The proletariat gleefully votes for shitheads like Trump, Mussolini, Hitler, Mugabe...

The proletariat gleefully votes for shitheads like Trump, Mussolini, Hitler, Mugabe, and their ilk and embraces the idea that academics, other races, and foreign cultures are responsible for their domestic problems and not a self-interested elite. Given the chance to rise up they have never become a mass of enlightened workers, but rather have historically embraced acting as jack-booted nazi thugs.

Why do you not simply save yourselves by ascending the economic and social totem pole and leave them to their fate? Why do you think that the proletariat deserve to be unwillingly saved by you?


Because the system is currently fucking me.

the movememnt is not for the lumpens, its for the class-conscious workers

Individualistic thinking like that has gotten us nothing but irrevocable damage to the planet and centuries of poverty.

gulag yourself

Isn't it easier to work the system than take it down?

Does being class conscious somehow proclude changing one's class?

How do you feel about green-washing? Why do you think cyclical famine due to lack of tech is the fault of the myriad of political and social systems proceeding our own?

it allows you to be part of the revolution, people who don't understand it is a class struggle are the ones who label themselves as something extra

class mobility isn't a thing

and being ruling class isn't actually all that great either

Yes it is.

not really. Every couple generations someone will move up from like lower middle class to upper but wealth inequality has increased immensely. My parents had a nice business at their peak making over 100k in debt. Due to a move coinciding with the 2008 crash my parents are just turning 60 and working hard(my dad as a teacher and my mom doing menial work) trying to scramble to get the money to pay 70k of debt. Fuck this system.

100k a year* lmao that's a biggie.


Totally irrelevant to the paradigm which we are discussing.

dont bother

leftypol goes full retard when it comes to dealing with the fact that their precious workers have a very long history of racism(mainly because they havent read any history on the subject). These people will instead push the 'well the left MADE them that way through acting smug' or other narratives that make the workers out to be the biggest victims ever that just had no choice but to choose racism.


Wow, it's almost as if capitalists want to keep wages down any way they can - and importing a bunch of foreigners who'll happily work for cents on the dollar is a good way to achieve this!

No. We view racism as the result of material conditions. Regardless I don't care. See

Is it purely coincidence this man looks like Richard Stallman?

This is what you sound like, OP. It's "let them eat cake" for the 21st century.

We can't simply "ascend the social and economic ladder" because we want to - the entire system is designed to keep the vast majority slaving away for a small minority. A lucky few getting the chance to escape doesn't mean I will.

I don't see the resemblance.

There would be more if he had long hair.


I honestly would if social mobility was actually a thing but unfortunately it isn't. I stopped giving a fuck about others when I realized how fucking stupid most people are, but at the same time since I'm not part of the elite (and no matter how hard I try I'll never be) then it is in my own self interest to be part of the class struggle against the porkies of the world.

As a prole I'm somebody's bitch.
As a bourg I have to work very hard to retain such position and not become somebody's bitch again. What's the point? I only truly benefit from capitalism once I get slaves to handle the company for me while I I sit in a pool in my luxury villa.

I am a NEET and uneducated at that.So I offer my view.

I asked my parents why they were frothingly enthusiastic over electing douchebag X over douchebag Y.
They took a very patronizing tone and explained to me that while they *of course* understand they are not making any difference, they are voting for X because , and I quote "Fuck Y and their party, I don't give a fuck who my vote goes to if it hurts Y" following a very angry recital of the many grievances they have with Y.

"You know, X hasn't done any of that yet. Maybe they will,but they are not Y, screw those assholes".

My parents claim to be aware of the main political parties taking turns into power and being generally corrupt and against the interest of the citizenry, yet unironically and proudly participate in swing voting.

Most people I know, young and old, are like that.Superficially they tout the socially acceptable version, but in reality they are invested in the spectacle and their vote gets bought by what amounts to pennies and vague promises.

My parents get angry when the topic of influence/media/spectacle gets brought up, even if it's their beloved TV that does it.
"Humans are not robots" they retort automatically, every time.
"You cannot manipulate people just by telling them things, people who make publicity and propaganda are dumb and wrong.I'm not gonna do anything just because they tell me…"

Their routine consists of getting up early in the morning, dragging themselves zombie-like through the morning routine before drinking a load of caffeine and going to work.
When their respective shifts end, in the afternoon, they come home, slouch in the sofa, stuff themselves with inexpensive shitty food and…

watch absolute trash in the television for hours on end.They eat up reality shows ,celebrity bullshit, sports… until the day is over and they go to sleep.

Whenever they don't have to work they just watch TV for most of the day or start compulsively redoing chores that don't even need to be done, just to occupy their time.

Personally, I'm a leech.However, if my parents are in any way representative of the average voter well, I wouldn't make a difference anyway.


No it's purely your inability to distinguish faces.

Are you me? At least I have the ability to pull them away from Pawn Stars and HGTV to watch shit like The Wire.

Why would you attack individualism like that?
Leftist idiots like yourself that fetishize tribal communities, and irrationally hate individualism are a cancer on the human race.
Individualism is far more important than being suffocated by collectivism.

Individualism and collectivism are not contradictory. Take your meme ideologies elsewhere, both of you faggots.

you get this wrong, I want the revolution for myself and i need the proletariat to help me. i dont give a shit about others.
