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Your new queen?

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Did you read the article?



sounds like she got the pussy pass

My sides 😂😂


Looks like the pussy pass overrides UK hate speech laws.

Ya learn a new thing every day.

Hate speech? She was anti-racist. That's why she got the pass. "Saying Merry Christmas to Muslims is racist, coppa!"

She a good girl. She dindu nuffin wrong.

Nigger, read the article, she's an anti-racist coal burner.

>continued to rant at police, calling them “British p*s” and telling them: “You are going to f*ing die, f*ing racists, pretend to be white but wish Merry Christmas to Muslim people.”

She's Polish and she called them British punks. Someone thought that was racist, but the judge spared her.

No she is not the queen of Holla Forums. There is no such thing. She is a degenerate.

> “British p*s” and telling them: “You are going to f*ing die, f*ing racists, pretend to be white but wish Merry Christmas to Muslim people.”

> “She was shouting ‘you f*ing b*tch, f*ing pigs’.”
> She was heard shouting: “British p*s, you don’t believe in any f*ing nation, you are going to f*ing die.

…. wat?

She BTFO'd some nigger.

She's a niggerlover, she deserves the gas


Is this a Polish surname? Never heard one like it, thought she was a nip when I read name. It could maybe pass for Georgian, but never heard a polish one like it.

Please don't bring fucking emoji cancer here from whatever shithole you came. Express your thoughts in words or a few pictures. We're already entering a post-literate culture, with fucking little symbols passing for communication. Have some fucking dignity.

Read the article. If she'd been calling niggers niggers or pakis pakis, she'd be in jail. she was ranting at COPS for being "racists."

No wonder the Brits hate poles. I feel less sorry for that pollack that got bullycided to death a year ago now.

Lelelele user. Adjust your jewdar.
She is fucking Ashkenazi yenta. Thats why jewish buddy didnt sentence her.
Also, we already have a queen (pr).
now fuck off that board and learn how to classify jews before posting

try harder, newfag

I was classifying yentas on chans when you were still in Shlomo's left egg, kiddie.


then what's your excuse for being this shit?
pick one

Probably both.
Listen. It is not my fault if Anons usualy cant reckognise heavy mixed yentas. I know how hard that could be. Takes literary years of practice. It is easy with pic related, you see.
Calling someone newfag just because he is trying to help is not nice, ok?
Believe or not, this Polish girl have ghetto ancestry and conclusion was pure logic.

I am not Jewish.

read the article, retard

you're a fucking retard

Where does it say that? I didn´t find it. Seems like a kike derail attempt.
She is based, although she should have concentrated on verbally abusing the nigger instead of the cops. Blue lives matter.

She's pretty based as far as I can tell from going through her goybook & instagram, although her blog has been purged clean already and most stuff in the past 4 or so years, probably to avoid anything coming up in court.
It appears she's anti-abortion.
She's been to a few nationalist events by the looks of it, one of them reported on by vice.
She's got a little speech also which goybook translates to: "Tradition never dies while we live in the land of off-White and red. Symbol of purity shed blood. They know it who are in constant battle, a tribute to those bearing the scars, for them in the name of the motherland."
I don't know she seems alright to me.

The original: Tradycja nie zginie, póki my żyjemy na ojczystej ziemi o barwie bieli i czerwieni. Symbol czystości przelanej krwią. O tym wiedzą, którzy sa w ciągłej walce, hołd dla tych noszących blizny, dla nich w imię dobra ojczyzny.

Here's an archive of the vice article:

>She was heard shouting: “British p*s, you don’t believe in any f*ing nation, you are going to f*ing die.
She's not wrong. Britain needs to become fashy, and that also means sending Poles like her home.

Why even live.

They're out there user, I know it's tiresome and dispiriting to sift through the muck to find them, but never give up!

EMoji's HERE? What the fuck is this cancerous shit.

Never said jewish. Ashkenazi phenotype. That is different thing.

Look at the eyes anons. Those bags are the eyes of a 30 yrs woman who cares for her body by eating well and working out. This young female is a degenerate who doesn't sleep enough and drinks too much at minimum.

I wonder how far gone the Britsh police is

I'd fuck the shit out of her.

You're either extremely paranoid or a shill. That image made me almost piss myself, though.


Not shill, just taxonomist with 10 years experience in classifying people.
Look at bottom, second pic for example. See those gap in her mouth, between teeths and mandibula? This is called "shovel teeth" effect. While white Euros have "U" shaped teeth structure, ashkenazis have more like "V" shape. This creates easy spotted mentioned gap and owerall "rat" smile and "W" shape of general mouth area.
This is just one example, I can write 10 pages, how to reckognise ashkenazi phenotype, but that is easy searcheable topic for interested and will not spoonfeed you, ok?
Pic related is pure unmixed shovel teeth W shape form.

Here is another example of unmixed yenta. See those gap between teeth and mandibula? Also, here is clear, what I meant with "W" general mouth area. Because of mentioned gap, there is characteristical deep fold between chiks and mouth area. This two folds, together with nose, creates "W" shape. Pure white phenotype doesnt have that characteristic, as you could see on second pic with pure white Euro girl.
Now realy. Just look at the second pic and and that Polish girl, be free to ask questions. Knowleadge in Taxonomy field is, what Anons should be more interested. You are missing a load of jews cryptos because of lack of that knowleadge, seriously.

Actualy no. We call that "almond eyes", and those are characteristical for semitic phenotypes. Cames from Negro admix in all semites (about 5%). Yes, all jews are about 5% Negroes.
Here, pic related are ashkenazi phenotypes of different species (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid). See that all have those bagged eyes? It is strong jewish trait, stronger than hooked nose.
Problem is, Anons just looks on nose shape, not realising, rhinoplastic is easy to perform surgery. While operations on eyes area are costly and dangerous. Second best trait is longer lower lip. Looking at nose alone is fucking nothing.

Well explained!