Why do liberals love these sorts of weird, childish cartoons so much? E.g. Rick & Morty.
And more widely, why are liberals so childish?
Why do liberals love these sorts of weird, childish cartoons so much? E.g. Rick & Morty.
And more widely, why are liberals so childish?
Until Holla Forums and internet rightists stop with the ebin Bane, MGS, anime memes we have no right to talk shit.
Please kill yourself.
t. Holla Forumscksman
oh and the warhammer 40k or whatever the fuck
I thought the first few Episodes were a pretty good parody of Back to the Future meets the Twilight Zone (with some admittedly done before style of internet humor).
Apparently thought, the creators are huge faggots and took it in some pretty degenerate directions and made the show completely unfunny as well.
I like rick & morty
Cartoons can be redpilled
The creators of The Venture Bros are secretly /ourguys/ I'm almost 100% certain of it.
The art style is so shit compared to what it was in the early 90s. Everything has that same fucking look, I can't explain but you know what I mean.
Ricky and Morty is a edgy blackpill toon, not much the liberal beach.
Now THAT is a big fat red pill.
Nobody here will take that one, though.
They identify with the Rick character because he's an alcoholic/drug addict scientist, and they're atheist college liberals. They think, "Hey, that's me!" The show is filled with all sorts of crass jewish nonsense that appeals to potheads.
No one should, because it's boring, and you puritanical fucks are getting on everyone's nerves.
I dunno.
Overall Rick is Holla Forums as it was.
Namely someone with a wide and ranging knowledge of the world and how it works but is utterly jaded by that knowledge.
He knows things are shit, why they are shit and that because of this they will always be shit.
While Morty is ignorant of all this and as such has hope that things can get better and so on.
Over the course of the series we see the relationship between Rick and Morty begin to affect them both. Morty becomes less ignorant and more accepting of the universe as it is but still retaining a lot of hope while Rick becomes less self absorbed and more willing to act for the sake of his family.
A few episodes take existing metaphorical concepts raised in movies and TV shows then simplifies them for quick and easy consumption. Like the Purge movie series which gets a single episode dedicated to it where Rick does literally summarise it and then gives some random person a suit of power armour so they can kill their worlds equivalent of jews and fatcat capitalists.
Ya it's pretty humorous, but season 3 is going to be a huge let down for many because the creators are assmad faggots that Trump won.
First season of Rick and Morty was moderately redpilled. Second season was some bizarre mix of redpill (the planet run by Unity episode that ends with a race war and a pedophile photographing Morty's feet) and poz, I'm sure season 3 is going to be fully pozzed now Dan Harmon seems to have effectively pushed Justin Roiland off his own creation.
ITT faggots
No one likes this rick and morty bullshit. Off yourselves immediately. This could have been a good thread but OP is lazy.
R&M is a pseudo-redpill to catch "woke" bluepills. It caters to the anarcho/occupy crowd that so desperately wants to feel smarter than their peers.
kill yourself.
There's a difference. Bane, etc. is filtered through memetic dialogue. We as a group don't distinctly like or identify with the Batman films, we've just harnessed its memetic energy. Just because we post dubsguy a thousand times a day doesn't mean we all sit down and watch American Psycho like libcucks do Harry Potter. Our Harry Potter is Serial Experiments Lain or Mein Kampf or Yockey's Imperium or something. The difference is obvious and massive.
And anime is on an entirely different tier than contemporary western entertainment, pic related.
Please let this meme die.
Get off the board, degenerate.
Do you feel in charge?
because adulthood in current year land is shite
your only purpose in western society is to generate revenue thats taxable so the government can pay off loans that were used to buy shit nobody wanted or technically voted for
youre just seeing what you want to see
It's not an exclusively liberal thing. Pol is full of faggots who unironically enjoy anime and mixing their love of it with their self-designation of being a national socialist.
The corruption you are describing infects all parties.
Pic related
Now I've never watched Rick and Morty, but I think we can all agree that there is a difference between entertainment that is directed at children, at teenagers and at adults.
Many liberals consume entertainment designed for children. Stuff like Harry Potter and Disney comes to mind. Now there's nothing overly wrong in using anything for entertainment; the problem comes when people start using the concepts of these fictional worlds as a basis for ideology in our own.
See JK Rowling and telling people that bad guys are gonna get burned because that's what happened in her moronic book. See people saying that "if monsters and humans can be friends in hotel transylvania; why can't europeans and muslims?".
Its retarded. It would be like Holla Forums arguing that exterminatus is the only way to save the Earth from corruption because its like that in 40k. It's fine to enjoy entertainment, and its fine to examine the underlying philosophical concepts that the entertainment medium is featuring; but when you start using that fictional universe as evidence of the superiority of your ideology; you dun goofed.
As the entertainment becomes more 'adult' it should hopefully become more realistic, nuanced and intelligent. It is actually okay to be inspired by fantasy, and many people have used fiction to create readily understandable analogies that are relatable to real life. Children's entertainment with their 'happily ever afters' are not (nor should they be) interested in portraying an accurate example of how events would play out in the real world.
I suppose a good example would be 'the wire' showing how people can descend into criminality and then be presented with a bunch of crap options, and that it can all spiral out of control or - with a lot of help and effort - they can rebuild themselves into something valuable to society. Contrast that with the new Star Wars and you'll see that so long as you're 'right' you will always win. When people start thinking that is how the world works, they are going to be in for a shock when they get their arses handed to them (and sadly this does represent almost all liberals today, and with the falsified and simplified version of WW2 people are taught they see it as having real-world evidence).
Is there any actual cartoons for adults? I'm not asking about anime, I know that exists. But I mean western cartoons made by whites; surely there has to be something that isn't edgy bullshit like in the OP or a cookie cutter pop-culture reference show like family guy and all the copycats. Something well animated that respects the audience intelligence.
ebin, keep the goy focused on the left/right fight
The comic book code is over. Animation is for people of all ages now. Start judging content by parameters other than the medium.
Liberals like childish things because they never grew up. They have no experience being the head of the household, and as such prefer to stay with their familiar role of being on the receiving end of a relationship with a father figure, in this case, big daddy government.
Serious animation for adults doesn't exist
I'm alright fam.
That's worth a cap
I uh…yeah that would be silly
you're forgetting one user
redpill that the retards here will spit up
I agree, I don't think there are any serious, adult cartoons. If you want non-irl mature, serious, adult entertainment you'll have to switch to graphic novels. My current favorite is called Private Eye, about a future where everyone's info is on a centralized cloud and then everyone gets doxxed. So the whole society scrapped modern tech and started wearing costumes in public and trying to stay anonymous and low key. But the state is still oppressive and spying on everyone And the protagonist is a messenger (an illegal job) who passes physical letters between parties, so they can avoid electronic snooping. very good
panelsyndicate . com / comics / tpeye
You are incorrect
Fairly decent post right here.
We all used to be crippled with despair user.
Such great wonderful despair.
We knew such horrible things and reveled in our collective impotence and misery through raids and milking lolcows.
We were Rick.
The Matrix pills
You mean repeating it over and over and over and over and over.
Now this is some next level rationalising. You don't identify with Bane except for when you Photoshop his mask on an e-celeb you like. There's no "memetic energy".
How do you know they do that? They could just be memeing but not in an ironic way like you. Harry Potter is just the pop-culture thing they can reference whenever just like Bane, Metal Gear Solid. It's not different at all.
No our Harry Potter is a green frog with a made up mythology to look into whenever something happens. Lmao at you putting Lain in the same category as Mein Kampf.
"Achualy anime is really intellectual"
fite me irl faggot
Let me guess, Les Bains was PURE COINCIDENCE
ebin XD
What's the second?
Hey guys can you tell me which volume of Berserk is the most redpilled?
You don't get what you came for anymore.
why is it fine to enjoy entertainment when you agree it inspired some serious mental problems?
doublethink much?
people need real-life examples and experience otherwise they will always turn to insanity
That was one of the initial appeals for it. It didn't serve muh dick purposes back then either but was genuinely entertaining and thoughtful. GITS didn't degenerate like Macross did for one.
Say what you want about GITS, that's fucking ridiculous and blatant fap-bait.
we need to start beating these little fools
Yeah, Lain is much better than Mein Kampf.
"Better" might be the wrong word, Mein Kampf is political propaganda for the masses and it does serve that purpose quite well
Grow up
Nice get lad
It's You're Under Arrest, a show about traffic cops, most of them women and one of them is a tranny.
Same thing applies to vidya, just replace South Park with Mortal Kombat or some shit.
Quit living in the city, and your window won't be so miserable to look out of, you hedonistic degenerate.
Get this hothead out of here!
If you're doing it in excess (i.e spending entire weekends or days off watching a show) then you're being dangerously unproductive.
shit was made by edgy college aged men and marketed for edgy teens
Nice check, lad.
children =/= teens
what did he mean by this?
said hebephiles
Rick and Morty is great. Liberals like any show that they can use to feel smart and better about themselves. In the case of Rick and Morty, they miss the subtle red pills Roiland put in the show, or think "haha that's so horrible lol such ironic".
Get outta here hothead, and leave the Banebdjedet cultists alone
Quit trying to turn this place into the new Holla Forums, faggot.
Not sure what to think here, goyim.
Like 90% of the show was Aramaki arguing with cabinet ministers. It's a very mature show. The 1995 movie is peak maturity though since the themes are totally conceptual, the sexual imagery is desensitized and essentially asexual, and the plot revolves morality of artificial life and copyright law.
I honestly have no idea how anyone under 17 could enjoy the 1995 movie.
I'm more ephebe but, you're not wrong ;^) There's a difference between pubescent and adolescent.
What's /ourfont/ for image macros, then?
It's impact. It's always been impact. Ignore the /reddit/ shill.
Post it there. Not here. Same with that google crap.
Not an argument.
calling niggers google is a fad from like over 6 months ago
Instead of complaing, take their own media shit and use it against them to redpill the masses and trigger normies.
Movieblob hates DBZ with a passion, because it promotes, in his own words, "aryan values".
Matt furfag Furie, Hillary, and the ADL got butthurt after Pepe memes spread and got mainly used by Trump supporters. It's even on Holla Forums's page now.
The SJWs, the left, and the kikes have been putting in leftist shit in all forms of media for years, and they ramping it up, especially in games to brainwash a younger generation now. They did it with The Simpsons in the 7th season by focusing on Lisa and trying to be more serious like with Bart stealing a game. They fucking hired female writers, including one from Seinfeld, because she won an Emmy and they fucked up the show ever since.
We got to fight back and influence media now, or else the kikes will keep building their army of SJW zombies.
I have never watched Rick and Morty but if you are adult male who happens to be a stuck up faggot and refuses to watch anime you basically have 3 choices of televised entertainment; Niggerball, some stupid live action bullshit, or "adult cartoons" like adultswim, comedy central, fox ect. Of those choices the cartoons seem the worst
I like rick and morty kill yourself faggot op
Saging this slide thread faggot shit
Have you seen the director commentary on that episode? One of the cucks was complaining about how the "4chains" was "triggered" by the Nazi getting beat up. The faggot's so bluepilled, he can't see the difference between being upset with forced shit and being a National Socailist sympathizer (even though the skinhead faggot is 100% untermensch).
you know books exist you fucking weeb
You forgot the 4th and 5th options. Reality TV and Late Night talk shows which is now left wing propaganda tools. I rather watch anime than that gay shit.
Shit thread
Slide thread
Makes me sad that a thread with a 2 sentence OP has even one non-saged response.
Come on man. You must know that despair is the first step. The only problem is with a dipshit cartoon like Rick and Morty, too many bluepilled faggots are going to sit around and complain about how life is shit instead of actually doing anything about it.
Just ignore the cucks who come to shill against our culture. You can pick out a foreigner instantly by the expression of anti-anime sentiment.
However, much like image macros, they shouldn't be posted here, you faggot.
I said "televised entertainment" you fucking illiterate.
You're right I was think about a way to separate dramas from things like SNL and le current year man, but was to lazy.
he means that you're a faggot.
I'm not familiar with that genera?
Some anime being redpilled does not make all anime redpilled. Take Gundam, for example.
Culture is more important than politics. Politics is the expendable wing of culture, so if it doesn't further and defend a culture/civilization it is wholly worthless.
In other words anime leads to Holla Forums while modern cartoons (and western media) lead to liberalism. This is because anime is an authentic cultural expression while western media is an artificial construct.
Liberalism would die if we were to kill Hollywood, pozzed academia and other vehicles of subversion.
So keep watching anime, remember that anti-anime is anti-white, and slowly bleed the liberal beast to death. Never fall for the anti-anime shill.
As for perpetual liberal adolescene it's mostly an expression of their inner atrophy. They can't process and deal with complex thoughts and emotions.
Go be an old man somewhere else you stupid 14 year old
fuck off back to reddit dude.
reasons include but are not limited to:
1) reddit spacing
2) the wire reference
3) reddit tl;dr
4) effort posting this hard in a slide thread
That's where you're wrong, user. Not to say we should tolerate actual degeneracy, but be careful as to what you put in the category.
I could careless if what I'm watching is redpill or not as long as it isn't as distasteful as western entertainment its good enough for me.
Are our ancestor's fables and campfire stories degenerate as well?
Safeguard anime from niggers and jews. The kikes are trying to force immigration and multiculturalism in Japan now. They will naturally try to influence anime too.
we really need to be brutal to these idiots who don't understand anything and just accept any authority no matter how insignificant
Or even better, you don't consume any of that mindless bullshit and find other forms of recreation that aren't fucking gay.
Imagine being so sterile that you only consume politically charged media.
I pity you.
Moe will save the world.
Goebbels was not strong enough. Neither was Hitler. The Holocaust should've happened, and people like you persisting to use weaker methods that have failed in the past will only result in history repeating.
I'd say niggerball is the worst, but I'm just not a fan of sports other than maybe baseball. Some cartoons can at least be mildly amusing.
how are campfire stories remotely like the screaming noise of the media?
campfire stories made a connection between the listeners and the speakers. It was interaction.
obviously watching TV is nothing like that.
You still form a connection with the storyteller, but the storyteller in this case completely malicious or at best doesn't care about your wellbeing at all
What's your plan then? Ban all forms of recreational activity on punishment of death for the good of the nation?
I meant in the west, user
If kampfy were not a kike, you would be banned on the spot. Such is not the case, and because of that, this board's fate is uncertain.
Anyone who thinks Rick and Morty is redpilled needs to reevaluate their stance, or go to cuckchan
Anti-anime shills are the ones to get the bans, as it should be. You are the foreigner here, puritanical cuck.
Friends don't let friends skip leg day.
I'm also not really a sports fan and would of said the same thing ~5 years ago but from the limited exposure I have had in recent times it seems like very fiction show on western TV has some element of propaganda to it. I can agree they do offer a few laughs from time to time but its not worth it for what it does to a plebs mind.
who would ever do something like that
Simple bans will only seek to provoke defiance. Education is the proper solution. On that note, you seem to be rather quick to assume authority being rather abominable. Am I sensing a libertarian on Holla Forums?
still a bluepilled show.
if they were redpilled, they wouldn't put the swastika there to imply something.
That being said, Rick WAS married but his wife died at some point. Knowing this, is it alright for Rick, being a senior citizen, to pretty much do whatever he wants?
An oxymoron, if I've ever heard one. The death of 4/pol/ truly brought about the worst to this place. Your kind being mainly among them. I suggest you get back to where you once belonged.
You're doing it right now, in defense of your breads and circus.
And how exactly do you plan to educate people into believing that fun is bad and any action that doesn't contribute to the wellbeing of the nation is evil?
Plenty of people have been on the chans for a long time and have never been into anime. Maybe watched a couple like Ghost in the Shell to see what it was all about but just couldn't get into jap cartoons.
Your attempts to isolate us from… well, everything will be unsuccessful. We actually do stuff here. We have an interest in anime, books, the media, EVERYTHING! And we act accordingly. We won't allow you to poison us, or turn Holla Forums into a sterile echochamber that only circlejerks about nothing.
Fuck off.
your head
You are being ironic, right? Or are you a nigger?
You obviously don't even know what the fuck that means, D&C Shill. Your other points kind of hold up though, so good on you for that. You're learning.
Nice leddit spacing there.
Never said that. Ever wonder what pre-industrial european society was like?
How's that not a bad thing, faggot? You telling me you don't like youth programs?
No. You're not from here, collectivist.
Again, this is a political board. Do not bring your shitposting here.
Didn't you know? Reddit spacing is any formatting that doesn't strike my fancy.
You will never belong here, cuck.
yeah, your worship of bizarre symbols that were created to facilitate the destruction of the culture japan really connects you to everything
really anime is just a stick holding corpses upright
Does anyone have a cap of this post? The mods deleted it.
and is leddit spacing, you stupid mongoloid.
I scrolled and scrolled and didn't see the correct response. Maybe I missed it, but here it is -
Leftists like cartoons be because they are stuck in a childlike mindset. A child does not produce worth and value like a working adult can, and is therefore cared for by their parents. The parents produce, the child consumes. That is the way things work. It what if that child replaces a parent or parents with the state? What if mom is a shitty single mom living off welfare? What if mom and dad are too busy to teach or raise their child and send it off to daycare? The child attaches a parental bond to these new caregivers - the state. The state becomes the parents of the left. As such, as long as they rely on the state for their provision, they have no need of entering adulthood and fending for themselves. Why have personal responsibility when there is a welfare state?
The left(children) parasatizes off of the providers/conservatives(adults). They are stuck in an infantile way of thinking because the state lets them. THAT is why cartoons and why acting like a child into adult years is so common
When did I say I was anti-anime? If you look to my earlier posts, you will find that I recommend anime only relevant to political discussion be brought here. If you want to discuss random things, go to the random board.
Should've waited a second or two since is leddit spacing as well ffs.
I wonder who on the administration deleted it?
Then what exactly do you think is degenerate that need to be done away with? I'm starting to think we're talking about two different things here.
Because people should be able to live their own lives without having every action forced to serve the interests of the state. The state exists to serve us and our interests, not the other way around. Ideally some sort of ethnostate.
This. They want a nanny state to coddle them and a big papa state to protect them so they can be little kids their whole lives without any real responsibilities or tough shit to deal with.
Nothing that scintillating.
All true. The issue with R&M is that the main writer is bluepilled as fuck. But Roiland slips subtle redpills in there as well. The show is NOT redpilled, but that doesn't mean there aren't redpills sprinkled in there. I enjoy it for what it is, and laugh at the way Roiland works to slowly subvert their bullshit.
You are a lying little inflitrator piece of shit.
Anime was always a part of Holla Forums. It fuels us. You are at best a kind of growth, a tumor leeching off of us.
But in truth you are a shill, just like
Original style of posting on imageboards, used while you were still playing with you feces.
I was "here" when /new/ was made. Fuck off.
The only stick is the one up your ass.
Anti-anime is anti-white. Never fall for the shills. They're trying to castrate Holla Forums by sowing dissent and separating you from the whole. This is to limit our involvement with the culture at large and make us ineffective in adressing the issues. Any movement and any initiative must have a soul and a heart, and its influence must be felt far and wide. Anime is the heart and soul of Holla Forums.
Discussing everything from anime to vidya to literature is the reason why we are here. We examine and bring forth judgement, be it approval or condemnation. Never allow the enemy to control your cultural expression and the things you enjoy.
I don't know, but I have a pretty good idea why.
Any opinions that are even remotely anti-anime are being actively censored, and the truth that Holla Forums used to be a platform for anti-escapism is being memory holed out of the board.
Ironic, considering the topic of this thread is about retards worshipping the feet of children's cartoons.
All right THAT'S crossing the line.
you ever stop and think that maybe something might be wrong if youre looking for something to make you feel "validated" watching fucking talmud vision in the first place?
In moderation.
Letting shit completely consume you like libtards do with Harry Potter and Star Wars and autists here do with Wh40k and anime is what leads to the cringy "OMG ITS JUST LIKE MY BRITISH FANTASY NOVELS/JAPANESE ANIMES" worship
I really suggest you stop shitposting.
Bread and Circus. An aware and nationalist society is a good one. The only con to that is that you shouldn't do anything they disagree with, and when everyone's redpilled, agreement will be found on the right things.
You're the wrong kind of socialist, faggot. The state should give you what you need. Not what you want. Letting that rule fall is what got us here in the first place. A distracted and occupied citizenry is where the real shit begins.
Go fuck yourself kike. Rick and Morty is amazing.
Anime related to Holla Forumsitics, that is.
That's not what all the unnecessary spacing in your paragraphs suggest.
This is a shitposting party thread though.
That's it.
Hi shill. You are lying. Anime was always present on Holla Forums and it fuels Holla Forums. That's why you hate it. Imageboards and anime go hand in hand, and Holla Forums became a thing precisely because of anime and most if not all Anons who got this ball rolling are massive weebs. And occultists.
Anti-anime is anti-white. Anti-anime is anti-Holla Forums.
No thread on Holla Forums should be shitposting. Bring Holla Forums to all boards, but not the other way around.
What's wrong with Gundam?
Not disagreeing, I just like to be informed on different perspectives.
Naw that's what I'm here for.
Top fucking lel. 10/10 bait lad
thanks kids, this thread has been enlightening. It's clear the new shariablue D&C tactic is purityposting and no fun allowed on Holla Forums. You guys are better at derailing then the previous shills so I'll give you that.
Hi again shill.
You are lying. Anime's greatest influence is cultural and untied to politics or political themes. And we always loved it, regardless of your subversive claim. It is in fact apolitical anime that has brought us here and continues to fuel us.
It's the original style of imageboard posting, which is something you'd know if you were here when it mattered.
Do I even need to comment on this? Shilling is out of control. I hope there is an afterlife because I'm willing to sell my soul just to retroactively hunt down any and all of you hired shitposters. I hate you that much. I hate your utter lack of morality and your whoredom.
You're only adding fuel to the fire. You are all going to die like the vermin you are.
Indeed. We will come up with a counter. God wills it.
Communist propaganda. Straw nazis versus barely-flawed globalists. Nothing else to say, really.
I implore you to reconsider.
You really want that to catch on. Don't you?
Then what of the "anime is redpilled" thread in the catalog? Is that also a shill, because he's trying to bring politics into a board for political discussion?
All right then, you asked for it.
Wrong. If we were on 4/pol/, that would be correct. 8/pol/ on the other hand started out with the precedent of discussing politics. By the time of the exodus Holla Forums's identity had matured beyond worshipping the ground of the nipponese to focus on our own ideas and culture. Anime had its time, then we grew up. We put down our toys. Then you manchildren came along and started parading them around again.
There are some pro-anime sentiments that do, indeed, fuel Holla Forums. I personally find the references droll, but I wholly understand the appeal of posting some smug anime bitch wearing a MAGA hat to trigger newfags. Who doesn't? But kissing the feet of foreigners for their autistic, sociopathic culture and the degenerate, pedophilia-apologist cartoons they produce is not a sentiment anyone here with a brain condones, and if you reconciled the cognitive dissonance of doing these things on a National Socialist board you would understand.
I hate degenerate escapist fantasies and the pacified, anti-social recluses who marinate themselves in them. I hate pornography for the exact same reason. Most anime encompasses this to a T. Holla Forums is about self improvement, and that means rising above our vices and childhood proclivities.
Yes, we were. And most of us moved on from our cartoons and video games and embraced more practical hobbies. Holla Forums opened the eyes of a generation and gave us a path to embracing manhood. Over the course of our self improvement process we learned to trim the fat in our lives, and casting aside that weird pastime we slunk to in our teen years to outlet our frustration with normies was part of the agenda. I'm sorry that you missed the memo and got left behind.
Because there's nothing more pro-white than partaking in the bread and circus of a foreign nation of nonwhites and pacifying yourself in their media which portrays bug-eyed underage girls performing lewd sexual acts on each other, setting the bar for their weird, backwards-ass autistic culture.
Seriously, this argument is fucking retarded.
Not that any of this matters, seeing as this thread is about to be deleted.
The kampfy crew already anchored it, mate. No one can hear you.
You heard it. The mods can hear it. The sniveling manchildren who were just thoroughly BTFO'd can hear it. And no anchor will stop an user from scrolling the catalogue and hearing the truth, which always rises to the top no matter how cacophonous the ignorant become.
Have faith, user.
Characterizing anything idealized as "escapist" is Jewish bullshit. There are only two available conclusions to your line of argument:
A. Only fiction that depicts man as ugly, flawed, and degenerate is acceptable, and fiction that depicts man as beautiful, strong, and heroic is evil.
B. All fiction that doesn't have a clear and immediate impact on the real world is a waste of time and should be cast aside.
Both are transparently retarded, which is why you only deploy this argument selectively against anime. The "escapism" bullshit could just as easily be applied to Homer, but if you did that everyone would see immediately why it's retarded–the portrayal of idealized archetypes in fiction serves as a guide to show us what to strive for in ourselves and seek out in others.
I really don't want to, but I must.
Wrong. Coming to the Holla Forumsitics board to post non-political content and make non-political discussion is shitposting. Cease it, and keep your shitposts to other boards.
If you'd read my post past the first sentence you'd understand that it is political. Aesthetics is one of the central cultural battlegrounds in our conflict with the Jew. Even anime that is not explicitly political in isolation takes on a political role when seen in the current context. Aria is not a particularly political anime, but beautifully depicts a kind of feminine virtue that the Jew wishes to suppress in the West, and so becomes political when a westerner chooses to watch it instead of Jewish propaganda encouraging women to become ugly and slutty and men to prefer ugly and slutty women.
C'mon. Anime may be better than Western TV but don't pretend it's some pure thing we should model our lives around. You may as well be watching relatively wholesome oldies cartoons.
Not to mention most faggot weebs are fine with racemixing as long as it's a white and an Asian, which is still not okay. But their cutesy kid cartoons gave em yellow fever so bad they just can't help themselves.
You should refrain from dismissing anime you haven't seen. Aria is not Lucky Star.
This claim is trivially true, because Holla Forums is a very small group and most white people outside of Holla Forums don't understand why racemixing is bad. Do you have any evidence for a version of this claim that actually matters, like "People on Holla Forums who watch anime are more likely to support miscegenation than people on Holla Forums who don't"?
I agree with this.
Other things to do besides watching T.V.:
Learn an instrument
Play chess
Find a hiking group and mingle
Find a cycling group and mingle
Find a picnic group and mingle
Go outside
Check the weather by going outside
See if the birds are tweeting by going outside
You really think anime espouses feminine beauty?
That seems like one of the least controversial claims you can possibly make about anime! I would guess that even the guy bitching about "escapism" would agree that the girls are highly idealized. If there's a criticism to be made of anime in general, it's the lack of positive masculine characters, not feminine. Virtuous masculine characters are present, but they're more often side characters (Genjuro from Symphogear is a great example) while male main characters tend to be somewhat effeminate and beta (Shinji, 95% of harem MCs).
Thank you for the actual argument.
Your contention that my argument is only selectively used against anime is false. I will explain what I mean.
"Escapism" is, of course, a relative term with no classically-assigned definition around here, meaning that its meaning changes depending on who you're talking to. It is necessary to quantify my syntax before I continue any further, otherwise our dialect becomes shitslinging over a lack of mutual understanding about my ideas.
For something to qualify as escapism, it must:
a) be a form of consumable entertainment
b) be capable of diverting your attention away from responsibilities; a distraction
c) lack wholesome substance prudent to self improvement, including but not limited to entertainment that historically informs our culture, educates people on important moral values prudent to
d) if it has wholesome substance, the method of consuming the material should not be unwholesome enough to outweigh its actual message.
In layman's terms, what defines escapism to me its its ability to distract and pacify a consumer for extended periods of time with useless frivolities, giving them an excuse to ignore their personal responsibilities as a man.
It should be relatively obvious by this point that MOST consumable media falls under this category for me. This is of course why I don't watch anime, own a TV or spend five hours a day playing video games; this is why I keep movie-watching to a minimum and I put down a book within the first several pages if I think reading it would be a waste of my time. I condemn anyone for excessive and aggressive consumption of escapist media, not only people who watch anime–which, indeed, falls under my definition because the majority of anime is delivered serially, often requiring 20 hours and beyond of pacification in order to receive a complete experience. The sheer amount of time spent watching is what PRINCIPALLY makes it a degenerate activity, even if the odd anime out ends up delivering a relatively wholesome message.
Today there are only a handful of anime that I pridefully appreciate, and the majority of them are either a) of the few great japanese animated films there are, requiring little time investment on my part to enjoy them, or b) 26 episode-long series with a message so profoundly incredible that it's worth the time investment to revisit those ideas. Neon Genesis Evangelion is a prime example of this latter point, and a genuine appreciation of its message to me is a litmus test for figuring out whether an anime consumer is /ourguy/ or a typical degenerate weebfaggot.
As for your second point, I suppose an appreciation for aesthetic virtue comes down to personal preference over what constitutes actual aesthetic virtue. Personally, I don't like anime's display of virtues because it seems disingenuous to me that a foreign nonwhite nation would portray these things to begin with. I have difficulty believing that they actually value the virtues they portray. It seems callous, that they'd parade around the virtues of my culture like some kind of vapid fetish-fuel at the expense and entertainment of the Japanese people, who are by all accounts this stiff and awkward society of sociopaths completely devoid of higher spirituality and emotion. I guess I'd just rather watch something created by my own people, which is why I've always had more of a fascination with classical Disney films than I ever had the Japanese animation industry.
For some reason I just didn't finish this line, I meant to say
But that
isn't Reddit
spacing, user.
Redditspacing is a forced meme to
derail threads
I'll agree that binging hours of video at a time is bad for you. If I'm watching a long series, I'll spread it out and only watch an episode a night before I go to bed or something like that.
This makes your attitude much clearer for me. I share the desire to get our culture back and start producing our own great art again. I guess I see things a little differently, though. You've heard of that village in Japan that basically LARPs as Swedes? If current trends in Sweden continue, there may come a day when that village is the last refuge where anything like traditional Swedish culture endures. That would be tragic, of course, but I would not condemn Swedes looking to restore their traditional culture for learning about it from the Japanese.
"Stop liking things that I don't like": The Post.
Found the cuck.
Face it. You are a fucking child if you obsess over cartoons AT ALL. No matter what kind of cartoon it is. Hell, you just make yourself even weirder and less attractive to women if you like anime. Call me a TRS shill or whatever. Deal with it, nerds.
On the other hand, I find it wholly abhorrent for the nips to even BE LARPing as other races. Where is their dignity? Are they so ashamed of their heritage and culture that they feel the need to wear cloaks stitched out of the skins of others? It reminds me of those dumb cuckold liberals who pretend to be different races to win brownie points with their minority friends. I would be willing to place good money on the idea that "Japanese guilt" is just as prevalent as a concept in nip-land as "white guilt" is here.
I think this mentality stems from the cultural humility the Japanese underwent following their defeat in World War II. Their entire nation was so utterly BTFO that it, quite literally, killed itself, killed off its own heritage and left nothing but an empty shell of a people behind. With no identity to turn to, they were forced to adapt the cultures of others and turn it into their own dog and pony show to distract their people from how empty their existence is. It's like they say, give a white man a hammer and he'll build a house; give an asian a hammer and he'll make a hundred more hammers just like it. In their disgrace, they're feeding off of the success of the west rather than rebuilding their own cultural identity. This is something not enough people on Holla Forums criticize.
Fortunately, there's hope; Shin Godzilla, a vehement pro-Japanese and pro-collectivist film destroyed the box office last year and won several accolades for its success, hopefully this is the canary in the coal mine signalling a return in national pride in Japan
we live in a post-scarcity world, barely anyone has responsibilities that require more than an hour or two of their time each day. The kike system just has it set up so everyone who's not part of the parasitic infestation lives in denial of this.
Even if you're not a kike, you're an insufferable faggot.
That goes without saying when there are typical 30 to 50 of then in addition to a page of stickys
Do you not????
If you truly believe that men have no responsibilities in the modern day then you're an ignorant fool. The fact that you are here on Holla Forums posting demonstrates your understanding that society is broken, and as good, moral men we possess the responsibility to do something about it.
Pic related, they're just having fun with costumes user, what's the problem?
Please think about your post for two seconds before you respond.(*BLAM*)
What a low-energy manchild you are.
It is truly an uphill battle, when even the last bastion of free speech is under siege by such degenerates.
They lampooned Zardoz in one episode.
Taking the piss out of matriarchal societies in the process.
Three paragraphs of absolutely worthless jewish sophistry. What are you doing here, kike?
Virtues are not subjective, but that idea probably escapes a kike who argues by semantic redefinition.
Well, I gotta watch this one. Didn't knew this exist. Thanks for the tip.
Color me fucking shocked. When do we string him up?
I'm talking to you kampfy, you shitskin degenerate. Holla Forums's mods have become far too active, Holla Forums has an immune system and can handle itself even if he WERE a shill (which he clearly was not). We've always known kampfy is probably Holla Forums, but now he's been far more active in banning than ever.
The fact that he's still a mod goes to show that we're slipping.
It's not false equivocation, he's right.
It's pretty sad tbh
There are several adult animation films, animated by the japanese usually, bit not neccesarily directed, written or voiced by japs.
Seen a few, but animatrix was a good set of short stories. Matrix is ofc liberal and the stories a bit unrealistic, but I enjoyed it's brutality.
God damn it. I don't want to see that shit but we were having a decent discussion for a few posts there, you didn't have to ban him. Should've just edited the post to spoiler the degeneracy.
This. You meant to put Adventure Time or My Little Ponies fort the OP pic. Faggot.
Epsiode 1 of season 6, Henchman 21 is sitting at the breakfast table eating some cereal and reading a newspaper. On the back of the paper is a blurb about the world series and it says "SWING HEIL! CUBS HOLOCAUST METS 7-0"
In another episode, SGT Hatred has a shitload of WW2 German memorabilia in his basement.
He also has a miniature explosive device with the timer set to exactly 88 seconds.
They made fun of the "people of color" bullshit in the last season by having a purple man with caucasian features stand up at a guild meeting behind a frizzy haired mulatto repeating her ridiculous claim of "what about people of color?!"
There are plenty of other things spread out throughout the series that lead me to believe that the creators either dont give a shit about PC or are actively working against it.
Venture Bros is /ourshow/
adult swim/cartoon network and most adult cartoons are created by the Kahns/Cohens/Coens.
Look at the simpsons,ren and stimpy,futurama all of them have one cohen in the credits.
But exterminatus IS the only way to save the Earth from corruption
This is what has been missing for at least a generation or more:
Initiation into manhood
Historically, every society around the world has rituals and practices around the initiation into manhood.
Usually they are somewhat traumatic and frightening on purpose.
After the trauma, often whilst still in shock, the newly forged young man is taught the tribe's customs of manhood and made to swear any oaths he must make.
It forces the child to leave behind childish things and see the world anew, as a man, through a more mature perceptual filter.
Every society draws a line in the sand and says, "once you go through this process, once you cross this line, then, and only then, are you a man"
Or at least they used to, before the poz.
It is another tradition that has been sidelined thanks to our "modern", "so progressive!", culture.
For many of us, our initiation into manhood was repeatedly swallowing the redpill on various chans.
We were exposed to the most soul-crushingly terrifying things that this world has to offer:
The brutality of reality
Constant exposure to the Truth, without flinching, looking away or running and hiding was our initiation.
This was the doorway into manhood for us.
This why we are mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger, more forceful and more mature than the vast majority of normies and lefties.
Our beliefs are grounded in Truth and Reality.
They were born as a result of our exposure to the horror of the reality of our situation, rather than a fake idealistic utopia built by jewish lies.
Our initiation was the best and the worst thing that could have happened to us, and we are all at different stages of the process, which is ongoing.
There is a saying in esoteric circles that:
"initiation never ends"
This mirrors one of our own most persistent memes:
You're here for ever
I would never see this post if i didn't checked it from another thread. Well written.
Thanks user
That I was blessed with quads makes me think I may be on to something with this theory
What the man said
Precisely. The only one who need be worried about "escapism" is the warden.
Thy purpose fulfil:
nothing can be too severe for me.
I am thy vessel,
for you to make whole or break to pieces.
Since, if you take hence
my spirit from this earth,
you do it so that it will not grow evil,
and will not mar
the pious lives of others.