Would you be scared if Chloe kicked your ass?

Would you be scared if Chloe kicked your ass?

no i get off on it

hopefully she'd notice my erection and torment me about it until she forces me to cum out of pity


I hope the loser has to get pegged by a big black strapon.


Jokes on her, my ass was lost in a tragic forklift incident years ago.

I'm not even fit and I could kick her ass

if I licked chloe's ass? what?




Not if she took 2 tons of steroids, her estrogen levels must have disappeared.

she looks like a dbz character by the face alone honestly


literally me

What the fuck is this degeneracy?


Jesus, my balls would be ripped off.


Did Louis CK get cucked so bad, that he now has an attraction towards muscular women?

str8 guy here, I'd love to get pegged by Chloe

it would be extremly painful

Careful user.
She might pin you down and start raping you with her dick.
There's no way you can fight back against her muscles.


Chloe can lick my ass.
Anything as long as I don't have to look at her, him, it.