Black Desert online. Is people still playing it?

Hello there everyone.

I just got curious about why there aren't any Black Desert Online threads anymore. Did people stop playing it? I don't even know if they fixed the trading or just broke it any further.

Also, I guess there won't be any physical release? Mostly because I prefer to buy a disk than buying online.

So… Black Desert Online thread? share your freaks.

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I stopped playing momentarily because I'm waiting on my brother to get to the same level as me as I need help killing the fucking trolls.

It resurrected my love for MMOs, so I really want to start it up again sometime soon.

If i'm straight up honest I forgot it existed.

I see…

And what about the trading? was it improved? or did they made even more retarded decissions to fight gold sellers?

I dunno, they didn't do anything as far as I know. But then again, I didn't really pay much attention to that aspect of the game.

The guild is still around, at near 80 out of 100 members. New content coming out in a week or two if it isnt delayed again, so people might jump in. Threads stopped because we couldn't be arsed to bump and shit post to keep it at the top of the page.

I stopped playing like 3 days in, don't think I'm the only one.

outside of ruining any player economy?
no nothing new.
Things fluxuate between dev set prices and you can't peer to peer trade


Fuck, that's the only thing preventing me to play the game.

I just wanted to be a Giant traveling town to town selling my merchandise.

What's even good about it? I remember seeing bits of it and thinking it's yet another MMO that everyone's hyped out the ass for but would drop a month or two later.

The only good thing is the combat, the rest is shoddily put together and that's why I and most other people can't stick to playing the game.

I am not EU/USA/yellow. never tried it.

Gender locks and body type locks.

People stopped posting/playing because of the grind. All you pretty much do is grind, crafting isn't very rewarding and for now you have no tangible effect on the world so there's no real thing compelling you to keep grinding beyond autism. It's a very comfy game if that's something you're interested in. The combat is ok, but extremely repetitive. PvP is also balanced around gear way more than it is skill, also random stat ups per level hurt some of the players.

I dropped this shit as soon as I realized there is no armor variety and locked to class only unless you buy shit from the cash shop.

Seriously, armor customization is a huge selling point for me in MMOs and that this game looks great and has waifu material the fact there is little customization really got to me. I played with the guess pass and after trying to figure out how to remove certain parts of my armor like the stockings on the sorcerer and wondering why this helmet I picked up isn't showing triggered my autism. Just why would they cocktease this much.


We mostly just shitpost in discord now.

Does this shit come with rootkits and such?
Is samurai class out?
Can you make his second sword to appear physical?

Can ya'll niggas pass me an invite? I'm in this Trump guild and I think everyone has quit. I only stayed for the tag, which is fucking glorious.

no, we are still playing. just no point in making threads because we figured we milked 8ch of all new users and if we wanted to talk/post something we did it in discord.

ya i'd be willing to toss an invite. there is a 24 hour cd though, so it will be after that. you can hop in our discord if you want to better remind us.

or whisper Malvarose, Laiv, Roderick, Suplexu in game. Edan server

a big guy


so when is it going f2p

meh with how many bad choices the devs constantly make, given the dull nature of combat, factoring in the Koreans.
It's already F2P in korea… so… about 6 months to a year?



How's the community of this game?
On the scale of your average chill online figures to tiny autistic basement mommies favorite blobs of edgy and hate.

The average chill and helpful types. Occasional funposting in channel chat.

Expect to get PKed on sight if you enter one of the endgame contesting grinding spots. They;re more or less owned by the top PvP guilds. The occasional pub groups are more docile, but still aggressive. There are plenty of other spots that are nearly as good, but the best spots are always taken.

our guild? pretty chill. other players? there is a small group of autistic fucks who grind all damn day and will rape your shit if you contest them, but other than that i think most people are nice