British Politics Board tbh

We got purged off of Holla Forums for not sucking Hitlers dick hard enough tbh lads.

The Board Owner of this new board seems to want more diverse opinions about British politics so thought I'd post here for any of you leftbongs that feel the need to LOCALise away from being international communists.


glad to see more people on Holla Forums are realizing that Holla Forums is shit and has been ruining this site since 2014

Yeah, I always felt like Brit/pol/ were latently one of us. Welcome home, lads!

Yeah, and it only took a purge to make them realize it, after several years of Holla Forums being shit right in their faces.
It's always good to see how smart my fellow human beings are.

yeah purges are good for waking people up to things that are shit

how many layers of irony do you think i'm on ?

Tbh fam I think the Brit/pol/ threads were mostly cancer but it's disgusting that you got purged. I'm proud that British Holla Forumsacks stood up to the totalitarian hivemind instead of submitting to it. We truly are a nation apart.

Just be warned that Holla Forumsyps love to shitpost here and they will do the same thing in your board. Just make sure to crack down on them and tell them to go back to their safe space.

I agree


LONG LIVE Holla Forums

DEATH TO Holla Forums


Never been on britpol, is it a bunch of farage supporters or what?

Brit/pol/ purged? They've gone too far.

Wait did this board even exist before Holla Forums? I thought Holla Forums was 8ch's inception?

I'm not British, but I hope your board is able to accommodate a variety of opinions, left and right. I'd have less of a problem with Holla Forums if it wasn't just a far right circlejerk.

tbh it's not even a proper far right circle jerk
they're just spamming pro-trump stuff and shutting down any anti trump opinon
they're bunch of shills

there are plenty of corbyn supporters, too

At the moment. But prior to Trump, it's exactly what it was. On 4pol they love to mock leftist posters for wanting a left wing board, claiming that Holla Forums is for all, it's just that they are the majority.
Fact of the matter is that their idiotic content and childish approach to dissenting opinion made it a place to be avoided for anyone who didn't agree with them.

why not just move Brit/pol/ here? Even back in the days of 4pol opinion on Brit/pol/ was varied.

Brit/pol/ thread incoming tbh.


It's not just that, it's a far, far, far right circlejerk. I got called a shill for disagreeing with the idea that non-whites, homosexuals and their sympathisers should be exterminated. It's taboo to criticise someone for being too extreme so naturally the centre of gravity moves ever rightwards.

Brit/pol/ is fucking huge m8. They've had 1,250 threads on Holla Forums, and with a bump limit of 750 that makes 940,000 posts. They'd dominate this board.

I was never sure, did they reset the thread number when it move here? It still runs sporadically on 4pol too so it's likely generated more than a million posts in total.

No thanks

I was assuming that they did reset the counter. If they didn't then the rate of posting would be less impressive as 4/pol/ has a lower bump limit and it's been around for longer. But in either case, Brit/pol/ is more than big enough to warrant its own board and more than big enough to ruin Holla Forums if it were to come here. No offence, but it doesn't belong here.

No we aren't. We just aren't sucking germany's dick all the time. We're ethnic nationalists instead of Holla Forums white globalists.You'd be even less welcome on birt/pol/ tbh.


Anglo saxons, Brythronic celts and the Gaelic celts. They are the natives of our union, they are the only ones who should be here. Hang the poles, behead the french and quarter the yanks.

I think you're upset that people don't want you in their club tbqh.

yeah lets pretend 1066 didn't happen

The norman genetics are in the aristocracy only, you may find that they dont exist anymore. But the fact that you didn't simply accept it and feel the need to argue signals that you too are upset you can't be in our club

No matter what you do

You will never be British

I pity you.

I think we can all deal with that


brits have the best teeth in europe and polish have the worst.

americans are anglos

good job shooting yourself on the foot

ALL Americans?

Not even most Americans would fit this retarded definition of "Ethnic purity". Which is fine, since the standard is "tosh".

Really? Because I thought the thirteen colonies were anglo until they we're flooded with dutch, french, swedes and germans.

I don't know what the average white american is in terms of genetics, but they are not majority anglo saxon genetically. Thats more than enough.

Learn about history instead which ever anarco-flavor of the month you chose for a flag.

See. This guy knows.

top kek, stay triggered

Yes it was. Now let me say this so you understand clearly.

I take NO ISSUE with the existence of Israel. I like their internal politics and I can't blame them for trying to fuck up the bigger players around them, its a survival tactic and a damn good one from the looks of it. I may not like who they're targeting with said tactic but that doesn't mean its invalid.

Israel are trying to create an ethnic state for themselves, I want this for the UK.

I picked this flag because I thought it would upset you lot tbqh, if you want to make a british flag available then I'd go for that one, if not perhaps a capitalist one?


porky flag

also lol

So me where I claimed to be either a nazi or against Israel lad. I think this is what Holla Forums calls the eternal anglo, I hold that title with pride.

Pro tip, you can't

inb4 >lol look further backpedaling

Did that post trigger you fam?

You can't deny that they learned from the nazis

no amount of stale triggered meems will help with the backpedal

Okay so you're a retarded self hating faggot who wishes that he was a kraut and his nan had got raped by the SS.
Neck yourself lad

Why don't you just attack my grammer, are you too good for the classic "I don't know jack shit so damage control tactic

Sure, I'm fine with nazis as long as they stay in German tbh. Same with the Israelis.

If it will unrustle your jimmies I'll adopt BASED PORKY until you get the union jack on here.

I haven't even started yet lad.

Yeah yeah fuck off back to apricity with all the other pseudointellectual mongs who think they can decipher a human's genetic code by looking at a photo of them.
lmao at ur life lad

wew lad, nice armchair psychology tho

let me guess, you saved a ouple of inforgrpahs from Holla Forums and consider yourself an expert? top kek 2bh

Read the above text lad

Boy, are you guys ever sad that you're being left out of something. You remind me of children, did you parents never say no to you? Typical middle class lefties tbqh.

Lad, this isn't even British. Smells like continental scum tbh

But really though, did you honestly think that the Americans are majority anglo saxon despite being a nation founded on immigration from all across europe? Did you even think before claiming this?

lmao, considering this triggers you I think I will keep going :>)

majority of americans are indeed anglo-saxon the only areas with a german majority are the central plains, which also have the lower amount of population density (and lower crime rate compared to anglo areas tbqh)

Watching you get triggered so thuroughly just makes this so much better. The more you keep going the worse it gets for you. Just give up now and stop taking the bait.

Has clearly never ever been to America. Jesus Christ I ducking hate Europe an ignorance when it comes the the fact that America is actually culturally diverse and not just some giant homogenous singular entity. Most new Englanders are of Irish and German decent because of immigrants and even the rust belt to an extent but the south, midwest, northwest and parts of the far west that aren't Hispanic are pretty much all Anglo Saxon. Unless you want to supremely nit pick and say that Scots don't count as anglo, since a large portion of southerners have Scottish roots.

Midwest is chuckfull of Germans and Poles. Less Irish but some still. Upper Midwest even get a lot of Danish and Scandinavians, Minnesota and the Dakotas being the obvious example. East Coast is full of Italians, dear old Jersey especially. Jews also. Not uncommon at all for whites in the Southwest to have at least one Indian in their line, not uncommon at all. It is a pretty diverse country, but I'm sure there are places I've never been to that are as anglo saxon as you say.

Don't forget those fucking dutchfag/low german Amish and Menonites around the Great Lakes.