Trump just tweeted this
The fucking mad man is doing it, He's bringing back jobs at a alarming rate! He's going to bring us back to our glory days, He's going to make America Great again
Trump just tweeted this
The fucking mad man is doing it, He's bringing back jobs at a alarming rate! He's going to bring us back to our glory days, He's going to make America Great again
Other urls found in this thread:
christcucks are so sad
It feels like a race, now, between Trump and the (((ones))) who would fuck him over if they can. I wonder if we'll even realize it when someone crosses the finish line.
Shalom, rabbi.
Jobs are great but the economy means nothing if America loses its racial identity. I have high hopes for Trump, but not because of his economic policy. We need to start deporting our shitskins.
what the fuck does this have to do with religion?
Please stop this or at least make a better thread. This isn't breaking news.
It's a shill. Ignore.
Christ killing kike shill
I just thought it was important, I want to spread the news to those who choose to keep there anonymity by not making a Twitter account. Plus, To me. This is huge! Nothing like this has ever been seen before. For once in a goddamn life time we are fighting back and winning.
However, I do agree most threads on Holla Forums are irrelevant and old news. This platform also serves as an Archive/Platform to spread news. So when Trump runs for office in 2020 ((They)) can't say shit.
I hate that faggots are just saying he is reaping from Obama's term. What fucking idiots.
but obama was failing because of bush I thought. So which one is it?
I wonder how long it will be before the CIA agencies can longer maintain the illusion that Trump is anything other than a jewish trojan horse, I can;t wait for Holla Forums to shed its recent incarnation and position as unofficial and unpaid cheerleaders for Zog neo-con kikes
Good job falling for this forced meme. Orthodox kike Ben Shapiro has only praise for Christians.—-part-i-n1023368
I see it in a good way, the more jobs trump is makes/opens up. The more unqualified shitskins get beaten down and are either thrown out by I.C.E or self deport. I do hope Trump takes more action on the raise mixing agenda in ADs. It's repulsive.
Obama set up every roadblock in his power to fuck Trump over.
Wish I could land me one of these jobs. I've applied for 50 different positions this week and have been turned down for every single one. So much for my decade of experience in IT.
Listen, I hate Jews as much as anybody here. However, I don't want my entire thread to be slided with all this talk about religion.
Trump's been too quiet lately. Where is the fucking scotus nom?
Nigger, you knew what you were doing when you included the response in the cap. Holla Forums gets into religion fights faster than /a/ gets into waifu wars.
That verse means something other than what some people seem to think it does. The context for it is in a time where military bravery was the utmost virtue, and those lacking in it were considered to be broken and useless men. It's a testament to God's love, that he offers salvation even to those that other humans would turn their backs upon. Righteous men of course, thieves murderers and the like are still fucked.
Wrong. Military bravery has never been a virtue for kikes. And Judaism (including messianic Jesus Judaism) is a false religion anyway.
I don't believe you
I just realized, an entire quarter of the "new" jobs are construction jobs. We actually stealing the deported spics' jobs. Doesn't feel so good now, does it faggots?
Have some pride in working hard, you fat welfare leech.
Construction is working hard. What are you babbling on like a nigger about?
your bot is broken kikes
thanks for all the fucking grunt work pesident trump
i am going to leave this here
Probably a retarded goon that thinks if you post anime then you're a NEET.
Construction jobs like engineering and architecture? Don't be such a Nigger
Why would a jewish shill expose the jewish scam of Trump?
Sounds like when Anglin, Weev and TRS called everyone exposing Mike Enoch as an antifa,knowing full well antifa will never expose their sleeper agents infiltrating the movement.
All evidence points to Trump being a jewish trojan horse, every one of his appoinments in the government are neo-con zionist uber kikes, some of the worst most evil jews in American politics [From Kissenger to Frank Gaffney, the architects of 9/11] and that's from a pretty big pool of American/isreali evil jews in the US government, now that takes some doing.
At the moment there are two types of Trump fanatic,
The unfortunate few who genuinely believe the jewish mindfuck that jewish controlled Trump is really secretly fighting against the jews, they are victims of a horrible hoax. One day they may be forgiven.
And then there's CIA kikes constantly propping up the stupid illusion that Trump is a saviour of the white race, as he accelerates the jewish instigated Clash of Civilisations, hence all the cheerleading for zionist neo-con kikes like Wilders that you see here so frequently.
How do we tell which is which, who are the easily brainwashed and which are the spooks.
It will have huge ramifications for years to come, everyone that jumped onto the Trump bandwagon will one day have to admit the whole thing was a huge jewish hoax on the goy.
Anyone who claims to be red-pilled on the jews and still believes Trump is legit, needs to reconsider how everything they still believe is manufactured by the alphabet agencies, clearly their minds are not their own.
Construction sounds like it'd make you /fit/ and keep you sharp. I'd be glad for them taking those jobs back priority over flipping burgers at McDonalds and living paycheck to paycheck. We're building the wall, not Mexico. They just pay for it.
This is some real choreographed shilling. They are terrified. And they fucking should be
It is a race now. (((they))) cant win. This is the Fire Cock. It has been foretold and that prophecy has been 100% correct thus far.
Shadilay and Praise Kek
I dunno, it's a nice message. Pretty gay tbh m8, but it seems pretty harmless.
Exactly what I was saying before the election results. Unless education is fixed the indoctrination of American children continues while the strongest older generation continues to die off. Trump is trying his best but he probably only delays what "they" are trying to do to us.
you need to take a vacation man, rotate out from the meme trenches for a month or two and have a few beers and a good steak dinner.
Found the CIA nigger
Enoch's details first surfaced in a Medium post by an antifa group, before they ended up here.
Deny it all you want, but if you joined in, you were successfully rused by antifa.
I hope we get to see the 'bad guys' thrown in prison or even flat out executed for treason.
really dont care if you say that cuz i know im not.
Im more or less on the same page as the guy i responded to, im just a little more optimistic i guess. I was just trying to get him to loosen up a bit.
Oy vey said the jew as he coward in fear.
Fuck yeah! That's what I call Burdocked
This never happened. Only trs defended him.
Fuck off kike. We have more reason to fuck these traitors than antifa does.
pls, its from the nimated robin hood you tard
sage for off topic
Deny what?
I was a recipient of the information and only heard about any of it days after.
Antifa would never be allowed to expose a jew infiltrating a WN movement to misdirect and subvert.
The information about the others [non jewish] nobody remembers or cares about, it was the kike being installed to steer the movement towards championing neo-con zionist politics, that concerns any goy.
Like all the other so called jew wise movements have done now they all cheer on zionist neo-con kikes, and call that resistance to the jew.
Guess who's laughing?
Every conniving kike that worked to destroy the awakening to jewish tyranny by infiltrating every tier of the movement and getting the dumb goys cheering on their demise is who is laughing.
Any more vote for (((Geert Wilders))) threads today?
Whaddaya mean he's jewish goy, oy vey, just wait for Hitler why don't you.
Strange how every kike insists that the only option left for the goy is to vote jew, and somehow the dumbest of our people still fall for it every single time.
This precisely happened
You got played. You're just that fucking gullible, and your pride won't let you admit it.
Missing the entire point of Trump's post just to shit on the christcuck commenter, hello there Schlomo.
Only libs feel too entitled to do a manual labor intensity job.
No it didn't. Find one example of anglin or weev saying this.
No. We were against trs long before anyone there got outed. Getting rid of Enoch does much more good for us than it does for our enemies.
Its from the post Walt Disney era of Disney movies. Besides that this character is still an iconic entry level furry masturbation fodder. By normalizing the use of furry shit as even reaction images we are still normalizing it to a degree and leave an opening for degeneracy to take root. Its a kike move for a kike poster such as yourself.
That's the real pleasure of it, they've been acting like the backbone of America somehow just up and disappeared and they fell for their own line of bullshit.
Absolutely implicit
I don't know what you meant by this but kill yourself.
If you're implying those jobs shouldn't be white american jobs, fuck off.
First post, every time
That user is making fun of the spics, he's just too retarded to convey that through text.
What the merry fuck are you talking about, you mindless shitflinging cunt?
I had no emotional involvement, I heard third hand the next day that Mike was exposed as the sneaky kike he is.
That was the moment i took any interest in it.
I am pointing out your bent logic in stating antifa was responsible for outing the kike, they would never ever out a kike infiltrating a WN movement.
Ask your pal Anglin about his antifa mates and bolshevik background before suddenly becoming the Number 1 most popular website for cartoon nazis online…
Antifa do not expose jews infiltrating the movement that antifa oppose.
They are brothers in arms.
Only CIA-Kike Anglin, Weev and TRS dared use that ridiculous line about antifa, it makes no sense, no matter what the angle you approach it from.
If the antifa Doxx was done against the non-jewish guys that is possible, the moment they discovered that Mike was a fellow traveller infiltrating the movement to subvert and destroy from within they would shut down all discussion of Mike from then on.
I thought the JUST expression on the anime-beaner would be enough.
this: it is a fake recovery
nah bro - only retards who cannot into rational thought are supposed to be working as a cog for the zog
it's the motherfucking cucksquad
A reaction image ought to be, but isn't always enough. Don't worry user I understood what you meant
HWNDindU level thread.
Look at what the tweet's about m80. Not just any job creation, but actual productive jobs, not makework bullshit jobs.
Funny how this post is exactly the same as the one made in . Must be pure coincidence.
So last month Trump had 25 million followers on twitter, hes got 26 million now. MSM would kill for that much social media attention. Everything he tweets can trend, literally a madman. Now about the tweet threads… Why dont we just have a trump tweet general and sticky it, and ban the single tweet posters?
We have enough permanent stickies. If we're going to dedicate a thread to Trumps tweets might as well make it a recycling one.
Nope it was a good video, and every thread is filled with kosher clowns pretending to be goys so the opportunity to repost will always materialise.
I hope I don't have to pay for that psychiatric consultation Dr
I only see 3 stickies, 1 being pizzagate and the other the jew media one. Nice dubs btw.
Hopefully the mods see this.
I start a new job tomorrow after almost 4 months of unemployment. I get to work with plants too instead of stressful kitchen.
Or at least wait until he tweets something new that has major significance? This info was covered almost a week ago and repeated by Spicer in the press briefing. President Trump is just rubbing the press' nose in it again. Wait for something major to occur, and by major I mean something that actually changes the system, not something every President does like change US attorneys. I like when he messes with people, but it's getting old. I don't want the next 4 years to be Trump teasing the media while making half-assed changes; a little deportation here, some fencing there, a few tax breaks, and hey he kept some campaign promises and made his name look good while ensuring leftists still have a foothold because he wanted to be a uniter not a divider and didn't want to send the DACA illegals back because he has a heart and wanted to treat them with compassion.
Sounds comfy, user. Enjoy.
Good 4u user. I am trying to get a gardening/landscaping job at the moment too.
Now I want a Trump Monopoly board
We both know that's ridiculous
Sage for off topic
Trump's first economic year doesn't begin until October. lrn2 US economy. Everything that happens between now and November 1st is Obama policy in effect.
Plus, this anti-Trump shilling is over a Tweet. A. Freaking. Tweet. You know they don't have anything left when they think attacking a Tweet will do fucking anything.
You need to calm the fuck down m8.
People believing in a good economy is a self fulfilling prophecy. If employers believe that the economy is going to get better, they'll invest more into it and hire people. It's disingenuous to give Obama all the credit for this.
There is a difference between a fiscal year and a real economic effect
Paid work is returning to the US because of Trump's policy changes (as industry leaders will tell you, e.g: Ford returning to the states immediately after Trump won), the government's fiscal years reports are irrelevant to the actual economic effects and changes
Stop lying, kike
I'm sorry user, I know it seems like a good idea but recycling threads never work out.
But how can that be user? I thought there were no jobs anywhere! According to the CNNs they tell me the economy and the debt if higher than ever! That everyone is terrible!
i thought immigrants created jobs, im confused.
For most topics sure, but Trump tweets? I doubt We'd be able to get 751 shitposts for every tweet. Shitposting would be a problem though, anons tend to shitpost across the board after shitposting in a shitty thread.
You guys should filter this guy, threads will improve by like 6 gorillion. I guarantee, did it about 2 months ago.
nice catch, and hes still shilling too.
This is EXACTLY the type of entitled holier-than-thou attitude that led to the pervasive meme of physical labor not being acceptable, leading everyone to going to college and getting shackled in debt, unemployed and trying to go for bullshit jobs with their anthropology and english degrees. It's exactly this sort of shit that's led to america not even fucking doing anything anymore, with the only jobs left being service industry shit.
Possibly the only person in this thread thusfar who understands economics.
This shit continuing would be the death of America.
This is excellent news for America, and it only shows that right wing politics is the only way.
We in Europe must continue to support all right wing politicians and policies as well.
God bless Trump!
Not such a big guy anymore
It's nice that the growth in jobs was dominated by productive sectors that mainly employ men instead of the usual education, healthcare and crappy low end service sector jobs under Obongo.
This. It's clearly Trump's doing since the Obama era """"job growth"""" was shit like service industry or bartending.
I do love to see it fill up when shtf.
also included outsourcing and seasonal jobs.
kill yourself
Job creation is just as much a guarantee of re-election as it is a service to white Americans. The wall will take time to build and even though we have been deporting spics since January, it will take time before we can really get the trains running on time. Meanwhile, joe normalfag will see his life get significantly better compared to obonobo's banana republic and will have an undying love for Trump, which is what we need to secure his (white) legacy.
Why is Trump's approval rating dropping?
Are you fucking stupid or something?
oh, yes, thanks for highlighting the "praising while backstabbing" meme that is endemic to jew culture.
Seems you mixed up being an American soldier with being a laborer.
Well I'd like a little more than that. It was obvious that the polls in 2016 were lies because you could see the oversampling of women and democrats.
on top of all the abuse you've just taken, you're not even right.
nigger, always read the VDARE american worker displacement index. it comes out right after the jobs reports do.
Don't even bother responding, it's either mindless shitposting fishing for (you)s or it's an intentional derail attempt. Either way, just filter and ignore. Any sort of response is a win for posters like that, don't encourage them.
Hi Goon.
But the "qualified" ones can exist, prosper, own land, wield power, right? I mean, they're "qualified". Nobody is self-deporting, either.
I just realized you're a faggot. Those are new jobs, not existing jobs that were filled with new workers (of which there are massive numbers for the exact reason you imagined). But in any case, construction work is pretty high-paid if you're not just a helper hauling materials. And being able to take a pile of wood and nails and turn it into a big, sturdy deck or build and tile a custom shower is a lot more fun than selling mortgages all day (and if you can do that stuff earning $100k/yr is certainly not out of the question)
Blatant fucking lies. Some people in my family happen to know some spics, so I made a point to go talk to one. He said that his cousin got picked up by ICE because his girlfriend called on him, and that his grandmother had already moved back to tacoland. And that a lot of people were getting their assets in order to get back down there. So fuck off with your baseless assertion.
He's right though
Illegals are hired under the table, that shit isn't reported as a filled job. Companies going legit because of the cheap labor drying up means it gets reported as job growth, which I consider it to be since it's mostly whites hired instead of the lazy incompetent spics. I'm not undermining it at all. I'm poking fun of the tacos who thought they could fill up those helper positions for dirt cheap and unreported at the expense of apprentices and whatnot.
That picture is priceless and features every main player in the lizards campaign. Except the mook called mook.
All 40 million of them? How about the anchor babies? They getting their citizenship retroactively revoked? Time to really wake up.
If you have nothing better to do but to put words in people's mouths, might I suggest you place a shotgun in yours?
Low effort shill.
Lets give this guy a taste of cognitive dissonance I don't twitter though
Kill yourself at the first opportunity.
shudup JIDF
Oh come on don't be like that. Just give it a shot!
Yes, just as the opposite is true. Democrats in 2006 were pounding away at how horrible the economy was, with their accomplices in the media, to hurt Bush and the Republicans and destroy consumer confidence.
I will always stop what I am doing to rewatch this webm. It will never ever get old.
stupid fucking kikes, when will they learn?
yeah, I'm stealing a job from two mexicans right now. they got fired for being dumb, I got hired.
also, to people who obviously don't work construction and therefore don't know this… mexicans work under the table so those jobs do not appear on official numbers… mexicans get deported, businesses forced to find legal employees, now those jobs show up on official numbers. entirely possible that at least some of these jobs were taken from deported illegals.
yeah it's a work out, but you more than likely won't be living the high life. the labor market in construction is still beat to fuck by illegals.
Jesus was a kike too, not Aryan. So nah.
2000+ years worth of REAL BAD KARMA is about to rain down on you worthless shitkikes. And nowhere on Earth will you find refuge this time. ALL bridges burned. Gehenna awaits you all.
Lie on, sodomite.
What prophecy user?
Leave us out of this, we're generally very respectful towards a man's waifu.
wtf I hate jobs now
I always hated Steve.
checking those dubs for el rato
I'm working off the liberal tendencies I was ingrained with as a kid in a manufacturing job. I initially saw it as penance, now I find it rewarding. I feel sorry for you. Arbeit Macht Frei.
congrats mate
Wasn't it originally "Gas Gas Gas".
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.