How I Named The Jew In Class

Goebbels was right about exposing them and they shrivel.

'''I raise my hand and ask a simple question:
"Professor Kike, logically speaking – how can you be a proud Jew and preach equality? The whole of Jewish identity is based on the premise Jews are God's chosen people. Your religion calls all non-Jews "gentiles" – which implies Jews are "better-than," since they're God's chosen people.

If you're a Jew and everyone else here– black, Asian, Latino and white is a gentile, why should we believe anything you say about equality? Your religion is predicated on the fact that everyone else is inferior to you, who are God's chosen people.

You're either a Jew or believe in equality. Logically, from a pure argumentative form of logical string analysis, I can't believe in both."'''

You could hear a pin drop. She looks stunned.

I said, "Don't call me an anti-Semite, I just don't get it from a logical standpoint. I'd be happy to talk with a rabbi to understand this better. Can you arrange that, maybe a rabbi is better at discussing the logic of this that I don't understand?"

"So students can also hear what the rabbi says – I think it's best to record the meeting for folks on YouTube so they can get educated about it. Don't you?"

Professor Kike is still stunned. I never get a rabbi call me up (because he'd lose and it would be recorded) and haven't had issues at all. But I have had students come up to me and say stuff like "yeah, that doesn't make sense either." One SJW tried pulling the Nazi angle on me and I said I only want to talk to a rabbi about it, doesn't make sense from a logical standpoint and I want to (((learn more.)))

One day at a time, dudes. That's the chink in their armor. Elevate the New/gentile/equality argument to wanting to (((talk to a rabbi))) while simultaneously redpilling the entire fucking class.

I'm smug af right now. Sieg Heil!

Other urls found in this thread:,_Mr._Feynman__Adventures_of_a_Curious_Character.html

good job, sage for blog post

How the fuck is this a sageable?

Post explicitly gives anons information on how to name the Jew without consequence. Basically, use the whole rabbi angle.

Good if true, but sounds a lot like the kind of day dreams we all have. Where for example was her reaction?

it's sageable because you offer no proof, other than your own word. Again, good job IF TRUE, but because this offers nothing but a story…

I wish this happened.

Ignore the shills OP. Good job.

How does this justify a thread?

This is great OP. Good job.
Now the only issue is countering the arguments of those who are Jewish by race but don't practice or give a fuck about their religion.
"But I'm an atheist jew, so I don't believe in the supremacy over anybody"
We must eventually get to the part of the Jew as a people, not just their religious aspects

Good point.

He wants his tendies for being BASED.

Not hard to find kikes who talk about being raised to think of their Israel and their flag as a religion to worship. Download Culture of Critique.


gas yourself

"Non-religious Jews are called that because they were raised under the culture of Judaism. Saying that you're an atheist Jew would be like someone saying 'I'm an atheist Christian.' If you still follow all the customs of Christianity, but don't believe in God, what's the difference?"

Even if it is blog-tier, it's one of the few actually good blog-tier posts I've seen here

Logically why would you put your own grade at risk to achieve absolutely nothing other than masturbatory pride you can brag about to strangers online?

Rhetorical question.

That's an amazing argument, Holla Forums needs a place to store arguments like this that we can (((get away with))) in public while naming the Jew, countering kike logic, etc. Kind of like how we have a /pdfs/ section.

I know their response: that's what God chose them for and they can't question it and that by questioning it, you're questioning God's judgment.

The response by a Christian could be that Christ said there are neither Jews or Gentiles before Him, so Judaism and Christianity are incompatible.

The other route is saying she's culturally Jewish. In which case, you ask how can cultures coexist (multiculturalism) and not devolve into brute tribalism?

The third is that she's genetically Jewish, which just means you trap her by saying then whites would have genetic claim to heritage as a group distinct from Jews - and Africans as a group distinct from Caucasians.

Careful. Even Feynman, who was a (half?) Jew and by no means an anti-kike, mentions,_Mr._Feynman__Adventures_of_a_Curious_Character.html how they already heard a thousand times over whichever argument you want to make and already know all the loopholes in their book. The good thing is there's no point in arguing with rabbis: your chances of convincing one of them are zero even if they find no way out.

Assuming this happened, well done.

that would be a killer response to evoke, since, christianity has no customs.

it is predicated solely on the belief that jesus christ is savior and that you may enter heaven by simply (but honestly) humbling yourself and asking him for it.

judaism, and other religions, on the other hand, are categorically different from this. a specific set of practices are required, and, each system has a de facto (at least internal) government/state which maintains those standards, argues over their correctness, etc.

while there are christian denominations that have adopted these practices (for better or worse) the practices themselves are not actually christianity itself.

if their IQ is so high you would immediately be putting it in their face that god really did forsake them and they really are "the synagogue of satan."

Acting like a good goyim will never, EVER be remotely close to any shade of red pill.

Infact it's hardline bluepill, you will live a forgettable existence scared of speaking the truth and spend your meaningless life being a middle guy type who is too afraid to take a stance and never makes a compelling point, but believes in his head and his head only that he is a master of charisma and dialectics, while everyone outside his head believes he's a generic middle guy type who is several degrees less worth than trash bag liquid.

There is a political movement funded on middle guy syndrome: Neoconservativism.
It never convinces anyone because it's full of middle guy types who are too pussy to go all out in one coherent direction and just sit there trying to play dialectics while the jews take more and more territory.

Pic related is you.
You are not a hero, you basically a shadow of the boomers: you DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTE TO THE JEWISH SUPREMACY AND ARE THEIR ACCOMPLICE, because what you do is PROMOTING COWARDICE AND INACTION rather than openly expose their shit.

You did not name the jew, you served the jew. You are pic related.

1) good job if true. takes brass balls to say something like that

2) rabbis are insufferable cocks. You assume they're just the jew equivalent of priests, but you're dead wrong. They're more like lawyers than gentile priest. They are experts at double-talk and making your head spin in circles with non-arguments and loophole bullshit.

3) this tactic only works on religious jews. The secular/atheist jews will just smugly claim that they don't believe in God and leave it at that. But the teachings and beliefs of judaism are intertwined in their culture and their very DNA. Even if they themselves are not overtly religious, they still believe deep-down that they are "god's chosen people". They might think about it in different terms, but it's the same shit. Just like how every jewish holiday is based on some ancient tale of persecution of the jews followed by them subverting their enemies and fucking them over. It's no different than how secular jews use the myth of the holohoax. Purim, Hanukkah, Holocaust, it's all the same bullshit. The jewish religion is actually about circlejerking their own people first and foremost, and only talking about praising god when convenient. Focus isn't even on god, to them.

Interesting. Use the rabbi against them.

you seem to be lost

it is also a fact that christianity spread initially by means of public events that nonbelievers witnessed, including the death and resurrection.

also they cannot deny that the veil in the temple was torn, and that the ark was therefore no longer holy.

Low grade slide pasta. At least you waited a few weeks between deployments this time.

it gets a sage because it's bullshit… but i believe you


We need to argue The Jew in front of others. Thereby we can slightly redpill others. Kikes will use pilpul, fuck them. It's not about them.

We need arguments to publicly use against The Jew. This is (((their))) greatest fear.

True. There's no point in trying to convince a kike of anything. It's like arguing with a nigger about race and IQ. Pointless, unless there's an audience. People need to see the jews stammer and pull bullshit out their asses.

Whatcha doing Rabbi?

JIDF is working hard on this one. Fuck the JIDF shills.

Here's a fun tactic to use in debates like these.

When you bring up the many racist and sexist teaching in Judaism, they often defend it by saying "it's part of our culture, it's left over from a different time, we don't actually act on it," et cetera.

Then say "You know those stories that have come out recently about college fraternities and other groups throwing parties where they dressed in blackface, or as stereotypical Mexicans? A lot of people said it was racist, but they said it was just part of their culture. What do you think about that?"

It traps them in a vicious catch-22. Either they say those expressions are harmless and you talk about how racism accusations are totally overblown, or they say it's racist and you beat them over the head with the statement.

If they say the two can't be compared, press them to say how exactly the two are different. The frat parties are just an amusement while the prayers that say "thank you for not making me a Goy" are at the very core of the Jewish religion, so if anything the prayers are more problematic as they are more influential on Jewish thinking.

Good job OP. Tactful without conceding any points. Hats off to you.

Actual Jew here,

I'm not orthodox but I've had a bunch of Jewish Studies type education.

Your argument with regard to 'God's Chosen People' is easily refuted because nowhere does it say in the Torah that when God called Jews Chosen, that he meant that Jews were superior to Gentiles. It proceeds to explain what Chosen means: that Jews are meant to follow all 613 commandments while Gentiles can only follow 10 or so, and still get into heaven. Essentially, being Chosen was more of a burden than a privilege because it was predicated on the fact that Israel was to exist as a model nation whose example other nations were meant to take. In addition, the Chosen namesake came about when the Temple still existed in Jerusalem, and almost half of the 613 commandments revolve specifically around Temple sacrifices and other aspects of Temple worship. Since the Temple no longer exists, it is impossible to complete almost half of the 613 commandments, so even the Chosen term does not hold as much water.

There are other, minor verses in the Torah that do preach Jewish supremacy to some extent which you could use with more efficacy, but you likely don't know them and you would get fuckin' rekt in the Chosen argument by any decent conservative Rabbi. If you were to find those verses, you would get away with making a solid point about Judaism not being centered around equality (pro-tip: it isn't, but neither is any religion, really) the Rabbi would simply dismiss them as a small portion of the Torah that isn't a law (non-binding) and isn't necessarily applicable to Jewish life, and he would find similar counterexamples in the Bible and Quran. The point here is, you don't know enough about Judaism, and neither does your audience, for you to make an argument that Judaism is more supremacist than other religions. The common examples that people on Holla Forums use are easily dismissed, and you would need to provide a complete comparative analysis.

I think you seriously overestimate your knowledge of Judaism or your argumentative ability. Your professor is a heavily brainwashed dumb Jew who is 'culturally Jewish', meaning she celebrates the high holidays like Passover or Rosh Hashanah but doesn't even know why she celebrates the holidays she does, while an actual Rabbi would make you look like a dumbass.


Kill yourself you fucking kike. We despise you and all your kind.


simple questions get simple answers, kike. That wall text proves you are obfuscating.

If you are really Jewish, then why do you come to Holla Forums?


nice pilpul. gas yourself, kike.

You won't be when you get your grade. If you do. I think she's writing up a big fucking report on you as we speak haha. No lol, you're going to be called in for a chat. Maybe your parents contacts. Talk of medication and meetings.

Nigger, get out of here.

Maybe it proves your inability to read. Maybe it proves you're a nigger.

Political Jew being cornered? I would think she would have called the police before macing you in self defense

No obfuscation here, just pointing out how a simplistic argument may work against a brainwashed SJW 'cultural Jew', but fails if you were to actually bring a Rabbi in. This is all hypothetical however, as it assumes OP's story actually happened.

I understand that your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired, so I'll put it to you in simple terms: Torah is a pretty big book with lots of information, and the things that the Torah does say about Jewish supremacy, are not related to Jews being 'Chosen'. You people are really stuck on this whole Chosen thing - its really not that big of an aspect for Jews as much as you think.

I believe in nationalism and stopping Marxists who are trying to flood nations with easily controllable, low IQ niggers. I'm also blue eyed and have light brown hair, so there's basically a 0% chance that anyone here would know I'm Jewish unless I told them, so I like to blend in with non-Jews effortlessly. It's not that I support you faggots, but we have the same enemy.

things that never happened for 200

Wow OP, you are doing the same exact thing as I am doing… Just different issues. I am silently and carefully turning the direction of our discussion by providing them with careful questions.
And my questions are far more subtle, they don't even know. No idea if that is better or the other thing, where they notice it.

Loud or stealth? I am doing stealth.


And you kikes wonder why everyone gets irritated at your pilpul lawyer loophole bullshit. You're not fooling anyone, shlomo.

Like him or not, he is providing some useful information. A rabbi arguing Jewish -law- will be able to wriggle out of discrimination claims on a legal basis, saying that there is no law proclaiming Jews superior.

A lot of the supremacist stuff is more "cultural" in nature. For instance, check out this site:

ht tp://

This is the morning blessing every Jew is supposed to say. One of the lines is:

"Boruch …..Sheh-lo Ah-sah-ni Goy."

"Thank you for not making me a goy."

Note that this line is mistranslated on the site! They translate it as "Blessed are You…..for making me proud to fulfill my obligations as a Jew." But look at the other lines that say "Thank you for not" and you'll see that the Hebrew is only one word different.

If you want to publicly argue with them, do your research first.

hahaha dat retardation… Jews really have no shame. Ok Shlomo, you want to try and pass that shit off? Fine. But why are you're so deadly afraid of us then? If you think you can get away with talking such nonsense… why we worry you so much?

That's why they have this hardon for mudslimes. They really imagine they can control them hahaha. At least with Whites you have some naive ones who're ok with, all the ragheads want you dead and there's going to be over 2 BILLION of them when there's 20m of you hahahaha. So yeah, keep shitting on your best works, protectors and best customers. I'm sure your future with Abdullah is going to work out just great for you.

Yeah? How's that been working out for you? haha fucking more Nazi than 1930's Germany up in Tel Aviv. Even more gay and degenerate than Berline haha.

This fucking asshole thinks he's the only one whose read this crap hahaha. Again, the contempt… it's fucking unreal from you people. You're ugly, weak fucks who aren't nearly as smart as you imagine.

Asshole, we have cunts like you to point to.

Why the fuck isn't this filthy yid banned yet? We hate you. You are our racial enemy. We cannot be bargained with. We cannot be reasoned with. We cannot be stopped.

You really are one dumb as fuck yid, aren't you? I could use your head as a brick for an oven.

Emotional reactions are gratifying, but the cool head wins the debate. They can easily argue that "chosen people" means that they have special religious obligations that other people don't have, it's like being chosen for a dangerous mission.

The real supremacist doctrines are a little less obvious than that, but they are there.

Surprisingly true.

If people had cool heads in the first place they wouldn't choose retarded ideologies like the ones displayed on this board in the first place. This whole place is feefees + pseudo-science.

ignore the faggots i have an actual question or two

is it true you can't be fully recognised as jewish unless your mother was one?

do you feel like christianity and islam are ultimately just fanfictions of the original religion jews came up with?

You're supposed to be against race-mixing only in Israel. Outside, diversity is our strength. Don't confuse the two again or you won't get any shekels for your posts!

That's pretty funny coming from a lefty. You faggots ignore science whenever it's about niggers.

They need to stop existing entiely

If that were true, then you'd see more jewish writing and culture about how jews wish they were goyim so they wouldn't be burdened with god's chosen responsibility.

You see just the opposite. This is total bullshit they try to push on us to make us believe that they're totally not what they are.

Go back to plebbit CIA!
OP, good work, push every inch into a mile!

Well, you're an idiot. Welcome to Failtown, population: you.

it drives me mad how you all shit yourselves in fear whenever anyone says they're jewish on here

literal autistic screeching

so much for free fucking speech you retards. if you hate jews so fucking much wouldn't you want to at least understand how they think better instead of fearshitting and running away?


not falling for it, chaim

We're NatSoc stupid. We don't believe in free speech for gommunism or jewry. I'm already well acquainted with how they think and their jewish tricks, why do you think I fucking hate them in the first place? They pretend to be white; infiltrate our societies and parasitize them; and flood us with barbarians while demanding we be tolerant and respectful of being driven out of the lands our forefathers conquered. I want them gone.

There is Jewish writing about this. Kvetching is central to the culture, including kvetching about the religion and the culture itself. But this is part of the Jewish algorithm, just as they always magically fall into line with their fellows, the religious ideas re-assert themselves over time, sometimes after Jews have spent generations as secular. The rebellious actions help to pollinate their culture farther than it would otherwise go.

This is just another manifestation of the Jewish schizophrenic tendency. When they say "being Jewish sucks, I don't even like being Jewish that much" they feel that they are telling the truth because a part of them thinks that, while another part is doggedly supremacist.

nah you're fucking not. are you in a natsoc party? do you do anything but post on the internet spamming swasticas and being a edgy faggot?

you fucking idiots have completely forgotten. the same free speech you enjoy in being able to roleplay as a 1940 german political party is also afforded to people who disagree with you

for real, you say you're natsoc. name a single fucking thing that even makes you a real one?

yeah classify every derision of your autistic LARPing that makes it less legitimate

Jews will always take any universalist principles (ie, free speech for all and everything) and then twist and subvert the system to get on top. Just like how all the jews of the free speech movement of the 60s just used free speech as a way to subvert the goyim with their marxist bullshit, and then when they got into power, they banned free speech for the opposing side.

That's why "no jews, no exceptions" is so important. If they're here, among us, in our societies, they WILL find ways to subvert.

The reasons for why the Torah calls Jews 'chosen' is very different from the verses that actually do preach supremacy. If you are to have an argument in an academic setting where you try to connect the two, your argument will be soundly demolished for the reasons I stated previously. Unfortunately for you, protracted greentext implications are not the way that debate works in the real world, only on Holla Forums.

Ok lil' fella, settle down.

Your inability to stick to the argument at hand doesn't bode well for you. All of the many accusations you've levied against me could be discussed at length, but they are not related to this thread. I imagine you thinkof me as some sort of spokesman for all Jews, but that's far from the case.

I'm not the guy you're responding to, that is a different poster.

Yes, you can become Jewish even if your mother isn't Jewish, but it is more difficult.

Something like 90% of Jewish conversions are done for marriage, and the vast majority of them aren't kosher (accepted by strict religious guidelines). For a Jewish conversion to be legitimate, the person converting would have to follow all of the laws of orthodox Judaism. You would have to keep the Sabbath, maintain a kosher diet and household, celebrate all of the holidays, attend services and the whole shebang.

Someone who is born into Judaism (like me) can eat pork and really do whatever the hell I want, and I'll still be recognized as Jewish (just not orthodox), while a convert would have to basically be orthodox to be recognized as Jewish at all. There is a lot of precedent for this in the Torah anyway, many famous Jewish writers and philosophers throughout history were actually converts, or children of converts. Furthermore, only the male line of Ashkenazi Jews has any link to the Middle East, meaning that they had to have been converts at some point since none of the women were Jewish in any capacity initially.

I've been going on /new/ and /int/ before Holla Forums was even a board on 4chan. Holla Forums is not, and will never be national socialist. Just because you, or a bunch of people here call yourselves Natsocs and LARP all day, does not mean that this entire board is suddenly that. Sorry, this board will never be NatSoc, and this is for your own good because if the mods here suddenly declared this entire board officially NatSoc, it would die within 2 months max.

Why are you here?


Hey, kike, the point is not winning a pilpul reach around with a rabbi, but redpilling the crowd listening to someone argue the kike/gentile/equality debate.

JIDF triggered hard af by OP naming The Jew and getting away with it. Every inch counts in the fight against kikes. Imagine gentiles doing this in cause campuses everywhere.

The fire rises.


not an answer to my entirely valid question

how are you even natsoc? what do you do SPECIFICALLY with REAL WORLD IMPLICATIONS that validates your idea of being natsoc?

So why is the Reichsadler featured prominently on the main sticky?


how are you entitled to an answer?

We don't care, stupid. Read that Blue Church Red Religion essay. Your talking points have no power here and we no longer share the supposed values of 1950s civic nationalist America. We want fascism by any name. We want to choke the life out of our enemies, expel the shitskins, and establish an ethnonationalist white American state. Insofar as MUH SPEECH helps us in that goal we support it. The moment we can seize the reins of power and forcibly silence Marxists, jews, gommies, egalitarians et al we will. Winning is the difference between life and death. Speech is for white people. Arguments are for white people. 80 IQ shitskins get communicated with in the only language they understand, which is violence, and as for the jews we all know their propensity to argue themselves into the wallets and cradles of our kin so there's only one solution to that problem.

This derails the entire board.

that question is an answer in itself. you do nothing right? you fucking sit right where you are pretending

fucking lame lmao

which ones

cry moar fagget

It sounds similar to a previous post of such an occasion.

Why do you think I'd be dumb enough to waste my breath on you about such things? There's no point in arguing with kikes. Only in pointing out (to others) how rat-like their pilpul bullshit is.

You've been quite exemplary of this ITT. Nothing more needs to be said.

Entire theme of Deuteronomy..

Lord. He has chosen you to be his own people among all the peoples of the earth."

and thou shall be blessed and I shall bless those who bless thee and I shall curse
those who curse thee."

extirpate their names beneath the sky. None shall oppose thee to thy face, until
thou shall have destroyed them."

shall take thee by the head, never by the tail. Thou shall always be above, never

to sow fear among the nations beneath the sky, so much so that they shall be
terrified even to hear thy name."

Straight out of the kike book itself.

Remember lads, a Jew is programmed to lie.

Anytime a Jew speaks or writes, it communicates for the sole purpose of scamming the goyim, and no other purpose.

if your time was so valuable why would you be here roleplaying as a german

End your life kike, save us the trouble, it would be the first and last good thing a jew ever did.

here we go i'm apparently jewish now

thanks for letting me know fucktard

By claiming that Jews have a higher road to follow with more rules, you are implying that they take a stronger burden because they're in fact stronger at their will in doing so. Gentiles therefore, under this logic would be weaker because they don't have to go though that.

You basically just said Jews are superior by trying to twist the idea that gentiles have it easier, but in the end you just proved Holla Forumss point.

You admitted more 'superiority complex' mindset in your second paragraph, whether or not they are understood is irrelevant.

None of this dismisses the fact that ethnic Jews are in fact, 'racist' in an ethno-state to keep their bloodlines 'pure', have a grand delusion that they are in fact superior to other races, despite the fact they have been conquered numerous times over; Nor does it dismiss the fact that Jewish culture and race is founded in their religion which influences them to this day with the false mindset of superiority.

You underestimate your competition, yid.

Sarcastic admission, trick No. 4,280.

you are easy to read/rile up

cry moar fagget


he also said it's now literally impossible to take that higher path

Fuck meant to quote

I really need to give up phoneposting, it's the worst habit.

i know you guys took yourselves very seriously so why shitpost now?

Prepare for 'corrective action' to be taken against you by the university.

are you enjoying yourself

He said that half of the rules can't be enforced, so that's still about 300 more commandments which is about 30 times the burden of a non-jew.

Nor does it retort any central point.

8/10 bait

There's a disgusting amount of Jewry in this thread.

Hi kike. You're not in Reddit anymore.


As we AND you well know, the Talmud holds authority over the Torah now as Rabbinical Judaism is become the norm for religious Jews.

um … bro …

they're more strict with their own adherents then? like every religion

even a literal muslim doesn't expect the entire world to stop drinking alcohol, that comes after the forcible conversion part

Gas yourself kike.


reddit spacing is a D&C shilling tactic.




because you don't deserve actual effort-posting

In a high trust society, free of slimy subhumans, free speech as well as free-market capitalism can exist.

We already went over all this when lolbergs fled for the liberty board.

This is how new you are

so only in your autistic utopia free speech is allowed to exist

cool you've really got this all worked out. when are you going to start enacting all this?

Chapter 2, not chapter 3.

fuck the shills, you're okay OP

End your life jew. You have no power here. You are a vacuum with no center, and while that's the source of your "power," such as it is, it's also going to be the cause of your downfall. The only thing you stand for is immediate gain. You have no foresight and no ability to understand cause and effect. All you do with your apologetics is harden the attitudes of those you inflict with your presence. I didn't come to truly hate you jewy fucks until I'd spent the better part of a decade arguing with your Megaphone-directed drones. You will always be your own worst enemies. You will always be the genesis of your own destruction. You hate yourselves and then project that hatred outward against the entire world. Everything that is beautiful and good you have a compulsive, genetic need to destroy, because you yourselves are wicked and ugly. The world stood before you were born, kikel, and it will still stand when you are no more.

kek, gj op.

Quality post

You seem to have me confused with one of your marxist cousins schlomo.

White ethno-states (pre-immigration scandinavia ) already have proven my point thru much lower crime, corruption, and overall wealth of the people.

But with all free speech comes the possible exploitation by das juden (SWEDEN YES)

You left out the part where everybody started clapping and throwing 20s and 50s at you.

you already said that

you have no power at all, poltical or otherwise. are you even old enough to drink? :^)

most of what you wrote in the middle there is autistic roleplaying again

which specific genes cause that friendo

society wasn't high trust decades ago anywhere, they've gotten more high trust because of government meddling in recent years. other than that what you've said is meaningless(Kike.)

"they're more strict with their own adherents then? like every religion"

This isn't about strictness or adherents. Why would a Jewish person care about a having superiority over a person who isn't Jewish?

If you look at the text again, it said "Gentiles only have to follow 10 commandments". Implying religious, only Christians. Muslims do not follow any commandments, nor atheists or Hindus.

The person who wrote this is either confused, or is trying to imply that all gentiles are Christians, which makes no sense at all. Unless Jews refer to all gentiles as Christians.

Since, what is implied with the 10 commandments, we can only assume that a Religious Jew, would still have to think of himself as superior to a christian.

You don't see the obvious problem. If the poster is telling the truth, which I doubt. The Jewish culture teaches that all non-Jews follow Christ. Which is false.

But let's assume this for arguments sake. Lets say that all non-Jews are gentiles and only take in 10 commandments. That is still a superiority complex.

And what about in the Talmud, eh Schlomo?

Reminds me of this video.


not an argument

You're a jew. You don't get arguments, you get insults and then the rope. Your existence is the problem here, not whatever you think or believe. A termite infestation's religious views are of no consequence.

Heh, your writing style is like mine - long-winded and pedantic as you secretly revel in your own intellect. It's word masturbation.

First, you try to spin the Chosen matter like it is a burden. It is, but all kinds of honors throughout history are so precisely because they are burdens. Those filthy goyim don't have to do all the REAL work because God didn't select them for it. Remember that the Jews were conquered in the Babylonian Captivity and turned into the subversive, cerebral class that you see today if they were before, at least they did their own fighting - according to their myths. That all their celebrations center around 'woe is me, being so Jewish and better than all those goyim that hate us," is the same kind of self-flagellation you get from every holier-than-thou type. It's just codified in Judiasm to a massive extent. Suffering is their badge, and everyone here knows many revel in it with masturbatory fervor.

Next, you seem to think that the goal is to convince a Rabbi with arguments like this, like the goal would be to nail down jelly. That is pointless - talking to a Rabbi one-on-one would be tiring, confusing, and ultimately useless like talking with anyone who you will never convince of anything. It is making the argument in front of an audience that matters, and even if the Rabbi 'wins' argumentatively with some slippery tactics, he will likely lose the audience which will view it as slippery bullshit. That's what OP and others want people to see, not to convince a Rabbi themselves of anything of their argument.

Nonetheless, you are correct in that if you want to make a public demonstration of these arguments, make sure you have considered all the angles your opponent might run on. Being armed with enough information to realize and anticipate most of the common counter-arguments will better ensure that you can beat them out in striking ways that will convince the audience that something is amiss. But you don't have to go study Judaism for years to do that.

Checked, and see? He knows it too.

Yeah okay faggot

Then why is Chicago and Detroit murder rate 800% higher than 60 years ago?


I redpilled the majority of my family/cousins by calling into question the concept of goyim and if it was ethical to build a religion off the concept of superiority/inferiority(which talmud explicitly states is the case)
Then using this to turn it around on the jews and paint us as the superior ones because we do not adhere to such religious doctrines, only what is natural.

Then you start getting into the NatSoc idea of what is natural.

OP did good, but Holla Forums isn't his blog.


Since your such a rational goyim lover. Please tell us of your views on the Holocaust Benjamin. One a scale of 1 to 6 gorjillion. How many died? Was it an extermination camp or a work camp? Do you think this is just a meme? Or do you not understand the serious implications of the actions of your ancestors.

Exposing jewish "supremacy" beliefs is definitely the most effective way to redpill people, remember there's no "anti-semitism" without "semitism." (Not that jews are semites)

He's not gonna answer shit

He got BTFO here

wow, real kikes are shilling openly in this thread, what has OP figured out here?
if anything, I guess you can also point to the video of dershowitz admitting kikes run everything which is why its shit. They just can't help but out themselves sometimes.

During a history class, Professor Shlomostein Kikebergnose brought up the holocaust.

I bravely stood up.

I boomed loudly - "Actually, the holocaust never happened. There is no such evidence of gas chambers, and almost all of the deaths at these so called "camps" was caused by an outbreak of typhus."

The professor looked visibly shaken.

One by one the students started clapping until they stood up in thunderous applause. The class Chad firmly shook my hand, while other students surrounded me offering me gifts. Stephanie (the most popular girl with the biggest tits in the class) threw herself at my feet and demanded to be impregnated.

And that, kind sirs, is the story of how I redpilled my peers, and came in Stephanie's ass while she blew me.

Hey mods I appreciate you banning that faggot but I wanted to see what bullshit response he had to my last question

In other words, even god knows Jews are such degenerate scum, they have to be held to stricter rules to be kept in line.

Interesting, nobody brought up the 2012 Tel Aviv race riots.


She specifically requested impregnation, you cad.

Alinksy rule 5.

Ridicule as a defence.



Smells kosher.

Hail victory, brother.

The other aspect to this hypocrisy is comparing the national policies of Israel vs the supposed ideals of 'White supremacy'. OP's tactic naturally leads to this.

Ha, now they are so buttblasted that they are ridiculing OP. Good job.

what a thread

free-speech has nothing to do with ancapistan, if you spout communist subversion you'll face sanctions or removal



hadn't seen that before

to paraphrase moly: the time for arguments is over. If you can corner one into a debate, use a couple rational arguments for the rare rational person in the audience, but win by any means necessary.

nice digits, but OP is still full of shit.

Requesting the Marine student / jewish professor copypasta

Flipping it to Jewish identity - which is ethnic - is trivially easy.

Also good

Talmud faggot, Zohar faggot.

So is the Talmud, and Zohar you convIEEEENIENTLYYY omit.
and I'm a navy seal with over 9000 confirmed kills, faggot

– Naming and personalizing while leaving an infallible exit strategy IN PUBLIC is the main victory of OP. You have to have the balls and will to wade into normie waters and engage in an unspergish, effective manner. The argument and rhetoric in themselves are secondary to this.


ask them to explain this:
if we are all equal, why are 40% of the students at yale and harvard jewish?
Surely that is a sign that jews are more intelligent than average?
Also, why are 40% of the billionaires jewish when they are 2% of the population?
They must have abilities that non jews don't have, which negates equality.
Or are you suggesting these are the results of jewish privilege?

Good action, OP.

Tune-out the cliché negativity from the hasbarat shills on this thread. & Keep up the good work.

an atheist is nothing more than a non-practicing kike/christcuck/whatever weird shit

You still carry the values and world view

It may be true of jews, but religious christians and non-religious 'cultural' christians tend to act differently because it's not also a race, as do atheists. A large chunk of atheists tend to act like jews regardless because they were raised or subverted with a form of judaism- communism.

You got saged and anchored cause people are fags but I thought it was a great post and a good way of breaking people down, the whole "oh let me talk to a rabbi" thing is really good because it counters the "EBIL NAHSEE" argument really well

well done user