memorial, then cut every fucking corner imaginable so they could pocket the leftover money.

I don't know if this is 100% true, but I heard that the MLK Jr memorial is the only one in the National Mall paid for by the government. The rest were done with the governments permission, but were financed by private parties. It was a bit ridiculous, because when the King family finally got permission to erect a memorial on the grounds the first thing they did was demand the government give out gibs to foot the bill.

Well, it is "Made in China". Can't expect too much.


I believe there were some constitutions that specifically excluded jews. Norway had one. None the less, the kikes keep shuffling around and now got into all of Europe by playing the victim. To keep jews out permanently you would have to make the Holocaust happen, give a cash reward to any that killed jews, and execute anyone who advocates for even the slightest leniency on jews. Even then, jews might still somehow get back in, or convince another country to invade yours. All of Europe and Whites need to be unified on the JQ.

Symbolic of its current occupation

That's leftist students and homeless hipsters. They also overflow Frankfurt, but Jewish shit gets fucked all the time

Benjamin Disraeli in the middle of London and Niels Bohr statue in Copenhagen.
Nah, I'm joking, both actually exist.
If a Jew makes himself a name, he gets a non-profit fund, a statue and goyim slaves.
Even Ellie "9/11" Wiesel has got a non-profit and I'm sure they make him a statue after he dies. Because he's a holohoax survivor and "fighting for equality"


user, he's been dead for months.

Megabyte did nothing wrong. Defrag the binomes, code war now

Freindly Reminder the Soviets won

from Holla Forums with love

confirmed as Holla Forums doesn't understand how gondolas work

Oh wait I forgot you guys LOVE IT when your own people are slaughtered in droves. Yeah nvm you guys got a win-win out of the deal.
Bonus question: Who would win? One Finnish farmer or over 500 Soviet soldiers?

Inject more heroine into your scrawny arms.

Where's Soviet Russia then?

I'm a Slav and you can eat shit you little twiglet spoiled Western faggot.




So communism gets third place behind nazism and capitalism.

Golden statue of Adolf when?

Friendly reminder that war doesn't determine who is right only who is left

checked and keked

Wait, what's wrong with Niels Bohr?
You got something against chemistry/quantum physics?

thanks for the (Jews)

Workers of all anus unite?

Reminder Nazism didn't fail, it was defeated (for now). Where's muh Sovyet Unyon now?

Nice try, Shlomo. Back to >>>/oven/ with you.

demolish it


There's an user here that claims that Communism isn't a threat to the western world. This once again proves that it still is.

But that statue gets defaced regularly so it doesn't matter if it stays there forever.


Chernobyl was a direct consequence of Soviet nonchalance, infancy and incompetence.


Shaped charge around the neck, make it so germanbros

I personally removed two large signs someone had hand painted that said "Make Russia Great Again" from that damned statue. They painted it's face orange… Seattle blows, I don't recommend it.


Jesus that looks like shit. I've seen in real life and I think they just put all the details in the hands.


what was the post? mods shouldn't delete these, I want to make fun of them too

Karl shall receive the memes of destruction.

im all for it

I guess the fag delet it himself.